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发展传播学研究的“赋权”理论探析 被引量:9
作者 王锡苓 孙莉 祖昊 《今传媒》 2012年第4期14-17,共4页
针对第三世界国家发展传播研究及实践的困境,学者们提出了"赋权"理论及其传播策略。该理论以关注边缘人群的权力为起点,以参与式发展为核心,为传播促进社会进步提供了新的视角。赋权过程或机制包括边缘人群对其所属社会或社... 针对第三世界国家发展传播研究及实践的困境,学者们提出了"赋权"理论及其传播策略。该理论以关注边缘人群的权力为起点,以参与式发展为核心,为传播促进社会进步提供了新的视角。赋权过程或机制包括边缘人群对其所属社会或社区的全面认识,对发展过程中面临的问题与需要的援助的诊断,以及与社区成员和外部专业人员的互动沟通以寻求解决方案,最终促进社区发展。在这个过程中,边缘人群在所处的社会环境和文化背景中学习经验、分享知识技能。外部专业人员为社区和个人提供支持、协调与援助,真正起主导作用的是边缘群体,他们在参与式的发展中分享知识,并最终收获发展的益处。本文试图论述赋权理论及其在发展传播研究中的应用,认为赋权理论为我国发展传播学研究和实践提供了新的视角。 展开更多
关键词 “赋权”理论 参与式发展 边缘群体
从“赋权”到“协同共进”:个人信息保护研究范式的转换 被引量:2
作者 麻昌华 唐鑫 《财经理论与实践》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期151-159,共9页
“赋权”是我国个人信息立法和学术讨论的主流范式,但其提供的研究视角和制度方案等都已无法满足未来的个人信息保护需求,应及时予以调整。法律与技术“协同共进”范式是研究个人信息保护议题的另一种思路,其集结的科学共同体成员都将... “赋权”是我国个人信息立法和学术讨论的主流范式,但其提供的研究视角和制度方案等都已无法满足未来的个人信息保护需求,应及时予以调整。法律与技术“协同共进”范式是研究个人信息保护议题的另一种思路,其集结的科学共同体成员都将承诺在尊重和理解法律与技术各自特性和内在关联的基础上,寻求个人信息保护基础理论和保护路径的创新。该范式的形成不仅有坚实的现实基础和理论基础作为支撑,而且有助于打破“赋权”范式的思维盲点,促进法学和计算机科学之间的交流协作,最终使我们获致一个比直接赋权更为完善的个人信息保护制度。 展开更多
关键词 个人信息保护 “赋权”范式 法律与技术 协同共进
儿童“赋权”:内涵、依据、意义与策略——基于社会工作理论的视角 被引量:10
作者 郝朝霞 李海鸥 《陕西学前师范学院学报》 2018年第3期48-52,共5页
儿童"赋权"是指通过内部赋权和外部赋权来挖掘儿童的内在潜力,改变儿童"权力"现状,减少儿童的无力感,增加儿童对自我生活的掌控感与行动的能力和信心的过程。儿童"赋权"有其赋权的应然性、可能性和必要... 儿童"赋权"是指通过内部赋权和外部赋权来挖掘儿童的内在潜力,改变儿童"权力"现状,减少儿童的无力感,增加儿童对自我生活的掌控感与行动的能力和信心的过程。儿童"赋权"有其赋权的应然性、可能性和必要性。儿童"赋权"有利于儿童自身和社会的发展。应通过改变儿童观念、技能赋权、建立儿童工作小组等策略来进行儿童"赋权"。 展开更多
关键词 儿童 儿童“赋权” 社会工作理论
作者 刘灵辉 邱晓艳 《国土资源科技管理》 2023年第5期50-65,共16页
随着地权固化局面的逐步形成,在第二轮土地承包即将到期之际,如何保障无地农民的权益就成为事关农户可持续生计的维系、集体土地所有制优势的体现、社会和谐与稳定的维护的一项大事,然而,集体经济组织掌握的依法可用于再分配的土地资源... 随着地权固化局面的逐步形成,在第二轮土地承包即将到期之际,如何保障无地农民的权益就成为事关农户可持续生计的维系、集体土地所有制优势的体现、社会和谐与稳定的维护的一项大事,然而,集体经济组织掌握的依法可用于再分配的土地资源数量有限,土地大调整被禁止,土地小调整受到严格的条件限制,故而,根据不同集体经济组织“三资”的实际情况,在条件适宜的集体经济组织采取“以权代地”的“赋权”方式保障无地农民权益就成为一种新的选择。本文首先分析了“赋权”机制内在权利构成包括:粮食分配权、集体收益分配权、集体资产折股量化股权、集体公益性岗位优先就业权、创业扶持权与养老保险权。其次,基于马斯洛需求层次理论,将“赋权”机制内在权利分为三个层次:低层次——生存型权利层次;中层次——发展型权利层次;高层次——自我实现型权利层次。再次,构建无地农民“赋权”机制内在权利层次选择意愿因素指标体系。基于四川、重庆、湖北的834份外业调查问卷,选择有序Logistic回归模型对受访者关于无地农民“赋权”机制内在权利层次选择意愿的影响因素进行了实证分析。研究发现:文化程度、职业、村庄有无债务负担对农民关于无地农民“赋权”机制权利层次选择意愿呈现正相关影响,而是否村组干部、家庭成员的社会保障程度、村庄离市中心距离对农民关于无地农民“赋权”机制权利层次选择意愿呈现负相关影响。最后,在总结全文的基础上,提出了未来的研究展望。 展开更多
关键词 二轮延包 无地农民 “赋权”机制 利层次 选择意愿 马斯洛需求层次
从“赋权”到“赋能”的企业组织结构演进——基于韩都衣舍案例的研究 被引量:115
作者 罗仲伟 李先军 +1 位作者 宋翔 李亚光 《中国工业经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2017年第9期174-192,共19页
本文从演进的视角探索当前时代背景下企业内部组织结构的发展趋势,试图揭示信息时代企业组织结构新的基本原理。围绕时代转换背景,论文分析现代公司制度下的企业赋权组织原理,指出信息技术革命引致企业内部的组织性质发生重大改变,雇佣... 本文从演进的视角探索当前时代背景下企业内部组织结构的发展趋势,试图揭示信息时代企业组织结构新的基本原理。围绕时代转换背景,论文分析现代公司制度下的企业赋权组织原理,指出信息技术革命引致企业内部的组织性质发生重大改变,雇佣关系被合作关系所取代,相应地"赋能"正在取代"赋权"成为实现组织激励约束功能的基本组织原理,由此提出一套企业组织结构赋能原理的基本假说。本文以韩都衣舍的组织结构创新实践为案例,分析该企业以信息技术运用为基础,运用互联网快速学习、整合资源、创新迭代、自我裂变、不断进化,通过持续的组织试验逐步形成"以产品小组为核心的单品全程运营体系"的过程。论述其重构企业组织结构,以组织平台化支撑和小组自组织方式实现组织激励约束,从而通过案例实证证实赋能组织原理并检验其逻辑合理性。本文在定义赋能组织原理内涵、揭示其作用机理的同时论证了运用这一组织原理的四个必要条件。 展开更多
关键词 组织演进 组织结构 “赋权”原理 “赋能”原理 平台与小组 单案例研究
强化地权能够促进农地流转吗? 被引量:23
作者 仇童伟 罗必良 《南方经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第12期1-18,共18页
2004年以来,中国的农地流转率一直在快速提升。但以2009年为转折点,随后进入减速阶段,这显然与新一轮农地确权的政策预期并不一致。学界不仅对此缺乏解释,对于农地确权与农地流转的关系也尚未达成基本共识。文章将农民地权强化分为"... 2004年以来,中国的农地流转率一直在快速提升。但以2009年为转折点,随后进入减速阶段,这显然与新一轮农地确权的政策预期并不一致。学界不仅对此缺乏解释,对于农地确权与农地流转的关系也尚未达成基本共识。文章将农民地权强化分为"还权松管"、"赋权强能"两种形式,借鉴税收与经济增长的理论模型,并将农地确权的收入效应区分由"还权松管"引致的农地流转收益、由"赋权强能"引致的农地生产性收益和在位控制权收益,由此阐明地权强化的不同方式对农地流转的差异化影响。利用2006-2016年中国省级面板数据,并使用同时处理组内自相关与组间同期相关的FGLS模型的估计结果表明,以"还权松管"和"赋权强能"表达的产权强化分别促进和抑制了农地流转。随着农地流转的管制放松以及产权强化程度的不断提高,进一步的"赋权强能",尤其是农地确权的实施,不仅无益于促进农地流转,反而抑制了农地流转。文章认为,农地的"人格化财产"属性决定了农地确权并不能因为单纯的经济收益而激励流转,禀赋效应的强化也是确权的必然结果。因此,以促进农地流转为主线的农地制度安排,应该做出重要调整。 展开更多
关键词 农地流转 强化地 “还松管” “赋强能”
作者 李怀 《理论探索》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第5期101-107,共7页
在“大国小农”的基本国情农情下,通过立足小农户本位基础,走出一条农业适度规模经营的新内源发展道路,始终是中国式农业农村现代化的关键议题。在“赋权—嵌入—引领”的内源性发展框架之下,基于实践考察得出,小农户再组织化治理助推... 在“大国小农”的基本国情农情下,通过立足小农户本位基础,走出一条农业适度规模经营的新内源发展道路,始终是中国式农业农村现代化的关键议题。在“赋权—嵌入—引领”的内源性发展框架之下,基于实践考察得出,小农户再组织化治理助推农业农村新内源发展的现实困境在于:产权治理下的所有权弱化导致“赋权不足”,关系治理下的不可持续导致“嵌入不足”,合约治理下的地位不平等导致“引领不足”。有鉴于此,为契合小农户再组织化治理助推农业农村新内源发展的应然状态,应从以下几个方面进行路径优化:集体统摄下的土地产权整合与内源发展,国家主导下的关系嵌入与外源发展,小农户本位下的市场对接与新内源发展。 展开更多
关键词 小农户再组织化治理 农业农村现代化 “赋—嵌入—引领” 新内源发展
中国共同富裕发展的时代背景与“提低”路径 被引量:15
作者 黄祖辉 张淑萍 《江苏大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 2022年第4期1-7,34,共8页
共同富裕是走中国式现代化道路和建设现代化强国的必然要求,是避免陷入中等收入陷阱的迫切需要。共同富裕的核心要义是全体人民共富的渐进实现过程,是建立在高质量发展基础之上的包容性共富。当前共同富裕发展的重点之一是提高低收入群... 共同富裕是走中国式现代化道路和建设现代化强国的必然要求,是避免陷入中等收入陷阱的迫切需要。共同富裕的核心要义是全体人民共富的渐进实现过程,是建立在高质量发展基础之上的包容性共富。当前共同富裕发展的重点之一是提高低收入群体的收入水平,使之能够进入中等收入群体之列,促进形成橄榄型收入结构。在我国农村,低收入群体“提低”的路径主要包括:产业发展促就业增收、乡村存量资源激活增收、“赋能”“赋权”根源化解低收入群体。 展开更多
关键词 共同富裕 不平衡发展 时代背景 “提低”路径 产业发展 “赋能” “赋权”
Application of combination weighting method in contract risk's evaluation of third party logistics 被引量:3
作者 傅新平 邹敏 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2007年第S1期128-132,共5页
First,the analytical hierarchy process(AHP),which stands for the subjective weighting method,and the entropy method,which stands for the objective weighting method,are chosen to calculate the index weights of the cont... First,the analytical hierarchy process(AHP),which stands for the subjective weighting method,and the entropy method,which stands for the objective weighting method,are chosen to calculate the index weights of the contract risks of third party logistics(TPL),respectively.Then,they can determine the combination weights using the combination weighting method.Second,using the combination weights,the contract risks of TPL are evaluated through the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method.According to the combination weights,the most important risk factor of the contract risks of TPL is choosing sub-contractors.The results are basically consistent with the facts and show that the weights determined by the combination weighting method can avoid the man-made deviations of the subjective weighting method on the one hand,and prevent results opposite to the reality brought about by the objective weighting method on the other hand.Meanwhile,the results of the fuzzy comprehensive evaluation are that the contract risks of TPL are at a high risk level.Roughly this matches real situations,and it indicates that the combination weighting method can generate the comprehensive assessment more scientifically and more reasonably as well. 展开更多
关键词 analytical hierarchy process(AHP) entropy method combination weighting method contract risk
教师职业发展策略的思考 被引量:9
作者 王秋霞 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2008年第1期81-82,共2页
关键词 教师职业发展 行动研究 自主学习 “赋增能” 课题研究
行政许可性质重新定位——平衡论角度 被引量:1
作者 罗许生 《湖北经济学院学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第2期104-106,共3页
行政许可是现代国家行政管理的一项重要法律制度,现已在中外得到了广泛运用。尽管我国早就已经实施了行政许可,但对其性质一直没有统一的认识。目前,流行的观点主要有赋权说、禁止说、折衷说等。对行政许可性质的种种误解不利于行政许... 行政许可是现代国家行政管理的一项重要法律制度,现已在中外得到了广泛运用。尽管我国早就已经实施了行政许可,但对其性质一直没有统一的认识。目前,流行的观点主要有赋权说、禁止说、折衷说等。对行政许可性质的种种误解不利于行政许可的实施,也容易侵犯相对人的权利,与此相比较,将行政许可定性为行政机关与相对人及相对人之间的平衡,即权力与权利、义务间的平衡,更具有理论与实践意义。 展开更多
关键词 平衡论 行政许可 国家行政管理 行政机关 “赋说” “解禁说” 性质
包容性治理:来自厦门市S区的实证案例 被引量:1
作者 何元超 《科学发展》 CAS 2017年第2期87-93,共7页
包容性治理实质是治理理论和包容性发展理论的"合璧"。内生具有多元主体的合作治理、治理过程的开放以及治理成果的共享,包容性发展回应了治理可能的"本末置换"期待,而人才是治理的最终服务对象,人的价值才是治理... 包容性治理实质是治理理论和包容性发展理论的"合璧"。内生具有多元主体的合作治理、治理过程的开放以及治理成果的共享,包容性发展回应了治理可能的"本末置换"期待,而人才是治理的最终服务对象,人的价值才是治理的最高标准和根本尺度。它回答了我们为何治理、实现怎样的治理的问题。 展开更多
关键词 社会企业 包容性治理 “赋-能”治理
Reliability and validation of the Arabic version of the Conditions for Workplace Effectiveness Questionnaire-Ⅱ 被引量:1
作者 Wafa'a F.Ta'an Mohammed M.Al-Hammouri +1 位作者 Jehad A.Rababah Mohammad M.Suliman 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第2期215-220,I0006,共7页
Objective:This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Conditions for Workplace Effectiveness Questionnaire-Ⅱ-Arabic Version(CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV),which measures structural empowerment among nurses.To enhance... Objective:This study aimed to examine the psychometric properties of the Conditions for Workplace Effectiveness Questionnaire-Ⅱ-Arabic Version(CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV),which measures structural empowerment among nurses.To enhance the usability and credibility of the CWEQ-Ⅱ among researchers within Arabicspeaking countries,a valid and reliable Arabic version of the measure is necessary.Methods:A cross-sectional research design was used.From December 2018 to June 2019,275 nurses working in 4 hospitals participated in the study.Reliability was assessed by examining internal consistency and split-half reliability.A confirmatory factor analysis was performed to evaluate the factor structure of the CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV.Results:The psychometric properties of the CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV were excellent regarding the six-factor model(opportunity,information,resources,support,formal power,and informal power).The results showed the following fit indices meet the criteria set a priori:comparative fit index(CFI)=0.96,root mean square of error approximation(RMSEA)=0.06,andХ^(2)/df=2.08.Cronbach's a coefficient was 0.95 for the total questionnaire and ranged between 0.83 and 0.89 for the individual subscales.The split-half reliability was 0.91 for the total questionnaire and ranged from 0.83 to 0.87 for individual subscales.Conclusion:This study provides evidence that CWEQ-Ⅱ-AV is both a reliable and valid measure of structural empowerment among Arab nurses. 展开更多
关键词 EMPOWERMENT Hospital nursing staff Nursing administration research PSYCHOMETRICS JORDAN
A study of the relationship between nurses'experience,structural empowerment,and attitudes toward computer use 被引量:1
作者 Jehad A.Rababah Mohammed M.Al-Hammouri Wafa’a F.Ta’an 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2021年第4期439-443,I0006,共6页
Objective:This study examined the relationship between structural empowerment and nurses’experience and attitudes toward computer use.Methods:This study was conducted using a cross-sectional quantitative design.A tot... Objective:This study examined the relationship between structural empowerment and nurses’experience and attitudes toward computer use.Methods:This study was conducted using a cross-sectional quantitative design.A total of 184 registered nurses from four hospitals in Jordan participated in the current study.Data were collected using a demographics questionnaire,the Conditions for Work Effectiveness Questionnaire-II(CWEQ-II),and the Pretest for Attitudes toward Computers in Healthcare(PATCH).Results:The median of experience in years among nurses was 5.0,ranging from one to 26 years.The mean score for the attitudes toward computer use was 61.90±11.38.Almost half of the participants,45.11%,were in the category of“feel comfortable using user-friendly computers.”The participants’mean average of the total structural empowerment was 12.40±2.43,and the values for its four subscales were:opportunity 3.57±0.87,resources 2.83±0.85,information 3.06±0.79,and support 2.95±0.86.The frequencies analysis revealed that most participants had a moderate level of empowerment(n¼127,69.02%).The bivariate correlation between nurses’experience and attitudes toward computer use was significant(r¼0.17,P<0.05).The relationship between the total structural empowerment score and attitudes toward computer use was positive but weak(r¼0.20,P<0.01).Conclusion:The results indicated that more experienced nurses are more reluctant toward computer use.However,creating an empowering work environment can facilitate nurses’attitudes toward computer use. 展开更多
关键词 Attitude to Computers EMPOWERMENT EXPERIENCE Hospital nursing staff JORDAN Nursing administration research
学习内容赋权的增能效果初探——来自学生的报告 被引量:8
作者 张文忠 王沛杰 夏赛辉 《中国外语研究》 2018年第1期3-12,114,共11页
学习内容赋权即教师赋予学生自定学习内容的权利,这是与赋权增能型英语教学理念相匹配的一种教学改革实践,是对传统大一统教学的颠覆。本文基于南开大学英语专业一年级'个性化英语学习'平台型选修课,尝试以学生自定兴趣为课程... 学习内容赋权即教师赋予学生自定学习内容的权利,这是与赋权增能型英语教学理念相匹配的一种教学改革实践,是对传统大一统教学的颠覆。本文基于南开大学英语专业一年级'个性化英语学习'平台型选修课,尝试以学生自定兴趣为课程的个性化学习内容,探讨基础阶段的内容赋权对学生的增能效果。学生的书面反思和访谈数据初步显示,他们对学习内容赋权的实践高度认同,在语言技能和非语言技能方面有较大发展。本文报告了这些效果,并分析了实践中出现的问题,提出了相应的建议。 展开更多
关键词 “赋增能”理念 内容 个性化英语学习
A Comparison of Libyan and Australian Students' Perceptions of Empowerment in Accounting Courses 被引量:1
作者 Wahida Zraa Marie Kavanagh Melissa Johnson Morgan 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2012年第11期1611-1622,共12页
The concept of empowerment was introduced into the accounting education research by Zraa, Imran, Kavanagh, and Morgan (2011). The authors' purpose is to compare Libyan and Australian students' perceptions of empow... The concept of empowerment was introduced into the accounting education research by Zraa, Imran, Kavanagh, and Morgan (2011). The authors' purpose is to compare Libyan and Australian students' perceptions of empowerment in accounting courses and to investigate their relationships with classroom instruction. This study involves a survey of 409 students, who are studying the first-year business degree at institutions in Libya and Australia. Observations and interviews are also conducted. Data are analyzed using reliability tests, factor analysis, t-tests, and correlations. The results indicate that Australian students are more empowered than Libyan students. In addition, the result reveals that classroom instruction methods influence students' empowerment. 展开更多
关键词 students' perceptions of empowerment accounting course perceptions accounting education
A Dirac Type Condition for Heavy Cycles in Weighted Graphs
作者 LI Ping 《Chinese Quarterly Journal of Mathematics》 CSCD 北大核心 2007年第1期87-93,共7页
In this paper we give a Dirac type condition for heavy cycles in a 3-connected weighted graph, reading that if d^w(v)≥ d for all v ∈ V(G)/{x} and w(uz) = w(vz), when uz, vz ∈ E(G) and uv ∈/ E(G). Then... In this paper we give a Dirac type condition for heavy cycles in a 3-connected weighted graph, reading that if d^w(v)≥ d for all v ∈ V(G)/{x} and w(uz) = w(vz), when uz, vz ∈ E(G) and uv ∈/ E(G). Then G contains either an (x, y)-cycle of weight at least 2d or a Hamilton cycle. 展开更多
关键词 weighted graph weighted degree heavy cycle
Empowering Women on the Chars: Increasing Resilience to Disasters and Building Sustainable Livelihoods
作者 Matthew Pritchard Arifur Rahman Mahbub Alam 《Journal of Agricultural Science and Technology(A)》 2015年第4期246-251,共6页
The Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP)'s response has been to provide a comprehensive package of support, which aims to increase resilience to disasters and build women's empowerment. In 2012, CLP developed an inno... The Chars Livelihoods Programme (CLP)'s response has been to provide a comprehensive package of support, which aims to increase resilience to disasters and build women's empowerment. In 2012, CLP developed an innovative approach to monitor women's empowerment. Understanding that empowerment is context specific, therefore CLP used qualitative approaches to understand how char households define empowerment. From this research, CLP developed a set of 10 (community and household level) indicators, which made up the chars empowerment scorecard. Results show that CLP has a considerable impact on women's empowennent. They also show that CLP has impacts at both the household and community level, driven by two main factors: increased knowledge (through social development training) and increased wealth (through CLP's Asset Transfer Project). Further, impacts on empowerment are seen to occur relatively quickly and sustain over time. The effects of climate change are only likely to further compound problems for char-dwellers. By increasing women's empowerment, CLP is confident that they will be better able to build sustainable livelihoods and increase their resilience to future disasters. 展开更多
关键词 GENDER EMPOWERMENT livelihoods sustainability Bangladesh.
Drama and Theatre as Vehicle for Youth Empowerment and Reorientation: A Proposition for National Development and Integration
作者 Sola Fosudo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第3期422-429,共8页
Apart from serving the functions of enlightenment and entertainment, the theatre is also useful in several other ways. For instance, it is a source of employment, cultural preservation, presentation, and projection. I... Apart from serving the functions of enlightenment and entertainment, the theatre is also useful in several other ways. For instance, it is a source of employment, cultural preservation, presentation, and projection. It also serves therapeutic functions and as social control mechanism in a society. It is a mirror of life, reflecting and highlighting the moral codes and the ills of society and castigating social evil and its doers. Beyond all of these, the theatre could also serve as an agent of civilization, community mobilisation, and youth development and emancipation. This paper discusses how the potentials of the youth in a country such as Nigeria, could be harnessed and deployed for the purposes of national orientation, development, and integration, using culture, drama, and theatre as the defining tools for this evolvement. 展开更多
关键词 youth empowerment national orientation development drama and theatre
Women Empowerment in the Arab Region: Between the Anvil of Illiteracy and the Hammer of Passive Representative Bureaucracy
作者 Salwa Thabet 《Journalism and Mass Communication》 2015年第5期234-249,共16页
This paper emphasizes on enacting comprehensive mainstreaming institutional mechanisms to promote the role of women in socio-economic development in the Arab region. Sustainable development could never take place unle... This paper emphasizes on enacting comprehensive mainstreaming institutional mechanisms to promote the role of women in socio-economic development in the Arab region. Sustainable development could never take place unless both the government and civil society are committed towards women empowerment and gender parity to achieve gender mainstreaming. However, cultural legacy, with its socioeconomic and political dimensions, is envisaged as the most challenging impediment. There are three critical areas of concern of substantive nature, which are high rates of women illiteracy, passive representative bureaucracy, as a result of underrepresentation at decision-making levels, as well as gender disparity. To investigate women empowerment challenges in the region, the study first presents the multifaceted hurdle of cultural legacy and identifies the relevant social, economic and political challenges from a multidisciplinary perspective. Thereafter, it looks at two inseparable issues facing women in the Arab region, illiteracy and underrepresentation at decision-making levels. The study, then, indicates the pressing need for policy changes to fill up the massive gender gap existing in the majority of Arab States, where not only a description of gender disparity profile of the Arab region is presented but also a comparative outlook vis-a-vis global trends is highlighted. Finally, the research identifies the indispensible roles of both the government and civil society to address key challenges in synchrony. It does not only call for placing women empowerment among the top priorities on the agenda of policy-makers in setting development plans, but also reiterates the significant role of civil society institutions in the areas of illiteracy eradication, civic education, and women fights advocacy. In this context, a framework of recommended policy actions is presented in an attempt to set effective women empowerment mechanisms to achieve gender mainstreaming and hence contribute to sustainable development. 展开更多
关键词 cultural legacy gender mainstreaming women empowerment representative bureaucracy ILLITERACY gender parity
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