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农业技术推广服务体系的“多元”与“秩序”——基于农技服务商品属性分类的分析 被引量:6
作者 邹文涛 刘湘洪 +1 位作者 杨福孙 刘玲 《农业科技管理》 2014年第5期56-59,共4页
将所有农业技术推广服务都视为具有完全相同属性的一个"黑匣子",不对其进行更为细致地分类,会降低相关研究结论的指导性。不同类型农技服务的商品属性不同,不同地域农技服务的特点也有一定差异,类型与推广主体的匹配度对推广... 将所有农业技术推广服务都视为具有完全相同属性的一个"黑匣子",不对其进行更为细致地分类,会降低相关研究结论的指导性。不同类型农技服务的商品属性不同,不同地域农技服务的特点也有一定差异,类型与推广主体的匹配度对推广效率有重要影响。当前农技推广的主体和受体都很多,看似很"乱",实则不然。文章认为农技服务体系正在逐步走向多元化的有序发展阶段,基于农技服务不同属性的分类,构建类型与主体相匹配的多元化农技推广服务体系,既符合当前我国农业发展需求,也具有较强的可操作性。 展开更多
关键词 农业技术推广 服务体系 “多元” “秩序” 建议
作者 彭臻 《东岳论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第5期153-158,共6页
什么是"毛泽东哲学",如何给"毛泽东哲学"命名是研究和阐发毛泽东哲学的关键,但"毛泽东哲学"的命名和统摄毛泽东哲学的核心范畴的获得,却一直未能取得实质性进展。走出这一困境的关键,是从哲学史实际和人... 什么是"毛泽东哲学",如何给"毛泽东哲学"命名是研究和阐发毛泽东哲学的关键,但"毛泽东哲学"的命名和统摄毛泽东哲学的核心范畴的获得,却一直未能取得实质性进展。走出这一困境的关键,是从哲学史实际和人类共同面临的社会失序与意义失落这一根本问题出发,在"秩序"建构和"意义"形塑的哲学观视域中来命名"毛泽东哲学"和把握其合理内核。毛泽东哲学的贡献和意义恰恰在于成功解答了中国社会秩序问题和人民的生存、生活意义问题,重建了中国社会治理秩序和生活意义世界,而这个秩序和意义的世界又正是以"人民民主"为合理内核和总体性范畴来建构和统领的。以"人民民主"为内核建构的现代社会"秩序"与"意义"的毛泽东哲学,也因此而具有世界意义,与现代世界哲学形成有效对话,成为合理的世界哲学理论形态。 展开更多
关键词 毛泽东哲学 “秩序” “意义” 人民民主
“秩序”“差序”:铸牢中华民族共同体意识的社会学逻辑 被引量:3
作者 柏友恒 刘赫 杨昌儒 《民族学论丛》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第1期5-13,共9页
我国是由56个民族组成的统一的多民族国家,铸牢中华民族共同体意识是实现国家远景战略目标的必要前提。着眼于社会与人群内部存在的“秩序”“差序”场域文化互动实践性,基于“五个认同”的话语语境,从“秩序”“差序”的二元视角审视... 我国是由56个民族组成的统一的多民族国家,铸牢中华民族共同体意识是实现国家远景战略目标的必要前提。着眼于社会与人群内部存在的“秩序”“差序”场域文化互动实践性,基于“五个认同”的话语语境,从“秩序”“差序”的二元视角审视社会现实、人群之间的内在逻辑,探讨消解潜在影响铸牢中华民族共同体意识的历时性与共时性问题,解构因世界格局变化和我国社会主要矛盾发生转化而存在的客观性难题,从社会学维度管窥“秩序”“差序”理论实践逻辑的意义建构和功能建构,对于铸牢中华民族共同体意识是一种启示性的存在。 展开更多
关键词 “秩序”“差序” 铸牢中华民族共同体意识 社会学 逻辑场域
市场监管中的“安全”监管与“秩序”监管——以食品安全为例 被引量:16
作者 冀玮 《中国行政管理》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第10期14-20,共7页
市场监管体制改革之后,部门的数量与职责的数量有了明显的减少。但是就当今话语体系中的“市场监管”职责的具体内容来说,其改革前后的“量变”与“质变”是否呈现了一种对应性的变化值得分析。食品安全监管作为其中一项职责,从公共事... 市场监管体制改革之后,部门的数量与职责的数量有了明显的减少。但是就当今话语体系中的“市场监管”职责的具体内容来说,其改革前后的“量变”与“质变”是否呈现了一种对应性的变化值得分析。食品安全监管作为其中一项职责,从公共事物的本质角度分析,“食品安全监管”并不是“食品监管”,二者之间存在着诸多根本性差异。由此纵深分析整个市场监管职责,可以发现,在今天的全部市场监管职责中,至少存在着两种并行的监管职责,即“安全”监管与“秩序”监管。 展开更多
关键词 市场监管体制改革 “安全”监管 “秩序”监管
论希腊神祇“文明性”与“野蛮性”的双重神格——一种原始“秩序导力”视角 被引量:1
作者 林玮生 《陕西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第6期117-123,共7页
希腊诸神的神格常常呈现为两个面孔:一面是高级的"文明性"(神职的精细分工),一面是低级的"野蛮性"(神祇的粗野兽性)。在中国伦理文化语境下这一悖谬现象使人迷惑不解。这一悖谬现象是希腊神话世界的"秩序导力&... 希腊诸神的神格常常呈现为两个面孔:一面是高级的"文明性"(神职的精细分工),一面是低级的"野蛮性"(神祇的粗野兽性)。在中国伦理文化语境下这一悖谬现象使人迷惑不解。这一悖谬现象是希腊神话世界的"秩序导力"——"命运"(主导力)与"力、欲/美"(次导力)层叠共存而衍化的结果。也即是说,在"命运"监督下涌动的崇"力"因素形成了诸神的"野蛮性";崇"力"延伸至崇"知"促成了诸神的"文明性"。希腊诸神的悖谬神格经过悠久历史的承袭与传延,最终演化为现代西方"法律与战争"的文化基因。 展开更多
关键词 “秩序导力” 命运 希腊神话 神话世界
作者 王者鹤 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第9期216-220,共5页
从教育"秩序观"的内涵来看:夸美纽斯的秩序观假借上帝,关注天然生成的自然秩序,赫尔巴特的秩序观则由社会出发,关注社会整体的人与人之间的关系;夸美纽斯的"秩序观"虽然具有科学性萌芽,但具有更多的宗教性,赫尔巴特... 从教育"秩序观"的内涵来看:夸美纽斯的秩序观假借上帝,关注天然生成的自然秩序,赫尔巴特的秩序观则由社会出发,关注社会整体的人与人之间的关系;夸美纽斯的"秩序观"虽然具有科学性萌芽,但具有更多的宗教性,赫尔巴特的"秩序观"则体现了更多的科学性;夸美纽斯遵循自然教学原则,赫尔巴特则秉持教育性教学原则。夸美纽斯与赫尔巴特教育"秩序观"的不同源于近代以来教育学学科宗教性的式微、科学理论对教育研究的滋养以及强调教育研究的理论性和方法的适切性。夸美纽斯和赫尔巴特教育"秩序观"虽有不同,但在追求具有和谐精神的教育上是一致的。通过比较夸美纽斯和赫尔巴特教育"秩序观"的异同,可以折射出教育学学科科学化的历史进程。 展开更多
关键词 夸美纽斯 赫尔巴特 教育“秩序观”
“抒情传统论”以前——陈世骧与中国现代文学及政治 被引量:21
作者 陈国球 《现代中文学刊》 2009年第6期64-74,共11页
本文是笔者对港台地区以至海外汉学界的“抒情传统”论述的全面研究计划的一部分,以陈世骧的学术历程为研究对象,希望通过这个研究,一方面可以进一步理解“抒情传统”这个现代的中国文学研究论述传统的缘何而生,其诠释能力与其生成... 本文是笔者对港台地区以至海外汉学界的“抒情传统”论述的全面研究计划的一部分,以陈世骧的学术历程为研究对象,希望通过这个研究,一方面可以进一步理解“抒情传统”这个现代的中国文学研究论述传统的缘何而生,其诠释能力与其生成过程有无关系,其未来发展的前途如何;另一方面,试图透过一位经历大时代变化的华裔学人的学术心路,了解中国文学研究的文化政治,从而思考现今学人在障碍更多的学术路途上,应如何开展步履,向前迈进。 展开更多
关键词 陈世骧 抒情传统论 现代文学 文化政治 《文赋》 “秩序” “内在”
《诗学》若干关键词语的翻译问题 被引量:1
作者 凌继尧 《苏州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2003年第1期68-70,128,共4页
关键词 《诗学》 “秩序” “过失” “这些情绪” 关键词语 翻译 亚里士多德
作者 袁涌波 汪晓宇 《生产力研究》 CSSCI 2004年第10期5-7,共3页
经济全球化是当今时代的重要特征和发展趋势 ,也是当前理论界使用频率最高的概念之一。当前的经济全球化理论主要可以分为四大派 :“新马克思派”、“新自由派”、“全球化怀疑派”、“秩序转型派”。本文认为经济全球化应该从生产力和... 经济全球化是当今时代的重要特征和发展趋势 ,也是当前理论界使用频率最高的概念之一。当前的经济全球化理论主要可以分为四大派 :“新马克思派”、“新自由派”、“全球化怀疑派”、“秩序转型派”。本文认为经济全球化应该从生产力和生产关系两方面来考察。在认识经济全球化时 ,既要正视经济全球化与资本主义全球扩张的内在联系 。 展开更多
关键词 经济全球化 发展趋势 生产力 生产关系 “秩序转型派” “新自由派” “全球化怀疑派”
A Remark on the Generalized Roper-Suffridge Extension Operator for Spirallike Mappings of Type β and Order α 被引量:21
作者 LIU Xiao-song FENG Shu-xia 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第2期310-316,共7页
Suppose f is a spirallike function of type β and order α on the unit disk D.Let Ωn,p1,p2,…,pn={z=(z2,z2,…,zn)′∈C^n:∑j=1^n|zj)^Pj〈1},where 1≤p1≤2,pj≥1,j=2,…,n,are real numbers.In this paper,we will pr... Suppose f is a spirallike function of type β and order α on the unit disk D.Let Ωn,p1,p2,…,pn={z=(z2,z2,…,zn)′∈C^n:∑j=1^n|zj)^Pj〈1},where 1≤p1≤2,pj≥1,j=2,…,n,are real numbers.In this paper,we will prove that Φn,β2,γ2,…βn,γn(f)(z)=(f(z1), preserves spirallikeness of type β and order α on Ωn,p1,p2,…,Pn. 展开更多
关键词 K spirallike mapping of type β and order β starlike mapping of order α gener-alized Roper-Suffridge extension operator
作者 张斗俊 杜仕林 侯汉杰 《西南师范大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第6期66-70,共5页
培育法制观念相对于整个法制工程而言是先导性和基础性的工作。西方法治思想源远流长,而中国人治思想极为丰富。当前中国官方和民间存在着法制观念的诸多障碍:官方视法律为管制民众的工具,持片面的"秩序观",对法制采取"... 培育法制观念相对于整个法制工程而言是先导性和基础性的工作。西方法治思想源远流长,而中国人治思想极为丰富。当前中国官方和民间存在着法制观念的诸多障碍:官方视法律为管制民众的工具,持片面的"秩序观",对法制采取"机会主义"和"便利"态度,盛行官场"潜规则";民间"情"重于"法",迷信"关系",缺乏权利观念和争讼意识。官方和民间的观念障碍又是相互影响,互为因果的。培育法制观念既是渐进的,又是紧迫的。 展开更多
关键词 法制观念 片面“秩序观” “潜规则” 权利观念 争讼意识
On the Growth of Solutions of a Class of Higher Order Linear Differential Equations with Meromorphic Coefficients 被引量:2
作者 MAO Zhi-qiang LIU Hui-fang 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 2009年第2期278-283,共6页
In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of higher order linear differential equations with meromorphic coefficients. Under certain conditions, we obtain precise estimation of growth order and hyper-order... In this paper, we investigate the growth of solutions of higher order linear differential equations with meromorphic coefficients. Under certain conditions, we obtain precise estimation of growth order and hyper-order of solutions of the equation. 展开更多
关键词 linear differential equation meromorphic function growth order HYPER-ORDER
New State Recovery Attacks on the Grain v1 Stream Cipher 被引量:1
作者 Lin Ding Chenhui Jin +4 位作者 Jie Guan Shaowu Zhang Junzhi Li Hong Wang Wei Zhao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2016年第11期180-188,共9页
The Grain v1 stream cipher is one of the seven finalists in the final e STREAM portfolio. Though many attacks have been published,no recovery attack better than exhaustive key search on full Grain v1 in the single key... The Grain v1 stream cipher is one of the seven finalists in the final e STREAM portfolio. Though many attacks have been published,no recovery attack better than exhaustive key search on full Grain v1 in the single key setting has been found yet. In this paper,new state recovery attacks on Grain v1 utilizing the weak normality order of the employed keystream output function in the cipher are proposed. These attacks have remarkable advantages in the offline time,online time and memory complexities,which are all better than exhaustive key search. The success probability of each new attack is 0.632. The proposed attack primarily depends on the order of weak normality of the employed keystream output function. This shows that the weak normality order should be carefully considered when designing the keystream output functions of Grain-like stream ciphers. 展开更多
关键词 CRYPTANALYSIS grain v1 stream cipher weak normality order
The Generalized Roper-Suffridge Extension Operator on the Reinhardt Domain 被引量:3
作者 S. Rahrovi H. Piri 《Journal of Mathematics and System Science》 2016年第10期383-394,共12页
Let pj ∈ N and pj ≥-1, j = 2,...,n be a fixed positive integer. In this paper a generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator F(z) ={f(Z1)+f'(z1)} on Reinhardt domain is defined. Some different conditions f... Let pj ∈ N and pj ≥-1, j = 2,...,n be a fixed positive integer. In this paper a generalized Roper-Suffridge extension operator F(z) ={f(Z1)+f'(z1)} on Reinhardt domain is defined. Some different conditions for Pj areestablished under which the operator preserves an almost spirallike mapping of type fl and order a and spirallike mapping of type β and order α, respectively. In particular, our results reduce to many well-known results. 展开更多
关键词 Roper-Suffridge extension operator Reinhardt Domain Almost spirallike mapping of type β and order α Spirallikemapping of type β and order α Minkowski functional.
Molecular Simulation Study on Intrinsic Order of Interaction between Single Slab of Active Phase and Al-Si Support in HDS Catalysts
作者 Li Haoguang Nie Hong +1 位作者 Zhou Han Li Dadong(SINOPEC Research Institute of Petroleum Processing,Beijing 100083) 《China Petroleum Processing & Petrochemical Technology》 SCIE CAS 2011年第2期29-35,共7页
Molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics simulations, as molecular simulation methods, were performed to investigate the effects of different surfaces, the promoter Co/Ni, the active phase of MoS2 or WS2, the content... Molecular mechanics and quantum mechanics simulations, as molecular simulation methods, were performed to investigate the effects of different surfaces, the promoter Co/Ni, the active phase of MoS2 or WS2, the content of Si and other factors on the order of interaction between the MoS2 (WS2) single slab and the support surface. The influence of Si content was studied by molecular mechanics, and an advantageous Si content was found. Various surfaces, promoters and active phases also played an important role in the interaction between the support surfaces and active phases, and some significant trends were found out. Quantum mechanics simulation was performed to study the possible effect of electrostatic interaction between the support and the active phase, upon which the calculations suggested that the existence of a favorable Si content was possible. The electronic effects of Co/Ni promoter and the intensity of Co/Mo/Ni/W/Li/AI/Si species bonded to the alumina support were also investigated by quantum mechanics, and it was found that the different electronic effects of Co and Ni might bring forth some obvious influences on the interaction between the support and the active phase. And the results of comparing the intensity of Co/Mo/Ni/W/Li/AI/Si species bonded to the support can also explain the different interaction intensity in various catalyst systems. 展开更多
关键词 HYDRODESULFURIZATION molecular simulation molecular mechanics quantum mechanics SUPPORT active phase INTERACTION
Major Power Diplomacy with Chinese Characteristics Is Moving forward Steadily
作者 Wang Honggang 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期107-129,共23页
The year of 2016 witnessed the balance of internal and external situations, calm and steady actions and proper planning in major power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Those were reflected in the success of the... The year of 2016 witnessed the balance of internal and external situations, calm and steady actions and proper planning in major power diplomacy with Chinese characteristics. Those were reflected in the success of the G20 summit, the vigorous promotion of the"One Belt, One Road"(B&R) Initiative and the active promotion of international cooperation on development, which acquired positive response and general agreement from the international community and made special contributions to building a more just and reasonable international order.Those were also reflected in the active management of major power relations and sound responses to the changing situation in the surrounding area to create good external environment for domestic development. In addition, further expansion and defending of overseas interests set higher standards for Chinese diplomacy. Having been pushed by the era to the forefront, China is performing its responsibility as a major power in a peculiar way and will certainly make greater contributions to world peace and development. 展开更多
关键词 Chinese diplomacy global govemance major power relations surroundings B&R Initiative
International Disorder and China's Strategic Thoughts
作者 Yang Weidong 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第4期126-137,共12页
Since the 2008 international financial crisis, international political and economic disorder has become obvious. Major reasons are the decline of US-led Western developed economies' global influence; US and other ... Since the 2008 international financial crisis, international political and economic disorder has become obvious. Major reasons are the decline of US-led Western developed economies' global influence; US and other Western countries inaction or ineffective actions; power diffusion allowing non-state actors to intervene; a global governance short of needed rules; and mainstream economic theory's overemphasis on market roles. International disorder is a long-term process posing a potential threat to China's national interests. The situation challenges China to create an international economic and trade order, thereby shaping itself as prophet of global free trade, shaper of international economic and trade rules, and trendsetter for globalization. 展开更多
关键词 International disorder GLOBALIZATION international pattern China' s strategy
A More Turbulent and Troubled World
作者 Wang Honggang 《Contemporary International Relations》 2017年第2期1-15,共15页
The year 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of the end of the Cold War and the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attack. Though international relations are constantly adjusted, the world is by no means more stable and orderl... The year 2016 marked the 25th anniversary of the end of the Cold War and the 15th anniversary of the 9/11 attack. Though international relations are constantly adjusted, the world is by no means more stable and orderly. International order reshaping triggered by the 2008 financial crisis is deepening, with chaos of various kinds popping up here and there. In the sociopolitical field, the"Trump phenomenon"and Brexit indicate serious weakening of the authority of traditional political systems and elites. In major country relations and international security, the world is witnessing the rise of emerging countries and the and fall of the West, fiercer US-Russia and Sino-US wrestling of strategic significance, and greater global and regional security risks. In global governance, while adjustment of UN-centered global governance is laboring along, national rivalries touch core issues, making global governance more urgent. 展开更多
关键词 Global governance political chaos social chaos major country relations
Optimization of Shelling Technology for Babassu (Orbignya speciosa) Nuts
作者 Marcia Paisano Soler Eric Fumhio Muto Luciano Armiliato Ricardo Massakata Fukuzawa 《Journal of Food Science and Engineering》 2013年第3期149-155,共7页
Babassu (Orbignya speciosa) is a large-sized Brazilian palm with smooth, oblong ellipsoidal fruits, brown in color when mature. The babassu nut is approximately 8 to 15 cm long and 5 to 7 cm wide, with a slightly ov... Babassu (Orbignya speciosa) is a large-sized Brazilian palm with smooth, oblong ellipsoidal fruits, brown in color when mature. The babassu nut is approximately 8 to 15 cm long and 5 to 7 cm wide, with a slightly oval shape. The main commercial product extracted from babassu is the oil extracted from the kernels which represents 7% of the total weight of the fruit. The babassu nut nowadays is collected and shelled manually by women, this representing a problem of social order in the North/Northeastern region of Brazil. The objective of the present research was to develop an adequate shelling process for the nut, adding value to the raw material and taking better advantage of each of its components: epicarp, mesocarp, endocarp and the kernel itself, thus obtaining the shelled nut, composed of the endocarp and seed. The raw material had been dried by heat treatment; the epicarp and mesocarp were extracted using abrasive shelling equipment. The best position to cut the babassu nut was studied, in order to remove the kernel. The focus of the design was a simple, cheap process, easy to handle and agile to use, allowing the nuts to be cut with safety. The equipments were built based on the data which characterized the babassu nut, giving priority to the cost, adequacy for the region, ease in handling and safety. Considering a single work shift, a yield of 426.54% was obtained for the "nut cutter" equipment in relation to the productivity of the "nut-cracking women". 展开更多
关键词 Babassu shelling technology KERNELS epicarp MESOCARP ENDOCARP
The Order of the Art
作者 Iwona Grodz 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第9期763-773,共11页
The theme of the article is Polish movie Illumination directed by Krzysztof Zanussi to his own screenplay in 1972 (cinema premiere 1973). "The film contains elements of Zanussi's intellectual biography as well as ... The theme of the article is Polish movie Illumination directed by Krzysztof Zanussi to his own screenplay in 1972 (cinema premiere 1973). "The film contains elements of Zanussi's intellectual biography as well as documentary elements, e.g., appearances of philosopher Wiadyslaw Tatarkiewicz". It is one of the most important Polish films. The purpose of the text is to examine the philosophical contexts in this film, and the relationship between "orders", "art", and "science". The research method is: semiotics, psychology of perception and comparative research. The text will refer to the philosophical writings: Blaise Pascala's Thoughts, St. Augustine's Confessions and the monograph work of Krzysztof Zanussi, for example, Mariola Marczak's Anxiety and Longing, Movies and the Value, About the Films of KrzysztofZanussi (Publisher: University of Warmia and Mazury in Olsztyn, 2011) or Tomasza Ktysa, The Intellectual Cinema of KrzysztofZanussi, in "Bulletin de la Societe des Sciences et des Lettres de Lodez" (vol. XLV); Serie: "Recherches sur les Arts" (vol. VI); Polish Cinema in Ten Takes, edited by E. Nurczyfiska-Fidelska, Z. Batko (Publisher: Lodz Scientific Society in Lodz, 1995). 展开更多
关键词 Polish film "cinema of moral anxiety" synergy of the art and the science KrzysztofZanussi
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