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汉语新兴“被××”结构探微 被引量:1
作者 戚晓杰 柴建坤 《盐城师范学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2012年第4期46-50,共5页
汉语新兴"被××"结构源起于网络语言,因其表现力强,具有挑战传统"被"字句的特性,为广大民众所热用。一种流行语背后,往往隐藏有一定的语言构成机制,通过深层次探究新兴"被××"结构的... 汉语新兴"被××"结构源起于网络语言,因其表现力强,具有挑战传统"被"字句的特性,为广大民众所热用。一种流行语背后,往往隐藏有一定的语言构成机制,通过深层次探究新兴"被××"结构的产生与发展,全方位探求其与传统"被"字结构之差异,可以揭示新兴"被××"结构的内部构成与深层驱动。 展开更多
关键词 新兴“被××”结构 语言变异 构成机制
作者 郭熙煌 孙小敏 《武汉理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2015年第2期329-333,共5页
汉语新型"被××"结构是一种特殊的语言现象。运用原型理论,对"被××"语言现象与汉语传统"被"字句的内在关系进行了研究,从结构和语义两方面的分析发现:结构上,"被××&qu... 汉语新型"被××"结构是一种特殊的语言现象。运用原型理论,对"被××"语言现象与汉语传统"被"字句的内在关系进行了研究,从结构和语义两方面的分析发现:结构上,"被××"与"被"字句结构范畴存在交叉属性,即"被"字句结构范畴的原型成分"被+及物动词";语义上,"被××"与"被"字句语义范畴相交于"被"字句语义范畴的原型成分——"消极意义"。因此,可以认定,"被××"是汉语"被"字句范畴的一个成员。 展开更多
关键词 范畴理论 原型理论 “被××”结构 语义
作者 游舒 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2012年第5期140-142,2,共3页
新兴"被××"在形式上与"被"的传统用法有一系列的区别。在语义上"被××"可以分为两类:否定类"被××"与"被迫"类"被××"。否定类"被××"来源于"X被称为/说成Y"类"被"字... 新兴"被××"在形式上与"被"的传统用法有一系列的区别。在语义上"被××"可以分为两类:否定类"被××"与"被迫"类"被××"。否定类"被××"来源于"X被称为/说成Y"类"被"字句,它在语义上都可以表述为【本来没有/不是××,却被说成××】。而"被迫"类"被××"则可表述为【被迫××】或【被迫成为/接受××】。"被××"的新用法能否稳固下来,或者说部分"被××"能否发生词汇化,还有待时间的检验。 展开更多
关键词 “被××”结构 语义槽 被字句
从认知隐喻与语法隐喻的结合解读流行语“被××”结构 被引量:4
作者 冯瑞 《桂林师范高等专科学校学报》 2010年第2期83-86,共4页
关键词 认知隐喻 语法隐喻 “被××”结构
作者 淮姝蓉 《晋中学院学报》 2013年第4期99-102,115,共5页
新式"被××"结构不仅反映了网民对当下情势的无奈心态,而且在一定程度上也反映了社会的变异和语言的创新。在语义、语法、语用上也都表现出了与常规被字组合的差异,并形成了新的组合模式。随着一系列"被×&... 新式"被××"结构不仅反映了网民对当下情势的无奈心态,而且在一定程度上也反映了社会的变异和语言的创新。在语义、语法、语用上也都表现出了与常规被字组合的差异,并形成了新的组合模式。随着一系列"被××"式流行语进入到人们的交际生活中来,其组成的词语形式更自由,与"被"连用的词语更加多样,语义负载的内涵也更为丰富。 展开更多
关键词 “被××”结构 语义 语用功能
作者 刘丹 《石家庄职业技术学院学报》 2021年第3期36-40,共5页
互联网时代背景下,网络用语的流行成为新时代语言发展的特征之一。"被××"结构从传统的"被字句"演化而来,在网络流行语层面有较高的关注度。基于认知语言学的概念隐喻理论,分析"被××"... 互联网时代背景下,网络用语的流行成为新时代语言发展的特征之一。"被××"结构从传统的"被字句"演化而来,在网络流行语层面有较高的关注度。基于认知语言学的概念隐喻理论,分析"被××"的特点及其生成机制,发现其语义表达具有一定的消极色彩,体现出一定的虚假性、自我矛盾性和被动承受性。反映出语言作为约定俗成的文化体系,其结构变化必然受社会发展的影响。 展开更多
关键词 “被××”结构 认知语言学 概念隐喻 生成机制
Relationships between bird communities and vegetation structure in Honghuaerji, northern Inner Mongolia 被引量:2
作者 王文 丸山直树 +2 位作者 刘伯文 森本英人 高中信 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2002年第4期294-298,337,共5页
The survey on bird communities was conducted by the belt-style method in six different sample plots in the Honghua抏rji Forests area in the northern Inner Mongolia in June 2001 and totally 28 bird species were recorde... The survey on bird communities was conducted by the belt-style method in six different sample plots in the Honghua抏rji Forests area in the northern Inner Mongolia in June 2001 and totally 28 bird species were recorded. Vegetation investigation was carried out in five 10 m×10 m quadrats at each plot. The asymptotic regression function formulae were adopted to identify the relationships between the vegetation coverage and the numbers of bird species and individuals. The analytical results showed that the changes of species number and density of bird as well as the formation of bird communities follow the changes of forest type and the total foliage. Both the number of bird species and their density decreased with the de-crease of total foliage. The similarity of bird community was very low at the breeding time. In the same classification of cluster, no similarity was higher than 0.65, which indicated that the composition of species had a great difference between all the bird communities. The bird breeding density was closely related to forest growth stage. From the bare grassland ecosystem to cli-max ecosystem, the density of bird species showed a gradually increasing trend. 展开更多
关键词 Bird community Vegetation structure Honghua抏rji Northern Inner Mongolia
Effects of Three-dimensional Structure of Vegetation on Particle Size Distribution and Nutrient Content of Water-eroded Red Soil
作者 顾祝军 罗昊 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2016年第2期453-459,466,共8页
Based on the vertical stratification type of vegetation in the 48 plots (15m×15 m) in Hetian Town, Changting County, Fujian Province, this study was conduct ed to determine the overall vegetation fractional cov... Based on the vertical stratification type of vegetation in the 48 plots (15m×15 m) in Hetian Town, Changting County, Fujian Province, this study was conduct ed to determine the overall vegetation fractional coverage (VFC), litter thickness, soi particle size distribution and nutrient content at different vertical level, analyze the correlations between vegetation characters and soil properties, and compare the dif ferences in the VFC, litter thickness, soil particle size distribution and nutrient con- tent among different erosion degrees and vertical structure types. The result., showed that the VFC and litter thickness were all negatively related to erosion de gree; they were positively related to soil organic matter content, total nitrogen con- tent and total phosphorus content, but not significantly correlated with soil tota potassium content. When the VFC was higher than 50% and litter thickness wa.' higher than 20 ram, the water and soil could be effectively conserved; and the plan litter showed better water and soil conservation effect than the upper vegetation o~ canopy layer. In the vertical structure types of different vegetations, the forest-shrub grass, forest-shrub, shrub-grass and pure grass all could promote vegetation growth improve soil structure and maintain soil fertility. 展开更多
关键词 VEGETATION Soil nutrient 3-D structure Soil erosion
Morphological basis for the waterproof characteristic of bird plumage
作者 杨淑慧 徐艳春 张大为 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第2期163-166,共4页
A surface variable, density of water-feather touching points (Dp) was proposed in this paper to express surface property of water repellency of contour feather. Tests in 29 species using breast contour feathers indi... A surface variable, density of water-feather touching points (Dp) was proposed in this paper to express surface property of water repellency of contour feather. Tests in 29 species using breast contour feathers indicated that Dp was small in tericolous species, medium in wading and diving species, large in swimming species, with only a few exceptions. This implied that birds achieve appropriate Dp by optimizing the microstructure of feather to meet the requirement of water repellency. Therefore, Dp was a morphological marker linking structure and function of feather in studies of adaptive evolution of birds. 展开更多
关键词 PLUMAGE Water repellency Rough surface MICROSTRUCTURE Water touching point density
Floristic and structural analysis of the woodland vegetation around Dello Menna,Southeast Ethiopia 被引量:3
作者 Motuma Didita Sileshi Nemomissa Tadesse Woldemariam Gole 《Journal of Forestry Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第4期395-408,521,共15页
Floristic composition and vegetation structure were described for the woodland vegetation around Dello Menna, Bale zone, southeast Ethiopia. A total 50 (20 m ×20 m) quadrats were sampled to identify and describ... Floristic composition and vegetation structure were described for the woodland vegetation around Dello Menna, Bale zone, southeast Ethiopia. A total 50 (20 m ×20 m) quadrats were sampled to identify and describe plant community types, species diversity, richness and evenness and to relate the identified plant community types with some environ- mental factors and describe the population structure of woody plant species. In each quadrrat, data on species identity, abundance, height and Diameter at Breast Height (DBH) of woody plant species, altitude and slope were recorded. Vegetation classification was performed using PC - ORD software package. Sorensen's similarity coefficient was used to detect dissimilarities among communities. Shannon - Wiener diversity index, species richness and Shannon's evenness were computed to de- scribe species diversity of the plant community types. Results show that a total of 171 vascular plant species representing 53 families were re- corded. Fabaceae is the dominant family represented by 13 genera and 26 species (15%) followed by Asteraceae, Lamiaceae and Anacardiaceae with eight species each (4.6%). Based on the results of vegetation classi- fication, three plant communities (Dalbergia microphylla community, Grewia bicolar- Acacia brevispica community, and Combretum molle- Combretum collinum community) are recognized and described. Species richness, diversity and evenness varied among the plant communities.Species richness and diversity exhibit a bell - shaped pattern along alti- tude. Species turn over among communities more or less follow altitud- inal gradients. Tukey's pairwise comparison of means among the plant community types shows significant variations in altitude, implying that altitude is one of the most important factors determining the distribution of plant communities. The community Dalbergia microphylla type exhibits the highest species richness and diversity. Analysis of population structure of the dominant species reveals various patterns. Future research directions and recommendations are suggested for the sustainable utilization. 展开更多
关键词 vegetation structure ty species diversity species richness
Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest of eastern Himalaya, India 被引量:1
作者 Anudip GOGOI Uttam Kumar SAHOO 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第11期2453-2465,共13页
Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness,density, basal area and... Impact of anthropogenic disturbance on species diversity and vegetation structure of a lowland tropical rainforest was studied in the foothills of Eastern Himalaya, India. Tree species richness,density, basal area and the diversity indices were found significantly(P<0.05) decreased with the increasing level of disturbances whereas, shrub density, basal area and herb density significantly increased with increasing disturbance level. In case of shrubs, Simpson's dominance index significantly(P<0.007) increased along the disturbance gradient,whereas Pielou's evenness index significantly(P<0.005) decreased with an increasing level of disturbance. Shannon-Weiner diversity index for herbs significantly(P<0.016) increased with increasing disturbance whereas, Simpson's dominance index was significantly(P<0.013) declined along the disturbance gradient. Results revealed that10-50 cm dbh classes constituted the highest stem density, and highest basal area was recorded in the >100 cm dbh class in all three sites. Density of the matured trees decreased with increasing DBH whereas, tree basal area tended to increase with increasing DBH in all three sites. Tree species richness was highest in the lower DBH classes.62.07% of the total tree species regenerated in the largely undisturbed site followed by 50% in the mildly disturbed and 26.32% in the highly disturbed site.The overall regeneration condition was found to be good in the largely undisturbed site. Mildly disturbed site exhibited fair regeneration and so was in the highly disturbed site. Discernable variations in species composition, diversity, regeneration and tree population structure revealed the impact of anthropogenic disturbances on rainforest vegetation dynamics. Higher degree of disturbance was furtherly found not only affecting species diversity but also promoting the growth of invasive weed species.Dominance of Hydnocarpus kurzii and Crypteronia paniculata in the highly disturbed site also indicated that these less-valued timber species may benefit from the vegetation mosaic produced by the disturbance; so differences in abundance of these species may be useful for bio-indication. Furthermore,present study suggests the need of adequate biodiversity conservation measures and adaptation of sustainable forest management approaches in disturbed areas of lowland tropical rainforest in the foothills of eastern Himalaya, India. 展开更多
Ultrastructural characters of a Physarum melleum on living leaves of Dendrobium candidum in China 被引量:2
作者 ZHANG Jing-ze LIU Lu-ning +1 位作者 FIORE-DONNO Anna-Maria XU Tong 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第12期896-899,共4页
A known species, Physarum melleum, was found fruiting on living leaves of Dendrobium candidum, which was collected in China in 2004. Its morphological characters were revealed by light microscopy (LM), environmental s... A known species, Physarum melleum, was found fruiting on living leaves of Dendrobium candidum, which was collected in China in 2004. Its morphological characters were revealed by light microscopy (LM), environmental scanning elec- tron microscopy (ESEM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Character variations were distinguished by its olive-yellow peridium and its always thinner capillitium containing globulose granular material between the large calcareous nodes. The cal- cium carbonate granules, deposited on stalks, peridium and hypothallus as well as within stalks, were globose and smooth. 展开更多
Climate adaptive thermal characteristics of envelope of residential passive house in China 被引量:2
作者 DUAN Meng-fan SUN Hong-li +2 位作者 WU Yi-fan WU Xiao-ying LIN Bo-rong 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2022年第7期2317-2329,共13页
Passive house has been constructed in China on a large-scale over the past couple years for its great energy saving potential.However,research indicates that there is a significant discrepancy in energy performance fo... Passive house has been constructed in China on a large-scale over the past couple years for its great energy saving potential.However,research indicates that there is a significant discrepancy in energy performance for heating and cooling between passive houses in different climate zones.Therefore,this research develops a comparative analysis on the energy saving potential of passive houses with the conventional around China.A sensitivity analysis of thermal characteristics of building envelope(insulation of exterior walls and windows,and airtightness)on energy consumption is further carried out to improve the climate adaptability of passive house.Moreover,the variation of energy consumption under different heat gain intensity is also compared,to evaluate the effects of envelope thermal characteristics comprehensively.Results suggest that the decrease of exterior wall insulation leads to the greatest increase in energy consumption,especially in severe cold zone in China.However,the optimal insulation may change with the internal heat gain intensity,for instance,the decrease of insulation(from 0.4 to 1.0 W/(m^(2)·K))could reduce the energy consumption by 4.65 kW·h/(m^(2)·a)when the heat gain increases to 20 W/m^(2)for buildings in Hot Summer and Cold Winter zone in China. 展开更多
关键词 passive house envelope thermal characteristics climate adaptability heating and cooling energy consumption
Performance-based passive control analysis of adjacent structures:Optimization of Maxwell dampers 被引量:2
作者 吴巧云 代健州 朱宏平 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2017年第9期2180-2197,共18页
The performance-based passive control analysis of the Maxwell dampers between one 10-story and one 6-story adjacent RC frames is conducted in this work.Not only the optimal parameters but also the optimal arrangements... The performance-based passive control analysis of the Maxwell dampers between one 10-story and one 6-story adjacent RC frames is conducted in this work.Not only the optimal parameters but also the optimal arrangements of the Maxwell dampers are proposed based on the optimal target of making the total exceeding probability of the adjacent structures to be minimal.The applicability of the analytical expressions of the Maxwell damper damping parameters under different seismic performance targets are firstly examined and then the preferable damping parameters of the Maxwell dampers are proposed through the extensive parametric studies.Furthermore,the optimal arranging positions and optimal arranging numbers of the Maxwell dampers between the adjacent buildings are derived based on a large number of seismic fragility analyses,as well.The general arranging laws of the Maxwell dampers between the adjacent buildings are generated based on the discussion of the theoretical method through the simplified plane model.The optimal parameters and optimal arrangement of the Maxwell dampers presented make both the adjacent structures have preferable controlled effects under each seismic performance target which can satisfy the requirements of multi-performance seismic resistance of the modern seismic codes. 展开更多
关键词 adjacent structures passive control seismic fragility analysis optimal parameters optimal arrangement exceeding probability
The Effects of Flexible Vegetation on Forces with a Keulegan- Carpenter Number in Relation to Structures Due to Long Waves
作者 Noarayanan Lakshmanan (1) Murali Kantharaj (2) murali@iitm.ac.in Vallam Sundar (2) vsundar@iitm.ac.in 《Journal of Marine Science and Application》 2012年第1期24-33,共10页
Extreme coastal events require careful prediction of wave forces. Recent tsunamis have resulted in extensive damage of coastal structures. Such scenarios are the result of the action of long waves on structures. In th... Extreme coastal events require careful prediction of wave forces. Recent tsunamis have resulted in extensive damage of coastal structures. Such scenarios are the result of the action of long waves on structures. In this paper, the efficiency of vegetation as a buffer system in attenuating the incident ocean waves was studied through a well controlled experimental program. The study focused on the measurement of forces resulting from cnoidal waves on a model building mounted over a slope in the presence and absence of vegetation. The vegetative parameters, along with the width of the green belt, its position from the reference line, the diameter of the individual stems as well as the spacing between them, and their rigidity are varied so as to obtain a holistic view of the wave-vegetation interaction problem. The effect of vegetation on variations of dimensional forces with a Keulegan-Carpenter number (KC) was discussed in this paper. It has been shown that when vegetal patches are present in front of structure, the forces could be limited to within F*≤I, by a percentile of 92%, 90%, 55%, and 96%, respectively for gap ratios of 0.0, 0.5, 1.0, and 1.5. The force is at its maximum for the gap ratio of 1.0 and beyond which the forces start to diminish. 展开更多
关键词 Coastal vegetation modeling vegetal stems vegetation-flow parameter vegetal parameter staggered vegetation Keulegan-Carpenter number
The Potential Contribution of Wildlife Sanctuary to Forest Conservation: A Case Study from Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary
作者 Balwant RAWAT Vikram S.NEGI +2 位作者 Janhvi MISHRA RAWAT Lalit M.TEWARI Laxmi RAWAT 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期854-865,共12页
Forest vegetation of a protected area (Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary) in Kumaun region (west Himalaya) was analysed for structure, composition and representativeness across three different altitudinal belts, lower (1... Forest vegetation of a protected area (Binsar Wildlife Sanctuary) in Kumaun region (west Himalaya) was analysed for structure, composition and representativeness across three different altitudinal belts, lower (1,6oo-1,8oo m a.s.1.), middle (1,900-2,100 m a.s.1.) and upper (2,200-2,400 m a.s.1.) during 2oo9-2011 using standard phytosociological methods. Four aspects (east, west, north and south) in each altitudinal belt were chosen for sampling to depict maximum representation of vegetation in the sanctuary. Population structure and regeneration behaviour was analysed seasonally for two years to show the establishment and growth of tree species. A total of 147 plant species were recorded from the entire region of which 27 tree species were selected for detailed study. Highest number was recorded at upper (18 species), and lowest at lower altitudinal belt (15 species). The relative proportion of species richness showed higher contribution of tree layer at each altitudinal belt. The population structure, based on the number of individuals, revealed a greater proportion of seedling layer at each altitudinal belt. The relative proportion of seedlings increases significantly along altitudinal belts (p〈0.05) while opposite trends were observed in sapling and tree layers. The density of sapling and seedling species varied non-significantly across seasons (p〉0.05). The density values decreased in summer and increased during rainy season. As far as the regeneration status is concerned, middle and upper altitudinal belts showed maximum number of species with fair regeneration as compared to lower altitudinal belt. Overall density diameter distribution of tree species showed highest species density and richness in the smallest girth class and decreased in the succeeding girth classes. This study suggests that patterns of regeneration behaviour would determine future structural and compositional changes in the forest communities. It is suggested that the compositional changes vis-a-vis role of 'New' and 'Not regenerating' species need priority attention while initiating conservation activities in the sanctuary. This study calls for exploring other less explored Wildlife Sanctuaries in the Himalaya and across the world, to achieve overall biodiversity status in these protected areas and thus to justify their role in conserving biodiversity in the region. 展开更多
关键词 Altitudinal gradient POPULATIONSTRUCTURE Regeneration status West Himalaya Wildlife Sanctuary.
Plant Diversity and Vegetation Structure in Encroached and Non-encroached Areas of Borana Rangelands: The Case of Hallona and Medhacho Pastoralist Associations
作者 Niguse Bekele Dirbaba Mekuria Argaw Denboba Gemedo Dalle Tussie 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2014年第9期787-796,共10页
The Borana rangelands are important areas of cattle production in Ethiopia. However, these rangelands are threatened by the increasing changes in the natural vegetation from grass and forbs dominated into unpalatable ... The Borana rangelands are important areas of cattle production in Ethiopia. However, these rangelands are threatened by the increasing changes in the natural vegetation from grass and forbs dominated into unpalatable bushy woody vegetation resulting in the loss of some of the highly desirable grass species. This study was conducted to assess the impacts of bush encroachment on the biodiversity, structure and cover of the native vegetation in bush encroached and non-encroached sites. Vegetation data were collected from both sites by laying quadrate plots along transects using a systematic sampling method. According to the results, higher number of species was recorded in the non-encroached sites than that in the encroached sites. The diversity indices for the non-encroached and the encroached sites were 3.16 and 2.67, respectively. The abundance and cover analysis indicated that there was high density and cover of herbaceous species in the non-encroached site. There was a significantly higher density of woody species cover in the encroached site. Generally, the bush encroachment in the Borana rangelands has hampered the diversity of the native vegetation, particularly the grasses and forbs and reduced the ground cover, exposing large parts of the rangelands for soil erosion and other degradation process. 展开更多
关键词 RANGELAND bush encroachment encroached non-encroached DIVERSITY shrubs.
Identification of habitat requirements of farmland birds based on a hierarchical structured monitoring scheme
作者 Jrg HOFFMANN Udo WITTCHEN +1 位作者 Ulrich STACHOW Gert BERGER 《Chinese Birds》 CSCD 2013年第4期265-280,共16页
Agricultural landscapes are essential for the conservation of biodiversity. Nevertheless, a negative trend continues to be observed in many rural areas for the most prominent indicator species group, the farmland bird... Agricultural landscapes are essential for the conservation of biodiversity. Nevertheless, a negative trend continues to be observed in many rural areas for the most prominent indicator species group, the farmland birds. However, clear cause-effect relationships are rarely reported and sometimes difficult to deduce, especially from monitoring data which are based only on the detection of species and counts of the numbers of individuals. Because the identification of habitat preferences is a precondition for farmland bird biodiversity conservation efforts, a monitoring scheme for the simultaneous collection and analysis of bird and land use data was developed and tested. In order to assign the occurrence of bird species to land characteristics at various spatial scales and different land use and crop types, we applied a hierarchical structured sampling design. The spatial scales were ‘agricultural landscape', ‘agricultural landscape types', ‘field crops and other habitats' and ‘vegetation structures'. These scales were integrated with a novel concept, the ‘habitat matrix'(HM). This method was applied to farmland breeding bird abundances on 29 plots, each 1 km2 in size, by the use of the territory mapping method. The same plots were enlarged by a 100 m buffer and the sizes and location of habitats documented. Vegetation height, coverage and density were also recorded for all crop fields in the study area. We propose that this monitoring method facilitates the identification of scale dependent relationships between farmland bird habitat characteristics and bird abundance. This is demonstrated by the farmland bird species Corn Bunting(Emberiza calandra), Skylark(Alauda arvensis), and Whinchat(Saxicola rubetra). The breeding territories of these species reveal large differences within the various spatial scales ‘agricultural landscape', ‘agricultural landscape types' and ‘field crops'. Throughout the breeding season the abundances varied, dependent on the field crop and the development of vegetation structures(height, coverage, and density). HM-analysis led to the identification of specific habitat configurations preferred by individual bird species within the agricultural landscape. These findings indicate that the methodology has the potential to design monitoring schemes for the identification of cause-and-effects of landscape configuration, land use and land use changes on the habitat suitability and abundance of farmland birds. 展开更多
关键词 farmland birds hierarchical monitoring scheme agricultural landscape vegetation structures habitat matrix BIODIVERSITY
Passive control experiment of building with spacious first story by magnet-friction energy dissipation device
作者 李庆祥 王伟 《Journal of Harbin Institute of Technology(New Series)》 EI CAS 2005年第6期613-619,共7页
Based on the former performance capacity experiments of the magnet-friction energy dissipation devices, including the permanent magnet-friction energy dissipation device (PMF) and electromagnet-friction energy dissipa... Based on the former performance capacity experiments of the magnet-friction energy dissipation devices, including the permanent magnet-friction energy dissipation device (PMF) and electromagnet-friction energy dissipation devices (EMF), a 5-story steel frame model with spacious first story is designed and made according to a scale of 1/4. The magnet-friction energy dissipation devices can realize continuously varied controlling force, with rapid response and reverse recognition. Therefore, they overcome shortcomings usually found in energy dissipation devices whose force models are invariable. The two kinds of devices were fixed on the flexible first story of the structure model, and the shaking table tests have been carried out, respectively. In these tests, the performance of the devices and their effectiveness in structural control were confirmed. In this paper, the test results and analysis are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 PMF EMF spacious first story shaking table test structural control
作者 ZHU Xiao-hua Patel NILANCHAL +1 位作者 ZUO Wei YANG Xiu-chun 《Chinese Geographical Science》 SCIE CSCD 2006年第1期48-55,共8页
Based on the fractal theory, the spatial structure of China's vegetation has been analyzed quantitatively in this paper. Some conclusions are drawn as the following. 1) The relationships between size and frequency o... Based on the fractal theory, the spatial structure of China's vegetation has been analyzed quantitatively in this paper. Some conclusions are drawn as the following. 1) The relationships between size and frequency of patch area and patch shape index exist objectively for China's vegetation. 2) The relationships between perimeter and area exist objectively for China's vegetation. 3) The fractal dimension of evergreen needleleaf forests on mountains in subtropical and tropical zones is the largest, while the smallest for deciduous broadleafand evergreen needleleaf mixed forests in temperate zone, reflecting the most complex spatial structure for evergreen needleleaf forests on mountains in subtropical and tropical zones and the simplest for deciduous broadleaf and evergreen needleleaf mixed forests in temperate zone. 4) The fractal dimensions of China's vegetation types tend to decrease from thc subtropics to both sides. 5) The stability of spatial structure of deciduous broadleaf and evergreen needleleaf mixed forests in temperate zone is the largest, while the smallest for double-cropping rice, or double-cropping rice and temperate-like grain, and tropical evergreen economic tree plantations and orchards, reflecting the steadiest for deciduous broadleaf and evergreen needleleaf mixed forests in temperate zone and the most unstable for double-cropping rice, or double-cropping rice and temperate-like grain, and tropical evergreen economic tree plantations and orchards in spatial structure. 6) The stability of spatial structure of China's vegetation tends to decrease from the temperate zone to both sides, it is significantly pertinent to understand the formation, evolution, dynamics and complexity rule of ecosystem of vegetation. 展开更多
关键词 VEGETATION spatial structure FRACTAL fractal dimension China
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