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谁在制造中国“能源危机”? 被引量:2
作者 张锐 《生态经济》 北大核心 2011年第7期14-17,共4页
国内能源供应紧张的形势正在不断加剧。2011年4月以来,中国多地电力供应出现异常紧张的局面,浙江、江西、湖南、重庆、陕西等多省市接连发生百万千瓦用电缺口,一些省份小得不拉闸限电,在能源消费淡季提前出现的供应紧张局面似乎预示... 国内能源供应紧张的形势正在不断加剧。2011年4月以来,中国多地电力供应出现异常紧张的局面,浙江、江西、湖南、重庆、陕西等多省市接连发生百万千瓦用电缺口,一些省份小得不拉闸限电,在能源消费淡季提前出现的供应紧张局面似乎预示着2011年夏季可能面临全面电荒。 展开更多
关键词 “能源危机” 中国 制造 供应紧张 电力供应 拉闸限电 能源消费 省份
作者 张锐 《中国外资》 2011年第11期14-18,共5页
关键词 “能源危机” 能源消费结构 中国 制造 产业结构 重化工业 产品产量 高耗能
作者 余人 《经贸实践》 2004年第3期26-27,共2页
前不久的一天下午,记者在杭州百货大楼拍摄配文照片。突然,大楼里的照明灯全部熄灭了,有的柜台里营业员赶紧点上蜡烛,但昏暗的光线仍不可以做生意。百货大楼的部门经理和保安赶紧将里面的顾客疏散出来。记者迅速跑到与杭州百货大楼... 前不久的一天下午,记者在杭州百货大楼拍摄配文照片。突然,大楼里的照明灯全部熄灭了,有的柜台里营业员赶紧点上蜡烛,但昏暗的光线仍不可以做生意。百货大楼的部门经理和保安赶紧将里面的顾客疏散出来。记者迅速跑到与杭州百货大楼隔壁的银泰百货商店,这里同样也停了电,顾客只出不进。 展开更多
关键词 浙江 电力供应 电力管理 “能源危机” 电力建设
作者 帅正梅 《中国军转民》 2008年第1期40-40,共1页
党的十七大之后,我国政府迅速公布了新的《节能法》和日益趋严的能耗标准,这是中国历史上从未有过的能源节约运动,一大批汽车将因为不符合能耗标准而被取消生产资格。与此同时,大批准备抓住新商机的外资、民营和国企正在秘密研制着... 党的十七大之后,我国政府迅速公布了新的《节能法》和日益趋严的能耗标准,这是中国历史上从未有过的能源节约运动,一大批汽车将因为不符合能耗标准而被取消生产资格。与此同时,大批准备抓住新商机的外资、民营和国企正在秘密研制着自己的新能源汽车。只要能够达到国家发改委的新标准,这些车就能占领未来的市场。尽管未来有多远我们并不清楚,但这些新车和油荒一样,的的确确离我们不远了。 展开更多
关键词 能源汽车 “能源危机” 最优选择 《节能法》 国家发改委 能源节约 中国历史 标准
直面能源荒 被引量:1
作者 陈亚南 《中国市场》 北大核心 2005年第6期8-11,共4页
在经历了两年“冬缺煤,夏缺电”的“短缺”生活后,更多的国人从“地大物博”的喜悦与骄傲中清醒了过来,“能源危机”已从科学家研究者们的论文书案里走下来,进入到普通老百姓的日常关注中。2005年5月24日,能源战略高层论坛作为第八届科... 在经历了两年“冬缺煤,夏缺电”的“短缺”生活后,更多的国人从“地大物博”的喜悦与骄傲中清醒了过来,“能源危机”已从科学家研究者们的论文书案里走下来,进入到普通老百姓的日常关注中。2005年5月24日,能源战略高层论坛作为第八届科博会的重点分论坛之一在北京召开。电荒、煤荒、石油荒,究竟谁之过? 展开更多
关键词 “能源危机” 2005年 高层论坛 能源战略 研究者 科学家 老百姓 科博会 第八届 短缺 缺电 常关 电荒
加紧启动能源税制改革 被引量:1
作者 廉春慧 《浙江经济》 2005年第21期32-33,共2页
关键词 “能源危机” 税制改革 能源短缺 “电荒” 经济运行 著名人士 危机意识 地区性
河南启动新能源战略 被引量:2
作者 王洪生 《中国经济周刊》 2008年第21期44-46,共3页
当今,以石油、天然气、煤炭为代表的传统能源日益紧缺困扰着世界各国,而生物质的可再生能源,具有清洁、高效、安全的特点,正越来越受到人们的青睐。几年来,地处中原的河南省一直积极探索、开发以生物质能源为代表的新能源之路,试... 当今,以石油、天然气、煤炭为代表的传统能源日益紧缺困扰着世界各国,而生物质的可再生能源,具有清洁、高效、安全的特点,正越来越受到人们的青睐。几年来,地处中原的河南省一直积极探索、开发以生物质能源为代表的新能源之路,试图破解日渐凸显的“能源危机”。 展开更多
关键词 能源战略 河南 生物质能源 “能源危机” 可再生能源 天然气 石油 煤炭
作者 王洪生 《科技与企业》 2008年第7期80-82,共3页
当今,以石油、天然气、煤炭为代表的传统能源日益紧缺困扰着世界各国;而生物质的可再生能源,具有清洁、高效、安全的特点,正越来越受到人们的青睐。几年来,地处中原的河南省一直积极探索、开发以生物质能源为代表的新能源之路,试... 当今,以石油、天然气、煤炭为代表的传统能源日益紧缺困扰着世界各国;而生物质的可再生能源,具有清洁、高效、安全的特点,正越来越受到人们的青睐。几年来,地处中原的河南省一直积极探索、开发以生物质能源为代表的新能源之路,试图破解日渐凸显的“能源危机”。 展开更多
关键词 能源战略 河南省 生物质能源 “能源危机” 可再生能源 天然气 石油 煤炭
作者 李新民 王一娟 《经贸实践》 2004年第3期16-18,共3页
快速发展的中国从来没有放松过对能源问题的关注,可中国的能源问题从没有像今天这样引人瞩目。这要归因于正在大面积持续发生的“电荒”、“煤荒”和“油荒”。三大支柱性能源几乎同时出现大范围紧缺,无疑给中国的经济运行和百姓生活... 快速发展的中国从来没有放松过对能源问题的关注,可中国的能源问题从没有像今天这样引人瞩目。这要归因于正在大面积持续发生的“电荒”、“煤荒”和“油荒”。三大支柱性能源几乎同时出现大范围紧缺,无疑给中国的经济运行和百姓生活带来了强劲冲击。 展开更多
关键词 中国 “能源危机” 电力供应 煤炭供应 石油 “节能”问题
节能:中国经济的必然选择 被引量:1
作者 张锐 《北方经济》 2007年第7期4-8,共5页
问题的提出:中国面临“能源危机” “电荒”“煤荒”“油荒”“水荒”是最近几年中国经济发展过程中面临的几种极不安定因素,而且也无情地改写了中国“地大物博,矿产丰富”的历史标签,中国的能源底牌因此大白于世。
关键词 中国经济 “能源危机” 节能 经济发展过程 不安定因素 “电荒”
作者 李金花 《辞书研究》 2007年第5期146-147,共2页
“热水器”(water heater)是近十几年来寻常百姓家的重要器具之一,如“电热水器”(electric water heater)、“燃气热水器”(gas water,heater)等。随着科技的发展以及新能源的开发、利用,“热水器”所使用的能源已不再局限于传... “热水器”(water heater)是近十几年来寻常百姓家的重要器具之一,如“电热水器”(electric water heater)、“燃气热水器”(gas water,heater)等。随着科技的发展以及新能源的开发、利用,“热水器”所使用的能源已不再局限于传统的可燃气体或电了,“太阳能”正成为我们应对“能源危机”的新宠。 展开更多
关键词 电热水器 《现代汉语词典》 商兑 释义 “能源危机” 燃气热水器 能源 太阳能
《经贸实践》 2004年第3期7-7,共1页
关键词 英国 “能源危机” 法国 月球 美国 天然气 钢铁原料 价格 中国
作者 邵益民 《中国科技教育》 2009年第4期34-41,共8页
一、活动背景 当前.“能源危机”、“全球气候变暖”已经成为阻碍全球经济和社会发展的两大热点问题。而这两大问题的根源都在于人类对化石能源的过度使用。因此,人类也正通过“节能减排”、“建设循环经济”等体现可持续发展理念的... 一、活动背景 当前.“能源危机”、“全球气候变暖”已经成为阻碍全球经济和社会发展的两大热点问题。而这两大问题的根源都在于人类对化石能源的过度使用。因此,人类也正通过“节能减排”、“建设循环经济”等体现可持续发展理念的行动来解决、缓解这些问题。其中,大力发展和使用以风能和太阳能为代表的可再生能源无疑是一项积极、有效的可持续发展措施。 展开更多
关键词 太阳能 实践活动 可持续发展理念 科普 孩子 “能源危机” 全球气候变暖 可再生能源
Overview of Past, Present and Future Marine Power Plants 被引量:6
作者 M.Morsy EI-Gohary 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2013年第2期219-227,共9页
In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent n... In efforts to overcome an foreseeable energy crisis predicated on limited oil and gas supplies, reserves; economic variations facing the world, and of course the environmental side effects of fossil fuels, an urgent need for energy sources that provide sustainable, safe and economic supplies for the world is imperative. The current fossil fuel energy system must be improved to ensure a better and cleaner transportation future for the world. Despite the fact that the marine transportation sector consumes only 5% of global petroleum production; it is responsible for 15% of the world NOx and SOx emissions. These figures must be the engine that powers the scientific research worldwide to develop new solutions for a very old energy problem. In this paper, the most effective types of marine power plants were discussed. The history of the development of each type was presented first and the technical aspects were discussed second. Also, the fuel ceils as a new type of power plants used in marine sector were briefed to give a complete overview of the past, present and future of the marine power plants development. Based on the increased worldwide concerns regarding harmful emissions, many researchers have introduced solutions to this problem, including the adoption of new cleaner fuels. This paper was guided using the same trend and by implementing the hydrogen as fuel for marine internal combustion engine, gas turbines, and fuel cells. 展开更多
关键词 marine power plants alternative fuels gas turbines diesel engines hydrogen engines fuel cells hydrogen fuel
The Role of Chilean Mountain Areas in Time of Drought and Energy Crisis:New Pressures and Challenges for Vulnerable Ecosystems
作者 Rafael SáNCHEZ Carla MARCHANT Axel BORSDORF 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2012年第4期451-462,共12页
In the summer of 2010/2011 Chile suffered the third most severe energy and water supply crisis in only one decade. This may be surprising as the Andes which accompany the country along 4,200 km are a water tower and c... In the summer of 2010/2011 Chile suffered the third most severe energy and water supply crisis in only one decade. This may be surprising as the Andes which accompany the country along 4,200 km are a water tower and could provide more electricity and water than needed. On top of that, it has to be mentioned that Chile also counts with sunny and windy climates and with excellent geothermal energy resources and thus has a huge potential as far as renewable energies are concerned. After analyzing the existing natural conditions, the infrastructure and the present challenges of climate change, it has to be asked in which way Chile can make use of this potential in the near future, considering the legal and political situation and the technological opportunities. It seems that the resources are still hidden in the Andes, and only the key is missing to realize the country's natural potential. This research has been based on the analysis of existing literature, media, quantitative data from government institutions and other antecedents obtained by the authors in field work done in the South of Chile in 2OLO. The added value of this compilation lies in the comprehensive perspective, linking the knowledge of climatologists, hydrologists, mountain researchers and energy experts in order to support a sustainable energy and water supply for the future in Chile. From this present research, it can be concluded that Chile necessarilyhas to adopt new energy-related strategies, particularly those aimed at diminishing the strong dependence on traditional sources of energy and establishing new techniques and technologies for generating electrieity and utilizing the vast potential that the country is ready to offer, such as that provided by the Andes along 4,200 kilometers. 展开更多
关键词 Mountain region ANDES Energy supply Chile
Integrated Water Resources Management for Pond in Bistrica E Pejes
作者 Sali I Fazliu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2012年第10期1173-1180,共8页
In this century of crisis in water and energy the problem of water resources development is very crucial, especially in countries like Kosova with relatively scarce water resources. In this context the use of water fo... In this century of crisis in water and energy the problem of water resources development is very crucial, especially in countries like Kosova with relatively scarce water resources. In this context the use of water for the production of hydro-energy is essential. Actually the energetic system of Kosova is based on thermo-energy, so the use of water resources for the production of hydro energy will increase further the energy production of the country. On the other hand, a master plan of multiple use of water resources, based on the principle of integrated and sustainable management, will insure better services for other users of the country. There are four basins in Kosovo: basin of the Drini i Bardhe River, basin of Ibar River, basin of Morava e Bing^s and Lepenci Rivers. The watershed of Bistrica e Pejes belongs to the basin of Drini i Bardhe, which belongs to the Adriatic Sea catchment. It has an admirable capacity therefore should be treated as a complex capacity, in which important economic components of water can be introduced such as: drinking water supply, water for irrigation in both sides of valley, fish economy and recreation, hydro-energy etc.. 展开更多
关键词 WATER hydro energy ENVIRONMENT integrated and sustainable management
Mass Tourism and Air Transport, an Inevitable Relationship: The Case of Canary Islands
作者 Victor S. Pescador 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第5期607-614,共8页
The tourist industry, as global mass phenomenon, is inextricably linked to the evolution of air transport systems and air carriers, in turn, depends on tourism to ensure stability in routes and prices. Therefore, both... The tourist industry, as global mass phenomenon, is inextricably linked to the evolution of air transport systems and air carriers, in turn, depends on tourism to ensure stability in routes and prices. Therefore, both sectors must face the new challenges together, the transport industry is heading a problem of energy and cost overruns, that inevitably will affect tourism in the short term. The first energy crisis that they are starting to live, has been mitigated by changes in three parameters: (1) the international regulation of commercial aviation; (2) the connectivity and business (birth of low cost companies) models; and (3) the new policies for climate change and gas emission. So far, the rapid growth of the tourist industry has being held on a fast and cheap access to transport energy resources based on the false belief of unlimited access to energy. The article is a review of the state of the art, and the research papers published on air transportation, relating to tourism and the emergence of low cost airlines, in order to give a global vision for the decision makers of mass destinations, as it is the case of the Canary Islands that we will use as a reference. 展开更多
关键词 Air transport low cost energy cost island tourist destinations sustainability kerosene price oil peak.
Research Paper on Design and Implementation of Solid Organic Waste Managing System
作者 Ramesh Prasad Dahal 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2017年第3期133-140,共8页
During the energy crisis of the nation and normal day-to-day activities, biogas technology can be a potential alternative source of energy. Conventional biogas has considerably low output methane gas for a given organ... During the energy crisis of the nation and normal day-to-day activities, biogas technology can be a potential alternative source of energy. Conventional biogas has considerably low output methane gas for a given organic input. Considering the need for efficient biogas plant, SOWMS (solid organic waste managing system) has been designed and implemented on a trial basis by constructing community bin at ward number 4 of Gothatar VDC, Nepal. When composition of output biogas from the SOWMS was tested for five times, at different days, the average composition of gas was 55% methane and 35% carbon dioxide. The gas produced from 1 kg of waste is calculated to be 45 liters and pH value of slurry was found to be 7.8. These values indicate that designed system has good performance and that it can be optimized in the future research. Finally, this research work has some social implications that can have potential impact to uplift the society. 展开更多
Some Potential Solutions to Global Environment Problems & Energy Crisis: Based on Design
作者 P.M. Wang G. Liu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第6期55-59,共5页
Nowadays human society enters the 21st century, with the rapid economic and technological development, people's material and spiritual requirements has got great satisfaction. However, natural environmental damage br... Nowadays human society enters the 21st century, with the rapid economic and technological development, people's material and spiritual requirements has got great satisfaction. However, natural environmental damage brought by us is also accelerating. Natural disasters happen frequently, including ecological degradation and deterioration, energy resources crisis, greenhouse effect, earthquakes, tsunamis, volcanoes etc. The global crisis has once again waken-up call to mankind. How to properly solve these crises had become a common and urgent responsibility of mankind. This paper will mainly discuss and seek some new potential methods in solving energy crisis and environmental problems from the perspective of automotive and architecture design. As an architect, how to avoid light pollution and reduce heat absorption of roof, increasing heat reflectance of roof are becoming their main and urgent responsibilities. On the other hand, reducing greenhouse effect, researching and developing new low-carbon, low-emission fuel sources are also becoming automotive designers' obligations. Living in harmony with nature & earth is becoming the common human themes of the 21 st century. 展开更多
关键词 Global crisis product architecture design SOLUTIONS harmony with nature
A study of zoning for energy security in China
作者 Guo Yiqiang Ge Quansheng Zheng Jingyun 《Ecological Economy》 2008年第3期311-318,共8页
As a result of more and more serious energy risks, the study of national energy security zoning is not only the basic requirement of energy risk management but also the new demand of economic development for the energ... As a result of more and more serious energy risks, the study of national energy security zoning is not only the basic requirement of energy risk management but also the new demand of economic development for the energy industry. Firstly, this paper analyzes the basic situation of energy resources and production and consumption of primary. energy from 1996 to 2005 in China. Secondly; this paper founds an Energy Security Index System formed by six indices including the percentage of energy reserves, interlocal dependent degree, energy elasticity coefficient and so on. It subsequently calculates the weight of these indices with the factor analysis rating method Lastly, the paper evaluates and zones the abilities of energy security of 30 provinces in China with the grey chuster method According to their security; the 30 provinces are classified into three different levels: high, medium, and low levels. The regions at low energy security level include Beijing, Shanghai, Zhejiang, Fujian, Guangdong, Guangxi and Hainan. They are mainly littoral and short of primary energy production while mostly dependent on other provinces. Those at medium energy security level include 15 provinces (cities or districts), such as Liaoning, Tianjin, Hebei, Shandong, Henan, Hunan and so on. These provinces are in the northeast, north, east of and central China. Those at high energy security level contain Shanxi. lnner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Jilin, Chongqing, Sichuan, Shaanxi. Xinjiang. These provinces are the main primary energy production bases. 展开更多
关键词 Energy risk Energy security ZONING Grey cluster
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