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作者 车德志 《边疆经济与文化》 2008年第4期104-105,共2页
"世界历史"作为唯物史观的一个重要范畴,特指资本主义建立大工业以来,各民族、国家通过普遍交往,进入全面相互影响、相互渗透、相互制约、相互依存的状态,使世界整体化以来的历史。它对"类"意识的生成具有重要意义... "世界历史"作为唯物史观的一个重要范畴,特指资本主义建立大工业以来,各民族、国家通过普遍交往,进入全面相互影响、相互渗透、相互制约、相互依存的状态,使世界整体化以来的历史。它对"类"意识的生成具有重要意义:一是它打破了民族和国家之间的地域界限,从而清除了当代"类"意识生成的地域性障碍;二是它突出了人类文化精神中的整体精神,促进了个人本位向"类"本位的复归。 展开更多
关键词 “世界历史” “类意识 生成 意义
试论西方文化视域下人的主体意识的发展 被引量:1
作者 胡祎文 《理论导刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期46-48,共3页
主体意识是人类在不断地处理人与世界的关系过程中形成和发展的关于自身在客观世界中的地位及与外部世界关系的自我认识和觉悟。迄今为止,西方文化背景下的主体意识经历了由理性化——非理性化——新的理性化,由人"类"意识—... 主体意识是人类在不断地处理人与世界的关系过程中形成和发展的关于自身在客观世界中的地位及与外部世界关系的自我认识和觉悟。迄今为止,西方文化背景下的主体意识经历了由理性化——非理性化——新的理性化,由人"类"意识——个体意识——新的人"类"意识的圆圈式的辩证运动过程。在当代,建立在唯物辩证法和科学发展观基础上的主流主体意识,是更理性化、更智慧、更宽容、更和谐、更高层次的主体意识。 展开更多
关键词 主体意识 理性化 “类”主体意识
作者 韩捷进 《外国语文》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第1期41-44,共4页
俄苏"类存在"文学思潮表现出俄罗斯民族在全球化时代的一种民族意识强化与历史反思的趋势,既具有民族宗教意识的认同与回归,同时也表现出对于当代世界人类社会道德精神危机的拯救观念,这种思潮具有对"人类思维"与&q... 俄苏"类存在"文学思潮表现出俄罗斯民族在全球化时代的一种民族意识强化与历史反思的趋势,既具有民族宗教意识的认同与回归,同时也表现出对于当代世界人类社会道德精神危机的拯救观念,这种思潮具有对"人类思维"与"人类人道主义"等观念的特殊强调,因此对这种文学思潮的研究有待深入。 展开更多
关键词 “类存在”意识 俄苏文学思潮 “人人道主义”
论人类治理模式的演变 被引量:2
作者 蒋好华 《唯实》 2004年第8期78-82,共5页
传统政治学以国家政治为本位 ,未能站在人类的高度去审视政治生活。从“类”的视角出发 ,考察人类公共治理的历史演变 ,可以发现人类历史依次经历了部落治理模式、自然国家治理模式、主权国家治理模式和多元治理模式四个阶段。在全球化... 传统政治学以国家政治为本位 ,未能站在人类的高度去审视政治生活。从“类”的视角出发 ,考察人类公共治理的历史演变 ,可以发现人类历史依次经历了部落治理模式、自然国家治理模式、主权国家治理模式和多元治理模式四个阶段。在全球化浪潮冲击下 ,人类治理模式正面临一场深刻的革命 ,即由基于国家主权和国家利益的多元治理模式转变为全球政治一体化的全球治理时代。全球治理是人类战胜来自社会内部和自然界的双重致命威胁的唯一途径 ,也是人类终结其原始敌对情结和集体恶性竞争的唯一道路。为此 ,人类需要一场更为深刻的思想启蒙运动 ,政治学应为全球治理的新时代提供革命性的理论学说。 展开更多
关键词 治理模式 国家主权 国际政治 全球意识 全球治理 “类”的意识
基于交互主体性的教育理解——发生现象学的视角 被引量:3
作者 赵华 冯建军 《华南师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期5-16,205,共13页
从发生现象学的立场重新思考交互主体性,可以发现交互主体性作为认识得以发生的原初开端,揭示了人的一种类特性。在一定意义上,交互主体性奠定了教育发生的明见性基础,这为主体性教育回答“我们如何在一起”提供了新思路。反观现实中的... 从发生现象学的立场重新思考交互主体性,可以发现交互主体性作为认识得以发生的原初开端,揭示了人的一种类特性。在一定意义上,交互主体性奠定了教育发生的明见性基础,这为主体性教育回答“我们如何在一起”提供了新思路。反观现实中的学校教育,在“标准化”思维的裹挟下形塑着学生的占有性主体意识,加速了人之“类意识”的消弭。基于交互主体性的教育要透彻认识人的交互主体性,激发教育发生的原初意义,进而以敞开的教育方式,激活学生的“类意识”。 展开更多
关键词 他者 交互主体性 发生现象学 教育 “类意识”
现代人文教育本质——人文精神之内涵探析 被引量:4
作者 张永祥 《中国科教创新导刊》 2011年第11期219-221,共3页
人文精神在20世纪90年代被一些文人提出后;人文教育和人文精神便成为众多教育界人士关注的一个热点。最后大多数论者都认可人文教育的实质是人文精神的培养;但对什么是人文精神却远未达到共识。本文从分析现有论者对人文精神认识上的共... 人文精神在20世纪90年代被一些文人提出后;人文教育和人文精神便成为众多教育界人士关注的一个热点。最后大多数论者都认可人文教育的实质是人文精神的培养;但对什么是人文精神却远未达到共识。本文从分析现有论者对人文精神认识上的共性出发;认为人文精神的实质是对人的本质的追求;并在此基础上提示了当代人文精神的具体内涵。即提高人类支配和控制自然的能力;追寻生命的价值与意义;崇尚"第二生命"以及树立"类群体"意识。 展开更多
关键词 人文精神 人的本质 精神生命 “类群体”意识
作者 张森年 《扬州大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2014年第6期5-10,17,共7页
"以人为本"是科学发展观最核心的价值取向。要将科学发展观真正落到实处,必须确立"人本"的价值思维方式。"自然界是人的无机身体","人是类存在物",人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐等,是"人... "以人为本"是科学发展观最核心的价值取向。要将科学发展观真正落到实处,必须确立"人本"的价值思维方式。"自然界是人的无机身体","人是类存在物",人与自然的和谐、人与人的和谐等,是"人本"价值思维方式的最重要的双向逻辑展开。确立"人民群众是历史的创造者"的理论观念,加强人文精神的培养和淬炼,坚持"人天一体"的生态思想,形成"生人自生"的"类"生存意识,是"人本"价值思维方式形成的重要要素。 展开更多
关键词 科学发展观 “人本”价值思维方式 以人为本 人天一体 “类”生存意识 人文精神
Narrative Strategies and Aesthetic Ethics of Nabokovian Otherworld in Lolita and Pale Fire
作者 Juan Wu 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第7期709-721,共13页
This paper demonstrates the rhetoric technique, narrative function and sign decoding of Nabokocian otherworld in LoBta and Pale Fire to detect not only the presence of the metaphysical otherworld, but also the faint i... This paper demonstrates the rhetoric technique, narrative function and sign decoding of Nabokocian otherworld in LoBta and Pale Fire to detect not only the presence of the metaphysical otherworld, but also the faint influence upon the living. Under the narrative strategies of the otherworld lies Nabokov's aesthetic ethics, which make those who label Nabokov pessimistic and indifferent to be aware of his persistent attempt to push beyond the boundaries of human consciousness and his sincere concern and deep sympathy for the misery of men. 展开更多
关键词 NABOKOV narrative strategies aesthetic ethics otherworld LOLITA Pale Fire
Timelessness and Time Dependence of Human Consciousness From a Scientific Western Viewpoint
作者 Franz Klaus Jansen 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2014年第8期525-536,共12页
Eastern philosophy and western science have convergent and divergent viewpoints for their explanation of consciousness. Convergence is found for the practice of meditation allowing besides a time dependent consciousne... Eastern philosophy and western science have convergent and divergent viewpoints for their explanation of consciousness. Convergence is found for the practice of meditation allowing besides a time dependent consciousness, the experience of a timeless consciousness and its beneficial effect on psychological wellbeing and medical improvements, which are confirmed by multiple scientific publications. Theories of quantum mechanics with non-locality and timelessness also show astonishing correlation to eastern philosophy, such as the theory of Penrose-Hameroff (ORC-OR), which explains consciousness by reduction of quantum superposition in the brain. Divergence appears in the interpretation of the subjective experience of timeless consciousness. In eastern philosophy, meditation at a higher level of awareness allows the personal experience of timeless and non-dual consciousness, considered as an empirical proof for the existence of pure consciousness or spirituality existing before the material world and creating it by design. Western science acknowledges the subjective, non-dual experience, and its multiple beneficial effects, however, the interpretation of spirituality designing the material universe is in disagreement with the Darwinian Theory of mutation and selection. A design should create an ideal universe without the injustice of 3% congenital birth defects and later genetic health problems. The western viewpoint of selection is more adapted to explain congenital errors. The gap between subjectivity and objectivity, the mind-body problem, is in eastern philosophy reduced to the dominance of subjectivity over objectivity, whereas western science attributes equal values to both. Nevertheless, there remains an astonishing complementarity between eastern and western practices. 展开更多
关键词 CONSCIOUSNESS MEDITATION timelessness time dependence quantum mechanics eastern philosophy western philosophy of science
Art and Design in context of the new economic era
作者 Bo Zhang 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第11期106-108,共3页
Human beings realize we have entered a modem society because of their awareness and understanding of social responsibility, recognizing that art is not only as a mirror to reflect the results of the present social pro... Human beings realize we have entered a modem society because of their awareness and understanding of social responsibility, recognizing that art is not only as a mirror to reflect the results of the present social processes, but also as a necessary means to promote social progress, that is to say that there is no modern society without modenl art. Modem design is closely related to human life. With twenty-first century the process of globalization accelerating, modem design in the promotion of modern human civilization takes responsibility, and also raises the batmer of human civilization, standing on high level of awareness of globalization and development of modem design. 展开更多
关键词 Art and Design Designing new economic era AESTHETICS
Cosmopolitan Democracy and Democratic Public Law
作者 Mohammad Tohidfam 《Journal of Philosophy Study》 2012年第8期567-578,共12页
Cosmopolitan democracy model is presented by David Held, beyond idealistic perspectives of left and right ideologies, mainly with a legal view, and found a global impact. As a prominent theorist in the field of democr... Cosmopolitan democracy model is presented by David Held, beyond idealistic perspectives of left and right ideologies, mainly with a legal view, and found a global impact. As a prominent theorist in the field of democracy studies, David Held, by integrating the principle of autonomy in the model of constitutional democracy with the principle of participation in the model of participatory democracy, introduces a novel composition named "cosmopolitan democracy" that is a conception of democratic legal relations. Held is the first man who seeks to investigate democracy separated from the ideological models in relation to general human rights and identifies main areas of power in human life. He considers totally seven sets of rights necessarily enabling people to enjoy a free and equal participation in setting their communities. These rights include: right to health, welfare rights, cultural rights, civil rights, economic rights, political rights, and the right to enjoy a peaceful livelihood. Held's ultimate desire is to realize ideals of cosmopolitan democracy model in the global sphere, beyond the lessons of the West and the East. Through rethinking the theoretical and practical frameworks of this theory in today's world, the current paper seeks to study its role in reproducing democratic realism so that it would prepare the ground for the global consensus far from the ideal models. 展开更多
关键词 David Held DEMOCRACY global democracy democratic public law cosmopolitan democracy
Explaining the Rule of Translation Based on the Cross-cultural Thinking
作者 LIU Saisai 《International English Education Research》 2016年第1期44-46,共3页
The emphasis of translation is faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which is based on understanding of the two kinds of ethnic cultural background achieved. Language as a product of society, as the crystallizati... The emphasis of translation is faithfulness, expressiveness and elegance, which is based on understanding of the two kinds of ethnic cultural background achieved. Language as a product of society, as the crystallization of human history and culture, which is the combination of all the characteristics of the entire nation's social consciousness, customs, history and culture of human society. In this paper, starting from the Central American countries of different cultural perspectives, pointed out that cultural issues should be noted that in the process of translation. In terms of history, geography, traditional thinking, cognitive systems, text analysis of the causes of the Sino-US cultural differences. Translation and culture has a secret, regardless of the contact. Cultural commonalities translation becomes possible, but the personality of their language and culture gave an obstacle translation activities. Due to differences in national history, social system, habits, there is a great difference between the Chinese Han culture and the American culture, this difference is caused by the different ways of thinking, embodied in both Chinese and English language performance including words understanding and the use of different meaning connotation of associative meaning, and sentence structure. For this reason, the analysis of the theoretical principles of sentences by reference to further explore and propose solutions on certain aspects is essential. And in today's globalized increasingly competitive situation, how to be more accurate English translation closer to the two languages, culture, and then discuss the worth of the majority of English learners. 展开更多
关键词 cross-cultural thinking the rule of translation the policy
Sea Turtles in Vietnam: On the Edge of Extinction
作者 Cuong The Chu The Duc Nguyen 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2015年第8期356-361,共6页
Five species of foraging and breeding sea turtles have been identified in Vietnam, they are Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Hawksb... Five species of foraging and breeding sea turtles have been identified in Vietnam, they are Green turtle (Chelonia mydas), Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), Olive ridley turtle (Lepidochelys olivacea), Hawksbill turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata) and Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea). Among them, with the exception of Loggerhead turtle (Caretta caretta), four species have been being lay eggs on the beaches along the country. However, these populations have been strongly suffered by human activities for decades. The number of foraging and breeding Hawksbill and Leatherback sea turtles has dramatically decreased, and Olive Ridley turtle has almost disappeared on their traditional nesting beaches. Beside the reason of harvesting eggs and nesting turtles by catch or by purpose, the developments in coastal areas where sea turtles laying eggs such as in shrimp aquaculture, tourist resort and residential area developments etc., also contributed to this decline of sea turtles. Despite the fact that the recent raising awareness programs on protection and conservation of the sea turtle were very well done with the participation of many organizations and provinces, this important animals still face the risk of extinction in Vietnam. 展开更多
关键词 Sea turtle NESTING foraging threats.
Attempting Discussion of Mythological Concepts' Determinism
作者 YE Shu-xian 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2015年第12期1158-1167,共10页
Current sciences fail in understanding the future trends of human beings' behaviors and cultures. From the hunting tribes to the agricultural society, the civilized country, and then to the industrial society, none o... Current sciences fail in understanding the future trends of human beings' behaviors and cultures. From the hunting tribes to the agricultural society, the civilized country, and then to the industrial society, none of these developments is the results of human beings' reasonable proposal. The human beings are "developed", i.e. pushed forward by certain invisible forces. As being cultural, they are dominated by their cultural concepts. To explore the source of every civilization's concepts, the formation history of its mythological concepts during the pre-historic period or at the beginning of its civilization shall be studied first. By interpreting the first literature works at the beginning of western civilization, the temporary mythologists reveal the rule that mythological concepts dominate the ritual behaviors and narrative expressions. This paper interprets the historical narratives in Records of the Grand Historian." Annals of the First Emperor of Qin, to reproduce the concepts that dominate China's national rulers, present the theory of Mythological Concepts' Determinism, and correspond to the counter-force of ideology put forward by Friedrich Engels in his later years and the religious concepts' determinism by Max Weber, so as to illustrate the mythological concepts' function as the prototype code of ideology, and refer to a common and effective directory approach of social science studies. 展开更多
关键词 human beings being developed MYTHOLOGY mythological concepts DETERMINISM historical causaltheory
着眼人的发展总结厦门改革开放成就 推进“两高两化”建设
作者 赵武 《厦门特区党校学报》 2019年第1期13-17,共5页
人的解放与自由全面发展是马克思主义的主题,是社会主义的根本价值追求。人的发展是改革开放四十年的最大成就,也是取得多方面成就的最大动因。厦门未来继续推进改革开放还要着眼于人的发展,通过人的发展去推进"两高两化"建... 人的解放与自由全面发展是马克思主义的主题,是社会主义的根本价值追求。人的发展是改革开放四十年的最大成就,也是取得多方面成就的最大动因。厦门未来继续推进改革开放还要着眼于人的发展,通过人的发展去推进"两高两化"建设。中国社会面临着规范权力与规约资本的双重历史任务,人类必将在对前现代群体本位文化和现代资本主义个体本位文化又继承又批判的基础上迈向"类本位"的新文化,因此,人的发展最重要的是"类意识"的觉醒、类文化的建设,我们要通过党员干部的率先觉醒去推动普遍的人的发展,通过马克思主义先进文化引领民间文化、大众文化。 展开更多
关键词 人的发展 城市文化 “类意识” 党内政治文化 双重历史使命
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