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以“营卫气化”病机观论治皮肤病 被引量:4
作者 霍晓玲 《中国民间疗法》 2021年第13期18-20,共3页
皮肤病的常见病因病机为气血失和,脏腑失调,邪毒结聚影响皮毛营卫气化,导致生风、生湿、化燥、致虚、致瘀、化热、伤阴等病理改变,产生皮损。该文以"营卫气化"病机观论治皮肤病,谨察营卫气血脏腑情况,随证治之,可收到良好的... 皮肤病的常见病因病机为气血失和,脏腑失调,邪毒结聚影响皮毛营卫气化,导致生风、生湿、化燥、致虚、致瘀、化热、伤阴等病理改变,产生皮损。该文以"营卫气化"病机观论治皮肤病,谨察营卫气血脏腑情况,随证治之,可收到良好的疗效。 展开更多
关键词 “营气化”病机观 酒渣鼻 湿疮 血风疮
以脉络学说营卫理论指导心血管事件链的系统干预 被引量:5
作者 贾振华 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期655-661,共7页
心血管事件链呈因果相连、递进发展、事件突发、后果严重的特征。以脉络学说营卫理论为指导,提出心血管事件链包括高危因素引起的血液凝聚、动脉硬化易损斑块、急性心肌梗死、心肌梗死后心律失常及心力衰竭等关键病理环节,符合脉络病变... 心血管事件链呈因果相连、递进发展、事件突发、后果严重的特征。以脉络学说营卫理论为指导,提出心血管事件链包括高危因素引起的血液凝聚、动脉硬化易损斑块、急性心肌梗死、心肌梗死后心律失常及心力衰竭等关键病理环节,符合脉络病变“凝”→“壅”→“塞”→“不通”传变规律。基于此主张以“治本病,防未病”系统干预心血管事件链,即针对各环节均采取控上游因素、治当前病变、防下游传变治疗策略;同时提出以脉络学说为指导研发系列通络代表药物,系列循证及基础研究数据可为通络药物系统干预心血管事件链提供数据支撑,为临床系统干预心血管事件链提供药物选择。 展开更多
关键词 心血管事件链 脉络学说 理论 治未病 通络
基于营卫循行规律探析肿瘤相关性失眠的病机及治疗 被引量:1
作者 曹璐畅 王新苗 +2 位作者 朱潇雨 许博文 李杰 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期27-31,共5页
肿瘤相关性失眠是与肿瘤发生发展及治疗相关的常见症状,且失眠对肿瘤演变具有负向推进作用。基于《黄帝内经》中营卫循行规律,提出以营卫昼夜“肌表-募原”循环阐释睡眠机理;并根据肿瘤相关性失眠不同表现将其分为寐质、寐时、寐期异常... 肿瘤相关性失眠是与肿瘤发生发展及治疗相关的常见症状,且失眠对肿瘤演变具有负向推进作用。基于《黄帝内经》中营卫循行规律,提出以营卫昼夜“肌表-募原”循环阐释睡眠机理;并根据肿瘤相关性失眠不同表现将其分为寐质、寐时、寐期异常分别施以不同治法。其中入睡困难型寐时异常,核心病机为肝郁而失枢转之职,治以柔肝体、疏肝阴;早醒型寐时异常,核心病机为脾虚失摄,治以健脾疏肝并辅以分时施治;寐浅易醒型寐质异常,核心病机为肺魄不安,治以养血降肺;多梦型寐质异常,核心病机为痰瘀扰心,治以通达募原;主要表现为昼不精、夜不瞑的寐期异常,核心病机为肾阳内损,治以少火生阳。从营卫运行规律探讨肿瘤相关性失眠的病机及辨治,可进一步拓展该病的病机理论内涵与临证治疗思路。 展开更多
关键词 肿瘤相关性失眠 理论 肌表 募原
以营卫理论指导儿童食物过敏的辨治 被引量:2
作者 周瑶 秦雯 +2 位作者 李勇军 刘璐佳 王有鹏 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第1期32-36,共5页
基于肠黏膜屏障破坏在儿童食物过敏发病机制中的作用,从营卫理论出发,认为肠黏膜属于中医学“肠络”范畴,而肠络是儿童食物过敏的主要病位;提出卫气失常是儿童食物过敏发病的先决条件,营卫失和是儿童食物过敏的核心病机。治疗全程均应... 基于肠黏膜屏障破坏在儿童食物过敏发病机制中的作用,从营卫理论出发,认为肠黏膜属于中医学“肠络”范畴,而肠络是儿童食物过敏的主要病位;提出卫气失常是儿童食物过敏发病的先决条件,营卫失和是儿童食物过敏的核心病机。治疗全程均应重视调和营卫、疏利三焦,常用温胆汤加减;起病初期可用风药宣通腠理,截断扭转营卫失和的病理进程,恢复营卫运行的正常状态;平素饮食应谨和五味,减少高糖饮食,增加新鲜苦味蔬菜和甘淡杂粮的摄入,以运脾化源。 展开更多
关键词 食物过敏 理论 儿童 肠络 肠黏膜屏障
基于营卫理论探讨寤寐昼夜节律与老年人轻度认知功能障碍的关系 被引量:10
作者 刘志臻 陶静 陈立典 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第5期394-398,共5页
寤寐昼夜节律紊乱被证实是老年人认知功能障碍的风险因素之一,而从节律的角度认识生命功能活动是中医整体观的特点之一。《黄帝内经》认为,营卫昼夜节律是睡眠活动的机枢。从营卫的生理机制、病理状态与昼夜节律的关系,昼夜节律紊乱加... 寤寐昼夜节律紊乱被证实是老年人认知功能障碍的风险因素之一,而从节律的角度认识生命功能活动是中医整体观的特点之一。《黄帝内经》认为,营卫昼夜节律是睡眠活动的机枢。从营卫的生理机制、病理状态与昼夜节律的关系,昼夜节律紊乱加重认知损伤,防治讲究因时制宜等方面探讨了寤寐昼夜节律与老年人轻度认知功能障碍的关系。 展开更多
关键词 理论 昼夜节律 轻度认知功能障碍 老年人
补益营卫方对衰老小鼠皮肤表皮角蛋白K5、K16表达的影响 被引量:4
作者 司晓伟 周小平 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2016年第13期1142-1144,共3页
目的探讨补益营卫方延缓皮肤衰老的可能作用机制。方法 C57BL/6种雌性小鼠3月龄10只设为年轻组,14月龄40只随机分为老龄组和补益营卫方高、中、低剂量组,每组10只。补益营卫方高、中、低剂量组每天分别按6、3、1.5 g/(kg·d)灌胃给... 目的探讨补益营卫方延缓皮肤衰老的可能作用机制。方法 C57BL/6种雌性小鼠3月龄10只设为年轻组,14月龄40只随机分为老龄组和补益营卫方高、中、低剂量组,每组10只。补益营卫方高、中、低剂量组每天分别按6、3、1.5 g/(kg·d)灌胃给药,连续6周。采用免疫荧光法检测各组小鼠皮肤表皮中角蛋白K5及K16的表达。结果与年轻组比较,老龄组小鼠皮肤表皮中角蛋白K16表达明显升高(P<0.01);与老龄组比较,补益营卫方高、中、低剂量组小鼠皮肤表皮中角蛋白K16表达明显降低(P<0.01)。补益营卫方中剂量组对K16的表达抑制作用最大,与补益营卫方低剂量组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.01),与补益营卫方高剂量组比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。各组小鼠皮肤表皮中角蛋白K5表达差异均无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论补益营卫方可能通过抑制衰老皮肤表皮角蛋白K16的表达而起到延缓皮肤衰老的作用。 展开更多
关键词 皮肤衰老 补益 角蛋白K5 角蛋白K16
基于营卫理论探讨自噬及替代自噬与皮肤衰老的相关性 被引量:7
作者 靖媛 胡炜圣 +1 位作者 惠倩倩 游世晶 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第18期1706-1711,共6页
自噬及替代自噬作为细胞自身物质更新代谢的重要机制,在皮肤衰老进程中起着重要作用。营气行于脉中而濡养肌肤,卫气行于脉外而抵抗外邪、护卫肌表,营卫之间互相协调方能维持皮肤正常的生理功能,营卫功能紊乱则导致皮肤衰老。基于营卫理... 自噬及替代自噬作为细胞自身物质更新代谢的重要机制,在皮肤衰老进程中起着重要作用。营气行于脉中而濡养肌肤,卫气行于脉外而抵抗外邪、护卫肌表,营卫之间互相协调方能维持皮肤正常的生理功能,营卫功能紊乱则导致皮肤衰老。基于营卫理论,从营卫失调阐释细胞自噬及替代自噬紊乱诱发皮肤衰老的机制,认为营卫协调运行固护濡养皮肤、消除内外邪毒、自我防御的过程与自噬及替代自噬维持皮肤稳态、防止皮肤衰老的过程存在相关性,进而提出“调和营卫”激活皮肤自噬及替代自噬以延缓皮肤衰老的治则,丰富了皮肤衰老发病机制的理论内涵。 展开更多
关键词 自噬 替代自噬 皮肤衰老
基于植物隐喻重构仲景“荣卫”学说 被引量:1
作者 刘庆华 贾春华 《中医学报》 CAS 2023年第9期1829-1834,共6页
营卫理论是秦汉医学中重要的组成部分,对后世影响深远。而在秦汉医籍中对其表达形式有两种,分别为“营卫”和“荣卫”。运用隐喻认知的研究方法考证《伤寒论》《金匮要略》可知,“营卫”在张仲景著作中多作“荣卫”。“荣为根,卫为叶,... 营卫理论是秦汉医学中重要的组成部分,对后世影响深远。而在秦汉医籍中对其表达形式有两种,分别为“营卫”和“荣卫”。运用隐喻认知的研究方法考证《伤寒论》《金匮要略》可知,“营卫”在张仲景著作中多作“荣卫”。“荣为根,卫为叶,荣卫俱微,则根叶枯槁”是荣卫理论植物隐喻的起点。荣卫之气来自脾胃,其正常运行符合“通和”理论。荣卫之气的虚实可以通过脉象的浮沉表征,出汗过多会加重卫气的耗散。荣为血,卫为气,荣卫之间可互相影响。“风伤卫,寒伤荣”“风伤卫,热伤荣”等病机描述,及桂枝汤等相关方剂的应用,是荣卫理论得以繁衍的重要原因。隋唐时期医家对荣卫理论的拓展与实践,将荣卫理论推向了高峰。 展开更多
关键词 植物隐喻 “荣卫” “营卫” 桂枝汤 《伤寒论》 《金匮要略》 张仲景
周郁鸿从营卫论治免疫性血小板减少症经验 被引量:11
作者 李朗 俞繁华 +1 位作者 俞庆宏 周郁鸿 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第14期1210-1213,共4页
介绍周郁鸿教授从营卫论治免疫性血小板减少症的经验。认为免疫性血小板减少症以"营卫俱损"为本,以"卫强营弱,营卫不和"为发病机制,并审证求因,将其病因分为外感、内伤、先天禀赋三个方面。治疗上应审因论治,外感致... 介绍周郁鸿教授从营卫论治免疫性血小板减少症的经验。认为免疫性血小板减少症以"营卫俱损"为本,以"卫强营弱,营卫不和"为发病机制,并审证求因,将其病因分为外感、内伤、先天禀赋三个方面。治疗上应审因论治,外感致病,治以扶正祛邪,益气滋阴;情志致病,治以益气滋阴,养血安神;劳倦致病,治以补益气血;饮食内伤,治以滋阴清热、凉血止血;先天禀赋不足,治以补益脾肾。 展开更多
关键词 免疫性血小板减少症 理论 名医经验 周郁鸿
从营卫-肺络关系探析肺结节“结癌转化”防治思路 被引量:6
作者 韩洁榕 赖恒周 +3 位作者 李文元 由凤鸣 付西 郭静 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第18期1740-1744,共5页
营卫别出两行、交感贯通、气血互渗、抵御外邪的生理功能依赖于肺络细小而微、网状分布、末端相通、布散皮毛的特殊结构。营卫不和,肺络结构因而改变,与肺结节“结癌转化”的恶性渐进过程密切相关。基于此,认为肺结节病机演变初始于“... 营卫别出两行、交感贯通、气血互渗、抵御外邪的生理功能依赖于肺络细小而微、网状分布、末端相通、布散皮毛的特殊结构。营卫不和,肺络结构因而改变,与肺结节“结癌转化”的恶性渐进过程密切相关。基于此,认为肺结节病机演变初始于“卫阳不煦,寒湿停聚,肺络失荣”,形成于“营卫不从,肺络受损,痰瘀胶结”,癌变于“营泣卫除,肺络虚损,癌毒内生”。以营卫-肺络相失为纲,结合影像学特征,初始期以生活方式干预及非药物治疗为主,形成期宜消痰祛瘀、通达营卫、畅通肺络,癌变期需解毒散结、扶正固本、通补肺络,为中医防治肺结节、干预结癌转化提供思路。 展开更多
关键词 肺结节 学说 肺络 结癌转化
论中医营卫之气与褪黑素的相关性 被引量:7
作者 罗峰 张羽 +4 位作者 谭金晶 李建锋 黎丽群 刘园园 谢胜 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2022年第20期1901-1905,1915,共6页
褪黑素作为机体内天然的抗氧化剂,在调节人体生物节律、抗炎、增强免疫、抗肿瘤及抗衰老等方面有不可替代的作用。营卫之气是构成人体与维持人体阴阳平衡的精微物质,营卫之气与褪黑素二者虽表述不同,但在定义、内涵、生理功能等方面相... 褪黑素作为机体内天然的抗氧化剂,在调节人体生物节律、抗炎、增强免疫、抗肿瘤及抗衰老等方面有不可替代的作用。营卫之气是构成人体与维持人体阴阳平衡的精微物质,营卫之气与褪黑素二者虽表述不同,但在定义、内涵、生理功能等方面相似。基于《黄帝内经》中的营卫理论及现代医学中关于褪黑素的研究,从来源、功能、生理、病理等方面探讨二者之间的相关性,以期为中医营卫学说与现代医学的结合提供科学依据。 展开更多
关键词 褪黑素
冯宪章运用卫气营血截断法治疗银屑病血热证经验 被引量:12
作者 许孟月 王子雯 +3 位作者 李建伟 宋群先 沈萃萃 刘学伟 《中医杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2021年第11期939-942,共4页
总结冯宪章教授治疗银屑病血热证的经验。认为银屑病血热证与温病病因相通,传变规律相似,具有血热内郁、血瘀津伤的病机特点和发病急、传变快的传变特点,提出"卫气营血截断法"辨证治疗银屑病血热证的思路,强调未病先防,先证而... 总结冯宪章教授治疗银屑病血热证的经验。认为银屑病血热证与温病病因相通,传变规律相似,具有血热内郁、血瘀津伤的病机特点和发病急、传变快的传变特点,提出"卫气营血截断法"辨证治疗银屑病血热证的思路,强调未病先防,先证而治,邪正合治,偏重而治。临证时合用银翘散、白虎汤、清营汤、犀角地黄汤作为银屑病血热证的基础方,并根据皮损表现和症状判断卫分、气分、营分、血分的差异性随症加减,以达截断病势、辨证治疗之效。 展开更多
关键词 银屑病 血热证 血辨证 截断法 名医经验 冯宪章
Concussion management in soccer 被引量:1
作者 Jason P.Mihalik Robert C.Lynall +1 位作者 Elizabeth F.Teel Kevin A.Carneiro 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2014年第4期307-313,共7页
Brain injuries in sports drew more and more public attentions in recent years. Brain injuries vary by name, type, and severity in the athletic setting. It should be noted, however, that these injuries are not isolated... Brain injuries in sports drew more and more public attentions in recent years. Brain injuries vary by name, type, and severity in the athletic setting. It should be noted, however, that these injuries are not isolated to only the athletic arena, as non-athletic mechanisms (e.g., motor vehicle accidents) are more common causes of traumatic brain injuries (TBI) among teenagers. Notwithstanding, as many as 1.6 to 3.8 million TBI result from sports and recreation each year in the United States alone. These injuries are extremely costly to the global health care system, and make TBI among the most expensive conditions to treat in children. This article serves to define common brain injuries in sport; describe their prevalence, what happens to the brain following injury, how to recognize and manage these injuries, and what you can expect as the athlete recovers. Some return-to-activity considerations for the brain-injured athlete will also be discussed. 展开更多
关键词 CONCUSSION FOOTBALL Futbol Injury management Mild traumatic brain injury SOCCER
Organochlorine Pesticide Residues and Metabolites in Fish from Lake Naivasha, Kenya 被引量:1
作者 P.M. Njogu J.M. Keriko J.J. Kitetu 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering》 2010年第6期19-23,共5页
This paper reports on the levels of 8 organochlorine pesticide residues and metabolites in three fish species; Tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus). Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Mirror carp (Cuprinus spectacul... This paper reports on the levels of 8 organochlorine pesticide residues and metabolites in three fish species; Tilapia (Oreochromis leucostictus). Common carp (Cyprinus carpio) and Mirror carp (Cuprinus spectacularlus) from Lake Naivasha, Kenya. p,p'-DDT, p,p'-DDE, p,p'-DDD, heptachlor, heptachlor epoxide, aldrin, dieldrin and methoxychlor were analyzed in fish specimens collected from Lake Naivasha during the months of November - December in 2008. The pesticide concentrations (in ~ag/Kg, wet weight) ranged within 0.42-4.185 p,g/Kg, for Heptachlor, BDL-0.291 Heptachlor epoxide, 0.433-4.733 Aldrin, BDL -0.341 Dieldrin, p,p' DDT, BDL-6.691 p,p' DDE, BDL-27.153 p,p' DDD, and BDL-28.867 methoxychlor. The pesticide residue levels varied widely between and within species. C. spectacularhts showed high pesticide levels followed by C. carpio and O. leueostictus respectively; this was attributed to the trophic position and age/size of fish. The occurrences of the pesticides indicate recent use in the catchment. The mean values and ranges of residues found in fish ware below the FAO/WHO maximum acceptable limits in fish and sea food however increased monitoring is recommended to detect any changes. 展开更多
Analysis of functions of government's role in health care reform
作者 Ping Li 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2013年第8期83-85,共3页
Since reform and opening, China' s medical system reform has achieved remarkable success, but also brought a lot of problems, such as: hospitals are ill-defined in for-profit and nonprofit, the Office of the Ministr... Since reform and opening, China' s medical system reform has achieved remarkable success, but also brought a lot of problems, such as: hospitals are ill-defined in for-profit and nonprofit, the Office of the Ministry of Health hospitals and managed hospital are also ill- defined, solving our health care reform issue is urgent, the crux is the government and market positioning and how to build a service-oriented government, provide medical supplies, establish fair and equitable health care system which is the basic duty of government, are also urgent needs for building a socialist harmonious society. 展开更多
关键词 Health care system govemment harmonious society
Spatio-temporal Variations in Plantation Forests'Disturbance and Recovery of Northern Guangdong Province Using Yearly Landsat Time Series Observations(1986-2015) 被引量:4
作者 SHEN Wenjuan LI Mingshi WEI Anshi 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第4期600-613,共14页
Forest disturbance plays a vital role in modulating carbon storage,biodiversity and climate change.Yearly Landsat imagery from 1986 to 2015 of a typical plantation region in the northern Guangdong province of southern... Forest disturbance plays a vital role in modulating carbon storage,biodiversity and climate change.Yearly Landsat imagery from 1986 to 2015 of a typical plantation region in the northern Guangdong province of southern China was used as a case study.A Landsat time series stack(LTSS) was fed to the vegetation change tracker model(VCT) to map long-term changes in plantation forests' disturbance and recovery,followed by an intensive validation and a continuous 27-yr change analysis on disturbance locations,magnitudes and rates of plantations' disturbance and recovery.And the validation results of the disturbance year maps derived from five randomly identified sample plots with 25 km^2 located at the four corners and the center of the scene showed the majority of the spatial agreement measures ranged from 60% to 83%.A confusion matrix summary of the accuracy measures for all four validation sites in Fogang County showed that the disturbance year maps had an overall accuracy estimate of 71.70%.Forest disturbance rates' change trend was characterized by a decline first,followed by an increase,then giving way to a decline again.An undulated and gentle decreasing trend of disturbance rates from the highest value of 3.95% to the lowest value of 0.76% occurred between 1988 and 2001,disturbance rate of 4.51% in 1994 was a notable anomaly,while after 2001 there was a sharp ascending change,forest disturbance rate spiked in 2007(5.84%).After that,there was a significant decreasing trend up to the lowest value of 1.96% in 2011 and a slight ascending trend from 2011 to 2015(2.59%).Two obvious spikes in post-disturbance recovery rates occurred in 1995(0.26%) and 2008(0.41%).Overall,forest recovery rates were lower than forest disturbance rates.Moreover,forest disturbance and recovery detection based on VCT and the Landsat-based detections of trends in disturbance and recovery(LandT rendr) algorithms in Fogang County have been conducted,with LandT rendr finding mostly much more disturbance than VCT.Overall,disturbances and recoveries in northern Guangdong were triggered mostly by timber needs,policies and decisions of the local governments.This study highlights that a better understanding about plantations' changes would provide a critical foundation for local forest management decisions in the southern China. 展开更多
关键词 plantation Landsat dense time series remote sensing forest disturbance and recovery driving forces northern Guangdong
Mechanisms for the Application of Health Services Marketing Policies in Algeria
作者 Dr.Miloud Toumi 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第6期845-855,共11页
In this paper, we tried to give health services marketing mix and raise patients' interest in health services with the contribution to highlighting the possible application mechanisms of different marketing policies ... In this paper, we tried to give health services marketing mix and raise patients' interest in health services with the contribution to highlighting the possible application mechanisms of different marketing policies on health services in Algeria. Because we see that, health foundations in Algeria like other foundations live in an environment marked with constantly economic, social, politic, and cultural changes. And to respond to change requirements, especially with the appearance of health services market liberation signs, these foundations are obliged to adapt to ensure their existence and development by giving best services to meet the patients' needs in order to gain their satisfaction and loyalty. These ones, who became more conscious about the quality of services they are given quantitatively, qualitatively, and timely. 展开更多
关键词 economy of health health services service marketing policies health services marketing policies totalquality management
Impact of the Liaison Committee of Food and Nutrition on the Quality of Patients' Meals 被引量:1
作者 Yahia Abouda Nabiha Bouafia +4 位作者 Mohamed Mahjoub Wadiaa Bannour Riadh Essokri Hanen Zendah Mansour N jab 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2012年第8期864-870,共7页
At hospital, nutrition represents an important value of care, particularly for patients at risk. However, it is observed that for various reasons, the restoration of the hospitalized patients is often neglected in the... At hospital, nutrition represents an important value of care, particularly for patients at risk. However, it is observed that for various reasons, the restoration of the hospitalized patients is often neglected in the privileges of the medical care. The establishment of a Liaison Committee of Food and Nutrition (LCFN) within a health establishment has shown according to several works, its positive impact in improving the hygienic quality and nutritional dishes served to patients. In this framework, we conducted a quasi-experimental study into CHU F hached Sousse of Tunisia type (before/after, creation LCFN) in order to assess the role of such structure (LCFN) in the qualification and the improvement of patients' food. Our study was based during the two phases (2007/2010) on the same methodology. Thus we have conducted an audit of observation of hygiene practices along the distribution chain of patient's meals and the samples for microbiological analyzes from food, surfaces, equipment and personnel's hands.The results obtained have shown, in one hand, a degradation of the average rate of contamination for the bacteriological analyzes, and in the other hand, an evolution of the rate of hygiene standards respected. According to this study, the role played by the LCFN is becoming more and clearer in the improvement of the hygienic quality of patients' dishes without forgetting the impact of improving the nutritional quality and Hedonics. 展开更多
Application of Numerical Modelling to Optimise Design of a Coastguard Harbour
作者 M.A. Sarker M. Adams +2 位作者 A. Sleigh A. Reid K. Shabibi 《Journal of Shipping and Ocean Engineering》 2011年第1期20-29,共10页
As part of the design process of the Sidab Coastguard harbour in Oman, 2-dimensional wave transformation modelling was carried out to generate inshore wave conditions (outside the harbour) using the MIKE21 Spectral ... As part of the design process of the Sidab Coastguard harbour in Oman, 2-dimensional wave transformation modelling was carried out to generate inshore wave conditions (outside the harbour) using the MIKE21 Spectral Wave (SW) model of DHI (Danish Hydraulic Institute). The MIKE21 Boussinesq Wave (BW) model was then used to simulate the wave penetration so that acceptable wave conditions were achieved inside the harbour. Tide levels and currents (speeds and directions) inside and outside the harbour were simulated using the MIKE21 Hydrodynamic (HD) model. Finally, the MIKE21 model was used to simulate the flushing mechanism to ensure good water quality inside the harbour. Both the existing and proposed harbour layouts were modelled for operational and extreme conditions. The influence of cyclones on the design was also considered. An acceptable harbour layout was determined which provided good shelter from waves and with an exchange rate of water between the harbour and the sea which was high enough to prevent eutrophication and to allow removal of man-made pollutants such as accidental oil spills. The paper compares the findings of the present study with a range of internationally used guidelines on harbour flushing. Finally, the paper demonstrates the value of using numerical modelling technique in optimising the layout of a new harbour. 展开更多
关键词 Numerical modelling wave propagation wave penetration tides and currents harbour flushing water quality coastguard ports and harbours.
Costing and Pricing in Healthcare Private Firms
作者 Antonella Cugini Silvia Pilonato 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2014年第7期764-776,共13页
This article analyzes the development of an activity-based costing (ABC) system in a private Italian healthcare firm. Findings shed light on the role of the cost accounting system in price assessment: It outlines n... This article analyzes the development of an activity-based costing (ABC) system in a private Italian healthcare firm. Findings shed light on the role of the cost accounting system in price assessment: It outlines new opportunities for the identification of the service mix offered as well as for price optimization. Because private companies provide services both within the public system--where the National Health System (NHS) provides fixed reimbursement fees--and within the private system--where prices are defined by each company. Accurate cost information is extremely important to support managers in the analysis of the service mix profitability offered in each system. For the business segment in which companies do not have flexibility in setting prices, cost information enables managers to identify services which may present profitability problems. For the business segment where price flexibility exists, cost information supports the identification of pricing errors so that charges can be better defined. 展开更多
关键词 healthcare company cost accounting activity-based costing (ABC) PRICING
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