In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the me...In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the medium of music. With the rendering of poetic and esoteric moods unrelated to practical life considered outdated, musical preoccupation with modem architecture mostly concemed social aspects, such as people's circumstances, their emotional rootedness to bygone conditions and the search for orientation in an environment characterized by technology. There is a parallel here with contemporary architectural debates in which tension between modernism and traditionalism also played a key role.展开更多
On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of the undergroundspace exploitation and the urban space development in Guangzhou, and making a thorough study on theunderground space exploitation based on th...On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of the undergroundspace exploitation and the urban space development in Guangzhou, and making a thorough study on theunderground space exploitation based on the subway building, this paper points out some mam problemsin the exploitation of underground space in Guangzhou, and emphasizes that Guangzhou must developthe underground space on a large scale with the aid of the subway building, and puts forward aproposal on the urban space coordinate development between on-ground and underground in GuangzhouCity.展开更多
文摘In the aftermath of the First World War, various compositions emerged that explored the phenomenon of the modem city by translating the clamorous sounds of urban environments and reflecting them artistically in the medium of music. With the rendering of poetic and esoteric moods unrelated to practical life considered outdated, musical preoccupation with modem architecture mostly concemed social aspects, such as people's circumstances, their emotional rootedness to bygone conditions and the search for orientation in an environment characterized by technology. There is a parallel here with contemporary architectural debates in which tension between modernism and traditionalism also played a key role.
文摘On the basis of analyzing the history and characteristics of the undergroundspace exploitation and the urban space development in Guangzhou, and making a thorough study on theunderground space exploitation based on the subway building, this paper points out some mam problemsin the exploitation of underground space in Guangzhou, and emphasizes that Guangzhou must developthe underground space on a large scale with the aid of the subway building, and puts forward aproposal on the urban space coordinate development between on-ground and underground in GuangzhouCity.