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中美贸易战背景下湖北创“芯”思路分析 被引量:1
作者 周睿全 《当代经济》 2019年第12期9-11,共3页
2018年以来,中美贸易战的背景下,相继发生的"华为中兴事件"令我国在"芯"产业发展领域受到了极大的制约,国家提出了集成电路振兴战略。湖北相应提出了"一芯驱动"产业发展战略,大力推动芯产业在湖北发展。... 2018年以来,中美贸易战的背景下,相继发生的"华为中兴事件"令我国在"芯"产业发展领域受到了极大的制约,国家提出了集成电路振兴战略。湖北相应提出了"一芯驱动"产业发展战略,大力推动芯产业在湖北发展。为了探讨湖北发展"芯"产业的有效路径,本文分析湖北"芯"产业发展的形势和不足,提出集聚资源,培育环境,自主发展,区域合作等创"芯"思路,以期将湖北"芯"产业打造成为国家集成电路产业发展的高地。 展开更多
关键词 “芯” 中美贸易战 思路
供给侧改革背景下无锡集成电路产业自主创“芯”路径及对策研究 被引量:1
作者 袁梁 陶雪峰 《江苏科技信息》 2019年第6期4-6,共3页
无锡政府在很短的时间里拿出了关于集成电路产业研究以及无锡集成电路产业发展、布局的"报告",领导层对集成电路产业发展极其关注,力求进一步完善集成电路产业体系、提升产业整体实力。由于目前国内半导体行业的关键技术比如... 无锡政府在很短的时间里拿出了关于集成电路产业研究以及无锡集成电路产业发展、布局的"报告",领导层对集成电路产业发展极其关注,力求进一步完善集成电路产业体系、提升产业整体实力。由于目前国内半导体行业的关键技术比如高端芯片等仍受制于人,局面短时间难以改变,自主创"芯"不可能一蹴而就,需要政府和企业持续的努力和投入。面对美国贸易战的升级和跨国企业加紧布局工业互联网、汽车电子、信息安全、物联网、云计算等领域核心芯片,无锡集成电路产业供给侧结构性调整面临新的机遇和挑战。基于此,文章研究了供给侧改革背景下无锡集成电路产业自主创"芯"路径及对策。 展开更多
关键词 集成电路 自主创“芯” 新一代信息技术
也谈“坳”“拗”,“心”“芯”的使用——兼与刘全稳先生商榷 被引量:2
作者 黄昌武 郭海莉 《天然气工业》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2008年第5期133-134,共2页
针对《西南石油大学学报》刘全稳副主编发表在该刊2007年第6期上的一篇关于"坳""拗""心""芯"使用方法说明的文章,对石油科技文献中经常出现的"坳陷""拗陷""取芯"... 针对《西南石油大学学报》刘全稳副主编发表在该刊2007年第6期上的一篇关于"坳""拗""心""芯"使用方法说明的文章,对石油科技文献中经常出现的"坳陷""拗陷""取芯""取心""岩芯""岩心"的合理使用提出了自己的观点和看法。进而指出:"坳陷""拗陷"两者略有差别,不能一概将所有"坳陷"均改为"拗陷";同时,刘先生认为的"取心""岩心"都必须改为"取芯""岩芯"也是不尽合理的,"取芯"与"取心","岩芯"与"岩心"都可使用,且意思完全一样。 展开更多
关键词 坳陷 拗陷 取心 岩心 辨析
作者 王建华 胡斌 +1 位作者 陆波 杨跃兵 《现代诊断与治疗》 CAS 2006年第2期123-123,共1页
关键词 阑尾包块 “芯”切陈
上菲红Cursor11新品问世 重卡“芯”再度升级
作者 纪鹏飞 《专用汽车》 2016年第5期32-34,共3页
关键词 上菲红 新品问世 重卡“芯” 再度升级
作者 张卫华 《现代班组》 2011年第12期47-47,共1页
关键词 刘永东 发明 清洗再生器 滚筒洗“芯”
作者 刘玉惠 王淼 《建筑技艺》 2020年第10期110-111,共2页
在现代大型企业园区——中国航信高科技产业园区的设计中,通过将综合服务楼设计成具有不同规划风格、不同使用功能的园区中心,来打造具有凝聚向心的数字之"芯"科技园区。综合服务楼采用了曲线退台的建筑设计手法,结合多种材料... 在现代大型企业园区——中国航信高科技产业园区的设计中,通过将综合服务楼设计成具有不同规划风格、不同使用功能的园区中心,来打造具有凝聚向心的数字之"芯"科技园区。综合服务楼采用了曲线退台的建筑设计手法,结合多种材料,为中国民航信息集团创造了一个有凝聚力的高科技园区。 展开更多
关键词 产业园区 连接纽带 数字之“芯”
“芯”、“表”土分层填筑法地形营造工艺在浦东世博公园中的应用 被引量:2
作者 闵华 《上海建设科技》 2017年第6期63-65,共3页
关键词 世博主题 “芯”、“表”土分层填筑 变废为宝
作者 厉琨 张蕾 +4 位作者 郭瑞 于淑会 曹秀华 付振晓 孙蓉 《集成技术》 2022年第2期79-88,共10页
高容高温是下一代片式多层陶瓷电容器的重要发展方向,因此,开发具有高容高温特性的X9R型钛酸钡基介质材料,对于促进高容高温多层陶瓷电容器的发展具有重要意义。该研究以钛酸钡(BaTiO_(3),BT)为原料,利用传统固相反应烧结法,并通过调节... 高容高温是下一代片式多层陶瓷电容器的重要发展方向,因此,开发具有高容高温特性的X9R型钛酸钡基介质材料,对于促进高容高温多层陶瓷电容器的发展具有重要意义。该研究以钛酸钡(BaTiO_(3),BT)为原料,利用传统固相反应烧结法,并通过调节钛酸铋钠(Bi_(1/2)Na_(1/2)TiO_(3),BNT)的基体固溶量和稀土元素铌(Nb)的掺杂量,成功制备出具有较高室温介电常数和较宽容温特性的Nb掺杂BT-BNT介质体系。在此基础上,对X9R型介质材料纳米畴及“芯-壳”结构与介温特性之间的关系进行了研究。实验结果表明,当BNT固溶量为10 mol%,BT-BNT的居里温度为190℃,晶粒具有典型的90°铁电畴;在0.9BT-0.1BNT固溶体中掺杂2.0 mol%的Nb元素,介电常数为1800,损耗<2.0%,容温系数(-55~200℃)≤15%,晶粒形成明显的“芯-壳”结构,其中“芯”部具有小尺寸的纳米尺度铁电纳米畴,“壳”部为Nb均匀分布的BT-BNT固溶体。因此,0.9BT-0.1BNT-2.0Nb陶瓷是一种极具前景的X9R型多层陶瓷电容器用电介质材料。 展开更多
关键词 BT-BNT 介电性能 “芯-壳”结构 纳米畴 X9R-MLCC陶瓷
作者 荟边 惠冰 《宁夏画报》 2017年第6期78-81,共4页
秋高气爽,秋景怡人。9月20~22日,'芯科技·新力量'2017全国画报走进合肥综合性国家科学中心核心区暨第六届摄影大赛举行,采风团队走进高新区,进行了为期3天的摄影采风活动,各家画报媒体的老师们用镜头记录下合肥高新区的顶... 秋高气爽,秋景怡人。9月20~22日,'芯科技·新力量'2017全国画报走进合肥综合性国家科学中心核心区暨第六届摄影大赛举行,采风团队走进高新区,进行了为期3天的摄影采风活动,各家画报媒体的老师们用镜头记录下合肥高新区的顶尖科创力量。来自全国的30余家画报采风团队先后走进中科大先研院。 展开更多
关键词 捕捉 “芯” 力量
作者 李安源 殷杰波 《工业控制计算机》 2015年第5期21-22,共2页
以龙芯3A处理器为载体,提出了基于龙芯3A处理器的嵌入式实时操作系统的多层次多策略的安全防护框架,详细分析了该安全防护框架设计的基本思路及关键技术。目前该安全防护框架已经在项目中得到应用,对其他嵌入式操作系统在龙芯系列处理... 以龙芯3A处理器为载体,提出了基于龙芯3A处理器的嵌入式实时操作系统的多层次多策略的安全防护框架,详细分析了该安全防护框架设计的基本思路及关键技术。目前该安全防护框架已经在项目中得到应用,对其他嵌入式操作系统在龙芯系列处理器上的移植具有一定的参考作用。 展开更多
关键词 3A 嵌入式操作系统 多层次多策略 安全防护框架
《西安电子科技大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2005年第2期178-178,共1页
日前,我校组队参加了由中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会主办的2004“芯原杯”全国大学生IC设计竞赛,共获得研究生EDA竞赛二等奖一项、三等奖三项;大学生IC应用设计竞赛一等奖两项、二等奖四项.我校学生在此次竞赛中表现出优秀... 日前,我校组队参加了由中国半导体行业协会集成电路设计分会主办的2004“芯原杯”全国大学生IC设计竞赛,共获得研究生EDA竞赛二等奖一项、三等奖三项;大学生IC应用设计竞赛一等奖两项、二等奖四项.我校学生在此次竞赛中表现出优秀的专业素养和良好的个人素质,受到了参赛高校的高度评价,表现出我校在集成电路设计方面的优势, 展开更多
关键词 西安电子科技大学 “芯原杯” 大学生 IC设计竞赛
破局融合 打造“芯屏”产业高地
作者 王辉娟 张栋 孙瑒 《企业管理》 2022年第5期62-64,共3页
青岛西海岸新区融合控股集团有限公司(简称融合控股集团),成立于2018年11月,是青岛西海岸新区深入推进国有企业改革设立的资本投资运营集团。集团深度践行经略海洋、融合创新国家战略使命,坚持党建统领、科创引领、资本驱动、产业支撑... 青岛西海岸新区融合控股集团有限公司(简称融合控股集团),成立于2018年11月,是青岛西海岸新区深入推进国有企业改革设立的资本投资运营集团。集团深度践行经略海洋、融合创新国家战略使命,坚持党建统领、科创引领、资本驱动、产业支撑、量质齐升,坚定不移做大做优做强国资国企。 展开更多
关键词 融合控股 西海岸新区 “芯屏”产业 海洋产业集群化 “平台+服务”模式
工业物联网标准及技术综述 被引量:11
作者 王平 魏旻 《自动化博览》 2012年第S1期44-46,共3页
关键词 工业物联网 ISA100.11I WIA-PA “芯”一号
Design and fabrication of sintered wick for miniature cylindrical heat pipe 被引量:4
作者 蒋乐伦 汤勇 +4 位作者 周伟 蒋琳珍 肖潭 李燕 高金武 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2014年第1期292-301,共10页
Miniature cylindrical metal powder sintered wick heat pipe (sintered heat pipe) is an ideal component with super-high thermal efficiency for high heat flux electronics cooling. The sintering process for sintered wic... Miniature cylindrical metal powder sintered wick heat pipe (sintered heat pipe) is an ideal component with super-high thermal efficiency for high heat flux electronics cooling. The sintering process for sintered wick is important for its quality. The sintering process was optimally designed based on the equation of the heat transfer limit of sintered heat pipe. Four-step sintering process was proposed to fabricate sintered wick. The sintering parameters including sintering temperature, sintering time, sintering atmosphere and sintering position were discussed. The experimental results showed that the proper sintering temperature was 950 ℃ for Cu powder of 159μm and 900 ℃ for Cu powders of 81 and 38 μm, respectively, while the wick thickness was 0.45 mm and sintering time was 3 h. The optimized sintering time was 3 h for 0.45 and 0.6 mm wick thickness and 1 h for 0.75 mm wick thickness, respectively, when copper powder diameter was 159μm and sintering temperature was 950 ℃. Redox reduction reaction between H2 and CuO during sintering could produce segmentation cracks in Cu powders as a second structure. Sintering at vertical position can effectively avoid the generation of gap between wick and the inner wall of pipe. 展开更多
Study on the Bacteriostatic Effects of 7 Kinds of Chinese Herbal Medicines such as Ophiopogon japonicus and Comb 被引量:4
作者 王玮 姜海烽 +5 位作者 邬智伟 钱炯 汪小迪 许锦秀 付浩 傅兰英 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第11期2560-2563,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to explore the effects of seven kinds of Chinese herbal medicine on Escherichia coil and Staphylococcus aureus in terms of unilater- al bacteriostatic effect, such as root and leaf of Ophiopogo... [Objective] The aim was to explore the effects of seven kinds of Chinese herbal medicine on Escherichia coil and Staphylococcus aureus in terms of unilater- al bacteriostatic effect, such as root and leaf of Ophiopogon japonicus, honeycomb, Panax pseudoginseng, and Allium macrostemon. [Method] Herbal active ingredients were extracted by water boiling method and a bacteriostatic experiment was per- formed by oxford cup diffusion method, to select Chinese herbs with antibacterial effects. MIC values of seven kinds of Chinese herbal medicine were determined by in vitro half-fold dilution method. [Results] Root and leaf of Ophiopogon japonicus, honeycomb, Panax pseudoginseng, Allium macrostemon, Juncus effusus and Xanthi- um sibiricum had bacteriostatic effects on Escherichia coil and Staphylococcus au- reus in varying degrees. Xanthium and leaf of Ophiopogon japonicus performed bet- ter on Escherichia coil, with MIC values at 7.81 and 15.63 mg/ml, respectively. Panax pseudoginseng and Xanthium performed better on Staphylococcus aureus with MIC values at 15.63 and 31.25 mg/ml. And the drug's effect was positively correlated with the concentration. [Conclusion] Xanthium sibiricum is the best bacte- riostatic effect, followed by leaf of Ophiopogon japonicus, and Juncus effusus per- forms the poorest. Panax pseudoginseng showed the best bacteriostatic effect, fol- lowed by Xanthium sibiricum and Juncus effusus performs the poorest. These pro- vide references for clinic safety. 展开更多
关键词 Ophiopogon japonicus HONEYCOMB Panax pseudoginseng Allium macrostemon Juncus effusus Xanthium sibiricum Bacteriostatic effects
Drop failure modes of Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints in wafer level chip scale package 被引量:5
作者 黄明亮 赵宁 +1 位作者 刘爽 何宜谦 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2016年第6期1663-1669,共7页
To reveal the drop failure modes of the wafer level chip scale packages (WLCSPs) with Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints, board level drop tests were performed according to the JEDEC standard. Six failure modes were iden... To reveal the drop failure modes of the wafer level chip scale packages (WLCSPs) with Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu solder joints, board level drop tests were performed according to the JEDEC standard. Six failure modes were identified, i.e., short FR-4 cracks and complete FR-4 cracks at the printing circuit board (PCB) side, split between redistribution layer (RDL) and Cu under bump metallization (UBM), RDL fracture, bulk cracks and partial bulk and intermetallic compound (IMC) cracks at the chip side. For the outmost solder joints, complete FR-4 cracks tended to occur, due to large deformation of PCB and low strength of FR-4 dielectric layer. The formation of complete FR-4 cracks largely absorbed the impact energy, resulting in the absence of other failure modes. For the inner solder joints, the absorption of impact energy by the short FR-4 cracks was limited, resulting in other failure modes at the chip side. 展开更多
关键词 Sn-3.0Ag-0.5Cu wafer level chip scale package solder joint drop failure mode
Forming method of wick structure for heat column 被引量:2
作者 陶素连 汤勇 +2 位作者 潘敏强 万珍平 陆龙生 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第7期1587-1594,共8页
The intensified boiling and condensation wick structures of heat column were designed and manufactured by ploughing-extrusion (P-E) machining method.The forming process and mechanism were analyzed.The results show t... The intensified boiling and condensation wick structures of heat column were designed and manufactured by ploughing-extrusion (P-E) machining method.The forming process and mechanism were analyzed.The results show that the P-E depth plays a decisive role in forming of wick structure.The larger the P-E depth is,the better the surface characteristics are.Only when the groove spacing is in a certain range,superior surface structure can be formed in the wick.The better enhancement boiling structure forms at P-E depth of 0.3 mm,ringed groove spacing of 0.4 mm,and interior angle of radial groove of 3°;the better enhancement condensation structure forms at P-E depth of 0.3 mm,ringed groove spacing of 0.4 mm,and axial grooves spacing of π/3 mm. 展开更多
关键词 heat column WICK ploughing-extrusion heat transfer micro-groove
High efficient mixed culture screening and selected microbial community shift for bioleaching process 被引量:6
作者 李寿朋 郭宁 +2 位作者 武海艳 邱冠周 刘新星 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2011年第6期1383-1387,共5页
To screen the high efficient mixed culture and understand the bioleaching behaviors of mixed culture for low-grade copper sulfide ore bioleaching,ten mixed cultures were collected and screened from different acid mine... To screen the high efficient mixed culture and understand the bioleaching behaviors of mixed culture for low-grade copper sulfide ore bioleaching,ten mixed cultures were collected and screened from different acid mine drainages obtained from sulfide mines of China.The leaching rate was set as criterion to screen the mixed culture and the metagenomic approach.Community genome array(CGA) was used for analyzing the mixed culture microbial community shift during the bioleaching process.The results indicate that the mixed culture obtained from Yinshan(YS) lead-zinc mine in Dexing of Jiangxi province in China reaches the maximum copper extraction(68.89%) during the one bioleaching period of 24 d.CGA results show that YS culture contains nine kinds of bacteria which are belong to six divisions,and the microbial community structure is changing during the bioleaching process.This provides a good way to accelerate the bioleaching process and reveals the microbial community shift during the bioleaching process. 展开更多
关键词 BIOLEACHING high efficient mixed culture community genome array(CGA) microbial community shift
作者 边义祥 裘进浩 王鑫伟 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 2008年第3期169-175,共7页
Metal-core piezoelectric fibers (MPFs) are one of the new type piezoelectric devices. To investigate the piezoelectricity and the mechanical properties of the piezoelectric fibers, the constitutive equations are est... Metal-core piezoelectric fibers (MPFs) are one of the new type piezoelectric devices. To investigate the piezoelectricity and the mechanical properties of the piezoelectric fibers, the constitutive equations are established. It can describe the response of piezoelectric fibers subject to an axial force and an external voltage. A cantilever bar subject to a tip axial force and an external voltage on the electrodes is considered. The internal energy density in thermodynamic equilibrium is obtained. The total internal energy is calculated by integrating over the entire volume of the bar. The generalized displacement of the tip axial force is the tip elongation δ, and the generalized displacement of the voltage is the electrical charge Q on the electrodes. In the established constitutive equations, the excitation (input) parameters are the axial force and the external voltage, the response (output) parameters are the tip elongation and the electric charge. And the response parameters are related to the excitation parameters by a 2× 2 piezoelectric matrix. Finally, two experiments using MPF as a sensor or an actuator are performed to verify the constitutive equations. And experimental results are compared with analytical ones. 展开更多
关键词 piezoelectric ceramics fibers constitutive equations metal core
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