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“社会—空间”辩证视角下的城市空间再认识 被引量:3
作者 金广君 刘堃 《规划师》 北大核心 2009年第11期91-95,共5页
关键词 城市空间 “社会-空间”辩证法 文本 阅读
作者 蔡艳楠 《美术》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第1期124-130,135,共8页
文艺复兴盛期,宗教绘画被世俗世界大举入侵,天使报喜图便是如此。越来越多的人熟悉城市景观被放置到天使报喜图的背景中;赞助人在绘画里炫耀财富、权力,甚至将自身的形象放置其中。除此之外,玛利亚所处的空间还暗示了那个时代人们对女... 文艺复兴盛期,宗教绘画被世俗世界大举入侵,天使报喜图便是如此。越来越多的人熟悉城市景观被放置到天使报喜图的背景中;赞助人在绘画里炫耀财富、权力,甚至将自身的形象放置其中。除此之外,玛利亚所处的空间还暗示了那个时代人们对女性在社会生活、道德品质等方面的要求。天使报喜图不仅仅向观者传递神圣的信息,也同时映射出一个"社会空间",彰显着世俗的权力、公众的期待以及生活状态。 展开更多
关键词 文艺复兴意大利 天使报喜图 “社会空间”
“社会——空间”互嵌视角下老城区有机更新规划框架研究 被引量:15
作者 程德月 张新燕 宋霖 《规划师》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期64-70,共7页
在高质量发展转型阶段,我国经济结构常态化,城市老城区发展的多元需求对有机更新规划提出了新的要求和挑战。面对老城区这一复杂系统,文章首先对有机更新规划研究视角、技术路线、制度保障等困境进行了反思,剖析了当前我国有机更新规划... 在高质量发展转型阶段,我国经济结构常态化,城市老城区发展的多元需求对有机更新规划提出了新的要求和挑战。面对老城区这一复杂系统,文章首先对有机更新规划研究视角、技术路线、制度保障等困境进行了反思,剖析了当前我国有机更新规划存在的权力结构失衡、资本收益失策、生活诉求失位等问题;其次,引入“社会—空间”理论,阐释了社会核心体系要素—权力、资本、生活的内在联系;最后,揭示了社会体系要素与有机更新规划之间的互动机制,并将该机制引入嘉善老城区实践,提出了城市老城区有机更新的规划框架与策略。 展开更多
关键词 “社会空间”理论 老城区 有机更新规划 嘉善
作者 王馨曼 《长春理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第5期57-61,92,共6页
爱德华·苏贾的空间批判理论是西方空间哲学发展的一座里程碑。以其"空间三部曲"以及新著《寻找空间正义》为文本依据,揭示其在批判历史决定论的基础上将空间维度引入"社会—历史"的思考,测绘其在"社会—... 爱德华·苏贾的空间批判理论是西方空间哲学发展的一座里程碑。以其"空间三部曲"以及新著《寻找空间正义》为文本依据,揭示其在批判历史决定论的基础上将空间维度引入"社会—历史"的思考,测绘其在"社会—空间"辩证法的本体论、"第三空间"的认识论以及空间正义的价值论三个递进层面上进行空间批判的铺排架构,挖掘其理论发展演进的内在逻辑,展示其空间理论的叙事特质及现实价值。 展开更多
关键词 爱德华·苏贾 “社会空间” 辩证法 第三空间 空间正义
环境行为学视角下的老城区广场 “社会向心空间”改造研究
作者 李里 储凯锋 《佳木斯大学社会科学学报》 2021年第3期78-79,83,共3页
城市广场是市民户外活动的基本单元和载体,其规划的合理性直接影响到市民的公共生活品质。针对市民的休闲交往行为与城市广场规划设计不匹配的现象,文章基于环境行为学理论,以淮南市寿县为例,引入“社会向心空间”的概念,结合文献查阅... 城市广场是市民户外活动的基本单元和载体,其规划的合理性直接影响到市民的公共生活品质。针对市民的休闲交往行为与城市广场规划设计不匹配的现象,文章基于环境行为学理论,以淮南市寿县为例,引入“社会向心空间”的概念,结合文献查阅、实地调研和综合评价等方法,分析老城区城市广场的场地现状、使用人群及其行为特征,明确市民活动行为与广场环境之间的作用关系,总结“社会向心空间”的特征,并从“围合性”“社交性”“尺度感”等方面提出城市广场“社会向心空间”的改造方案,为老城区公共空间的规划设计提供建议和新思路。 展开更多
关键词 城市广场 “社会向心空间” 环境行为学 老城区
后现代地理学与历史唯物主义的空间化——测绘爱德华·索亚的空间解释学 被引量:1
作者 李晓乐 《内蒙古社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第4期34-39,共6页
作为激进的地理学者,索亚试图通过西方马克思主义与现代地理学的行为、话语的交道与撞击,解构和重构刻板的历史叙事,追溯批判社会理论中空间维度的湮没以及最终重申的历史。其贡献在于,通过界定"社会—空间"辩证法和"历... 作为激进的地理学者,索亚试图通过西方马克思主义与现代地理学的行为、话语的交道与撞击,解构和重构刻板的历史叙事,追溯批判社会理论中空间维度的湮没以及最终重申的历史。其贡献在于,通过界定"社会—空间"辩证法和"历史—地理"唯物主义,将空间性提升为批判社会理论的积极因素,为一种正在崛起的后现代批判人文地理学开辟道路。这种将空间本体论化、具有跨学科范式特质的、更富弹性和更为折中的批判理论,提供了一条将批判人文地理学与阶级分析范式、对地理差异的描述与政治经济学阐释结合在一起的路径。说到底,后现代地理学是一种文本阐释学或者空间阐释学,其实质仍是一种理论问题和政治想象,并不是现实的政治斗争,要想把这种地理学想象凝聚成反资本主义的实际斗争,还有一段很长的路。 展开更多
关键词 后现代地理学 空间 “社会-空间”辩证法 历史-地理唯物主义 空间解释学
作者 傅婷婷 行鸣 吴次芳 《城市问题》 北大核心 2023年第5期75-81,共7页
日益加剧的居住空间分异是中国城市面临的重要现实问题。以“社会—空间”关系为理论视角,梳理国际居住空间分异研究进展,总结居住空间分异的形成机制,以期为分析及应对中国居住空间分异问题提供参考。研究发现,20世纪初期以来,居住空... 日益加剧的居住空间分异是中国城市面临的重要现实问题。以“社会—空间”关系为理论视角,梳理国际居住空间分异研究进展,总结居住空间分异的形成机制,以期为分析及应对中国居住空间分异问题提供参考。研究发现,20世纪初期以来,居住空间分异研究的主流理论——传统芝加哥学派将空间视为社会的产物,认为具有不同社会经济特征的群体在地理空间中的差异化分布是居住空间分异的核心特征,空间分化作为社会分化的空间表征而出现。20世纪80年代出现的邻里效应理论和20世纪90年代提出的领土污名化理论则分别关注空间分化塑造的社会隔离效应和主观隔离效应,认为社会分化也是居住空间分异的核心特征,强调空间具有塑造社会的能动性。已有研究证明,居住空间分异的形成机制存在“社会—空间”互嵌关系。为实现以人为本、公平共享的中国新型城镇化,未来中国居住空间分异研究应更多地关注空间分化的社会效应分析,探索基于社会和空间互嵌关系的居住空间分异理论解释和应对策略。 展开更多
关键词 “社会空间”关系 居住空间分异 形成机制 国际研究
后现代地理语境下同性恋社会空间与社交网络——以北京为例 被引量:7
作者 冯健 赵楠 《地理学报》 EI CSCD 北大核心 2016年第10期1815-1832,共18页
采用参与式观察、问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,以北京作为实证研究地区,探讨后现代地理语境下同性恋社会空间与社交网络的发展特点。北京同性恋场所呈现出多元化的发展趋势,场所影响参与者的行为和心理,而人也对场所产生反作用,群体活... 采用参与式观察、问卷调查和访谈相结合的方法,以北京作为实证研究地区,探讨后现代地理语境下同性恋社会空间与社交网络的发展特点。北京同性恋场所呈现出多元化的发展趋势,场所影响参与者的行为和心理,而人也对场所产生反作用,群体活动使物理空间具备性别特征,并转变为充满主观感觉的"地方"。同性恋社交网络表现出对互联网的依赖性和不稳定性特点,并与同性恋者的"日常生活"空间相脱离。社交空间的破碎化、参与者的不稳定性和政府管制的影响都促成了同性恋社交网络的不稳定性。后现代地理中打破语言中心主义、提倡多元化和权力关系反转等原理可用来诠释同性恋的社交空间,另外,同性恋空间的研究从亚文化或少数群体文化的层面诠释了社会—空间辩证法。本文还对西方文献中"同性恋聚居区"和"同性恋的城市本质"论断进行了中国的回应。 展开更多
关键词 同性恋 社会空间 社交网络 “社会空间”辩证法 北京
社会空间研究的困境与反思 被引量:6
作者 张品 《天津社会科学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2012年第5期81-83,共3页
社会空间研究将空间整合于社会分析中,提出了"社会-空间"辩证研究范式,其目标是重构社会理论,然而这一过程却面临诸多困境:社会时间的缺失使空间变化不能较好地指称社会变迁,社会和空间的简单等同使这一研究忽略了空间中的非... 社会空间研究将空间整合于社会分析中,提出了"社会-空间"辩证研究范式,其目标是重构社会理论,然而这一过程却面临诸多困境:社会时间的缺失使空间变化不能较好地指称社会变迁,社会和空间的简单等同使这一研究忽略了空间中的非社会因素,社会与空间的复杂辩证关系也使得社会空间理论的建构遭到质疑。解决上述困境的有效途径在于实现空间和其他研究要素的辩证结合。 展开更多
关键词 社会空间 时间 “社会-空间”辩证 困境
Influence of Information Technology on Social Spatial Behaviors of Urban Residents——Case of Nanjing City in China 被引量:18
作者 ZHEN Feng WEI Zongcai 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2008年第4期316-322,共7页
Taking Nanjing as a case, the paper explains the spatial behavior differences existing in the information technology use among different groups of residents and households, by virtue of analyzing the survey data of ur... Taking Nanjing as a case, the paper explains the spatial behavior differences existing in the information technology use among different groups of residents and households, by virtue of analyzing the survey data of urban households in the 11 districts of Nanjing, from the social, spatial, life and other non-technical angles. Also it makes various analyses and evaluation quantitatively and qualitatively on the social and spatial effect of information technology. The results show that the new technology is changing the social spatial behaviors of urban residents. New behavioral spaces of urban family such as telecommuting, email and QQ have begun to emerge. With the help of Internet, the communication scope of families has expanded greatly, and more new forms of publicizing community information have begun to emerge. Telecommunication contact forms have been developing swiftly, and their frequencies of contact have been increasing dramatically. 展开更多
关键词 information technology households social and spatial behavior social and spatial effect NANJING
Heading toward Artificial Intelligence 2.0 被引量:127
作者 Yunhe Pan 《Engineering》 SCIE EI 2016年第4期409-413,共5页
With the popularization of the Intemet, permeation of sensor networks, emergence of big data, increase in size of the information community, and interlinking and fusion of data and information throughout human society... With the popularization of the Intemet, permeation of sensor networks, emergence of big data, increase in size of the information community, and interlinking and fusion of data and information throughout human society, physical space, and cyberspace, the information environment related to the current development of artificial intelligence (AI) has profoundly changed. AI faces important adjustments, and scientific foundations are confronted with new breakthroughs, as AI enters a new stage: AI 2.0. This paper briefly reviews the 60-year developmental history of AI, analyzes the external environment promoting the formation of AI 2.0 along with changes in goals, and describes both the beginning of the technology and the core idea behind AI 2.0 development. Furthermore, based on combined social demands and the information environment that exists in relation to Chinese development, suggestions on the develoDment of Al 2.0 are given. 展开更多
关键词 Artificial intelligence 2.0 Big data Crowd intelligence CROSS-MEDIA Human-machine hybrid-augmented intelligence Autonomous-intelligent system
Gentrification and Residential Differentiation in Nanjing,China 被引量:12
作者 SONG Weixuan WU Qiyan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第6期568-576,共9页
The institutional environment in China has quite evidently changed during modern socio-economic transitions.Driven both by local government and by marketing force,urban social space was redistributed after the reform ... The institutional environment in China has quite evidently changed during modern socio-economic transitions.Driven both by local government and by marketing force,urban social space was redistributed after the reform of urban land and real estate policies.Urban renewal makes for wide differential rent and therefore gentrification is occurring in China.This paper analyzes the background and institutional environment of gentrification in China,and further discusses the process,characteristics and evolutionary mechanisms in the case of Nanjing,through investigation of the attributes of 1075 residential communities built during the 1998-2008 at a macro level,and interviewing the residents and analyzing questionnaires in 6 different and typical communities at a micro level.As a socio-spatial course of two-way interaction,gentrification is divided into 3 stages of incubation,occurrence and fast development,according to the time of landmark events and policy reform on the leasehold of land in Nanjing during socio-economic transition.In terms of the socio-spatial characteristics of gentrification in Nanjing,the gentrification process under the trajectory of urban renewal makes urban social space present a new circle-layer structure;the rise of quite a number of gated communities results in the fragmentation of social space and privatization of public space;the management mode of modern communities and the change of life style have aggravated the indifference of neighborhood relationship of gentrified communities.Based on the empirical evidence of this study,this paper indicates that gentrification is quite different between China and western countries with respect to spatio-temporal order,dominant forces,paths of realization and spatial expression,and it further reveals the dynamic mechanism of gentrification developing in China at the present stage. 展开更多
关键词 gentrification gated community residential differentiation social spatial fragmentation NANJING
Objective and Framework for Territorial Development in China 被引量:1
作者 LU Dadao 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2009年第3期195-202,共8页
This paper analyzes the present situation of China's territorial development and holds that the spatial framework for socio-economic development can not be naturally extended under the present conditions. Hence it... This paper analyzes the present situation of China's territorial development and holds that the spatial framework for socio-economic development can not be naturally extended under the present conditions. Hence it is necessary to strengthen rationally spatial agglomeration. The basic concept and framework for future territorial devel- opment are raised based on the elaboration of factors affecting the territorial development of China. 展开更多
关键词 territorial development spatial agglomeration functional zoning economic metropolitan zone
Socio-cultural Embeddedness of Spatial Agglomeration of Creative Industries in Shanghai 被引量:1
作者 Jin-Liao Hea Hans Gebhardt 《Sociology Study》 2012年第8期605-614,共10页
Rapidly emerged creative industries receive increasing attention from a variety of disciplines. However, the space features of creative industries and its association with local socio-cultural contexts have not been f... Rapidly emerged creative industries receive increasing attention from a variety of disciplines. However, the space features of creative industries and its association with local socio-cultural contexts have not been fully understood, especially at a micro-city level. This study attempts to understand the agglomeration of creative industries in Shanghai from the sociology perspective. For this study, this paper utilizes primarily a questionnaire survey to explain the space features of creative industries in Shanghai. The results indicate an extensive socio-cultural embeddedness of the agglomeration of creative industries in Shanghai. First, strong emphasis on face-to-face contacts by creative professionals makes geographical agglomeration necessary for creative industries. Second, the reason why inner city of Shanghai is popular among creative professionals and enterprises lies in the diversity of cultures and special environment of the former colonial zones of Shanghai. Additionally, highly concentrated dining and entertainment facilities in the central city of Shanghai offer creative workers social networking places and nightlife venues. Third, as the educational attainment of local citizens and the protection of intellectual property are highly stressed by creative professionals, research and design specialized creative industries are more likely located near universities and research institutes. 展开更多
关键词 Creative industries industrial agglomeration socio-cultural embeddedness SHANGHAI
Spatial Patterns of Car Sales and Their Socio-economic Attributes in China 被引量:1
作者 LIU Daqian LO Kevin +1 位作者 SONG Wei XIE Chunyan 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第5期684-696,共13页
Using data from the Economic Advisory Center of the State Information Center(SIC), we examined the spatial patterns of car sales in China at the prefectural level in 2012. We first analyzed the spatial distributions o... Using data from the Economic Advisory Center of the State Information Center(SIC), we examined the spatial patterns of car sales in China at the prefectural level in 2012. We first analyzed the spatial distributions of car sales of different kinds of automakers(foreign automakers, Sino-foreign joint automakers, and Chinese automakers), and then identified spatial clusters using the local Moran's indexes. Location quotient analysis was applied to examine the relative advantage of each type of automaker in the local markets. To explain the variations of car sales across cities, we collected several socioeconomic variables and conducted regression analyses. Further, factor analysis was used to extract independent variables to avoid the problem of multicollinearity. By incorporating a spatial lag or spatial error in the models, we calibrated our spatial regression models to address the spatial dependence problem. The analytical results show that car sales varied significantly across cities in China, and most of the cities with higher car sales were the developed cities. Different automakers exhibit diverse spatial patterns in terms of car sales volume, spatial clusters, and location quotients. The scale and incomes factor were extracted and verified as the two most significant and positive factors that shape the spatial distributions of car sales, and together with the spatial effect, explained most of the variations of car sales across cities. 展开更多
关键词 car sales spatial clusters Location Quotient socio-economic attributes China
China's Economic Outlook into 2030: Transformation, Simulation and Policy Suggestions 被引量:2
作者 张平 王宏淼 《China Economist》 2011年第4期4-15,共12页
This article discusses China's economic growth path and the potential challenges to becoming a high-income country by utilizing simulation to provide potential policy responses. The authors believe it is necessary to... This article discusses China's economic growth path and the potential challenges to becoming a high-income country by utilizing simulation to provide potential policy responses. The authors believe it is necessary to optimize spatial allocation and promote urbanization, but distorted urbanization must be avoided as it will only perpetuate the current problems. The core strategy is to change government behavior to allow the market to allocate resources. It is important to maintain stable growth in the short term and balance the economic structure in the medium- and long-term. In particular, optimizing spatial allocation must constitute a critical part of the policy adjustment. Only with a viable urbanization model can the country shift from the catch-up pursuit via industrialization to a balanced approach of sustainable growth. This can be done through gradual guidance and policy corrections. China should continue to uphold the "scientific concept of development" as the overarching principle governing socioeconomic development, and create a unique approach to sustainability where the economy grows steadily, sharing is universal and people live in harmony with nature. 展开更多
关键词 balanced structure economic growth sustainable development urbanization technological advances
Social Construction Functions of Consumption Space under Stratification:The Case of Guangzhou
作者 LIN Geng WANG Lianjun ZHANG Xiaoying 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2010年第5期450-460,共11页
As Chinese cities rapidly transformed themselves into consumerist societies,the relationship between consumers and consumption space under stratification has become a new research area in the field of urban social geo... As Chinese cities rapidly transformed themselves into consumerist societies,the relationship between consumers and consumption space under stratification has become a new research area in the field of urban social geography.Based on a consumer behavior analysis,this study explores the relationship between consumption space and the social strata of consumers in typical shopping malls in Guangzhou where the first shopping mall in China was built.The result shows that shopping malls have performed significant constructive functions of organizing consumers from different social classes into different consumption space.For middle-and upper-class consumers,the function of shopping malls centers on utilitarian consumption,identity recognition,and identity construction;whereas for lower-class consumers,its function revolves around pleasure and enjoyment.The symbolism of consumption space is the underlying reason for shopping malls to have their social constructive function.The findings of this research suggest that:1) a shopping mall is a productive consumption space and a geographical space with subjectivity;2) the micro-location of a shopping mall has social construction function;and 3) symbolic consumption is the core of social construction. 展开更多
关键词 consumption space STRATIFICATION shopping mail social construction social identity symbolic consumption
Spatio-Temporal Impact of Rural Livelihood Capital on Labor Migra- tion in Panxi, Southwestern Mountainous Region of China 被引量:5
作者 WAN Jiangjun DENG Wei +4 位作者 SONG Xueqian LIU Ying ZHANG Shaoyao SU Yi LU Yafeng 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第1期153-166,共14页
Labor migration to urban centers is a common phenomenon in the Panxi region of the southwestern mountainous region of China, mainly owing to inadequate livelihood capital in rural areas. Numerous studies have been con... Labor migration to urban centers is a common phenomenon in the Panxi region of the southwestern mountainous region of China, mainly owing to inadequate livelihood capital in rural areas. Numerous studies have been conducted to explore the relationship between labor migration and its causes, such as individual and family characteristics, but few studies have focused on livelihood capital. This paper examines the impact factors on labor migration employment location selection and duration from a household livelihood capital perspective. A case study of 279 households from 10 villages in the area was carried out in February 2016. We used both qualitative and quantitative methods to analyze the data. On the basis of the 279 questionnaires, the proportion of households with non-labor migration is 48.4%, whereas households with labor migration within a local city and migration across regions account for 28.7% and 22.9%, respectively. Social, financial, and human capitals are the primary factors that influence migrants' employment location choice positively. Among them, social capital has a significant impact on both migration within a local city and across regions; each of the regression coefficients is 1.111 and 1.183. Social, human, and financial capitals also have a positive impact on the duration of labor migration, and similarly, social capital is the highest coefficient with 2.489. However, physical capital only partly impacts labor migration across regions, whereas the impact of labor migration within a local city, and the duration, are not significant. Furthermore, the impact of household natural capital on migration space and time are all negative relationships, especially for labor migration across the regions and duration, with coefficient scores of 4.836 and 3.450, respectively. That is to say, a laborer is inclined to migrate within a local city for a short term, or not migrate at all, if natural capital is abundant. Our analysis results show that household livelihood capital has a strong spatio-temporal impact on labor migration. 展开更多
关键词 labor migration livelihood capital spatio-temporal impact southwestern mountainous region China
Spatial-temporal Characteristics of Land Use Intensity of Coastal Zone in China During 2000–2010 被引量:23
作者 DI Xianghong HOU Xiyong +1 位作者 WANG Yuandong WU Li 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2015年第1期51-61,共11页
Based on remote sensing and GIS techniques, land use maps in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in China′s coastal zone were produced, and structural raster data of land use were further generated to calculate land use intensity co... Based on remote sensing and GIS techniques, land use maps in 2000, 2005 and 2010 in China′s coastal zone were produced, and structural raster data of land use were further generated to calculate land use intensity comprehensive index(LUICI) for analyzing land use spatial-temporal characteristics at 1 km scale. Results show that: 1) from the perspective of spatial patterns of landforms at a macro scale, there is a significant difference in land use intensity between the north and the south of China′s coastal zone. Hotspots of changes mainly concentrated in metropolitan areas, estuaries and coastal wetlands; 2) elevation is an important factor that controlling land use spatial patterns at local scale. Land use intensity is much higher within areas below the elevation of 400 m and it decreased significantly as the elevation increasing; 3) there is a significant land-ocean gradient for land use intensity, which is low in island and near-shore areas, but high in the regions that 4–30 km far away the coastline because of much intensive human activities; however, in recent decades land use intensity had been promoted significantly in low near-shore area due to extensive sea reclamations; 4) significant differences of land use intensity were also found among provincial administrative units. A rising trend of land use intensity was found in provincial-level administrative units from 2000 to 2010. To sum up, elevation, land-ocean gradient, socio-economic status and policy are all influencing factors to the spatial patterns and temporal variations of land use intensity in China′s coastal zone. 展开更多
关键词 coastal zone land use intensity land use intensity comprehensive index(LUICI) spatial pattern ELEVATION land-ocean gradient
Historical Memory and Cultural Nostalgia of Longtang's Rebuilt in Shanghai 被引量:1
作者 ZHANG Xiao-jia 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第3期389-402,共14页
Most cities in China have experienced dramatic changes during the systematic progress of modernization and commercialization. Rebuilding residential space into heritage preservation is popular in Chinese urban plannin... Most cities in China have experienced dramatic changes during the systematic progress of modernization and commercialization. Rebuilding residential space into heritage preservation is popular in Chinese urban planning. Yearning for modernity generates a policy of cultural protection which is transformed by the public spaces within which people carry out daily lives. However, heritage preservation in these cities is in a dilemma. On side, with the opening up, Chinese society toward modernization has been accompanied by large-scale urbanization, rapid commercialization and a booming consumerism. The Chinese capital has forced people to face the challenge of urban environment management and adaptation to a new city. The traditional streets in big cities are destroyed first and then rebuilt to turn the capital into an international metropolis. On the other side, heritage protection needs its historical roots as the authentic cultural features. To some extent, the process of urban landscaping stimulates people's nostalgia tie. Although it seems to be individual, it is also a link of one's historical memory of sentiment with the development of social construction. Hence, collective urban nostalgia that emerged through the rebuilding of heritage in urban China can promote nationalism from the governmental perspective. Further, it can also lead people face the life itself but neglect the social tensions around them. Meanwhile, rebuilding mode of Longtang also elaborates the power structure existing among state, capital, intellectuals. 展开更多
关键词 rebuilding mode of Shikumen Longtang urban landscaping NOSTALGIA
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