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运用“透视”原理构建小学美术教学法的研究 被引量:2
作者 王蕾 《小学教学研究(理论版)》 2018年第12期21-22,共2页
"透视"是绘画理论术语,本教学法运用的是"透视"的原理及空间关系进行的教学方法的研究。小学美术"透视教学法"是通过焦点透视和散点透视的相互转化,使师生主体活动呈现"聚合"与"发散"... "透视"是绘画理论术语,本教学法运用的是"透视"的原理及空间关系进行的教学方法的研究。小学美术"透视教学法"是通过焦点透视和散点透视的相互转化,使师生主体活动呈现"聚合"与"发散"的交替过程。在研究过程中设计了教学法的实践模型图,重点强调了美术课堂教学目标为唯一焦点。四条教师主导指向的透视线即技能线、人文线、情感线、趣味线并行,同时预设与之相应的学生主体指向的有效、有意、有情、有趣四条透视线,并归为焦点。形成了以"探究体验"为美术教学的突破口,链接审美介入、激疑生惑、多元探趣、情至生美、联系生活五个教学策略,并相互转化和移动,以此开启学生思维,触及美术课堂教学的本质。 展开更多
关键词 “透视”原理 美术教学 教学法
作者 刘亚律 《跨文化对话》 CSSCI 2018年第1期190-211,共22页
“聆听”与“透视”是中西叙事阅读理论在方法论领域的某种差异.这种差异源自中西叙事阅读的目标与传统之间的张力关系.中国叙事文学强烈的伦理意向性,决定了其阅读目标是“通作者之意”,从而将体情察意置于突出位置,西方叙事学是一种... “聆听”与“透视”是中西叙事阅读理论在方法论领域的某种差异.这种差异源自中西叙事阅读的目标与传统之间的张力关系.中国叙事文学强烈的伦理意向性,决定了其阅读目标是“通作者之意”,从而将体情察意置于突出位置,西方叙事学是一种具有宏阔性特点的阅读理论,其目标重在发现叙事作品的内在关系范式;由于重视教诲意义与体情察意,中国的叙事阅读传统强调诉诸听觉的“聆听”活动.科学实证主义传统则令西方叙事阅读更具客观的“透视”精神;中国叙事阅读的“聆听”方式大致有“循声察旨”“依声寻味”“因声求气”以及“因默入神”等类型,西方叙事理论主要奉行语言学模式,在综合运用演绎法、分类法与图示法的“透视”过程中烙有鲜明的视觉主义印记.过于倚重科学主义的结构主义叙事学的式微,是视觉中心主义地位终将动摇的理论“寓言”.恢复阅读感觉领域的“生态平衡”在当下具有重要意义. 展开更多
关键词 “聆听” “透视” 阅读 方法论 差异
透视分离法与近代汉语语音研究──兼评《李氏音鉴音系研究》的方法论价值 被引量:4
作者 方环海 《古汉语研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2002年第1期4-7,共4页
研究方法是近代汉语语音研究中亟待创新的部分,杨亦鸣在对《李氏音鉴》音系的研究实践中进行了有益的尝试,创获了“透视分离法”, 为近代汉语语音研究提供了一种行之有效的新的研究方法,对此可从近代音研究的基本方法、透视分离法... 研究方法是近代汉语语音研究中亟待创新的部分,杨亦鸣在对《李氏音鉴》音系的研究实践中进行了有益的尝试,创获了“透视分离法”, 为近代汉语语音研究提供了一种行之有效的新的研究方法,对此可从近代音研究的基本方法、透视分离法的研究实践、透视分离法的影响三个方面对透视分离法在汉语音韵学上的方法论价值作探讨。 展开更多
关键词 语音研究 近代汉语 音系 汉语音韵学 尝试 透视 李氏
作者 贾振勇 《鲁迅研究月刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第12期7-11,共5页
近百年鲁迅研究和评价史上有两个极致:一是毛泽东,一个是苏雪林。前者赞誉鲁迅为“中国的第一等圣人”、“新中国的圣人”、“三个伟大”、“九个最”,评价之高中国自古以来好像也未有几人堪享此荣,他旋转乾坤后更是一言定河山,不... 近百年鲁迅研究和评价史上有两个极致:一是毛泽东,一个是苏雪林。前者赞誉鲁迅为“中国的第一等圣人”、“新中国的圣人”、“三个伟大”、“九个最”,评价之高中国自古以来好像也未有几人堪享此荣,他旋转乾坤后更是一言定河山,不但左右鲁迅研究的走向,而且成为妇孺皆知的常识、律令甚至思维习惯。 展开更多
关键词 鲁迅研究 “透视主义” 评价 反思 史述 文学 新中国 思维习惯
《山居秋暝》的“透视主义”分析 被引量:1
作者 彭舒羽 《河北科技师范学院学报(社会科学版)》 2016年第2期47-50,66,共5页
运用"透视主义"的文本层次分析方法,对古典诗歌《山居秋暝》进行了分析,尝试打破内部批评和外部批评之界限,从声音层面的平仄和押韵、以"空"字为例的语词意义单元、意蕴深厚的多种意象、包蕴诗情和禅境的意境四个... 运用"透视主义"的文本层次分析方法,对古典诗歌《山居秋暝》进行了分析,尝试打破内部批评和外部批评之界限,从声音层面的平仄和押韵、以"空"字为例的语词意义单元、意蕴深厚的多种意象、包蕴诗情和禅境的意境四个方面进行详细分析,进而得出该诗音韵美、语义丰、意象深、意境宏的审美价值,并阐明当下阅读古诗的重要性。 展开更多
关键词 《山居秋暝》 “透视主义” 文本层次分析
作者 蔡丽亚 《中学语文》 2022年第10期20-22,共3页
传统小说“三要素”的模式化教学,因其大众化的教学策略不能帮助读者透彻理解小说的个性。《驿路梨花》的教学,以“关系”为共生原点,从“人物和茅屋”“人物和人物”“茅屋和梨花”“梨花和人物”四组关系展开教学,构建凸显生长力的课... 传统小说“三要素”的模式化教学,因其大众化的教学策略不能帮助读者透彻理解小说的个性。《驿路梨花》的教学,以“关系”为共生原点,从“人物和茅屋”“人物和人物”“茅屋和梨花”“梨花和人物”四组关系展开教学,构建凸显生长力的课堂教学;梳理“关系”,让阅读理解与文体知识共生;品析“关系”,让阅读鉴赏与语言知识共生;辨析“关系”,让阅读评价和文化知识共生。 展开更多
关键词 阅读 “透视关系” 共生
韦勒克的批评史研究方法述评 被引量:7
作者 杨冬 《文艺理论研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 1999年第4期19-24,共6页
关键词 批评史 韦勒克 文学批评 研究方法 文学理论 批评家 近代文学 相对主义 “透视主义” 理论主张
论韦勒克的文学史观 被引量:5
作者 乔国强 《上海大学学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2009年第3期74-87,共14页
自从出现文学史这种记载文学发生和发展变化的史书体裁以来,国内外各类文学史著作数量之多编写体例之杂芜、混乱已非同一般。但文学史究竟是怎样的一部史书,其性质、写作方法等如何,仍是个值得深思的问题。韦勒克和沃伦合著的《文学理... 自从出现文学史这种记载文学发生和发展变化的史书体裁以来,国内外各类文学史著作数量之多编写体例之杂芜、混乱已非同一般。但文学史究竟是怎样的一部史书,其性质、写作方法等如何,仍是个值得深思的问题。韦勒克和沃伦合著的《文学理论》一书至今对我们的文学研究和文学史撰写依然有着巨大的影响,有人甚至奉为圭皋。该书从不同的侧面详细探讨了文学史的性质、文学史的写作方法等,在阐明自己文学史观的同时并指出了某些已有的文学史观的错误。韦勒克文学史观的理论继承了艾略特所开创的那种从历史的维度、宏观且动态地考察文学作品的传统,而且就其理论的本质而言,他的包括文学价值观在内的一整套文学史观,就是在综合了艾略特与兰瑟姆的本体论诗学和艾略特的"有机整体观"以及"非个性化"理论的基础上提出来并发扬光大的。从这一观点出发,韦勒克构建了自己的文学史框架:文学史是在对文学这种意向性存在的"经验客体"进行的批评中,归纳或"提炼"出表达"决定性结构"或价值体系(包括文学的原理、文学的范畴和判断标准等)的文学理论,然后在此理论的指导下,以文学系统内的、"一个与时代同时出现的秩序"的前后逻辑关系,在综合通过读者、批评家等人头脑的文学批评的基础上,构成文学史的写作框架。当然,韦勒克文学史观也有其自身的缺陷:首先,从总体上看,韦勒克对文学存在的认识是偏颇的;其次,韦勒克的文学史观中其实还杂糅了阐释学和新历史主义的一些基本观点;最后,韦勒克的文学进化观也是值得商榷的。韦勒克的文学史观说到底,其实还是坚持对文学内部的研究,而不是与其相关的历史的、社会的、思想史的或心理等背景的研究,没有超出"新批评"对文学的认知范围。这是我们需要注意的。 展开更多
关键词 韦勒克 文学史 文学理论 文学批评 “透视主义” “文学重建论” 新批评
作者 昂海松 《Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics》 EI 1996年第2期95+91-94,共5页
To obtain an accurate 3 D object configuration from images,the essential perspective characteristics must be considered. Several new inverse transformation relations of the perspective image lines are given. Utiliz... To obtain an accurate 3 D object configuration from images,the essential perspective characteristics must be considered. Several new inverse transformation relations of the perspective image lines are given. Utilizing the analytic transformation relations, an optimization procedure for obtaining the unknown camera parameters of images is presented in this paper. A 3 D reproduction method and examples are introduced. 展开更多
关键词 perspective projection optimization perspective image 3 D reproduction
作者 黄爱群 《家庭电子》 2003年第5期14-14,共1页
哥伦比亚科学家日前成功开发出新一代的用户界面系统——“AR增强现实系统”。戴上这种如同普通眼镜一样的系统,眼前就会出现一个崭新的世界。这种AR系统是一种戴在头部、可将虚拟图形和文本(包括声音)附加在用户看到的外界环境之上的... 哥伦比亚科学家日前成功开发出新一代的用户界面系统——“AR增强现实系统”。戴上这种如同普通眼镜一样的系统,眼前就会出现一个崭新的世界。这种AR系统是一种戴在头部、可将虚拟图形和文本(包括声音)附加在用户看到的外界环境之上的“透视”设备。它能够跟踪用户头部的位置和方向,使附加的虚拟对象可以与真实环境中保持一致。通过“配准”的方式, 展开更多
关键词 用户界面系统 AR增强现实系统 显示器 “透视”设备
艾略特的诗歌理论与新批评 被引量:1
作者 尹建民 《青海师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 1996年第1期41-46,共6页
艾略特的诗歌理论与新批评尹建民T·S·艾略特是西方现代诗派的先驱人物,他1922年发表的长诗(荒原)在世界文坛上产生了强烈的影响,并因此获得了诺贝尔文学奖。同时,艾略特又是一位著名的批评家,其“非人格”(Im... 艾略特的诗歌理论与新批评尹建民T·S·艾略特是西方现代诗派的先驱人物,他1922年发表的长诗(荒原)在世界文坛上产生了强烈的影响,并因此获得了诺贝尔文学奖。同时,艾略特又是一位著名的批评家,其“非人格”(Impersonalit)的诗歌批评理论对于现... 展开更多
关键词 艾略特 新批评 诗歌理论 文学批评 文学作品 结构主义 文本意义 理查兹 “透视主义” 情感体验
Reassessment of functional dyspepsia:From the editor 被引量:54
作者 Andrew Seng Boon Chua MD 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第17期2660-2666,共7页
Dyspepsia refers to group of upper gastrointestinal symptoms that occur commonly in adults. Dyspepsia is known to result from organic causes, but the majority of patients suffer from non-ulcer or functional dyspepsia.... Dyspepsia refers to group of upper gastrointestinal symptoms that occur commonly in adults. Dyspepsia is known to result from organic causes, but the majority of patients suffer from non-ulcer or functional dyspepsia. Epidemiological data from population-based studies of various geographical locations have been reviewed, as they provide more realistic information. Population-based studies on true functional dyspepsia (FD) are few, due to the logistic difficulties of excluding structural disease in large numbers of people. Globally, the prevalence of uninvestigated dyspepsia (UD) varies between 7%- 45%, depending on definition used and geographical location, whilst the prevalence of FD has been noted to vary between 11%-29.2%. Risk factors for FD have been shown to include females and underlying psychological disturbances, whilst environmental/lifestyle habits such as poor socio-economic status, smoking, increased caffeine intake and ingestion of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs appear to be more relevant to UD. It is clear that dyspepsia and FD in particular are common conditions globally, affecting most populations, regardless of location. 展开更多
关键词 DYSPEPSIA Functional dyspepsia Geographical variation Uninvestigated dyspepsia PREVALENCE EPIDEMIOLOGY
Stem cells for liver tissue repair:Current knowledge and perspectives 被引量:22
作者 Philippe A Lysy David Campard +2 位作者 Fran oise Smets Mustapha Najimi Etienne M Sokal 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第6期864-875,共12页
Stem cells from extra-or intrahepatic sources have been recently characterized and their usefulness for the generation of hepatocyte-like lineages has been demonstrated. Therefore, they are being increasingly consider... Stem cells from extra-or intrahepatic sources have been recently characterized and their usefulness for the generation of hepatocyte-like lineages has been demonstrated. Therefore, they are being increasingly considered for future applications in liver cell therapy. In that field, liver cell transplantation is currently regarded as a possible alternative to whole organ transplantation, while stem cells possess theoretical advantages on hepatocytes as they display higher in vitro culture performances and could be used in autologous transplant procedures. However, the current research on the hepatic fate of stem cells is still facing difficulties to demonstrate the acquisition of a full mature hepatocyte phenotype, both in vitro and in vivo. Furthermore, the lack of obvious demonstration of in vivo hepatocyte-like cell functionality remains associated to low repopulation rates obtained after current transplantation procedures. The present review focuses on the current knowledge of the stem cell potential for liver therapy. We discuss the characteristics of the principal cell candidates and the methods to demonstrate their hepatic potential in vitro and in vivo. We finally address the question of the future clinical applications of stem cells for liver tissue repair and the technical aspects that remain to be investigated. 展开更多
关键词 Stem cells Hepatocyte differentiation Liver regeneration Cell therapy
Endoscopic ultrasound-guided biliary drainage 被引量:7
作者 Disaya Chavalitdhamrong Peter V Draganov 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第6期491-497,共7页
Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)-guided biliary drainage has emerged as a minimally invasive alternative to percutaneous and surgical interventions for patients with biliary obstruction who had failed endoscopic retrograde ... Endoscopic ultrasound(EUS)-guided biliary drainage has emerged as a minimally invasive alternative to percutaneous and surgical interventions for patients with biliary obstruction who had failed endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography(ERCP).EUSguided biliary drainage has become feasible due to the development of large channel curvilinear therapeutic echo-endoscopes and the use of real-time ultrasound and fluoroscopy imaging in addition to standard ERCP devices and techniques.EUS-guided biliary drainage is an attractive option because of its minimally invasive,single step procedure which provides internal biliary decompression.Multiple investigators have reported high success and low complication rates.Unfortunately,high quality prospective data are still lacking.We provide detailed review of the use of EUS for biliary drainage from the perspective of practicing endoscopists with specific focus on the technical aspects of the procedure. 展开更多
关键词 Bile duct Biliary obstruction Biliary drainage Endoscopic ultrasound Endoscopic ultrasound-guidedbiliary drainage
Evaluation of a new method for placing nasojejunal feeding tubes 被引量:6
作者 Hua Qin Xiao-Yun Lu +7 位作者 Qiu Zhao De-Min Li Pei-Yuan Li Mei Liu Qi Zhou Liang Zhu Hui-Fang Pang Hui-Zhen Zhao 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2012年第37期5295-5299,共5页
AIM:To compare fluoroscopic, endoscopic and guide wire assistance with ultraslim gastroscopy for placement of nasojejunal feeding tubes. METHODS:The information regarding nasojejunal tube placement procedures was retr... AIM:To compare fluoroscopic, endoscopic and guide wire assistance with ultraslim gastroscopy for placement of nasojejunal feeding tubes. METHODS:The information regarding nasojejunal tube placement procedures was retrieved using the gastrointestinal tract database at Tongji Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College. Records from 81 patients who underwent nasojejunal tubes placement by different techniques between 2004 and 2011 were reviewed for procedure success and tube-related outcomes. RESULTS:Nasojejunal feeding tubes were successfully placed in 78 (96.3%) of 81 patients. The success rate by fluoroscopy was 92% (23 of 25), by endoscopic technique 96.3% (26 of 27), and by guide wire assistance (whether via transnasal or transoral insertion)100% (23/23, 6/6). The average time for successful placement was 14.9 ± 2.9 min for fluoroscopic placement, 14.8 ± 4.9 min for endoscopic placement, 11.1 ± 2.2 min for guide wire assistance with transnasal gastroscopic placement, and 14.7 ± 1.2 min for transoral gastroscopic placement. Statistically, the duration for the third method was significantly different (P < 0.05) compared with the other three methods. Transnasal placement over a guidewire was significantly faster (P < 0.05) than any of the other approaches. CONCLUSION:Guide wire assistance with transnasal insertion of nasojejunal feeding tubes represents a safe, quick and effective method for providing enteral nutrition. 展开更多
关键词 Enteral nutrition Nasojejunal feeding tube Guide wire assistance FLUOROSCOPY ENDOSCOPY
Management of functional dyspepsia: Unsolved problems and new perspectives 被引量:3
作者 Ahmed Madisch Stephan Miehlke Joachim Labenz 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第42期6577-6581,共5页
The common characteristic criteria of all functional gastrointestinal(GI)disorders are the persistence and recurrence of variable gastrointestinal symptoms that cannot be explained by any structural or biochemical abn... The common characteristic criteria of all functional gastrointestinal(GI)disorders are the persistence and recurrence of variable gastrointestinal symptoms that cannot be explained by any structural or biochemical abnormalities. Functional dyspepsia (FD) represents one of the important GI disorders in Western countries because of its remarkably high prevalence in general population and its impact on quality of life. Due to its dependence on both subjective determinants and diverse country-specific circumstances, the definition and management strategies of FD are still variably stated.Clinical trials with several drug classes (e.g., proton pump inhibitors, H2-blockers, prokinetic drugs) have been performed frequently without validated diseasespecific test instruments for the outcome measurements.Therefore, the interpretation of such trials remains difficult and controversial with respect to comparability and evaluation of drug efficacy, and definite conclusions can be drawn neither for diagnostic management nor for efficacious drug therapy so far. In view of these unsolved problems, guidelines both on the clinical management of FD and on the performance of clinical trials are needed. In recent years, increasing research work has been done in this area. Clinical trials conducted in adequately diagnosed patients that provided validated outcome measurements may result in better insights leading to more effective treatment strategies.Encouraging perspectives have been recently performed by methodologically well-designed treatment studies with herbal drug preparations. Herbal drugs, given their proven efficacy in clinical trials, offer a safe therapeutic alternative in the treatment of FD which is often favored by both patients and physicians. A fixed combination of peppermint oil and caraway oil in patients suffering from FD could be proven effective by well-designed clinical trials. 展开更多
关键词 DYSPEPSIA Functional dyspepsia DEFINITION DIAGNOSIS MANAGEMENT Drug efficacy Clinical trials Outcome measurements Herbal drugs
ABC transporters,neural stem cells and neurogenesis - a different perspective 被引量:3
作者 OmedulIslam KlausHeese 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第11期857-871,共15页
Stem cells intrigue. They have the ability to divide exponentially, recreate the stem cell compartment, as well as create differentiated cells to generate tissues. Therefore, they should be natural candidates to provi... Stem cells intrigue. They have the ability to divide exponentially, recreate the stem cell compartment, as well as create differentiated cells to generate tissues. Therefore, they should be natural candidates to provide a renewable source of cells for transplantation applied in regenerative medicine. Stem cells have the capacity to generate specific tissues or even whole organs like the blood, heart, or bones. A subgroup of stem cells, the neural stem cells (NSCs), is characterized as a self-renewing population that generates neurons and glia of the developing brain. They can be isolated, genetically manipulated and differentiated in vitro and reintroduced into a developing, adult or a pathologically altered central nervous system. NSCs have been considered for use in cell replacement therapies in various neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's disease and Alzheimer's disease. Characterization of genes with tightly controlled expression patterns during differentiation represents an approach to understanding the regulation of stem cell commitment. The regulation of stem cell biology by the ATP-binding cassette (ABC) transporters has emerged as an important new field of investigation. As a major focus of stem cell research is in the manipulation of cells to enable differentiation into a targeted cell population; in this review, we discuss recent literatures on ABC transporters and stem cells, and propose an integrated view on the role of the ABC transporters, especially ABCA2, ABCA3, ABCB 1 and ABCG2, in NSCs' proliferation, differentiation and regulation, along with comparisons to that in hematopoietic and other stem cells. 展开更多
关键词 neural stem cells ABC transporters ABCB 1 ABCG2 DIFFERENTIATION stem cell marker
Surgical perspectives in gastrointestinal disease: A study of quality of life outcomes in esophageal, pancreatic, colon, and rectal cancers 被引量:5
作者 Kate V Viola Charlotte Ariyan Julie Ann Sosa 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2006年第20期3213-3218,共6页
Outcomes assessment in surgery traditionally has included data regarding peri-operative mortality and morbidity, as well as long-term survival and recurrence in surgical oncology. However, quality of life (QOL) is a... Outcomes assessment in surgery traditionally has included data regarding peri-operative mortality and morbidity, as well as long-term survival and recurrence in surgical oncology. However, quality of life (QOL) is another important patient-related outcome measure. QOL data can be used to tailor treatment and improve clinical outcomes by detecting physical or psychological problems in patients that otherwise might be overlooked, but which have profound implications for the effective delivery of care. We review several well-validated QOL instruments developed specifically for use in patients with gastrointestinal malignancies, including esophageal, pancreatic and colorectal cancers, and conclude that QOL assessment routinely should be included in clinical trials of novel treatments. 展开更多
关键词 Gastrointestinal malignancy Quality of life Patient-related outcomes
作者 乔延军 《云梦学刊》 1996年第2期52-55,共4页
尼采早期美学思想中的“酒神”和“日神”来自于他对古希腊哲学的继承,对叔本华哲学思想的发扬。靠着对古希腊宇宙本体论和永恒生成思想的深刻理解,尼采合“酒神”与“日神”而成“强力意志”,“强力意志”使人作为一次“美的事件”... 尼采早期美学思想中的“酒神”和“日神”来自于他对古希腊哲学的继承,对叔本华哲学思想的发扬。靠着对古希腊宇宙本体论和永恒生成思想的深刻理解,尼采合“酒神”与“日神”而成“强力意志”,“强力意志”使人作为一次“美的事件”在宇宙间生成。 展开更多
关键词 酒神 日神 “强力意志” “透视主义”
Analysis of Nida's dynamic equivalence from the perspective of domestication and foreignization 被引量:1
作者 YU Yuan LI Wan-jun 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第9期74-81,共8页
This paper presents an introduction to the concepts of domestication and foreignization and the theory of Nida's "dynamic equivalence". Then, the paper makes an analysis of "dynamic equivalence" from the perspect... This paper presents an introduction to the concepts of domestication and foreignization and the theory of Nida's "dynamic equivalence". Then, the paper makes an analysis of "dynamic equivalence" from the perspective of domestication and foreignization. 展开更多
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