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爱国主义视域下青年“精日”现象论析 被引量:7
作者 阮博 《中国青年研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第5期17-23,共7页
青年"精日"现象实际上是一种不爱国行为的公开性表达,它折射的是部分青年人对所属国家的国民身份认同、文化认同、政治认同和族群认同的严重缺失,以及由之而来的对自身所应承担的爱国义务的严重抵牾和刻意背离。历史虚无主义... 青年"精日"现象实际上是一种不爱国行为的公开性表达,它折射的是部分青年人对所属国家的国民身份认同、文化认同、政治认同和族群认同的严重缺失,以及由之而来的对自身所应承担的爱国义务的严重抵牾和刻意背离。历史虚无主义对"历史"的选择性虚无化策略及由之而带来的对爱国价值观的解构效应,使得部分青年的历史观严重扭曲,进而丧失了文化自信、民族意识和国家认同,丢掉了做中国人的底气、骨气和硬气,这是青年"精日"这种特殊的不爱国现象衍生的价值逻辑。要应对青年"精日"现象,一方面需要以增强历史认同为基点进行爱国价值观的引导塑造,另一方面需要完善爱国主义的法律保障体系对不爱国行为进行规制。 展开更多
关键词 青年“精日”现象 爱国主义 历史虚无主义 历史认同 法律规制
新时代加强大学生爱国主义教育的思考——以“精日”现象为鉴 被引量:3
作者 赵亚婷 张俊峰 《淮海工学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2018年第9期15-17,共3页
以"精日"现象为鉴,对"精日"现象进行深入分析,提出新时代加强大学生爱国主义教育,应从培育和践行爱国主义目标出发,增强大学生的文化自信和民族自尊性与自信心,加强红色文化教育和传统文化教育,以增强大学生对中华... 以"精日"现象为鉴,对"精日"现象进行深入分析,提出新时代加强大学生爱国主义教育,应从培育和践行爱国主义目标出发,增强大学生的文化自信和民族自尊性与自信心,加强红色文化教育和传统文化教育,以增强大学生对中华民族的向心力与凝聚力。同时,在大学生爱国主义教育实践中,高校应努力做到:教育要避免形式化,要增强教育的实践性和有效性,要着力引导大学生理性爱国。 展开更多
关键词 高校 “精日”现象 大学生 爱国主义
“精日”现象的成因、危害及治理对策 被引量:1
作者 祝猛昌 《决策与信息》 2019年第6期49-55,共7页
“精日”行为源自于盲目崇拜日本,有着深厚的崇日、媚日的心理,以仇视中华民族、以自己是中国人为耻辱,歪曲、美化日本侵略中国的历史为表征。“精日”现象的出现不是偶然的,是国内外多种因素作用的结果。这一现象对中国人民的民族感情... “精日”行为源自于盲目崇拜日本,有着深厚的崇日、媚日的心理,以仇视中华民族、以自己是中国人为耻辱,歪曲、美化日本侵略中国的历史为表征。“精日”现象的出现不是偶然的,是国内外多种因素作用的结果。这一现象对中国人民的民族感情、国家利益等有着重大的负面影响,因此,必须高度重视、多管齐下、精准发力,采取包括法律手段在内的积极措施进行治理。 展开更多
关键词 本军国主义 “精日”现象 中国近代史
“精日”问题的虚无主义实质及其治理 被引量:1
作者 王亚南 《思想政治课研究》 2018年第6期78-81,共4页
近来关于"精日"问题的讨论凸显了对虚无主义的关注。现代意义上的虚无主义则是源于对现代文明的两种反思,既有对"崇高理想的陨落,超感性世界的坍塌"的价值反思,也有现代化进程中的历史文化反思,主要表现为价值虚无... 近来关于"精日"问题的讨论凸显了对虚无主义的关注。现代意义上的虚无主义则是源于对现代文明的两种反思,既有对"崇高理想的陨落,超感性世界的坍塌"的价值反思,也有现代化进程中的历史文化反思,主要表现为价值虚无和历史虚无两种形式。"精日"问题的治理需要运用马克思主义的立场观点方法,结合实际情况予以应对和治理。 展开更多
关键词 “精日”问题 虚无主义 治理
“精日”分子事件与网络舆论导向 被引量:2
作者 刘义军 《新闻传播》 2018年第24期11-12,共2页
关键词 新媒体时代 “精日”分子事件 公共舆论 导向 网络
作者 秦步焕 《长春市委党校学报》 2019年第2期30-34,共5页
"精日"是对"精神日本人"的简称,它因挑战了民族底线而备受关注。近几起发生的"精日"事件具有时空典型、主体年轻、形式各异、性质恶劣等特征。"精日"现象是由于个别国人文化不自信导致的,有着... "精日"是对"精神日本人"的简称,它因挑战了民族底线而备受关注。近几起发生的"精日"事件具有时空典型、主体年轻、形式各异、性质恶劣等特征。"精日"现象是由于个别国人文化不自信导致的,有着深刻的历史原因和客观的现实因素。需要提高警惕,从法律规范、政治审查、学校教育、社会导向等方面对"精日"现象加以应对,同时要注意避免打击过度化。 展开更多
关键词 “精日”现象 文化自信 历史观教育
作者 唐安杰 《广西青年干部学院学报》 2019年第6期14-16,共3页
由于部分党务工作者工作不够认真、只看学习成绩不看综合表现、随意简化入党程序、缺乏党性教育和行动教育等,导致个别"精日"病态和思想畸形的"两面人"混进大学生党员队伍中。这些"两面人"隐蔽性强、危害... 由于部分党务工作者工作不够认真、只看学习成绩不看综合表现、随意简化入党程序、缺乏党性教育和行动教育等,导致个别"精日"病态和思想畸形的"两面人"混进大学生党员队伍中。这些"两面人"隐蔽性强、危害大,因此从严治党刻不容缓。发展大学生党员,要在资格入口、入党程序、教育培养、分辨筛选、实践锻炼等环节把好关,及时把"两面人"阻挡在外、清除出去。 展开更多
关键词 “精日” 两面人 从严治党 大学生党员
作者 刘亚琼 《青年学报》 2021年第1期43-49,共7页
"精日"分子指崇拜日本军国主义或政治上媚日,在精神上将自己视为极右翼日本人的非日籍人士。他们在军服圈美化和萌化日本侵略历史,着侵华日军军服照相;在键政圈发表日本"完美强大"、鄙视本国本民族等政治观点;在恶... "精日"分子指崇拜日本军国主义或政治上媚日,在精神上将自己视为极右翼日本人的非日籍人士。他们在军服圈美化和萌化日本侵略历史,着侵华日军军服照相;在键政圈发表日本"完美强大"、鄙视本国本民族等政治观点;在恶俗圈用网络暴力围攻其批评者。其产生原因具有多样性:受糖衣包裹的日本军国主义蛊惑以致历史记忆扭曲;通过伤害民族感情来宣泄情绪和博取关注,价值观偏离;受"精日"网络圈群亚文化影响走向群体极化;通过虚幻的身份认同和扭曲的国家认同获得优越感。"精日"现象需要综合治理:多途径加强教育宣传,帮助青少年树立正确的历史观和国家观;划定法律红线,依靠法律维护爱国主义;加强平台管理和互联网行业自律,阻断其获利的生态。 展开更多
关键词 “精日” 爱国主义 历史虚无主义 网络治理
“精防日”康复模式对社区精神病的远期效果 被引量:1
作者 高镇松 陈泽华 +3 位作者 吴民吉 李宏伟 罗明强 徐丽缄 《黑龙江医学》 2011年第12期889-891,共3页
目的调查汕头市精神病社区"精防日"康复模式对社区精神病患者的远期效果,为社区精神病患者康复指导积累资料。方法以1996-06~2010-05间,在社区接受"精防日"康复服务的精神病患者4 181例为对象,调查康复资料,分析... 目的调查汕头市精神病社区"精防日"康复模式对社区精神病患者的远期效果,为社区精神病患者康复指导积累资料。方法以1996-06~2010-05间,在社区接受"精防日"康复服务的精神病患者4 181例为对象,调查康复资料,分析康复年限与康复效果的关系。结果接受社区"精防日"服务时间越长,患者的社会功能缺陷评定量表(SDSS)总分及其大部分因子分的分值越低(P<0.05或0.01),总体的康复效果也越好(P<0.01)。结论汕头市精神病社区"精防日"康复模式,对社区精神病有较好的远期效果,有精防工作条件的社区可推广应用。 展开更多
关键词 神病 社区 “精日”康复服务 社会功能 远期效果
作者 何华珍 《张家口职业技术学院学报》 2021年第1期41-44,共4页
近年来,国内多次出现“精日”的事件和言论,混乱社会思想,对社会尤其是青少年危害极大。追根究底,“精日”是近代历史上遗留下来的“精神毒瘤”,内核本质是历史虚无、价值虚无的表现,追本溯源是文化虚无。面对“精日现象”,需要站在作... 近年来,国内多次出现“精日”的事件和言论,混乱社会思想,对社会尤其是青少年危害极大。追根究底,“精日”是近代历史上遗留下来的“精神毒瘤”,内核本质是历史虚无、价值虚无的表现,追本溯源是文化虚无。面对“精日现象”,需要站在作为社会观念上层建筑的思想政治教育角度,面对“精日现象”,需要从加强历史教育,夯实国家认同;筑牢三道防线,增强法律意识;培育健康心理,塑造健全人格;筑牢思想阵地,强化价值引领角度进行应对。 展开更多
关键词 “精现象” 历史由来 本质透析 引导策略
广东省汕头市精神分裂症患者健康教育效果分析 被引量:9
作者 陈泽华 高镇松 +3 位作者 吴民吉 李宏伟 罗明强 林伟松 《中国健康教育》 2011年第9期671-674,共4页
目的探讨定期开展精神病防治健康教育(简称"精防日")对社区精神分裂症患者的康复效果,为在社区精神病防治工作中推广"精防日"健康教育提供依据。方法以社区精神病防治康复网络为基础,采用随机抽样的方法对汕头市19... 目的探讨定期开展精神病防治健康教育(简称"精防日")对社区精神分裂症患者的康复效果,为在社区精神病防治工作中推广"精防日"健康教育提供依据。方法以社区精神病防治康复网络为基础,采用随机抽样的方法对汕头市198例社区精神分裂症患者进行分区化管治并实施"精防日"健康教育。在健康教育实施前、实施半年和实施1年后分别评定患者对精神疾病相关知识的知晓率和治疗依从率;应用社会功能缺陷筛选量表(SDSS)评定患者社会功能缺陷情况;以简明精神病量表(BPRS)评估病情恢复程度。结果实施干预后患者的疾病知识、预防复发知识、药物治疗知识的知晓率极显著高于实施前,实施前的知晓率为1.0%~10.6%,干预1年后提高到26.8%~59.1%(P<0.01);治疗依从率实施干预后也显著高于实施前,实施前仅为2.0%~6.1%,干预1年后显著提高到38.4%~53.0%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);随着社区健康教育的实施,社会功能缺陷的比例逐渐减少,实施前社会功能缺陷者占18.7%~29.8%,实施半年后降为8.6%~16.7%,实施1年后降至4.5%~10.6%,差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);SDSS总分实施前为6.3±1.6分,实施半年后降为3.2±1.1分,实施1年后显著降至1.7±1.4分,而BPRS总分实施前(49.6±10.8分)显著高于实施后(半年为41.5±7.6分,1年为30.5±4.3分)。结论汕头市"精防日"健康教育对社区精神分裂症患者有较好的康复效果。 展开更多
关键词 神分裂症 “精日” 健康教育 治疗依从性
Composition of Essential Oils of Morus alba Leaves and Chamaecyparis pisifera Outer Heartwood 被引量:1
作者 刘志明 王海英 +2 位作者 王芳 潘晓星 田补 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第8期7-9,共3页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the composition of essential oils of Morus alba leaves and Chamaecyparis pisifera outer heartwood. [Method] The essential oils of M. alba leaves and C. pisifera outer heartwood were ... [Objective] The aim was to explore the composition of essential oils of Morus alba leaves and Chamaecyparis pisifera outer heartwood. [Method] The essential oils of M. alba leaves and C. pisifera outer heartwood were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,respectively. [Result] Alcohols [phytol (59.47%,extracted 3 h for M. alba leaves),α-cadinol (38.77%,extracted 6 h for C. pisifera outer heartwood)] were their first principal volatile components. Phytol was usually used as pharmaceutical raw material and α-cadinol was a kind of active organic compound with antibacterial function. [Conclusion] The essential oils of M. alba leaves and C. pisifera outer heartwood with hydrodistillation have medicinal value. 展开更多
关键词 Morus alba Chamaecyparis pisifera Essential oil Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry
Deformation caused by the 2011 eastern Japan great earthquake monitored using the GPS single-epoch precise point positioning technique 被引量:4
作者 郭金运 原永东 +2 位作者 孔巧丽 李国伟 王方建 《Applied Geophysics》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期483-493,497,共12页
Crustal deformation can provide constraints for studying earthquake rupture and shock wave transmission for the Mw9.0 eastern Japan great earthquake. Using the single- epoch precise point positioning (PPP) method an... Crustal deformation can provide constraints for studying earthquake rupture and shock wave transmission for the Mw9.0 eastern Japan great earthquake. Using the single- epoch precise point positioning (PPP) method and the appropriate positioning flow, we process GPS data from six IGS (International GNSS Service) sites (e.g., MIZU, TSK2, USUD, MTKA, AIRA and KSMV) located in Japan and obtain the positioning results with centimeter scale precision. The displacement time series of the six sites are analyzed using the least squares spectral analysis method to estimate deformations caused by the Mw9.0 mainshock and the Mw7.9 aftershock, and the cumulative displacements after 1 day. Mainshock displacements at station MIZU, the nearest site to the mainshock in the North (N), East (E), and Up (U) directions, are -1.202 m, 2.180 m and -0.104 m, respectively, and the cumulative deformations after 1 day are -1.117 m, 2.071 m and -0.072 m, respectively. The displacements at station KSMV, the nearest site to the Mw7.9 aftershock in the N, E and U directions, are -0.032 m, 0.742 m and -0.345 m, respectively. The other sites obviously experienced eastern movements and subsidence. The deformation vectors indicate that the horizontal displacements caused by the earthquake point to the epicenter and rupture. Elastic bounds evidently took place at all sites. The results indicate that the crustal movements and earthquake were part of a megathrust caused by the Pacific Plate sinking under the North American Plate to the northeast of Japan island arc. 展开更多
关键词 Eastern Japan great earthquake GPS single-epoch precise point positioning crustal deformation
Vibration Characteristics of Detached Houses in Japan by Onethird Octave Band Frequency to Environmental Vibration Estimation
《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2011年第11期1019-1026,共8页
In recent years, the complaints against the vibration as environmental pollution tends to increase gradually in Japan. The measurement investigation to demonstrate the actual situation of the environmental vibration w... In recent years, the complaints against the vibration as environmental pollution tends to increase gradually in Japan. The measurement investigation to demonstrate the actual situation of the environmental vibration was carried out for several years. The measurement manual for each vibration source such as operations of factory machine, construction works, road traffics and railways to unify measurement methods was made at the start. From the measurement investigation, the vibration amplification characteristics of the detached house by one-third octave frequency in Japan was analyzed as a purpose to improve estimated precision of the vibration in a detached house. In this paper, the vibration amplification characteristic expressed at onethird octave band frequency was shown, and the characteristics was arranged about a result measured with 27 detached houses in Japan. 展开更多
关键词 Vibration as environmental pollution COMPLAINTS measurement manual Japanese house vibration characteristics.
Wind Speed Forecasting Based on ARMA-ARCH Model in Wind Farms 被引量:3
作者 He Yu Gao Shan Chen Hao 《Electricity》 2011年第3期30-34,共5页
Wind speed forecasting is signif icant for wind farm planning and power grid operation. The research in this paper uses Eviews software to build the ARMA (autoregressive moving average) model of wind speed time series... Wind speed forecasting is signif icant for wind farm planning and power grid operation. The research in this paper uses Eviews software to build the ARMA (autoregressive moving average) model of wind speed time series, and employs Lagrange multipliers to test the ARCH (autoregressive conditional heteroscedasticity) effects of the residuals of the ARMA model. Also, the corresponding ARMA-ARCH models are established, and the wind speed series are forecasted by using the ARMA model and ARMA-ARCH model respectively. The comparison of the forecasting accuracy of the above two models shows that the ARMA-ARCH model possesses higher forecasting accuracy than the ARMA model and has certain practical value. 展开更多
关键词 short-term wind speed forecasting ARMA model ARCH effect volatility clustering
Pharmaceuticalization and Biomedicalization: An Examination of Problems Relating to Depression in Japan
作者 Shoko Okuda 《Sociology Study》 2015年第8期633-642,共10页
The growing number of people suffering from depression has become a social problem in Japan. The problems associated with depression in Japan have been influenced by the pharmaceuticalization of mental health. Since s... The growing number of people suffering from depression has become a social problem in Japan. The problems associated with depression in Japan have been influenced by the pharmaceuticalization of mental health. Since selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors were introduced to Japan's pharmaceutical market in 1999, demand for anti-depressant medications has rapidly expanded. It seems likely then that the efforts of pharmaceutical companies, as part of their marketing strategies, to increase people's awareness of mental illness have led people who are not actually depressed to have medical consultations and drug treatments for it. This phenomenon is known as "disease mongering" and has been reported on. Problems exist from the medical perspective also and include the following: expansion of the diagnostic criteria for depression as formulated in the American Psychiatric Association's Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders; treatments that rely heavily on drugs; and biomedicalization. Another reason for the increase in medical consultations is the declining function of communal bodies. This has resulted in individuals struggling psychologically, for example, with anxiety, worry, and depression. In summary, this sociological research analyzed the problems of depression in |apan and revealed how the pharmaceuticalization of mental health accelerates the individualization of social problem. 展开更多
关键词 DEPRESSION pharmaceuticalization biomedicalization illness awareness campaigns disease mongering
作者 何荷 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第4期100-107,共8页
近代日本第一本有关江南的旅行指南《江南的名胜史迹》,通过与名胜史迹相链接的典故和诗歌铺陈江南深厚的文化底蕴,建构江南形象的同时规训读者的江南认识;由苏州精养轩旅馆出版的《苏州指南》则将精养轩旅馆包装成一家联通中日致力于... 近代日本第一本有关江南的旅行指南《江南的名胜史迹》,通过与名胜史迹相链接的典故和诗歌铺陈江南深厚的文化底蕴,建构江南形象的同时规训读者的江南认识;由苏州精养轩旅馆出版的《苏州指南》则将精养轩旅馆包装成一家联通中日致力于所谓的“日中亲善”的旅馆,同时借助“日中快速联络船”的开通带来的便利条件打造江南游览“专线”,推动江南成为了近代日本人中国旅行的热门目的地。相较于日本情报机构公然阐明的对中国的征服、占领和侵略,近代日本有关江南的旅行指南则用一种天真无辜的浪漫想象构建与江南的“一体感”和“亲近感”,以此触发国民视江南为日本国土之延长线的殖民欲望,无形中参与并融入到了近代日本开展江南经营与殖民的历史话语中。 展开更多
关键词 《江南的名胜史迹》 《苏州指南》 苏州养轩 中快速联络船
历史虚无主义网络传播的表现形态透视及治理 被引量:9
作者 马建军 周玉 《西南民族大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2019年第6期212-216,共5页
习近平总书记多次强调要警惕、抵制历史虚无主义。近些年来,历史虚无主义在网络上十分活跃,除了继续否定中国近现代革命外,还有四大新的表现形态:一是通过所谓"真相"抹黑革命领袖、诋毁革命英雄;二是通过"削株掘根"... 习近平总书记多次强调要警惕、抵制历史虚无主义。近些年来,历史虚无主义在网络上十分活跃,除了继续否定中国近现代革命外,还有四大新的表现形态:一是通过所谓"真相"抹黑革命领袖、诋毁革命英雄;二是通过"削株掘根"从源头上否定党的指导思想马克思主义;三是通过掀刮"民国风"美化民国、质疑革命、影射当下;四是通过制造"精日"乱象媚日辱国,践踏民族尊严。其实质都在于丑化党史国史,否定党的领导和我国社会主义制度。若任其泛滥,必将严重干扰广大网民的历史认知,使党的执政地位面临严重质疑,必将对马克思主义信仰构成严峻挑战,严重威胁我国意识形态安全。因此,必须加强对其网络传播的治理,这关系到党和国家的生死存亡。 展开更多
关键词 历史虚无主义 网络传播 马克思主义 “民国风” “精日”乱象
Therapeutic efficacy and mechanism of heat-sensitive moxibustion for vascular dementia 被引量:4
作者 Wang Min-chao Lin Li-hong Zhang Fu-qing 《Journal of Acupuncture and Tuina Science》 CSCD 2020年第1期47-52,共6页
Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of heat-sensitive moxibustion for vascular dementia and explore its mechanism.Methods:A total of 70 patients with vascular dementia were randomized into an observation group ... Objective:To observe the clinical efficacy of heat-sensitive moxibustion for vascular dementia and explore its mechanism.Methods:A total of 70 patients with vascular dementia were randomized into an observation group and a control group,with 35 cases in each group.The control group was treated with piracetam,and the observation group was treated with heat-sensitive moxibustion on the basis of the treatment of the control group.The treatment lasted for 8 weeks.Before and after the treatment,the mini-mental state examination(MMSE),activity of daily living(ADL)and traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)symptom scores were assessed,and the levels of acetyl choline(Ach)and homocysteine(Hcy)were measured.The efficacy was evaluated after treatment.Results:The total effective rate of the observation group was significantly higher than that of the control group(P<0.05).After treatment,the MMSE and ADL scores in the observation group decreased significantly,and were lower than those in the control group(all P<0.05);the TCM symptom score of the observation group decreased significantly(P<0.05),while that of the control group had no significant change(P>0.05);the plasma Ach level in the observation group increased significantly(P<0.05),and the Hcy level decreased significantly(P<0.05),which were statistically different from those in the control group(both P<0.05).Conclusion:Heat-sensitive moxibustion plus piracetam is effective in treating vascular dementia.It can significantly improve dementia symptoms and ADL,which may be related to the correction of plasma Ach and Hcy levels. 展开更多
关键词 Moxibustion Therapy Moxa Stick Moxibustion Heat-sensitive Moxibustion Quality of Life Activities of Daily Living Mental Status and Dementia Tests Dementia Vascular
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