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西汉继体之君正当性论证杂议--以霍光废刘贺为例 被引量:13
作者 吕宗力 《史学集刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第1期22-38,共17页
从昌邑王到被迎立为皇帝再到废黜为海昏侯,刘贺本人在西汉政治史上或许无足轻重,但元平元年围绕着他发生的帝位废立过程对中国传统政治文化特别是在皇权更迭模式及其正当性论证方面的影响不宜低估。皇朝内部的权力传承或"内继"... 从昌邑王到被迎立为皇帝再到废黜为海昏侯,刘贺本人在西汉政治史上或许无足轻重,但元平元年围绕着他发生的帝位废立过程对中国传统政治文化特别是在皇权更迭模式及其正当性论证方面的影响不宜低估。皇朝内部的权力传承或"内继"之正当性,取决于三项条件:大宗嫡系的继体血统,敬天崇祖的守文之德和反映在符瑞灾异中的天意验证。霍光集团因政治利益的考量自下而上废黜刘贺,其正当性因刘贺本人的德行缺陷、灾异征兆而赢得较广泛的认可。废黜过程中的暗涌微澜也未对西汉皇朝的统治正当性构成重大威胁,这与宣帝和霍光应付废立危机得当不无关系。西汉以后历代皇朝的顶层政治实践中,普遍视霍光"尊孝宣而废昌邑"为皇权更迭的新典范。其"废昏立明"范式不仅为董卓、司马昭、桓温等政治野心家提供了挟天子以令天下的"正当"借口,也成为集权帝制时代防止社会政治极端恶化的制动器,在维护君主专制政体的同时尽可能地维持其统治的价值合理性和较广泛的认受性。 展开更多
关键词 霍光 继体之君 正当性论证
“旅游后台”的哈尼族“现代蘑菇房”“贺新房”仪式研究 被引量:2
作者 陈燕 《学术探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2016年第5期68-73,共6页
在全球化、现代化的今天,"旅游后台"的传统文化也在发生变迁。变迁是文化的恒常状态,而文化自觉和文化的活态传承性是传统能够延续的根本所在。"立中柱""贺新房"两个仪式的合体,反映出村民在继承传统时... 在全球化、现代化的今天,"旅游后台"的传统文化也在发生变迁。变迁是文化的恒常状态,而文化自觉和文化的活态传承性是传统能够延续的根本所在。"立中柱""贺新房"两个仪式的合体,反映出村民在继承传统时的主动性创造和文化自觉意识。村民对"立中柱""贺新房"宗教祭祀仪式的坚守,根植于他们内心深处对超自然存在的笃信、敬畏和对平安、幸福的祈愿。宗教祭祀仪式的神圣性和一定的世俗性,共同造就了传统文化现代存生与变通的可能。 展开更多
关键词 旅游后台 哈尼族 “贺新房”仪式 传承 变迁
基于形式法则的“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样适形设计 被引量:3
作者 李帅 李少博 《设计》 2023年第13期20-23,共4页
针对现阶段内蒙古“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样与其衍生产品之间适配性弱的问题。以图案学中的形式法则为理论基础,探寻“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样创新的新路径,以提高传统纹样与衍生产品之间的适配性。首先,运用个案分析法归纳出“... 针对现阶段内蒙古“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样与其衍生产品之间适配性弱的问题。以图案学中的形式法则为理论基础,探寻“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样创新的新路径,以提高传统纹样与衍生产品之间的适配性。首先,运用个案分析法归纳出“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样的形式规律并加以梳理;其次,根据形式法则归纳总结“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样独特的适形特征;在遵循原有形式法则的前提下,以适形特征为基础对“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样进行适形设计应用。适形设计能够帮助“贺·乌嘎拉吉”传统纹样在现阶段焕发新的活力,为今后传统纹样再设计提供新路径。 展开更多
关键词 形式法则 “贺·乌嘎拉吉” 适形特征 纹样再设计 传统纹样
学人游幕与晚期北方桐城派之维系——以贺葆真与徐世昌交谊为中心 被引量:2
作者 朱曦林 《安徽史学》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期143-150,共8页
由于与桐城派的深厚渊源,徐世昌对桐城之学进行了不遗余力的阐扬。在其幕府中聚集了大批的桐城文人,从而使桐城派在北方得以形成群体,并保持长久的影响。贺葆真作为晚期桐城名家贺涛之子,他的参幕经历虽有其特殊性,但也是晚期桐城文人... 由于与桐城派的深厚渊源,徐世昌对桐城之学进行了不遗余力的阐扬。在其幕府中聚集了大批的桐城文人,从而使桐城派在北方得以形成群体,并保持长久的影响。贺葆真作为晚期桐城名家贺涛之子,他的参幕经历虽有其特殊性,但也是晚期桐城文人由家学传承、桐城渊源而入幕徐府的缩影。通过梳理贺葆真与徐世昌的交谊及其参幕经历,可借之考察徐世昌幕府与晚期北方桐城派维系之关系。 展开更多
关键词 徐世昌 桐城派 葆真
作者 黄宾主 《湖北师范学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2012年第2期46-47,66,共3页
《史记·淮阴侯列传》有多家注译本,间有不明或不妥之处。本文检出"传飱"等五则,训释如次:"贺"本义为"加",文中同"和",附和义;"传飱"指传达有关进餐的命令;"辍耕释耒,褕衣... 《史记·淮阴侯列传》有多家注译本,间有不明或不妥之处。本文检出"传飱"等五则,训释如次:"贺"本义为"加",文中同"和",附和义;"传飱"指传达有关进餐的命令;"辍耕释耒,褕衣甘食"目的是劳军,不是及时行乐;"学道谦让"的"道"并非指道家,实为"谦让之道";"庶几哉"连上为句,陈述主体是"韩信的后半生及其结局跟前半生"。 展开更多
关键词 《淮阴侯列传》 训释 “贺” “传飱” “辍耕释耒 褕衣甘食”
A New Labeonine Fish Species, Parasinilabeo longiventralis, from Eastern Guangxi, China (Teleostei: Cyprinidae) 被引量:3
作者 黄艳飞 陈小勇 杨君兴 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期531-538,共8页
Parasinilabeo longiventralis, a new species is here described from He jiang basin, a tributary of the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) drainage in Fuchuan County, Guangxi Province, southern China. It can be distinguishe... Parasinilabeo longiventralis, a new species is here described from He jiang basin, a tributary of the Zhujiang River (Pearl River) drainage in Fuchuan County, Guangxi Province, southern China. It can be distinguished from all other congeners by having the following combination of characteristics: maxillary barbels length is 78.3-90.4% of rostral barbels length; pelvic-fin length is 83.7-89.4% of the distance between the ventral-fin origin and to the anal-fin origin; a longitudinal wide black stripe running along the posterior lateral line and irregular brown pigments on the sides of the body. 展开更多
关键词 Parasinilabeo Hejiang GUANGXI China
Establishment and Application of a Real-time PCR Method for Detecting stx2 Gene in Shiga Toxin-producing Escherichia coli(STEC)
作者 汪伟 张雪寒 +6 位作者 王润 何孔旺 温立斌 倪艳秀 周俊明 王小敏 李彬 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第9期1473-1477,共5页
[Objective] This study aimed to establish a real-time PCR method for de- tecting stx2 gene in Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). [Method] According to the known STEC stx2 gene sequences published in GenBank, PCR ... [Objective] This study aimed to establish a real-time PCR method for de- tecting stx2 gene in Shiga toxin-producing E. coli (STEC). [Method] According to the known STEC stx2 gene sequences published in GenBank, PCR primers and probes were designed based on the conserved region to construct recombinant plasmid as a positive template, thus optimizing the reaction conditions and establishing the real- time PCR method. [Result] A standard curve was established based on the opti- mized real-time PCR system, indicting a good linear correlation between the initial template concentration and Ct value, with the correlation coefficient F^e of above 0.995. The established method had a good specificity, without non-specific amplifica- tion for 10 non-STEC intestinal bacterial strains; the detection limit of initial template was 1.0x102 copies/μI, indicating a high sensitivity; furthermore, the coefficients of variation within and among batches were lower than 1% and 5% respectively, sug- gesting a good repeatability. [Conclusion] In this study, a real-time PCR method was successfully established for detecting STEC stx2 gene, which provided technical means for rapid detection of STEC in samples. 展开更多
关键词 Shiga toxin-producing E. colr Shiga toxin 2 gene Real-time PCR
Study on the Edge Effect of Orthopteran Community in Ningxia Helan Mountain
作者 贺海明 杨贵军 +1 位作者 何立荣 王新谱 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第2期113-116,145,共5页
[Objective] The study aimed to discuss the influences of edge effect on orthopteran community in east slope of Helan Mountain.[Method] Samples are collected by using sample zone method.The different species of orthopt... [Objective] The study aimed to discuss the influences of edge effect on orthopteran community in east slope of Helan Mountain.[Method] Samples are collected by using sample zone method.The different species of orthopterans in different habitats are recorded.[Result] The percentage of Oedipodidae,Catantopidae and Pamphgidae in total are 42.65%,29.15% and 12.76% respectively.From scattered grassland interior to edge and then to desert grassland,abundance increase in turn,but diversity in the edge is the highe... 展开更多
关键词 ORTHOPTERA Edge effect Diversity Scattered grassland-desert grassland Ecosystem Helan Mountain
作者 李少博 李帅 《内蒙古艺术学院学报》 2023年第4期13-19,共7页
本文以用户体验中的EEI体验模型为基础,以探寻草原文旅产品开发的新路径,通过有效利用当地文化资源的方式对草原文旅产品进行设计,促进内蒙古地区文旅产品的高质量发展。运用实例分析的方法,讨论将EEI体验模型引入草原文旅产品设计的可... 本文以用户体验中的EEI体验模型为基础,以探寻草原文旅产品开发的新路径,通过有效利用当地文化资源的方式对草原文旅产品进行设计,促进内蒙古地区文旅产品的高质量发展。运用实例分析的方法,讨论将EEI体验模型引入草原文旅产品设计的可行性设计中;运用逻辑归纳的方法,梳理分析EEI体验模型与“贺·乌嘎拉吉”(吉祥装饰纹样)草原文旅产品设计之间的关联性,总结出适用于草原文旅产品的设计模型,并进行设计实践。采用EEI体验模型对草原文旅产品进行设计,能够从用户体验的视角出发进行设计,为今后草原文旅产品设计提供新路径。 展开更多
关键词 EEI体验模型 “贺·乌嘎拉吉” 草原文旅产品 产品设计
作者 潘朝曦 《医古文知识》 2002年第3期18-18,共1页
关键词 针灸穴名 颜承平 “贺新居” “赞医道”
Immunoproteomics of membrane proteins of Shigella flexneri 2a 2457T 被引量:11
作者 Tian-Yi Ying Jun-Jun Wang +5 位作者 Heng-Liang Wang Er-Ling Feng Kai-Hua Wei Liu-Yu Huang Pei-Tang Huang Cui-Fen Huang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第43期6880-6883,共4页
AIM: To screen the immunogenic membrane proteins of Shigella Aexneri 2a 2457T. METHODS: The routine two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and Western blotting were combined to screen immunogeni... AIM: To screen the immunogenic membrane proteins of Shigella Aexneri 2a 2457T. METHODS: The routine two-dimensional polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (2-DE) and Western blotting were combined to screen immunogenic proteins of S. Aexneri 2a 2457T. Serum was gained from rabbits immunized with the same bacteria. Immunogenic spots were cut out from the polyacrylamide gel and digested by trypsin in-gel. Matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization time of flight-mass spectrometry (MALDI-TOF-MS) was performed to determine the molecular weight of peptides. Electrospray ionization (ESI-MS/MS) was performed to determine the sequences of the interesting peptides. RESULTS: A total of 20 spots were successfully identified from Coomassie brilliant blue stained gels representing 13 protein entries, 5 known antigens and 8 novel antigens. A hypothetical protein (YaeT) was detected, which might be a candidate target of vaccine. CONCLUSION: Membrane proteins of S. flexneri 2a 2457T were successfully observed by 2-DE. Several known and novel antigens were identified by mass spectrum. 展开更多
关键词 Shigella flexneri 2a 2457T IMMUNOPROTEOMICS Membrane proteins
Omni-Directional Distribution Patterns of Montane Coniferous Forest in the Helan Mountains of China 被引量:5
作者 PANG Yu ZHANG Bai-ping +3 位作者 ZHAO Fang YAO Yong-hui ZHANG Shuo QI Wen-wen 《Journal of Mountain Science》 SCIE CSCD 2013年第5期724-733,共10页
Slope aspect has significant effect on the development and distribution of montane forest, especially in arid and semiarid regions. This paper, using SPOT5 images and 1:5o,ooo DEM, digitally extracts and analyzes the... Slope aspect has significant effect on the development and distribution of montane forest, especially in arid and semiarid regions. This paper, using SPOT5 images and 1:5o,ooo DEM, digitally extracts and analyzes the spatial information of montane coniferous forest (mainly Qinghai spruce), and thereby explores how the upper and lower limits and the altitudinal range of coniferous forest vary and how the area of coniferous forest is related with annual insolation with all aspects in the Helan Mountains. The results show that: 1) In the eastern flank, the lower limit of coniferous forest is between 1,6oo m and a,ooo m a.s.l., and the upper limit between 2,800 m and 3,ooo m a.s.1.; in the western flank, the lower limit of coniferous forest is between a,ooo m and 2,300 m a.s.l., and the upper limit between 9,80o m and 3,1oo m a.s.1.2) The altitudinal ranges of coniferous forest are 8o6-1,435 m, 438-1,14o m for eastern flank and western flank, respectively. 3) The area of coniferous forest takes on a normal distribution with aspect, and it has a close relationship with annual insolation. This distribution model developed in this paper quantitatively reveals the significant effect of slope aspect on the distribution of coniferous forest in arid and semi-arid land. 展开更多
关键词 Arid region Helan Mountains Qinghaispruce (Picea crassifolia) Aspect effect Coniferousforest Normal distribution
Colloidal Gold Strip-NASBA Technique for Rapid Detection of Shigella 被引量:1
作者 Ni Xiumei Wei Xiaotang Jiangyinghui 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第9期121-123,共3页
An isothermal amplification assay for the detection of Shigella based colloidal gold strip detection is developed. The primers designed corresponded to the ipaH gene of Shigella .The sensitivity of the colloidal gold ... An isothermal amplification assay for the detection of Shigella based colloidal gold strip detection is developed. The primers designed corresponded to the ipaH gene of Shigella .The sensitivity of the colloidal gold strip-NASBA method in this study was 6.3 x 101cfu/ml. The specificity of the detection system was detected and the result showed that the NASBA method could distinguish Shigella from other germs. 展开更多
关键词 Colloidal gold strip NASBA SHIGELLA
Interaction between enteric epithelial cells and Peyer's patch lymphocytes in response to Shigella lipopolysaccharide: Effect on nitric oxide and IL-6 release
作者 Jie Chen Chuen-Pei Ng +4 位作者 Dewi K Rowlands Peng-Hui Xu Jie-Ying Gao Yiu-Wa Chung Hsiao-Chang Chan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第24期3895-3900,共6页
AIM: TO investigate the effect of interaction between enteric epithelial cells and lymphocytes of Peyer's patch on the release of nitric oxide (NO) and IL-6 in response to Shigella lipopolysaccharide (LPS). METH... AIM: TO investigate the effect of interaction between enteric epithelial cells and lymphocytes of Peyer's patch on the release of nitric oxide (NO) and IL-6 in response to Shigella lipopolysaccharide (LPS). METHODS: Human colonic epithelial cells (Caco-2) were mixed cocultured with lymphocytes of Peyer's patch from wild-type (C57 mice) and inducible NO synthase knockout mice, and challenged with Shigella F2a-12 LPS. Release of NO and raiL-6 was measured by Griess colorimetric assay and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), respectively. RESULTS: In the absence of LPS challenge, NO was detected in the culture medium of Caco-2 epithelial cells but not in lymphocytes of Peyer's patch, and the NO release was further up-regulated in both cocultures with lymphocytes from either the wild-type or iNOS knockout mice, with a significantly higher level observed in the coculture with iNOS knockout lymphocytes. After Shigella F2a-12 LPS challenge for 24-h, NO production was significantly increased in both Caco-2 alone and the coculture with lymphocytes of Peyer's patch from the wild-type mice but not from iNOS knockout mice. LPS was found to stimulate the release of mIL-6 from lymphocytes, which was suppressed by coculture with Caco-2 epithelial cells. The LPS-induced mIL-6 production in lymphocytes from iNOS knockout mice was significantly greater than that from the wild-type mice. CONCLUSION: Lymphocytes of Peyer's patch maintain a constitutive basal level of NO production from the enteric epithelial cell Caco-2. LPS-induced mIL-6 release from lymphocytes of Peyer's patch is suppressed by the cocultured epithelial cells. While no changes are detectable in NO production in lymphocytes from both wild-type and iNOS knockout mice before and after LPS challenge, NO from lymphocytes appears to play an inhibitory role in epithelial NO release and their own mIL-6 release in response to LPS. 展开更多
关键词 Shigella F2a-12 LPS Colon epithelial cells(Caco-2) Peyer's patch lymphocyte COCULTURE NITRICOXIDE Interleukin-6
作者 陈辉 《台州学院学报》 2022年第1期81-86,共6页
浙江沿海传统婚俗中,存在着婚礼仪式唱婚礼歌和吟“洞房经”的现象。它是古老的吴越歌谣在民间传统婚俗中的活态遗存,带有浓厚的宗教仪式感和民俗文化色彩,是婚俗仪式的诗意表达和艺术呈现。浙江沿海传统婚礼仪式歌在长期的发展过程中,... 浙江沿海传统婚俗中,存在着婚礼仪式唱婚礼歌和吟“洞房经”的现象。它是古老的吴越歌谣在民间传统婚俗中的活态遗存,带有浓厚的宗教仪式感和民俗文化色彩,是婚俗仪式的诗意表达和艺术呈现。浙江沿海传统婚礼仪式歌在长期的发展过程中,形成了各自的特色和相对固定的模式。台州“洞房经”、舟山“贺新郎”、嘉兴“浪柳园”,不仅为婚礼歌贴上了地域的标签,也是不同区域文化传播、交流、融合以及生活变迁、民俗与民歌同步延续的生动写照。 展开更多
关键词 浙江沿海 婚礼仪式歌 “洞房经” “贺新郎” “浪柳园”
Analysis on Some Agronomic Characters and Pedigree in Hezihao Series Peanut Varieties
作者 LIN Xiu-fang WU Chun-ling +3 位作者 CHEN Qing-zheng QI Jun-cheng LIU Hai-dong YE Wan-yu 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2020年第2期9-14,共6页
The genealogical relationship and agronomic characters of 13 peanut varieties,breeded by Hezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,which had been authorized were analyzed.The results showed that 20 direct parents were i... The genealogical relationship and agronomic characters of 13 peanut varieties,breeded by Hezhou Academy of Agricultural Sciences,which had been authorized were analyzed.The results showed that 20 direct parents were involved in 13 varieties,80%of which came from Guangxi and Guangdong Province.Shanyou 523 and Yueyou 193 were used for more times;The genealogical analysis of these certified varieties can be traced back to 30 ancestral parents,the proportion of which contained consanguinity of Fu Peanut and Shitouqi were 84.62%.This demonstrated that genetic basis was rather narrow and it was quite difficult to make a great breakthrough in breeding.Plant height,total number of branches and oil content changed very little,100-pod weight and pod yield increased,whereas there was a downward trend in shelling percentage.Therefore,it is quite necessary to further broaden the germplasm basis of parents,enrich breeding methods,and continue to strengthen disease-resistant breeding and specific peanut breeding. 展开更多
关键词 Peanut variety PEDIGREE Agronomic character Hezhou
Effect of Earthworms on Removal of Pathogens during Stabilization of Industrial Organics
作者 Rahul Kumar Shelesh Kumar Singh Shweta 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2011年第10期794-800,共7页
To investigate feasibility of pathogen free industrial organics with higher agronomic value, the industrial organic wastes were subjected to vermistabilization. The body of earthworm work as "biofilter" and they can... To investigate feasibility of pathogen free industrial organics with higher agronomic value, the industrial organic wastes were subjected to vermistabilization. The body of earthworm work as "biofilter" and they can "purify" and also "disinfect" and "detoxify" municipal and industrial organics. The microbiomics of gut and cast of earthworm (Eisenia foetida Savigny) and their association with vermistabilization was studied to determine the microbial quantification in reactors (industrial organics). Worm were reared in five reactors viz. Sewage sludge (SS), Paper mill industry sludge (PS), Vegetable processing industry (VP), Tannery waste (TW) and Meat process industrial sludge (MP) for ninety days. The microbial load (Salmonella, Shigella, Escherichia, Mycobacterium, Streptococcus) in gut and cast, biomass, recovery of cast in different reactors were determined, periodically. The microbiomics of worms gut revealed the removal of Salmonella (12-18 × 10^8±0.02 to 0-4 × 10^3 + 0.05 CFU/g), Shigella (14-23 × 10^8 ± 0.04 to 0-4 × 10^3 ± 0.05 CFU/g), Escherichia (4-16 × 10^8 ± 0.02 to 0-4 × 10^2 ± 0.05 CFU/g), Mycobacterium (3-16 × 10^8 ± 0.02 to 0-3 × 10^2 ± 0.05 CFU/g), Streptococcus (6-16 × 10^8 ± 0.02 to 0-4 × 10^3 ± 0.05 CFU/g) during stabilization of industrial organics. Similarly, reduction in pathogens Salmonella (12-19 × 10^8 ± 0.02 to 0-8 ×10^3 ± 0.05 CFU/g), Shigella (7-20× 10^8 ± 0.04 to 0-2 ×10^3 ± 0.05 CFU/g), Escherichia (2-20 × 10^8 ± 0.02 to 0.0-2 × 10^3 ± 0.05), Mycobacterium (1-8 × 10^8 ±0.05 to 0.0-5 × 10^2 ± 0.05 CFU/g), Streptococcus (8-18 × 10^8 ± 0.02 to 0-7 × 10^3 ± 0.05 CFU/g) in castings of industrial organics indicates the selective nature of feeding of worm. This amply demonstrates that these pathogens have been eliminated as they entered in food chain of worms. However, it may not be possible to remove pathogens completely, but at least worms change the "microbial make-up" of industrial organics to make it harmless to the soil and enable its use as a nutritive organic fertilizer. 展开更多
关键词 VERMICOMPOST earthworm gut casting removal of pathogens industrial organics.
Expression of Overlapping PCR-generated Shiga Toxin B Gene Fragment in E. Coli and Its Ascitic Polyclonal Antibody
作者 Shan Gao Lin Kang Jinglin Wang 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2010年第1期26-31,共6页
The mature Shiga toxin B (StxB) gene was optimized and generated by overlapping PCR. Recombinant expression vector pQE40-DHFR/StxB was constructed when the gene was cloned into pQE fusion expression vector. Induced ... The mature Shiga toxin B (StxB) gene was optimized and generated by overlapping PCR. Recombinant expression vector pQE40-DHFR/StxB was constructed when the gene was cloned into pQE fusion expression vector. Induced by Isopropyl β-D-thiogalactoside (IPTG), the DHFR/StxB fusion protein was highly expressed to the level of 41.36% in E. coli MI5 cells. The 35 kDa fusion protein with a 6 His-tag was one-step purified from inclusion bodies using Ni-NTA affinity chromatography column under denaturing conditions, and was refolded by dialyzing with a decreasing urea gradient. Purified DHFR/StxB fusion protein was used to immunize Kunming mice for generating the ascitic polyclonal antibody against recombinant StxB protein by injecting sarcoma 180 cells and the titer ofascitic polyclonal antibody is up to 1: 1× 10^6 detected by the indirect enzyme linked immunosorbent assy (ELISA). Western immunoblotting analysis revealed that the ascitic polyclonal antibody against StxB had a specific affinity for a 70 kDa shiga toxin protein of Shigella dysenteriae type 1. It is a new simple and quick method to produce a large amount of ascitic polyclonal antibody. The antibody is used to develop immunological method for detecting shiga toxin. 展开更多
关键词 StxB subunit synthetic gene ascitic polyclonal antibody affinity purification.
李贺部分七古中的“断片”现象及其内在脉理 被引量:4
作者 葛晓音 《北京大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第6期92-104,共13页
李贺部分古诗特别是七古中存在的“断片”现象往往导致注家的无解或歧解,这种现象并非如古今诗论家所谓因锦囊中碎句的凑合所致,而是出于诗人自觉的创作意图。仔细寻绎这部分七古中内藏的意脉,可以发现其中内在的理路大致有三类:一是因... 李贺部分古诗特别是七古中存在的“断片”现象往往导致注家的无解或歧解,这种现象并非如古今诗论家所谓因锦囊中碎句的凑合所致,而是出于诗人自觉的创作意图。仔细寻绎这部分七古中内藏的意脉,可以发现其中内在的理路大致有三类:一是因典故意象的重组或融化成情景而隐蔽的脉理;二是在意象大幅度跳跃中暗藏的思路转折;三是在密集细节时断时续的堆砌中暗示的情思。这三种理路是李贺对七古跳跃跨度的探底,其意义在于部分打破了古诗和律诗在基本表现方式上的界限,从某些角度拓展了七古的表现空间,并以富有暗示性和跳跃性的意象组合技巧丰富了晚唐诗词的艺术。 展开更多
关键词 七古 断片现象 内在脉理 跳跃跨度
蒙古族纹样“贺·乌嘎拉吉”中“S型”曲线结构分析——以内蒙古博物院馆藏文物为例 被引量:1
作者 吉日木图 闫洁 +2 位作者 呼斯乐 李少博 郝相熠 《艺术与设计(理论版)》 2022年第11期140-143,共4页
蒙古族纹样“贺·乌嘎拉吉”中充满规律性的结构变化。文章通过对内蒙古博物院馆藏品调研,收集拍摄到339件馆藏文物并提取其中的28个装饰纹样,以探析蒙古族纹样“贺·乌嘎拉吉”中“S型”曲线的结构形式。依据“S型”的分支与... 蒙古族纹样“贺·乌嘎拉吉”中充满规律性的结构变化。文章通过对内蒙古博物院馆藏品调研,收集拍摄到339件馆藏文物并提取其中的28个装饰纹样,以探析蒙古族纹样“贺·乌嘎拉吉”中“S型”曲线的结构形式。依据“S型”的分支与卷曲等条件进行分类比较,总结出其规律特点。“S型”结构纹样以圆弧形曲线和不同造型大小的分支广泛运用在蒙古族生活器物的装饰纹样中,在纹样创新设计中重视纹样设计形式组合规律和设计元素造型多元化。 展开更多
关键词 蒙古族纹样 “S型”曲线结构 “贺·乌嘎拉吉” 内蒙古博物院
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