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作者 刘金山 《科学文化评论》 2010年第3期71-80,共10页
休谟反驳神迹的论证的"根本困难"是内在主义认识论与自然主义的形而上学立场这对组合的相互冲突。"休谟传统"基于内在主义认识论与科学的自然主义的组合而提出了各种反驳神迹的论证,由于这种组合面临着和休谟的组... 休谟反驳神迹的论证的"根本困难"是内在主义认识论与自然主义的形而上学立场这对组合的相互冲突。"休谟传统"基于内在主义认识论与科学的自然主义的组合而提出了各种反驳神迹的论证,由于这种组合面临着和休谟的组合类似的冲突,所以在此意义上,"休谟传统"没有成功地提出一种比休谟更强的反对神迹的论证。 展开更多
关键词 内在主义 科学的自然主义“神迹” 论证 休谟传统
苏格拉底被控和定罪的原因探析 被引量:4
作者 王云 《兰州大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第4期78-82,共5页
苏格拉底被控和定罪是多种原因综合作用的结果。其中苏格拉底的反民主政治观点及其对青年人的政治影响是导致其被控和定罪的最重要的原因。宗教方面的“不信城邦神另树新神”是苏格拉底被控和定罪的次重要原因。此外,雅典民众对苏格拉... 苏格拉底被控和定罪是多种原因综合作用的结果。其中苏格拉底的反民主政治观点及其对青年人的政治影响是导致其被控和定罪的最重要的原因。宗教方面的“不信城邦神另树新神”是苏格拉底被控和定罪的次重要原因。此外,雅典民众对苏格拉底的不满和敌意对审判所起的作用也不可低估。因之,从奴隶主民主政治的角度来看,苏格拉底被控和定罪是合法的,是有充分理由的。但从整个人类的发展和进步来看,对苏格拉底的控告和定罪显然是不公正的。 展开更多
关键词 苏格拉底 “神迹” 雅黄
作者 方玮 《南京政治学院学报》 CSSCI 北大核心 1998年第3期36-38,共3页
在18世纪的英国经验主义哲学中,休谟的怀疑论具有唯心主义和不可知论的倾向已成定论。但深入考察,也不难发现其中不乏一些合理之处。本文在将休谟哲学与洛克哲学相比较的基础上,从三个方面论述了休谟怀疑论中的合理因素及其在哲学的发... 在18世纪的英国经验主义哲学中,休谟的怀疑论具有唯心主义和不可知论的倾向已成定论。但深入考察,也不难发现其中不乏一些合理之处。本文在将休谟哲学与洛克哲学相比较的基础上,从三个方面论述了休谟怀疑论中的合理因素及其在哲学的发展进程中所起的积极作用。 展开更多
关键词 怀疑论 唯物主义 认识过程 休谟 天赋观念 唯心主义 独断论 “神迹” 合理因素
灵恩运动——美国基督教的“怪胎” 被引量:1
作者 张利华 《国际展望》 1999年第13期28-29,共2页
本世纪,基督新教在美国有了很大的发展,出现了一些较温和的教派,如“耶和华见证人”等,但也产生了一些蛊惑人心。唆使信徒乱伦、乱交和集体自杀的邪教,如:人民圣殿教、上帝之子、科学论派、大卫教派等。这些教派因过于邪门,不得人心而... 本世纪,基督新教在美国有了很大的发展,出现了一些较温和的教派,如“耶和华见证人”等,但也产生了一些蛊惑人心。唆使信徒乱伦、乱交和集体自杀的邪教,如:人民圣殿教、上帝之子、科学论派、大卫教派等。这些教派因过于邪门,不得人心而如过眼烟云,稍纵即逝。然而,一个以行“神迹奇事”和所谓“大能”的基督教灵恩派却兴盛不衰,席卷全美。 展开更多
关键词 怪胎 基督教 信徒 “神迹” 奇事 基督新教 新时代运动 方言 使徒 大卫教
作者 黄行 《江西社会科学》 1986年第1期91-95,共5页
哲学是时代精神的精华。任何哲学都是人类认识世界和改造世界,认识自己和改造自己的体现,都是人类认识史上不可缺少的环节。本文所论及的休谟哲学思想,曾给后世以深刻的影响。以往我们在论述这位近代英国著名经验论哲学家的思想时,总是... 哲学是时代精神的精华。任何哲学都是人类认识世界和改造世界,认识自己和改造自己的体现,都是人类认识史上不可缺少的环节。本文所论及的休谟哲学思想,曾给后世以深刻的影响。以往我们在论述这位近代英国著名经验论哲学家的思想时,总是简单地把他的思想斥之为贝克莱主观唯心主义和宗教神学的翻版,是变相的僧侣主义。 展开更多
关键词 休谟哲学 宗教 “神迹” 积极因素 因果观念 传统宗教 感觉经验 上帝 贝克莱 因果学
作者 闻道 雷明 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第S1期159-161,共3页
休谟是怎样怀疑上帝的闻道,雷明休谟(1711—1776)的怀疑论或不可知论是以经验论为基础的,把感觉印象视为认识的唯一来源。但若进一步考察“感觉印象从何而来”这一认识论的基本问题时,却持“存疑”态度。他声称“至于由感... 休谟是怎样怀疑上帝的闻道,雷明休谟(1711—1776)的怀疑论或不可知论是以经验论为基础的,把感觉印象视为认识的唯一来源。但若进一步考察“感觉印象从何而来”这一认识论的基本问题时,却持“存疑”态度。他声称“至于由感官所发生的那些印象,据我看来,它们... 展开更多
关键词 上帝 怀疑论 宗教起源 休谟 自然宗教 宗教信仰 自然法 “神迹” 《唯物主义和经验批判主义》
作者 赵必雄 《天风》 北大核心 2001年第9期40-41,共2页
关键词 “神迹” 异端 邪教 信徒 圣经 见证 信仰 真理 邪灵 先知
作者 石荣伦 《连云港师范高等专科学校学报》 1996年第4期39-42,38,共5页
关于汉高祖刘邦的身世,太史公司马迁云:“高祖,……父曰太公,母曰刘媪。其先,刘媪尝息大泽之陂,梦与神遇。是时雷电晦冥,太公往视,则见蛟龙于其上,已而有身,遂产高祖。”此说后为班固《汉书》、郑樵《通志》所因袭。现代史家多不以为然... 关于汉高祖刘邦的身世,太史公司马迁云:“高祖,……父曰太公,母曰刘媪。其先,刘媪尝息大泽之陂,梦与神遇。是时雷电晦冥,太公往视,则见蛟龙于其上,已而有身,遂产高祖。”此说后为班固《汉书》、郑樵《通志》所因袭。现代史家多不以为然,翦伯赞先生曾对此批评道:“刘邦本来是他父亲的儿子,但是历史家(指司马迁——引者)却硬要诬蔑他的母亲,说他不是人种,而是人龙混种,”显然翦老无意于史实的考证,旨在说明司马迁为刘邦理应当皇帝寻找理论依据。但我认为,此为刘邦身世最直接的材料,也是有关刘邦身世的最大疑点,刘邦是否为太公的亲生儿子很值得怀疑,一向秉笔直书的司马迁如此安排实乃出自一片苦心。 展开更多
关键词 司马迁 刘邦 “神迹” 太公 高祖本纪 《史记·秦始皇本纪》 《史记·项羽本纪》 赤帝子 《史记·夏本纪》 吕不韦
作者 厉永举 《天风》 1995年第6期24-24,共1页
现在在农村,福音日日兴旺,然而各种各样的异端邪说也越来越多,活动猖獗,很多信徒被他们拉走,实在令人惋惜。 在农村教会中,依靠主的带领,作好讲台工作是抵制异端邪说的关键,下面就将我们教会多年来的几点经验与众同工交流一下。
关键词 农村 异端 “神迹” 圣经 好奇心 历史背景 耶稣基督 联系上下文 文化程度 迷信色彩
“魔”高一尺 “道”高一丈 成都市制止和取缔滥建小庙情况的调查报告
作者 阳光 《四川统一战线》 1995年第3期25-25,共1页
近几年来,成都市一些区(市)县不同程度地出现了滥建小庙的情况,这些区(市)、县的相关部门,发现情况后,及时稳妥地做好工作,制止和取缔了一批滥建的小庙。事实证明,这对于我们今后开展宗教工作有很好的指导和借鉴作用。对于进一步做好制... 近几年来,成都市一些区(市)县不同程度地出现了滥建小庙的情况,这些区(市)、县的相关部门,发现情况后,及时稳妥地做好工作,制止和取缔了一批滥建的小庙。事实证明,这对于我们今后开展宗教工作有很好的指导和借鉴作用。对于进一步做好制止和取缔滥建小庙的工作是有益处的。 成都市滥建小庙的情况大致以丘陵和山区多一些,平原地区相对较少。从建庙的分布看,有些地方多的数十处,少的也有七八处。一些是过去的土地庙,或过去有庙,或过去或现在有“神迹”存在。参加建庙和参与非法活动的人。 展开更多
关键词 成都市 调查报告 “神迹” 相关部门 土地庙 发现情况 迷信活动 山区多 宗教工作 党和政府
作者 王意 《电脑应用文萃》 2004年第5期29-30,共2页
关键词 计算机 市场行情 INTEL处理器 内存价格 硬盘 双敏“神迹”版显卡 主板促销活动
Purification and Bioassay of Mouse β NGF Antibody
作者 刘晓军 吴梧桐 高向东 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1998年第1期43+45+47-49,51+44+46,共8页
Anti β NGF antiserum was prepared by immunizing rabbits with purified mouse β NGF. It presented immunopositivity to β NGF on Western blot, resulting in a single band approximately at the molecular weight of 14 kD... Anti β NGF antiserum was prepared by immunizing rabbits with purified mouse β NGF. It presented immunopositivity to β NGF on Western blot, resulting in a single band approximately at the molecular weight of 14 kDa. The antiserum was further purified into anti β NGF IgG by affinity chromatography. Chicken embryonic dorsal root ganglia (DRG) were cultured to test the biological activities of β NGF and its antibody. 展开更多
关键词 Anti β NGF antibody Affinity chromatography Western blot Chicken embryonic DRG
作者 皮运汤 《渝西学院学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第1期37-41,共5页
石涛的“一画”论博大精深 ,自成体系 ,在中国美学史上影响深远。其所说一画是万物生成演化的根本法则。作为法则 ,它是充满灵气之法 ,自由之法 ,变化无迹之法。而其实质则是形神统一体、天人合一体、内在生命力及其表现统一体。石涛将... 石涛的“一画”论博大精深 ,自成体系 ,在中国美学史上影响深远。其所说一画是万物生成演化的根本法则。作为法则 ,它是充满灵气之法 ,自由之法 ,变化无迹之法。而其实质则是形神统一体、天人合一体、内在生命力及其表现统一体。石涛将其引申为审美创造法则 ,以指导人们如宇宙创生那样创造出活生生的第二自然 。 展开更多
关键词 石涛 “一画”论 美学理论 “无法” 审美观
Three-dimensional neural network tracking control of autonomous underwater vehicles with input saturation 被引量:2
作者 XU Rui-kun TANG Guo-yuan +1 位作者 XIE De HAN Li-jun 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第6期1754-1769,共16页
This paper addresses the problem of three-dimensional trajectory tracking control for underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles in the presence of parametric uncertainties,environmental disturbances and input satur... This paper addresses the problem of three-dimensional trajectory tracking control for underactuated autonomous underwater vehicles in the presence of parametric uncertainties,environmental disturbances and input saturation.First,a virtual guidance control strategy is established on the basis of tracking error kinematics,which resolves the overall control system into two cascade subsystems.Then,a first-order sliding mode differentiator is introduced in the derivation to avoid tedious analytic calculation,and a Gaussian error function-based continuous differentiable symmetric saturation model is explored to tackle the issue of input saturation.Combined with backstepping design techniques,the neural network control method and an adaptive control approach are used to estimate composite items of the unknown uncertainty and approximation errors.Meanwhile,Lyapunov-based stability analysis guarantees that control error signals of the closed-loop system are uniformly ultimately bounded.Finally,simulation studies are conducted for the trajectory tracking of a moving target and a spiral line to validate the effectiveness of the proposed controller. 展开更多
关键词 autonomous underwater vehicles trajectory tracking neural networks BACKSTEPPING input saturation
HCMV Infection Depress NGF Expression in Human Glioma Cells
作者 Hai-tao WANG Bin WANG +5 位作者 Zhi-jun LIU Zhi-qiang BAI Ling LI Dong-meng QIAN Zhi-yong YAN Xu-xia SONG 《Virologica Sinica》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第3期209-214,共6页
Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common cause of congenital infection, resulting in birth defects such as microcephaly. In this study, RT-PCR and Western Blotting were performed to quantify the regulation of... Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) is the most common cause of congenital infection, resulting in birth defects such as microcephaly. In this study, RT-PCR and Western Blotting were performed to quantify the regulation of endogenic nerve growth factor expression in neuroglia ceils by HCMV infection. The results showed that basal, endogenous NGF expression in U251 was unchanged during early HCMV infection. NGF expression is strongly down-regulated during the latent phase of infection. These results suggest that HCMV can depress the NGF expression in U251 cells. 展开更多
关键词 Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) U251 cell Nerve growth factor (NGF)
Dynamic Velocity Feed-Forward Compensation Control with RBF-NN System Identification for Industrial Robots 被引量:1
作者 宋伟科 肖聚亮 +1 位作者 王刚 王国栋 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2013年第2期118-126,共9页
A dynamic velocity feed-forward compensation (RBF-NN) dynamic model identification was presented for control (DVFCC) approach with RBF neural network the adaptive trajectory tracking of industrial robots. The prop... A dynamic velocity feed-forward compensation (RBF-NN) dynamic model identification was presented for control (DVFCC) approach with RBF neural network the adaptive trajectory tracking of industrial robots. The proposed control approach combined the advantages of traditional feedback closed-loop position control and computed torque control based on inverse dynamic model. The feed-forward compensator used a nominal robot dynamics as accurate dynamic model and on-line identification with RBF-NN as uncertain part to improve dynamic modeling accu- racy. The proposed compensation was applied as velocity feed-forward by an inverse velocity controller that can con- vert torque signal into velocity in the standard industrial controller. Then, the need for a torque control interface was avoided in the real-time dynamic control of industrial robot. The simulations and experiments were carried out on a gas cutting manipulator. The results show that the proposed control approach can reduce steady-state error, suppress overshoot and enhance tracking accuracy and efficiency in joint space and Cartesian space, especially under high- speed condition. 展开更多
关键词 dynamic velocity feed-forward compensation control RBF-NN inverse velocity controller gas cutting manipulator
Online prediction for contamination of chlortetracycline fermentation based on Dezert–Smarandache theory 被引量:1
作者 杨建文 陈祥光 金怀平 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2015年第6期1009-1016,共8页
Fermentative production of chlortetracycline is a complex fed-batch bioprocess. It generally takes over 90 h for cultivation and is often contaminated by undesired microorganisms. Once the fermentation system is conta... Fermentative production of chlortetracycline is a complex fed-batch bioprocess. It generally takes over 90 h for cultivation and is often contaminated by undesired microorganisms. Once the fermentation system is contaminated to certain extent, the product quality and yield will be seriously affected, leading to a substantial economic loss. Using information fusion based on the Dezer–Smarandache theory, self-recursive wavelet neural network and unscented kalman filter, a novel method for online prediction of contamination is developed. All state variables of culture process involving easy-to-measure and difficult-to-measure variables commonly obtained with soft-sensors present their contamination symptoms. By extracting and fusing latent information from the changing trend of each variable, integral and accurate prediction results for contamination can be achieved. This makes preventive and corrective measures be taken promptly. The field experimental results show that the method can be used to detect the contamination in time, reducing production loss and enhancing economic efficiency. 展开更多
关键词 ChlortetTacycline fermentation Online prediction of contamination Dezert-Smarandache theory Self-recursive wavelet neural network Unscented kalman filter
A young and booming approach:the extreme lateral supracerebellar infratentorial approach 被引量:1
作者 陈鑫 丰育功 +2 位作者 唐万忠 李环廷 李照建 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第6期479-485,共7页
Surgical accesses to lesions of the posterolateral pontomesencephalic junction(PMJ)region and the posterolateral tentorial gap remain a challenge in the field of neurosurgery.Since the first report of application of... Surgical accesses to lesions of the posterolateral pontomesencephalic junction(PMJ)region and the posterolateral tentorial gap remain a challenge in the field of neurosurgery.Since the first report of application of the extreme lateral supracerebellar infratentorial(ELSI)approach in resecting the PMJ lesions in 2000,a few articles concerning the ELSI approach have been published.The present review mainly provided an intimate introduction of the ELSI approach,and evalu- ated it in facets of patient position,skin incision,craniectomy,draining veins,retraction against the cerebellum,exposure limits,patient healing,as well as advantages and limitations compared with other approaches.The ELSI approach is proposed to be a very young and promising approach to access the lesions of posterolateral PMJ region and the posterolateral tentorial gap.Besides,it has several advantages such as having a shorter surgical pathway,causing less surgical complications,laborsaving,etc.Still,more studies are needed to improve this approach. 展开更多
关键词 extreme lateral supracerebellar infratentorial approach tentorial gap NEUROSURGERY
Distribution Assessment and Source Identification Using Multivariate Statistical Analyses and Artificial Neutral Networks for Trace Elements in Agricultural Soils in Xinzhou of Shanxi Province, China 被引量:2
作者 SHANGGUAN Yuxian CHENG Bin +9 位作者 ZHAO Long HOU Hong MA Jin SUN Zaijin XU Yafei ZHAO Ruifen ZHANG Yigong HUA Xiaozan HUO Xiaolan ZHAO Xiufeng 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第3期542-554,共13页
Multivariate statistical analyses were used to assess the contents and distributions of trace elements in agricultural soils in Xinzhou of Shanxi Province, China, and to identify their sources. Samples with high level... Multivariate statistical analyses were used to assess the contents and distributions of trace elements in agricultural soils in Xinzhou of Shanxi Province, China, and to identify their sources. Samples with high levels of trace elements were concentrated in eastern Xinzhou, with contents declining from the east to west. Principal component and redundancy analyses revealed strong correlations among Co, Cu, Mn, Ni, Se, V, and Zn contents, suggesting that these elements were derived from similar parent materials. There were also strong correlations between the contents of these elements and soil properties. Contents of Cd and Pb were significantly higher in the agricultural soil samples than in the background soil samples(P < 0.05), and were higher in areas with higher levels of gross domestic product but decreased with distance to the nearest road. Therefore, human activities appear to have a strong influence on the Cd and Pb distribution patterns. A novel artificial neural network(ANN) model, using environmental input data, was used to predict the soil Cd and Pb contents of specified test dates. The performances of the ANN model and a traditional multilinear model were compared. The ANN model could successfully predict Cd and Pb content distributions, projecting that soil Cd and Pb contents will increase by 128% and 25%, respectively, by 2020. The results thus indicated that the economic condition of an area has a greater effect on trace element contents and distributions in the soil than the scale of the economy itself. 展开更多
关键词 CONTAMINATION enrickment factor keavy metal prediction principal component analysis redundancy analysis
Cross-reactivity of anti-programmed death ligand 2 polyclonal antibody in mouse tissues
作者 ZHAO Yu BIAN GanLan +6 位作者 YU CaiYong LIU Fang-Fang LIU Ling GUO HongMin GUO Jun JU Gong WANG Jian 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2012年第11期940-947,共8页
The inhibitory co-receptor programmed death 1 (PD-1, encoded by pdcdl) and its two ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2 comprise an important immune inhibitory signaling pathway for defense against microbes and for self-toleranc... The inhibitory co-receptor programmed death 1 (PD-1, encoded by pdcdl) and its two ligands PD-L1 and PD-L2 comprise an important immune inhibitory signaling pathway for defense against microbes and for self-tolerance. Unlike other members of the B7-CD28 family, expression of PD-L1 and PD-L2 is not limited to the immune system. In this study, we determined that a polyclonal antibody (pAb) (R&D Systems) against extracellular domains of mouse PD-L2 (mPD-L2) could recognize anti- gen(s) in diverse mouse tissues, including the anterior and intermediate pituitary gland, olfactory bulbs and olfactory epitheli- um, tongue epithelium, keratinized epithelial ceils and skin and whisker hair follicles. These findings differed from previous reports of mPD-L2 localization. Reverse transcription PCR and Western blot analyses, however, were unable to detect any mPD-L2 transcripts or proteins of the 25-kD predicted molecular weight in RNA and protein extracts, respectively, from the above tissues, suggesting that the anti-mPD-L2 pAb cross-reacts with certain novel antigen(s). Developmental studies revealed that the earliest expression of mPD-L2-1ike antigen was in the olfactory epithelium at embryonic day 12.5 (E12.5). At E14.5, mPD-L2-1ike antigen was present in the skin, tongue and follicles of the skin and whiskers. The distribution patterns of mPD-L2-1ike antigen remained similar from E18.5 to adulthood. The results of bioinformatic analysis and other experiments suggested neural cell adhesion molecule and hemicentin-1 as candidate proteins with cross-reactivity to the anti-mPD-L2 pAb. These results demonstrate that care is required in interpreting staining patterns generated when anti-PD-L2 pAb is used to lo-cate PD-L2-expressing cells in the central nervous system and epithelial tissues, such as the olfactory epithelium. In addition, this anti-PD-L2 pAb may be used as an alternative antibody for labeling the olfactory epithelium during embryonic develop-ment in mice. 展开更多
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