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作者 赵晓霞 《语文建设》 北大核心 2024年第19期11-16,共6页
“把小说当作小说教”的前提,是把握小说“虚构”与“叙事”的文学特性。依据文学文体“四层级”理论,构建小说“辨体”知识体系,具体包括指向篇幅与架构的“体制”、指向语言修辞与风格的“语体”、指向叙事结构与方式的“体式”,以及... “把小说当作小说教”的前提,是把握小说“虚构”与“叙事”的文学特性。依据文学文体“四层级”理论,构建小说“辨体”知识体系,具体包括指向篇幅与架构的“体制”、指向语言修辞与风格的“语体”、指向叙事结构与方式的“体式”,以及指向审美对象与精神的“体性”。教学中融入小说“辨体”知识,可以为教学创新注入源头活水。其应用原则一是以“辨体”知识为抓手,撬动学生探究性学习;二是以“辨体”知识触发学生创造性言语生成。其应用策略即遵循“四层级”理论的具体内容,通过对文体知识的“发现—理解—迁移—反馈”,设计合宜的探究活动,以实现有深度、有创意的小说教学。 展开更多
关键词 小说教学 “辨体” “四层级”文理论 应用策略
多囊卵巢综合征“辨病、辨体、辨证”诊疗思路 被引量:16
作者 王尧尧 侯丽辉 +2 位作者 郝松莉 刘宇新 吴效科 《辽宁中医杂志》 CAS 2014年第6期1144-1145,共2页
多囊卵巢综合征是一种病因复杂、病机多端、病情较顽固的多系统、多环节、多靶点的临床表现高度异质性的女性生殖内分泌疾病,多发病于青春期和育龄期妇女。导师侯丽辉教授从事中医临床、教学、科研三十余载,长期潜心于本病的研究,创新... 多囊卵巢综合征是一种病因复杂、病机多端、病情较顽固的多系统、多环节、多靶点的临床表现高度异质性的女性生殖内分泌疾病,多发病于青春期和育龄期妇女。导师侯丽辉教授从事中医临床、教学、科研三十余载,长期潜心于本病的研究,创新性提出了多囊卵巢综合征中医病因病机为"痰瘀胞宫"新理论,并应用"辨病-辨体-辨证"相结合的诊疗模式进行辨证论治取得了显著疗效,为中医临床系统全面地辨治PCOS提供科学的理论依据并指导临床实践。 展开更多
关键词 多囊卵巢综合征 “辨病--证”诊疗思路 经验探析
基于“辨体-辨病-辨证”探析治未病理论用于亚健康失眠的防治思路 被引量:9
作者 侯天舒 符雪丹 黄茜 《四川中医》 2021年第10期33-36,共4页
随着社会发展和进步,亚健康失眠发生率持续上升。本文以"治未病"思想为核心指导原则,采用"辨体-辨病-辨证"的临床创新诊疗模式,提出"辨体识未病"、"体病证结合论已病防变"、"调体定病后防... 随着社会发展和进步,亚健康失眠发生率持续上升。本文以"治未病"思想为核心指导原则,采用"辨体-辨病-辨证"的临床创新诊疗模式,提出"辨体识未病"、"体病证结合论已病防变"、"调体定病后防复"的临床诊疗思路,为临床防治亚健康失眠提供新思路,文中结合案例加以佐证,具有临床指导价值。 展开更多
关键词 “辨-病-证”模式 “治未病”理论 亚健康失眠 中医
作者 盖晓明 《语文学习》 2003年第11期14-15,共2页
关键词 文章学 “辨体” 语文教学法 写作实践 教学理论 注释
作者 荣文雅 李佳辉 王睿林 《世界中医药》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第5期701-705,711,共6页
目的:分析药物性肝病患者的性别、年龄、中医体质、中医证型等分布规律。方法:选取2020年8月至2022年8月解放军总医院第五医学中心中医肝病科收治的药物性肝病患者368例,收集患者相关临床资料,分析药物性肝病患者的性别、年龄、中医体... 目的:分析药物性肝病患者的性别、年龄、中医体质、中医证型等分布规律。方法:选取2020年8月至2022年8月解放军总医院第五医学中心中医肝病科收治的药物性肝病患者368例,收集患者相关临床资料,分析药物性肝病患者的性别、年龄、中医体质、中医证型等分布规律和临床特征。结果:药物性肝病患者中医体质分布以气郁质(19.02%)最为多见,其次依次为阴虚质(18.21%)、湿热质(15.22%)、阳虚质(13.32%)、血瘀质(11.14%)、平和质(7.61%)、痰湿质(6.25%)、气虚质(5.16%)、特禀质(4.08%)。药物性肝病患者中医体质在性别、年龄等方面均具有差异性,男性以湿热质、阴虚质为多见;女性以气郁质、阴虚质为多见,而阴虚质在男性、女性均多见;青年中以气郁质和湿热质较多见,中年中以痰湿质较多见、老年以血瘀质较多见。药物性肝病患者在中医证型分布中主要为湿热内蕴证125例(34%),其次分别为肝郁脾虚证98例(27%)、肝肾阴虚证56例(15%)、气滞血瘀证46例(12%)、寒湿中阻证43例(12%);药物性肝病患者在体质与证型存在相关性,体质类型决定了该病证型的易感性。结论:根据药物性肝病患者的中医体质以及证型的分布特点以及相关临床特征,提示可以通过调节情志、合理饮食以及药物防治等方面做到“未病先防”“既病防变”,做到“辨体”“辨证”“辨病”的有机结合。 展开更多
关键词 药物性肝病 质分布特点 临床特征 中医 中医证型 未病先防 既病防变 “辨体”-“辨证”-“辨病”
“辨体—辨病—辨证”三维辨治疗法调治慢性阻塞性肺疾病体会 被引量:6
作者 唐雅伦 汤毅 《环球中医药》 CAS 2018年第2期268-271,共4页
慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)是一种多发、不可逆、高致死率的慢性呼吸系统疾病,且随着经济发展、环境污染的加重患病率逐年增高,目前无根治方法。笔者运用"辨体—辨病—辨证"三维辨治疗法... 慢性阻塞性肺疾病(chronic obstructive pulmonary disease,COPD)是一种多发、不可逆、高致死率的慢性呼吸系统疾病,且随着经济发展、环境污染的加重患病率逐年增高,目前无根治方法。笔者运用"辨体—辨病—辨证"三维辨治疗法,在辨证的同时注重纠正偏颇体质,治疗慢性阻塞性肺疾病采用培土生金、化痰祛瘀之法,后期稳定予以膏方进行调养,取得了良好的疗效,有利于减轻症状、阻止病情发展、提高生活质量、降低死亡率。 展开更多
关键词 慢性阻塞性肺疾病 “辨-病-证”三维治疗法 膏方
韦芳宁教授应用“辨体-辨病-辨证”治疗肾性血尿的经验浅探 被引量:6
作者 王子燕 韦芳宁 《四川中医》 2019年第1期11-13,共3页
肾性血尿属祖国医学"溺血"、"血证"等范畴,中医亦称之为"尿血"。西医仍无法明确其产生机制,本病一旦发生,则反复发作,迁延难愈,甚至有可能发展成为慢性肾衰竭。吾师擅长中医体质与肾病调养,应用"辨... 肾性血尿属祖国医学"溺血"、"血证"等范畴,中医亦称之为"尿血"。西医仍无法明确其产生机制,本病一旦发生,则反复发作,迁延难愈,甚至有可能发展成为慢性肾衰竭。吾师擅长中医体质与肾病调养,应用"辨体-辨病-辨证"相结合的诊疗模式对肾性血尿的诊治及调养取得了显著疗效。 展开更多
关键词 肾性血尿 “辨-病-辩证” 诊疗思路
“三辨诊疗模式”在卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿中的运用 被引量:5
作者 韩凤娟 李艳霞 王秀霞 《天津中医药大学学报》 CAS 2016年第5期292-294,共3页
卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿是一种激素依赖性疾病,育龄期是其高发年龄。王琦教授提出的"辨体-辨病-辨证"三辨诊疗模式,以体病相关、体质可调为指导,将体、病、证紧密结合应用于临床各种疾病。临床诊治卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿时,先辨... 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿是一种激素依赖性疾病,育龄期是其高发年龄。王琦教授提出的"辨体-辨病-辨证"三辨诊疗模式,以体病相关、体质可调为指导,将体、病、证紧密结合应用于临床各种疾病。临床诊治卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿时,先辨病,确定诊断,再辨证与辨体,病证结合,以病统证,辨证与辨体论治相结合,取得良好的临床疗效。 展开更多
关键词 卵巢子宫内膜异位囊肿 “辨-病-证”诊疗模式 论治
“三辨诊疗模式”在胃食管反流病中的探讨与应用 被引量:5
作者 张杰 顾勤 《环球中医药》 CAS 2019年第8期1234-1237,共4页
灵活运用王琦教授提出的“辨体—辨病—辨证”诊疗模式,将体、病、证紧密结合应用于诊治胃食管反流病之中。应先辨病,明确诊断,再结合辨证与辨体,确定患者证型及相应体质,综合三方面情况掌握疾病的本质,以进一步指导临床治疗。这种治疗... 灵活运用王琦教授提出的“辨体—辨病—辨证”诊疗模式,将体、病、证紧密结合应用于诊治胃食管反流病之中。应先辨病,明确诊断,再结合辨证与辨体,确定患者证型及相应体质,综合三方面情况掌握疾病的本质,以进一步指导临床治疗。这种治疗模式突破了辨证论治的思维定式,丰富了胃食管反流病的诊治思路。另外通过分析GERD患者的体质特点,探讨体质与疾病、体质与证候之间的紧密联系,可充分领悟辨体论治的重要性,进而在诊疗中兼顾调整患者的偏颇体质,以利疾病向愈,同时可有效预防该病的发生,达到中医治未病之目的。 展开更多
关键词 胃食管反流病 “辨-病-证”诊疗模式 论治 证候 治未病
“自为一源”:许学夷《诗源辩体》中的陶诗论 被引量:1
作者 王征 《西华师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2018年第2期33-37,共5页
在明代文学复古运动中,陶诗几乎一直没有得到正确的评价。以李东阳为首的茶陵派虽然确立了陶诗批评的艺术标准,但其后的前、后七子派及其后学却没有继承之,他们提出"诗弱于陶"的观点,并视陶诗为"偏格",斥陶诗于古... 在明代文学复古运动中,陶诗几乎一直没有得到正确的评价。以李东阳为首的茶陵派虽然确立了陶诗批评的艺术标准,但其后的前、后七子派及其后学却没有继承之,他们提出"诗弱于陶"的观点,并视陶诗为"偏格",斥陶诗于古诗宗法对象之外。在明代复古诗学进程中,真正走出陶诗批评困境的是晚明的许学夷。面对七子派及胡应麟等人在"古体宗汉魏"的诗学宗尚影响下所形成的"诗弱于陶"以及陶诗属"偏门"的传统观念,许学夷推崇陶诗之自然风格,提出陶诗"自为一源"的论调,并进而指出陶诗之"流",实属难能可贵,这也反映出明代复古诗学演进过程中对陶诗批评的自我调节与逐渐体认。 展开更多
关键词 许学夷 《诗源 陶诗批评 “自为一源”
“三辨诊疗模式”在多囊卵巢综合征中的应用 被引量:9
作者 寇丽辉 侯丽辉 王颖 《中华中医药学刊》 CAS 北大核心 2015年第5期1133-1135,共3页
多囊卵巢综合征是女性常见的生殖内分泌疾病,侯丽辉教授根据多年临床经验并结合现代的检查手段灵活运用王琦教授的"三辨诊疗模式"先辨病,后辨证,再辨体,病证结合,以病统证,辨证论治和辨体论治相结合治疗多囊卵巢综合征,取得... 多囊卵巢综合征是女性常见的生殖内分泌疾病,侯丽辉教授根据多年临床经验并结合现代的检查手段灵活运用王琦教授的"三辨诊疗模式"先辨病,后辨证,再辨体,病证结合,以病统证,辨证论治和辨体论治相结合治疗多囊卵巢综合征,取得了良好的临床效果。 展开更多
关键词 多囊卵巢综合征 “辨 病病 证”诊疗模式 论治
基于国医大师王琦体质分类学说论治慢性咳嗽 被引量:5
作者 王佳美 崔红生 弓雪峰 《天津中医药》 CAS 2022年第5期556-561,共6页
慢性咳嗽是呼吸内科常见疾病,治疗棘手。中医认为本病在病因病机上具有复杂性,虽为肺系病,却常涉及他脏,且多见虚实夹杂、内外合邪。体质是脏腑关系、阴阳平衡的综合体现,决定了本病在内伤、外感两方面的病机走向,使得其证候特点各异,... 慢性咳嗽是呼吸内科常见疾病,治疗棘手。中医认为本病在病因病机上具有复杂性,虽为肺系病,却常涉及他脏,且多见虚实夹杂、内外合邪。体质是脏腑关系、阴阳平衡的综合体现,决定了本病在内伤、外感两方面的病机走向,使得其证候特点各异,采用“辨体-辨病-辨证”结合的诊疗模式可以更加有效地防治本病。文章以国医大师王琦院士体质分类学说为基础,借鉴古今多位医家诊疗思路,结合导师崔红生教授临床经验,探讨该病的中医治疗策略。 展开更多
关键词 慢性咳嗽 中医药 “辨-病-证”诊疗模式
Constitution identification model in traditional Chinese medicine based on multiple features
作者 XU Anying WANG Tianshu +7 位作者 YANG Tao HAN Xiao ZHANG Xiaoyu WANG Ziyan ZHANG Qi LI Xiao SHANG Hongcai HU Kongfa 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 CAS CSCD 2024年第2期108-119,共12页
Objective To construct a precise model for identifying traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)constitutions;thereby offering optimized guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment plan-ning;and ultimately enhancing medical... Objective To construct a precise model for identifying traditional Chinese medicine(TCM)constitutions;thereby offering optimized guidance for clinical diagnosis and treatment plan-ning;and ultimately enhancing medical efficiency and treatment outcomes.Methods First;TCM full-body inspection data acquisition equipment was employed to col-lect full-body standing images of healthy people;from which the constitutions were labelled and defined in accordance with the Constitution in Chinese Medicine Questionnaire(CCMQ);and a dataset encompassing labelled constitutions was constructed.Second;heat-suppres-sion valve(HSV)color space and improved local binary patterns(LBP)algorithm were lever-aged for the extraction of features such as facial complexion and body shape.In addition;a dual-branch deep network was employed to collect deep features from the full-body standing images.Last;the random forest(RF)algorithm was utilized to learn the extracted multifea-tures;which were subsequently employed to establish a TCM constitution identification mod-el.Accuracy;precision;and F1 score were the three measures selected to assess the perfor-mance of the model.Results It was found that the accuracy;precision;and F1 score of the proposed model based on multifeatures for identifying TCM constitutions were 0.842;0.868;and 0.790;respectively.In comparison with the identification models that encompass a single feature;either a single facial complexion feature;a body shape feature;or deep features;the accuracy of the model that incorporating all the aforementioned features was elevated by 0.105;0.105;and 0.079;the precision increased by 0.164;0.164;and 0.211;and the F1 score rose by 0.071;0.071;and 0.084;respectively.Conclusion The research findings affirmed the viability of the proposed model;which incor-porated multifeatures;including the facial complexion feature;the body shape feature;and the deep feature.In addition;by employing the proposed model;the objectification and intel-ligence of identifying constitutions in TCM practices could be optimized. 展开更多
关键词 Traditional Chinese medicine(TCM) Constitution identification Deep feature Facial complexion feature Body shape feature Multiple features
慢性睡眠障碍“辨体-辨病-辨证”诊疗模式的应用 被引量:1
作者 俞若熙 曹晏齐 +3 位作者 包雪洁 刘兴 郭昊 王琦 《中华中医药杂志》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第12期5778-5782,共5页
睡眠是人体最基础的生命活动之一。因长期生活习惯或健康状况等导致的慢性睡眠障碍与中医体质类型密切相关,不同体质人群出现慢性睡眠障碍的机制与症状不同。本研究基于国医大师王琦的体质九分法及治疗慢性睡眠障碍的独特思维,探究不同... 睡眠是人体最基础的生命活动之一。因长期生活习惯或健康状况等导致的慢性睡眠障碍与中医体质类型密切相关,不同体质人群出现慢性睡眠障碍的机制与症状不同。本研究基于国医大师王琦的体质九分法及治疗慢性睡眠障碍的独特思维,探究不同中医体质人群慢性睡眠障碍的“辨体-辨病-辨证”诊疗模式,以期为临床睡眠相关研究及诊疗提供新的思路与方法。 展开更多
关键词 慢性睡眠障碍 中医 病相关 “辨-病-证”模式 诊疗
A spectrum measurement system for arc plasma with time and spatial indentification
作者 李志勇 冯立 +1 位作者 杨军涛 范力予 《Journal of Measurement Science and Instrumentation》 CAS CSCD 2015年第1期75-82,共8页
Spectrum analysis of the plasma has over the years been growing both in methods and instrument, which makes it become a widely used non-contact detection method, without disturbing the arc plasma itself. With noticeab... Spectrum analysis of the plasma has over the years been growing both in methods and instrument, which makes it become a widely used non-contact detection method, without disturbing the arc plasma itself. With noticeable developments in the industry application of the method, a need for careful analysis of the plasma with both time and space identification is desirable. Therefore, a spectral measurement system is developed in this paper for diagnosing arc plasma with time and space identification. With a new hollow probe scanning method, the instrument can be used to provide information like energy distribution of plasma, temperature within the arc plasma, which are of great significance with the requirement of space identification. Furthermore, the system can also be used to capture the instant state of the arc plasma with the synchronic triggering system, which uses high speed photo and electrical signal as the time criterion. The industry applications prove that the system works well for online detection of the arc plasma. 展开更多
关键词 SPECTRUM PLASMA time identification space identification
作者 李艳芬 庄礼兴 《World Journal of Acupuncture-Moxibustion》 2007年第1期41-45,共5页
The acupoints and Chinese herbal medicines are quite different in their natures. In the present paper, the authors expound the differences of the natures between the acupoints and Chinese herbal medicines from a) sub... The acupoints and Chinese herbal medicines are quite different in their natures. In the present paper, the authors expound the differences of the natures between the acupoints and Chinese herbal medicines from a) substance carriers, b) the underlying mechanism in actions, and c) individual characteristics, etc.. 展开更多
关键词 The nature of acupoints The nature of Chinese herbs Efficacy Differences
Response of Photosynthesis, Growth, Carbon Isotope Discrimination and Osmotic Tolerance of Rice to Elevated CO_2 被引量:2
作者 彭长连 段俊 +2 位作者 林桂珠 陈贻竹 彭少麟 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第1期76-81,共6页
Four rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars 'IR72', 'Tesanai 2', 'Guichao 2' and 'IIyou 4480' were grown in two plastic house (15 m×3 m) with 35 μmol/mol and 60 μmol/mol CO 2 conc... Four rice ( Oryza sativa L.) cultivars 'IR72', 'Tesanai 2', 'Guichao 2' and 'IIyou 4480' were grown in two plastic house (15 m×3 m) with 35 μmol/mol and 60 μmol/mol CO 2 concentration which was controlled by computer. As compared with rice at ambient 35 μmol/mol CO 2, the changes in photosynthetic rate at elevated CO 2 showed up_regulation ('IR72' and 'Tesanai 2'), stable (unchanged) in 'Guichao 2' and down_regulation type ('IIyou 4480'). Growth rate, panicle weight, integrated water use efficiency (WUE) calculated from Δ 13 C and the capacity of scavenging DPPH · (1,1_diphenyl_2_picrylhydrazyl) free radical were increased at elevated CO 2. An increment in total biomass was observed in three cultivars by elevated CO 2, with the exception of 'IIyou 4480'. Ratios of panicle weight/total biomass were altered to different extents in tested cultivars by elevated CO 2. When leaf segments were subjected to PEG osmotic stress, the electrolyte leakage rate from leaves grown at elevated CO 2 was less than that at 35 μmol/mol CO 2. Those intraspecific variations of rice imply a possibility for selecting cultivars with maximal productivity and high tolerance to stresses adapted to elevated CO 2 in the future. 展开更多
关键词 rice cultivars elevated CO 2 PHOTOSYNTHESIS water use efficiency 13 C discrimination osmotic tolerance
Nano-Level Electron Beam Lithography
作者 刘明 陈宝钦 +1 位作者 王云翔 张建宏 《Journal of Semiconductors》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第1期24-28,共5页
The JEOL JBX-5000LS is a vector type machine.The system hardware features an ion-pumped column,a LaB 6 electron emitter,25kV and 50kV accelerating voltage,and a turbo-pumped sample chamber.The resolution,stability,st... The JEOL JBX-5000LS is a vector type machine.The system hardware features an ion-pumped column,a LaB 6 electron emitter,25kV and 50kV accelerating voltage,and a turbo-pumped sample chamber.The resolution,stability,stitching and overlay of this system are evaluated.The system can write complex patterns at dimensions down to 30nm.The demonstrated overlay accuracy of this system is better than 40nm. 展开更多
关键词 electron beam lithography system RESOLUTION overlay accuracy
Fourier Spectrometer based on Wide-range and Phase-locked Michelson Interferometer with Femtosecond Laser Excitation
作者 王自鑫 谢向生 +1 位作者 邓俊祺 周建英 《Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第1期1-4,I0001,共5页
A wide-range and phase-locked Michelson interferometer technique is described. This technique combined with femtosecond laser is used to measure the spectrum of the rare-earth ion Nd:YVO4, which presents very high si... A wide-range and phase-locked Michelson interferometer technique is described. This technique combined with femtosecond laser is used to measure the spectrum of the rare-earth ion Nd:YVO4, which presents very high signal to noise ratio of interferometric intensity output and higher spectral resolution than traditional grating spectrophotometer. 展开更多
关键词 Wide-ranged and phase-locked Michelson interferometer Fourier spectrometer Femtosecond laser High signal to noise ratio High resolution
Ophthalmic Syndrome Differentiation System and Digital Chinese Medicine 被引量:7
作者 Peng-Fei JIANG Jun PENG +3 位作者 Ya-Sha ZHOU Yi-Chen LI Qing-Hua PENG Xiang-Dong CHEN 《Digital Chinese Medicine》 2018年第1期9-13,共5页
In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),ophthalmic syndrome differentiation is an ophthalmology-specific method for identifying syndromes based on the“Five Orbiculi”theory.It was devised by Professor Qing-Hua PENG thro... In traditional Chinese medicine(TCM),ophthalmic syndrome differentiation is an ophthalmology-specific method for identifying syndromes based on the“Five Orbiculi”theory.It was devised by Professor Qing-Hua PENG through an unprecedented combination of syndrome element differentiation and ophthalmic clinical practices,based on the Clinical Terminology of Chinese Medical Diagnosis and Treatment-Syndromes of the National Standards of the People's Republic of China.This approach integrates an ophthalmic syndrome differentiation system with digital Chinese medicine(DCM),and proposes the extraction of syndrome elements of ophthalmic diseases from research on DCM.These elements are then quantified and organized to form a model of digital diagnosis and treatment specific to ophthalmology,which should help to achieve synergistic development of the ophthalmic syndrome differentiation system and DCM. 展开更多
关键词 Ophthalmic syndrome differentiation Digital Chinese medicine (DCM) Syndrome element differentiation Dialectic of traditional Chinese Medicine Five Orbiculi
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