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作者 邓虹 《中学语文教学》 北大核心 2004年第10期44-45,共2页
关键词 教学案例 “超文本”活动作文 创新作文 中学 语文教学 教学设计
作者 庄纾 《美与时代(创意)(上)》 2022年第7期145-148,共4页
“超文本”方式不仅是网格信息生成的技术,更是激发思维创作与构建自我创作谱系的途径。利用网络平台,“超文本”方式的教学一方面可以给予学生更多的个人空间,另一方面也加强了学生与学生、学生与老师之间的沟通,让课堂教学能够更“可... “超文本”方式不仅是网格信息生成的技术,更是激发思维创作与构建自我创作谱系的途径。利用网络平台,“超文本”方式的教学一方面可以给予学生更多的个人空间,另一方面也加强了学生与学生、学生与老师之间的沟通,让课堂教学能够更“可见”地呈现,让课程的“过程”更完整地生成。线上与线下结合的教学方式在当下与今后的教学中也许会成为一种常态,我们应该充分发挥和利用两者各自的优势。 展开更多
关键词 “超文本” 连接 网络教学
自学能力培养体系的“超文本”教学设计——对电大远程开放教育个别化学习模式的研究 被引量:2
作者 李绪年 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2000年第9期40-41,共2页
关键词 电大远程开放教育 学习模式 “超文本”教学
作者 张小龙 《当代文坛》 CSSCI 2005年第4期94-94,共1页
关键词 “超文本” 报告文学形态 文学样式 表达方式 中国 文学评论
数字化·“超文本”·“Z世代”——数字藏品与电影衍生品的想象力建构 被引量:1
作者 陆佳佳 《当代电影》 CSSCI 北大核心 2024年第2期59-68,共10页
随着数字经济时代的开启,我国电影产业也亟需完成产业数字化与数字产业化的双重转型。在数字技术的赋权与赋能下,以数字想象力为基础的电影数字藏品开发成为了电影衍生品数字经济叙事的新范式表述。借由数字藏品平台与元宇宙社区,电影... 随着数字经济时代的开启,我国电影产业也亟需完成产业数字化与数字产业化的双重转型。在数字技术的赋权与赋能下,以数字想象力为基础的电影数字藏品开发成为了电影衍生品数字经济叙事的新范式表述。借由数字藏品平台与元宇宙社区,电影数字藏品在虚拟世界中搭建了IP影像的独特流动景观,由其所展开的线上观赏、点赞、交易、转让等则成为了现实“观影”的孪生镜像与补充。不仅“涨破”了传统观影的边界,建构起了全新的观影概念,也凸显了电影数字藏品在种种可见与不可见的金融交易/数字货币束缚背后的艺术本质。此外,以“Z世代”为主的青年群体作为电影数字藏品的参与式消费者,强化了“主体间性”的共享,使得电影IP与电影数字藏品开发从静态的“想象的共同体”转变为动态的“互动的共同体”,也进一步加深了电影数字藏品以优质内容为王,打造数字凝神景观的创作理念。未来,电影数字藏品开发需继续坚持以内容为本、以技术为翼,持续推动对影视内容资产价值的重新评估与数字化释放。唯有如此,才能真正成为电影衍生品数字想象力的有效表达/“诗意地栖居”,及推动电影IP数字化布局、电影衍生品产业数字化转型升级的有效路径。 展开更多
关键词 电影数字藏品 电影IP 数字叙事 “超文本” “Z世代”
“超文本”的文学——论幼儿文学的综合性特征 被引量:2
作者 方卫平 《幼儿教育(教育科学)》 2012年第5期1-3,共3页
幼儿对艺术的审美体验是综合性的。幼儿的这种审美特性决定了“超文本”性是幼儿文学的原初艺术特征。幼儿文学不是一种普通的文学文本.而是一种综合了文学、音乐、美术、舞蹈、游戏、表演等多种艺术形式的“超文本”文学门类。不过,... 幼儿对艺术的审美体验是综合性的。幼儿的这种审美特性决定了“超文本”性是幼儿文学的原初艺术特征。幼儿文学不是一种普通的文学文本.而是一种综合了文学、音乐、美术、舞蹈、游戏、表演等多种艺术形式的“超文本”文学门类。不过,文学性仍然是幼儿文学的根基。 展开更多
关键词 幼儿 幼儿文学 “超文本” 综合性
作者 董香兰 《课外语文(下)》 2014年第10期27-27,共1页
关键词 初中语文 课堂教学 “超文本阅读”
作者 徐强 《广东外语外贸大学学报》 2019年第2期125-131,137,共8页
“数字维特根斯坦研究”现象形成有其因由。首先,信息哲学与“数字维特根斯坦哲学研究”存在密切关联;其次,维特根斯坦哲学及其研究存在的问题和疑难是“数字维特根斯坦哲学研究”发生的内在动力。从信息哲学角度来说,它从两个角度催生... “数字维特根斯坦研究”现象形成有其因由。首先,信息哲学与“数字维特根斯坦哲学研究”存在密切关联;其次,维特根斯坦哲学及其研究存在的问题和疑难是“数字维特根斯坦哲学研究”发生的内在动力。从信息哲学角度来说,它从两个角度催生了这一现象:信息哲学的研究主题与维特根斯坦的哲学思想存在契合之处;信息哲学的兴起激发了维特根斯坦研究的媒介演变;在信息哲学理论与技术发展的趋势下,产生了“超文本”视角的“数字维特根斯坦研究”;从维特根斯坦哲学研究角度出发,维特根斯坦哲学研究中的争论和误解为“数字维特根斯坦研究”提供了经验和教训,并由此发现,“一个维特根斯坦”理念越发变得重要。最后,研究结果表明学界对维特根斯坦哲学本体的反思是“数字维特根斯坦研究”现象所产生的根本原因。 展开更多
关键词 信息哲学 “数字维特根斯坦研究” “超文本” 元哲学
网络环境下“超文本学习”的试验课题研究 被引量:2
作者 蒋丽清 《中小学电教(综合)》 2003年第7期28-30,共3页
一、问题的提出当今世界,知识总量在迅猛增长。而目前在小学六年中的阅读课文合计只有三四百篇、几十万字,这如何能培养与时代相适应的阅读能力?综观国内阅读教学,课内重精读指导,课外缺乏泛读指导,只是要求读读而已,与课内阅读是两码... 一、问题的提出当今世界,知识总量在迅猛增长。而目前在小学六年中的阅读课文合计只有三四百篇、几十万字,这如何能培养与时代相适应的阅读能力?综观国内阅读教学,课内重精读指导,课外缺乏泛读指导,只是要求读读而已,与课内阅读是两码事。课内课外隔阂如此之大,学生又如何提高阅读能力?近年来互联网技术的发展,使Internet成为世界上最大的资源库,海量的知识信息以超链接方式组织在一起。极利于检索。而学校、家庭的图书资源在许多地区名存实亡,使用效益极低。重视培养学生收集信息、处理信息的能力是时代的呼唤,但现实中更多的是教给学生收集信息的技能。而对于需要学生充满高度智慧的处理信息、利用信息的能力培养失之偏颇,课内缺乏应有的指导。 展开更多
关键词 网络环境 “超文本学习” 试验课题研究 中小学 互联网技术
作者 魏爱华 《商情》 2011年第38期67-67,共1页
一、抓住文章覃思跆,埋肼课又内容1.抓住重点训练项目。本组的重点训练项目是“抓人物特点”,为了让学生们更好地把握少年闰土外貌、动作、语言上的特点,在讲读课文时,教师应把重点放在对少年闰土动作和语言这两个方面的分析与讨... 一、抓住文章覃思跆,埋肼课又内容1.抓住重点训练项目。本组的重点训练项目是“抓人物特点”,为了让学生们更好地把握少年闰土外貌、动作、语言上的特点,在讲读课文时,教师应把重点放在对少年闰土动作和语言这两个方面的分析与讨论上。因为外貌描写是静态描写,而动作和语言则是动作描写,这样便很好地揭示了文章思路的动静和详略关系。写人物的外貌、动作和语言,为的是透过这些表面现象去抓准人物性格特点,在教学时,教师不能满足于学生对人物表面现象的了解,而是要引导学生通过外表透视人物的内心世界。 展开更多
关键词 主体地位 阅读能力 “超文本”
作者 胡世云 《六安师专学报》 1999年第4期96-97,共2页
数学教学旨在通过知识这个载体,让学生掌握数学的思想方法,以提高抽象思维能力及提出问题、分析问题的能力.鉴于中学数学具有从小学时代“数学运算”进入以后高等数学的过渡性的特点,以及其施教对象的特殊性,其教学方法也应有一定特点.... 数学教学旨在通过知识这个载体,让学生掌握数学的思想方法,以提高抽象思维能力及提出问题、分析问题的能力.鉴于中学数学具有从小学时代“数学运算”进入以后高等数学的过渡性的特点,以及其施教对象的特殊性,其教学方法也应有一定特点.如何施教以达到教学目标,这是个很重要的课题.本文拟就以下两个方面粗浅地谈谈自己的观点. 展开更多
关键词 中学 数学教学 课堂教学 教学方法 “超文本”知识链路教学法 能力培养
HAS Dynamic Buffer-Driven Resource Management to Enhance QoE in Mobile Network 被引量:2
作者 Fei Wang Zesong Fei Jing Wang 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2017年第7期11-24,共14页
Hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP) adaptive streaming(HAS) plays a key role in mobile video transmission. Considering the multi-segment and multi-rate features of HAS, this paper proposes a buffer-driven resource manag... Hypertext transfer protocol(HTTP) adaptive streaming(HAS) plays a key role in mobile video transmission. Considering the multi-segment and multi-rate features of HAS, this paper proposes a buffer-driven resource management(BDRM) method to enhance HAS quality of experience(QoE) in mobile network. Different from the traditional methods only focusing on base station side without considering the buffer, the proposed method takes both station and client sides into account and end user's buffer plays as the drive of whole schedule process. The proposed HAS QoE influencing factors are composed of initial delay, rebuffering and quality level. The BDRM method decomposes the HAS QoE maximization problem into client and base station sides separately to solve it in multicell and multi-user video playing scene in mobile network. In client side, the decision is made based on buffer probe and rate request algorithm by each user separately. It guarantees the less rebuffering events and decides which HAS segment rate to fetch. While, in the base station side, the schedule of wireless resource is made to maximize the quality level of all access clients and decides the final rate pulled from HAS server. The drive of buffer and twice rate request schemes make BDRMtake full advantage of HAS's multi-segment and multi-rate features. As to the simulation results, compared with proportional fair(PF), Max C/I and traditional HAS schedule(THS) methods, the proposed BDRM method decreases rebuffering percent to 1.96% from 11.1% with PF and from 7.01% with THS and increases the mean MOS of all users to 3.94 from 3.42 with PF method and from 2.15 with Max C/I method. It also guarantees a high fairness with 0.98 from the view of objective and subjective assessment metrics. 展开更多
关键词 resource management Hypertexl transfer protocol (HTTP) adaptive streaming (HAS) BUFFER rate request quality of experience (QoE) mobile network
Paulo Coelho The Author's Quest as Reader of the World
作者 Maria Figueredo 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2012年第10期925-937,共13页
Paulo Coelho's novels call into question the nature of the literary text and the act of reading in a post-Einsteinian world. Amidst the debate over his popular writings (Albanese; Ndagano), the discussion turns to ... Paulo Coelho's novels call into question the nature of the literary text and the act of reading in a post-Einsteinian world. Amidst the debate over his popular writings (Albanese; Ndagano), the discussion turns to whether Coelho continues a poetics of narrative developed by Jorge Luis Borges. This paper explores how Coelho's work may depart from a reading of Borges, yet goes beyond it into what Bakhtin established as "the Einsteinian universe applied to literary studies", as posited by Stone (2008). Coelho's work is affected by hypertexts, new ways of connecting and perceiving subjectivities, and cross-cultural pilgrimages. A hermeneutic reading of his novel, The Zahir: A Novel of Obsession (2005b), allows us to delve into the Coelhian the notion of the zahir as a tensional metaphor (Ricouer) of world-making (Valdes). This underscores the postmodern assumption of the author as just another reader, albeit an ably active one. Through the courageous act of making his reading(s) transparent through writing, he invites other readers into the dialectical presumptions of his world. 展开更多
关键词 Paulo Coelho Jorge Luis Borges Brazilian novel Bakhtin and Einsteinian literary criticism INTERTEXTUALITY interpreterition
Language Style Reflected by Tourist English Hypertext
作者 ZHANG Jie 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2013年第12期955-962,共8页
Corpus-based linguistic approach is one of the most used text studies. Nowadays, stylistic analysis has been adopted to shed new light on tourism English. The topic is to apply the language theory--the stylistic analy... Corpus-based linguistic approach is one of the most used text studies. Nowadays, stylistic analysis has been adopted to shed new light on tourism English. The topic is to apply the language theory--the stylistic analysis to the tourist text analysis, to discover the style essence of Tourist English Hypertext. The stylistic features include graphological analysis of Tourist English Hypertext, lexical features in hypertext, syntactical analysis of Tourist English Hypertext. It summarizes online Tourist English Hypertext information with some typical samples, with the methods of examples and analysis. It aims to offer an in-depth insight into the stylistic features of online tourism English texts, helping people to grasp the key points of the online information when they are browsing the information on the Internet. So this paper both enlarges the application of the stylistic analysis and presents summary for online tourist information. 展开更多
关键词 language style Tourist English Hypertext stylistic features tourist English hypertext analysis graphological features lexical features syntactic features
Measuring Effectiveness of COCOMO I and COCOMO II Using a Case Study
作者 Muhammad Munir Albakri Mohammad Rizwan Jameel Qureshi 《Computer Technology and Application》 2012年第10期692-698,共7页
There are several software estimation models such as Line of Code, Function Point and COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO). The original COCOMO model is one of the most widely practiced and popular among the software de... There are several software estimation models such as Line of Code, Function Point and COnstructive COst MOdel (COCOMO). The original COCOMO model is one of the most widely practiced and popular among the software development community because of its flexible usage. It is a suite of models i.e., COnstructive Cost MOdel I and COnstructive Cost MOdel II. in this paper, we are evaluating the both models, to find out the level of efficiency they present and how they can be tailored to the needs of modem software development projects. We are applying COCOMO models on a case study of an e-commerce application that is built using Hyper Text Markup Language (HTML) and JavaScript. We will also shed light on the different components of each model, and how their Cost Drivers effect on the accuracy of cost estimations for software development projects. 展开更多
关键词 COCOMO I COCOMO II software cost estimation software cost drivers' assessment trade-off analysis componentcomposition.
作者 Chen Dingjia 《Social Sciences in China》 2011年第1期129-145,共17页
Online literature contains both traditional text and hypertext. While traditional text containing "hypertextuality" provides the foundation for online literature, hypertext as the prevalent signifying medium of the ... Online literature contains both traditional text and hypertext. While traditional text containing "hypertextuality" provides the foundation for online literature, hypertext as the prevalent signifying medium of the cyberworld has awakened the latent energy and spirit of traditional text, making the latter more open, more autonomous and more interactive. The literature of "bits" points to the direction of future development. It deconstructs the traditional and overturns the nature of things through decentered "online reading and writing" that is uncertain and nonlinear. Hand in hand with post-modernism, hypertext has transformed literature's context and mode of existence. Above all, the shift to hypertext in online literature is transforming our mode of thinking and value criteria in relation to literature and aesthetics. We should therefore conduct in-depth and long-term explorations of how online literature may innovate while maintaining tradition. 展开更多
关键词 texts of online literature HYPERTEXT INTERTEXTUALITY
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