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《乐记》中的“物感”说 被引量:1
作者 张桂琴 王惠丹 《辽宁师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2008年第3期93-95,共3页
《乐记》总结了先秦"物"、"情"关系在哲学及创作上的认识,体现了汉代哲学和创作关照下的"物"、"情"的关系特色,并率先在理论上阐释了"物感"说,对"物感"说的发展成熟起到... 《乐记》总结了先秦"物"、"情"关系在哲学及创作上的认识,体现了汉代哲学和创作关照下的"物"、"情"的关系特色,并率先在理论上阐释了"物感"说,对"物感"说的发展成熟起到了决定性的作用。 展开更多
关键词 音乐 情感 文学创作 “物”说
白居易的“物感”说 被引量:4
作者 贾文昭 《江淮论坛》 CSSCI 1997年第6期78-84,共7页
关键词 “物”说 居易 自然景 “穷而后工” 《唯主义和经验批判主义》 能动作用 《文心雕龙》 主导作用 “物 社会生活
“物感”说与陈世骧“抒情传统”论反思 被引量:1
作者 李自雄 《中州学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期142-150,共9页
陈世骧“抒情传统”论从西方浪漫主义的文学抒情观出发,对中国文学传统做出自我个体的内心自白与倾诉的言说与解读。西方浪漫主义的文学抒情观以其主体性哲学为基础,认为情感的表达与抒发并不缘于心物感应的自然触发,而是主体的自我表现... 陈世骧“抒情传统”论从西方浪漫主义的文学抒情观出发,对中国文学传统做出自我个体的内心自白与倾诉的言说与解读。西方浪漫主义的文学抒情观以其主体性哲学为基础,认为情感的表达与抒发并不缘于心物感应的自然触发,而是主体的自我表现,这与建立在中国传统气类感应哲学基础之上的“物感”说有本质不同。陈世骧“抒情传统”论对中国文学传统做出的言说与解读实际上是一种西方理论话语的预设及推演,造成对中国文学“感物兴发”的情感表达特点及传统的误解与误读,并有违中国文学史事实。这使其学说缺乏文学史实的有力支撑,而最终走向自身理论的瓦解。中国文学传统研究应该基于对中国传统话语体系及文学史事实的准确理解和深刻把握,而不是仅仅从某种先在预设的西方理论话语做出推演,这是陈世骧“抒情传统”论及其“汉学主义”理论范式的问题与误区所在。联系中国传统的“物感”说,反思与检视陈世骧“抒情传统”论的问题得失,有助于我们深化对中国文学传统的正确理解与认识。 展开更多
关键词 “物”说 陈世骧 “抒情传统”论 汉学主义 中国文学传统
作者 李晨 《河北北方学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第3期46-48,共3页
关键词 “物”说 “同型论” “心理场” “物理场”
“物哀”与“物感”——中日文艺审美观念比较 被引量:27
作者 姜文清 《日本研究》 CSSCI 1997年第2期72-78,共7页
“物哀”与“物感”———中日文艺审美观念比较南开大学日本研究中心姜文清一、对“物哀”论与“物哀”文艺表现的概述“物哀”是日本传统审美意识中的一个重要观念,其基本的含义是:在日常生活及艺术创造、艺术欣赏中,外在物象和主... “物哀”与“物感”———中日文艺审美观念比较南开大学日本研究中心姜文清一、对“物哀”论与“物哀”文艺表现的概述“物哀”是日本传统审美意识中的一个重要观念,其基本的含义是:在日常生活及艺术创造、艺术欣赏中,外在物象和主体内在情感意绪相融合,而生成的“情... 展开更多
关键词 “物哀” 《源氏语》 “物”说 审美观念 中日文 情感表现 《古今集》 《文选》 紫式部
“情感折射”与“感物兴怀”:中西方表现理论之同异 被引量:1
作者 王睿 《赤峰学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2011年第8期112-114,共3页
西方浪漫主义文学理论形象地把文学比喻为"镜与灯",作家就是不断在镜里模仿、在灯中表现的创造者;中国的文学批评传统则崇尚情感的自然表达与表现,以期实现"物我合一"。中西两种诗学均侧重情感的自然流露,同时也各... 西方浪漫主义文学理论形象地把文学比喻为"镜与灯",作家就是不断在镜里模仿、在灯中表现的创造者;中国的文学批评传统则崇尚情感的自然表达与表现,以期实现"物我合一"。中西两种诗学均侧重情感的自然流露,同时也各有其特点。 展开更多
关键词 “灯”理论 “物”说 同异
心物感应:诗歌生成的独特表述 被引量:1
作者 毛正天 《湖北民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1991年第4期11-16,21,共7页
诗是人类审美意识的表现。审美意识来自于何处呢?在主体心中?还是在客观物本身?用得上苏东坡那首《琴诗》作喻:“若言琴上有琴声,放在匣中何不鸣?若言声在指头上,何不于君指上听?”任何分割孤立的解释都说不通,它来自于主体与客体的审... 诗是人类审美意识的表现。审美意识来自于何处呢?在主体心中?还是在客观物本身?用得上苏东坡那首《琴诗》作喻:“若言琴上有琴声,放在匣中何不鸣?若言声在指头上,何不于君指上听?”任何分割孤立的解释都说不通,它来自于主体与客体的审美关系中,是主体心灵与客体物象碰撞中所闪爆的灵光,是主客体微妙关系所结出的智慧之果。令人惊异的是,源起于两千年前的中国古代心理诗学已对之作出最恰当的独特的概括表述:来自于心物的审美感应。 展开更多
关键词 感应 “物 “物”说 诗歌 刘勰 吐纳 感发 审美感应 应感 式样
“物感”说与中国早期文艺美学思想 被引量:3
作者 范英梅 《文艺评论》 CSSCI 2015年第3期70-76,共7页
“物感”说是我国文艺创作理论的基础,是我国区别于西方的独特的理论,后来的“神思”论、“意境”论是都在此基础上形成的。张晶通过与西方文艺创作的“神赐”论、“天才”论、“灵感”论的对比指出:“中国古代关于艺术思维或者说‘... “物感”说是我国文艺创作理论的基础,是我国区别于西方的独特的理论,后来的“神思”论、“意境”论是都在此基础上形成的。张晶通过与西方文艺创作的“神赐”论、“天才”论、“灵感”论的对比指出:“中国古代关于艺术思维或者说‘神思’的来源、动因的论述则不然。它们一开始就是建立在‘感物而动’的基座上,中国的‘神思’论一直是以心与物或云主客体之间的彼此触遇为其发生动因的。这从汉代的《礼记·乐记》,到清代的诗画理论,都将‘感物而动’作为艺术思维发生的动因所系……魏晋南北朝时期的文学艺术创作论,基本上都是从‘感物而动’的命题来阐释灵感的来源和动因的。 展开更多
关键词 文艺美学思想 “物”说 中国早期 魏晋南北朝时期 “神思” 艺术思维 “灵感” 创作理论
作者 杨琼 《法制与经济》 2018年第1期101-103,共3页
冷冻胚胎是在体外受精、胚胎移植这种辅助生殖技术应用过程中产生的,随着技术的广泛应用,实践中有关冷冻胚胎的权利归属及权利行使的纠纷也越来越多。目前我国对于冷冻胚胎的性质有"人"说、"物"说、中间说三种观点... 冷冻胚胎是在体外受精、胚胎移植这种辅助生殖技术应用过程中产生的,随着技术的广泛应用,实践中有关冷冻胚胎的权利归属及权利行使的纠纷也越来越多。目前我国对于冷冻胚胎的性质有"人"说、"物"说、中间说三种观点,文章认为,"人"说与"物"说都面临其无法回避的困境,基于哲学基础、保护冷冻胚胎、合理处理成功移植并孕育子女后剩余的胚胎、我国国情以及我国的立法趋势等角度加以考虑,中间说更有利于实现法律价值,解决社会问题。 展开更多
关键词 冷冻胚胎 “人”说 “物”说 中间
从“物感”说看中国诗学情景关系的生成 被引量:1
作者 马连菊 陈向春 《社会科学战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第5期151-158,共8页
魏晋南北朝时期,情景的诗学概念很少同时出现,是否意味着此时期情景诗论还未进入学者的批评视野呢?从字源考证可知,魏晋时期"物"字指"景物"之义是比较普遍的,因此关于情景关系的生成论大多是在"物感"说... 魏晋南北朝时期,情景的诗学概念很少同时出现,是否意味着此时期情景诗论还未进入学者的批评视野呢?从字源考证可知,魏晋时期"物"字指"景物"之义是比较普遍的,因此关于情景关系的生成论大多是在"物感"说的讨论中进行的。首先,情由景生论主张情感源于景物感应而产生,这种观点是当时学者的共识;其次,此时期学者认为情景在"观物"的过程中进入到互相交融的构思阶段,诗人将自己的感情投射到景物之中,细腻地观察感知外在景色与自己感情相互契合的交汇点,从而在思绪中形成各种情景相生的艺术形象;最后,从"体物"角度出发,学者主张人的情感借助写景描物表达出来,进入情以辞发的创作阶段。以陆机、刘勰及钟嵘为主的评论家不仅分析了情景关系中情由景生的情感生成论,也探讨了以情观景、情景交融互动的构思论,进而提出景如何借助情辞表达以形成诗歌的创作论。总之,此时期关于情景关系的生成论是在"物感"说的自觉演变和拓展中渐趋形成的。 展开更多
关键词 “物”说 情景生成 情由景生 情景交融 情以辞发
作者 朱丽卉 《理论界》 2013年第9期145-147,共3页
日本在汲取汉文学的基础上提出了属于自己的文学理论,也就是本居宣长的"物哀说"。虽然本居宣长将其作为日本原创的理论,但实际上,它深深受到中国文学理论的影响,尤其是魏晋时期的宫体诗以及晚明至清朝时期以情、欲为主的文学... 日本在汲取汉文学的基础上提出了属于自己的文学理论,也就是本居宣长的"物哀说"。虽然本居宣长将其作为日本原创的理论,但实际上,它深深受到中国文学理论的影响,尤其是魏晋时期的宫体诗以及晚明至清朝时期以情、欲为主的文学变革。本居宣长所谓的"物哀",实际上是抛弃了伦理化和社会化的主题,强调主情和个人主义的感物兴叹。 展开更多
关键词 日本“物”说 主情 爱欲 伦理
作者 高彪 《濮阳职业技术学院学报》 2011年第5期89-91,共3页
对于诗歌创作的缘起这样一个问题,钟嵘的《诗品序》在继承前人"物感"说的同时,在理论上鲜明地提出了"人际感荡"说;认为诗歌的创作一方面根源于外物的感化,另一方面根源于社会人事的影响。对此二者,钟嵘更倾向于后者... 对于诗歌创作的缘起这样一个问题,钟嵘的《诗品序》在继承前人"物感"说的同时,在理论上鲜明地提出了"人际感荡"说;认为诗歌的创作一方面根源于外物的感化,另一方面根源于社会人事的影响。对此二者,钟嵘更倾向于后者,强调社会人事对于诗歌的影响,强调在社会中遭遇困厄穷愁的个体"吟咏情性",抒发个体在社会中体认的独特情感,尤其是怨情的抒发。 展开更多
关键词 “物”说 “人际感荡”说 性情
Histopathological comparison of topical therapy modalities for acute radiation proctitis in an experimental rat model 被引量:19
作者 Cagatay Korkut Oktar Asoglu +4 位作者 Murat Aksoy Yersu Kapran Hatice Bilge Nese Kiremit-Korkut Mesut Parlak 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第30期4879-4883,共5页
AIM: To evaluate the prevalent topical therapeutic modalities available for the treatment of acute radiation proctitis compared to formalin. METHODS: A total of 120 rats were used. Four groups (n = 30) were analyz... AIM: To evaluate the prevalent topical therapeutic modalities available for the treatment of acute radiation proctitis compared to formalin. METHODS: A total of 120 rats were used. Four groups (n = 30) were analyzed with one group for each of the following applied therapy modalities: control, mesalazine, formalin, betamethasone, and misoprostol. A single fraction of 17.5 Gy was delivered to each rat. The rats in control group rats were given saline, and the rats in the other three groups received appropriate enemas twice a day beginning on the first day after the irradiation until the day of euthanasia. On d 5, 10, and 15, ten rats from each group were euthanized and a pathologist who was unaware of treatment assignment examined the rectums using a scoring system. RESULTS: The histopathologic scores for surface epithelium, glands (crypts) and lamina propria stroma of the rectums reached their maximum level on d 10. The control and formalin groups had the highest and mesalazine had the lowest, respectively on d 10. On the 15^th d, mesalazine, betamethasone, and misoprostol had the lowest scores of betamethasone. CONCLUSION: Mesalazine, betamethasone, and misoprostol are the best topical agents for radiation proctitis and formalin has an inflammatory effect and should not be used. 展开更多
作者 张家钊 《思想战线》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第2期29-33,共5页
毛泽东与中国古典诗学张家钊中国古典诗学包括古代诗论、文论、乐论、以及小说理论和戏曲理论,它源远流长而内容丰富。从先秦时期《尚书·尧典》提出“诗言志”这一著名的诗学纲领,到二十世纪初王国维的《人间词话》,中国古典诗... 毛泽东与中国古典诗学张家钊中国古典诗学包括古代诗论、文论、乐论、以及小说理论和戏曲理论,它源远流长而内容丰富。从先秦时期《尚书·尧典》提出“诗言志”这一著名的诗学纲领,到二十世纪初王国维的《人间词话》,中国古典诗学已有二千多年的历史,形成了丰富的古代... 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东 中国古典诗学 “物”说 革命文艺 毛泽东文艺思想 马克思主义 文艺与生活 文艺观 文艺创作 批判继承
作者 潘连根 《远程教育杂志》 1995年第5期19-21,共3页
陆机(公元261—303年)是西晋时代著名的文学评论家。他的《文赋》不仅是一篇极好的赋体文学作品,更是我国古代最早研究文学创作的名篇之一。在这篇文学理论文章里,他比较系统全面地探讨了文学创作的规律,并有一定的创见,在我国文学理论... 陆机(公元261—303年)是西晋时代著名的文学评论家。他的《文赋》不仅是一篇极好的赋体文学作品,更是我国古代最早研究文学创作的名篇之一。在这篇文学理论文章里,他比较系统全面地探讨了文学创作的规律,并有一定的创见,在我国文学理论发展史上具有十分重要的作用。然而,对于这篇重要文论,有人大致肯定,有人基本否定,褒贬不一。笔者认为,对于《文赋》应辩证地加以评价,既要看到它的进步性,又要看到它的局限性。 展开更多
关键词 《文赋》 进步性 陆机 文学创作 诗缘情而绮靡 文学理论 “物”说 文学表达 艺术构思 主义
A Study of Parody in The Adventures of Augie March
作者 YANG Chun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第2期168-172,共5页
The Adventures of Augie March (2006) has been approached from various perspectives by critics since its publication. It has been studied from the point of view of culture, religion, history, modernism, postmodemism,... The Adventures of Augie March (2006) has been approached from various perspectives by critics since its publication. It has been studied from the point of view of culture, religion, history, modernism, postmodemism, and various schools of literary theories, while the use of parody in this novel was comparatively ignored. Through close reading of the novel, the present study finds that in one of his important novels, The Adventures of Augie March, by the use of parody of Augie's opposition to various influences with Jacob's fight with God, Saul Bellow successfully presents Augie as an image sticking stubbornly to "truth, love, peace, bounty, usefulness, harmony" and saying perpetually "no" to persuaders of all kinds of immoral influences, thus providing a more comprehensive reading of the novel. 展开更多
关键词 PARODY The Adventures of Augie March Saul Bellow
Comparative study of histopathology changes between the PS1/APP double transgenic mouse model and Aβ_(1-40)-injected rat model of Alzheimer disease 被引量:7
作者 Da-Bing LI Jun TANG +3 位作者 Xiao-Tang FAN Min SONG Hai-Wei XU Yun BAI 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第1期52-57,共6页
Objective To identify the genetype of the PS1/APP double transgenie mouse model, then to analyse the histopathological changes in the brain and compare the differences between the transgenie mice models and Aβ1-40-in... Objective To identify the genetype of the PS1/APP double transgenie mouse model, then to analyse the histopathological changes in the brain and compare the differences between the transgenie mice models and Aβ1-40-injeeted rats models of Alzheimer disease. Methods The modified congo red staining, Nissl's staining and immunohistology staining was used to observe the Aβ deposits, activation of astrocyte respectively. Results ①The PS1/APP transgenic mouse extensively displayed Aβ deposits in the cortex and hippocampal structures, and GFAP positive cells were aggregated in mass and surrounded the congo red-positive plaque. ②The Aβ1-40-intrahippocmnpal-injeeted rat model showed the Aβ plaque deposits in the dentate gyrus of the hippocampus, with the astrocyte surrounded. The neurons loss was significant in the injection point and pin hole of injection with Nissl's staining methods. GFAP-positive cells increased significantly compared with the uninjected lateral of the hippocampus. Conclusion Although Aβ1-40-injected rat models could simulate some characteristic pathological features of human Alzheimer diseases, Aβ deposits and neurons loss in partial hippocampal, it would not simulate the progressive degenenration in the brain of AD. The double transgenie PS1/APP mice could simulate the specific pathogenesis and progressive changes of AD, mainly is Aβ deposits and the spongiocyte response , while no neurons loss were observed in this model. 展开更多
关键词 Alzheimer disease transgenic mouse RAT Β-AMYLOID
Hypotheses explaining cancer metastasis
作者 Haijuan Wang Chen Lin Haili Qian 《The Chinese-German Journal of Clinical Oncology》 CAS 2012年第12期689-690,共2页
Cancer metastasis is the most important factor causing patients death. Cancer diseases will be controllable if metastasis does not happen. Concerning the mechanism of cancer metastasis, there are still many points to ... Cancer metastasis is the most important factor causing patients death. Cancer diseases will be controllable if metastasis does not happen. Concerning the mechanism of cancer metastasis, there are still many points to be clarified. Currently, the mechanism of cancer metastasis has been explained from several aspects of its biological behaviors. Here we briefly summarized some newly-developed metastasis models to provide a global glance at this topic. 展开更多
关键词 METASTASIS cancer stem cells DORMANCY epithelial-mesenchymal transition
Vital effects of K isotope fractionation in organisms: observations and a hypothesis 被引量:8
作者 Weiqiang Li 《Acta Geochimica》 EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期374-378,共5页
Compared with the measureable but limited K isotope variation in geological samples,biological samples have much larger variations in δ^41 values:from-1.3‰ to+1.1‰ relative to the international K standard NIST SR... Compared with the measureable but limited K isotope variation in geological samples,biological samples have much larger variations in δ^41 values:from-1.3‰ to+1.1‰ relative to the international K standard NIST SRM 3141a.Notably,higher plants generally have δ^41 values that are lower than igneous rocks,whereas sea plants(algae)have δ^41 values that are higher than seawater;the range in δ^41K values of plants encompasses the δ^41 values of both igneous rocks and seawater.Plant cells utilize different K uptake mechanisms in response to highand low-K conditions.In a low-K environment,plant cells use energy-consuming ion pumps for active uptake of K;plant cells in high-K environments use non-energy-consuming ion channels.Based on these facts and on K isotope data from sea and land plants,it is hypothesized that the different K uptake mechanisms are accompanied by distinct K isotope fractionation behaviors or vital effects.The enrichment of light K isotopes in terrestrial plants could be attributed to preferential transport of isotopically light K in the energy-consuming active uptake process by K ion pumps in the membranes of plant root cells.On the other hand,the enrichment of heavy K isotopes in algae may be caused by a combination of the lack of K isotope fractionation during K uptake from seawater via ion channels and the preferential efflux of light K isotopes across the cell membrane back to the seawater.The large variation of K isotope compositions in biological samples therefore may reflect the diversity of isotopic vital effects for K in organisms,which implies the great potential of K isotopes in biogeochemical studies. 展开更多
关键词 K isotopes Isotope fractionation Vital effects
The Particularity of Identity in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call
作者 Alhaj Mohammad Sumaya 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2014年第9期707-713,共7页
This study explores the intricate situation of the coexistence of different identities in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call (1996). It contends that identity is complex, flux, and not limited to what is inherited; it i... This study explores the intricate situation of the coexistence of different identities in Amin Maalouf' s Ports of Call (1996). It contends that identity is complex, flux, and not limited to what is inherited; it is rather a psychological, political, and social amalgamation. Thus, each individual has a unique and particular identity, which is completely different from the others'. This study is a theoretical and analytical survey of Maalouf's Ports of Call. It aims at proving that this novel is an example that Maalouf provides to show the challenges that characters of different identities face, and the obstacles that hinder them from assimilation. The argument is mainly based on Edward Said's theories that have opened up discussions about Otherness and multiculturalism, alongside with other postcolonial critics, such as Homi Bhabha. Maalouf's book In the Name of Identity: Violence and the Need to Belong (1996) is also integral to this study. The study concludes that it might be possible for people, in parallel with the characters of the novel, to challenge the identity predicament that the world is witnessing nowadays, and accept diversities as a way of life, rather than a reason for waging wars. 展开更多
关键词 Amin Maalouf Ports of Call IDENTITY MULTICULTURALISM
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