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作者 张嘉嘉 李欢 《辽东学院学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第1期100-105,共6页
在网络语言中,和食物相关的“X界”的生成方式除直接构词外,还有缩略与杂糅、合并与简称、谐音构词、仿拟构词和类推构词五种。“X界”的构词能力强,涉及范围广,偏重双音化和多音化,具有即时、细化、丰富的特点。“X界”的语义色彩既庄... 在网络语言中,和食物相关的“X界”的生成方式除直接构词外,还有缩略与杂糅、合并与简称、谐音构词、仿拟构词和类推构词五种。“X界”的构词能力强,涉及范围广,偏重双音化和多音化,具有即时、细化、丰富的特点。“X界”的语义色彩既庄重又诙谐、既严肃又活泼。“X界”中蕴含着群体心理认同和个体情感的社会心理,带有时代和社会文化生活的印记。 展开更多
关键词 网络语言 类后缀 “界” 构词
越“界”书写:熟悉的陌生人——曾晓文、陈河小说比较研究之一 被引量:1
作者 王列耀 温明明 《暨南学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第6期74-78,共5页
关键词 曾晓文 陈河 小说比较 “界”书写
浅谈“界”理论与名词的可数与不可数 被引量:2
作者 马雪静 《辽宁教育行政学院学报》 2010年第4期79-80,共2页
"界"理论指出人们在感知事物时,往往对认识对象加上一个边界,以建立它们的结构完型。界限可以是模糊的、虚拟的、不固定的,它的设置反映人们对客观事物的识解方式。英语中可数名词和不可数名词的划分及其在语义和语法结构上... "界"理论指出人们在感知事物时,往往对认识对象加上一个边界,以建立它们的结构完型。界限可以是模糊的、虚拟的、不固定的,它的设置反映人们对客观事物的识解方式。英语中可数名词和不可数名词的划分及其在语义和语法结构上的差异反映出了语言中的界限设置。 展开更多
关键词 “界”理论 名词 可数性 不可数性
跨出封闭:对历史学“界”与学“术”的思考 被引量:1
作者 李爱勇 《信阳师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2015年第2期135-140,共6页
中国学统在近代演变成一种救国救民道路的政治选择。受政统影响,20世纪中后期,中国学术"信"的精神和"闭"的环境得到了某种加强。国外学术的发展则受益于"疑"的治学精神、"开"的治学环境以及历... 中国学统在近代演变成一种救国救民道路的政治选择。受政统影响,20世纪中后期,中国学术"信"的精神和"闭"的环境得到了某种加强。国外学术的发展则受益于"疑"的治学精神、"开"的治学环境以及历史学家的个人努力。在此影响下,中外学术形成了明显的学"界",并产生了巨大的研究差距。学"界"可以在很大程度上塑造学"术",但是具有超越思想的研究者才可以在学"术"的很多地方突破学"界"的限制。国内的学术创新也许就是超越学"界"、跨出这种封闭。 展开更多
关键词 学统 政统 “界” 学“术” 学术差异
“界”理论对词类的解释力 被引量:2
作者 蒋岳春 《长春师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2013年第3期46-50,共5页
根据认知语言学的观点,"有界"和"无界"的概念在人类的认知中普遍存在,具体表现为"界"与名词和动词均具有跨范畴的对应关系:可数名词和完成性动词都是"有界"的,不可数名词和非完成性动词都是&qu... 根据认知语言学的观点,"有界"和"无界"的概念在人类的认知中普遍存在,具体表现为"界"与名词和动词均具有跨范畴的对应关系:可数名词和完成性动词都是"有界"的,不可数名词和非完成性动词都是"无界"的。同样,"界"也是形容词的一个基本特征,与可分级性有关。"象似性理论"、"原型范畴理论"和"完型心理学"等有关理论对"界"理论的形成具有基石性的作用。本文主要探讨了"界"理论对词类的分类等语言学问题的解释力,并讨论了"界"理论对二语习得的启示。 展开更多
关键词 “界”理论 “有—无界” 词类 认知语言学
从“界”理论看英语冠词 被引量:1
作者 郭娴娉 《职教通讯(江苏技术师范学院学报)》 2009年第8期107-109,共3页
关键词 “界”理论 英语冠词 认知
鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上古生界致密储层含气系统压力演化 被引量:2
作者 李勇 朱治同 +2 位作者 吴鹏 申陈州 高计县 《石油与天然气地质》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2023年第6期1568-1581,共14页
鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上古生界多层系致密气发育,准确认识气藏压力演化过程对深化致密气成藏认识和实现气井高产稳产具有指导意义。综合应用钻测井资料和岩心流体包裹体测试,结合盆地埋藏史和热演化史模拟,揭示了鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上古生界... 鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上古生界多层系致密气发育,准确认识气藏压力演化过程对深化致密气成藏认识和实现气井高产稳产具有指导意义。综合应用钻测井资料和岩心流体包裹体测试,结合盆地埋藏史和热演化史模拟,揭示了鄂尔多斯盆地东缘上古生界含气系统压力演化。结果显示,研究区自下而上发育欠压、略微欠压和常压系统。均一温度和盐度总体上连续分布,反映了油气连续充注过程。太原组、山西组和下石盒子组均一温度和盐度正相关,反映近源生烃后快速充注;上石盒子组和石千峰组均一温度和盐度负相关,受流体远距离运移充注和紫金山构造热事件作用下的气藏再平衡影响。研究区在白垩纪中期大量生烃,形成了异常高压,储层压力在34.89~38.26 MPa。后期地层抬升造成储层压力降低,其中地层降温贡献了50.31%~57.85%;天然气膨胀引起的气体运移贡献了28.25%~41.95%,且以上部地层降低为主;孔隙反弹贡献了0.37%~0.79%。相关成果系统揭示了上古生界致密气藏压力系统演化及现今气藏压力成因,对于认识鄂尔多斯盆地和类似盆地致密气富集成藏规律具有借鉴意义。 展开更多
关键词 流体包裹体 压力系统 致密气 上古生 临兴地区 鄂尔多斯盆地
“界”与有界化 被引量:41
作者 刘辰诞 《外语学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2007年第2期53-58,共6页
“界”理论揭示了人类对客观外界事物认识的本质特征,对语言学研究有重要意义。但前辈语言学家的研究局限于对语法范畴的定义,因而对“界”在哪个层次的语言结构中进行讨论最为适当,存在分歧。本文通过考察认为,“界”是人类经验投射到... “界”理论揭示了人类对客观外界事物认识的本质特征,对语言学研究有重要意义。但前辈语言学家的研究局限于对语法范畴的定义,因而对“界”在哪个层次的语言结构中进行讨论最为适当,存在分歧。本文通过考察认为,“界”是人类经验投射到语言的结果,是自然语言表达式的典型特征,表达式结构必须是结构-边界统一体,必须实现有界化。无界结构导致整个结构崩溃。语言表达式的有界化是人类认知特征——完型感知的必然要求。 展开更多
关键词 “界” 语言表达式 涉身经验 完型感知
作者 唐楷 《外语教育》 2019年第1期232-238,共7页
认知域中侧重的区域存在有界与无界之别,依此可以简单建构BETWEEN的意象图式和详细识解其多种语义,并最终指导翻译实践和教学。射体位于两界标限定的区域内,即界标对射体的限界;无界界标限定的区域内的射体兼有两界标的属性。有界界标... 认知域中侧重的区域存在有界与无界之别,依此可以简单建构BETWEEN的意象图式和详细识解其多种语义,并最终指导翻译实践和教学。射体位于两界标限定的区域内,即界标对射体的限界;无界界标限定的区域内的射体兼有两界标的属性。有界界标限定的区域内的射体不具有射体的性质,有界射体只占据区域内的部分空间,而无界射体延续至整个区域;射体、界标与界标限定的区域具有语境凸显差异;界标和射体的有/无界差异具有主观识解性。 展开更多
关键词 BETWEEN的意象图式 “界” “界”差异 翻译
女性主体性的媒体言说——对20世纪30年代《世界日报》专刊《妇女界》的解读 被引量:3
作者 侯杰 傅懿 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第4期102-109,共8页
1931年9月1日,北平《世界日报》再次开辟《妇女界》专刊,主编由男性变为女性。在女主编金秉英的主持下,妇女的声音得以更加自由地表达出来,内容涉及社会的诸多层面,体现了编者、作者对妇女生命的关怀。在抗战的时代背景下,编者倡议妇女... 1931年9月1日,北平《世界日报》再次开辟《妇女界》专刊,主编由男性变为女性。在女主编金秉英的主持下,妇女的声音得以更加自由地表达出来,内容涉及社会的诸多层面,体现了编者、作者对妇女生命的关怀。在抗战的时代背景下,编者倡议妇女走出家庭,为国贡献力量,但是又不能放弃家庭的责任。如何处理好家庭和社会之间的关系,是《妇女界》所讨论的重要议题。该专刊成为一种重要的文化传播途径,参与社会性别关系的调整与构建,在批判传统两性关系的同时,倡导建立新的社会性别关系和文化。 展开更多
关键词 《世日报》 《妇女 金秉英 女性主体性 妇女解放 近代报刊
云南少数民族经济发展中的“界鱼石”现象初探——以玉溪市彝族山苏支系为例 被引量:1
作者 李崇科 程浩然 沈丽萍 《玉溪师范学院学报》 2010年第9期45-51,共7页
"界鱼石"现象本为一道独特的自然景观,经济学视角中的这种现象主要表现为经济要素流动的道路是畅通的,但经济要素未能参与当地的经济活动形式或者是参与了但未产生明显的经济效益。云南许多少数民族地区在经济发展过程中存在... "界鱼石"现象本为一道独特的自然景观,经济学视角中的这种现象主要表现为经济要素流动的道路是畅通的,但经济要素未能参与当地的经济活动形式或者是参与了但未产生明显的经济效益。云南许多少数民族地区在经济发展过程中存在着与"界鱼石"现象非常类似的情况,使其难以摆脱贫穷落后的局面。因此,应分析其现象产生的原因、弊端,并从环境的改变、加强政府的宏观调控、加快特色资源的资本化以及制度层面的更新等方面进行研究。 展开更多
关键词 云南 少数民族 经济发展 “界鱼石”现象
Interface engineering via temperature-dependent self-transformation on SnS_(2)/SnS for enhanced piezocatalysis
作者 Wenrou Tian Jun Han +4 位作者 Najun Li Dongyun Chen Qingfeng Xu Hua Li Jianmei Lu 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期166-179,共14页
Heterojunction has been widely used in vibration-driven piezocatalysis for enhanced charges separation,while the weak interfaces seriously affect the efficiency during mechanical deformations due to prepared by tradit... Heterojunction has been widely used in vibration-driven piezocatalysis for enhanced charges separation,while the weak interfaces seriously affect the efficiency during mechanical deformations due to prepared by traditional step-by-step methods.Herein,the intimate contact interfaces with shared S atoms are ingeniously constructed in SnS_(2)/SnS anchored on porous carbon by effective interface engineering,which is in-situ derived from temperature-dependent self-transformation of SnS_(2).Benefiting from intimate contact interfaces,the piezoelectricity is remarkably improved due to the larger interfacial dipole moment caused by uneven distribution of charges.Importantly,vibration-induced piezoelectric polarization field strengthens the interfacial electric field to further promote the separation and migration of charges.The dynamic charges then transfer in porous carbon with high conductivity and adsorption for significantly improved piezocatalytic activity.The degradation efficiency of bisphenol A(BPA)is 6.3 times higher than SnS_(2) and H_(2) evolution rate is increased by 3.8 times.Compared with SnS_(2)/SnS prepared by two-step solvothermal method,the degradation efficiency of BPA and H2 evolution activity are increased by 3 and 2 times,respectively.It provides a theoretical guidance for developing various multiphase structural piezocatalyst with strong interface interactions to improve the piezocatalytic efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 Piezocatalysis SELF-TRANSFORMATION Phase junction Interfacial field Polarized field
Preparation and interface state of phosphate tailing-based geopolymers
作者 ZHANG Shou-xun XIE Xian +4 位作者 XIE Rui-qi TONG Xiong WU Yu-yao LI Jia-wen LI Yue 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1900-1914,共15页
The long-term storage of phosphate tailings will occupy a large amount of land,pollute soil and groundwater,thus,it is crucial to achieve the harmless disposal of phosphate tailings.In this study,high-performance geop... The long-term storage of phosphate tailings will occupy a large amount of land,pollute soil and groundwater,thus,it is crucial to achieve the harmless disposal of phosphate tailings.In this study,high-performance geopolymers with compressive strength of 38.8 MPa were prepared by using phosphate tailings as the main raw material,fly ash as the active silicon-aluminum material,and water glass as the alkaline activator.The solid content of phosphate tailings and fly ash was 60% and 40%,respectively,and the water-cement ratio was 0.22.The results of XRD,FTIR,SEM-EDS and XPS show that the reactivity of phosphate tailings with alkaline activator is weak,and the silicon-aluminum material can react with alkaline activator to form zeolite and gel,and encapsulate/cover the phosphate tailings to form a dense phosphate tailings-based geopolymer.During the formation of geopolymers,part of the aluminum-oxygen tetrahedron replaced the silicon-oxygen tetrahedron,causing the polycondensation reaction between geopolymers and increasing the strength of geopolymers.The leaching toxicity test results show that the geopolymer has a good solid sealing effect on heavy metal ions.The preparation of geopolymer from phosphate tailings is an important way to alleviate the storage pressure and realize the resource utilization of phosphate tailings. 展开更多
关键词 phosphate tailing GEOPOLYMER interface state toxicity leaching
Effects of cold rolling path on recrystallization behavior and mechanical properties of pure copper during annealing
作者 Jing CHEN Wen-jie XU +8 位作者 Jia-hao YANG Zhi YANG Hong-li SHI Gao-yong LIN Zhu-min LI Xu SHEN Bo JIANG Hui-qun LIU Kai-xuan GUI 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第10期3233-3250,共18页
The recrystallization behavior,grain boundary characteristic distribution,and mechanical properties of pure Cu sheets that were subjected to different cold rolling paths,and then annealed at 400°C for 10,30,60,an... The recrystallization behavior,grain boundary characteristic distribution,and mechanical properties of pure Cu sheets that were subjected to different cold rolling paths,and then annealed at 400°C for 10,30,60,and 420 min,were investigated.Different rolling paths changed the grain boundary orientations of cold-rolled copper,causing recrystallized grains to nucleate and grow in an oriented manner.However,the evolution of the texture indicated that cold-rolled copper with different rolling paths did not show an obvious preferred orientation after annealing.The RD-60 specimen exhibited the smallest grain size(6.6μm).The results indicated that the grain size and low-ΣCSL grain boundaries worked together to provide RD-60 samples with appropriate mechanical properties and high plasticity.The yield strength,ultimate tensile strength,and elongation of RD-60 sample were 81 MPa,230 MPa,and 49%,respectively.These results could provide guidance for tuning the microstructures and properties of pure Cu foils,as well as designing fabrication routes for pure Cu foils through processes such as rolling and drawing. 展开更多
关键词 rolling path grain boundary characteristic distribution pure copper mechanical properties
Microenvironment and electronic state modulation of Pd nanoparticles within MOFs for enhancing low-temperature activity towards DCPD hydrogenation
作者 Zhiyuan Liu Changan Wang +8 位作者 Ping Yang Wei Wang Hongyi Gao Guoqing An Siqi Liu Juan Chen Tingting Guo Xinmeng Xu Ge Wang 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期112-122,共11页
Precise control of the local environment and electronic state of the guest is an important method of controlling catalytic activity and reaction pathways.In this paper,guest Pd NPs were introduced into a series of hos... Precise control of the local environment and electronic state of the guest is an important method of controlling catalytic activity and reaction pathways.In this paper,guest Pd NPs were introduced into a series of host UiO-67 MOFs with different functional ligands and metal nodes,the microenvironment and local electronic structure of Pd is modulated by introducing bipyridine groups and changing metal nodes(Ce_(6)O_(6) or Zr_(6)O_(6)).The bipyridine groups not only promoted the dispersion Pd NPs,but also facilitated electron transfer between Pd and UiO-67 MOFs through the formation of Pd-N bridges.Compared with Zr6 clusters,the tunability and orbital hybridisation of the 4f electronic structure in the Ce_(6) clusters modulate the electronic structure of Pd through the construction of the Ce-O-Pd interfaces.The optimal catalyst Pd/UiO-67(Ce)-bpy presented excellent low-temperature activity towards dicyclopentadiene hydrogenation with a conversion of>99% and a selectivity of>99%(50℃,10 bar).The results show that the synergy of Ce-O-Pd and Pd-N promotes the formation of active Pd^(δ+),which not only enhances the adsorption of H_(2) and electron-rich C=C bonds,but also contributes to the reduction of proton migration distance and improves proton utilization efficiency.These results provide valuable insights for investigating the regulatory role of the host MOFs,the nature of host-guest interactions,and their correlation with catalytic performance. 展开更多
关键词 Interface regulation Pd^(δ+) MICROENVIRONMENT Electronic state HYDROGENATION
In-situ thermal Raman mapping and stress analysis of CNT/CF/epoxy interfaces
作者 HE Jing-zong CHEN Shi +2 位作者 MA Zheng-kun LU Yong-gen WU Qi-lin 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期703-714,共12页
A study of the interfacial behavior and internal thermal stress distribution in fiber-reinforced composites is essential to assess their performance and reliability.CNT/carbon fiber(CF)hybrid fibers were constructed u... A study of the interfacial behavior and internal thermal stress distribution in fiber-reinforced composites is essential to assess their performance and reliability.CNT/carbon fiber(CF)hybrid fibers were constructed using electrophoretic deposition.The interfacial properties of CF/epoxy and CNT/CF/epoxy composites were statistically investigated and compared using in-situ thermal Raman mapping by dispersing CNTs as a Raman sensing medium(CNT_(R))in a resin.The associated local thermal stress changes can be simulated by capturing the G'band position distribution of CNT_(R) in the epoxy at different temperatures.It was found that the G'band shifted to lower positions with increasing temperature,reaching a maximum difference of 2.43 cm^(−1) at 100℃.The interfacial bonding between CNT/CF and the matrix and the stress distribution and changes during heat treatment(20-100℃)were investig-ated in detail.This work is important for studying thermal stress in fiber-reinforced composites by in-situ thermal Raman mapping technology. 展开更多
关键词 Thermal Raman mapping Stress distribution Carbon fiber Carbon nanotube Interface
Polyetherketoneketone/carbon fiber composites with an amorphous interface prepared by solution impregnation
作者 ZHANG Feng LI Bo-lan +5 位作者 JIAO Meng-xiao LI Yan-bo WANG Xin YANG Yu YANG Yu-qiu ZHANG Xiao-hua 《新型炭材料(中英文)》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第4期692-702,共11页
Interfacial adhesion between carbon fibers(CF)and polyetherketoneketone(PEKK)is a key factor that affects the mechanical performances of their composites.It is therefore of great importance to impregnate the CF bundle... Interfacial adhesion between carbon fibers(CF)and polyetherketoneketone(PEKK)is a key factor that affects the mechanical performances of their composites.It is therefore of great importance to impregnate the CF bundles with PEKK as effi-ciently as possible.We report that PEKK with a good dispersion in a mixed solution of 4-chlorophenol and 1,2-dichloroethane can be introduced onto CF surfaces by solution impregnation and curing at 280,320,340 and 360℃.The excellent wettability or infiltra-tion of the PEKK solution guarantees a full covering and its tight binding to CFs,making it possible to evaluate the interfacial shear strength(IFSS)with the microdroplet method.The interior of the CF bundles is completely and uniformly filled with PEKK by solu-tion impregnation,leading to a high interlaminar shear strength(ILSS).The maximum IFSS and ILSS reached 107.8 and 99.3 MPa,respectively.Such superior shear properties are ascribed to the formation of amorphous PEKK in the small spaces between CFs. 展开更多
关键词 Polyetherketoneketone Carbon fiber WETTABILITY Amorphous adhesion Interfacial strength
In-situ building of multiscale porous NiFeZn/NiZn-Ni heterojunction for superior overall water splitting
作者 Ya-xin LI Hong-xiao YANG +4 位作者 Qiu-ping ZHANG Tian-zhen JIAN Wen-qing MA Cai-xia XU Qiu-xia ZHOU 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2972-2986,共15页
The development of efficient nonprecious bifunctional electrocatalysts for water electrolysis is crucial to enhance the sluggish kinetics of the oxygen evolution reaction(OER)and hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).A sel... The development of efficient nonprecious bifunctional electrocatalysts for water electrolysis is crucial to enhance the sluggish kinetics of the oxygen evolution reaction(OER)and hydrogen evolution reaction(HER).A self-supporting,multiscale porous NiFeZn/NiZn-Ni catalyst with a triple interface heterojunction on nickel foam(NF)(NiFeZn/NiZn-Ni/NF)was in-situ fabricated using an electroplating-annealing-etching strategy.The unique multiinterface engineering and three-dimensional porous scaffold significantly modify the mass transport and electron interaction,resulting in superior bifunctional electrocatalytic performance for water splitting.The NiFeZn/NiZn-Ni/NF catalyst demonstrates low overpotentials of 187 m V for HER and 320 mV for OER at a current density of 600 mA/cm~2,along with high durability over 150 h in alkaline solution.Furthermore,an electrolytic cell assembled with NiFeZn/NiZn-Ni/NF as both the cathode and anode achieves the current densities of 600 and 1000 m A/cm2 at cell voltages of 1.796 and 1.901 V,respectively,maintaining the high stability at 50 mA/cm2 for over 100 h.These findings highlight the potential of NiFeZn/NiZn-Ni/NF as a cost-effective and highly efficient bifunctional electrocatalyst for overall water splitting. 展开更多
关键词 NiFeZn alloy multiple interface porous structure DEALLOYING overall water splitting
Microstructure,interfacial reaction behavior,and mechanical properties of Ti_3AlC_(2)reinforced Al6061 composites
作者 Zhi-bin LIU Jia-bao BAO +1 位作者 Wen-jie HU Hong YAN 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期2756-2771,共16页
The interfacial reaction behavior of Al and Ti_3AlC_(2)at different pouring temperatures and its effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated.The results show that the add... The interfacial reaction behavior of Al and Ti_3AlC_(2)at different pouring temperatures and its effect on the microstructure and mechanical properties of the composites were investigated.The results show that the addition of3.0 wt.%Ti_3AlC_(2)refines the average grain size ofα(Al)in the composite by 50.1%compared to Al6061 alloy.Morphological analyses indicate that an in-situ Al_(3Ti)transition layer of-180 nm in thickness is generated around the edge of Ti_3AlC_(2)at 720℃,forming a well-bonded Al-Al_(3Ti)interface.At this processing temperature,the ultimate tensile strength of A16061-3.0 wt.%Ti_3AlC_(2)composite is 199.2 MPa,an improvement of 41.5%over the Al6061 matrix.Mechanism analyses further elucidate that 720℃is favourable for forming the nano-sized transition layer at the Ti_3AlC_(2)edges.And,the thermal mismatch strengthening plays a dominant role in this state,with a strengthening contribution of about 74.8%. 展开更多
关键词 Al6061 composites TI3ALC2 MICROSTRUCTURE interfacial reaction tensile mechanical properties
Prediction and critical transition mechanism for granite fracture:Insights from critical slowing down theory
作者 WANG Chun-lai ZHOU Bao-kun +6 位作者 LI Chang-feng WEN Zhi-jie BAI Zhi-an ZHU Chao-yang SUN Liang XUE Xu-hui CAO Peng 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第8期2748-2764,共17页
Rock fracture warning is one of the significant challenges in rock mechanics.Many true triaxial and synchronous acoustic emission(AE)tests were conducted on granite samples.The investigation focused on the characteris... Rock fracture warning is one of the significant challenges in rock mechanics.Many true triaxial and synchronous acoustic emission(AE)tests were conducted on granite samples.The investigation focused on the characteristics of AE signals preceding granite fracture,based on the critical slowing down(CSD)theory.The granite undergoes a transition from the stable phase to the fracture phase and exhibits a clear CSD phenomenon,characterized by a pronounced increase in variance and autocorrelation coefficient.The variance mutation points were found to be more identifiable and suitable as the primary criterion for predicting precursor information related to granite fracture,compared to the autocorrelation coefficient.It is noteworthy to emphasize that the CSD factor holds greater potential in elucidating the underlying mechanisms responsible for the critical transition of granite fracture,in comparison to the AE timing parameters.Furthermore,a novel multi-parameter collaborative prediction method for rock fracture was developed by comprehensively analyzing predictive information,including abnormal variation modes and the CSD factor of AE characteristic parameters.This method enhances the understanding and prediction of rock fracture-related geohazards. 展开更多
关键词 GRANITE triaxial compression acoustic emission rock fracture critical slowing down theory
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