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“黑”“蜜”新用 被引量:1
作者 王世群 方艳 《语文建设》 北大核心 2006年第4期52-52,41,共2页
关键词 “黑” “蜜” 现代汉语 动词 中学 语文 词义 用法
作者 王世群 方艳 《阅读与写作》 2006年第3期23-23,7,共1页
关键词 “黑” 现代汉语 动词 “蜜” 词义 用法 例句
薄皮甜瓜新品种“蜜脆9号”的选育 被引量:1
作者 张会梅 杜军志 +1 位作者 许忠民 刘汉强 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第6期157-160,共4页
“蜜脆9号”是以‘HC3’作母本,‘PI6’作父本杂交育成的优质抗病丰产薄皮甜瓜新品种。植株长势强健,果实直筒形,平均单果质量500~550 g,果面灰白覆有墨绿条带,果肉绿色,中心可溶性固形物含量14%~16%,耐贮运。全生育期103~108 d,果实发... “蜜脆9号”是以‘HC3’作母本,‘PI6’作父本杂交育成的优质抗病丰产薄皮甜瓜新品种。植株长势强健,果实直筒形,平均单果质量500~550 g,果面灰白覆有墨绿条带,果肉绿色,中心可溶性固形物含量14%~16%,耐贮运。全生育期103~108 d,果实发育期30~35 d,抗病、抗逆性较强。适于陕西、河北、山东、内蒙古等地区保护地栽培。 展开更多
关键词 甜瓜 品种 “蜜脆9号”
作者 俞智星 李翔 《传媒论坛》 2024年第19期45-48,共4页
我国的短视频产业发展迅猛,短视频已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。在这个背景下,短视频成了商家们推广产品的重要方式,是一种全新的营销手段。通过对短视频广告的概念、特征进行分析,并对“蜜雪冰城”的短视频广告特征及其传播策... 我国的短视频产业发展迅猛,短视频已经成为人们生活中不可或缺的一部分。在这个背景下,短视频成了商家们推广产品的重要方式,是一种全新的营销手段。通过对短视频广告的概念、特征进行分析,并对“蜜雪冰城”的短视频广告特征及其传播策略进行研究,总结其听觉、土味、社死、符号四种营销策略,并基于此对短视频广告在新媒体环境中的传播策略提出优化建议。 展开更多
关键词 新媒体 短视频广告 品牌传播策略 “蜜雪冰城”
“蜜本”南瓜生长过程中营养成分的动态变化 被引量:4
作者 李新峥 范文秀 +2 位作者 孙丽 沈军 李贞霞 《上海交通大学学报(农业科学版)》 2006年第3期256-259,267,共5页
对“蜜本”南瓜果实花后10 ̄50d期间多糖、β-胡萝卜素、氨基酸、Vc、蛋白质、总糖、还原糖、矿质元素等营养成分含量的动态变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:多糖、β-胡萝卜素、氨基酸、蛋白质、总糖、还原糖含量增加,但不同阶段各成分... 对“蜜本”南瓜果实花后10 ̄50d期间多糖、β-胡萝卜素、氨基酸、Vc、蛋白质、总糖、还原糖、矿质元素等营养成分含量的动态变化规律进行了研究。结果表明:多糖、β-胡萝卜素、氨基酸、蛋白质、总糖、还原糖含量增加,但不同阶段各成分含量增加幅度不同;Vc含量下降,但在果实生长发育的最后阶段又稍上升;矿质元素含量变化较为复杂;部分营养成分含量之间的变化存在着一定的相关性。 展开更多
关键词 “蜜本”南瓜 果实 营养成分 含量 变化
冰蜜生肌膏对兔皮肤缺损修复的免疫组化研究 被引量:4
作者 唐良华 易洪城 +3 位作者 吴承龙 熊屹 周长林 敬戈 《中国中医急症》 2006年第12期1381-1381,1389,共2页
目的观察冰蜜生肌膏对兔皮肤缺损修复的促进作用。方法家兔随机分为三组,分别用1∶5比例配制的无菌冰蜜生肌膏、百多邦软膏均匀涂抹伤口,空白组单用生理盐水纱布覆盖,常规包扎伤口。各组动物每日各用冰蜜生肌膏、百多邦软膏、生理盐水... 目的观察冰蜜生肌膏对兔皮肤缺损修复的促进作用。方法家兔随机分为三组,分别用1∶5比例配制的无菌冰蜜生肌膏、百多邦软膏均匀涂抹伤口,空白组单用生理盐水纱布覆盖,常规包扎伤口。各组动物每日各用冰蜜生肌膏、百多邦软膏、生理盐水纱布换药1次。术后第1、2、3、4周各处死3只动物,并切取新生皮肤标本,用福尔马林固定后送至病理室处理,对标本进行免疫组化染色,通过图象分析系统进行细胞计数和测定平均光密度值。结果通过动物造模实验,对第1、2、3、4周分别切取的新生皮肤标本进行免疫组化染色及细胞计数、平均光密度值测定比较,冰蜜生肌膏组与空白组比较有显著性差异,与百多邦组比亦有显著性差异。结论冰蜜生肌膏能促进成纤维细胞的生长,从而促进皮肤缺损的修复。 展开更多
关键词 生肌膏 成纤维细胞 皮肤缺损 免疫组化
网纹甜瓜新品种“蜜玲珑”的选育 被引量:1
作者 陈幼源 陈绯翔 朱根娣 《上海农业学报》 CSCD 2004年第4期57-59,共3页
“蜜玲珑”的父本是从国外引进的果实性状优良的育种材料 90 15 2 ,母本 90 15 8是由一个杂交品种系统选育出的材料 9333与抗病性极强的育种材料 3 2 4杂交 ,经过 6代自交选育而得。“蜜玲珑”抗逆性强、适应性广 ,产量达 36 0 0 0kg hm... “蜜玲珑”的父本是从国外引进的果实性状优良的育种材料 90 15 2 ,母本 90 15 8是由一个杂交品种系统选育出的材料 9333与抗病性极强的育种材料 3 2 4杂交 ,经过 6代自交选育而得。“蜜玲珑”抗逆性强、适应性广 ,产量达 36 0 0 0kg hm2 ,比进口对照品种增产 2 5 .7% ;抗枯萎病性和抗白粉病性均比对照品种强 ;果皮黄绿色 ,网纹清晰、果形圆整、果肉浅绿色 ,中心折光糖度超过对照品种 ,达 16 %以上 ,单果重 1.6kg左右。已在沪、浙、赣等地推广种植。 展开更多
关键词 网纹甜瓜 品种 “蜜玲珑” 选育 一代杂种
“蜜汁”和“香悦”葡萄在陕西汉中的种植表现及栽培要点 被引量:3
作者 黄重 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第10期200-201,共2页
2009年从沈阳农业大学引进了2个香型葡萄新品种"蜜汁"和"香悦",在陕西省汉中市农业科学研究所试验地试种。经过5年种植观察,"蜜汁"和"香悦"在汉中具有较强的适应性,结果系数高,丰产性、抗病性... 2009年从沈阳农业大学引进了2个香型葡萄新品种"蜜汁"和"香悦",在陕西省汉中市农业科学研究所试验地试种。经过5年种植观察,"蜜汁"和"香悦"在汉中具有较强的适应性,结果系数高,丰产性、抗病性强,综合性状优良,在汉中推广种植有着广阔的前景。 展开更多
关键词 “蜜汁” “香悦” 葡萄 种植表现 栽培要点
作者 黄仁瑄 《长江学术》 CSSCI 2023年第3期107-116,共10页
《大般若波罗蜜多经》之慧琳“音义”见慧琳《一切经音义》卷一至卷八,约占全书8%的篇幅,其中存在许多文字问题。详其讹误原因,或因形近,或有脱漏,或是衍倒,或违文例。勘正这些问题,对促进和深化慧琳《一切经音义》的研究和利用有着积... 《大般若波罗蜜多经》之慧琳“音义”见慧琳《一切经音义》卷一至卷八,约占全书8%的篇幅,其中存在许多文字问题。详其讹误原因,或因形近,或有脱漏,或是衍倒,或违文例。勘正这些问题,对促进和深化慧琳《一切经音义》的研究和利用有着积极的意义。 展开更多
关键词 《大般若波罗多经》 慧琳 音义 校读
苹果品种“蜜脆”在豫西地区的引种表现及栽培技术 被引量:6
作者 李红光 刘俊灵 +5 位作者 韩立新 瞿振芳 郝贝贝 勾真真 张四普 刘小五 《中国南方果树》 北大核心 2021年第5期134-136,138,共4页
"蜜脆"是明尼苏达大学(美国)用"麦康"与"蜜金"杂交而育成的中熟苹果品种,2001年由西北农林科技大学园艺学院引入国内,2015年在豫西地区引入试栽。该品种单果质量275 g,果实成熟时着鲜红色,果肉细脆多汁,... "蜜脆"是明尼苏达大学(美国)用"麦康"与"蜜金"杂交而育成的中熟苹果品种,2001年由西北农林科技大学园艺学院引入国内,2015年在豫西地区引入试栽。该品种单果质量275 g,果实成熟时着鲜红色,果肉细脆多汁,硬度适中,酸甜适口,微酸。可溶性固形物含量为16.63%,可滴定酸含量为0.42%,硬度9.12 kg/cm^(2),品质上等。在豫西地区8月中下旬成熟,具短枝性状,耐贮藏,抗病性好,适宜在豫西地区推广栽培,推广前景较好。 展开更多
关键词 豫西地区 苹果 “蜜脆” 引种表现 栽培技术
干旱条件下不同砧木对“蜜脆”苹果幼苗养分吸收利用的影响 被引量:1
作者 赵琪 张志军 +1 位作者 李超 邹养军 《西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版)》 CSCD 北大核心 2019年第9期103-111,共9页
[目的]用不同砧木苹果盆栽嫁接苗进行干旱试验,以筛选出干旱条件下矿质养分高效吸收利用的砧木.[方法]以不同砧木(G11、G30、Gx、G935、Pajam2、Pajam1、T337、M9、M26和G41)的1年生“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗为材料,研究2种水分(正常供水和中... [目的]用不同砧木苹果盆栽嫁接苗进行干旱试验,以筛选出干旱条件下矿质养分高效吸收利用的砧木.[方法]以不同砧木(G11、G30、Gx、G935、Pajam2、Pajam1、T337、M9、M26和G41)的1年生“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗为材料,研究2种水分(正常供水和中度干旱)条件下,不同砧木对“蜜脆”生物量积累、叶片养分(N、K、P、Ca和Mg)含量、植株养分积累及利用的影响.[结果](1)与正常供水(对照)相比,干旱胁迫后,以T337为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗净生物量和相对生长速率下降幅度最小,分别降低64.26%和50.12%;以Pajam2为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗下降幅度最大,分别降低91.76%和86.51%.(2)与对照相比,“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗叶片N、P、K、Ca、Mg含量受干旱胁迫影响下降幅度较大的砧木依次为G935(-9.33%)、M9(-35.70%)、G41(-27.59%)、G11(-29.63%)和G30(-24.07%);而以M26为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗叶片养分含量变化幅度较小.(3)与对照相比,干旱胁迫后,以Pajam2为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗N、P、K、Ca、Mg吸收通量下降幅度均最大,分别降低94.97%,95.97%,95.09%,94.62%和95.04%;而以M26和T337为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗养分吸收通量下降幅度较小.(4)与对照相比,干旱降低了大多数“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗的N、Ca、Mg利用效率,下降幅度最大的砧木依次是Pajam1(-10.75%)、M9(-23.07%)和M9(-23.43%),而提高了植株的P、K利用效率,上升幅度最大的砧木依次是Gx(36.61%)和G41(20.92%).[结论]不同砧木“蜜脆”苹果嫁接苗对干旱胁迫的响应程度不同,并且在干旱条件下具有不同的养分吸收利用能力.干旱条件下,以M26、Gx和T337为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果苗养分吸收利用能力较强,而以G11、G41和M9为砧木的“蜜脆”苹果苗养分吸收利用能力较弱. 展开更多
关键词 苹果砧木 干旱胁迫 果树营养 “蜜脆”苹果
不同果袋对豫西“蜜脆”苹果果实品质的影响 被引量:5
作者 韩立新 李红光 +3 位作者 刘俊灵 瞿振芳 勾真真 张四普 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2021年第15期13-20,共8页
以“蜜脆”苹果为试材,不套袋果实为对照,研究5种不同果袋B、C、D、E、F对“蜜脆”苹果品质的影响,以期筛选出豫西地区“蜜脆”苹果适合的果袋。结果表明:5种果袋均不同程度提高了果实的外观品质,其中双层纸袋效果最好,D、E、F果袋果实... 以“蜜脆”苹果为试材,不套袋果实为对照,研究5种不同果袋B、C、D、E、F对“蜜脆”苹果品质的影响,以期筛选出豫西地区“蜜脆”苹果适合的果袋。结果表明:5种果袋均不同程度提高了果实的外观品质,其中双层纸袋效果最好,D、E、F果袋果实外观最为光亮;D果袋提高了果实单果质量,而E果袋降低了果实单果质量;套袋均降低了果实的内在品质,其中C果袋可溶性固形物含量降低最多,D果袋可滴定酸含量降低最多。通过因子分析,D、E、F果袋得分较高;经济效益分析,D和F果袋较高。综合考虑,“蜜脆”苹果在豫西地区生产中使用D和F果袋效果最佳。 展开更多
关键词 “蜜脆”苹果 豫西 不同果袋 果实品质
西瓜新品种“蜜宝一号”的选育 被引量:1
作者 冷言峰 李兴盛 袁晓伟 《北方园艺》 CAS 北大核心 2017年第22期208-210,共3页
"蜜宝一号"是以自交系HSWM089为母本,自交系HSWM130为父本杂交育成的西瓜新品种一代杂交种。中熟,果实发育期35d,全生育期103d;耐低温、易坐果,果实高圆形,果皮深绿色,宽条带,果肉红色、脆硬、多汁,口感佳、品质优,中心可溶... "蜜宝一号"是以自交系HSWM089为母本,自交系HSWM130为父本杂交育成的西瓜新品种一代杂交种。中熟,果实发育期35d,全生育期103d;耐低温、易坐果,果实高圆形,果皮深绿色,宽条带,果肉红色、脆硬、多汁,口感佳、品质优,中心可溶性固形物含量12%;果皮韧、耐运输;单瓜质量8~10kg,667m2产量5 000kg左右。经过多次试种试验,发现该品种适合保护地和露地栽培。 展开更多
关键词 西瓜 “蜜宝一号” 耐低温 高产
“蜜淘”黯然倒下 跨境电商未来之路怎么走
作者 王洋 《中国食品》 2016年第9期128-130,共3页
关键词 先行者 “蜜淘” 跨境电商 来之路
Effect of Apis mellifera on community composition of local pollinator bees and their pollination network in Qinling Mountains and surrounding areas
作者 Cheng'en ZHONG Qingle XIE +1 位作者 Yaoyao SI Yalin ZHANG 《Entomotaxonomia》 CSCD 2024年第3期167-205,共39页
The Qinling Mountains, known for their rich vegetation and diverse pollinating insects, have seen a significant decline in bee species richness and abundance over recent decades, largely due to the introduction and sp... The Qinling Mountains, known for their rich vegetation and diverse pollinating insects, have seen a significant decline in bee species richness and abundance over recent decades, largely due to the introduction and spread of Apis mellifera. This decline has caused cascading effects on the region's community structure and ecosystem stability. To improve the protection of native bees in the natural and agricultural landscape of the Qinling Mountains and its surrounding areas, we investigated 33 sampling sites within three habitats: forest, forest-agriculture ecotones, and farmland. Using a generalized linear mixing model, t-test, and other data analysis methods, we explored the impact of Apis mellifera on local pollinator bee richness, abundance, and the pollination network in different habitats in these regional areas. The results show that(1)Apis mellifera significantly negatively affects the abundance and richness of wild pollinator bees,while Apis cerana abundance is also affected by beekeeping conditions.(2)There are significant negative effects of Apis mellifera on the community structure of pollinator bees in the Qinling Mountains and its surrounding areas: the Shannon-Wiener diversity index, Pielou evenness index, and Margalef richness index of bee communities at sites with Apis mellifera influence were significantly lower than those at sites without Apis mellifera influence.(3)The underlying driver of this effect is the monopolization of flowering resources by Apis mellifera. This species tends to visit flowering plants with large nectar sources, which constitute a significant portion of the local plant community. By maintaining a dominant role in the bee-plant pollination network, Apis mellifera competitively displaces native pollinator bees, reducing their access to floral resources. This ultimately leads to a reduction in local bee-plant interactions, decreasing the complexity and stability of the pollination network. These findings highlight the need for targeted conservation efforts to protect native pollinator species and maintain the ecological balance in the Qinling Mountains. 展开更多
关键词 Apis mellifera Pollinator bees Species richness ABUNDANCE Interaction networks
Chemical Compositions of Volatile Oil from Fruiting Body of Armillaria luteo-virens 被引量:30
作者 周劲松 熊辉岩 +2 位作者 杨春江 焦迎春 盛海彦 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2008年第2期90-92,共3页
The chemical compositions of volatile oil from fruiting body of Armillaria luteo-virens in Qinghai Province were firstly analyzed with GC-MS and its relevant compositions were detected by calculating chromatographic p... The chemical compositions of volatile oil from fruiting body of Armillaria luteo-virens in Qinghai Province were firstly analyzed with GC-MS and its relevant compositions were detected by calculating chromatographic peak area with normalized method. 21 peaks were separated and 13 compositions were identified which were mainly unsaturated fatty acids, taking 97.1% of the total volatile oil. 展开更多
关键词 Armillaria luteo-rirens Volatile oil Chemical compositions GC-MS
Study on the Chromatographic Fingerprint of Volatile Constituents from Acacia Honey 被引量:19
作者 夏立娅 张晓宇 +1 位作者 王庭欣 马英松 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期42-44,共3页
[Objective] The experiment aimed to study chromatographic fingerprint in volatile components of acacia honey and provide scientific evaluation and effective control on quality of acacia honey.[Method] Using solid-phas... [Objective] The experiment aimed to study chromatographic fingerprint in volatile components of acacia honey and provide scientific evaluation and effective control on quality of acacia honey.[Method] Using solid-phase microextraction method to separate and detect volatile components and construct chromatographic fingerprint.[Result] The honey was preheated for 15 min in water bath at 40 ℃ and solid-phase microextraction 85 μmPA was used to extract in overhead air about 30 min,then put it into the injector and desorpted 3 min,which is in 230 ℃.The Supelco WaxTM10 30 m×0.25 mm×0.25 μm column and gradient heating program was the best method to separate volatile components from honey.83 fingerprint peaks were constructed,among which 17 common fingerprint peaks were comprised of chromatographic fingerprint of volatile components of acacia honey.[Conclusion] The chromatographic fingerprint could provide reference for quality control of acacia honey. 展开更多
关键词 HONEY Volatile components Solid-phase microextraction technology Gas chromatography Fingerprint.
Fruit Photosynthesis and Assimilate Translocation and Partitioning: Their Characteristics and Role in Sugar Accumulation in Developing Citrus unshiu Fruit 被引量:12
作者 陈俊伟 张上隆 +2 位作者 张良诚 赵智中 徐建国 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期158-163,共6页
Dynamics of dry- or fresh-weight of fruit, peel photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content, and the characteristics of translocation and distribution of radiolabelled assimilates from leaf or fruit were examined in d... Dynamics of dry- or fresh-weight of fruit, peel photosynthetic rate and chlorophyll content, and the characteristics of translocation and distribution of radiolabelled assimilates from leaf or fruit were examined in developing satsuma mandarin (Citrus unshiu Marc. cv. Miyagawa wase) fruit from primary stage of fruit enlargement up to fruit full ripe. Change in fruit photosynthetic rate was some what related to the change in the chlorophyll content of peel. Fruit photosynthetic rate markedly declined as chlorophyll degradation occurred in the peel. Before full ripe stage of the fruit, photosynthates produced by a 14C-fed leaf were mainly distributed to juice sacs even during periods when dry matter accumulation in peel was more rapid than that in juice sacs. At the full ripe stage, peel photosynthetic rate approached zero and peel became the major sink of leaf photosynthates. Most of the peel assimilates, however, remained in situ for up to 48 h after feeding 14CO 2 to the fruit, only a small portion being transported to other parts of fruit. The percentage of fruit photosynthates exported decreased with fruit development and ripening, but the peak rate of export to juice sacs amount to as high as 12%. The sugar content and dry weights of peel and juice sacs in shaded fruit were lower than that in the control fruit. These results show that peel assimilate was mainly consumed in peel respiration and growth and thus the dependence on leaf photosynthates decreased. Part of this assimiate was used in sugar accumulation in juice sacs of fruit. 展开更多
关键词 satsuma mandarin fruit photosynthesis PHOTOSYNTHATE TRANSLOCATION partitioning sugar accumulation
Antibacterial Effect of Nano-scale TiO_2 on Parasitic Bacterium of Nanfeng Citrus in Storage Period 被引量:6
作者 龙小艺 刘玉英 +4 位作者 余达欢 叶丹 文智总 吕建峰 李良翔 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第6期4-6,14,共4页
[Objective] The aim was to observe the antibacterial effect of nano-scale Titanium dioxide on parasitic bacterium of Nanfeng Citrus in storage period.[Method] Nano-scale Titanium dioxide was prepared by dibutyl phthal... [Objective] The aim was to observe the antibacterial effect of nano-scale Titanium dioxide on parasitic bacterium of Nanfeng Citrus in storage period.[Method] Nano-scale Titanium dioxide was prepared by dibutyl phthalate through sol-gel method under anhydrous conditions,and orthogonal experiment was used to determine optimum conditions for nano-scale Titanium dioxide preparation,and structure characterization of nano-scale Titanium dioxide was carried out by X-Ray diffractometer.Oxford cup method was used to explore inhibition effect of nano-scale Titanium dioxide suspension on the activity of normal parasitic bacterium of Nanfeng Citrus.Simultaneously,the empirical preservation test was carried out.[Result] The average diameter of nano-scale Titanium dioxide powder attained to 14.6 nm,actual average yield could reach 90.83% with RSD(Relative Standard Deviation)of 0.86%.[Conclusion] Nano-scale Titanium dioxide had good antibacterial effect on the parasitic bacterium of Nanfeng Citrus in storage period. 展开更多
关键词 Nano-scale Titanium dioxide Nanfeng Citrus Antibacterial effect
The Determination of Heavy Metal Elements in Honey by MWD-ICP-AES 被引量:3
作者 陈文 王湘君 +5 位作者 赵阳 苏利兴 张哲 莫兰发 欧阳敏 黄梁 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第6期890-894,共5页
In order to build method for measuring of elements in honey, the contents of Ba, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Mn, Se had been determined by microwave diges- tion (MWD) and actively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrom... In order to build method for measuring of elements in honey, the contents of Ba, Cu, Pb, Cd, As, Hg, Cr, Mn, Se had been determined by microwave diges- tion (MWD) and actively coupled plasma atomic emission spectrometry (ICP-AES). The results show that, the range of heavy metal elements were in the range of 0- 10.0 mg/L, with good linear relationship. In addition, all correlation coefficients kept higher than 0.999, and the recovery rate of ample added with standard solution was in 94.1%-110%. By comparison with the result of chemical experiment, the method was quickly accessible and convenient, widely used in the measurement of elements in honey, with satisfactory results. 展开更多
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