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作者 孔平生 《传媒观察》 1996年第9期51-51,共1页
近两年来,《人民日报》、《经济日报》、《工人日报》、《中国电力报》等报刊都刊登过我写的言论稿件,有些稿件还获了奖。在业余生活中,我最爱看的是“言论”,最爱写的也是“言论”。说句实在话,“言论”在基层单位并不太受欢迎,尤其是... 近两年来,《人民日报》、《经济日报》、《工人日报》、《中国电力报》等报刊都刊登过我写的言论稿件,有些稿件还获了奖。在业余生活中,我最爱看的是“言论”,最爱写的也是“言论”。说句实在话,“言论”在基层单位并不太受欢迎,尤其是本单位职工写本单位的“言论”,更被认为是“栽刺”行为。但我依然兴趣不减,对“言论”情有独钟。我感到“言论”写作对个人成长十分有益,具体反映在四个“一”上: 言论给我“一双慧眼”。在改革开放中。 展开更多
关键词 “言论” 社会主义市场经济体制 个人成长 言论稿 社会转型期 《经济日报》 参与感 业余生活 《人民日报》 改革开
电视新闻言论节目本性的失落与回归 被引量:2
作者 黄匡宇 《现代传播(中国传媒大学学报)》 CSSCI 北大核心 1997年第1期41-43,共3页
关键词 新闻言论 “焦点访谈” 电视台 图像文化 社会环境 心理环境 “言论” 电视新闻 新闻评论节目 传播效果
电视新闻言论节目传播盲点研究 被引量:1
作者 黄匡宇 《声屏世界》 北大核心 1996年第11期11-12,共2页
在我国大陆,一般认为:“电视新闻言论,是评论者、评论集体或电视机构对当前具有普遍意义的事件、问题、或社会现象表示的意见和态度。”在我国台湾,将电视新闻言论统称为“新闻评论”:“新闻评论系新闻报道的延伸,可说是新闻事件的解释... 在我国大陆,一般认为:“电视新闻言论,是评论者、评论集体或电视机构对当前具有普遍意义的事件、问题、或社会现象表示的意见和态度。”在我国台湾,将电视新闻言论统称为“新闻评论”:“新闻评论系新闻报道的延伸,可说是新闻事件的解释说明,必须是具有评述价值内容,也就是‘为最大多数人的最大利益’的事件,才足以作为评论的题材。除了比较分析外,更综合各项可能意见,再加上自己的见解,较具主观成分”。在美国,《哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)1993年年鉴》这样认定“言论”:“要有适度的言论,告诉他们(观众)在重大新闻中还有什么新闻。 展开更多
关键词 新闻言论 节目传播 电视节目 《焦点访谈》 图象文化 “言论” 新闻评论 电视新闻 哥伦比亚广播公司 盲点
作者 高明 舟人 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2001年第1期13-15,共3页
关键词 中古汉语 诗歌语言 构成 源流 专著 角度 突破 考证
作者 雷霆 柳长华 《成都中医药大学学报》 2024年第1期8-12,共5页
天回镇出土医简《脉书·上经》中记载了五脏通天,分别通于四时与中州。本文通过对四时思想起源的探讨,以及出土文献与传世文献的对读比较,认为四时思想在医学中的关切首先在于疾病,这种四时疾病系统在《脉书·上经》中与五藏相... 天回镇出土医简《脉书·上经》中记载了五脏通天,分别通于四时与中州。本文通过对四时思想起源的探讨,以及出土文献与传世文献的对读比较,认为四时思想在医学中的关切首先在于疾病,这种四时疾病系统在《脉书·上经》中与五藏相结合,旨在说明四时五脏疾病的部位与诊治原则。 展开更多
关键词 脉书·上经 四时疾病系统 金匮真言论 六节藏象论
作者 吕康宁 《湖北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2024年第1期59-67,共9页
通过思考语言起源,卢梭发现了“真正的社会”的形成及其特质,由此构成他反思现代社会的理论基础,进而提炼出建构更加合理的社会需要的最珍贵的东西——一种人与人之间心理上的、作为整体的凝聚物——政治德性。这是一种在理性基础上缔... 通过思考语言起源,卢梭发现了“真正的社会”的形成及其特质,由此构成他反思现代社会的理论基础,进而提炼出建构更加合理的社会需要的最珍贵的东西——一种人与人之间心理上的、作为整体的凝聚物——政治德性。这是一种在理性基础上缔结社会契约的最初约定,即个人的意志服从普遍的意志的政治美德。普遍的意志具有超越个体、统一社会的强大力量,在于其普遍性,是人人都会认同的判断和信条。学界以往对卢梭语言著述的研究着重从语言学角度展开,遮蔽了语言与政治制度的隐秘关联,阐明卢梭语言著述的理论内涵,有助于把握卢梭社会理论的整全逻辑。 展开更多
关键词 语言起源 风格差异 制度反思 精神连结
中国科幻文学的海外传播——以《三体》在英语世界的译介与接受为例 被引量:1
作者 宋菁 徐惟诚 《语言与文化论坛》 2023年第2期117-126,共10页
刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的... 刘慈欣的科幻小说《三体》的英译本使他获得了在英语世界的文学声望。本文围绕译介过程、译本形态和海外接受情况剖析异质文化语境中的由刘宇昆翻译的《三体》英译本,探索中国科幻文学如何在新的文化空间被认识与解读。赞助人与译者的多方合力是促成《三体》海外传播的重要基石;具有鲜明异国特色的“他者”译本是引导海外读者欣赏中国文学审美的有效翻译策略;馆藏数据、媒体关注及读者评价是探讨中国科幻文学的海外影响力和评判海外读者接受程度的重要指标,这3个层面的分析为中国当代文学的对外译介与海外传播提供了新的启示。 展开更多
关键词 中国科幻文学 英语世界 译介 接受 《三体》
开放学科边界与人才训练 被引量:2
作者 赵园 《中国现代文学研究丛刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第1期5-8,共4页
关键词 学科边界 《明清之际士大夫研究》 “言论” 现代文学 跨学科研究 文学研究 理论方式 人文学者 理论能力 明遗民
An interpretation of J. C. Catford's A linguistic theory of translation 被引量:2
作者 陈顺意 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第7期36-41,共6页
J. C. Catford is a world-renowned British linguist and translation theorist, and also an outstanding representative of the linguistic school of translation. His famous work A linguistic theory of translation was first... J. C. Catford is a world-renowned British linguist and translation theorist, and also an outstanding representative of the linguistic school of translation. His famous work A linguistic theory of translation was first published by Oxford University Press in 1965, and republished in 1967. It was among the list of the series of language and linguistic studies of Oxford University. This essay attempts to interpret this great book in five aspects, namely, definition of translation, types of translation, translation equivalence, transference, and limits of translatability, and tries to probe into the positive impact of its theories on the development of translation theory and its limitations. 展开更多
关键词 J. C. Catford A linguistic theory of translation TRANSLATION LINGUISTICS
作者 杨晓娟 申和平 康红 《河北大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第2期118-121,共4页
隶属于同盟会,国民党系统的报纸——《中央新闻》,以勇于揭露当权者,敢于发表激进的民主革命言论而著称于世。1912年6月2日民国临时政府非法逮捕《中央新闻》社员案,是民国建立后第一次大规模政府与媒体的激烈冲突。此案件是民国新闻史... 隶属于同盟会,国民党系统的报纸——《中央新闻》,以勇于揭露当权者,敢于发表激进的民主革命言论而著称于世。1912年6月2日民国临时政府非法逮捕《中央新闻》社员案,是民国建立后第一次大规模政府与媒体的激烈冲突。此案件是民国新闻史上值得研究的事件之一。根据已有的资料,对《中央新闻》案的来龙去脉以及历史意义,作了简要的梳理和评析。据此说明在现代化的民主制度下,新闻法律法规的健全对于保障言论自由权、约束绝对言论自由下的危害性行为以及平衡社会各种力量是不可或缺的。 展开更多
关键词 《中央新闻》 “言论自由权” 绝对言论自由
作者 张代泯 《高校教育管理》 1982年第2期94-94,共1页
关键词 英发 周瑜 吕蒙 双全 胆略 陆逊 “言论” 统编教材 中学语文 孙权
作者 王智生 《新疆新闻界》 1997年第4期49-50,共2页
关键词 新闻评论 新闻文体 新闻传播 新闻报道 近代报纸 “言论” 新闻事实 发表意见 述评 政论性
言之有据 论之有理
作者 王建章 《新闻爱好者》 1996年第8期18-18,共1页
关键词 “言” 自由主义 语言 “言论” 社会效果 客观事物 “物” 翻来覆去说 向读者负责 李卜克内西
作者 马新民 《今传媒》 1999年第5期41-41,共1页
关键词 “清” 废旧电池 《西安日报》 《三秦都市报》 治理白色污染 以人为本 中医药 “言论” 命中率 回收再利用
作者 陈爱清 《华人时刊》 2002年第5期38-38,共1页
我利用多次去新加坡探亲的机会, 做民间的双向交流工作,到新加坡宣传 中国,在国内介绍新加坡,以增进相互 了解和友谊。 新加坡有《联合早报》、《联合晚报》 和《新明日报》三家华文大报,每份每天 少则30多版、多则60多版,订报不要动员... 我利用多次去新加坡探亲的机会, 做民间的双向交流工作,到新加坡宣传 中国,在国内介绍新加坡,以增进相互 了解和友谊。 新加坡有《联合早报》、《联合晚报》 和《新明日报》三家华文大报,每份每天 少则30多版、多则60多版,订报不要动员,更不用开会、发文件,发行量却很 大。每家报纸都有“言论”、“交流”等专栏,就经济、文化、教育、社会环境、人文 习俗等多方面的问题展开广泛讨论。我 在报纸上先后发表了19篇文章,介绍 改革开放的中国。新加坡比较民主,也 重视民间舆论,有关方面还对我的建议 在报上作了答复。 展开更多
关键词 新加坡 《联合早报》 外国留学生 《联合晚报》 了解和友谊 民间舆论 “言论” 问题展开 社会环境 双向交流
On Second Language Learners' Lexical Competence
作者 陈士法 彭建武 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第6期5-7,共3页
The paper discusses SL learners' lexical competence from O'Connor's Five Steps of Vocabulary Acquisition Theory, Collins & Loftus's Semantic Network Theory and Fay & Cutler's Mental Lexicon Theory. From the dis... The paper discusses SL learners' lexical competence from O'Connor's Five Steps of Vocabulary Acquisition Theory, Collins & Loftus's Semantic Network Theory and Fay & Cutler's Mental Lexicon Theory. From the discussion, the author finds that second language learners' lexical competence includes the following aspects: the ability to recall the words which are similar to the target words in spelling and pronunciation; the ability to recall the synonyms of the target words; the ability to recall the antonyms of the target words; and the ability to recall the related words which come together with the target words in a context. Meanwhile it advances some strategies to develop the corresponding competence. 展开更多
关键词 vocabulary acquisition theories PSYCHOLINGUISTICS SL learners' lexical competence
Understanding advertisements from the perspective of relevance theory
作者 韦晓保 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第7期42-46,共5页
This paper approaches advertisements on the basis of relevant theory. It elaborates how the advertiser as addresser in communication succeed in conveying his intention for publicity and how the recipient as addressee ... This paper approaches advertisements on the basis of relevant theory. It elaborates how the advertiser as addresser in communication succeed in conveying his intention for publicity and how the recipient as addressee takes advantage of different types of relevant devices in reasoning out the communicative purposes from four different angles, namely, non-stereotypical interpretation of advertisements, psychological requirements of the recipient as addressee in advertisements, advertisements as explicit information and the situational approach to implicit meanings of advertisements. It aims at providing guidance for advertisement planning and translation by means of the exposure of rules underlying advertisements. 展开更多
关键词 relevance theory ADVERTISEMENT non-stereotypical relations explicit information implicit information
The Comparative Study of Metaphors -- From Cognitive and Systemic-Functional Perspectives
作者 王健坤 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2006年第8期53-58,共6页
Metaphors have different expressions in cognitive and systematic-functional linguistics, which are conceptual metaphors and ideational metaphors. Conceptual metaphors belong to traditional vocabulary metaphors, and id... Metaphors have different expressions in cognitive and systematic-functional linguistics, which are conceptual metaphors and ideational metaphors. Conceptual metaphors belong to traditional vocabulary metaphors, and ideational grammatical metaphors are pointed out by Halliday--the main representative of systemic-functional theory. This paper elaborates on the specific grammatical feature of EST (English for Science and Technology) text--"nominalization of processes" to reveal the source of ideational metaphors. From the analysis of some examples, it is found that nominalization as a grammatical metaphor expresses the transference between process types, so it reveals the essence of ideational grammatical metaphors. Meanwhile, the comparison made between grammatical metaphors and vocabulary metaphors reflects the similarities between conceptual metaphors and ideational metaphors. In this way, this paper comes to the conclusion that the combination of the study methods of metaphors from both cognitive and systemic-functional perspectives is the best way to uncover the basic characteristic of human thinking. 展开更多
关键词 cognitive linguistics systemic-functional theory conceptual metaphors ideational grammatical metaphors
Grice's theory of conversational implicature 被引量:2
作者 QU Li-juan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第7期63-66,共4页
Understanding an utterance is far from proposition analysis and literal meaning interpretation. It is the unity of what is said and what is implicated. Grice's theory of conversational implicature provides some expli... Understanding an utterance is far from proposition analysis and literal meaning interpretation. It is the unity of what is said and what is implicated. Grice's theory of conversational implicature provides some explicit account of how it is possible to mean more than what is literally expressed by the conventional sense of the linguistic expressions uttered. Using this theory, we can infer the speaker's real attention, appreciate figure of speech in literary work, and improve our communicative competence. 展开更多
关键词 conversational implicature INFERENCE co-operative maxims figure of speech
Pacing and predictors of performance during cross-country skiing races:A systematic review 被引量:8
作者 Thomas Stogg Barbara Pellegrini Hans-Christer Holmberg 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2018年第4期381-393,共13页
Background: Cross-country skiing (XCS) racing, a popular international winter sport, is complex and challenging from physical, technical, and tactical perspectives. Despite the vast amount of research focusing on t... Background: Cross-country skiing (XCS) racing, a popular international winter sport, is complex and challenging from physical, technical, and tactical perspectives. Despite the vast amount of research focusing on this sport, no review has yet addressed the pacing strategies of elite XCS racers or the factors that influence their performance. The aim was to review the scientific literature in an attempt to determine the effects of pacing strategy on the performance of elite XCS racers. Methods: Four electronic databases were searched using relevant subject headings and keywords. Only original research articles published in peerreviewed journals and the English language and addressing performance, biomechanics, physiology, and anthropometry of XCS racers were reviewed. Results: All 27 included articles applied correlative designs to study the effectiveness of different pacing strategies. None of the articles involved the use of an experimental design. Furthermore, potential changes in external conditions (e.g.,weather, ski properties) were not taken into consideration. A comparable number of studies focused on the skating or classical technique. In most cases, positive pacing was observed, with certain indications that higher-level athletes and those with more endurance and strength utilized a more even pacing strategy. The ability to achieve and maintain a long cycle length on all types of terrain was an important determinant of performance in all of the included studies, which was not the case for cycle rate. In general, uphill performance was closely related to overall race performance, with uphill performance being most closely correlated to the success of female skiers and performance on flat terrain being more important for male skiers. Moreover, pacing was coupled to the selection and distribution of technique during a race, with faster skiers employing more double poling and kick double poling, less diagonal stride, and more V2 (double dance) than V1 (single dance) skating across a race. Conclusion: We propose that skiers at all levels can improve their performance with more specific training in techniques (i.e., maintaining long cycles without compromising cycle rate and selecting appropriate techniques) in combination with training for endurance and more strength. Furthermore, we would advise less experienced skiers and/or those with lower levels of performance to apply a more even pacing strategy rather than a positive one (i.e., starting the race too fast).2018 Published by Elsevier B.V. on behalf of Shanghai University of Sport. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license. (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-nc-nd/4.0/). 展开更多
关键词 Classic style Competition Cycle characteristics Positive pacing SKATING
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