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胜利油田国际化人才培训项目“混合式学习”探讨 被引量:1
作者 周荣华 王爱平 +1 位作者 陈新宇 张海英 《胜利油田党校学报》 2014年第2期86-89,共4页
企业唯一持久的竞争优势,就是具备比竞争对手学习得更快的能力。随着胜利油田"走出去"战略目标的实现,海外市场业务快速发展,对复合型人才的需求加大,如何有效和持续培养国际化人才成为当务之急。高培党校转变培训方式,联系... 企业唯一持久的竞争优势,就是具备比竞争对手学习得更快的能力。随着胜利油田"走出去"战略目标的实现,海外市场业务快速发展,对复合型人才的需求加大,如何有效和持续培养国际化人才成为当务之急。高培党校转变培训方式,联系实际创新路,加强培训求实效,将传统培训方法与现代远程学习相结合,探索国际化人才拉力赛等培训模式,找到了一条国际化人才"混合式学习"培训的有效途径,实现了"工作学习化,学习工作化"和培训从量变到质变的飞跃。 展开更多
关键词 胜利油田 国际化人才 “混合式学习” 培训创新
作者 黄美芳 何益民 《福建基础教育研究》 2019年第9期98-100,共3页
“混合式学习”模式包括线上自学(微课)和实体课堂两部分组成。线上自学是实体课堂成效的保障,实体课堂与微课的教学目标指向落实“四基”过程中形成整合式的学习体验。教师要根据“同理心”进行教学设计,把提升学生学习动力作为整个设... “混合式学习”模式包括线上自学(微课)和实体课堂两部分组成。线上自学是实体课堂成效的保障,实体课堂与微课的教学目标指向落实“四基”过程中形成整合式的学习体验。教师要根据“同理心”进行教学设计,把提升学生学习动力作为整个设计的指导原则,努力与学生所关心的事物完美契合,促使学生获得多重学习体验,形成学习动力。 展开更多
关键词 “混合式学习”模式 同理心 多重体验 教学设计
“混合式学习”模式在中职会计实训教学中的探索与实践 被引量:3
作者 梁婧 《科教文汇》 2019年第4期120-121,共2页
随着教学理念的不断完善,"混合式学习"作为一类新的教学模式在中职会计实训教学中得到了广泛应用。"混合式学习"结合了多类教学模式的优势,可以帮助学生掌握会计实训课程中的重点和难点,提升学生的操作能力,为学生... 随着教学理念的不断完善,"混合式学习"作为一类新的教学模式在中职会计实训教学中得到了广泛应用。"混合式学习"结合了多类教学模式的优势,可以帮助学生掌握会计实训课程中的重点和难点,提升学生的操作能力,为学生的就业铺平道路。本文结合"混合式学习"在中职会计实训教学中应用的理论依据和可行性,论述"混合式学习"在中职会计实训课程中的具体应用。 展开更多
关键词 “混合式学习” 中职 会计 实训
作者 杨金英 《新教育时代电子杂志(学生版)》 2020年第15期289-289,共1页
翻转课堂学习法则是我国在进行教学改革中使用的热点教学方式,也是推进混合式学习法全面落实的重要途径。以混合式学习法为基础结合翻转课堂,能有效提高课堂教学的效率与质量,为学生带来更高水准的中职语文课堂教学。本文通过了解中职... 翻转课堂学习法则是我国在进行教学改革中使用的热点教学方式,也是推进混合式学习法全面落实的重要途径。以混合式学习法为基础结合翻转课堂,能有效提高课堂教学的效率与质量,为学生带来更高水准的中职语文课堂教学。本文通过了解中职语文教学中存在的问题,着重探究利用“翻转课堂”推进“混合式学习”的具体策略,以供参考。 展开更多
关键词 中职语文教学 “翻转课堂” “混合式学习” 推进策略
大学英语听力混合式学习模式需求分析与课程设置研究 被引量:1
作者 李君君 陈建龙 《文教资料》 2014年第34期156-157,共2页
关键词 以生为本 需求分析 “混合式学习” 课程设置
浅析“混合式学习”模式在专业课教学中的应用 被引量:1
作者 谢波 《才智》 2018年第2期134-134,共1页
关键词 “混合式学习” 传统学习 教学方法
一流课程建设背景下“混合式”学习模式实践与探索——以道路工程课程为例 被引量:1
作者 许强强 程建梅 高建杰 《科教导刊》 2021年第19期81-83,共3页
在围绕教育部一流课程建设"双万计划"的背景下,以道路工程课程申报国家一流课程为契机,积极探索"混合式"学习模式在课程建设中的应用研究。以道路工程课程设计内容为例,整个课程设计过程中始终运用雨课堂等信息化... 在围绕教育部一流课程建设"双万计划"的背景下,以道路工程课程申报国家一流课程为契机,积极探索"混合式"学习模式在课程建设中的应用研究。以道路工程课程设计内容为例,整个课程设计过程中始终运用雨课堂等信息化手段进行,学生的学习活动不仅仅有线上学习行为和线下学习行为,也有学生小组内部,小组之间的讨论交流。整个讨论过程中老师、实战教官全程参与指导学生的讨论交流行为。这种课程的"混合式"设计思路,是对传统翻转课堂和混合式学习的是进一步细化,为今后的混合式教学模式的探索提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 课程建设 信息化技术 “混合式学习 教学设计
“混合式”学习视角下中职英语“生本化”教学探索 被引量:2
作者 梁婉珍 《海外英语》 2019年第2期159-160,共2页
关键词 “混合式学习 主体地位 “生本化” 中职英语教学
聚与融创建“混合式学习空间”生态课堂 被引量:1
作者 田津瑗 《小学科学》 2023年第1期25-27,共3页
信息技术课堂,一个新兴的学习环境,不仅仅拘泥于教材,而是更加关注教学形式的多样性,在教学中采用个人自学、网上查阅资料、小组合作学习与教师指导等多种形式,不断优化教学形式,增加教学媒体的作用,强调平台分享的效果,形成一个多维度... 信息技术课堂,一个新兴的学习环境,不仅仅拘泥于教材,而是更加关注教学形式的多样性,在教学中采用个人自学、网上查阅资料、小组合作学习与教师指导等多种形式,不断优化教学形式,增加教学媒体的作用,强调平台分享的效果,形成一个多维度的教学组织形式。混合式学习将为学生打造新型、生态、智慧的课堂。 展开更多
关键词 聚与融 “混合式学习空间” 信息技术 生态课堂
“互联网+”背景下体育保健学课程混合式学习模式设计与应用研究 被引量:1
作者 张敏 《科教导刊》 2021年第34期132-134,共3页
21世纪,信息化技术的高速发展,在"互联网+教育"的核心观点启发下,教学理念与时俱进、教学模式推陈出新,"混合式"学习模式在高等教育中广泛运用。本文结合混合式学习的内涵以及教学要素,设计出"互联网+"... 21世纪,信息化技术的高速发展,在"互联网+教育"的核心观点启发下,教学理念与时俱进、教学模式推陈出新,"混合式"学习模式在高等教育中广泛运用。本文结合混合式学习的内涵以及教学要素,设计出"互联网+"背景下体育保健学课程的混合式学习模式,并运用在教学实践中。结果证明,学生对于新的教学模式是认可的,上课的积极性更高,兴趣更浓厚,师生互动交流更充分,各班级的教学效果都明显优于之前的传统教学。 展开更多
关键词 互联网+ “混合式学习 体育保健学 教学设计
构建高校教师学习共同体的现实困境及其路径选择 被引量:1
作者 郑璐 李婷 《北华大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第2期141-149,156,共10页
当前我国高校教师学习共同体已初见雏形,但培育机制还不完善,相较于建立教师个体与共同体组织协商并存,建构与实施并行不悖、知识与经验碰撞交融、团体文化与学校文化相互影响的动态、良性的学习共同体发展模式仍有较大差距。我国高校... 当前我国高校教师学习共同体已初见雏形,但培育机制还不完善,相较于建立教师个体与共同体组织协商并存,建构与实施并行不悖、知识与经验碰撞交融、团体文化与学校文化相互影响的动态、良性的学习共同体发展模式仍有较大差距。我国高校教师共同体的发展需找准理念方向、明确内涵要求、达成行动共识,厘清发展类型并深刻反思发展过程中的深层矛盾,从构建合作共治的发展模式、优化教师学习共同体的组织形式、强化共同体成果的评价和激励机制及实施虚实结合的“混合式”学习共同体等方面来探索教师学习共同体的发展路径。 展开更多
关键词 高校教师 团体文化 学校文化 “混合式学习共同体 教师学习共同体
美国可汗学院对我国网络教育的启示——以高校教师网络培训为例 被引量:30
作者 王星磊 乔爱玲 《软件导刊》 2013年第5期161-163,共3页
美国可汗学院作为一个教育性非盈利组织正对全世界内的网络教育领域产生着重大影响,它从家庭走进了学校,甚至正在"翻转课堂",被认为是打开"未来教育"的曙光。高校教师培训是全面提高高等教育质量的重要途径,而网络... 美国可汗学院作为一个教育性非盈利组织正对全世界内的网络教育领域产生着重大影响,它从家庭走进了学校,甚至正在"翻转课堂",被认为是打开"未来教育"的曙光。高校教师培训是全面提高高等教育质量的重要途径,而网络培训则是高校教师培训的重要方式。对可汗学院的创立、发展进行了介绍,分析了该学院课程的特色,进而阐述了可汗学院的成功对我国高校教师网络培训的启示,以期为中国网络教育的发展提供参考与借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 可汗学院 网络教育 “反转式教学” “混合式学习 高校教师网络培训
突发公共卫生事件下高校体育“混合式”教学理论与实证研究 被引量:1
作者 毕宏丹 赵培禹 祝凯 《林区教学》 2022年第10期101-104,共4页
突发公共卫生事件下,体育“混合式”教学可以实现线上与线下的转换,保障师生生命安全和身心健康。以太极拳教学为例,设计和实施包括课前准备、线上直播教学和课后锻炼与指导三个环节的体育线上教学和线下锻炼,从三个方面总结和反思教学... 突发公共卫生事件下,体育“混合式”教学可以实现线上与线下的转换,保障师生生命安全和身心健康。以太极拳教学为例,设计和实施包括课前准备、线上直播教学和课后锻炼与指导三个环节的体育线上教学和线下锻炼,从三个方面总结和反思教学效果与不足,分别是:优化组合教学方法,实现线上直播体育教学;有效解决师生互动和运动负荷的监控;实现了教学过程和评价的数字化与数据化。旨在为突发公共卫生事件下高校体育教学应对之策提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 突发公共卫生事件 “混合式学习 体育教学
Aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life:A qualitative study of adult students’experiences of a blended learning master programme in Norway 被引量:1
作者 Bodil Gjestvang Sevald Høye Berit Arnesveen Bronken 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第1期71-78,I0005,共9页
Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on da... Aim:To gain knowledge of how adult students experienced the first year of a blended learning master programme to better understand their learning process.Methods:A qualitative,exploratory,descriptive study based on data from two focus group interviews with students attending a blended learning Master programme.Qualitative content analysis based on Graneheim and Lundman’s procedures was applied.Findings:Our analyses revealed one main theme:aspiring for competence in a multifaceted everyday life and four main categories:acquiring professional competence,struggling to manage diverse forms of communication,demanding task juggling and confused student role.Conclusions:The participants experienced that the programme enabled them to acquire professional competence relevant to practice.Despite the challenges,the programme is recommended for prospective students who live in both urban and rural areas,who are working and also responsible for children and other family tasks. 展开更多
关键词 Adult students Blended learning Nurses Nursing education Online education Sociocultural learning
Blended Learning and Applying New Tools and Services of E-Learning Support
作者 Veselinka Ivanova Nedeva Snejana Boycheva Dineva 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第7期471-476,共6页
The strengths and weaknesses of different online technologies and learning methods have been examined by combining the blended learning program with practical work on institutional e-learning projects. There are diffe... The strengths and weaknesses of different online technologies and learning methods have been examined by combining the blended learning program with practical work on institutional e-learning projects. There are differences between the traditional e-learning system and the new E-Learning 2.0 training. At present time, the new technologies provided by Web 2.0 better correspond to the needs of both students and teaching staff. The new Web 2.0 allows the "promoting of individual creativity", together with the "use of collective intelligence". A comparison of the two development stages of the e-learning tools has been completed and the advantages of E-Learning 2.0 are shown. The main components of Web 2.0 are provided and the use ofwiki as an up-to-date collaboration tool for on-line teamwork is shown. 展开更多
关键词 E-Learning 1.0 E-Learning 2.0 blended learning Web 2.0 applications wiki activities.
Blended Learning in a Foreign Language Teaching
作者 Dominika Goltz-Wasiucionek 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第6期419-426,共8页
Foreign language classes using blended learning take place in a classroom and on an educational platform (i.e., Moodle). Working this way is meant to help in the process of learning a language and not to replace the... Foreign language classes using blended learning take place in a classroom and on an educational platform (i.e., Moodle). Working this way is meant to help in the process of learning a language and not to replace the traditional method. Using the platform allows preparation of fully distant learning courses as well as preparing areas that allow providing the learners with materials that are complementary to the main course (face-to-face). Virtual Learning Environment (VLE) is nowadays a very popular tool in teaching not only English (although it is the most popular language in Poland), but other foreign languages such as Russian or German. This paper focuses on some methodological aspects of preparing: (1) distant learning language courses that are complementary to the whole English language course and (2) complementary areas (consultations) in Russian and German. In both cases the author shows components that are essential for the success of the teaching process 展开更多
关键词 blended learning educational platform foreign language teaching
Business English Teaching model based on MOOC
作者 Ling ZHANG 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2015年第2期75-77,共3页
This study was based on self-established MOOC business English teaching. Firstly, based on the typical characteristics of MOOC, this paper analyzes MOOC leveraging business English courses and reports the concrete pra... This study was based on self-established MOOC business English teaching. Firstly, based on the typical characteristics of MOOC, this paper analyzes MOOC leveraging business English courses and reports the concrete practice MOOC business English teaching mode. Quantitative and qualitative data analysis of learner feedback survey showed MOOC based teaching model suits for business English teaching, MOOc teaching students have been highly recognized and the two give full play to both collaborative IT and foreign language teaching deep integration of hybrid learning potential. 展开更多
关键词 MOOC Business English teaching model
Emerging Factors Affecting Blended Learning in Virtual Learning Environment Framework (VLEF)
作者 Yousaf Khan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第3期197-203,共7页
The classical definition of learning is: change and modification of behavior as a result of experience, training, and practice. In modem technological world; this definition has been changed and modified to include t... The classical definition of learning is: change and modification of behavior as a result of experience, training, and practice. In modem technological world; this definition has been changed and modified to include the changes and modification in behavior as a result of experience, training, and practice by using modem toolkits and metacognition for self-regulated, lifelong, open, flexible, and continuous learning in Virtual Learning Environment Framework (VLEF). The classical factors of learning included: motivation, attitude, interest, attention, readiness, participation, and reinforcement. But, due to the modem toolkits, gadgets, and ICT technologies, there are new varieties in modes of presentations and instructions. The emerging learning factors to be integrated and blended include: multimedia, hypermedia, and multimodality. The researcher has intended to identify the gap in the existing literature for the inclusion of new emerging factors such as multimedia, hypermedia, and multimodal presentations. The purpose of the study was to identify the gap in the factors of learning for learning blend in this era of science and technology, especially, in the ICT-integrated form of blended learning. The methodology of the study was analysis and synthesis of literature in the form of reviewing literature for developing a model of blended leaning. The study is significant because it has filled the gap in factors of learning for making it blended in VLEF. The factors were analyzed and synthesized in the form of a model. The findings were summarized for drawing conclusion, and at the end there were made some suggestions and recommendations for blended learning environments. 展开更多
关键词 blended learning factors of learning multimodal instructions MULTIMEDIA HYPERMEDIA
Blended Learning Will Be Applicable in Maritime Education and Training
作者 Yu Haiyan 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2016年第1期31-34,共4页
With the revision work of the IMO Model Course 6.09, the trainee-centered methodology is greatly highlighted, together with the newly merging technology for education, especially for language learning. This paper will... With the revision work of the IMO Model Course 6.09, the trainee-centered methodology is greatly highlighted, together with the newly merging technology for education, especially for language learning. This paper will consider blended learning, for instance. Blended learning is adorable for many educators in recent years, which demonstrates the principle of student-centered as well as alternates the role of the teachers from the traditional way. MOOC (Massive Online Open Course) is initiated in most schools as well, for the purpose of mutual share of the best education in the world. Within the framework of blended learning, the MOOC can also be the essential section in a whole circle. With some successful examples for the application of blended learning in elementary and middle schools, the author is suddenly inspired to make assumptions for better MET (maritime education and training): the blended learning is applicable in MET to stimulate the students' initiatives. 展开更多
关键词 Blended learning MOOC MET.
作者 苏杭 《今天》 2021年第6期23-24,共2页
信息技术的不断升级和普及运用,使英语学习素材和学习模式也愈加丰富多元。在这样的条件下,中职教师欲保证强化英语教学质量成效,就可考虑建立落实混合式教学理念。可以先对混合式教学的现实意义进行充分了解,然后结合学生学情、客观条... 信息技术的不断升级和普及运用,使英语学习素材和学习模式也愈加丰富多元。在这样的条件下,中职教师欲保证强化英语教学质量成效,就可考虑建立落实混合式教学理念。可以先对混合式教学的现实意义进行充分了解,然后结合学生学情、客观条件及其发展需求等,为学生实行线上和线下相联合的混合式英语教学,这样可以使学生知识探索者的地位得到进一步重视,为学生提供丰富、相应的学习素材,给中职学生在英语方面的良好发展奠定基础。 展开更多
关键词 “混合式学习 主体地位 线上线下 中职英语教学
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