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作者 胡玉华 《小学教学研究(理论版)》 2010年第11期127-128,共2页
探究、合作、自主是当今学习领域研究的三大主题.其基石是活动的设计。在对北京市小学科学教师的培训、调研和听课中.发现在小学科学教学中普遍存在这样的误区:学生“只会动手做、不会动脑想,课堂热热闹闹,却陷入了教学的浅薄与贫... 探究、合作、自主是当今学习领域研究的三大主题.其基石是活动的设计。在对北京市小学科学教师的培训、调研和听课中.发现在小学科学教学中普遍存在这样的误区:学生“只会动手做、不会动脑想,课堂热热闹闹,却陷入了教学的浅薄与贫乏困境中”。 展开更多
关键词 “活动”设计 北京市小学 科学教学 程序 概念 学习领域 科学教师 自主
地理教材“活动”的深度挖掘——湘教版高中地理“活动”设计 被引量:2
作者 刘新民 汪文达 《基础教育课程》 2006年第5期42-44,共3页
湘教版高中地理必修教材“活动”栏目按能力要求分为“思考”、“探究”和“实践”三种类型。《地理Ⅰ》、《地理Ⅱ》、《地理Ⅲ》三册必修教材共有“活动”193处,其中“思考”类活动60处,占必修教材“活动”总数的31.1%,“探究”... 湘教版高中地理必修教材“活动”栏目按能力要求分为“思考”、“探究”和“实践”三种类型。《地理Ⅰ》、《地理Ⅱ》、《地理Ⅲ》三册必修教材共有“活动”193处,其中“思考”类活动60处,占必修教材“活动”总数的31.1%,“探究”类活动107处,占必修教材“活动”总数的55.4%;“实践”类活动26处,占必修教材“活动”总数的13.5%。统观必修教材的“活动”设计,具有以下主要特色. 展开更多
关键词 “活动”设计 高中 地理 湘教版 深度挖掘 必修教材 能力要求
作者 王珑 《神州》 2013年第7期153-153,共1页
在高效课堂教学模式的指导下,教师们要把自己变成学生学习过程中的“引导者”、“顾问”、“参与者”、“协作者”,课堂教学中必须“以人为本”,让学生尽可能“活动”起来,引导学生在“活动”中学史、在“活动”中悟史、在“活动”... 在高效课堂教学模式的指导下,教师们要把自己变成学生学习过程中的“引导者”、“顾问”、“参与者”、“协作者”,课堂教学中必须“以人为本”,让学生尽可能“活动”起来,引导学生在“活动”中学史、在“活动”中悟史、在“活动”中明理。一些再现历史场景的“活动”让学生有深刻的印象,培养了他们的团队精神,并能强烈地震撼他们的心灵,唤醒他们的良知,陶冶他们的情操。所以我们的学生中有叫“秦始皇”、“张骞”“明智天皇”的也就不奇怪了。 展开更多
关键词 历史课堂教学 “活动”设计 引导学生 初中 课堂教学模式 “引导者” 学习过程 以人为本
注重“活动”设计 让初中历史课堂充满趣味 被引量:1
作者 田春艳 《中国农村教育》 2018年第18期60-61,共2页
为了让初中历史的课堂教学充满趣味性,老师要重视设计多样化的教学活动,激发学生对历史课堂的兴趣。一、分组学习,提高学生的课堂参与性初中历史教学会涉及到较多内容,为了让学生们能积极参与到课堂教学中,老师往往会组织小组活动,让学... 为了让初中历史的课堂教学充满趣味性,老师要重视设计多样化的教学活动,激发学生对历史课堂的兴趣。一、分组学习,提高学生的课堂参与性初中历史教学会涉及到较多内容,为了让学生们能积极参与到课堂教学中,老师往往会组织小组活动,让学生针对教学内容进行讨论和交流,加深对教学内容的理解,拓展学习历史的深度和广度. 展开更多
关键词 “活动”设计 历史课堂 初中历史 趣味性 教学内容 课堂教学 分组学习 教学活动
巧用“活动”设计教学过程 被引量:1
作者 郑勇 《教师》 2012年第4期86-86,共1页
湘教版普通高中地理新教材区别于老教材的最大特点之一,就是增设了“活动”和“阅读”栏目,尤以“活动”贯穿于课本的每一个章节,仅高中地理必修的“活动”就多达66处,平均每章超过16处,每节超过4处,这种知识传授和思维训练紧密... 湘教版普通高中地理新教材区别于老教材的最大特点之一,就是增设了“活动”和“阅读”栏目,尤以“活动”贯穿于课本的每一个章节,仅高中地理必修的“活动”就多达66处,平均每章超过16处,每节超过4处,这种知识传授和思维训练紧密结合起来的形式融知识性、科学性、趣味性于一体,对学生学习地理知识,发展地理思维有很大的启迪作用。如何在课堂教学中发挥“活动”的功能是一个课堂教学的新问题。笔者就“活动”的处理和注意点作了以下思考: 展开更多
关键词 “活动”设计 教学过程 巧用 课堂教学 地理新教材 普通高中 “阅读” 高中地理
作者 代小芳 《儿童大世界(教学研究)》 2016年第4期72-72,共1页
关键词 “活动”设计 历史课堂教学 教学改革 教学手段 教学模式 教学过程 课堂气氛 教学实践
作者 张欢庆 《试题与研究(教学论坛)》 2013年第35期40-40,共1页
在新课程改革的背景下,教师是课堂的组织者,学生是课堂的教学主体。因此,教师应该转变教学思路,把自己从初中历史课堂教学的大包大揽的角色中解放出来,使自己成为学生的指导者、顾问、协助者等角色;初中历史课堂的教学必须做到以... 在新课程改革的背景下,教师是课堂的组织者,学生是课堂的教学主体。因此,教师应该转变教学思路,把自己从初中历史课堂教学的大包大揽的角色中解放出来,使自己成为学生的指导者、顾问、协助者等角色;初中历史课堂的教学必须做到以生为本,让学生积极地参与到初中历史课的学习中来,让他们在“活动”中学史、在“活动”中悟史、在“活动”中明理。而要做到这些,教师在课前要做好初中历史课堂教学活动的设计,只有做好了教学活动的设计工作,让学生自愿参与各类活动,才能使学生不再是被动学习的机器,而成为课堂学习的主人和探究历史的主人。 展开更多
关键词 初中历史教学 “活动”设计 历史课堂教学 课堂教学活动 意义 被动学习 新课程改革 教学主体
以行为动词为标识 研究教科书“活动”设计初探——以高中地理课程标准实验教科书《地理2》为例 被引量:3
作者 林培英 《中学地理教学参考》 北大核心 2008年第3期4-6,共3页
中学地理教科书在多年的发展中,逐渐形成了以“栏目”作为正文以外内容呈现形式的编写模式,同时,传统教科书中的一些成分在“栏目”中得以保留。例如,过去教科书中的“选学”部分是用不同字体呈现并注明“选学”,现在大都进入“阅... 中学地理教科书在多年的发展中,逐渐形成了以“栏目”作为正文以外内容呈现形式的编写模式,同时,传统教科书中的一些成分在“栏目”中得以保留。例如,过去教科书中的“选学”部分是用不同字体呈现并注明“选学”,现在大都进入“阅读”或“知识窗”栏目;过去教科书中的“作业”和“练习”大都进入“活动”的栏目。与此相应,现在对地理教科书的研究也十分关注“栏目”的设置和作用。 展开更多
关键词 实验教科书 地理课程标准 “活动”设计 行为动词 地理教科书 标识 高中 传统教科书
关于“礼仪”活动课教学方法的探讨 被引量:4
作者 蒋璟萍 《零陵师范高等专科学校学报》 2001年第4期102-103,共2页
关键词 高等师范学校 “礼仪”活动 教学方法 教学改革 “活动”设计 教学内容
精心谋划 “活动”牵引 让校长在“大比拼”中长真本事——江苏扬州市在干训中着力提升校长的学术引领能力
作者 匡成岚 朱江 《中小学管理》 北大核心 2009年第10期25-27,共3页
江苏扬州市教育局在校长培训工作中,通过精心谋划富有创意的系列“活动”,着力提升校长的学术引领能力。他们在培训过程中注意处理好过程性与表现性的关系、典型性与广泛性的关系、活动形式与活动内容的关系、理论性问题与实践性问题... 江苏扬州市教育局在校长培训工作中,通过精心谋划富有创意的系列“活动”,着力提升校长的学术引领能力。他们在培训过程中注意处理好过程性与表现性的关系、典型性与广泛性的关系、活动形式与活动内容的关系、理论性问题与实践性问题的关系。 展开更多
关键词 校长专业发展 校长培训 学术引领 “活动”设计
English newspapers and magazines and the teaching of College English 被引量:2
作者 张君棠 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第5期30-32,51,共4页
Reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way to help the students get the latest information worldwide and improve English levels. The present article first analyzes the features of the English newspap... Reading English newspapers and magazines is an effective way to help the students get the latest information worldwide and improve English levels. The present article first analyzes the features of the English newspapers and magazines and then proposes making good use of them through such classroom activities as discussing the hot issue and role-playing to provide more authentic situations in which the students can have chances to practice four English skills, achieving the ideal teaching result. 展开更多
关键词 English newspapers and magazines College English teaching communicative activities in classroom comorehensive ability to use English
作者 李倩倩 《中学地理教学参考》 北大核心 2002年第5期32-33,共2页
关键词 高中 地理教材 “活动”设计 野外观察型 教材研究 图示观察型
作者 谭万玲 《地理教育》 2012年第7期16-17,共2页
重庆市梁平县红旗中学谭万玲教师回答: 一、教师故弄悬虚,学生尝试设计 必修I第一章第三节“地球运动”中的“活动”设计了测当地经纬度的实验步骤,但考虑到学生会按部就班照做,依然不能深入领会其原理,因而故弄悬虚地说课本中... 重庆市梁平县红旗中学谭万玲教师回答: 一、教师故弄悬虚,学生尝试设计 必修I第一章第三节“地球运动”中的“活动”设计了测当地经纬度的实验步骤,但考虑到学生会按部就班照做,依然不能深入领会其原理,因而故弄悬虚地说课本中的设计需改进,布置各活动小组自行设计最简单可行的方案并在秋分日实践操作。 展开更多
关键词 引导学生 经纬度 “活动”设计 测定 红旗中学 实验步骤 地球运动 实践操作
Using Multiple Intelligences Approach in Designing Classroom Activities
作者 Andreas Winardi 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第3期191-196,共6页
In 1983, Horward Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard Universiy introduced the theory of Multiple Intelligence. This theory states that people have a unique blend of capabilities and skills (intelligences). ... In 1983, Horward Gardner, a professor of education at Harvard Universiy introduced the theory of Multiple Intelligence. This theory states that people have a unique blend of capabilities and skills (intelligences). In the classroom context, it implies that students possess different kinds of minds and therefore learn, remember, perform, and understand in different ways. Based on the theory, Gardner challenged the previous practices that gauged intelligence using IQ test which focused more on the ability to use language and/or logic. According to him, the measurement of people's intelligence should not be limited to linguistic and logical-mathematical abilities only, but should also cover other abilities. In addition to language and logic, Gardner proposed six other intelligences, which in the past were known as aptitudes or interests, namely: Visual-Spatial Intelligence, Musical Intelligence, Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence, Intrapersonal Intelligence, Interpersonal Intelligence, and Naturalist Intelligence. As an English teacher, we often have to deal with the fact that our classes consist of students who posses different intelligences. To help the students reach their maximum learning potential, teacher needs to respect students' uniqueness and accommodate the variety of intelligences. This can be done by applying multiple intelligences approach in designing classroom activities. 展开更多
关键词 multiple intelligences APPROACH classroom activities
A study on the Application of the Activity Theory to Leaming Activity Design of MOOC in English Grammar Teaching
作者 LEI Chunrong 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期119-121,共3页
MOOC has become the topic of the education reform in recent years. From activity theory point of view, meaningful learning is an active, conscious, constructive, and socially medicated practice that includes reciproca... MOOC has become the topic of the education reform in recent years. From activity theory point of view, meaningful learning is an active, conscious, constructive, and socially medicated practice that includes reciprocal intention-action-reflection activities. This paper aims to try to give a MOOC learning activity design model in grammar teaching which tries to offer a reference for the MOOC teaching in grammar lesson. 展开更多
关键词 Activity Theory MOOC learning activity design grammar teaching
Sulfur poisoning mechanism of three way catalytic converter and its grey relational analysis
作者 蔡皓 刘亚飞 +3 位作者 龚金科 鄂加强 耿玉鹤 余立平 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2014年第11期4091-4096,共6页
Combining a detailed catalytic surface reaction mechanism with noble metal and promoter elementary reactions, a new three-way catalytic converter(TWC) reaction mechanism is established. Based on the new mechanism, ste... Combining a detailed catalytic surface reaction mechanism with noble metal and promoter elementary reactions, a new three-way catalytic converter(TWC) reaction mechanism is established. Based on the new mechanism, steady condition numerical simulation is carried out, and the change of light-off temperatures and conversion efficiency with various SO2 contents is obtained. By grey relational analysis(GRA), the relational grade between conversion efficiency and SO2 content is obtained. And, the result shows that SO2 content has the most important influence on C3H6 and NOX conversion efficiency. This provides an important reference to the improvement of activity design of TWC, and may provide guidance for the condition design and optimization of TWC. 展开更多
关键词 sulfur poisoning three-way catalytic converter reaction mechanism numerical simulation grey relational analysis
Event Scenario Analysis for the Design of Rockslide Countermeasures
作者 GIGLI Giovanni INTRIERI Emanuele +5 位作者 LOMBARDI Luca NOCENTINI Massimiliano FRODELLA William BALDUCCI Marco VENANTI Luca Domenico CASAGLI Nicola 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2014年第6期1521-1530,共10页
The Torgiovannetto quarry(Assisi municipality,central Italy) is an example of a site where the natural equilibrium was altered by human activity,causing current slope instability phenomena which threaten two roadways ... The Torgiovannetto quarry(Assisi municipality,central Italy) is an example of a site where the natural equilibrium was altered by human activity,causing current slope instability phenomena which threaten two roadways important for the local transportation.The quarry front,having a height of about 140 m,is affected by a 182,000 m3 rockslide developed in intensely fractured limestone and is too large to be stabilized.In 2003 some tension cracks were detected in the vegetated area above the quarry upper sector.From then on,several monitoring campaigns were carried out by means of different instrumentations(topographic total station,extensometers,inclinometers,ground-based interferometric radar,laser scanner and infrared thermal camera),allowing researchers to accurately define the landslide area and volume.The latter's major displacements are localized in the eastern sector.The deformational field appears to be related to the seasonal rainfall.The landslide hazard associated with the worst case scenario was evaluated in terms of magnitude,intensity and triggering mechanism.For the definition of the possible runout process the DAN 3D code was employed.The simulation results were used in order to design and construct a retaining embankment.Furthermore,in order to preserve both the safety of the personnelinvolved in its realization and of the roadways users,an early warning system was implemented.The early warning system is based on daily-averaged displacement velocity thresholds.The alarm level is reached if the prediction based on the methods of Saito(1969) and Fukuzono(1985) forecasts an imminent rupture. 展开更多
关键词 Risk scenarios Risk management LANDSLIDES MONITORING Rock avalanche
作者 Liu Yu Wang Guoyu 《Journal of Electronics(China)》 2007年第1期95-99,共5页
A single Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor based on 0.35μm process along with its design and implementation is introduced in this paper. The pixel ar-chitecture of Active Pixel Sensor (APS) ... A single Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) image sensor based on 0.35μm process along with its design and implementation is introduced in this paper. The pixel ar-chitecture of Active Pixel Sensor (APS) is used in the chip,which comprises a 256×256 pixel array together with column amplifiers,scan array circuits,series interface,control logic and Analog-Digital Converter (ADC). With the use of smart layout design,fill factor of pixel cell is 43%. Moreover,a new method of Dynamic Digital Double Sample (DDDS) which removes Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN) is used. The CMOS image sensor chip is implemented based on the 0.35μm process of chartered by Multi-Project Wafer (MPW). This chip performs well as expected. 展开更多
关键词 Complementary Metal Oxide Semiconductor (CMOS) Active Pixel Sensor (APS) Fill factor Dynamic Digital Double Sample (DDDS) Fixed Pattern Noise (FPN)
Overhead shoulder press - In-front of the head or behind the head?
作者 Mark R. McKean Brendan J. Burkett 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2015年第3期250-257,共8页
Background: Using a cross-sectional design comparison, two overhead press techniques (in-front of the head or behind the head) were compared. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of behind the head... Background: Using a cross-sectional design comparison, two overhead press techniques (in-front of the head or behind the head) were compared. The purpose of this study was to determine the impact of behind the head or in-front of the head overhead pressing technique on shoulder range of movement (ROM) and spine posture. The overhead press is commonly prescribed exercise. The two techniques (in-front of the head or behind the head) may influence joint mechanics and therefore require an objective analysis. Methods: Passive shoulder ROM quantified using goniometric measures, dynamic ROM utilised three-dimensional (3D) biomechanical mea- sures (120 Hz) of 33 participants performing overhead pressing in a seated position. The timing and synchronisation of the upper limb shoulder and spine segments were quantified and influence of each technique was investigated. Results: The in-front technique commenced in lordotic position, whilst behind the head technique commenced in kyphotic position. Behind the head technique started with less thoracic extension than in-front condition. The thoracic spine remained extended and moved between 12~ and 15~ regardless of gender or technique. The techniques resulted in a significant difference between genders. Males were able to maintain a flat or normal lumbar lordosis, whereas females tended to kyphotic. Conclusion: Shoulder ROM was within passive ROM for all measures except external rotation for males with the behind the head technique. To avoid possible injury passive ROM should be increased prior to behind the head protocol. Females showed greater spine movements, suggesting trunk strengthening may assist overhead pressing techniques. For participants with normal trunk stability and ideal shoulder ROM, overhead pressing is a safe exercise (for the shoulder and spine) when performed either in-front of or behind the head. 展开更多
关键词 3RM HEAD ROM Shoulder flexibility Shoulder press Spine flexion
Analysis of Modem Art Design Context innovation and aesthetics
作者 Huanjun Cao 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第4期27-29,共3页
The design is a cultural activity. The design always influences all aspects of our daily lives, as large as the country's politics, economical reform and development, as small as the necessities of daily life. All th... The design is a cultural activity. The design always influences all aspects of our daily lives, as large as the country's politics, economical reform and development, as small as the necessities of daily life. All the designs mentioned here consist of both sensual activities of art and the rational activities of science. "Design is also a culture". Design is a culture-based, which means to absorb nutrients from the culture. Whether in ancient or modem, East or West, design is always to have a certain culture. Design and culture interrelate with, influence and promote each other. We humans live in a designed cultural environment and atmosphere which is constantly being designed. The design has become a way for human survival and development. Works of our designers are no longer just a product, a brand, a package, a poster or a building, but design of a new lifestyle, a new culture, which are a reflection, expansion and continuation of the culture. The design itself is creating culture. 展开更多
关键词 Modem Art Design Context innovation Aesthetics.
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