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倡导“绿色发展” 东软推动行业解决方案持续成长——东软股份高级副总裁兼运营总监卢朝霞谈企业发展目标
作者 宣刚 《电力信息化》 2005年第5期29-30,共2页
4月12日,东软软件股份有限公司 在北京举行公司经营与业务媒体沟通 会。会上,东软股份公布了2005年业务 发展目标和行动计划。东软股份总裁王 勇峰、东软股份高级副总裁兼运营总监 卢朝霞以及公司部分重点行业事业部总 经理出席了会议,... 4月12日,东软软件股份有限公司 在北京举行公司经营与业务媒体沟通 会。会上,东软股份公布了2005年业务 发展目标和行动计划。东软股份总裁王 勇峰、东软股份高级副总裁兼运营总监 卢朝霞以及公司部分重点行业事业部总 经理出席了会议,卢朝霞并就外界关心 的问题回答了记者的提问。 展开更多
关键词 东软软件股份有限公司 软件行业 软件产品 经营管理 卢朝霞 企业发展目标 “绿色发展”
作者 韩福东 《环境》 2003年第1期14-15,共2页
关键词 绿色社区 环境保护 绿色生活 访谈录 “绿色发展” 北京 地球村环境文化中心 廖晓义
“绿色发展”理念下生态农业发展问题研究 被引量:27
作者 张敏 杜天宝 《经济纵横》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第9期92-95,共4页
生态农业是适应传统农业实现现代化与可持续发展要求的新业态,其强调生态循环、绿色高效,也是生态文明建设的必然要求。立足于"绿色发展"理念的生态农业经济,应贯彻以生态学为范式的生态经济价值观,而生态环保、均衡循环、产... 生态农业是适应传统农业实现现代化与可持续发展要求的新业态,其强调生态循环、绿色高效,也是生态文明建设的必然要求。立足于"绿色发展"理念的生态农业经济,应贯彻以生态学为范式的生态经济价值观,而生态环保、均衡循环、产能高效是其基本发展模式,整体共生、系统优化是其发展的基本原则。 展开更多
关键词 “绿色发展”理念 生态经济价值观 生态农业经济
绿色发展是中国的必选之路 被引量:22
作者 胡鞍钢 《环境经济》 2004年第2期31-33,共3页
中国经济增长面临着资源匮乏危机。传统的"黑色发展"之路难以为继。中国不必经过西方国家的发展阶段,可以根据本国的国情直接进入到绿色发展阶段。生态环境本身是一种特殊资产,也是二种生产力,同样具有国际竞争力。保护生态... 中国经济增长面临着资源匮乏危机。传统的"黑色发展"之路难以为继。中国不必经过西方国家的发展阶段,可以根据本国的国情直接进入到绿色发展阶段。生态环境本身是一种特殊资产,也是二种生产力,同样具有国际竞争力。保护生态环境也是提高人们生活质量的重要组成部分。 展开更多
关键词 “绿色发展” 中国 经济增长 发展战略 自然灾害 环境污染 能源 可持续发展战略
“绿色发展西南模式”的思考与实施路径--以中国石油西南油气田公司为例 被引量:12
作者 董焕忠 熊波 +3 位作者 王道成 李森圣 刘蔷 王富平 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2022年第4期149-155,共7页
作为西南地区最大的油气生产企业,中国石油西南油气田公司(以下简称西南油气田)正在加快天然气增储上产的步伐、推进以建成国内最大的现代化天然气工业基地为目标的“三步走”战略。为了应对上述过程中所面临的更好地满足区域内清洁用... 作为西南地区最大的油气生产企业,中国石油西南油气田公司(以下简称西南油气田)正在加快天然气增储上产的步伐、推进以建成国内最大的现代化天然气工业基地为目标的“三步走”战略。为了应对上述过程中所面临的更好地满足区域内清洁用能需求、能耗和碳排放量刚性增长以及向绿色能源综合服务公司转型难度大等多重挑战,亟须探索天然气规模上产与绿色低碳高质量发展协同的“绿色发展西南模式”之路。为此,分析了川渝地区清洁能源资源禀赋及发展条件,明确了天然气产业在清洁能源发展中的定位与作用,梳理了天然气生产企业保障能源安全及清洁生产面临的挑战,进而有针对性地提出了“绿色发展西南模式”的总体思路:以川渝地区天然气、水力、风力、太阳能、地热等清洁能源资源为依托,充分发挥天然气清洁低碳、灵活调峰、综合利用效率高的独特作用,以及西南油气田在天然气产业链的资源、管网和市场优势,聚焦内部清洁替代和外部融合发展两个方面,发展5个“天然气+”(天然气+水风光电、天然气+余压发电、天然气+氢能、天然气+地热、天然气+CCS/CCUS)的“绿色发展西南模式”,把西南油气田建成“气、水、风、光、电、热、氢”深度融合发展的低碳/零碳示范区,努力将其建设成为“业务多元、产品多样”的绿色能源综合服务公司。 展开更多
关键词 川渝地区 中国天然气工业基地 清洁能源资源禀赋 天然气产业 5个“天然气+” “绿色发展西南模式”
低碳经济:我国“绿色”发展的必由之路 被引量:11
作者 董静 黄卫平 《现代管理科学》 北大核心 2017年第11期15-17,共3页
当前中国宏观经济运行进入从高速增长回归理性、注重产业结构调整和发展理念转变的关键"转型期"。同时,我国也面临着更加严峻的环境和能源形势。国际贸易领域,"碳关税"的提出也给我国传统高碳产业的转型带来严峻挑... 当前中国宏观经济运行进入从高速增长回归理性、注重产业结构调整和发展理念转变的关键"转型期"。同时,我国也面临着更加严峻的环境和能源形势。国际贸易领域,"碳关税"的提出也给我国传统高碳产业的转型带来严峻挑战。因此,无论是经济结构和发展模式转型的新要求,还是我国面临的环境资源约束以及"碳关税"的倒逼压力,发展低碳经济、走"绿色"的可持续发展道路,已经成为未来中国经济发展的必然趋势和正确选择。 展开更多
关键词 低碳经济 “绿色发展 环境保护 产业转型
“绿色发展”视域下东北地区振兴的路径选择 被引量:2
作者 孙菁泽 《党政干部学刊》 2017年第9期54-58,共5页
东北地区在一定的历史时期依托资源优势,形成了以钢铁、石油、机械、化工和煤炭等重工业为主导的产业体系,为国家推进工业化进程奠定了坚实的基础,曾一度引领中国经济发展持续跃升。然而随着改革开放逐步深入,特别是近年来中国经济发展... 东北地区在一定的历史时期依托资源优势,形成了以钢铁、石油、机械、化工和煤炭等重工业为主导的产业体系,为国家推进工业化进程奠定了坚实的基础,曾一度引领中国经济发展持续跃升。然而随着改革开放逐步深入,特别是近年来中国经济发展进入"新常态",东北地区资源密集型、粗放型的经济发展模式不再适应当前趋势,并引发一系列经济、社会问题,特别是长久积累的环境问题亟待解决。党的十八大以来,"五大发展理念"的提出为振兴东北老工业基地,推动东北地区走转型升级的新型工业化道路,提供了新理念新思想新战略,也为东北振兴的问题现状、对策思路提供了新的研究路径。 展开更多
关键词 东北地区振兴 “绿色发展” 环境污染
作者 周燕 张东洁 路佳 《河北农业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第3期111-117,共7页
将“绿色低碳发展”融入高校思想政治教育,是新时代思政育人的新任务和新要求。“绿色低碳发展”融入思政教育,拓展了思政教育的视野、扩大了思政教育的主体、丰富了思政教育的内容,对于深入学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想、彰显思政教育... 将“绿色低碳发展”融入高校思想政治教育,是新时代思政育人的新任务和新要求。“绿色低碳发展”融入思政教育,拓展了思政教育的视野、扩大了思政教育的主体、丰富了思政教育的内容,对于深入学习贯彻习近平生态文明思想、彰显思政教育的时代特征、提升大学生绿色低碳意识有重要作用。为推动“绿色低碳发展”更好融入思政教育,从筑牢育人阵地、拓宽育人渠道、营造育人氛围、拓展育人环境和提升育人能力5个维度积极构建思政教育实践路径,助力复合型创新人才培养,促进经济社会发展全面绿色转型。 展开更多
关键词 “绿色低碳发展” 高校 思想政治教育
论“绿色经济”发展观与未来世界经济走向 被引量:1
作者 齐玮 《保定师范专科学校学报》 2005年第1期40-42,共3页
关键词 “绿色经济”发展 未来世界经济走向 可持续发展
新时代坚持以“绿色”发展理念推进我国生态文明建设 被引量:2
作者 崔红燕 《世纪桥》 2018年第8期37-38,共2页
自改革开放以来,我国已经在政治、经济、文化、社会各个方面都取得了很大进步,但发展仍在继续。十九大报告中明确指出:"发展是解决我国一切问题的基础和关键,发展必须是科学发展,必须坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的... 自改革开放以来,我国已经在政治、经济、文化、社会各个方面都取得了很大进步,但发展仍在继续。十九大报告中明确指出:"发展是解决我国一切问题的基础和关键,发展必须是科学发展,必须坚定不移贯彻创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的发展理念。"新时代,我们要坚持新的发展理念,持续向前发展。坚持以"五大发展理念"协调推进我国生态文明建设,突出强调"绿色"发展理念的重要引导作用,推进中国特色社会主义生态文明长远发展。 展开更多
关键词 “绿色发展 马克思主义生态观 生态文明建设
作者 张海英 《初中生世界(初中教学研究)》 2018年第11期33-34,共2页
教师的成长力是学校发展的重要力量。集团化管理采取了五个方面的举措:制度建设保障,激发教师成长内力;集团师资互助,均衡学科教师配置;集团研修推进,促进教师专业提升;学科工作室辐射,强化校际教研融合;课程资源共享,助力学科教学共研... 教师的成长力是学校发展的重要力量。集团化管理采取了五个方面的举措:制度建设保障,激发教师成长内力;集团师资互助,均衡学科教师配置;集团研修推进,促进教师专业提升;学科工作室辐射,强化校际教研融合;课程资源共享,助力学科教学共研。这些举措推动了城乡教师个人的成长,促进集团各校教育质量优质均衡发展。 展开更多
关键词 集团化管理 城乡师资 “绿色发展
Evaluation of the Green Development Level and Its DynamicChanges in Qinghai Province
作者 LIU Yexuan ZHEN Lin XIAO Yu 《Journal of Resources and Ecology》 CSCD 2024年第6期1433-1447,共15页
Realizing comprehensive green transformation is the necessary path for high-quality and sustainabledevelopment in Qinghai Province.We constructed an indicator system for evaluating the green development inQinghai from... Realizing comprehensive green transformation is the necessary path for high-quality and sustainabledevelopment in Qinghai Province.We constructed an indicator system for evaluating the green development inQinghai from five dimensions:resource utilization,environmental protection,ecological protection,growth quality,and green life based on the national green development indicator system;and comprehensively used the entropymethod,comprehensive index method,coupled coordination model,and obstacle degree model to evaluate thegreen development level of Qinghai from 1998 to 2022.The results showed four important points.(1)The greendevelopment comprehensive index of Qinghai increased gradually in the past 25 years,but there is still much roomfor improvement.(2)The focus of green development changed in the three evaluation stages.The focus in1998-2004 and 2005-2011 was on improving the ecological environment,and in 2012-2022 the focus was oneconomic and industrial development and the improvement of residents’living standards.(3)Since 2001,the coupling degree of the five dimensions of green development has maintained a high-level coupling stage,and the coordinated development degree entered a good coordination stage in 2021.(4)The key obstacles hindering the improvement of green development level shifted from growth quality to resource utilization and ecological protection.Therefore,improving the resource utilization level is the primary task for Qinghai to achieve high-quality green development.The study provides methodological support for green development evaluation,and suggestions for directing the formulation of green development policies in Qinghai Province. 展开更多
关键词 green development indicator system entropy method coupling coordination obstacle degree QINGHAI
Dynamic evaluation of digital and green development policies based on text mining of the PMC framework
作者 Ye Chunmei Wu Lihua 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2024年第3期319-326,共8页
Aiming to identify policy topics and their evolutionary logic that enhance the digital and green development(dual development)of traditional manufacturing enterprises,address weaknesses in current policies,and provide... Aiming to identify policy topics and their evolutionary logic that enhance the digital and green development(dual development)of traditional manufacturing enterprises,address weaknesses in current policies,and provide resources for refining dual development policies,a total of 15954 dual development-related policies issued by national and various departmental authorities in China from January 2000 to August 2023 were analyzed.Based on topic modeling techniques and the policy modeling consistency(PMC)framework,the evolution of policy topics was visualized,and a dynamic assessment of the policies was conducted.The results show that the digital and green development policy framework is progressively refined,and the governance philosophy shifts from a“regulatory government”paradigm to a“service-oriented government”.The support pattern evolves from“dispersed matching”to“integrated symbiosis”.However,there are still significant deficiencies in departmental cooperation,balanced measures,coordinated links,and multi-stakeholder participation.Future policy improvements should,therefore,focus on guiding multi-stakeholder participation,enhancing public demand orientation,and addressing the entire value chain.These steps aim to create an open and shared digital industry ecosystem to promote the coordinated dual development of traditional manufacturing enterprises. 展开更多
关键词 digital and green development text mining topic modeling policy modeling consistency(PMC)framework machine learning
Discussion on Green Development of Fenlong for Yield Increase, Quality Enhancing, Water Retaining and Multiple Use of Natural Resources 被引量:7
作者 韦本辉 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第9期1631-1637,共7页
Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation techniqu... Fenlong green ecological agriculture technology (Fenlong technology), a new smash ridging farming method developed by Guangxi Academy of Agdcultural Sciences, has been elected as the recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China. It replaces the traditional plowshare with spiral drill, and its tilth depth is twice deeper than that by tractor tilthing. It also extends soil nutrient, moisture, oxygen and microorganism, the so-called "Four pools". Soil nutrient, oxygen, microorganism, light and rainfall use ratio is increased by 10%-100%, creating a platform for natural increase of more than 10% of crop yield. Its application to over 20 kinds of crops in 21 provinces has proved that the yield increases 10-30% with quality enhancing 5% and double water retaining capacity but no more input. When the application area of Fenlong could reach 67 million hm2, the amount of fertilizer can be reduced by 40-50 billion kg, saving 120-150 billion Yuan. In this paper, we put forward the strategy of "4+1" (arable, saline-alkali soil, grasslands, Sponge City + rivers) green development in China, and deepened the Fenlong cultivated tilled layer from 16.5 cm to 35 cm for 67 million hm2 arable land, ridged 13.3 million hm2 of saline-alkali soil for 35 cm, and also 35 cm for 67 million hm2 degraded steppe, which could have the following 3 effects: first, the 147 million hm2 of land with Fenlong cultivation could increase loosing soil to 315.491 billion m3, in* creasing by 159.26% for 120 million hm2 of arable land with the average tilled layer of 16.5 cm, which has loosing soil of only 198.1 billion m3, that is, the space of the land increases 1.6 times. Second, every hectare of plowland could store up to 450 m3/hm2 of natural rainfall, and the unused 60 m3 of saline-alkali soil and grasslands could store water of 102 billion m3, showing an increase of over 88.89% for the current plowland storage of 54 billion m3 at now, that is, double the natural rainfall storage capacity. Third, the two multiple increase of natural resources application can bring trillions of resource activation, environmental cleaning, food security, citizens, health, economic, ecological and social benefits, and makes the Chinese nation move forward in green development. Its application in "big scientific research" and "One Belt And One Road" will contribute Chinese strength to the world. 展开更多
关键词 Fenlong green development Multiple use of natural resource Increase three-dimensional land space Recommended cultivation technique by the Ministry of Agriculture of China Big scientific research
“最牛违建”现象的法律经济学反思 被引量:2
作者 梁田 《重庆社会科学》 CSSCI 2017年第11期73-79,共7页
"最牛违建"是我国城市治理的一项顽疾。其主要症结在于我国对楼顶空间利用的严格限制。面临日趋扩大的信息不对称、日益增多的监督成本等问题,执法者只能被动地陷入"运动式执法"的泥潭。鉴于优化空间利用是大势所趋... "最牛违建"是我国城市治理的一项顽疾。其主要症结在于我国对楼顶空间利用的严格限制。面临日趋扩大的信息不对称、日益增多的监督成本等问题,执法者只能被动地陷入"运动式执法"的泥潭。鉴于优化空间利用是大势所趋,我国有必要"因势利导",在城市治理思路和空间立法两方面进行改进,激励顶楼房屋的业主最大程度地利用顶楼空间。这不仅会使我国摆脱"最牛违建"的困境,也会更好地促进我国的"绿色"发展。 展开更多
关键词 违章建筑 空间立法 “绿色发展理念 城市管理
Goals and Key Technology of Fertilizer-pesticide "Double Reduction" and Synergism for Greenhouse Strawberry
作者 王建华 成玮 +1 位作者 邬劼 吉沐祥 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2017年第11期2113-2117,2122,共6页
In order to develop green good, reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, realize "double reduction" and synergism, improve safety and quality of products, protect the ecological environment and promote t... In order to develop green good, reduce the use of chemical fertilizer and pesticide, realize "double reduction" and synergism, improve safety and quality of products, protect the ecological environment and promote the healthy and steady development of strawberry industry, the goals and key technology of fertilizer-pesticide "double reduction" and synergism for greenhouse strawberry are summed up in this paper targeting at the current situation of strawberry production and combined with the new technology achievements at home and abroad. The key technology includes six items: healthy seedling cultivating technique, soil improvement and continuous cropping obstacle treatment technique, agricultural ecological prevention tech- nique, physicochemical trap of pest control technique, biological control technique and low residual risk chemical control technique. 展开更多
关键词 Greenhouse strawberry Green development "Double reduction" and synergism Technology target Key technology
Research on the Green Planning in Rural Settlements of Hui Nationality in Central Ningxia
作者 李晓玲 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2010年第3期1-4,共4页
Targeted at the residence status in rural settlements of Hui people in central Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, this research revealed that the construction of new countryside and the transformation of old c... Targeted at the residence status in rural settlements of Hui people in central Ningxia Hui Nationality Autonomous Region, this research revealed that the construction of new countryside and the transformation of old countryside all have to be on the basis of present topography, landform, environment, social-economic level, education, religion, customs, living habits and so on. The primary goal of this research was to find a method of ecology, low energy consumption and sustainable development to bring the green planning implementation strategies, to provide guidance for sustainable planning in the rural settlements of Hui Nationality in central Ningxia. 展开更多
关键词 The rural areas of central Ningxia Settlements of Hui Nationality Green planning Sustainable development
Development of a real-time PCR assay(SYBR Green I) for rapid identification and quantification of scyphomedusae Aurelia sp.1 planulae 被引量:2
作者 王建艳 甄毓 +2 位作者 米铁柱 于志刚 王国善 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第4期974-987,共14页
The complicated life cycle ofAurelia spp., comprising benthic asexually-reproducing polyps and sexually-reproducing medusae, makes it hard for researchers to identify and track them, especially for early stage individ... The complicated life cycle ofAurelia spp., comprising benthic asexually-reproducing polyps and sexually-reproducing medusae, makes it hard for researchers to identify and track them, especially for early stage individuals, such as planulae. To solve this problem, we developed a real-time PCR assay (SYBR Green I) to identify planulae in both cultured and natural seawater samples. Species-specific primers targeting Aurelia sp.1 mitochondrial 16S rDNA (mr 16S rDNA) regions were designed. Using a calibration curve constructed with plasmids containing the Aurelia sp. 1 mt 16S rDNA fragment and a standard curve for planulae, the absolute number of mt 16S rDNA copies per planula was determined and from that the total number ofplanulae per sample was estimated. For the field samples, a 100-fold dilution of the sample DNA combined with a final concentration of 0.2 μg/μL BSA in the PCR reaction mixture was used to remove real- time PCR inhibitors. Samples collected in Jiaozhou Bay from July to September 2012 were subsequently analyzed using this assay. Peak Aurelia sp.1 planula abundance occurred in July 2012 at stations near Hongdao Island and Qingdao offshore; abundances were very low in August and September. The real-time PCR assay (SYBR Green I) developed here negates the need for traditional microscopic identification, which is laborious and time-consuming, and can detect and quantify jellyfish planulae in field plankton samples rapidly and specifically. 展开更多
关键词 Aurelia sp. 1 16S rDNA planulae real-time PCR jellyfish blooms
Focus on the Chinese revolution of catalysis based on catalytic solutions for the vital demands of society and economy 被引量:2
作者 Yangdong Wang Jing Shi +1 位作者 Zhonghao Jin Zaiku Xie 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2018年第7期1147-1156,共10页
Catalysis is one of the most cross-cutting technologies in the chemical industry, intensely influenc-ing our daily society. Its practical application is closely related to the engineering disciplines. At present, the ... Catalysis is one of the most cross-cutting technologies in the chemical industry, intensely influenc-ing our daily society. Its practical application is closely related to the engineering disciplines. At present, the academic and industrial research on catalysis in our country has made great break-throughs in fields like hydrocarbon production, oil-quality upgrading processes, green chemical engineering, and other energy and chemical users of catalysis. In this paper, we attempt to summa-rize the industrial catalysis achievements and present a discussion on the direction and the devel-opment strategy for catalysis, based on economic and social demands. 展开更多
关键词 CATALYSIS INDUSTRIALIZATION Hydrocarbon production Green technology Catalytic development
制造企业节电增效的技术与管理协同推进机制 被引量:1
作者 梁祖坤 易小明 《上海节能》 2023年第12期1788-1798,共11页
电力等能源消耗是制造企业的主要成本构成因素之一,节电降耗对于企业的利润改善和社会效益提升有重要作用。文献分析发现,制造企业的节电降耗主要分成技术创新和管理改善两个方面,相关的研究与实践也集中于这两条路径,但对于如何发挥这... 电力等能源消耗是制造企业的主要成本构成因素之一,节电降耗对于企业的利润改善和社会效益提升有重要作用。文献分析发现,制造企业的节电降耗主要分成技术创新和管理改善两个方面,相关的研究与实践也集中于这两条路径,但对于如何发挥这两条路径的协同作用及建立综合推进机制却未见有充分的研究。通过分析节能降耗的机会和所需的支持资源,总结出技术性和管理性节电增效推进力量的共性部分,并归纳出制造企业节电增效的技术与管理协同推进机制模型,然后依据该模型对4家案例企业的节电管理工作进行了实证分析并找出问题。该模型对于制造企业的节能降耗具有较好的指导意义。 展开更多
关键词 节电 技术创新 管理架构 协同推进机制
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