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作者 杨洋 《美与时代(城市)》 2024年第9期71-73,共3页
城市作为人类聚居和发展的重要场所,是人类改造自然最彻底的地方。在城市建设过程中,产生了各种各样的功能空间,其中有这样一些空间往往被我们忽视:它们大量存在于城市空间中,规模可观却难以利用;它们与我们的日常生活息息相关,随处可... 城市作为人类聚居和发展的重要场所,是人类改造自然最彻底的地方。在城市建设过程中,产生了各种各样的功能空间,其中有这样一些空间往往被我们忽视:它们大量存在于城市空间中,规模可观却难以利用;它们与我们的日常生活息息相关,随处可见却无人问津;它们并非主动设计所得,却常常占据城市或区域的中心位置。这些空间若不加以合理利用,不仅仅是对城市空间资源的浪费,更有可能成为城市的污点、盲点,带来一系列的城市问题。以沈阳城市桥下“灰空间”为研究对象,其利用发展应与城市整体景观空间发展同步,以保证城市各个景观空间的有机连接。城市更新背景下,相关人员需要通过整合空间布局、优化景观元素、挖掘与提炼文化符号、营造生态界面等方式全面提升城市桥下环境,进而正向建构城市形象。 展开更多
关键词 “灰空间” 桥下空间 景观设计
城市“灰空间”——机动车高架桥下部空间改造利用研究 被引量:12
作者 陈帆 杨玥 《建筑与文化》 2014年第12期118-120,共3页
高架桥,曾经作为缓解交通拥堵的有效措施之一,被大量建于城市之中。但是随着它的发展,弊端也逐渐暴露出来。本文从机动车高架桥的产生背景和现状入手,分析了其对城市的贡献以及在发展过程中给城市和市民造成的不利影响。作者引入城市&qu... 高架桥,曾经作为缓解交通拥堵的有效措施之一,被大量建于城市之中。但是随着它的发展,弊端也逐渐暴露出来。本文从机动车高架桥的产生背景和现状入手,分析了其对城市的贡献以及在发展过程中给城市和市民造成的不利影响。作者引入城市"灰空间"的概念,探讨了机动车高架桥下部空间改造利用的可能性和可行性,并加以案例分析。希望可以为高架桥下部空间的改造提供依据和借鉴经验,以使得城市空间恢复活力,给市民创造出良好的人居环境。 展开更多
关键词 机动车高架桥 高架桥下部空间 城市“灰空间” 改造利用 可能性可行性 案例分析
园林景观中的“灰空间”探讨 被引量:11
作者 景峰 《中国园林》 北大核心 2011年第5期76-80,共5页
"灰空间"也称过渡空间,其理论思想集中于建筑内外空间的连接与过渡,在空间序列组织中起着过渡、连接、分隔、衬托的作用。以园林景观灰空间作为研究对象,总结园林景观"灰空间"的3个重要特征:丰富的空间结构、不确... "灰空间"也称过渡空间,其理论思想集中于建筑内外空间的连接与过渡,在空间序列组织中起着过渡、连接、分隔、衬托的作用。以园林景观灰空间作为研究对象,总结园林景观"灰空间"的3个重要特征:丰富的空间结构、不确定的空间形态及其与周围空间结合的紧密性。并以此作为研究框架,主要采用案例分析的方法,进一步探讨了灰空间的结构组织形式、灰空间形态及其空间外延性,旨在发挥其空间角色上的重要作用,为园林景观空间设计提供一些参考和建议。 展开更多
关键词 风景园林 “灰空间” 空间结构 空间形态 空间外延性
浅析园林景观设计中的“灰空间”形式 被引量:8
作者 景峰 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2011年第8期130-133,共4页
关键词 “灰空间” 表现形式 园林景观设计
城市形象建构下的城市立交系统“灰空间”优化设计策略 被引量:7
作者 饶鉴 余金珂 《建筑与文化》 2020年第3期131-134,共4页
利用城市现代化立体交通系统下普遍存在的被忽略且缺乏利用和管理的"灰空间",通过优化设计并以此为传播提升城市形象的载体和媒介。本文从现代城市立交系统"灰空间"现存的主要问题入手,分析城市立交系统"灰空... 利用城市现代化立体交通系统下普遍存在的被忽略且缺乏利用和管理的"灰空间",通过优化设计并以此为传播提升城市形象的载体和媒介。本文从现代城市立交系统"灰空间"现存的主要问题入手,分析城市立交系统"灰空间"优化设计对传播城市形象的功能价值,并结合案例,分析对其的优化设计策略。通过以城市文化为基础做精准定位的前提,以及重视人为本的理念运用符号化的视觉体验,将"灰空间"作为城市的特色景观进行打造,从而提升和传播城市形象。 展开更多
关键词 城市“灰空间” 城市形象 景观设计 空间媒介
室内设计中不可忽略的要素——“灰空间” 被引量:2
作者 申明 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 北大核心 2007年第3期184-185,共2页
关键词 室内设计 “灰空间”
以学生为主导的高校建筑“灰空间”改造探索——以湖南农业大学十一教天井改造为例 被引量:2
作者 汤嘉伟 胥应龙 +1 位作者 冯烨 周晨 《美与时代(城市)》 2020年第3期22-23,共2页
"灰空间"是建筑与其外部环境之间的过渡空间,是校园环境的重要组成部分。文章通过对湖南农业大学十一教天井的改造案例,尝试分析以学生创造为主导的高校"灰空间"改造模式,为高校建筑"灰空间"改造提供新... "灰空间"是建筑与其外部环境之间的过渡空间,是校园环境的重要组成部分。文章通过对湖南农业大学十一教天井的改造案例,尝试分析以学生创造为主导的高校"灰空间"改造模式,为高校建筑"灰空间"改造提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 高校建筑 建筑“灰空间” 天井改造
作者 杨莹莹 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)工程技术》 2016年第10期156-156,共1页
“灰空间”集中于过渡与链接建筑内外部空间,能起到分隔、过渡、衬托、连接空间组织序列的作用。本文以园林景观中“灰空间”为设计研究对象,分析了“灰空间”的表现形式,阐述“灰空间”的植物表现形式,希望能为从事相关园林景观设计的... “灰空间”集中于过渡与链接建筑内外部空间,能起到分隔、过渡、衬托、连接空间组织序列的作用。本文以园林景观中“灰空间”为设计研究对象,分析了“灰空间”的表现形式,阐述“灰空间”的植物表现形式,希望能为从事相关园林景观设计的人员提高有价值的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 “灰空间” 园林景观 设计 形式
作者 郭小曼 《明日风尚》 2018年第3期16-16,共1页
'灰空间'在建筑中是一种复合空间形式,属于一种过渡的空间,空间形态相对比较模糊,但形态内涵又非常的丰富。'灰空间'建筑主要集中在建筑内外的连接和过渡空间当中,对建筑起到彼此的连接和过渡,分隔还有空间相互衬托的作... '灰空间'在建筑中是一种复合空间形式,属于一种过渡的空间,空间形态相对比较模糊,但形态内涵又非常的丰富。'灰空间'建筑主要集中在建筑内外的连接和过渡空间当中,对建筑起到彼此的连接和过渡,分隔还有空间相互衬托的作用,在实际的园林景观设计中具有重要的作用和地位。因此本文主要对'灰空间'的含义与特性进行描述,对其空间和物质表现形式进行详解和分析。 展开更多
关键词 园林景观 “灰空间” 表现形式
作者 任延 《明日风尚》 2017年第7期77-77,共1页
关键词 园林景观 “灰空间”
Laws of strata energy release and corresponding safety warning system in metal mine 被引量:5
作者 刘志祥 郭永乐 +1 位作者 刘超 卢俊华 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第11期2508-2512,共5页
The strata deformation in mining area was monitored in Dabaoshan copper-iron mine,and an analytical method of strata energy release was put forward.On the basis of chaotic theory,by reconstructing the phase space for ... The strata deformation in mining area was monitored in Dabaoshan copper-iron mine,and an analytical method of strata energy release was put forward.On the basis of chaotic theory,by reconstructing the phase space for time series data of strata energy release,the saturated embedding dimension and the correlation dimension of the dynamic system were obtained to be 4 and 1.212 8,respectively,and the evolution laws of distances between phase points of strata energy release in the phase space were revealed.With grey theory,a prediction model of strata energy release was set up,the maximum error of which was less than 6.7%.The results show that there are chaotic characters in strata energy release during mining;after reconstructing phase space,the subtle changing characteristics of energy release can be magnified,and the internal rules can be fully demonstrated.According to the laws,a warning system for strata stability in mining area was established to provide a technical safeguard for safe mining. 展开更多
关键词 strata energy release phase space reconstruction grey theory safety warning system
作者 邵文辉 《半岛新生活》 2004年第15期31-32,共2页
海信房地产公司的总建筑师陈牧野介绍,“灰空间”一词最早是由日本著名设计师黑川纪章提出的。其本意是指建筑与其外部环境之间的过渡空间,以达到室内外融和、亲近大自然的目的。现代社会人们的工作压力比较大,回到家如果面对的仍是... 海信房地产公司的总建筑师陈牧野介绍,“灰空间”一词最早是由日本著名设计师黑川纪章提出的。其本意是指建筑与其外部环境之间的过渡空间,以达到室内外融和、亲近大自然的目的。现代社会人们的工作压力比较大,回到家如果面对的仍是毫无生机的家具、家电,会日益不安、烦躁,而这种灰空间可以容纳水系、花鸟,让主人在家中就享受到大自然的气息,从而达到放松身心的作用,因此可以说,灰空间的多少直接决定了主人的生活质量。 展开更多
关键词 “灰空间” 建筑物 外部环境 生活质量 居住品质 空中花园 阳光房
Features of soil redistribution and major element migration in a karst hillslope of Southwest China 被引量:4
作者 SONG Chang-shun JI Hong-bing +3 位作者 Howard Omar BECKFORD CHU Hua-shuo ZHANG Kun WANG Shi-jie 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第9期1892-1908,共17页
In this study, we investigated the spatial characteristics of the rate of soil distribution and the mechanism of major element migration in a typical karst hillslope in Guangxi Province, Southwestern China. Soil redis... In this study, we investigated the spatial characteristics of the rate of soil distribution and the mechanism of major element migration in a typical karst hillslope in Guangxi Province, Southwestern China. Soil redistribution was examined using (137~)Cs technique under different hillslope components. With the combination of geochemical methods, the migration characteristics of major elements in soils of three hillslope components in both the horizontal and vertical directions were determined. Thirty-seven soil samples were collected and analyzed for 137 Cs and the major elements were determined. By using the profile distribution model the mean soil redistribution rates were found to be-17.01, 0.40 and-23.30t ha-1 yr-1 in the summit(BYSD), shoulder(BYSY) and toeslope(BYSJ) components of the studied hillslope, respectively. In comparison to BYSD, the sesquioxides of Fe_2O_3 and TiO_2 tend to be enriched, whereas the alkalis(CaO, MgO, Na_2O and K_2O) tend to be depleted, both in the shoulder and toeslope components. Due to human and animal activities, the contents of CaO, MgO, K_2O and Na_2O have somewhat increased within the topsoil. The results indicated that (137~)Cs activities are significantly correlated with clay particles and organic matter, and are affected by the pedogenic process and vegatation. Overall, it maybe necessary to use techniques such as (137~)Cs to investigate soil erosion with the combination of geochemical methods. 展开更多
关键词 137Cs KARST Hillslope components Soilerosion Major element migration
Underwater sonar image recognition based on gray-spatial histograms
作者 LIU Zhuo-fu, SANG En-fang School of Underwater Acoustic Engineering, Harbin Engineering University, Harbin 150001, China 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2003年第1期49-52,共4页
A new gray-spatial histogram is proposed, which incorporates spatial informatio n with gray compositions without sacrificing the robustness of traditional gray histograms. The purpose is to consider the representation... A new gray-spatial histogram is proposed, which incorporates spatial informatio n with gray compositions without sacrificing the robustness of traditional gray histograms. The purpose is to consider the representation role of gray compositi ons and spatial information simultaneously. Each entry in the gray-spatial hist ogram is the gray frequency and corresponding position information of images. In the experiments of sonar image recognition, the results show that the gray-spa tial histogram is effective in practical use. 展开更多
关键词 spatial information sonar image recognition gray histogram gray-spatial histogram
Incoherently Coupled Grey-Grey Spatial Soliton Pairs in Biased Two-Photon Photovoltaic Photorefractive Crystals 被引量:1
作者 苏艳丽 姜其畅 吉选芒 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第5期943-946,共4页
The incoherently coupled grey-grey screening-photovoltaic spatial soliton pairs are predicted in biased two-photon photovoltaic photorefractive crystals under steady-state conditions. These grey-grey screening-photovo... The incoherently coupled grey-grey screening-photovoltaic spatial soliton pairs are predicted in biased two-photon photovoltaic photorefractive crystals under steady-state conditions. These grey-grey screening-photovoltaic soliton pairs can be established provided that the incident beams have the same polarization, wavelength, and are mutually incoherent. The grey-grey screening-photovoltaic soliton pairs can be considered as the united form of grey- grey screening soliton pairs and open or closed-circuit grey-grey photovoltaic soliton pairs. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear optics two-photon photorefractive effect grey-grey soliton pairs
Neural Network Applications in Petroleum Exploration Based on Statistical Space Mapping
作者 XU Zheng-guang HAO Qing-mei WANG Shu-sheng WANG Zhi-liang 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2005年第3期247-250,共4页
In this paper, we propose the statistical space mapping thought and classify the seismic body space throughlithology space clustering combining to the actual application background of petroleum exploration. A new meth... In this paper, we propose the statistical space mapping thought and classify the seismic body space throughlithology space clustering combining to the actual application background of petroleum exploration. A new method ofstratum petroleum recognition based on neural network was set up through the foundation of the data mapping relationbetween log and seismic body. It can break a new path for recognition petroleum using both log and seismic data. Andthis method has been validated in the practical data analysis in Liaohe oil field. 展开更多
关键词 petroleum exploration space mapping gray system theory lithology differentiation criterion seismic data log data
地铁车站对已建建筑改造的空间利用——以长株潭西环线湘潭北站为例 被引量:3
作者 田佳 《运输经理世界》 2022年第23期4-6,共3页
为解决已建建筑现有条件对新建地铁项目流线的制约问题,以长株潭西环线湘潭北站对高铁湘潭北站站前交通枢纽的改造为例,对已建建筑空间进行研究,打开常规思路,将室内外空间重新定义,引入“灰空间”的概念,既保障了改造后流线的通畅,也... 为解决已建建筑现有条件对新建地铁项目流线的制约问题,以长株潭西环线湘潭北站对高铁湘潭北站站前交通枢纽的改造为例,对已建建筑空间进行研究,打开常规思路,将室内外空间重新定义,引入“灰空间”的概念,既保障了改造后流线的通畅,也对已建建筑改造影响最小。 展开更多
关键词 地铁车站 建筑设计 “灰空间” 消防
Dust levitation and transport over the surface of the Moon 被引量:3
作者 LI Lei ZHANG YiTeng +1 位作者 ZHOU Bin FENG YongYong 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第10期2053-2061,2060-2061,共9页
Exposed to space plasma and solar radiation, electrostatic potential may build up in the lunar regolith, leading to a wealth of dust phenomena, including levitation, oscillation, and transport over the surface. Based ... Exposed to space plasma and solar radiation, electrostatic potential may build up in the lunar regolith, leading to a wealth of dust phenomena, including levitation, oscillation, and transport over the surface. Based on plasma sheath theory,the global near-surface plasma environment is modeled, and the dynamics of charged dust are investigated. Results show that sub-micron sized dust particles can be levitated by the electric field over the surface, forming a dust belt that changes in position and thickness depending on the solar zenith angle. On the dayside of the Moon, stably levitated particles are about ten times smaller, and collect in a thinner belt closer to the surface than do those on the nightside. Although the size and charge of stably levitated dust particles are dependent on ambient plasma conditions, initial charge and velocity, which are closely related to the dynamics of dust particles including charging, oscillation, and damping, will determine whether, or not, a particle can attain stable levitation. Horizontal electrostatic dust transport near to the terminator region may lead to net deposition of dust from the dark into the sunlit hemisphere. Finally, because of different charging processes that result due to rotation of the Moon, before precipitation,dust particles in the dusk terminator region may be transported much longer distances and oscillate to much higher altitude than these in the dawn terminator. 展开更多
关键词 MOON Lunar dust Dust particle dynamics Electrostatic levitation
A two-stage parametric subspace model for efficient contrast-preserving decolorization 被引量:2
作者 Hong-yang LU Qie-gen LIU +1 位作者 Yu-hao WANG Xiao-hua DENG 《Frontiers of Information Technology & Electronic Engineering》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第11期1874-1882,共9页
The RGB2GRAY conversion model is the most popular and classical tool for image decolorization. A recent study showed that adapting the three weighting parameters in this first-order linear model with a discrete search... The RGB2GRAY conversion model is the most popular and classical tool for image decolorization. A recent study showed that adapting the three weighting parameters in this first-order linear model with a discrete searching solver has a great potential in its c6nversion ability. In this paper, we present a two-step strategy to efficiently extend the parameter searching solver to a two-order multivariance polynomial model, as a sum of three subspaces. We show that the first subspace in the two-order model is the most important and the second one can be seen as a refinement. In the first stage of our model, the gradient correlation similarity (Gcs) measure is used on the first subspace to obtain an immediate grayed image. Then, Gcs is applied again to select the optimal result from the immettiate grayed image plus the second subspace-induced candidate images. Experimental results show the advantages of the proposed approach in terms of quantitative evaluation, qualitative evaluation, and algorithm complexity. 展开更多
关键词 Color-to-gray conversion Subspace modeling Two-order polynomial model Gradient correlation similarity Discrete searching
Pore scale simulation of liquid and gas two-phase flow based on digital core technology 被引量:13
作者 ZHANG Lei KANG QinJun +4 位作者 YAO Jun GAO Ying SUN ZhiXue LIU HaiHu VALOCCHI Albert J. 《Science China(Technological Sciences)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第8期1375-1384,共10页
Two-phase flow in two digital cores is simulated by the color-gradient lattice Boltzmann method.This model can be applied totwo-phase flow with high-density ratio(on order of 1000).The first digital core is an artific... Two-phase flow in two digital cores is simulated by the color-gradient lattice Boltzmann method.This model can be applied totwo-phase flow with high-density ratio(on order of 1000).The first digital core is an artificial sandstone core,and itsthree-dimensional gray model is obtained by Micro-CT scanning.The gray scale images are segmented into discrete phases(solid particles and pore space) by the Otsu algorithm.The second one is a digital core of shale,which is reconstructed usingMarkov Chain Monte Carlo method with segmented SEM scanning image as input.The wettability of solid wall and relativepermeability of a cylindrical tube are simulated to verify the model.In the simulations of liquid and gas two phase flow in digital cores,density ratios of 100,200,500 and 1000 between liquid and gas are chosen.Based on the gas distribution in the digital core at different times,it is found that the fingering phenomenon is more salient at high density ratio.With the density ratioincreasing,the displacement efficiency decreases.Besides,due to numerous small pores in the shale,the displacement efficiency is over 20% less than that in the artificial sandstone and the difference is even about 30% when density ratio is greaterthan 500.As the density ratio increases,the gas saturation decreases in big pores,and even reaches zero in some small pores orbig pores with small throats.Residual liquid mainly distributes in the small pores and the edge of big pores due to the wettability of liquid.Liquid recovery can be enhanced effectively by decreasing its viscosity. 展开更多
关键词 pore scale digital core liquid and gas two-phase lattice Boltzmann method SHALE
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