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作者 顾农 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2004年第6期11-11,共1页
关键词 《周作人日记》 《周作人文类编》 校勘 “矿人”
作者 贾攀 易晓芹 +1 位作者 毛静 窦莎莎 《四川冶金》 CAS 2023年第5期12-17,共6页
关键词 虚拟货币 “挖 “矿难” 算力
花岗岩型铀矿床中矿前期蚀变对铀活化溶解的实验研究及其找矿意义 被引量:2
作者 刘正义 张玉燕 李晓光 《东华理工大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS 2012年第3期216-222,共7页
产铀花岗岩岩体多为二云母花岗岩,其中黑云母遭受白云母化,进而改变晶体结构和铀的赋存状态,产生铀的活化溶解。大量实验结果表明,黑云母转变为白云母易发生于含钾、铝的氯化物酸性溶液中,形成温度多在350~500℃,压力(PH2O)20~100MPa... 产铀花岗岩岩体多为二云母花岗岩,其中黑云母遭受白云母化,进而改变晶体结构和铀的赋存状态,产生铀的活化溶解。大量实验结果表明,黑云母转变为白云母易发生于含钾、铝的氯化物酸性溶液中,形成温度多在350~500℃,压力(PH2O)20~100MPa。实验结果证实,酸性初始溶液对形成造岩矿物的白云母化和伊利石化更有利,并往往稳定于pH=3~4的范围,白云母化时转入溶液的铀含量最高可达30%。黑云母的绿泥石化易发生于400℃,50MPa含镁、钠,pH=6~8的弱碱溶液中。黑云母转变为绿泥石比其转变为白云母时释放出的铀要少得多,一般低于检测限。实验结果还表明,晶质铀矿在黑云母的白云母化条件下转入溶液的铀为104~130μg/L,比晶质铀矿在黑云母绿泥石化条件下转入溶液的铀(12.2μg/L)高近一个数量级。这种"矿前期蚀变"在"退色蚀变"过程中铀的丢失现象对于找矿具有普遍重要意义。 展开更多
关键词 花岗岩铀 “矿前期蚀变” 铀活化溶解实验 意义
对云南省实施“矿电结合”资源发展模式的研究 被引量:1
作者 栾敏 王嘉学 《云南财经大学学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第4期156-160,共5页
"矿电结合"是一种资源开发新模式,其在发展循环经济、节约有限资源、促进矿电企业互利共赢、有效解决民生问题和资源后续发展问题等方面都有重大意义。云南省具有"矿电结合"的天然优势,但在实施过程中存在诸多问题... "矿电结合"是一种资源开发新模式,其在发展循环经济、节约有限资源、促进矿电企业互利共赢、有效解决民生问题和资源后续发展问题等方面都有重大意义。云南省具有"矿电结合"的天然优势,但在实施过程中存在诸多问题。通过针对云南矿产和水电资源开发现状进行思考和研究,从政策规划、资源整合、利益分配、"资源三化"等方面为"矿电结合"的实施提出一些对策。 展开更多
关键词 云南省 资源开发 “矿电结合”
“矿鸿”操作系统在神东矿区智能化建设中的探索 被引量:7
作者 李新华 贺海涛 《中国煤炭》 2021年第S01期7-13,共7页
在煤炭智能化建设过程中,不同系统之间的数据兼容、网络兼容、业务兼容和控制兼容问题仍是当前面临的最大挑战,构建统一标准、统一架构的安全、可靠、自主可控的智能化平台迫在眉睫。创建行业统一的煤矿物联网操作系统是智能化平台的关... 在煤炭智能化建设过程中,不同系统之间的数据兼容、网络兼容、业务兼容和控制兼容问题仍是当前面临的最大挑战,构建统一标准、统一架构的安全、可靠、自主可控的智能化平台迫在眉睫。创建行业统一的煤矿物联网操作系统是智能化平台的关键,使用统一的操作系统,可以实现不同煤矿设备数据接口和数据格式的统一,促使不同系统间的数据顺畅互通和共享,完成煤矿设备超级互联,从而真正实现煤矿智能化发展。阐述了“矿鸿”操作系统在布尔台煤矿的具体部署及实施方案;在应用实践中发现,“矿鸿”操作系统可提供更高效、更便捷的操作与交互方式,让设备更加智能化,并能迅速发现问题并预警,有效提升了煤矿安全生产效率和设备运维效率;认为,在国家能源集团神东煤炭集团布尔台煤矿建设全国首家基于“矿鸿”操作系统应用的综采工作面,将为煤矿智能化建设中的相关设备制造、推广“矿鸿”操作系统的应用积累经验,并可充分发挥积极的示范作用。 展开更多
关键词 “矿鸿”操作系统 “矿鸿”通信协议 统一架构 智能山建设 国家能源集团神东煤炭集团
徐州市“矿·城”协同生态转型规划策略研究 被引量:8
作者 罗萍嘉 刘茜 《中国煤炭》 北大核心 2017年第12期5-10,15,共7页
目前,资源枯竭型城市作为我国重要的城市类型之一,面临着诸多严峻的生态转型困境,是当前社会关注的热点问题。通过从历史演变角度对徐州城市和矿区的关系进行剖析,发现矿区作为城市的子系往往与城市呈现分离的状态,缺乏沟通协调,严重阻... 目前,资源枯竭型城市作为我国重要的城市类型之一,面临着诸多严峻的生态转型困境,是当前社会关注的热点问题。通过从历史演变角度对徐州城市和矿区的关系进行剖析,发现矿区作为城市的子系往往与城市呈现分离的状态,缺乏沟通协调,严重阻碍了矿区与城市的发展,是困境产生的深层原因。从系统论角度,以协同发展理论为基础,将矿区与城市作为一个相互作用的关联体,构建"矿·城"协同转型系统模型,提出具有针对性的资源枯竭型城市(徐州)生态规划转型策略。 展开更多
关键词 煤炭资源枯竭型城市 “矿·城”系统 协同转型
基于“矿鸿操作系统”的采掘设备网关设计 被引量:3
作者 翟红亮 刘坤 《煤矿机电》 2022年第5期11-15,共5页
设计了一款基于“矿鸿操作系统”的采掘设备网关,由电源、处理器、无线模组、显示屏、实时时钟等模块组成,可以通过配置参数来实现不同场景的应用。网关可通过网口、CAN、485/422获取不同类型的数据并通过Wi-Fi实时上传到终端显示设备上... 设计了一款基于“矿鸿操作系统”的采掘设备网关,由电源、处理器、无线模组、显示屏、实时时钟等模块组成,可以通过配置参数来实现不同场景的应用。网关可通过网口、CAN、485/422获取不同类型的数据并通过Wi-Fi实时上传到终端显示设备上,实现了采掘设备数据的实时监控、数据处理分析、下发指令控制设备等功能,提高了采掘设备数据采集、监控、排查故障的工作效率,增强了采掘设备智能化、高效化,解决了采掘设备数据采集困难,数据处理困难等问题。 展开更多
关键词 “矿鸿操作系统” 数据处理 网关 采掘设备
推进煤矿智能化建设 提升煤矿本质安全水平——内蒙古自治区煤矿智能化建设成果综述
作者 本刊编辑部 《中国煤炭》 2021年第S01期1-6,共6页
阐述了国家矿山安全监察局内蒙局通过采用制定标准、典型引领、系统谋划等有效举措,推进内蒙古自治区煤矿智能化建设、提升煤矿本质安全水平的具体实践,展示了内蒙古自治区煤矿在“矿鸿”操作系统、智慧矿山私有云平台、井下智慧辅助运... 阐述了国家矿山安全监察局内蒙局通过采用制定标准、典型引领、系统谋划等有效举措,推进内蒙古自治区煤矿智能化建设、提升煤矿本质安全水平的具体实践,展示了内蒙古自治区煤矿在“矿鸿”操作系统、智慧矿山私有云平台、井下智慧辅助运输系统、露天煤矿卡车智能调度系统、智能化灾害综合防控体系、透明工作面、全系统智慧矿山建设和应用等方面取得的丰硕成果。根据内蒙古煤矿智能化建设现状,从加强顶层设计、加快信息技术基础设施建设和智能化技术装备推广应用、重视人才培养等方面,提出内蒙古自治区进一步提升煤矿智能化建设水平的相关建议。 展开更多
关键词 本质安全 智能化建设 智能化示范 “矿鸿”操作系统 智能化灾害防控体系 国家山安全监察局内蒙古局
作者 马春燕 胡文章 +1 位作者 黄蔚 谢家涛 《内蒙古煤炭经济》 2020年第21期179-180,共2页
本文介绍了紫岗矿业“矿保姆”旨在为今后矿产资源勘查评价、开发利用与保护、矿山环境保护与恢复、矿业转型升级、绿色发展等提供大量收益,制定最合适、最科学的规划,提供决策依据最贴心、最全面的服务,践行“保姆”服务理念,实现“矿... 本文介绍了紫岗矿业“矿保姆”旨在为今后矿产资源勘查评价、开发利用与保护、矿山环境保护与恢复、矿业转型升级、绿色发展等提供大量收益,制定最合适、最科学的规划,提供决策依据最贴心、最全面的服务,践行“保姆”服务理念,实现“矿保姆”的品牌价值。 展开更多
关键词 紫岗 “矿保姆” 发展 实施策略
伪随机多频相位法及其应用简介 被引量:34
作者 何继善 柳建新 《中国有色金属学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2002年第2期374-376,共3页
矿与非矿区分”是矿产地球物理勘探领域所面对的难题。由中南大学提出的伪随机多频相位法是一种较为有效的矿与非矿区分方法 ,该方法自提出以来先后在国内 10多个矿山的接替资源勘探中得到应用。本文介绍了近年来针对这一方法开展的研究。
关键词 “矿与非区分”方法 生产 伪随机 多频位相法 地球物理勘探
Coal bursts in the deep longwall mines of the United States 被引量:21
作者 Christopher Mark 《International Journal of Coal Science & Technology》 EI 2016年第1期1-9,共9页
Coal bursts involve the sudden, violent ejection of coal or rock into the mine workings. They are a particular hazard because they typically occur without warning. During the past 2 years three US coal miners were kil... Coal bursts involve the sudden, violent ejection of coal or rock into the mine workings. They are a particular hazard because they typically occur without warning. During the past 2 years three US coal miners were killed in two coal bursts, following a 6-year period during which there were zero burst fatalities. This paper puts the US experience in the context of worldwide research into coal bursts. It focuses on two major longwall mining coalfields which have struggled with bursts for decades. The Utah experience displays many of the "classic" burst characteristics, including deep cover, strong roof and floor rock, and a direct association between bursts and mining activity. In Colorado, the longwalls of the North Fork Valley (NFV) also work at great depth, but their roof and floor strengths are moderate, and most bursts have occurred during entry development or in headgates, bleeders, or other outby locations. The NFV bursts also are more likely to be associated with geologic structures and large magnitude seismic events. The paper provides a detailed case history to illustrate the experience in each of these coalfields. The paper closes with a brief discussion of how US longwalls have managed the burst risk. 展开更多
关键词 Underground mining COAL BURST LONGWALL Strata control
Predictors of work injury in underground mines—an application of a logistic regression model 被引量:5
作者 P. S. Paul 《Mining Science and Technology》 EI CAS 2009年第3期282-289,共8页
Mine accidents and injuries are complex and generally characterized by several factors starting from personal to technical, and technical to social characteristics.In this study, an attempt has been made to identify t... Mine accidents and injuries are complex and generally characterized by several factors starting from personal to technical, and technical to social characteristics.In this study, an attempt has been made to identify the various factors responsible for work related injuries in mines and to estimate the risk of work injury to mine workers.The prediction of work injury in mines was done by a step-by-step multivariate logistic regression modeling with an application to case study mines in India.In total, 18 variables were considered in this study.Most of the variables are not directly quantifiable.Instruments were developed to quantify them through a questionnaire type survey.Underground mine workers were randomly selected for the survey.Responses from 300 participants were used for the analysis.Four variables, age, negative affectivity, job dissatisfaction, and physical hazards, bear significant discriminating power for risk of injury to the workers, comparing between cases and controls in a multivariate situation while controlling all the personal and socio-technical variables.The analysis reveals that negatively affected workers are 2.54 times more prone to injuries than the less negatively affected workers and this factor is a more important risk factor for the case-study mines.Long term planning through identification of the negative individuals, proper counseling regarding the adverse effects of negative behaviors and special training is urgently required.Care should be taken for the aged and experienced workers in terms of their job responsibility and training requirements.Management should provide a friendly atmosphere during work to increase the confidence of the injury prone miners. 展开更多
关键词 mine safety logistic model case control study occupational injury
Application of neural network model coupling with the partial least-squares method for forecasting watre yield of mine 被引量:2
作者 陈南祥 曹连海 黄强 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第1期40-43,共4页
Scientific forecasting water yield of mine is of great significance to the safety production of mine and the colligated using of water resources. The paper established the forecasting model for water yield of mine, co... Scientific forecasting water yield of mine is of great significance to the safety production of mine and the colligated using of water resources. The paper established the forecasting model for water yield of mine, combining neural network with the partial least square method. Dealt with independent variables by the partial least square method, it can not only solve the relationship between independent variables but also reduce the input dimensions in neural network model, and then use the neural network which can solve the non-linear problem better. The result of an example shows that the prediction has higher precision in forecasting and fitting. 展开更多
关键词 water yield of mine partial least square method neural network forecasting model
Causation mechanism of coal miners' human errors in the perspective of life events 被引量:5
作者 Zhang Weihua 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI 2014年第4期581-586,共6页
In order to effectively decrease the safety accidents caused by coal miners’human errors,this paper probes into the causality between human errors and life events,coping,psychological stress,psychological function,ph... In order to effectively decrease the safety accidents caused by coal miners’human errors,this paper probes into the causality between human errors and life events,coping,psychological stress,psychological function,physiological function based on life events’vital influence on human errors,establishing causation mechanism model of coal miners’human errors in the perspective of life events by the researching method of structural equation.The research findings show that life events have significantly positive influence on human errors,with a influential effect value of 0.7945 and a influential effect path of‘‘life events—psychological stress—psychological function—physiological function—human errors’’and‘‘life events—psychological stress—physiological function—human errors’’. 展开更多
关键词 Life events Human errors Structural equation Coal miners
Design of a Mobile Mechanism for Missing Miner Search Robots in Underground Mines 被引量:5
作者 WANG Ting-jun SUN Jin +1 位作者 CHEN Yan-kang JIA Rui-qing 《Journal of China University of Mining and Technology》 EI 2006年第2期175-179,共5页
A mobile mechanism with four tracked-units for a missing miner search robot (MMSR) is presented, with a design based on the terrain features and atrocious environment of an underground mine. Its structure and working ... A mobile mechanism with four tracked-units for a missing miner search robot (MMSR) is presented, with a design based on the terrain features and atrocious environment of an underground mine. Its structure and working prin- ciple is discussed. The four tracked-units are controlled independently and driven cooperatively. By means of two DC motors being controlled respectively, one tracked-unit can accomplish two types of driving mode: tracked travel and in- tegral unit legged rotation (IULR), forming a track-legged compound function mechanism. Its capabilities of surmount- ing obstacles and its toppling stability in underground mines have also been analyzed. The results show that the mobile mechanism can directly surmount an obstacle of the height less than the length of one tracked-unit and get across a raceway with a span less than the length of one tracked-unit by using tracked travel and IULR. Its unstable slope angle is 51.3°. Toppling stability is determined by its structural size, moving direction and slope angle. IULR of four tracked-units can adjust the robot’s posture and then enhance toppling stability or assist in surmounting obstacles. Its track-legged compound function mechanism makes it suitable for working in underground mines. 展开更多
关键词 mobile mechanism underground mine tracked-unit tracked travel integral unit legged rotation (IULR) toppling stability
Recovery prediction of copper oxide ore column leaching by hybrid neural genetic algorithm 被引量:2
作者 Fatemeh Sadat HOSEINIAN Aliakbar ABDOLLAHZADE +1 位作者 Saeed Soltani MOHAMADI Mohsen HASHEMZADEH 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第3期686-693,共8页
The artificial neural network(ANN)and hybrid of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm(GANN)were appliedto predict the optimized conditions of column leaching of copper oxide ore with relations of input and o... The artificial neural network(ANN)and hybrid of artificial neural network and genetic algorithm(GANN)were appliedto predict the optimized conditions of column leaching of copper oxide ore with relations of input and output data.The leachingexperiments were performed in three columns with the heights of2,4and6m and in particle size of<25.4and<50.8mm.Theeffects of different operating parameters such as column height,particle size,acid flow rate and leaching time were studied tooptimize the conditions to achieve the maximum recovery of copper using column leaching in pilot scale.It was found that therecovery increased with increasing the acid flow rate and leaching time and decreasing particle size and column height.Theefficiency of GANN and ANN algorithms was compared with each other.The results showed that GANN is more efficient than ANNin predicting copper recovery.The proposed model can be used to predict the Cu recovery with a reasonable error. 展开更多
关键词 LEACHING copper oxide ore RECOVERY artificial neural network genetic algorithm
Void fill techniques for stabilizing roof conditions during longwall recovery 被引量:2
作者 Oldham Robin Dickerson Craig Mc Henry Rusty 《International Journal of Mining Science and Technology》 SCIE EI CSCD 2016年第1期119-122,共4页
It has been proven that longwall faces can be moved safely and efficiently. However,abutment pressures and poor ground control conditions can halt operations and be hazardous to coal miners. Recently at a mine in Sout... It has been proven that longwall faces can be moved safely and efficiently. However,abutment pressures and poor ground control conditions can halt operations and be hazardous to coal miners. Recently at a mine in Southwestern Pennsylvania,roof material collapsed above shields that created two large voids and caused major challenges for shield recovery. A unique,engineering solution was developed that utilized a modified concrete material to fill the voids,creating stability in the affected area. The many phases of this project included the construction phase,void pumping,cutting out,and bolting of the concrete material. This project eliminated the hazards associated with bolting the recovery face and removing shields in adverse conditions,making it possible for the mine operator to safely complete the longwall move. 展开更多
关键词 Longwall miningLongwall recoveryVoid fillNon-traditional recovery
作者 朱川曲 施式亮 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 1997年第1期5-10,共6页
This paper presents a new method for the correct selection of mining methods and pre-diction of main technological and economic indexes of the face in the gentle inclined thick seams with the application of the artifi... This paper presents a new method for the correct selection of mining methods and pre-diction of main technological and economic indexes of the face in the gentle inclined thick seams with the application of the artificial neural network theory and the expert system. The theory anal- ysis and calculating results indicate that the method is reliable, practical and precise. This method has strongly capabilities of self-study and non-linear dynamic data process. It is expected to be widely applied in the policy decision and prediction of mining technology in coal mine. 展开更多
关键词 gentle inclined thick seam neural network expert system mining method
Study on optimization control method based on artificial neural network 被引量:6
作者 付华 孙韶光 许振良 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2005年第2期82-85,共4页
In the goal optimization and control optimization process the problems with common artificial neural network algorithm are unsure convergence, insufficient post-training network precision, and slow training speed, in ... In the goal optimization and control optimization process the problems with common artificial neural network algorithm are unsure convergence, insufficient post-training network precision, and slow training speed, in which partial minimum value question tends to occur. This paper conducted an in-depth study on the causes of the limi-tations of the algorithm, presented a rapid artificial neural network algorithm, which is characterized by integrating multiple algorithms and by using their complementary advan-tages. The salient feature of the method is self-organization, which can effectively prevent the optimized results from tending to be partial minimum values. Overall optimization can be achieved with this method, goal function can be searched for in overall scope. With op-timization control of coal mine ventilator as a practical application, the paper proves that by integrating multiple artificial neural network algorithms, best control optimization and goal optimized can be achieved. 展开更多
关键词 artificial neural network optimization control coal mine ventilator
An optimized control of ventilation in coal mines based on artificial neural network 被引量:4
作者 付华 邵良杉 《Journal of Coal Science & Engineering(China)》 2002年第2期80-83,共4页
According to the nonlinear and time dependent features of the ventilation systems for coal mines, a neural network method is applied to control the ventilator for coal mines in real time. The technical processes of co... According to the nonlinear and time dependent features of the ventilation systems for coal mines, a neural network method is applied to control the ventilator for coal mines in real time. The technical processes of coal mine ventilation system are introduced, and the principle of controlling a ventilation fan is also explained in detail. The artificial neutral network method is used to calculate the wind quantity needed by work spots in coal mine on the basis of the data collected by the system, including ventilation conditions, environmental temperatures, humidity, coal dust and the contents of all kinds of poisonous and harmful gases. Then the speed of ventilation fan is controlled according to the required wind which is determined by an overall integration of data. A neural network method is presented for overall optimized solution or the genetic algorithm of simulated annealing. 展开更多
关键词 coal mine ventilator artificial neural network rapid algorithm
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