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作者 廖智慧 《语文教学与研究》 2023年第10期14-18,共5页
高考语文古诗阅读鉴赏,“读懂”是关键,“读懂”其实就是会解诗。在目前的教学实践中,多数教师并没有太强的古诗创作论意识,他们带领学生解诗的路向多基于文体共性,缺少对古诗文体特殊性的审视,学生由此很难获得真正的解诗能力。“诗向... 高考语文古诗阅读鉴赏,“读懂”是关键,“读懂”其实就是会解诗。在目前的教学实践中,多数教师并没有太强的古诗创作论意识,他们带领学生解诗的路向多基于文体共性,缺少对古诗文体特殊性的审视,学生由此很难获得真正的解诗能力。“诗向会人吟”“会人”必须是能从创作论角度进行解读的人。文章立足古诗创作法度,从句法、章法、写法三个基本方面入手,借“诗法”解“诗义”,探讨、总结读懂古诗的有效路径,并给出相关教学建议。 展开更多
关键词 “诗法” 高考语文
中国古代“诗法”的承传 被引量:1
作者 胡建次 王金根 《江西社会科学》 北大核心 2005年第9期64-69,共6页
关键词 古代 “诗法” 承传 特征
作者 张培生 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1994年第6期53-56,共4页
姜夔的《诗说》,全文才一千多字,但在中国诗话史上却占有很重要的地位,是江西诗论风靡到《沧浪诗话》问世这一段时间的诗论代表作。文中不涉记事,考证,也不评析具体作品,内容全是诗学理论和写诗技巧。由于作者能诗善词,所以他的诗学理... 姜夔的《诗说》,全文才一千多字,但在中国诗话史上却占有很重要的地位,是江西诗论风靡到《沧浪诗话》问世这一段时间的诗论代表作。文中不涉记事,考证,也不评析具体作品,内容全是诗学理论和写诗技巧。由于作者能诗善词,所以他的诗学理论不是空泛的道理,而是他的经验之谈。 姜夔论诗,注重“诗法”,在《诗说》中就多次说到“诗法”或“法度”:“守法度曰诗”。“不知诗病,何由能诗?不观诗法,何由知病?”“出入变化,不可纪极,而法度不可乱”。那么,“诗法”到底指什么呢?它有些什么内容呢?无论你把《诗说》这一千多字捋上多少遍,你也无法从文字上找到明确的答案。 展开更多
关键词 “诗法” 说》 艺术创作 艺术心 姜夔 白石道人 学理论 《沧浪话》 思维方式
《龙岩学院学报》 1999年第S1期51-53,共3页
关键词 组合教学 “诗法” 语文教学 记叙文 结尾方 开头方 《九月九日忆山东兄弟》 过故人庄 阅读与写作
古代文论中的诗格论 被引量:7
作者 张伯伟 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1994年第4期62-71,共10页
一、“诗格”的涵义及范围诗格是中国古代文学批评中某一类书的名称.作为某一类书的专有名词,其范围包括以“诗格”、“诗式”、“诗法”等命名的著作,其后由诗扩展到其它文类,而有“文格”、“赋格”、“四六格”等书,乃至“画格”、... 一、“诗格”的涵义及范围诗格是中国古代文学批评中某一类书的名称.作为某一类书的专有名词,其范围包括以“诗格”、“诗式”、“诗法”等命名的著作,其后由诗扩展到其它文类,而有“文格”、“赋格”、“四六格”等书,乃至“画格”、“字格”之类,其性质是一致的.“诗格”一词,《颜氏家训·文章篇》中已经出现:“挽歌辞者,或云古者《虞殡》之歌,或云自出田横之客,皆为生者悼往告哀之意.陆平原多为死人自叹之言,诗格既无此例,又乖制作本意.”这可能是使用“诗格”一词最早的例子.《礼记·缁衣》云:“言有物而行有格”.郑玄注;“格,旧法也.”伪《孔子家语·五仪》云:“口不吐训格之言.”王肃注:“格,法.” 展开更多
关键词 《文镜秘府论》 “诗格” 古代文论 晚唐五代 “诗法” 文学批评 法” 式》 上官仪 文笔式
为杜诗“熟精《文选》理”进一解 被引量:3
作者 韩泉欣 《浙江大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第3期115-121,共7页
在唐代因科考而重《文选》的普遍风气下 ,杜甫在其《宗武生日》诗中督责其子研习《文选》 ,却主要是为了绍述家学和继承传统的目的。对于“熟精《文选》理”的“理”字 ,其基本内涵应在“使字”和“诗法”两项。前者指向形象意境 ,后者... 在唐代因科考而重《文选》的普遍风气下 ,杜甫在其《宗武生日》诗中督责其子研习《文选》 ,却主要是为了绍述家学和继承传统的目的。对于“熟精《文选》理”的“理”字 ,其基本内涵应在“使字”和“诗法”两项。前者指向形象意境 ,后者偏于形式技巧 ,杜甫以此为研习《文选》着手之处。但抉取其中的精髓 ,关键还在对于前人遗产必须采取分析的方法和“乐取于人以为善”的态度。这一方面是基于杜甫所持的文学发展观念 ,同时也可以从其创作实践得到验证。作为诗歌革新家 ,杜甫实行“以文为诗”和“援古入律”等措施 ,都离不开对《文选》的学习和借鉴。据此可知 ,“熟精《文选》理”实为老杜一生心得之言。其中“熟精”二字 。 展开更多
关键词 《文选》 “使字” “诗法” 别择 熟精
高职院校“建设工程法规”课程思政的探索与实践——以工程造价专业为例 被引量:4
作者 唐若诗 《教育教学论坛》 2023年第8期130-133,共4页
为落实加强党对职业教育工作的全面领导,实现职业技能和职业精神培养高度融合的要求,“建设工程法规”课程的教学内容决定了教师必须承担起学生法治精神培养等思想政治教育的任务,积极探索课程思政开展的具体方式方法,落实立德树人根本... 为落实加强党对职业教育工作的全面领导,实现职业技能和职业精神培养高度融合的要求,“建设工程法规”课程的教学内容决定了教师必须承担起学生法治精神培养等思想政治教育的任务,积极探索课程思政开展的具体方式方法,落实立德树人根本任务。针对高职院校工程造价专业,对“建设工程法规”的思政入课实践方法和教学设计展开探索,基于互动教学,列举主要章节思政元素如何与知识和技能相结合,实现职业能力和职业素质双融合培养。 展开更多
关键词 高职院校 工程造价 建设工程 课程思政 互动教学
20世纪元代诗学研究概述 被引量:1
作者 查洪德 《南阳师范学院学报》 CAS 2002年第3期95-100,共6页
关键词 20世纪 元代学 学研究 文学批评 《瀛奎律髓》 《唐才子传》
作者 王达津 《辽宁大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1997年第4期1-2,共2页
关键词 艺术 艺术特色 艺术魁力 文艺鉴赏 “诗法” 艺术技巧 鉴赏理论 思想内容 《河岳英灵集》 艺术鉴赏
作者 张福勋 《集宁师范学院学报》 1997年第1期1-4,共4页
诗用“翻案法”前代诗人在诗的内容和技巧方面,都为后人提供了十分丰富的可资借鉴的经验.特别是在诗为“绝胜”的时代,“诗料”“诗法”几乎已被诗人用尽,正所谓“李杜诗篇万口传,至今已觉不新鲜”.后人想超越他们,真是难上加难!或云来... 诗用“翻案法”前代诗人在诗的内容和技巧方面,都为后人提供了十分丰富的可资借鉴的经验.特别是在诗为“绝胜”的时代,“诗料”“诗法”几乎已被诗人用尽,正所谓“李杜诗篇万口传,至今已觉不新鲜”.后人想超越他们,真是难上加难!或云来人生唐后,乃宋人的一大不幸,即此理也.但宋人并不甘落后,他们一方面提出“无一字无来处”,从唐诗那里“拿来”许多可用的东西;另一方面,为了不落前人窠臼,又提出“点铁成金”之说,往往变唐人诗意而用之,既“夺胎,又“换骨”,于是乎,你的东西也就变成我的东西了.这正是宋人极聪明处,也是宋人变唐诗、而又有别于唐诗之处.诗用“翻案法”便是一例.孔凡礼《宋诗纪事续补》卷十三刘浚《重阳》“不用茱萸仔细看,管取明年各强健”.引杨万里评此诗“得翻案体”.又明谢棒《诗家直说》云:“屈原曰:‘众人皆醉我独醒’.王绩曰:‘眼看人尽醉,何忍独为醒’?左思曰:‘功成不受爵,长挥归田庐’.太白曰:‘若待功成拂衣去,武陵桃花笑杀人”.王、李二公善于翻案”.说明“翻案”一法,是古人作诗常用的. 展开更多
关键词 翻案 王安石 家直说》 杨万里 “心” “诗法” 纪事
作者 崔益红 《邯郸职业技术学院学报》 1998年第1期53-53,共1页
在我国古代的诗词创作中,诗人与词人都十分注重自己作品语言上的雅洁.当时的文学批评家们也以此作为评判诗词优劣的一条重要标准.如宋代严羽在《沧浪诗话》关于“诗法”的一章中,将“去俗”列为作诗的第一要义.指出“学诗先去五俗:一曰... 在我国古代的诗词创作中,诗人与词人都十分注重自己作品语言上的雅洁.当时的文学批评家们也以此作为评判诗词优劣的一条重要标准.如宋代严羽在《沧浪诗话》关于“诗法”的一章中,将“去俗”列为作诗的第一要义.指出“学诗先去五俗:一曰俗体,二曰俗意,三曰俗句,四曰俗字,五曰俗韵.”同样地,张炎在《词源》中也指出“词欲雅而正。 展开更多
关键词 俗语 “诗法” 词创作 文学批评家 《沧浪话》 民间文学 歌创作 表现手 李清照 古乐府
作者 曾祥波 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期80-88,共9页
传统用典是在不同对象、事件之间建立类比关系,引发联想义。杂体诗用典与之不同,是对同一对象、事件的"能指符号-所指意义"关系加以分离、重组,产生全新意义。宋人首次自觉认识到杂体诗用典"字则正用、意须假借"的... 传统用典是在不同对象、事件之间建立类比关系,引发联想义。杂体诗用典与之不同,是对同一对象、事件的"能指符号-所指意义"关系加以分离、重组,产生全新意义。宋人首次自觉认识到杂体诗用典"字则正用、意须假借"的语言学机制,在字辞、句子、篇章不同文本单位层面广泛运用并加以创新。黄庭坚是宋代杂体诗创作的代表。从创作实践与方法逻辑看,分离、重组典故文本的"能指(语)-所指(意)"关系也是山谷诗法"点铁成金"及相关换骨、夺胎手段的核心机制。换骨是在字辞、句子、篇章三种典故文本单位层面分离、重组"能指(语)-所指(意)"关系。夺胎是对换骨获得的新意义加以引申、否定,形成反转思辨。《沧浪诗话》"以文字为诗"指换骨对典故文本的处理,"以议论为诗"指夺胎对换骨结果的反转思辨,"以才学为诗"统称换骨、夺胎共同具备的典故知识储备前提。从积极方面看,山谷诗法的"语言学转向"是宋人从杂体诗用典的语言学机制中发掘出的一条走出唐诗写作传统、通向现代性诗歌写作前景的新途径。 展开更多
关键词 杂体 语意关系 点铁成金 换骨 夺胎
论春秋笔法与诗史关系 被引量:9
作者 李洲良 《文学遗产》 CSSCI 北大核心 2006年第5期18-23,共6页
本文在钱锺书相关论述的基础上,认为,尚简用晦的“春秋笔法”是源于《诗》的比兴寄托手法和美刺褒贬精神在史书写作中的拓展和延伸,并与赋比兴有明显的对应关系,是史蕴诗心的集中表现。史蕴诗心与西方后现代吏学既不同又相通,其理论意... 本文在钱锺书相关论述的基础上,认为,尚简用晦的“春秋笔法”是源于《诗》的比兴寄托手法和美刺褒贬精神在史书写作中的拓展和延伸,并与赋比兴有明显的对应关系,是史蕴诗心的集中表现。史蕴诗心与西方后现代吏学既不同又相通,其理论意义在于解构了史学中关于“实录”、“信吏”观念的霸权地位,将史书还原为历史叙述文本;突破了传统以史为中心,史主于文的价值观念体系,确立了文艺性修辞在史书中的本体地位。 展开更多
关键词 春秋笔 史蕴 史关系 后现代史学
Interpretation of Robert Frost's "Mending Wall" 被引量:1
作者 ZHAO Xin-li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第6期71-74,共4页
Robert Frost is skillful at adopting symbolism and images in his poems. "Mending Wall", one of Frost's well-known poems, had been analyzed in different approaches, such as psychoanalytical approach, social approach... Robert Frost is skillful at adopting symbolism and images in his poems. "Mending Wall", one of Frost's well-known poems, had been analyzed in different approaches, such as psychoanalytical approach, social approach and structural approaches, etc. By exploring the symbol and images applied in "Mending Wall", it draws the conclusion that "the wall", symbolizing convention, is set as a barrier in human communication. 展开更多
Aspects of Urhobo Grammar Taught Through Poetry: The Verb "Edia" to Be
作者 Carole Ejomafuvwe Akpofure - Okenrentie, Ph.D. 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2016年第8期663-670,共8页
Unquestionably, anyone born to Urhobo parents, being biologically Urhobo, should speak the Urhobo language. But does everybody born by an Urhobo parent speak Urhobo? From our observation, the answer to this question ... Unquestionably, anyone born to Urhobo parents, being biologically Urhobo, should speak the Urhobo language. But does everybody born by an Urhobo parent speak Urhobo? From our observation, the answer to this question is clearly "no". Many of the Urhobo people in the Diaspora as well as those at home have chosen to shift from their own language to other languages. Hence Urhobo language has gradually acquired the status of a second language. Therefore, its teaching would also veer away from language teaching methods that are used for first languages. Based on Noam Chomsky's theory of Generative Grammar, aspects of the Urhobo grammar will be treated as we present specifically the verb "edia"/"to be". As it is, it is being presented as a second language bearing in mind the great population of Urhobo people in the Diaspora as well as Mowarin's "miguo generation" of Urhobo children back home in Urhobo land. This being so, the methods applied in this study are the Grammar Translation Method Approach as well as the Direct Method Approach. To facilitate its learning especially for the new generation of Urhobo persons, the poetic approach would also be applied. 展开更多
关键词 Urhobo GRAMMAR VERB "edia"/"to be" POETRY
A brief analysis of the classical poetry Chinese-English translation: From the perspective of "Beauty in three aspects"
作者 ZENG Hang-li 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2010年第2期52-58,共7页
With the growing of mutual communication between different cultures, the translation of classical Chinese poetry becomes quite significant in the contemporary times. This paper first briefly introduces classical Chine... With the growing of mutual communication between different cultures, the translation of classical Chinese poetry becomes quite significant in the contemporary times. This paper first briefly introduces classical Chinese poetry, major classical Chinese poetry translation schools and their representatives, and professor XU Yuan-zhong's famous principle of "Beauty in three aspects". In order to help disseminate this part of Chinese culture through discussing how the reader of the translation may be inspired, moved and aesthetically entertained in the same way as one reads the original, this paper will analyze the classical poetry Chinese-English translation from the perspective of "Beauty in three aspects", namely, in three parts--beauty in meaning, beauty in sound and beauty in form. Thus, it serves the purpose to offer a relatively comprehensive view of the classical poetry Chinese-English translation. 展开更多
关键词 classical Chinese poetry "Beauty in three aspects" Chinese-English translation
German Poetry in African Languages: The Translation of Selected German Poems From an Intercultural Perspective
作者 Louis Ndong 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2017年第3期255-263,共9页
The article deals with the translation of German poetry into Wolof and is based on Tamsir Annes's translation of German poems under the title Tdere-Woy yi/Das Buch der Lieder. My purpose in this paper is to answer th... The article deals with the translation of German poetry into Wolof and is based on Tamsir Annes's translation of German poems under the title Tdere-Woy yi/Das Buch der Lieder. My purpose in this paper is to answer the question of how elements of the vocabulary of sciences (literature and philosophy) as well as cultural specific items are rendered in the Wolof target text. Therefore, in this work, I explore methods and strategies of translation like borrowings, paraphrases, and analyze furthermore some differences noticeable in the translation of some poems at the cultural level. These analysis-steps enable the investigation of, contextually, the central issue of "cultural translatability" and the reception of translation of European poetry into African languages in general and German poetry into Wolof in particular. The article also focuses on the importance of the reception of German poetry in Wolof as a means of intercultural communication between German and Wolof-speaking countries but as means to develop African languages like Wolof in which the translation of the selected poems has been operated. 展开更多
关键词 TRANSLATION POETRY cultural strategies intercultural communication
Pastoral Poets' Different Expectations From Nature in Chinese and Western Cultures
作者 LIANG Yuan 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第5期343-348,共6页
Though there is no exact equivalence of western "pastoral" in Chinese, the description of nature did appear abundantly in both cultures. Western pastorals can be traced back to Roman times while Chinese "Tian Yuan ... Though there is no exact equivalence of western "pastoral" in Chinese, the description of nature did appear abundantly in both cultures. Western pastorals can be traced back to Roman times while Chinese "Tian Yuan Shi" (田园诗), which may serve the best similarities, appeared as early as in East-Jin Dynasty (316-420 A.D.). Poets in both cultures praised country life and wanted to have a rest in the nature. Despite these similarities or "parallel", there are also some differences in two kinds of literature which have been widely discussed. Among all the differences, nature's function-spirit purification and consolation or a refuge-in fact varies in Chinese and western pastoral poetries. This means what the authors of these literary works expected from nature by panegyrizing nature highly and indulging themselves in nature differ significantly in two cultures. This phenomenon has been under thoughtful investigation. Different cultural, religious and historical backgrounds in Chinese and western cultures are exploited to explain these differences. However, these explanations are all phenomena themselves and lack the definitiveness and inevitability. The different western history opposite to the absence of subjective rights in China, which can find further resource in cultural geography, is examined in this paper to provide a more desirable answer. 展开更多
关键词 PASTORAL expectations from nature absence of subjective rights
On WANG Fu-chih's language view
作者 WEI Jing 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2008年第9期63-65,共3页
WANG Fu-chih is a well-established philosopher and a language master. This paper studies his language view through analyzing his poetic views and his views on the relationship between Name and Reality.
关键词 WANG Fu-chih's language view Name and Reality Xinghui and Xianliang
Writing Haiku in a Second Language: Perceptions, Attitudes, and Emotions of Second Language Learners 被引量:1
作者 Atsushi lida 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2012年第9期1472-1485,共14页
The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen re... The aim of the current study is to discuss the value of poetry writing in an L2 (second language) by investigating perceptions, attitudes, and emotions of 20 EFL (English as a Foreign Language) college freshmen regarding writing Japanese poetry, haiku in English. This paper first discussed issues and uses of literature in L2 contexts and addressed the current empirical inquiry into L2 haiku writing as a method for L2 learning. The study was designed as a qualitative research which investigated the participants' reflection on writing L2 haikus for six weeks in an EFL college writing course. The data obtained was analyzed by using the coding system and showed that writing haiku in the target language was a challenging but valuable task for L2 learning among the EFL students. Especially haiku composition allowed them to develop their L2 linguistic awareness 展开更多
关键词 poetry writing HAIKU perceptions and attitudes EFL (English as a Foreign Language) contexts
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