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中外合作大学应当成为中国高等教育改革的一个“特区” 被引量:3
作者 喻立森 《教育科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期58-62,共5页
中外合作大学应当成为中国高等教育改革的一个"特区"。其涵义是"特"在教育观念上,是"特"在优质资源上,是"特"在自主办学上;其原因是各国高等教育发展需要寻求"新型"模式,是中国高等... 中外合作大学应当成为中国高等教育改革的一个"特区"。其涵义是"特"在教育观念上,是"特"在优质资源上,是"特"在自主办学上;其原因是各国高等教育发展需要寻求"新型"模式,是中国高等教育改革需要引入"竞争"机制,是中外合作大学建设需要承担"先行"使命;其路径是实行"学院制"的大学管理制度,是构建"治学式"的学生学习体系,是创新"客观性"的教育评价方法。 展开更多
关键词 中外合作大学 高等教育改革“特区” 涵义 原因 路径
马克思主义中国化视阈下的中共“特区”理论与实践 被引量:1
作者 王有红 《西北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2013年第6期49-54,共6页
"特区"理论与实践是中共在革命和建设年代推进马克思主义中国化的独特方式,其演变经历了从自发、自主到自觉的三个阶段。以主体性与实践性向度观照"特区"理论与实践,能够发现以马克思主义中国化为旨趣的内核贯穿其... "特区"理论与实践是中共在革命和建设年代推进马克思主义中国化的独特方式,其演变经历了从自发、自主到自觉的三个阶段。以主体性与实践性向度观照"特区"理论与实践,能够发现以马克思主义中国化为旨趣的内核贯穿其中。因此,探讨马克思主义中国化视域下的中共"特区"理论与实践对进一步总结经验教训,发展中国化马克思主义理论和中国特色社会主义事业具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 马克思主义中国化 “特区”理论 主体性 实践性
作者 买雪燕 洪成文 王钰金 《高等理科教育》 2024年第1期57-64,共8页
振兴西北高等教育是贯彻落实党的二十大报告关于教育、科技、人才三位一体建设的重要内容。文章以“粤港澳大湾区”高等教育集群式发展为借鉴,提出建立西北高等教育“特区模式”的必要性和可行性,对其面临的区域性国家政策支持和地方政... 振兴西北高等教育是贯彻落实党的二十大报告关于教育、科技、人才三位一体建设的重要内容。文章以“粤港澳大湾区”高等教育集群式发展为借鉴,提出建立西北高等教育“特区模式”的必要性和可行性,对其面临的区域性国家政策支持和地方政府投入有限、区域内学科建设与产业发展耦合度不高、外部环境对西部高校人才建设的冲击等不利因素进行了回应与分析,提出优化顶层政策设计和加大高等教育投入,增强产业升级贡献度和构建人才共享机制等对策,以期为振兴西北高等教育,促进区域经济社会高质量发展,推动西北地区共同富裕提供“靶向治疗”的重要依据。 展开更多
关键词 西北高等教育 “特区模式” 学科建设
在三江源国家公园设立生态畜牧业特区的可行性研究 被引量:2
作者 李明 吕潇俭 +1 位作者 曹佳俊 田万霞 《青海民族大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期7-12,共6页
三江源地区传统畜牧业到底如何发展,如何处理好畜牧业发展与生态保护之间的关系,如何用生态观来指导草原畜牧业发展,是三江源生态保护以及三江源国家公园建设中必须要处理好的一个现实问题。把握新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格... 三江源地区传统畜牧业到底如何发展,如何处理好畜牧业发展与生态保护之间的关系,如何用生态观来指导草原畜牧业发展,是三江源生态保护以及三江源国家公园建设中必须要处理好的一个现实问题。把握新发展阶段,贯彻新发展理念,构建新发展格局,在三江源国家公园设立生态畜牧业特区具有特殊的战略考量,通过治理理念、治理机制、治理手段的创新以及对现有政策、项目资金进行系统整合能够稳步推进生态畜牧业特区建设,以达到用生态滋养畜牧业、用畜牧业反哺生态的目的。 展开更多
关键词 “特区” 三江源 三江源国家公园 生态畜牧业特区
浅谈特区经济导航库的建设 被引量:1
作者 赵小娟 《情报科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第9期957-959,共3页
文章以特区经济导航库建设为例 ,对学科导航库建设中信息的选择标准、信息采集的方法与途径、信息的整理与分类等方面进行了探讨 。
关键词 深圳市 高校 图书馆 地方经济 “特区经济导航库” 经济信息 信息收集 信息整理 信息分类 信息检索 学科建设
作者 陆英英 《鹭江职业大学学报》 2002年第4期29-32,共4页
栏目是高校学报的窗口,它从各个方面反映学报的办刊宗旨、学术价值取向、各校的教学科研状况及地方文化特色等。栏目策划水平的高低直接影响到学报的办刊质量和特色。厦门《鹭江职业大学学报》以地域文化为背景,以改革开放的特区建设为... 栏目是高校学报的窗口,它从各个方面反映学报的办刊宗旨、学术价值取向、各校的教学科研状况及地方文化特色等。栏目策划水平的高低直接影响到学报的办刊质量和特色。厦门《鹭江职业大学学报》以地域文化为背景,以改革开放的特区建设为研究对象而设置的"特区研究"专栏,在中国加入WTO后,更具有特定的辐射功能与新的探索价值。 展开更多
关键词 学报栏目 《鹭江职业大学学报》 “特区研究”栏目 栏目策划 特色 功能 价值 学报编辑
作者 赵文秀 周庆行 《长江师范学院学报》 2009年第1期68-72,共5页
"特区试验法"作为建设有中国特色社会主义实践中形成的一种思想方法和工作方法,具有坚实的哲学依据和丰富的哲学内涵。对其发展历程、哲学基础及功能作用进行深入全面的研究,对推动我国的物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设,... "特区试验法"作为建设有中国特色社会主义实践中形成的一种思想方法和工作方法,具有坚实的哲学依据和丰富的哲学内涵。对其发展历程、哲学基础及功能作用进行深入全面的研究,对推动我国的物质文明、政治文明和精神文明建设,完善有中国特色社会主义理论体系具有重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 特区 “特区试验法” 中国特色社会主义理论
坚持“窗口”示范 促进改革开放──祝《特区经济》杂志创刊15周年
作者 黄士芳 《特区经济》 北大核心 2000年第7期55-56,共2页
关键词 “特区经济”杂志 发展 特色
《理论视野》 2000年第6期59-59,共1页
关键词 西部开发 “特区模式” 经济体制 资源优势 价格优势 区域分工 中国
“零成绩评价”:促进教师自主发展的有力推手 被引量:1
作者 张红霞 《中小学管理》 北大核心 2010年第6期13-15,共3页
关键词 教师评价 评价“特区” “零成绩评价” “十七人团队”
作者 王驰 丁炫凯 《智库理论与实践》 CSSCI 2023年第4期64-74,共11页
[目的/意义]高校智库的有效运转事关国家软实力提升、高校哲学社会科学转型,在理论上阐释其影响因素及机制具有重要意义。现有研究主要从外部智库政策推动和内生高校职能变迁给出回应,尚需探讨智库间运转差异化的作用因素及机理。[方法... [目的/意义]高校智库的有效运转事关国家软实力提升、高校哲学社会科学转型,在理论上阐释其影响因素及机制具有重要意义。现有研究主要从外部智库政策推动和内生高校职能变迁给出回应,尚需探讨智库间运转差异化的作用因素及机理。[方法/过程]“国家–高校–智库”制度情境下,梳理多学科政策配套研究,结合智库政策文本分析,构建高校母体政策配套智库建设的分析框架,运用案例研究法,实然考察样本高校智库运转。[结果/结论]研究发现,高校母体政策配套策略不同,则智库运转模式有别。“特区”型是智库实体化结合专门政策支持,“并进”型是增加二级院系智库属性,“融入”型是将智库纳入学科建设范畴。为此,建议从主管部门优化政策供给、高校母体分类精准配套、高校智库强“库”赋“智”等方面提升高校智库运转效能。 展开更多
关键词 政策配套 高校智库 运转差异化 “特区” “并进”型 “融入”型
构造新疆新经济增长极的思考——基于喀什特殊经济开发区成为增长极的构想 被引量:1
作者 居来提.色依提 苏来曼.斯拉木 《开发研究》 北大核心 2013年第2期23-25,共3页
从增长极理论出发,勾画了新疆在今后一个时期的经济增长极格局,分析了喀什成为南疆地区增长极的可能性以及其如何发挥增长极的带动作用,同时较全面地探讨了喀什作为特殊经济区如何最大限度地发挥其功能,从而带动南疆乃至全疆经济增长,... 从增长极理论出发,勾画了新疆在今后一个时期的经济增长极格局,分析了喀什成为南疆地区增长极的可能性以及其如何发挥增长极的带动作用,同时较全面地探讨了喀什作为特殊经济区如何最大限度地发挥其功能,从而带动南疆乃至全疆经济增长,以便更好地服务于南疆地区跨越式发展和全疆的长治久安。 展开更多
关键词 增长极 培育 喀什“特区”
Ecogeographical characteristics of forest soil animal in mountainous districts of the eastern China 被引量:1
作者 袁兴中 刘红 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2001年第1期63-66,共6页
In this paper ecogeographical characteristics of forest soil animal i n mountainous districts of the eastern China was analyzed, and results show that soil fauna was very rich in diversified forest habitat, moreover,... In this paper ecogeographical characteristics of forest soil animal i n mountainous districts of the eastern China was analyzed, and results show that soil fauna was very rich in diversified forest habitat, moreover, as times and spaces varied, their compositions and abundance changed obviously too. Forest so il animal decreased gradually in taxa and individual number from the tropics to cold-temperature zone, and they are higher in zonal forest habitat than in other ones on the same mountain. Forest soil animal also got gradually less with incr easing of depth in soil layer, and distributed principally in surface layer. The activities of human had strong affection on faunal composition and diversity of soil animal. On the tropics and subtropics mountains, forest soil animal are le ss in spring-summer than in autumn-winter, whereas they are more in summer-autum n than in winter-spring from warm-temperate zone to cold-temperate zone. 展开更多
关键词 Forest soil animal Faunal characteristics Ecogeographical distribution Eastern China
Cultivation Techniques for High-yield Corn in a Karst Area of Southwest Guizhou
作者 郭银萍 王永树 黄蔚 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1339-1341,共3页
The cultivation techniques for high-yield corn in a karst area of southwest Guizhou were elaborated in this research from the respects of choosing farmland, preparing farmland, picking good seeds, timely sowing, ratio... The cultivation techniques for high-yield corn in a karst area of southwest Guizhou were elaborated in this research from the respects of choosing farmland, preparing farmland, picking good seeds, timely sowing, rational close planting, im-proving the quality of planting, mulching, scientific fertilization, field management, timely harvest, etc. we hoped to provide a reference for the realization of high-effi-ciency corn planting in mountain areas. 展开更多
关键词 Karst area CORN High yield Cultivation technique
Island instantaneous coastline extraction based on the characteristics of regional statistics of multispectral remote sensing image
作者 王丰 刘书明 +3 位作者 卢文虎 杜琼玮 姜伟男 刘金 《Marine Science Bulletin》 CAS 2014年第1期25-37,共13页
This study adopted IKONOS remote sensing images and selected spectral characteristic areas, through regional pixel statistics and calculating weight coefficients of each band, processed the images with the spectral no... This study adopted IKONOS remote sensing images and selected spectral characteristic areas, through regional pixel statistics and calculating weight coefficients of each band, processed the images with the spectral normalized method, which made the features of islands, land and water features more obviously in the images. On this basis, the OTUS was used to determine the optimal segmentation threshold, and the normalization image binarization was made, thus the island coastline was extracted. This method used the characteristic curve method to separate the land and water, obtained the binarization images and maintained the original edge effectively. The coastline that was extracted by Binary Morphology was continuous, reliable and high signal-to-noise ratio. The results showed that this method could extract the coastline fast, simply and effectively, which had the practical value. 展开更多
关键词 coastline extraction ISLANDS spectral characteristics of regional statisticsBinary Morphology IKONOS
Study on Soil Erosion Model Under Different Slopes in Southwest Karst Mountain Area
作者 高翔 王济 +1 位作者 蔡雄飞 胡丰青 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2013年第12期1847-1851,共5页
The aim was to further research soil erosion characteristics and accurately predict soil erosion amount in karst areas. Based on field surveys and research achievements available, yellow soils, which are widely distri... The aim was to further research soil erosion characteristics and accurately predict soil erosion amount in karst areas. Based on field surveys and research achievements available, yellow soils, which are widely distributed, were chosen as test soil samples and slope, rain intensity, vegetation coverage and bare-rock ratio were taken as soil erosion factors. Artificial rain simulation instruments (needle-type) were made use of to simulate correlation of rain intensity, vegetation coverage, and bare-rock ratio with soil erosion quantity. Furthermore, multiple-factor linear regression analysis, stepwise regression analysis and multiple-factor non-linear regression analy- sis were made to establish a multiple-factor formula of soil erosion modulus with dif- ferent slopes and select regression models with high correlation coefficients. The re- sults show that a non-linear regression model reached extremely significant level or significant level (0.692〈FF〈0.988) and linear regression model achieved significant lev- el (0.523〈FF〈0.634). The effects of erosion modulus changed from decreasing to in- creasing and the erosion factors from high to low were rain intensity, vegetation cov- erage and bare-rock ratio when slope gradient was at 6~, 16~, 26~ and 36~. The mod- el is of high accuracy for predicting gentle slope and abtupt slope, which reveals correlation of erosion modulus with erosion factors in karst areas. 展开更多
关键词 Southwest karst mountain area SLOPE Soil erosion model
Survey of the use by birds of various karst wetlands in southwestern Guangxi, southern China
作者 舒晓莲 陆舟 +3 位作者 杨岗 蒙渊君 李肇天 周放 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第4期291-305,共15页
The limestone area located in southwestern Guangxi in the south of China is part of a global biodiversity hotspot. As an important habitat of this limestone region, karst wetlands provide birds with necessary water co... The limestone area located in southwestern Guangxi in the south of China is part of a global biodiversity hotspot. As an important habitat of this limestone region, karst wetlands provide birds with necessary water conditions for their survival and reproduction. From 2007 to 2012, bird surveys were conducted in natural wetlands(pools, streams, springs and seasonal flows) in 14 nature reserves and 18 reservoirs in the limestone area of southwestern Guangxi. A total of 365 bird species were recorded in field investigations, including 103 water-dependent birds mainly seen in wetlands. Among these 103 birds, 10 species are globally threatened and 5 species have been placed under national key protection. The birds were selective in their use of the various types of karst wetlands. The number of bird species was the highest in pools and springs, with 304 and 266 respectively, followed by streams with 131 species. Reservoirs are the main wintering habitat for the large Natatores and in the rainy season the importance of seasonal flows is paramount. Seasonal changes in the utilization of karst wetlands by birds were obvious; the number of bird species in the dry season was much higher than during the rainy season. Bird migration and seasonal flows are the main reasons for seasonal variation in the number of water-dependent birds. These natural karst wetlands ensure the drinking water supply for more than 80% of the water-independent birds in the dry season. These karst wetlands are the wintering ground and stopover area for 58 species of migrant birds. At present, threats to the birds in the karst wetlands consist of illegal hunting, habitat changes and eucalyptus plantations. Karst wetlands are important for protecting biodiversity. More attention ought to be directed to these wetlands and protection efforts enhanced. 展开更多
关键词 karst wetlands limestone area BIRDS southwestern Guangxi conservation
Study on the Occurrence and Epidemic Regularity and Region Division of Rice Blast in Nanchong City 被引量:1
作者 彭昌家 白体坤 +2 位作者 丁攀 冯礼斌 杨宇衡 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第4期927-937,共11页
With the aim to improve the level of monitoring and warning as well as the comprehensive control of rice blast disease, and to feasibly reduce the disease threat in Nanchong City, the methods of GPS and GIS, systemati... With the aim to improve the level of monitoring and warning as well as the comprehensive control of rice blast disease, and to feasibly reduce the disease threat in Nanchong City, the methods of GPS and GIS, systematical monitoring and field survey, rice blast resistance identification, physiologic races of rice blast monitoring, and meteorological data analysis were performed to study the occurrence and epidemic region division, precise demarcation and occurrence and epidemic regularity of rice blast in Nanchong City. This study first completed the epidemic region division and precise demarcation; first clarified the initial affection(beginning period) locations, occurrence characteristics, epidemic trends and characteristics; explicated the existence of four epidemic peak periods of rice blast in the field, where the damage areas of first peak period played a decisive role during the blast epidemic years; in late May, the cumulative occurrence areas and annual occurrence areas presented higher positive correlation with the correlation coefficient of 0.817;and established a prediction model of occurrence areas per year based on the disease field rate at the end of boot stages and the diseased plant rate at dough stages. The results of investigation on the impact factors investigation of blast disease in Nanchong in recent years suggested that the internal causes were the decrease or loss of blast resistance of the rice cultivars, as well as the increase of physiological races with strong resistance to rice blast and the emergence of new virulent physiologic varieties; the external causes were suitable temperature, too much rainy, and sunlight shortage. Between 2010 and 2015, the short-term forecast accuracy for rice blast in Nanchong was up to 100%, and medium-and long-term forecast accuracy was also up to 98% and 95%, respectively, which increased by 5-15% than that before 1997, thereby making the control effect of rice blast in Nanchong increased by 15-30%. 展开更多
关键词 Rice Rice blast Region division Occurrence characteristics Epidemic regularity Early warning level
作者 张国平 《特区经济》 北大核心 2000年第8期56-56,共1页
关键词 “特区经济”期刊 特区建设 深圳市 编辑
Distribution characteristics and succession regulation of the forests in alpine and canyon region of western Sichuan Province, P.R.China 被引量:1
作者 向成华 杨玉坡 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期327-330,338,共4页
Since 1950, 700 plots were established in the alpine and canyon region of western Sichuan. The distribution charac-teristics and the relationships between forest succession and environmental gradients were studied. Th... Since 1950, 700 plots were established in the alpine and canyon region of western Sichuan. The distribution charac-teristics and the relationships between forest succession and environmental gradients were studied. The results showed that the main tree species were Picea and Abies in this region, and there were more than 90 forest types. Abies forests mainly dis-tributed in the middle and upper reaches of rivers and their branches, and Picea forests mainly distributed in wide valleys and on half-shaded and half-sunny slopes. The natural regeneration was poor under primitive spruce and fir forest canopy, but was good in the spruce and fire forest gap. The relationship between forest succession and vertical gradient was closely related to the relationship between forest succession procession and plant synusia under primary forests. Human activities could promote and postpone succession process. The results of expanding regeneration were often influenced by topography, vegetation and wind direction. 展开更多
关键词 Alpine and canyon region Forest succession Environmental gradients Forest gap Regeneration
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