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明代前期“海禁”背景下的民间走私瓷器贸易 被引量:1
作者 陈宁 《陶瓷研究》 2019年第1期17-20,共4页
明代前期,朝廷实行了严厉的“海禁”政策。本文就是在这一背景下,系统探讨了这一时期中国民间瓷器的对外走私贸易状况,并以此为基础,还宏观论述了这一时期中国民间整体的对外走私贸易状况。同时,本文还对明代中后期朝廷部分开放海禁以... 明代前期,朝廷实行了严厉的“海禁”政策。本文就是在这一背景下,系统探讨了这一时期中国民间瓷器的对外走私贸易状况,并以此为基础,还宏观论述了这一时期中国民间整体的对外走私贸易状况。同时,本文还对明代中后期朝廷部分开放海禁以后的民间瓷器对外贸易状况做了简要评述,通过对海禁开放前后的对比分析,更进一步明确了明代前期“海禁”政策带来的诸多弊端。 展开更多
关键词 瓷器贸易 民间走私 “海禁”政策 明代前期
元朝海禁初探 被引量:1
作者 洪富忠 汪丽媛 《乐山师范学院学报》 2004年第1期72-75,共4页
元朝是中国历史上的一个重要朝代,其海外政策同唐宋相比,更具有开放性。但元朝也曾出现过″禁商下海″的海禁,中国海禁自元朝开始,后被明清所继承和强化。海禁虽然对元朝海外贸易没有产生重大影响,但它表明封建统治者试图加强对海外贸... 元朝是中国历史上的一个重要朝代,其海外政策同唐宋相比,更具有开放性。但元朝也曾出现过″禁商下海″的海禁,中国海禁自元朝开始,后被明清所继承和强化。海禁虽然对元朝海外贸易没有产生重大影响,但它表明封建统治者试图加强对海外贸易的控制。了解元朝海禁有助于全面理解元朝的海外贸易政策,并从中管窥中国封建专制制度的历史走向。 展开更多
关键词 元朝 海外贸易 “海禁” 封建制度
作者 汪儒斌 《中学历史教学》 2014年第12期35-36,共2页
统计笔者所见一题如下: 下表(表二)中的现象产生的主要原因是 表二清代北洋贸易三大区域沿海贸易税收 A.古代交通运输业的发展B.小农经济与市场联系日益密切C.清代“海禁”政策的松弛D.资本主义萌芽的进一步发展 据笔者所见... 统计笔者所见一题如下: 下表(表二)中的现象产生的主要原因是 表二清代北洋贸易三大区域沿海贸易税收 A.古代交通运输业的发展B.小农经济与市场联系日益密切C.清代“海禁”政策的松弛D.资本主义萌芽的进一步发展 据笔者所见.该题曾为2013年湖北省、石家庄市、承德县、锦州市、吉林市、江西省信丰及上高等地高中各年级试题及数种高考复习备考资料试题所采用,足见影响之广。该题所给答案为C,即清代“海禁”政策的松弛。笔者认为将清代“海禁”政策的松弛当作清代北洋贸易三大区域沿海贸易税收统计增加的主要原因是值得商榷的。 展开更多
关键词 “海禁”政策 沿海贸易 税收增长 清代 松弛 原因 北洋 资本主义萌芽
试析明洪武年间外交政策的演变 被引量:1
作者 李登峰 马五海 《阜阳师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2002年第5期125-127,共3页
明朝是我国历史上一个长期实行“海禁”即闭关锁国政策的朝代。明朝这一政策的始作俑者是明太祖朱元璋。实际上,明太祖朱元璋即位之初,并不是一开始就想实行严厉的“海禁”政策,只是到了后来,由于对日外交的失败和维护自身统治的需要,... 明朝是我国历史上一个长期实行“海禁”即闭关锁国政策的朝代。明朝这一政策的始作俑者是明太祖朱元璋。实际上,明太祖朱元璋即位之初,并不是一开始就想实行严厉的“海禁”政策,只是到了后来,由于对日外交的失败和维护自身统治的需要,才开始严厉推行这一政策。本文试图对明洪武年间的外交政策的演变。 展开更多
关键词 明朝洪武年间 外交政策 外交史 朱元璋 “海禁”政策 日本
论中国传统“重陆轻海”国防观的成因 被引量:1
作者 孙成华 陈阳 《政工学刊》 2009年第10期55-56,共2页
就地缘政治而言,中国是一个有辽阔海疆的陆海复合国家。在冷兵器时代的古代中国,海洋的阻隔作用远远大于交通作用,统治者认为国防的重心在陆而不在海,直到明清时期演变为闭关锁国的“海禁”政策。因此,古代中国对海洋的认识,一直未能... 就地缘政治而言,中国是一个有辽阔海疆的陆海复合国家。在冷兵器时代的古代中国,海洋的阻隔作用远远大于交通作用,统治者认为国防的重心在陆而不在海,直到明清时期演变为闭关锁国的“海禁”政策。因此,古代中国对海洋的认识,一直未能超越舟楫之便、渔盐之利的范围,“历代君民”漠视海洋,“皆舍海而注意于陆”。即使郑和下西洋也不是以海外贸易和经济利益为目的, 展开更多
关键词 国防观 中国传统 成因 “海禁”政策 古代中国 冷兵器时代 郑和下西洋 地缘政治
“限海”非“禁海”:明代海洋贸易制度再探讨 被引量:1
作者 龚金镭 《社会科学家》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第8期122-128,共7页
明代海洋贸易制度的基调是"限海",而非"禁海"。明太祖在明初制定"片板不得下海"的诏令,这只是名义上的,其目的不是为了打击海洋贸易,而是为了海疆安宁。朝廷并没有对纯粹的海洋贸易严厉打击,即并未对所谓... 明代海洋贸易制度的基调是"限海",而非"禁海"。明太祖在明初制定"片板不得下海"的诏令,这只是名义上的,其目的不是为了打击海洋贸易,而是为了海疆安宁。朝廷并没有对纯粹的海洋贸易严厉打击,即并未对所谓的"禁海"规定严格执行,事实上也没法具体执行。"隆庆开海"也并不是对之前海洋政策的推翻,而是贯彻了明初以来的立法原则。所以,明王朝受制于生产力等客观因素,对于海洋贸易的政策基调是"限"和"默许",并不可能真正严厉"禁止"。 展开更多
关键词 海洋贸易 “海禁” 隆庆开海
Assessment of negative phototaxis in long-term fasted Glyptocidaris crenularis:a new insight into measuring stress responses of sea urchins in aquaculture
作者 田晓飞 魏静 +3 位作者 赵冲 封文萍 孙平 常亚青 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第1期37-44,共8页
A cost-effective method was designed to measure the behavioral response of negative phototaxis to high-intensity illumination in the sea urchin Glyptocidaris crenularis. Ninety sea urchins were randomly and equally di... A cost-effective method was designed to measure the behavioral response of negative phototaxis to high-intensity illumination in the sea urchin Glyptocidaris crenularis. Ninety sea urchins were randomly and equally divided into two aquaculture environment groups: a fasted group, which was starved during the experiment, and a fed group. After 10 months, the total mortality of each group was recorded. Then, 15 sea urchins were randomly selected from each group and behavioral responses to high-intensity illumination were investigated for each sea urchin. After the behavioral experiment, body measurements of the trial sea urchins were taken. The results reveal that food deprivation significantly affected test diameter (P〈0.01), body weight (P〈0.01), gonad weight (P〈0.0I), and gut weight (P〈0.01). Furthermore, food deprivation also affected negative phototaxis behaviors of time to rapid spine movement (P〈0.01), time to the 1 cm position (P〈0.05), and walking distance in 300 s (P〈0.01), but not time to body reaction (P〉0.05). The mortality rates of fasted and fed urchins were 6.7% and 0%, respectively. The present study provides evidence that food deprivation has a significant effect on phenotypic traits and behavioral responses to high-intensity illumination in the sea urchin G. crenularis. With this method, environmental stressors can be easily detected by measuring proper optional indicators. This study provides a new insight into measuring stress responses of sea urchins in aquaculture. However, further studies should be carried out to understand more environmental factors and to compare this potential behavioral method with immune, physiological, and epidemiological approaches. 展开更多
关键词 sea urchin negative phototaxis AQUACULTURE food deprivation STRESS
多模态影像融合在颅底肿瘤的诊断、治疗中的应用价值 被引量:9
作者 李成才 姚国杰 +6 位作者 杜威 胡亮平 韦可 伍杰 秦汉 王再贵 马廉亭 《中国临床神经外科杂志》 2018年第3期145-148,共4页
目的探讨多模态影像融合在颅底肿瘤的诊断、治疗中的应用价值。方法 9例颅底肿瘤术前均行DynaCTA检查及MRI薄层(2 mm)增强扫描检查,将多组影像数据输入工作站,采用"双容积重建"技术进行脑血管及MRI的影像融合,通过静态及动态... 目的探讨多模态影像融合在颅底肿瘤的诊断、治疗中的应用价值。方法 9例颅底肿瘤术前均行DynaCTA检查及MRI薄层(2 mm)增强扫描检查,将多组影像数据输入工作站,采用"双容积重建"技术进行脑血管及MRI的影像融合,通过静态及动态融合影像观察肿瘤与脑结构、血管及颅骨的毗邻关系,并对肿瘤的诊断、手术治疗及预防血管并发症进行分析。结果 9例均获得满意的影像融合、具有很好的空间一致性,在一张影像上可以清晰显示病变及其周围脑结构、血管及颅骨解剖关系,提高精准性诊断,并应用于指导治疗策略、设计手术划及预防并发症。9例均恢复满意出院。结论多模态影像融合对提高颅底肿瘤的诊断精准性、提高肿瘤全切除率、降低病死率和残疾率效果肯定,对血管损伤并发症治疗疗效肯定。 展开更多
关键词 颅底肿瘤 多模态影像融合 诊断 治疗 并发症
明清时期潮汕地区海盗现象探析 被引量:1
作者 郑可萍 《广东史志.视窗》 2010年第2期51-55,共5页
明清时期.政府实行“海禁”政策.使宋元以来潮汕地区的私人海上贸易得不到正常的进行,从而引起潮汕民众的不满和反抗。潮汕人为了谋生.不惧禁令,入海为盗。酿成了潮汕沿海地区长达几百年的海寇之乱。本文试就明清时期潮汕地区海盗... 明清时期.政府实行“海禁”政策.使宋元以来潮汕地区的私人海上贸易得不到正常的进行,从而引起潮汕民众的不满和反抗。潮汕人为了谋生.不惧禁令,入海为盗。酿成了潮汕沿海地区长达几百年的海寇之乱。本文试就明清时期潮汕地区海盗现象的产生原因、性质、历史影响等问题作粗浅的探讨。诚在抛砖引玉,敬请专家学者批评指正。 展开更多
关键词 潮汕地区 明清时期 海盗 “海禁”政策 海上贸易 抛砖引玉 专家学者 潮汕人
《军事世界画刊》 2009年第5期6-6,共1页
就地缘政治而言,中国是一个有着辽阔海疆的陆海复合国家。在古时的中国,海洋的阻隔作用远远大于交通作用,统治者认为国防的重心在陆而不在海,直到明清时期演变为闭关锁国的“海禁”政策。因此,古代中国对海洋的认识,一直未能超越... 就地缘政治而言,中国是一个有着辽阔海疆的陆海复合国家。在古时的中国,海洋的阻隔作用远远大于交通作用,统治者认为国防的重心在陆而不在海,直到明清时期演变为闭关锁国的“海禁”政策。因此,古代中国对海洋的认识,一直未能超越舟楫之便、渔盐之利的范围。近代以后,中国虽然努力尝试从大陆型国防向陆海兼备型国防转型,但是,几千年来形成的“重陆轻海, 展开更多
关键词 国防观 “海禁”政策 古代中国 地缘政治 闭关锁国 明清时期 统治者 海洋
Clinical Observation of Electroacupuncture in Treating Withdrawal Anxiety in Heroin-dependent Patients 被引量:11
作者 梁艳 王红丽 +4 位作者 王院星 侯文光 宗蕾 陈跃来 肖元春 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2008年第6期337-340,共4页
Objective: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture on withdrawal anxiety in heroin-dependent patients. Methods: Sixty heroin-withdrawal subjects with negative urine morphine were digitally randomized into two g... Objective: To observe the effects of electroacupuncture on withdrawal anxiety in heroin-dependent patients. Methods: Sixty heroin-withdrawal subjects with negative urine morphine were digitally randomized into two groups: acupuncture group in which 30 cases were treated by electroacupuncture and control group in which 30 cases were given no treatment. The patients were assessed by Hamilton anxiety scale before treatment and one week, two weeks and three weeks after treatment. Results: After treatment, the anxiety symptoms of heroin-dependent patients were improved more significantly in the acupuncture group than in the control group (P〈0.01). Conclusion: Electroacupuncture has good effects on anxiety symptoms and emotions of heroin-dependent patients. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture Therapy Heroin Dependence Substance Withdrawal Syndrome
Clinical Study on Electroacupuncture for Post-withdrawal Anxiety-depression Mood in Heroin Addicts 被引量:5
作者 穆敬平 刘莉 +6 位作者 程建明 周立志 敖金波 王军 方伟 胡军 韩丑萍 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2009年第4期203-206,共4页
Objective: To investigate the intervention effect of electroacupuncture on postwithdrawal anxiety and depression of those with heroin dependence. Method: One hundred and twenty heroin dependence cases were randomly ... Objective: To investigate the intervention effect of electroacupuncture on postwithdrawal anxiety and depression of those with heroin dependence. Method: One hundred and twenty heroin dependence cases were randomly allocated into 4 groups, including acupuncture group 1 using Jiaji (Ex-B 2) points and Shenshu (BL 23), acupuncture group 2 using points in the four limbs, simulation and control groups. Then the SAS and SDS changes were observed before the treatment and 4th, 8th and 10th week after. Result: At the 4th, 8th and 10th week, the SAS and SDS scores in acupuncture group 1 and 2 showed significant differences with the control group (P〈0.01, P〈0.05). There were significant differences between SAS changes in acupuncture group 1 and 2 but there was no significant difference in SDS changes. Conclusion: Electroacupuncture can improve the post-withdrawal anxiety and depression in heroin addicts. Jiaji (Ex-B 2) points showed significantly better effects in improving anxiety than points in four limbs but no significant difference in improving depression. 展开更多
关键词 ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Acupuncture Therapy Herion Dependence SubstanceWithdrawal Syndrome ANXIETY DEPRESSION
Therapeutic Efficacy Observation on Acupuncture for Post-withdrawal Syndrome of Heroin Dependence 被引量:3
作者 梁艳 宗蕾 +3 位作者 李煜 程波 许静 陈跃来 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2012年第3期155-159,共5页
Obj ective: To observe and analyze the intervention effects of needling different points for post- withdrawal syndrome of heroin dependence, and thus provide clinical basis for screening specific points. Methods: A ... Obj ective: To observe and analyze the intervention effects of needling different points for post- withdrawal syndrome of heroin dependence, and thus provide clinical basis for screening specific points. Methods: A total of 60 males with heroin dependence were randomly allocated into 3 groups, the Neiguan (PC 6) group, the Shenmen (HT 7) group and the control group. The results were observed and evaluated before, during, and 3 weeks after treatment using the rating scale for post-withdrawal syndrome and Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA). Results: In regards to the control of post-withdrawal symptoms, the groups of Neiguan (PC 6) and Shenmen (HT 7) showed statistical difference when compared with the control group (P〈0.05, P〈0.01); however, there was no statistical difference between the Neiguan (PC 6) group and Shenmen (HT 7) group (P〉0.05). Conclusion: Acupuncture can alleviate the post-withdrawal syndrome and anxiety of heroin dependence. Although both Neiguan (PC 6) and Shenmen (HT 7) have equally remarkable effects, Shenmen (HT 7) have a better tendency for marked effect for heart-mind related symptoms. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Substance Withdrawal Syndrome Heroin Dependence ANXIETY
Effect of acupuncture in intervening heroin-induced brain damage via regulating ubiquitin-proteasome pathway 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Li-da Cao Jiang-peng +5 位作者 Cai Xing-hui WU Sheng-bing Hou Xiao-rong Gao Yong-long Zhang Rong-jun Song Xiao-ge 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2018年第2期80-88,共9页
Objective:To observe the effect of acupuncture in regulating ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP),and discuss the action of acupuncture in intervening heroin-induced brain damage.Methods:Thirty male Sprague-Dawley ... Objective:To observe the effect of acupuncture in regulating ubiquitin-proteasome pathway (UPP),and discuss the action of acupuncture in intervening heroin-induced brain damage.Methods:Thirty male Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were divided into a control group,a model group and an acupuncture group by using the random number table.Rats in the model and acupuncture groups received intramuscular heroin injection for successive 8 d at a progressively increased dose.Afterwards,the injection was suspended for 5 d for withdrawal.The heroin relapse rat model was established by repeating the drug addiction and withdrawal process for 3 times.The control group followed the step of the model establishment,but was given intramuscular injection of normal saline at the stage of addiction and no intervention at the stage of withdrawal;the model group was given intramuscular heroin injection at a progressively increased dose at the addiction stage and no intervention at the withdrawal stage;the acupuncture group was dealt in the same way as the model group at the addiction stage,but received acupuncture at Baihui (GV 20) and Dazhui (GV 14) at the withdrawal stage,with the needles retained for 30 min each time,1 session a day,for successive 5 d.On the 39th day,brain tissues were extracted from the hippocampus and ventral tegmental area (VTA) of the three groups of rats.The apoptosis of brain nerve cells was detected by using terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated nick and labeling (TUNEL).The mRNA and protein expressions of ubiquitin (Ub),ubiquitin protein ligase (E3) and 26S were examined by immunohistochemistry and quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT-qPCR).Results:Compared with the model group,rat's hippocampus and VTA in the acupuncture group showed significantly fewer cells positively stained by TUNEL staining (P〈0.01),and its mRNA and protein expressions of Ub,E3,26S were significantly lower (P〈0.01).Conclusion:Reducing nerve cell apoptosis and regulating the mRNA and protein expressions of Ub,E3 and 26S in rat's hippocampus and VTA are possibly one of the action mechanisms of acupuncture in intervening heroin-induced brain damage. 展开更多
关键词 Acupuncture Therapy Ubiqutins PROTEASOME Substance Withdrawal Syndrome Heroin Dependence BrainInjuries RATS
Clinical Study on Combined Acupuncture and Psychological Desensitization Therapy for Anxiety due to Heroin Addiction 被引量:1
作者 宋小鸽 胡玲 +2 位作者 蔡荣林 梅益斌 李晓婷 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2010年第2期116-118,共3页
Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of combined acupuncture and psychological desensitization therapy for anxiety in those with heroin addiction. Methods: All 90 cases were randomly allocated into a treatmen... Objective: To observe the clinical efficacy of combined acupuncture and psychological desensitization therapy for anxiety in those with heroin addiction. Methods: All 90 cases were randomly allocated into a treatment group (45 cases) and a control group (45 cases). Cases in the treatment group received 30 min of combined acupuncture and psychological desensitization therapy for each treatment, twice a week and 8 weeks in total, whereas cases in the control group received no treatment. After that, the anxiety score and state were observed. In addition, the mental state prior to and after cue-elicited heroin craving was evaluated. Results: The total and standard scores of anxiety in the treatment group were significantly reduced compared to the control group (P〈0.05), coupled with a significant reduction of heroin craving (P〈0.01). Conclusion: Combined acupuncture and psychological desensitization can alleviate anxiety and inhibit the short-term heroin craving. 展开更多
关键词 Heroin Dependence Substance Withdrawal Syndrome ANXIETY Acupuncture- moxibustion Therapy Desensitization Psychologic
Effect of Electro-acupuncture on Drug-seeking Behavior of the Heroin Self-administrating Rat
作者 朱忠春 琚立华 +1 位作者 胡军 徐平 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2005年第4期12-16,共5页
Objective: This present study is to establish a rat model of intravenous heroin self-administration and observe the effect of electro-acupuncture on the heroin seeking behavior of the heroin self-administrating rat. ... Objective: This present study is to establish a rat model of intravenous heroin self-administration and observe the effect of electro-acupuncture on the heroin seeking behavior of the heroin self-administrating rat. Methods: Six Male Wistar rats were surgically implanted with an intra jugular intravenous catheters under sodium pentobarbital anesthesia, following a minimum recovery of 7 days, the rats were trained by nose-poke response with one daily 4-hour session for 14 consecutive days to self administer heroin (50 μg /kg / per injection), the session ended after 25 infusions were earned or 4 hours had passed, whichever came first, the reinforcement schedule was fixed ratio 1 (FR1) that the rat received a heroin injection for each nose poke response. And then the rats were given electro-acupuncture treatment daily 30min prior to each session and then were trained with one daily 4-h session for 7 consecutive days. Results: Stable intravenous heroin self-administration behavior of rats was established after 7-8 days' drug training, electro-acupuncture given to the stable heroin self-administrating rat 30 min prior to each session could reduce the drug self-administration behavior, namely the total heroin intake in each session was reduced, especially the 1^th hour heroin intake, the initiation of first nose-poke response in each session was relayed, and the haste heroin-seeking behavior also became slower. Conclusions: The above results suggested that the electro-acupuncture had better detoxification effect. 展开更多
关键词 Heroin Dependence ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Substance Withdrawal Syndrome
Effect of Acupuncture on Contents of Tyrosine Hydroxylase and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein in Ventral Tegmental Area of Heroin Self-administrating Rats 被引量:2
作者 朱忠春 胡军 徐平 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 2006年第1期7-12,F0002,共7页
Objective: This present study is to investigate the biochemical adaptations in the rdated brain regions of the mesolimbic dopamine system, such as the ventral tegmental area (VFA), nucleus accumbens (NAc), amygda... Objective: This present study is to investigate the biochemical adaptations in the rdated brain regions of the mesolimbic dopamine system, such as the ventral tegmental area (VFA), nucleus accumbens (NAc), amygdale (Amy), prefrontal cortex (PFC) , substantia nigra (SN) and caudateputamen (CPu) in response to heroin self-administration in rats and observe the effect of electroacupuncture on them. Methods. Thirty rats were trained by nose-poking response to establish stable intravenous heroin self-administration within 14 days, and then divided randomly into model group (group B) including 6 rats, withdrawal group which were withdrawn from heroin for 1 week (group C, n = 6) and for 2 weeks (group D, n= 6), during which time they only lived in their individual home cages, and dectrtyacupuncture group which were also withdrawn from heroin for 1 week (group E, n= 6) and for 2 weeks (group F, n = 6), during which time they were given electro-acupuncture treatment for 20 min daily and then returned to their individual home cages; in the meantime, another 6 rats were trained by nose-poking response with saline for 14 days as control (group A); Then the leeds of tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) in VFA, NAc, Amy, PFC, SN, CPu were detected with immunohistochemistry method. Results. The leeds of TH and GFAP in VFA of the heroin self administrating rats were obviously increased, and the leeds of TH and GFAP in NAc were also decreased, and these changes were not found in SN, CPu, Amy and PFC; Electro-acupuncture could promote the up regulation of TH and GFAP in VTA and down-regulation of TH and GFAP in NAc to return to the normal leeel. Conclusions: The chronic heroin self administration produced some biochemical adaptations in the related brain regions of the mesolimbic dopamine system and electroacupuncture could promote the repair of the "injured" DA neurons in VTA of heroin addicted rats and their functional recovery. 展开更多
关键词 Heroin Dependence ELECTROACUPUNCTURE Substance Withdrawal Syndrome Glial Fibrillary acidic Proton Tyrosine Hydroxylase
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