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农村残疾人社会融合的影响因素及促进策略——以“结构洞”理论为视角 被引量:2
作者 赵康 《武陵学刊》 2014年第4期54-60,共7页
以结构洞理论为分析框架,分析农村残疾人社会融合影响因素发现:无障碍设施短缺和辅助器具缺失,限制了残疾人活动空间及活动频度,造成了他们网络规模小、密度大,妨碍了他们社会交往的机会,并使他们遭遇"亚群体"排斥;"结构... 以结构洞理论为分析框架,分析农村残疾人社会融合影响因素发现:无障碍设施短缺和辅助器具缺失,限制了残疾人活动空间及活动频度,造成了他们网络规模小、密度大,妨碍了他们社会交往的机会,并使他们遭遇"亚群体"排斥;"结构洞"偏向残疾人,信息不对称,影响他们享受社会保障及外出务工的便利。因此,促进农村残疾人社会融合必须树立新的残疾人观,增加无障碍设施和辅助器具,完善农村残疾人社会保障和社会网络。 展开更多
关键词 “结构洞” 社会网络 残疾人社会融合
论我国“无直接利益冲突”的成因与治理路径——基于“结构洞”理论视角 被引量:1
作者 石方军 《贵州大学学报(社会科学版)》 2013年第1期117-121,共5页
参与者众多的无直接利益冲突很难从利益冲突的角度做出合理的解释,而"结构洞"理论可以从社会关系网络角度对大多数无直接利益冲突事件做出合理的解释。从"结构洞"理论视角看,无直接利益冲突的重要原因是各社会群体... 参与者众多的无直接利益冲突很难从利益冲突的角度做出合理的解释,而"结构洞"理论可以从社会关系网络角度对大多数无直接利益冲突事件做出合理的解释。从"结构洞"理论视角看,无直接利益冲突的重要原因是各社会群体间缺失联接的桥梁,无法正常沟通和互动。民众遇到问题时,在政府部门之外不能获得相关的信息,找不到解决的途径,产生的矛盾无法由社会自身来化解,只能压向政府。增加普通大众的"结构洞"数目,搭建起各群体间的"桥"是预防和化解无直接利益冲突的有效途径。搭建群体间的"桥"可以从制度改革、创新城市规划和促进社会交往等方面入手。 展开更多
关键词 无直接利益冲突 “结构洞”理论 群体冲突
“结构洞”理论视角下的秘书腐败 被引量:2
作者 孙照 《秘书》 2018年第3期88-94,共7页
文章利用人际网络理论中的"结构洞"理论对秘书腐败作进一步的分析和研究。秘书凭借与领导之间的特殊关系,掌握着大量的社会资本——权力资源、关系资源以及信息资源。作为介于领导与"有需求的人"之间的一个"... 文章利用人际网络理论中的"结构洞"理论对秘书腐败作进一步的分析和研究。秘书凭借与领导之间的特殊关系,掌握着大量的社会资本——权力资源、关系资源以及信息资源。作为介于领导与"有需求的人"之间的一个"结构洞"填补人,一些心术不正的秘书们利用手中的社会资本进行权权交易和权钱交易。由于这些精明的"弄权儿"隐藏在领导背后,其腐败行为具有较强的隐蔽性,因此对于秘书腐败的监督和控制存在一定的难度。抑制秘书腐败,首先要从"源头"抓起,即抑制领导的权力。当然,加强法律监督以及使政府信息进一步公开透明也是防治秘书腐败的重要措施。 展开更多
关键词 “结构洞” 社会资本 秘书腐败
5G时代城市电视台生存探析——以占据“信息部落”间的“结构洞”为视角研究 被引量:1
作者 黄佳殷 《新闻研究导刊》 2020年第23期249-250,共2页
过去十年,移动互联网快速发展,信息流动速度得到大幅提升,这一趋势让信息传播从大众变得小众。但在用户端,移动互联网并没有成为理想的公共对话平台,更倾向于打造出一个个自说自话的空间,这种现象也被称为"再部落化"。可以预... 过去十年,移动互联网快速发展,信息流动速度得到大幅提升,这一趋势让信息传播从大众变得小众。但在用户端,移动互联网并没有成为理想的公共对话平台,更倾向于打造出一个个自说自话的空间,这种现象也被称为"再部落化"。可以预计,随着网络的速度进一步提升、覆盖面的进一步扩大,更多人将跌入一个个"信息部落","部落"间的信息壁垒将越来越厚,这将给大众传播媒介带来新的挑战与机遇。 展开更多
关键词 城市电视台 “结构洞” “信息部落” 传统媒体 全媒体
作者 温志强 崔钰琳 《社会与公益》 2020年第6期52-55,共4页
受制度惯性影响,我国慈善组织运行机制中的政府与慈善组织二者之间存在"结构洞",特定的历史时期,"结构洞"的存在对我国慈善事业的发展起到了增强我国慈善公益组织的社会公信力,肃清慈善事业市场环境,夯实慈善组织... 受制度惯性影响,我国慈善组织运行机制中的政府与慈善组织二者之间存在"结构洞",特定的历史时期,"结构洞"的存在对我国慈善事业的发展起到了增强我国慈善公益组织的社会公信力,肃清慈善事业市场环境,夯实慈善组织人才储备基础,赋予慈善组织治理结构以合法性等积极影响。但随着时代不断发展变化,慈善组织逐渐陷入"结构洞",产生了慈善组织定位模糊、慈善组织自主性受限、信息披露机制运转不畅、慈善组织机制运行中监管缺位等消极影响。为此,文章提出明晰组织结构的权力制衡关系,优化慈善组织发展的制度环境,建立健全慈善信息披露机制,建立多元化的慈善监督体系等创新路径,以期促进慈善事业未来健康发展。 展开更多
关键词 慈善组织 政府 “结构洞”
人际情报网络的结构模式研究 被引量:13
作者 秦铁辉 周嘉彦 《山东图书馆季刊》 2006年第4期7-11,共5页
关键词 人际网络人际情报网络 “强关系-弱关系”模式“结构洞”模式 “闭合-开放”模式
农村大龄未婚男性的婚姻困境——基于社会网络视角的认识 被引量:1
作者 陆卫群 田昆 玉钊华 《合肥师范学院学报》 2021年第2期31-36,共6页
在我国,婚姻挤压现象主要呈现于西部贫困农村地区,通过对贵州省2500余名男性对象问卷或访谈调查,从社会网络视角出发,以格兰诺维特的弱关系优势理论与博特的“结构洞”理论为分析框架,借助SPSS22.0等工具,分析农村大龄未婚男性择偶的特... 在我国,婚姻挤压现象主要呈现于西部贫困农村地区,通过对贵州省2500余名男性对象问卷或访谈调查,从社会网络视角出发,以格兰诺维特的弱关系优势理论与博特的“结构洞”理论为分析框架,借助SPSS22.0等工具,分析农村大龄未婚男性择偶的特点。研究发现:与同龄的已婚青年相比,农村大龄未婚男青年存在自我资源匮乏、社会择偶网络匮乏等问题。提出从规范“婚介”市场、政府搭台,促进相识机会等方法着手,提升农村大龄未婚男青年的社交圈,促成婚姻关系。 展开更多
关键词 农村大龄未婚男性 社会网络视角 弱关系优势理论 “结构洞”理论
嵌入性理论视角下新时代高校留学归国人员的特征分析 被引量:1
作者 孟祥韵 《广西教育学院学报》 2022年第3期68-71,共4页
党的十八大以来,高校留学归国人员呈现新的发展趋势和群体特征,在形塑我国高等教育的发展和人才培养体系等方面起着重要的作用。因此,以嵌入性理论视角分析新时代高校留学归国人员群体的新特征,用新的视角把握新时代高等教育统战工作的... 党的十八大以来,高校留学归国人员呈现新的发展趋势和群体特征,在形塑我国高等教育的发展和人才培养体系等方面起着重要的作用。因此,以嵌入性理论视角分析新时代高校留学归国人员群体的新特征,用新的视角把握新时代高等教育统战工作的规律及方法,更好地了解和分析他们的意识形态动态和思想状况,更深入地探析新时代高校留学归国人员呈现的新特征、新理念、新风貌,是很有现实意义的。 展开更多
关键词 嵌入性 跨界关联 学术权威 学术范式 “结构洞”
Correlation Between the Animal Community Structure and Environmental Factors in Dongbei Cave and Shuijiang Cave of Guizhou Province 被引量:9
作者 黎道洪 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2006年第5期481-488,共8页
Mollusks, arthropods and chordates which were visible to the naked eye were observed and collected in Dongbei and Shuijiang caves of Libo county five times between February and July from 2002 to 2005. Four hundred and... Mollusks, arthropods and chordates which were visible to the naked eye were observed and collected in Dongbei and Shuijiang caves of Libo county five times between February and July from 2002 to 2005. Four hundred and forty samples from Dongbei Cave were classified into three phyla, five classes, 10 orders, 20 families and 39 species or groups of species. Four hundred and ninety-eight samples from Shuijiang Cave were classified into three phyla, six classes, 11 orders, 20 families and 25 species or groups of species. Six animal communities were identified in the light belt of the two caves according to their species types and numbers of individuals in the light belt of two cave. The communities which have the highest values of species richness community diversity, maximum diversity, evenness, dominance and community similarity are respectively: B (4. 1059), H (2.4716), B (3.3322), E (0.9042), C (0.3442) and A - C (0. 5251). The community diversity and correlation of environmental factors were also studied. The temperature, humidity, content of CO2 and N2, content of organic matter and some inorganic salts in soil were analyzed by Pearson correlation. The results showed that the content of organic matter in soil is positively related to species number, species richness and maximum community diversity, with correlations of 0. 885, 0.909, 0. 868 respectively (two-tailed significance test, P ≤ 0. 05), and significantly positively related to diversity, with the coefficient of 0.611, (two-tailed significance test, P ≤ 0. 1). This suggests that the content of organic matter in soil is one of the important elements influencing the community variation of cave animals. Outside the cave, temperature and humidity are important factors impacting on community diver- sity. As the temperature in all seasons in the cave is stable and the humidity is always high (above 90% ), the temperature and humidity have weak correlation to community diversity in caves. 展开更多
关键词 Animal community structure Environmental factor Dongbei Cave Shuijiang Cave Guizhou province
基于改进资源分配的链接预测算法 被引量:1
作者 杜翠凤 陈少权 蒋仕宝 《移动通信》 2018年第2期65-70,共6页
共同邻居的数量、共同邻居的度数、节点之间的路径长度等传统链接预测忽视邻居之间的关系以及节点本身的拓扑结构,导致其无法解决核心节点与周围节点链接强度不同的问题。采用邻域"结构洞"理论,并且结合节点本身拓扑结构以及... 共同邻居的数量、共同邻居的度数、节点之间的路径长度等传统链接预测忽视邻居之间的关系以及节点本身的拓扑结构,导致其无法解决核心节点与周围节点链接强度不同的问题。采用邻域"结构洞"理论,并且结合节点本身拓扑结构以及共同邻居的拓扑结构的影响来实现网络的链接预测,提出基于改进资源分配的链接预测算法。实验证明,该算法不仅更加准确地反映了动态网络的拓扑结构,还能更加准确地预测节点之间是否存在链接关系。 展开更多
关键词 链接预测 邻域“结构洞” 资源强度 拓扑结构
Reflection of thermo-elastic wave in semiconductor nanostructures nonlocal porous medium 被引量:1
作者 HASHMAT Ali ADNAN Jahangir AFTAB Khan 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2020年第11期3188-3201,共14页
The current work is an extension of the nonlocal elasticity theory to fractional order thermo-elasticity in semiconducting nanostructure medium with voids.The analysis is made on the reflection phenomena in context of... The current work is an extension of the nonlocal elasticity theory to fractional order thermo-elasticity in semiconducting nanostructure medium with voids.The analysis is made on the reflection phenomena in context of three-phase-lag thermo-elastic model.It is observed that,four-coupled longitudinal waves and an independent shear vertical wave exist in the medium which is dispersive in nature.It is seen that longitudinal waves are damped,and shear wave is un-damped when angular frequency is less than the cut-off frequency.The voids,thermal and non-local parameter affect the dilatational waves whereas shear wave is only depending upon non-local parameter.It is found that reflection coefficients are affected by nonlocal and fractional order parameters.Reflection coefficients are calculated analytically and computed numerically for a material,silicon and discussed graphically in details.The results for local(classical)theory are obtained as a special case.The study may be useful in semiconductor nanostructure,geology and seismology in addition to semiconductor nanostructure devices. 展开更多
关键词 three-phase lag model semiconductor fractional order time derivative non-local theory NANOSTRUCTURE voids REFLECTION
Vibration analysis of wind tunnel support 被引量:1
作者 张旭 张家泰 +2 位作者 董国庆 张国友 刘德富 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2004年第5期510-512,共3页
In order to enable a wind tunnel support to have a high enough natural frequency to prevent experiencing mechanical resonance and excessive vibration displacement, five kinds of wind tunnel support structures have bee... In order to enable a wind tunnel support to have a high enough natural frequency to prevent experiencing mechanical resonance and excessive vibration displacement, five kinds of wind tunnel support structures have been simulated and analyzed individually under five different load conditions by means of a nonlinear finite element numerical method. With natural frequency and three directions vibration displacement given, simulation and analyses indicated that additional supports is more beneficial than heightening the rigidity of steel reinforced concrete in support pillars and adopting steel wrappers on the pillars to increase natural frequency of support structure. Increasing the rigidity of steel reinforced concrete, adopting steel wrappers and providing additional supports are all helpful in reducing three directions vibration Max displacement. and additional supports are comparatively more effective. Therefore, a structure scheme with steel reinforced concrete support pillars, steel wrappers and additional supports should be adopted in practical wind tunnel support construction. 展开更多
关键词 wind tunnel support finite element natural frequency three directions Max displacement
Structural Insights on Internet Traffic:Community Overlapping and Correlations
作者 吴晓非 禹可 +1 位作者 狄佳玺 苏驷希 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第10期101-114,共14页
There is an increasing number of Internet applications, which leads to an increasing network capacity and availability. Internet traffic characterisation and application identification are, therefore, more important f... There is an increasing number of Internet applications, which leads to an increasing network capacity and availability. Internet traffic characterisation and application identification are, therefore, more important for efficient network management. In this paper, we construct flow graphs from detailed Internet traffic data collected from the public networks of Internet Service Providers. We analyse the community structures of the flow graph that is naturally formed by different applications. The community size, degree distribution of the community, and community overlap of 10 Internet applications are investigated. We further study the correlations between the communities from different applications. Our results provide deep insights into the behaviour Internet applications and traffic, which is helpful for both network management and user behaviour analysis. 展开更多
关键词 application identification overlapping community complex network Internet traffic flow correlation coefficient
Topological Aspects of Entropy and Phase Transition of Kerr Black Holest
作者 YANG Guo-Hong YAN Ji-Jiang +1 位作者 TIAN Li-Jun DUAN Yi-Shi 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第4X期631-637,共7页
In the light of topological current and the relationship between the entropy and the Euler characteristic, the topological aspects of entropy and phase transition of Kerr black holes are studied. From Gauss-Bonnet-Che... In the light of topological current and the relationship between the entropy and the Euler characteristic, the topological aspects of entropy and phase transition of Kerr black holes are studied. From Gauss-Bonnet-Chern theorem, it is shown that the entropy of Kerr black holes is determined by the singularities of the Killing vector field of spacetime. By calculating the Hopf indices and Brouwer degrees of the Killing vector field at the singularities, the entropy S = A/4 for nonextreme Kerr black holes and S = 0 for extreme ones are obtained, respectively. It is also discussed that, with the change of the ratio of mass to angular momentum for unit mass, the Euler characteristic and the entropy of Kerr black holes will change discontinuously when the singularities on Cauchy horizon merge with the singularities on event horizon, which will lead to the first-order phase transition of Kerr black holes. 展开更多
关键词 topological current ENTROPY Kerr black hole Euler characteristic Killing vector field
Ruppeiner Geometry of (2+l)-Dimensional Spinning Dilaton Black Hole
作者 陈秀武 魏少文 刘玉孝 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2011年第5期817-821,共5页
In this paper, we study the geometrothermodynamics of (2 + 1)-dimensional spinning dilaton black hole. We show that the Ruppeiner curvature vanishes, which implies that there exist no phase transitions and thermody... In this paper, we study the geometrothermodynamics of (2 + 1)-dimensional spinning dilaton black hole. We show that the Ruppeiner curvature vanishes, which implies that there exist no phase transitions and thermodynamic interactions. However when the thermodynamics fluctuation is included, the geometry structure is reconsidered. The non-vanishing Ruppeiner curvature is obtained, which means the phase space is non-flat. We also study the phase transitions and show that it can indeed take D/ace at some points. 展开更多
关键词 black hole geometrothermodynamics
Wind Pressures on Structures by Proper Orthogonal Decomposition 被引量:1
作者 Fanghui Li Ming Gu +1 位作者 Zhenhua Ni Shizhao Shen 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2012年第2期238-243,共6页
Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is an effective statistical technique for data reduction and feature extraction of the random field including the wind field. This paper introduces the theory of the POD and ill... Proper orthogonal decomposition (POD) is an effective statistical technique for data reduction and feature extraction of the random field including the wind field. This paper introduces the theory of the POD and illustrates engineering of structures. Using the POD technique, it is shown that wind pressure data can be accurately reconstructed with a limited number of modes using the wind pressure data from wind tunnel test. Comparing the reconstructed values by POD with the original measured values from the wind tunnel test both in the time and frequency domains, it is concluded that the proper orthogonal decomposition(POD) is an efficient and practical technique for deriving the random wind pressure field from limited known data as shown in the pitched roof example in this paper. 展开更多
关键词 Proper orthogonal decomposition pitched roof reconstruction of wind pressure field.
Research on the optimal design of spillway tunnel
作者 ZHANG Yankui LIU Xiaolian 《International English Education Research》 2016年第4期86-88,共3页
In order to meet the needs of various tasks of water conservancy project, tunnel excavation under the ground, called hydraulic tunnel. Hydraulic tunnel according to the functions of flood discharge, water diversion, i... In order to meet the needs of various tasks of water conservancy project, tunnel excavation under the ground, called hydraulic tunnel. Hydraulic tunnel according to the functions of flood discharge, water diversion, irrigation, water supply, and the construction diversion tunnel of desilting emptying. Nowadays, water conservancy project on flood discharge runnel design requirements more and more high, so the factors taken into account the amount of spillway tunnel engineering, engineering cost, structure design and other factors to evaluate nature of the spillway tunnel is very important. Therefore, in actual construction, of spillway tunnel of optimization design, whether from the economic point of view, or from the point of view of safety and applicability are necessary. This article mainly from the overall layout of flood discharge tunnel, structure design and so on, and then discuss the optimization scheme. 展开更多
关键词 Spillway tunnel General layout design Shape optimiTation Energy dissipation
The research and practice of major technological issues on design of Three Gorges Project
作者 Zheng Shouren Niu Xinqiang 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期22-30,共9页
The dam of Three Gorges Project is characterized by large flood discharge capacity,more outlets,complicated flood discharge and energy dissipation structure,and the stability of the bank powerhouse dam foundation is e... The dam of Three Gorges Project is characterized by large flood discharge capacity,more outlets,complicated flood discharge and energy dissipation structure,and the stability of the bank powerhouse dam foundation is endangered by large gentle-dip structural plane of the bedrock due to the deep excavation of powerhouse at the dam-toe.For the dam body concrete,the durability requirement is high and the temperature control and crack prevention are difficult.The practical experience which could be used for reference in the design and construction of asphalt concrete core wall for Maopingxi protective earth-rock dam is scarce.The power station operates with high water head and large head variation.The type selection of penstock and intake as well as the embedding way of spiral case are complicated in technique,and the tailrace tunnel with sloping ceiling of underground power plant is arranged instead of traditional tailrace surge tank.For the double-line five-step ship-lock,the design of fully lined ship-lock,high head delivery system and large-sized miter gates and hoists is very challenging due to high operation head,complicated delivery conditions and building in deep excavated rock.The preferred solutions,optimal schemes and technical measures for various structures,as well as the innovation achievements proved by practice are highlighted. 展开更多
关键词 Three Gorges Project structure DESIGN key techniques PRACTICE
A Wind Tunnel Two-Dimensional Parametric Investigation of Biplane Configurations 被引量:1
作者 Miguel Angel Barcala-Montejano Angel Antonio Rodriguez-Sevillano Maria Elena Rodriguez-Rojo Sara Morales-Serrano 《Journal of Mechanics Engineering and Automation》 2014年第5期412-421,共10页
This paper presents an experimental and systematic investigation about how geometric parameters on a biplane configuration have an influence on aerodynamic parameters. This experimental investigation has been develope... This paper presents an experimental and systematic investigation about how geometric parameters on a biplane configuration have an influence on aerodynamic parameters. This experimental investigation has been developed in a two-dimensional approach. Theoretical studies about biplanes configurations have been developed in the past, but there is not enough information about experimental wind tunnel data at low Reynolds number. This two-dimensional study is a first step to further tridimensional investigations about the box wing configuration. The main objective of the study is to find the relationships between the geometrical parameters which present the best aerodynamic behavior: the highest lift, the lowest drag and the lowest slope of the pitching moment. A tridimensional wing-box model will be designed following the pattern of the two dimensional study conclusions. It will respond to the geometrical relationships that have been considered to show the better aerodynamic behavior. This box-wing model will be studied in the aim of comparing the advantages and disadvantages between this biplane configuration and the plane configuration, looking for implementing the box-wing in the UAV's field. Although the box wing configuration has been used in a small number of existing UAV, prestigious researchers have found it as a field of high aerodynamic and structural potential. 展开更多
关键词 Biplane TWO-DIMENSIONAL box-wing aerodynamic behavior wind tunnel test.
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