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波普尔对达尔文“自然选择”理论的评价 被引量:1
作者 周锋 《科技创业月刊》 2004年第5期84-85,共2页
达尔文的生物进化论是19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一,对科学界与哲学界产生了巨大的影响。波普尔作为20世纪最伟大的哲学家之一,他对“自然选择”理论的评价对后世影响很大。在对达尔文的进化论思想作简单介绍的基础上,重点分析了波普... 达尔文的生物进化论是19世纪自然科学的三大发现之一,对科学界与哲学界产生了巨大的影响。波普尔作为20世纪最伟大的哲学家之一,他对“自然选择”理论的评价对后世影响很大。在对达尔文的进化论思想作简单介绍的基础上,重点分析了波普尔对“自然选择”理论前后两次评价产生的影响,并作了简单的评述。 展开更多
关键词 波普尔 达尔文 “自然选择”理论 生物进化论 同语反复
作者 王晓洁 《经济研究参考》 北大核心 2015年第56期57-63,共7页
达尔文生物进化论提出制度演化机制分为"适用性学习"和"自然选择"两种。农村养老保险制度从无到有,从家庭养老向社会养老转化,从旧农保向新农保演变,从新农保向城乡居民养老演化,其动力机制是什么?未来的演变方向... 达尔文生物进化论提出制度演化机制分为"适用性学习"和"自然选择"两种。农村养老保险制度从无到有,从家庭养老向社会养老转化,从旧农保向新农保演变,从新农保向城乡居民养老演化,其动力机制是什么?未来的演变方向是什么?本文以达尔文生物进化论的"自然选择"和"适应性学习"为分析工具,探索我国60多年来农村养老保险的演化实践,并力求揭示养老保险的未来演化方向。 展开更多
关键词 新型农村养老保险制度 演化机制 “适用性学习” “自然选择”
作者 丁轶建 《福建体育科技》 2011年第6期12-14,共3页
更高水平的足球人才、更充足的储备是足球队水平更高的根源。本文对当今世界足球人才成长的"自然选择"和"人工培养"两种模式进行分析,探讨足球人才的发展和培养道路。"自然选择"模式是根据人体生长发育阶... 更高水平的足球人才、更充足的储备是足球队水平更高的根源。本文对当今世界足球人才成长的"自然选择"和"人工培养"两种模式进行分析,探讨足球人才的发展和培养道路。"自然选择"模式是根据人体生长发育阶段,从低至高发展各级别联赛,让球员在各级别联赛中发展自己的足球志趣和竞技水平,自我选择,适者生存,优胜劣汰,完全尊重球员个体的选择和个体的适应能力,促进了足球人才的可持续产生和可持续发展,为欧美足球、世界足球的发展做出了巨大的贡献。"人工培养"模式是通过组织各级别队伍的训练比赛来培养队员成才的模式,最大化的尊重了球队组织、管理方或教练在选拔、培养上的作用,但存在着体制外与体制内之间的隔阂,球员成才与政府选拔间的失调,足球专业发展与其他能力发展间的失衡,功利主义与精神发展的背离等问题而影响了持续健康发展。中国足球职业联赛还未摆脱"人工培养"模式,为了适应世界足球发展趋势和个体自身发展的需要,中国足球应痛定思痛改革人才培养机制,振兴足球。 展开更多
关键词 足球 成才模式 “自然选择” “人工培养”
作者 张金妹 修显武 《小学科学》 2025年第6期52-54,共3页
PhET交互式模拟实验系统,是卡尔·威曼于2012年推出的一款面向世界各地中小学和大学的交互式STEM教学系统。PhET交互式模拟实验技术与课程的结合和应用,使学生能够更好地掌握知识,同时促进对抽象知识的理解、内化和应用,为培养创新... PhET交互式模拟实验系统,是卡尔·威曼于2012年推出的一款面向世界各地中小学和大学的交互式STEM教学系统。PhET交互式模拟实验技术与课程的结合和应用,使学生能够更好地掌握知识,同时促进对抽象知识的理解、内化和应用,为培养创新型人才打下坚实的基础。本文详细介绍了利用PhET对小学科学课程《自然选择》的实验教学设计流程,包括学习目标、实验过程和教学分析,以及它促进学生对于达尔文生物进化论的理解过程。 展开更多
关键词 小学科学 PhET “自然选择”实验 概念理解
模拟学习“自然选择决定生物进化的方向” 被引量:1
作者 肖巧玲 《中学生物学》 2003年第4期61-62,共2页
新教材生物进化章节与旧教材在内容上有了很大的不同.围绕着"生物进化的实质",对达尔文的自然选择学说进行了较为深入的探讨.我认为达尔文对生物进化的研究着眼于适应性等外在性状改变.现代进化理论结合"性状改变的根本... 新教材生物进化章节与旧教材在内容上有了很大的不同.围绕着"生物进化的实质",对达尔文的自然选择学说进行了较为深入的探讨.我认为达尔文对生物进化的研究着眼于适应性等外在性状改变.现代进化理论结合"性状改变的根本原因是基因的改变"及生态学理论"种群通过繁殖,个体基因进行重组和传递",提出"生物进化的实质是种群基因频率变化过程"的观点,从性状改变的根本原因角度进行分析.在这部分内容中,"自然选择决定生物进化的方向"这一观点是学习的重点和难点.如果简单根据课本所列的曼切斯特地区桦尺蛾体色的变化进行阐述,学生只能被动地接受这一观点.并不助于辩证唯物主义世界观的形成,也不利培养学生发现问题分析问题的能力.对此,我经过认真备课后,决定安排两节课成一节大课,设计模拟一组自然选择过程实验,让学生参与探究,再结合课本展开对这部分内容的自主学习. 展开更多
关键词 “自然选择决定生物进化的方向” 辩证唯物主义 自主学习 模拟实验 高中 生物学 实验设计
Analysis of the Evolutionary Significance of Heterosis——taking the contribution of fitness to the genetic diversity in random mating population as an example 被引量:1
作者 李大林 陈奇 +1 位作者 林建国 蔡润 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第2期1-5,36,共6页
Upon the analogy of definition of heterosis and inbreeding depresstion in terms of population genetics, the heterosis is thought to be evaluated overall with fitness. By establishing a mathematical model, the equilibr... Upon the analogy of definition of heterosis and inbreeding depresstion in terms of population genetics, the heterosis is thought to be evaluated overall with fitness. By establishing a mathematical model, the equilibrium status of three genotypes of random mating population (i. e. RR, Rr and rr) under different fitness, which exposes that heterosis is the precondition for multiallele to exist in the population. The heterosis protects the genetic diversity and makes the population owning a stronger self-control and evolution potential by improving the hetemzygote's fithess so as not to wash out different types of genes. It deepens Darwin's thoughts of individual section by making the individual fitness consonant with population fitness. 展开更多
关键词 Random mating population FITNESS HETEROSIS Equilibrium status Evolution
The Human Sustainable Development under Biologically Evolutionary Background
作者 李天星 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第1期186-188,共3页
Evolution,adaptation and selection always exist in the evolutionary process of any species,which is the result of interrelation and interaction between living things and their environments,and the incarnation of natur... Evolution,adaptation and selection always exist in the evolutionary process of any species,which is the result of interrelation and interaction between living things and their environments,and the incarnation of natural laws in the evolutionary process of any species. Only if accurately understanding their connotation and interrelation among them,taking the evolution of living things as the line with centralizing the human sustainable development,dialectically unifying the active adaptation of the human being to their environments and oriented selection of nature and the society to species,we can acquire a better understanding of evolution of living things and a deeper understanding of the human sustainable development under biologically evolutionary background and uphold the true Darwinism,modern evolutionary point of view and the concept of current sustainable development in theory and in practice. 展开更多
关键词 Active adaptation Passive adaptation Natural selection Social selection Sustainable development
Policy Optimization Study Based on Evolutionary Learning
作者 刘素平 丁永生 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2009年第6期621-624,共4页
In order to achieve an intelligent and automated self-management network,dynamic policy configuration and selection are needed.A certain policy only suits to a certain network environment.If the network environment ch... In order to achieve an intelligent and automated self-management network,dynamic policy configuration and selection are needed.A certain policy only suits to a certain network environment.If the network environment changes,the certain policy does not suit any more.Thereby,the policy-based management should also have similar "natural selection" process.Useful policy will be retained,and policies which have lost their effectiveness are eliminated.A policy optimization method based on evolutionary learning was proposed.For different shooting times,the priority of policy with high shooting times is improved,while policy with a low rate has lower priority,and long-term no shooting policy will be dormant.Thus the strategy for the survival of the fittest is realized,and the degree of self-learning in policy management is improved. 展开更多
关键词 policy-based management evolution learning policy optimization
Three Gorges Project:a project for ecological improvement and environmental protection in Yangtze River Basin
作者 Lu Youmei 《Engineering Sciences》 EI 2011年第3期9-14,30,共7页
Seeking water and earning their livelihoods is the natural selection of human beings.Like other rivers on the earth,the Yangtze River is the birthplace of human civilization and survival.As an ecosystem,the Yangtze Ri... Seeking water and earning their livelihoods is the natural selection of human beings.Like other rivers on the earth,the Yangtze River is the birthplace of human civilization and survival.As an ecosystem,the Yangtze River Basin is evolving under the influences of natural factors and human activities.Because of soil erosion,pollution and human activities,the imbalance of secondary environment is exacerbated and the ecological environment has become more vulnerable,so it is urgent to mitigate and prevent the ecological crisis.The practice has proved that implementation of engineering measures is an effective way to improve the ecological environment.The Three Gorges Project (TGP) has a flood control storage capacity of 22.15 billion m 3,effectively storing the flood water upstream of Yichang,and protects 15 million people and 1.5 million hm 2 farmland.Furthermore,the project can prevent or slow down the sedimentation and shrinkage of the lakes in the middle Yangtze River such as Dongting Lake;with an average annual power generation of about 90 billion kW· h,it can significantly reduce the emissions of harmful gas like CO 2.In general,the construction of TGP is conducive to the ecological and environmental protection in the Yangtze River Basin and China,even the world. 展开更多
关键词 Yangtze River Basin natural ecology ecological environment environmental protection
Image Restoration of Depth of Field Extension Imaging System Based on Genetic Algorithm
作者 He Yun Wu Yangang +1 位作者 Tian Jialin Xu Wen 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第2期37-40,共4页
Genetic algorithm is a search algorithm based on genetic mechanism and natural selection. It has been widely applied to research fields including image processing field. The paper improves standard genetic algorithm a... Genetic algorithm is a search algorithm based on genetic mechanism and natural selection. It has been widely applied to research fields including image processing field. The paper improves standard genetic algorithm and improves the arithmetic speed of the algorithm, which achieves better image restoration effect. And the paper compares the image restoration quality of traditional algorithm, standard genetic algorithm and improved genetic algorithm to prove the feasibility of applying genetic algorithm to image restoration. 展开更多
关键词 image restoration genetic algorithm image processing image degradation
A matting method based on color distance and differential distance
作者 聂栋栋 Wang Li 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第3期294-300,共7页
A new matting algorithm based on color distance and differential distance is proposed to deal with the problem that many matting methods perform poorly with complex natural images.The proposed method combines local sa... A new matting algorithm based on color distance and differential distance is proposed to deal with the problem that many matting methods perform poorly with complex natural images.The proposed method combines local sampling with global sampling to select foreground and background pairs for unknown pixels and then a new cost function is constructed based on color distance and differential distance to further optimize the selected sample pairs.Finally,a quadratic objective function is used based on matte Laplacian coming from KNN matting which is added with texture feature.Through experiments on various test images,it is confirmed that the results obtained by the proposed method are more accurate than those obtained by traditional methods.The four-error-metrics comparison on benchmark dataset among several algorithms also proves the effectiveness of the proposed method. 展开更多
关键词 natural image matting local sampling global sampling color distance differen-tial distance texture feature
理解改革进程:演化经济学的视角 被引量:1
作者 王志伟 《福建论坛(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2014年第2期46-51,共6页
近年来,随着外来经济危机的冲击和国内一些问题的存在,一些人对我国的改革进程产生疑问,甚至也有一些不切实际的看法。对这些重要问题的认识,都直接关系到我们经济社会能否进一步健康发展。本文借鉴演化经济学的视角,尝试对我国的改革... 近年来,随着外来经济危机的冲击和国内一些问题的存在,一些人对我国的改革进程产生疑问,甚至也有一些不切实际的看法。对这些重要问题的认识,都直接关系到我们经济社会能否进一步健康发展。本文借鉴演化经济学的视角,尝试对我国的改革进程进行审视。我国的改革进程与演化经济学所理解的生物界和社会制度的自然演化状态的观点存在近似和一致。借鉴演化经济学的视角理解我国的经济体制改革进程,可以给我们一些启发:首先,演化经济学将达尔文进化论中引申出来的更深刻的哲学观和发展观用来理解制度演化过程,有其合理性和理论优势。其次,演化经济学的视角既是历史的、又是客观和辩证的,这比起那些更多从自己主观认为改革应达到的"理想状态",而从根本上责难现实改革的不理想和不完善现状的观点,更具科学态度。再次,演化经济学的视角也是一种对现有"主流经济学"视角所具有的、很好的补充,以及对某些观点的纠正。 展开更多
关键词 改革进程 制度演化 能动性 “自然选择”
作者 刘学华 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2006年第3期87-93,129,共8页
This paper discusses the selective feature of understanding. The process of understanding is in nature that of constructing meaning and obtaining information, meanwhile, to construct meaning is to integrate different ... This paper discusses the selective feature of understanding. The process of understanding is in nature that of constructing meaning and obtaining information, meanwhile, to construct meaning is to integrate different signs into a text by means of metaphor and metonymy and to naturalize the meaning of the text, which turns out to be a process of constant selection. In addition, the contextual factors such as different individuals or groups and different cultural backgrounds make the understanding process selective. The knowledge of the selective feature of understanding plays an important role in foreign language teaching, especially concerned with text reading, translation and intercultural communication. 展开更多
The evolution of female sex pheromones 被引量:5
作者 Ally R. HARARI Hadass STEINITZ 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期569-578,共10页
The role of female sex pheromones in natural selection, particularly as a means for species recognition to avoid the generation of hybrid offspring with low fitness, has been widely explored and is generally accepted ... The role of female sex pheromones in natural selection, particularly as a means for species recognition to avoid the generation of hybrid offspring with low fitness, has been widely explored and is generally accepted by scholars. However, the significance of sex pheromones in shaping mate choice (sexual selection) and in competition over breeding resources (social se- lection) has been largely ignored. The effect of sexual selection on sex pheromones as a sexually dimorphic signaling trait has been discounted because the amount of pheromone released by females is typically minute, while the role of sex pheromones in competition over breeding resources (other than mates) has not yet been considered. As a result of natural selection, variation in sex pheromones among females is expected to be low, and males are not expected to choose their mates among phero- mone-releasing conspecific females. Sexual selection, on the other hand, should drive the increase in pheromone variance among females, and males are expected to choose females based on this variation. Moreover, social selection resulting from more general social interactions, for example competition among females for breeding sites and food, should also promote variance among female sex pheromones. Here, we review the cttrrent evidence for each of the three selection processes acting on sex pheromones of female moths as an advertising trait. We suggest that the three selection types are not mutually exclusive but rather act together to promote different fimess components in diverse ecological situations 展开更多
关键词 Sex pheromone Natural selection Sexual selection Social selection COMPETITION Mate choice
Gradients in predation risk in a tropical river system 被引量:4
作者 Amy E. DEACON Faith A. M. JONES Anne E. MAGURRAN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期213-221,共9页
The importance of predation risk as a key driver of evolutionary change is exemplified by the Northern Range in Trinidad, where research on guppies living in multiple parallel streams has pro- vided invaluable insight... The importance of predation risk as a key driver of evolutionary change is exemplified by the Northern Range in Trinidad, where research on guppies living in multiple parallel streams has pro- vided invaluable insights into the process of evolution by natural selection. Although Trinidadian guppies are now a textbook example of evolution in action, studies have generally categorized predation as a dichotomous variable, representing high or low risk. Yet, ecologists appreciate that community structure and the attendant predation risk vary substantially over space and time. Here, we use data from a longitudinal study of fish assemblages at 16 different sites in the Northern Range to quantify temporal and spatial variation in predation risk. Specifically we ask: 1) Is there evidence for a gradient in predation risk? 2) Does the ranking of sites (by risk) change with the defi- nition of the predator community (in terms of species composition and abundance currency), and 3) Are site rankings consistent over time? We find compelling evidence that sites lie along a contin- uum of risk. However, site rankings along this gradient depend on how predation is quantified in terms of the species considered to be predators and the abundance currency is used. Nonetheless, for a given categorization and currency, rankings are relatively consistent over time. Our study sug- gests that consideration of predation gradients will lead to a more nuanced understanding of the role of predation risk in behavioral and evolutionary ecology. It also emphasizes the need to justify and report the definition of predation risk being used. 展开更多
关键词 abundance currency gradients Poecilia reticulata predation risk TRINIDAD Trinidadian guppy.
Speciation by selection: A framework for understanding ecology's role in speciation 被引量:3
作者 R. Brian LANGERHANS Rtidiger RIESCH 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第1期31-52,共22页
Speciation research during the last several decades has confirmed that natural selection frequently drives the genera- tion of new species. But how does this process generally unfold in nature? We argue that answerin... Speciation research during the last several decades has confirmed that natural selection frequently drives the genera- tion of new species. But how does this process generally unfold in nature? We argue that answering this question requires a clearer conceptual framework for understanding selection's role in speciation. We present a unified framework of speciation, pro- viding mechanistic descriptions of fundamentally distinct routes to speciation, and how these may interact during lineage splitting Two major categories are recognized: reproductive isolation resulting from (1) responses to selection, "speciation by selection," or (2) non-selective processes, "speciation without selection." Speciation by selection can occur via three mechanisms: (1) similar selection, (2) divergent selection, and (3) reinforcement selection. Understanding ecology's role in speciation requires uncovering how these three mechanisms contribute to reproductive isolation, and their relative importance compared to non-selective proce- sses, because all three mechanisms can occur side-by-side during speciation. To accomplish this, we highlight examination of groups of organisms inhabiting replicated environmental gradients. This scenario is common in nature, and a large literature illus- trates that both parallel and non-parallel responses to similar environments are widespread, and each can result in speciation. This recognition reveals four general pathways of speciation by similar or divergent selection--parallel and nonparallel responses to similar and divergent selection. Altogether, we present a more precise framework for speciation research, draw attention to some under-recognized features of speciation, emphasize the multidimensionality of speciation, reveal limitations of some previous tests and descriptions of speciation mechanisms, and point to a number of directions for future investigation [Current Zoology 59 (1): 31-52, 2013]. 展开更多
关键词 SPECIATION Ecological speciation Mutation order REINFORCEMENT One-allele mechanism Reproductive isolation
Self-deception can evolve under appropriate costs 被引量:2
作者 Juan Camilo RAMiREZ James A. R. MARSHALL 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第2期382-396,共15页
Apparent biases in decision making by animals, including humans, seem to present an evolutionary puzzle, since one would expect decisions based on biased (unrealistic) information to be suboptimal. Although cognitiv... Apparent biases in decision making by animals, including humans, seem to present an evolutionary puzzle, since one would expect decisions based on biased (unrealistic) information to be suboptimal. Although cognitive biases are hard to diag- nose in real animals (Marshall et al., 2013b), we investigate Trivers' proposal that individuals should self-deceive first in order to better deceive others (Trivers, 2011). Although this proposal has been scrutinized extensively (Bandura et al., 2011) it has not been formally modelled. We present the first model designed to investigate Trivers' proposal. We introduce an extension to a re- cent model of the evolution of self-deception (Johnson and Fowler, 2011). In the extended model individuals make decisions by taking directly into account the benefits and costs of each outcome and by choosing the course of action that can be estimated as the best with the information available. It is shown that in certain circumstances self-deceiving decision-makers are the most evolutionarily successful, even when there is no deception between these. In a further extension of this model individuals addi- tionally exhibit deception biases and Trivers' premise (that effective deception is less physiologically costly with the aid of self-deception) is incorporated. It is shown that under Trivers' hypothesis natural selection favors individuals that self-deceive as they deceive others . 展开更多
关键词 SELF-DECEPTION DECEPTION OVERCONFIDENCE Cognitive biases Optimal decision-making Optimal behavior
How does male-male competition generate negative frequency-dependent selection and disruptive selection during speciation? 被引量:2
作者 Peter D. DIJKSTRA Shana E. BORDER 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第1期89-99,共11页
Natural selection has been shown to drive population differentiation and speciation. The role of sexual selection in this process is controversial; however, most of the work has centered on mate choice while the role ... Natural selection has been shown to drive population differentiation and speciation. The role of sexual selection in this process is controversial; however, most of the work has centered on mate choice while the role of male-male competition in speciation is relatively understudied. Here, we outline how male-male competition can be a source of diversifying selection on male competitive phenotypes, and how this can contribute to the evolution of reproductive isolation. We highlight how negative frequency-dependent selection (advantage of rare phenotype arising from stronger male-male competition between similar male phenotypes compared with dissimilar male pheno- types) and disruptive selection (advantage of extreme phenotypes) drives the evolution of diversity in competitive traits such as weapon size, nuptial coloration, or aggressiveness. We underscore that male-male competition interacts with other life-history functions and that variable male com- petitive phenotypes may represent alternative adaptive options. In addition to competition for mates, aggressive interference competition for ecological resources can exert selection on compet- itor signals. We call for a better integration of male-male competition with ecological interference competition since both can influence the process of speciation via comparable but distinct mecha- nisms. Altogether, we present a more comprehensive framework for studying the role of male-male competition in speciation, and emphasize the need for better integration of insights gained from other fields studying the evolutionary, behavioral, and physiological consequences of agonistic interactions. 展开更多
关键词 disruptive selection life-history trade-offs male-male competition negative frequency-dependent selection SPECIATION
Why are sexually selected weapons almost absent in females? 被引量:2
作者 Anders BERGLUND 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2013年第4期564-568,共5页
In sex role reversed species, predominantly females evolve sexually selected traits, such as ornaments and/or weapons. Female ornaments are common and their function well documented in many species, whether sex role r... In sex role reversed species, predominantly females evolve sexually selected traits, such as ornaments and/or weapons. Female ornaments are common and their function well documented in many species, whether sex role reversed or not. However, sexually selected female weapons seem totally absent except for small wing spurs in three jacana species, present in both males and females. This poor female weaponry is in sharp contrast to the situation in species with conventional sex roles: males com- monly have evolved sexually selected weapons as well as ornaments. At the same time, females in many taxa have naturally se- lected weapons, used in competition over resources or in predator defence. Why are sexually selected weapons then so rare, al- most absent, in females? Here I briefly review weaponry in females and the function of these weapons, conclude that the near ab- sence of sexually selected weapons begs an explanation, and suggest that costs of sexually selected weapons may exceed costs of ornaments. Females are more constrained when evolving sexually selected traits compared to males, at least compared to those males that do not provide direct benefits, as trait costs reduce a female's fecundity. I suggest that this constraining trade-off between trait and fecundity restricts females to evolve ornaments but rarely weapons. The same may apply to paternally investing males. Whether sexually selected weapons actually are more costly than sexually selected ornaments remains to be investigated 展开更多
关键词 Sexual selection Female weapons Female ornaments Sex role reversal
The ecology of sexual dimorphism in size and shape of the freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis 被引量:2
作者 Martin LAPORTE Patrick BERREBI +4 位作者 Julien CLAUDE Dolors VINYOLES Quim Pou-RoVIRA Jean-Claude RAYMOND Pierre MAGNAN 《Current Zoology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2018年第2期183-191,共9页
Sexual selection is considered the major cause of sexual dimorphism, but recent observations suggest that natural selection may play a more important role in the evolution of sex differentiation than previously recogn... Sexual selection is considered the major cause of sexual dimorphism, but recent observations suggest that natural selection may play a more important role in the evolution of sex differentiation than previously recognized. Therefore, studying the trade-offs between natural selection and sexual selection is crucial to a better understanding of the ecology underlying the evolution of sexual dimorphism. The freshwater blenny Salaria fluviatilis, a fish inhabiting lakes and rivers around the Mediterranean Sea, displays strong sexual dimorphism in size, shape, and behavior (i.e., larger body and head size for males and higher swimming requirements for females during the reproductive period). We tested for differences in sexual dimorphism in size and shape between the populations from lake and river habitats with the goal of identifying the trade-offs between natural and sexual se- lection that underlie variations in sexual dimorphism in this species. Our results show i) differences in sexual size dimorphism (SSizeD) in accordance to Rensch's rule (i.e., larger individuals in rivers associated with higher SSizeD), and ii) a decrease in shape differentiation between males and fe- males in lake populations. Together, this suggests that the different environmental conditions between lake and river habitats (e.g., resource limitations, predation pressure, water velocity) affect the relative importance of sexual selection in the display of sexual dimorphism within the species. This study highlights the importance of considering the environmental conditions to which populations are exposed to better understand the ecology underlying the evolution of sexual dimorphism. 展开更多
关键词 evolutionary ecology geometric morphometrics phenotype-environment interaction Rensch's rule sexual dimorphism.
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