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浅评“科学”与“玄学”的论战 被引量:1
作者 李妍 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 1996年第3期98-101,共4页
浅评“科学”与“玄学”的论战李妍五四时期是我国思想界极为活跃的历史时期。各种思想、各种流派纷纷登场,极力宣扬自己的主张,为争得思想界一席之地而不懈努力。1923—1924年间发生的“科学与玄学”的论战便是这种历史条件... 浅评“科学”与“玄学”的论战李妍五四时期是我国思想界极为活跃的历史时期。各种思想、各种流派纷纷登场,极力宣扬自己的主张,为争得思想界一席之地而不懈努力。1923—1924年间发生的“科学与玄学”的论战便是这种历史条件下的产物。它涉及学派之多、影响之广... 展开更多
关键词 科学与玄学 陈独秀 人生观 丁文江 “科玄论战” 自由意志论 “玄学派” “科学派” 马列主义 资产阶级
英国诗人邓恩的玄学派诗歌意象及其影响 被引量:10
作者 于宏伟 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第3期96-98,共3页
英国17世纪文坛出现了一个独特的诗歌流派,称为"玄学派"诗歌。英国诗人约翰·邓恩是这个流派的代表人物,他因在诗歌中精妙地运用"奇喻"的比喻手法而蜚声文坛。本文对玄学派诗歌采用的比喻手法进行分析,探究其... 英国17世纪文坛出现了一个独特的诗歌流派,称为"玄学派"诗歌。英国诗人约翰·邓恩是这个流派的代表人物,他因在诗歌中精妙地运用"奇喻"的比喻手法而蜚声文坛。本文对玄学派诗歌采用的比喻手法进行分析,探究其独特性,进而阐述玄学派诗歌对20世纪现代诗歌的影响。 展开更多
关键词 意象 “玄学派”诗歌 奇喻 现代诗歌 影响
作者 韩国良 李华锋 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2002年第5期10-12,共3页
何晏是正始玄学的实际领导者,他早年倡导绝对贵无论,晚年则转向王弼的相对贵无论,这和他与曹魏皇权的关系是密切相关的。正始玄学是中国文化发展史上一个非常重要的发展阶段,弄清正始玄学的发展线索对于我们研究中国文化的历史进程意义... 何晏是正始玄学的实际领导者,他早年倡导绝对贵无论,晚年则转向王弼的相对贵无论,这和他与曹魏皇权的关系是密切相关的。正始玄学是中国文化发展史上一个非常重要的发展阶段,弄清正始玄学的发展线索对于我们研究中国文化的历史进程意义非常之大。对正始玄学的支柱之一何晏的历史地位和思想轨迹不能客观地去评价,对正始玄学的面貌就不可能有一个全面的认识。 展开更多
关键词 何晏 思想轨迹 正始玄学 历史地位 玄学思想 王弼
作者 姜剑云 霍贵高 《保定学院学报》 2012年第6期1-11,共11页
从曹魏后期到晋宋之际,玄学经历了三个形态的变化。一是曹魏后期的"政治的玄学",二是西晋前期的"哲学的玄学",三是晋宋之际的"艺术的玄学"。以正始为代表的曹魏后期文学创作"有玄无文",以太康... 从曹魏后期到晋宋之际,玄学经历了三个形态的变化。一是曹魏后期的"政治的玄学",二是西晋前期的"哲学的玄学",三是晋宋之际的"艺术的玄学"。以正始为代表的曹魏后期文学创作"有玄无文",以太康为代表的西晋前期文学创作"有文无玄",以陶、谢为代表的晋宋之际文学创作"有文有玄"。谢灵运就生活在"艺术的玄学"的时代,他不仅重"文","情必极貌以写物,辞必穷力而追新",而且重"义",体现在诗歌创作中,就是其山水诗的"玄学尾巴"。 展开更多
关键词 晋宋“文义” 谢灵运 山水诗 玄学 “玄学尾巴”
“玄学诗人”约翰·邓恩诗歌中的“陌生化”技巧 被引量:1
作者 申玮 《湖北科技学院学报》 2015年第6期79-81,共3页
"陌生化"是形式主义文评的的重要概念,它强调带给读者新鲜的观感,强调突出事物的质感,关注艺术的具体形式。约翰·邓恩作为"玄学派"的代表,他的诗歌中既有奇思妙"想",又有奇思妙"喻",他独... "陌生化"是形式主义文评的的重要概念,它强调带给读者新鲜的观感,强调突出事物的质感,关注艺术的具体形式。约翰·邓恩作为"玄学派"的代表,他的诗歌中既有奇思妙"想",又有奇思妙"喻",他独特的艺术创作手法,与"陌生化"原则不谋而合。本文选取约翰·邓恩的《跳蚤》、《计算》和《别离辞》为研究对象,从语言、主题、意象或形象和修辞手法探讨邓恩诗歌中所运用的"陌生化"技巧。 展开更多
关键词 约翰·邓恩 “玄学派” “陌生化”
试论玄学派对艾略特早期诗歌的影响 被引量:5
作者 池玫 《福建论坛(文史哲版)》 CSSCI 1999年第4期91-93,共3页
关键词 艾略特诗歌 玄学派诗歌 早期诗歌 “玄学派” 《普鲁弗洛克的情歌》 玄学派诗人 历史意识 传统与个人才能 诗歌创作 诗歌传统
心底的象喻——试评西方玄学派诗歌及代表人物约翰·多恩 被引量:2
作者 何昌邑 《云南民族大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1991年第3期91-94,46,共5页
“玄学派诗歌”Metaphysical poetry)是这派人去世后才形成的一个术语。最初威廉·德拉蒙德(1585—1649)提出似乎存在着一批“玄学派”作家;其后,由于著名的评论家塞缪尔·约翰逊博士(1709—1784)的评价影响较大,从而使“玄学... “玄学派诗歌”Metaphysical poetry)是这派人去世后才形成的一个术语。最初威廉·德拉蒙德(1585—1649)提出似乎存在着一批“玄学派”作家;其后,由于著名的评论家塞缪尔·约翰逊博士(1709—1784)的评价影响较大,从而使“玄学派”定了名。作为古典主义的代表作家,约翰逊博士深受人文主义的影响,他认为诗歌应成为人类的朋友,作品应具有安慰的价值,其中心则应体现人的价值。他对玄学派诗歌的评价颇有贬意,批评以约翰·多恩为代表的玄学派诗人没能为读者提供直接的爱或触及感情,缺乏帮助人们忍受人生磨难的力量。 展开更多
关键词 约翰·多恩 玄学派诗歌 象喻 玄学 玄学派诗人 代表人物 流星 “玄学派” 圆规 爱情诗
作者 刘丽娟 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 1996年第4期87-89,共3页
玄学派诗人约翰·邓恩及其十四行圣诗《死神莫骄狂》刘丽娟十七世纪的英国诗人约翰·邓恩(JOhnDonne)被称为“玄学派”(TheMetaphysicalSchOOI)的鼻祖。“玄学派”指的是十七世纪初文艺复兴... 玄学派诗人约翰·邓恩及其十四行圣诗《死神莫骄狂》刘丽娟十七世纪的英国诗人约翰·邓恩(JOhnDonne)被称为“玄学派”(TheMetaphysicalSchOOI)的鼻祖。“玄学派”指的是十七世纪初文艺复兴后期以约翰·邓恩、英国宗教诗人乔治·赫伯特... 展开更多
关键词 约翰·邓恩 玄学派诗人 十四行 爱情诗 英美诗歌 圣诗 玄学比喻 玄学派诗歌 “玄学派” 文艺复兴
从居丧之礼的变化看魏晋时期孝道观的调适 被引量:4
作者 张焕君 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期57-63,共7页
居丧之礼在儒家理论中具有特殊的意义,在魏晋时期也受到格外的重视。通过丧服变除,使居丧者随着时间的流逝,约束情感,恢复正常生活,情、礼兼重的孝道观也得以形成。但在魏晋时期,由于玄学等多种因素的影响,情在礼制中的地位大为提升,逐... 居丧之礼在儒家理论中具有特殊的意义,在魏晋时期也受到格外的重视。通过丧服变除,使居丧者随着时间的流逝,约束情感,恢复正常生活,情、礼兼重的孝道观也得以形成。但在魏晋时期,由于玄学等多种因素的影响,情在礼制中的地位大为提升,逐渐成为体现孝道最重要的因素。对此过程加以考察,不仅有助于深入理解这一时期礼学与玄学的关系,也可以更清楚地看出儒家思想与社会现实之间的调适与互动。 展开更多
关键词 居丧之礼 魏晋时期 玄学 孝道
景观概念在魏晋的起源 被引量:1
作者 赵超 《南京艺术学院学报(美术与设计)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期90-95,共6页
在不同时期和不同区域,对爱的艺术表达存在极大差异。在古典艺术中,肯定古典艺术的美,但是关注更为普遍和广泛的真实,渲染出不同程度的痛感,新柏拉图主义更是强调艺术形象在何种程度上折射出灵魂的痛苦。在基督教艺术中,爱、痛感,在强... 在不同时期和不同区域,对爱的艺术表达存在极大差异。在古典艺术中,肯定古典艺术的美,但是关注更为普遍和广泛的真实,渲染出不同程度的痛感,新柏拉图主义更是强调艺术形象在何种程度上折射出灵魂的痛苦。在基督教艺术中,爱、痛感,在强烈的感性形象中保持着崇高情怀,是基督教对源自希腊文化的西方艺术传统的极大丰富。缘心感物,则是中国古代艺术和美学最重要的命题。在心与物的对流中产生意象的恍惚,这在本质上是一种以愉悦为目的的审美活动,体现出乐感气息。中西方艺术的表现性因素及其精神依据各有特色,而真正的可比之处在于谁能否跟随时代的进程转化出新的、富于生命的形式。 展开更多
关键词 “山水” “风景” “风光” “魏晋” “玄学”
嵇康《声无哀乐论》音乐理论建树的再认识 被引量:1
作者 翟东宁 《音乐创作》 北大核心 2018年第11期89-91,共3页
《声无哀乐论》是魏晋之交问世的嵇康批驳经学乐论著述。学界虽作肯定评价,但尚存补正馀地。故依据文本全面解说其论;述评嵇康对政治现实有强烈的反抗和批判意识,深厚的艺术修养和音乐实践(包括"操"琴演奏在内)基础,倚重玄学... 《声无哀乐论》是魏晋之交问世的嵇康批驳经学乐论著述。学界虽作肯定评价,但尚存补正馀地。故依据文本全面解说其论;述评嵇康对政治现实有强烈的反抗和批判意识,深厚的艺术修养和音乐实践(包括"操"琴演奏在内)基础,倚重玄学思辨立论、运用"自然之和"、"名实"、"有无"等范畴组合论证实现理论上的突破:厘清音乐在艺术创造和审美效果上有别于其他艺术之处,声响感应与哀乐之类情感指向无必然关联。 展开更多
关键词 “声无哀乐” “玄学思辨” “自然之和” “名实” “有无”
作者 李毅 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1991年第4期54-60,共7页
发生于本世纪二十年代的“科玄论战”,是马克思主义哲学派、实证主义和新儒家三方有关“中国向何处去?” 的一次思想会战.所以,它的意义远非哲学思想能涵盖,这也是今天我们重新认识它的原因之一.这场论战,名义上是主张西化的“科学派”... 发生于本世纪二十年代的“科玄论战”,是马克思主义哲学派、实证主义和新儒家三方有关“中国向何处去?” 的一次思想会战.所以,它的意义远非哲学思想能涵盖,这也是今天我们重新认识它的原因之一.这场论战,名义上是主张西化的“科学派”与主张东方化的“玄学派” 之争,实际上远不限于此.尽管双方在什么是科学,什么是科学的因果律等问题上争论不休。 展开更多
关键词 新儒家思想 马克思主义者 “科玄论战” 张君 人生观 科学与人 “科学派” 科学与玄学 “玄学派” 瞿秋白
作者 欧人 王世勇 《天中学刊》 1996年第S1期9-11,共3页
关键词 “科学派” 吴稚晖 科学与玄学 宇宙观 自然史观 陈独秀 哲学科学化 自然科学知识 “玄学派” 人生观
Mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol-basalt hybrid fiber engineered cementitious composites with impact of elevated temperatures 被引量:4
作者 WANG Zhen-bo HAN Shuo +2 位作者 SUN Peng LIU Wei-kang WANG Qing 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2021年第5期1459-1475,共17页
In the present study,the mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)-basalt hybrid fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites(ECC)after exposure to elevated temperatures were experimentally investigated.F... In the present study,the mechanical properties of polyvinyl alcohol(PVA)-basalt hybrid fiber reinforced engineered cementitious composites(ECC)after exposure to elevated temperatures were experimentally investigated.Five temperatures of 20,50,100,200 and 400℃ were set to evaluate the residual compressive,tensile and flexural behaviors of hybrid and mono fiber ECC.It was shown that partial replacement of PVA fibers with basalt fibers endowed ECC with improved residual compressive toughness,compared to brittle failure of mono fiber ECC heated to 400℃.The tension tests indicated that the presence of basalt fibers benefited the tensile strength up to 200℃,and delayed the sharp reduction of strength to 400℃.Under flexural load,the peak deflections corresponding to flexural strengths of hybrid fiber ECC were found to be less vulnerable ranging from 20 to 100℃.Further,the scanning electron microscopy(SEM)results uncovered that the rupture of basalt fiber at moderate temperature and its pullout mechanism at high temperature was responsible for the mechanical evolution of hybrid fiber ECC.This work develops a better understanding of elevated temperature and basalt fiber impact on the residual mechanical properties and further provides guideline for tailoring ECC for improved fire resistance. 展开更多
关键词 engineered cementitious composites hybrid fiber basalt fiber mechanical properties elevated temperature
Assessment of Diyarbaklr Basalt Aquifer Hydrogeological Analyzed and Obtains Thematic Maps with GIS Geostatistical Analyst Tool
作者 Recep Celik 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2016年第2期109-115,共7页
Diyarbaklr basalt aquifer is volcanic-rock aquifers which contain high quality water. It was main resources for Diyarbaklr city center drinking supply up to 2005. Somewhere, basalt aquifer groundwater is still used fo... Diyarbaklr basalt aquifer is volcanic-rock aquifers which contain high quality water. It was main resources for Diyarbaklr city center drinking supply up to 2005. Somewhere, basalt aquifer groundwater is still used for irrigation in rural areas of Diyarbaklr city. In the study, Diyarbaklr city center's (which is located on the Tigris river basin) basalt aquifer groundwater potentials and hydrogeological features are examined and modeled by using GIS programmer. Firstly, general geological data, meteorological data and general information about natural water sources are collected together, afterwards, logs of well drilled by public institutions and private individuals within the Diyarbaklr city center are analyzed. Static water level, dynamic water level and well pumps yields are classified in these logs. Then, thematic maps produced with the help of Arc Info Professional GIS programmer with geostatistical analyst tool. Groundwater source potential of Diyarbaktr is examined by means of these thematic maps. In hydrogeological research, productivity by aquifer features, water retention capacity and groundwater level data evaluated with geological structure of area are taken into consideration. 展开更多
关键词 Diyarbaklr city center basalt aquifer GROUNDWATER groundwater static level dynamic water level pump yield efficient Geographical Information Systems (GIS).
Basic Magmatic Formations within the Eastern Part of the Bukk Mountains, North-East Hungary
作者 Adam Bartok 《Journal of Earth Science and Engineering》 2015年第4期221-229,共9页
The macro- and microscopic results were that this body of basalt tectonically heavily loaded, strongly altered by clay minerals and characterized by hydro-metasomatic alteration. The geochemical analyzes revealed that... The macro- and microscopic results were that this body of basalt tectonically heavily loaded, strongly altered by clay minerals and characterized by hydro-metasomatic alteration. The geochemical analyzes revealed that the original magma could be a mantle origin of high iron and magnesium containing basalt (tholeiites, 10%-15%). As regards to the palaeogeographic environment, it can be said that due to the periodic sea flooding, it pushed into a lower area, covered with sediment where the surrounding areas were highlighted (biikkszentkereszt and bukkszentlaszl6 tufts). 展开更多
关键词 Szinva metabasalt formation Bttkkian magmatism upper szinva source region metabasalt tholeiitic magma intracontinental volcanism.
魏晋六朝“文义”考释 被引量:3
作者 赵树功 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2005年第6期75-84,共10页
关键词 魏晋六朝 “文义” 文章创作 释义 考证 玄学 中国 古代文学研究
Ji Kang on Nourishing Life
作者 David Chai 《Frontiers of Philosophy in China》 2017年第1期38-53,共16页
Ji Kang's "An Essay on Nourishing Life" has, for much of its history, been overshadowed by his more famous work "Sound is without Grief or Joy." Be that as it may, "An Essay on Nourishing Life" is also an impor... Ji Kang's "An Essay on Nourishing Life" has, for much of its history, been overshadowed by his more famous work "Sound is without Grief or Joy." Be that as it may, "An Essay on Nourishing Life" is also an important text in that it delves into the interdependence of the heart-mind, spirit, and vital breath, and into how harmony between them is the key to ensuring physical longevity. In addition to investigating this aspect of his thought, this paper will also discuss Ji Kang's attention to the vicissitudes of knowledge and desire and to the need to temper them with tranquility and stillness. "An Essay on Nourishing Life" can thus be read as an extension of classical Daoist theories of self-cultivation while at the same time elaborating upon them by bringing together their disparate components into a coherently unified doctrine. 展开更多
关键词 Ji Kang Neo-Daoism (Xuanxue 玄学 life-nourishment
Platinum-group element geochemistry of Cenozoic basalts from the North China Craton: Implications for mantle heterogeneity 被引量:4
作者 ZHANG WenHui ZHANG HongFu +3 位作者 SUN YaLi FAN WeiMing HAN BaoFu TANG YanJie 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期881-895,共15页
Forty-two Cenozoic (mostly Miocene) basalt samples from Jining, Chifeng, Fansi, Xiyang, and Zuoquan areas of the North China Craton (the NCC basalts hereafter) were analyzed for platinum-group elements (PGE, incl... Forty-two Cenozoic (mostly Miocene) basalt samples from Jining, Chifeng, Fansi, Xiyang, and Zuoquan areas of the North China Craton (the NCC basalts hereafter) were analyzed for platinum-group elements (PGE, including Os, It, Ru, Rh, Pt, and Pd). Most of them are alkaline basalts and tholeiites and all of them display little crustal contamination. The total PGE contents of the NCC basalts vary from 0.1 to 0.9 ppb, much lower than those of the primitive mantle values of 23.5 ppb. Primitive man- tie-normalized PGE patterns of these basalts define positive slopes and Pd/Ir ratios vary from 1.2 to 25. In terms of both PGE contents and Pd/Ir ratios, they are quite similar to the mid-ocean ridge basalts. There are no obvious negative correlations be- tween PGE vs. MgO, Ni, and Cu in the NCC basalts, indicating that fractional crystallization of olivine, pyroxene, and/or sul- fides during magmatic process cannot be the controlling factor for the observed PGE variation. The observed Pd/Ir variations of the NCC basalts require involvement of non-chondritic heterogeneous mantle sources. Based on Sr-Nd-Pb-Hf isotopic sys- tematics and incompatible-element signatures, a mixing of partial melts from both asthenospheric peridotites and enclosed mantle eclogites at the top of asthenosphere was proposed for the origin of these NCC basalts. The lenses of eclogites are de- rived from upwelling of recycled continental crust during the westward subduction of the Pacific plate from the -600 km dis- continuity zone. The PGE geochemistry of these basalts provides independent evidence to support this conclusion and the ob- served Pd/Ir variations may reflect variations in proportions of tapped peridotitic and eclogitic melts. 展开更多
关键词 Continental basalts platinum group elements GEOCHEMISTRY North China Craton
Mantle geochemistry: Insights from ocean island basalts 被引量:12
作者 HUANG ShiChun ZHENG YongFei 《Science China Earth Sciences》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第11期1976-2000,共25页
The geochemical study of the Earth's mantle provides important constraints on our understanding of the formation and evolution of Earth, its internal structure, and the mantle dynamics. The bulk Earth composition ... The geochemical study of the Earth's mantle provides important constraints on our understanding of the formation and evolution of Earth, its internal structure, and the mantle dynamics. The bulk Earth composition is inferred by comparing terrestrial mantle rocks with chondrites, which leads to the chondritic Earth model. That is, Earth has the same relative proportions of refractory elements as that in chondrites, but it is depleted in volatiles. Ocean island basalts(OIB) may be produced by mantle plumes with possible deep origins; consequently, they provide unique opportunity to study the deep Earth. Isotopic variations within OIB can be described using a limited number of mantle endmembers, such as EM1, EM2 and HIMU, and they have been used to decipher important mantle processes. Introduction of crustal material into the deep mantle via subduction and delamination is important in generating mantle heterogeneity; however, there is active debate on how they were sampled by mantle melting, i.e.,the role of olivine-poor lithologies in the OIB petrogenesis. The origin and location of high 3He/4He mantle remain controversial,ranging from unprocessed(or less processed) primitive material in the lower mantle to highly processed materials with shallow origins, including ancient melting residues, mafic cumulates under arcs, and recycled hydrous minerals. Possible core-mantle interaction was hypothesized to introduce distinctive geochemical signatures such as radiogenic 186 Os and Fe and Ni enrichment in the OIB. Small but important variations in some short-lived nuclides, including 142 Nd, 182 W and several Xe isotopes, have been reported in ancient and modern terrestrial rocks, implying that the Earth's mantle must have been differentiated within the first 100 Myr of its formation, and the mantle is not efficiently homogenized by mantle convection. 展开更多
关键词 Mantle structure Mantle composition Crustal components Crust-mantle interaction Crustal recycling
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