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作者 张晓世 《电影文学》 北大核心 2020年第24期136-138,共3页
作为一代特立独行的导演,吉姆·贾木许始终以一己之力推动着独立电影的发展。导演的零散式的叙事风格以及恬淡的诗意风格一直以来都极具特色,而作为一部真正“以诗会诗”的电影,《帕特森》从根本上延续了导演的风格,同时将具有疏离... 作为一代特立独行的导演,吉姆·贾木许始终以一己之力推动着独立电影的发展。导演的零散式的叙事风格以及恬淡的诗意风格一直以来都极具特色,而作为一部真正“以诗会诗”的电影,《帕特森》从根本上延续了导演的风格,同时将具有疏离感的冷峻式的影片呈现得十分巧妙。影片通过诗歌来与充满诗歌意境的画面相配合,利用幽默感和机械感十足重复式的呈现将人物的形象塑造得非常生动立体。《帕特森》以诗人的视角观察平凡的世界,审视平淡的生活,将其中的诗意表达得浪漫又有深意。 展开更多
关键词 吉姆·贾木许 文艺片 人物塑造 “诗学”电影
论哈·布鲁姆“诗学误读” 被引量:6
作者 胡宝平 《外国语文》 1999年第3期1-4,共4页
诗学误读”是美国解构主义批评家哈罗德·布鲁姆在70 年代提出的一种文化批评理论。本文作者就该理论的核心原则———“影响、焦虑、误读和诗史”进行了辩证分析,指出这套理论在重新定位传统的基础上揭示了文学演变的动力机制... 诗学误读”是美国解构主义批评家哈罗德·布鲁姆在70 年代提出的一种文化批评理论。本文作者就该理论的核心原则———“影响、焦虑、误读和诗史”进行了辩证分析,指出这套理论在重新定位传统的基础上揭示了文学演变的动力机制和内化规律,因而具有重大意义。 展开更多
关键词 布鲁姆 “诗学误读” 影响 焦虑 误读 诗史
作者 王丰 《汉字文化》 2023年第S01期127-129,共3页
朱光潜认为“诗话”指的是注重直观感觉和主观喜爱的中国传统文学批评。如,以司空图、严羽等人所代表的强调妙悟、比喻的印象主义批评方法,这就属于“诗话”这一行列。而“诗学”指的是注重严谨分析和逻辑归纳的现代文学批评体系,以科... 朱光潜认为“诗话”指的是注重直观感觉和主观喜爱的中国传统文学批评。如,以司空图、严羽等人所代表的强调妙悟、比喻的印象主义批评方法,这就属于“诗话”这一行列。而“诗学”指的是注重严谨分析和逻辑归纳的现代文学批评体系,以科学、客观的精神为主导并由此到达理性思维的层次,将古代汉诗与当时的文学潮流相匹配。《诗论》的文本内容也旨在围绕“诗学”进行构建。正是朱光潜(1987)《诗论》在理论思维、方法论以及贯通中西等方面所贡献的孜孜努力,方才完成了中国文学批评从“诗话”向“诗学”的现代转换。 展开更多
关键词 《诗论》 “诗学” 现代转换
论埃兹拉·庞德中华思想文化术语翻译中的“诗学化”倾向 被引量:2
作者 高博 《外语教育研究》 2019年第3期50-55,共6页
关键词 埃兹拉·庞德 中华思想文化术语 “诗学化”倾向
理性主义与浪漫主义并重的办公建筑设计——以浙江日报报业集团采编大楼为例 被引量:1
作者 倪剑 《浙江建筑》 2013年第6期22-24,39,共4页
关键词 办公建筑 “科学”与“诗学”并重 三角菱形表皮
作者 陈开鸣 陈全明 《贵阳学院学报(自然科学版)》 2002年第4期55-58,共4页
80年代出现的所谓“思想进步,艺术退步”是现当代文学发展中带有“偏至”性的“普遍化現象”的批评,是一种“偏至”批评。对被指责的所谓“老舍现象”、“茅盾现象”有其片面性。对被重点指责的所谓“郭沫若现象”,作者认为应根据广义... 80年代出现的所谓“思想进步,艺术退步”是现当代文学发展中带有“偏至”性的“普遍化現象”的批评,是一种“偏至”批评。对被指责的所谓“老舍现象”、“茅盾现象”有其片面性。对被重点指责的所谓“郭沫若现象”,作者认为应根据广义的“诗学”原则认识郭沫若创作发展,他不仅在初期以诗歌《女神》显示出文学“高峰”地位,而且在中后期又以历史剧显示出文学“高峰”地位。对其中后期诗歌也应实事求是评价。 展开更多
关键词 社会学“现象”范畴 广义“诗学” 文学高峰 横向比较 纵向影响
Petersburg's religious myths in Dostoevsky's Crime and punishment
作者 吴倩 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期55-59,共5页
Many Russian scholars have expounded Dostoevsky's religious outlooks, which are embodied in Petersburg's religious myths. Dostoevsky describes the fantasy of Petersburg in the hands of the devil, and he also adds a ... Many Russian scholars have expounded Dostoevsky's religious outlooks, which are embodied in Petersburg's religious myths. Dostoevsky describes the fantasy of Petersburg in the hands of the devil, and he also adds a lot of mythological colors in his diction. This article expounds the above idea from the angles of both mythological atmosnhere and mythological poetics. 展开更多
关键词 religious outlook mythological atmosphere mythological poetics
Strategies of Teaching English Poetry
作者 纪启明 李明 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期18-20,29,共4页
This paper deals with how to teach appreciation of English poetry in college by analyzing the following items: introduction of the concept, content and writing style, the realistic meaning, multi-media aided teaching... This paper deals with how to teach appreciation of English poetry in college by analyzing the following items: introduction of the concept, content and writing style, the realistic meaning, multi-media aided teaching and translating English poetry into Chinese. 展开更多
关键词 appreciation of English poetry content and writing style the realistic meaning multi-media aided teaching translating English poetry into Chinese
作者 刘倩 《安徽大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第4期88-92,共5页
元代文学的一个重要特点是大量华化的西域人过继了汉语的表达方式抒情言志,陈垣先生在《元西域人华化考》中认为宋末元初西域诗人蒲寿宬乃元代西域人华化之先导。蒲寿宬的文学创作体现了西域民族原有的审美和文化特征在其华化过程中所... 元代文学的一个重要特点是大量华化的西域人过继了汉语的表达方式抒情言志,陈垣先生在《元西域人华化考》中认为宋末元初西域诗人蒲寿宬乃元代西域人华化之先导。蒲寿宬的文学创作体现了西域民族原有的审美和文化特征在其华化过程中所起的作用,对于研究元代华化西域人的文学创作和文学特征以及探讨回族文学的发生、发展,蒲寿宬具有不可替代的意义,但现存文献中关于其生平记载简略且多疑点,需作进一步考证。 展开更多
关键词 元代 西域人 华化 蒲寿宬 《心泉学诗稿》
作者 蔡荣湘 王扬真 《柳州师专学报》 2015年第4期4-8,共5页
审美认同是一种饱含艺术性的文化认同,它通过艺术化的传承、批判、创新来实现文化认同的审美建构,具有鲜明的顺承性、批判性、创新性。《沧浪诗话》以禅喻诗的诗学评论表征了严羽对"禅"的审美认同,其理论生成路径是:经由"... 审美认同是一种饱含艺术性的文化认同,它通过艺术化的传承、批判、创新来实现文化认同的审美建构,具有鲜明的顺承性、批判性、创新性。《沧浪诗话》以禅喻诗的诗学评论表征了严羽对"禅"的审美认同,其理论生成路径是:经由"佛学禅"的顺承与转化,到"诗学禅"的批判,再到"心学禅"的整合,最终创造性地统合禅与道、禅与理的诗学关系,实现了审美认同的建构。 展开更多
关键词 审美认同 “以禅喻诗” “诗学禅” “心学禅”
Writing Haiku in a Second Language: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Emotions of Second Language Learners 被引量:1
作者 Atsushi lida 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1472-1485,共14页
The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen re... The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen regarding writing Japanese poetry, haiku in English. This paper first discussed issues and uses of literature in L2 contexts and addressed the current empirical inquiry into L2 haiku writing as a method for L2 learning. The study was designed as a qualitative research which investigated the participants' reflection on writing L2 haikus for six weeks in an EFL college writing course. The data obtained was analyzed by using the coding system and showed that writing haiku in the target language was a challenging but valuable task for L2 learning among the EFL students. Especially haiku composition allowed them to develop their L2 linguistic awareness 展开更多
关键词 poetry writing HAIKU perceptions and attitudes EFL (English as a Foreign Language) contexts
The Road Not Taken by Robert Frost or Empathic Cognition and the Role of Symbols in Comprehension of Poetry
作者 Irina Kladenova 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第3期213-218,共6页
The role of empathic cognition is very "great for philosophers and philosophy in general and for ordinary people. Empathic cognition gives people a chance "to let" the emotions of the Other "go" into their minds.... The role of empathic cognition is very "great for philosophers and philosophy in general and for ordinary people. Empathic cognition gives people a chance "to let" the emotions of the Other "go" into their minds. Empathic cognition is based on so-called co-suffering and in-sensation of the feelings of the Other or Others. Clots of energy or certain energy units are formed in consciousness of each person, they are called "subjective representants". It is possible to understand the Other or Others and to decipher the main idea of the poem (if the task to work on translation is given) and to express it in the native language if to find out not only the meanings of the words but the symbols the author has used in his poem. The reader "goes into" the world of the author trying to be near the author and trying to grasp what the author felt working on the poem. There is something what gives us a possibility to enter into the world of a creative personality. This "something" is empathic cognition. 展开更多
关键词 empathic cognition the Other (the Others) subjective representant SYMBOLS POETRY
A Comparative Analysis on Nine English Translations of Mao Zedong Poems
作者 LI Chun-feng 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2018年第8期1140-1148,共9页
A poem can not be interpreted to its exact meaning, which determines the different understanding and translation strategies and the ensuing different translation versions. This paper, by analyzing nine versions of Mao... A poem can not be interpreted to its exact meaning, which determines the different understanding and translation strategies and the ensuing different translation versions. This paper, by analyzing nine versions of Mao Zedong's poems from its form, choice of words, imagery and meters, finds that Prof. Li Zheng-shuan's version has reproduced both the lyrical and spiritual effects in the translation: Looking at it, it's pleasant to the eyes; listening to it, it's agreeable to the ear; thinking about it, it's penetrating to the mind; reading it, it's flowing fluently on the tongue 展开更多
关键词 Mao Zedong Poems English translation COMPARISON
Manifestations of the Arab Spring in Literature: "Video Clip Poems" on YouTube as a Model
作者 Eman Younis 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2016年第1期33-42,共10页
This article will discuss the manifestation of the Arab Spring in Arab literature and sheds light on what has become known as "Video Clips Poems" or "Flash Poems" on YouTube. We shall attempt to answer a number of... This article will discuss the manifestation of the Arab Spring in Arab literature and sheds light on what has become known as "Video Clips Poems" or "Flash Poems" on YouTube. We shall attempt to answer a number of questions concerning Arab Spring literature in general and the video clips in particular: What role did this literature plays in the political transformations witnessed by the Arab world in recent years? What are the means it used in order to inflame the masses? What are the features of the Arab Spring video clips as a new genre different from printed genres? Will the Arab Spring continue to be a literary theme after the end of these uprisings? These clips possess rich and dense semantics content and meaning as it will be shown in this article. 展开更多
关键词 Arab Spring Video clip poems YOUTUBE literature and revolution
Aspects of Urhobo Grammar Taught Through Poetry: The Verb "Edia" to Be
作者 Carole Ejomafuvwe Akpofure - Okenrentie, Ph.D. 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第8期663-670,共8页
Unquestionably, anyone born to Urhobo parents, being biologically Urhobo, should speak the Urhobo language. But does everybody born by an Urhobo parent speak Urhobo? From our observation, the answer to this question ... Unquestionably, anyone born to Urhobo parents, being biologically Urhobo, should speak the Urhobo language. But does everybody born by an Urhobo parent speak Urhobo? From our observation, the answer to this question is clearly "no". Many of the Urhobo people in the Diaspora as well as those at home have chosen to shift from their own language to other languages. Hence Urhobo language has gradually acquired the status of a second language. Therefore, its teaching would also veer away from language teaching methods that are used for first languages. Based on Noam Chomsky's theory of Generative Grammar, aspects of the Urhobo grammar will be treated as we present specifically the verb "edia"/"to be". As it is, it is being presented as a second language bearing in mind the great population of Urhobo people in the Diaspora as well as Mowarin's "miguo generation" of Urhobo children back home in Urhobo land. This being so, the methods applied in this study are the Grammar Translation Method Approach as well as the Direct Method Approach. To facilitate its learning especially for the new generation of Urhobo persons, the poetic approach would also be applied. 展开更多
关键词 Urhobo GRAMMAR VERB "edia"/"to be" POETRY
Alienation of the soul ,Interpretation of The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock
作者 LI Shun-ying 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第10期39-45,共7页
The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock is known as the first masterpiece of modernism poetry. Its protagonist Prufrock is not a concrete single person, but an abstraction of all modem men in trouble. He is alienated by w... The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock is known as the first masterpiece of modernism poetry. Its protagonist Prufrock is not a concrete single person, but an abstraction of all modem men in trouble. He is alienated by women, time and space, and hence he is paralyzed and helpless. The use of dramatic monologue and stream of consciousness, quotation and allusions, objective correlative and startling imagery, irony and anti-climax, refrain and rhythm, fragmentation and juxtaposition not only deepens the theme, but also establishes Eliot's reputation as a leading modernist poet. 展开更多
关键词 The love song of J. Alfred Prufrock theme alienation of the soul techniques expressing the alienation
Pastoral Poets' Different Expectations From Nature in Chinese and Western Cultures
作者 LIANG Yuan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第5期343-348,共6页
Though there is no exact equivalence of western "pastoral" in Chinese, the description of nature did appear abundantly in both cultures. Western pastorals can be traced back to Roman times while Chinese "Tian Yuan ... Though there is no exact equivalence of western "pastoral" in Chinese, the description of nature did appear abundantly in both cultures. Western pastorals can be traced back to Roman times while Chinese "Tian Yuan Shi" (田园诗), which may serve the best similarities, appeared as early as in East-Jin Dynasty (316-420 A.D.). Poets in both cultures praised country life and wanted to have a rest in the nature. Despite these similarities or "parallel", there are also some differences in two kinds of literature which have been widely discussed. Among all the differences, nature's function-spirit purification and consolation or a refuge-in fact varies in Chinese and western pastoral poetries. This means what the authors of these literary works expected from nature by panegyrizing nature highly and indulging themselves in nature differ significantly in two cultures. This phenomenon has been under thoughtful investigation. Different cultural, religious and historical backgrounds in Chinese and western cultures are exploited to explain these differences. However, these explanations are all phenomena themselves and lack the definitiveness and inevitability. The different western history opposite to the absence of subjective rights in China, which can find further resource in cultural geography, is examined in this paper to provide a more desirable answer. 展开更多
关键词 PASTORAL expectations from nature absence of subjective rights
LI Bai's Eight Poems About XI Shi
作者 LIANG Ying 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2011年第3期158-166,共9页
The study traces Chinese poet LI Bai's eight poems about why none of these eight poems gets anthologized in Tang the mythical figure XI Shi and investigates the reasons Shi San Bai Shou ( 《唐诗三百首》), the most ... The study traces Chinese poet LI Bai's eight poems about why none of these eight poems gets anthologized in Tang the mythical figure XI Shi and investigates the reasons Shi San Bai Shou ( 《唐诗三百首》), the most popular poetry of Tang Dynasty anthology. Observations focus on the poems' departure from writing conventions, the poems' genre of huai gu (怀古), the general assumption that may block our understandings and evaluations of these literary works such as LI Po is clumsy at describing feelings and he shows signs of hasty composition and his risky experiments with the tonal effects. 展开更多
关键词 huai gu (怀古) BEAUTY Tang Shi San Bai Shou tonal effects
Communities and the Poetic Imaginary:A Folklore Essay on the Poetry of the Wild Project
作者 Suzanne P. MacAulay 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第2期105-120,共16页
Poetry of the Wild is an ongoing artistic and literary project that according to originator Ana Flores' conception, invites the public "out for a walk" to freshly experience their world through word, sound, and ima... Poetry of the Wild is an ongoing artistic and literary project that according to originator Ana Flores' conception, invites the public "out for a walk" to freshly experience their world through word, sound, and image. Inspired by birdhouse design, these unique configurations of "poetry boxes", combining art and poetry are located in various communal open spaces. Each new project solicits a public response from us all to become catalysts for exploring our environs and questioning how a sense of place informs our consciousness. A folkloristic perspective shapes this discussion about the many variations of this collaborative and public project of poetry boxes, installed on trails, in parks, along rivers, and in library stacks over the past ten years. The primary concerns of folklore interpretation such as tradition, identity, cultural creativity, performance, and narrative analysis, are just a few of the dynamics that can be teased out from investigating a project with such interesting cultural parameters. In this context, cultural sustainability and poetic sensibility deepen our understanding of sense of place, environmental aesthetics, shrine markers, and the scope of individual and communal creative action. 展开更多
Medicine Referred in Poetries in Tang Dynasty In the Case of Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi
作者 Chen Liyun Yan Na 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2016年第2期115-120,共6页
Poetry is an important part of traditional culture, which reached the zenith in Tang dynasty. Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi are famous poets, and there are much about medicine in their works, such as disease, pathogeny, ... Poetry is an important part of traditional culture, which reached the zenith in Tang dynasty. Li Bai, Du Fu and Bai Juyi are famous poets, and there are much about medicine in their works, such as disease, pathogeny, herbs and life cultivation. Some poets described their feelings about getting sick in their poetries, which showed their psychologic status, social conditions and helped us to learn the development of medicine. 展开更多
关键词 Tang Dynasty POETRY MEDICINE
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