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发展融资租赁业 加强东北老工业基地的资金“造血”功能 被引量:7
作者 杨波 《东北财经大学学报》 2005年第2期36-38,共3页
本文认为发展融资租赁业,是增强东北老工业基地资金"造血"功能的有效方式,能够破解东北老工业基地振兴过程中的资金难题,厂商融资租赁方式能够促进东北装配制造业的发展。本文构思了与振兴东北老工业相适应的现代租赁体系框架... 本文认为发展融资租赁业,是增强东北老工业基地资金"造血"功能的有效方式,能够破解东北老工业基地振兴过程中的资金难题,厂商融资租赁方式能够促进东北装配制造业的发展。本文构思了与振兴东北老工业相适应的现代租赁体系框架,提出了国家应给予的政策法律支持路径。 展开更多
关键词 “造血”功能 厂商融资租赁 以租代售 信息化
共同富裕目标下政府转移支付“造血”功能的实现 被引量:5
作者 潘文轩 《郑州大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2022年第3期58-64,共7页
政府转移支付对共同富裕的作用受到其“造血”功能的影响。接受转移支付的低收入群体和欠发达地区政府的自我发展,既是理解转移支付“造血”功能的枢纽,也是衔接转移支付“造血”功能与共同富裕的桥梁。具有良好“造血”功能的政府转移... 政府转移支付对共同富裕的作用受到其“造血”功能的影响。接受转移支付的低收入群体和欠发达地区政府的自我发展,既是理解转移支付“造血”功能的枢纽,也是衔接转移支付“造血”功能与共同富裕的桥梁。具有良好“造血”功能的政府转移支付,可从激励发展动力、提升发展能力两方面推动低收入群体和欠发达地区政府的自我发展。实现共同富裕要求进一步增强我国政府转移支付的“造血”功能,为此,要以促进受助对象自我发展为目标导向,在协调好公平与效率关系的基础上,进一步完善对低收入群体和欠发达地区的转移支付制度,使转移支付“输血”和“造血”两大功能协同发力助推共同富裕。 展开更多
关键词 转移支付 “造血”功能 共同富裕 自我发展
作者 张明锋 《中文科技期刊数据库(全文版)经济管理》 2024年第2期0096-0099,共4页
村级集体经济的壮大对于全面建设小康社会和乡村振兴具有重要意义。村级集体经济是农村经济的基础和支撑力量,通过发展壮大村级集体经济,可以推动农村产业结构调整升级,提升农民收入水平,增强农村社会稳定和可持续发展能力。本文介绍了... 村级集体经济的壮大对于全面建设小康社会和乡村振兴具有重要意义。村级集体经济是农村经济的基础和支撑力量,通过发展壮大村级集体经济,可以推动农村产业结构调整升级,提升农民收入水平,增强农村社会稳定和可持续发展能力。本文介绍了增强“造血”功能和壮大村级集体经济的措施,包括创新农村产业发展模式、加强人才培养和引进、加强金融支持、推动合作发展与区域联动等。这些措施旨在提高村级集体经济的创新能力、竞争力和可持续发展能力,为农村经济的转型升级和长期发展提供支撑。 展开更多
关键词 村庄 集体经济 “造血”功能 措施
武陵山片区产业精准扶贫的问题及路径优化研究 被引量:3
作者 宋美喆 王二棵 +1 位作者 田荷 杨操 《湖南财政经济学院学报》 2017年第4期37-42,共6页
强调产业精准扶贫,在增强农民自我造血能力的基础上发展产业,有利于发挥贫困群体主体作用,提高武陵山片区扶贫工作的精准性和有效性。通过实地调研和相关资料的收集,发现武陵山片区产业精准扶贫存在着产业结构单一、产业链较短、经济主... 强调产业精准扶贫,在增强农民自我造血能力的基础上发展产业,有利于发挥贫困群体主体作用,提高武陵山片区扶贫工作的精准性和有效性。通过实地调研和相关资料的收集,发现武陵山片区产业精准扶贫存在着产业结构单一、产业链较短、经济主体协作能力较差等问题,并对其成因进行剖析,结合实践探索,进一步从打造特色产业品牌、凸显政府引领作用、充分应用"互联网+"模式等方面,提出推动产业精准扶贫、形成长效增收机制的优化路径,以为今后精准扶贫工作的开展提供较为科学的参考依据。 展开更多
关键词 武陵山片区 产业精准扶贫 “造血”功能
Protective Effect of phytolacca Acinosa Polysaccharides Ⅰ(PAP-Ⅰ)on Hematopoiesis in Cyclophosphamide-treated and 60 ̄Co-irradiated Mice
作者 王洪斌 郑钦岳 +5 位作者 孙盛川 刘宝云 沈有安 唐惠兰 鞠佃文 方军 《Journal of Chinese Pharmaceutical Sciences》 CAS 1995年第2期89-98,共10页
The protective effect of a kind of purified polysaccharides extracted from Radix of Phytolacca acinosa Roxb,with a molecular weight of 10 KDa,on hematopoiesis was investigated.Average survival time of mice treated wit... The protective effect of a kind of purified polysaccharides extracted from Radix of Phytolacca acinosa Roxb,with a molecular weight of 10 KDa,on hematopoiesis was investigated.Average survival time of mice treated with cyclophosphamide (CY) 300 mg/kg once alone was 13.3 ± 7.2d(n=7) however,average survival time of mice treated with CY 300 mg/kg in com-bination with PAP-1 10 mg/kg,3 times/wk was 36.7± 16.4d(n=7,P<0.01).PAP-1,ip had benefi-cial effect on the recovery of the CY induced decrease of peripheral leukocyte number,and the nu-cleated bone marrow cell(BMC)number and[3 ̄H]TdR uptaken by BMC induced by rmGM-CSF in S180 bearing mice treated with CY,In mice,after the first ip treatment with CY 100 mg/kg on d7,the peripheral leukocyte number decreased on d9 and recovered to normal level about d13 to d15. Such recovery was accelerated by administrating PAP-1,10mg/kg, 3 times/wk.A significant in-crease of the activity to form colony in spleen(colony-forming unit in spleen, CFU-S_8, CUF-S12) in mice irradiated with 550 rad 6O ̄Co γ-rays and an enhancement of proliferative response of BMC to rmGM-CSF treated with PAP-1,10mg/kg,3 times/wk, ip were observed.After PAP-1,10 mg/kg,ip once,a significant increase in the number of peripheral blood leukocytes and a rise in the serum of colony stimulating factor(CSF) were also confirmed.The types of CSF in serum were M-CSF and other hematopoietic growth factors,which were confirmed by using McAb of IL-3, GM-CSF and PcAb of M-CSF. These beneficial effects of PAP-1 on hematopoiesis may be related to its activityinducing CSFs and other hematopoietic growth factors and warrant further evaluation of its use-fulness. 展开更多
关键词 Phytolacca acinosa POLYSACCHARIDES CYCLOPHOSPHAMIDE Colony-forming unit in spleen(CFU- Colony stimulating factors Monocolonal antibody Polycolonal antibody
产业兴“媒” 欣欣向“融”——靖远融媒探索全业态运营的实践与启示
作者 冯文强 周玉香 王英华 《西部广播电视》 2023年第24期219-223,共5页
县级融媒体中心建设是推动媒体融合向纵深发展的基础环节。肩负着报道和经营双重使命的县级融媒体中心如何拓宽经营性收入渠道,增强自我造血功能,实现社会效益、经济效益双丰收是摆在其面前的大课题。作为甘肃省国家重点任务建设县级媒... 县级融媒体中心建设是推动媒体融合向纵深发展的基础环节。肩负着报道和经营双重使命的县级融媒体中心如何拓宽经营性收入渠道,增强自我造血功能,实现社会效益、经济效益双丰收是摆在其面前的大课题。作为甘肃省国家重点任务建设县级媒体融合的先试先行者,靖远县融媒体中心结合县域媒体融合发展实际,以机制创新、内容创新、运营创新为抓手,深化了资源、平台、流程、产品上的多种融合,探索建立了“融媒体+政务+服务+产业+活动+项目”的运营模式,聚力打造立体多样、融合发展的现代传播体系和经营运行机制,走出了一条区域融媒全业态运营的发展之路。 展开更多
关键词 产业驱动 市场化运营 “造血”功能
作者 金检生 陈雷 《上海农业科技》 2023年第6期8-10,共3页
促进低收入农户增收是浙江省共同富裕示范区建设的重要内容。为进一步提高浙江省湖州市吴兴区低收入农户的工资性收入、财产性收入、经营性收入等,在产业帮扶、就业帮扶、强村富民和政策托底等方面,总结了吴兴区促进低入农户增收的主要... 促进低收入农户增收是浙江省共同富裕示范区建设的重要内容。为进一步提高浙江省湖州市吴兴区低收入农户的工资性收入、财产性收入、经营性收入等,在产业帮扶、就业帮扶、强村富民和政策托底等方面,总结了吴兴区促进低入农户增收的主要做法,并针对增收渠道较窄、增收动力不足、农村“造血”功能不强等问题,提出了完善激励帮扶机制和制度设计、提高低收入农户增收能力、增强村集体“造血”功能等促进低收入农民增收的相关对策与建议,旨在为提高吴兴区及其周边地区低收入农户的收入水平提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 低收入农户 增收渠道 “造血”功能 帮扶机制 吴兴区
miR-223 and miR-142 attenuate hematopoietic cell proliferation, and miR-223 positively regulates miR-142 through LMO2 isoforms and CEBP-β 被引量:13
作者 Wei Sun Wenwen Shen Shuang Yang Fen Hu Huihui Li Tian-Hui Zhu 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2010年第10期1158-1169,共12页
miR-142 and miR-223 have been identified as hematopoietic specific microRNAs, miR-223 has crucial functions in myeloid lineage development. However, the function of miR-142 remains unclear. In this study, we found tha... miR-142 and miR-223 have been identified as hematopoietic specific microRNAs, miR-223 has crucial functions in myeloid lineage development. However, the function of miR-142 remains unclear. In this study, we found that both miR-142 and miR-223 attenuated the proliferation of hematopoietic cells, and that miR-223 up-regulated miR-142 expression through the LMO2-L/-S isoforms and CEBP-p. miR-223 negatively regulated both LMO2-L/-S isoforms and CEBP-β post-transcriptionally, while CEBP-βpositively regulated the LMO2-L/-S isoforms and both of the LMO2-L/-S isoforms negatively regulated miR-142. These results reveal a novel miR-223--CEBP-β-LMO2-- miR-142 regulatory pathway, which has pivotal functions in hematopoiesis. 展开更多
关键词 miR-142 miR-223 LMO2-L LMO2-S CEBP-I3 proliferation
Regulation of hematopoiesis and the hematopoietic stem cell niche by Wnt signaling pathways 被引量:9
作者 Michael J Nemeth David M Bodine 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第9期746-758,共13页
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are a rare population of cells that are responsible for life-long generation of blood cells of all lineages. In order to maintain their numbers, HSCs must establish a balance between ... Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are a rare population of cells that are responsible for life-long generation of blood cells of all lineages. In order to maintain their numbers, HSCs must establish a balance between the opposing cell fates of self-renewal (in which the ability to function as HSCs is retained) and initiation of hematopoietic differentiation. Multiple signaling pathways have been implicated in the regulation of HSC cell fate. One such set of pathways are those activated by the Wnt family of ligands. Wnt signaling pathways play a crucial role during embryogenesis and deregulation of these pathways has been implicated in the formation of solid tumors. Wnt signaling also plays a role in the regulation of stem cells from multiple tissues, such as embryonic, epidermal, and intestinal stem cells. However, the function of Wnt signaling in HSC biology is still controversial. In this review, we will discuss the basic characteristics of the adult HSC and its regulatory microenvironment, the "niche", focusing on the regulation of the HSC and its niche by the Wnt signaling pathways. 展开更多
关键词 HEMATOPOIESIS hematopoietic stem cell Wnt proteins OSTEOBLAST
Extramedullary Hematopoiesis Mimicking a Neoplasm in a Goeldi's Monkey (Callimico goeldii)
作者 Rute Marina Noiva Hugo Pissarra +4 位作者 Teresa Fernandes Rui Bernardino Luis Madeira de Carvalh~ Femando Alves Afonso Maria Conceicao Peleteiro 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2013年第12期1228-1235,共8页
Extramedullary hematopoiesis consists in the appearance and proliferation of hematopoietic cells outside the bone marrow. In this article, the authors describe a case of hepatosplenic hematopoiesis in a 9-year-old, ma... Extramedullary hematopoiesis consists in the appearance and proliferation of hematopoietic cells outside the bone marrow. In this article, the authors describe a case of hepatosplenic hematopoiesis in a 9-year-old, male Goeldi's monkey concurrent with a Calodium hepaticum infestation, belonging to the Lisbon's Zoo primate collection (Portugal). Lesions were identified upon necropsy after euthanasia due to the presence of an apparently non-excisable, metastatic aortic mass. Histopathological analysis of samples taken was carried out and immunohistochemical staining was used to characterize the cellular population involved, confirming the diagnosis of extramedullary hematopoiesis. To the best of the authors' knowledge, this is the first report of hepatosplenic extramedullary hematopoiesis in a Goeldi's monkey. 展开更多
关键词 Extramedullary hematopoiesis Goeldi's monkey Callimico goeldii Calodium hepaticum LIVER spleen.
作者 龙澎 《中国检察官》 2020年第17期16-18,共3页
当前基层在扶贫工作理念中,缺乏脱贫内源动力机制的培育和发展的观念,忽视贫困户在脱贫攻坚中的“造血”功能成为脱贫攻坚路上的拦路虎,解决贫困户精神贫困问题成为打破扶贫攻坚战最后“一公里”的重要因素。江西省赣州市人民检察院驻... 当前基层在扶贫工作理念中,缺乏脱贫内源动力机制的培育和发展的观念,忽视贫困户在脱贫攻坚中的“造血”功能成为脱贫攻坚路上的拦路虎,解决贫困户精神贫困问题成为打破扶贫攻坚战最后“一公里”的重要因素。江西省赣州市人民检察院驻村扶贫队伍在入驻村开展扶贫工作后,提出依据不同类型厚植“造血”功能、加大教育扶贫投入传递“造血”功能、协调好“两个关系”发挥“造血”功效、发展特色产业扶贫培育“造血”功能、加强扶贫队伍建设促进“造血”功能的形成等精神扶贫举措,顺利完成挂点村脱贫攻坚战目标任务。 展开更多
关键词 精神扶贫 检察院驻村工作队 “造血”功能 工作思路 建议
Inducible overexpression of RUNX1b/c in human embryonic stem cells blocks early hematopoiesis from mesoderm 被引量:4
作者 Bo Chen Jiawen Teng +11 位作者 Hongwei Liu Xu Pan Ya Zhou Shu Huang Mowen Lai Guohui Bian Bin Mao Wencui Sun Qiongxiu Zhou Shengyong Yang Tatsutoshi Nakahata Feng Ma 《Journal of Molecular Cell Biology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第4期262-273,共12页
RUNXI is absolutely required for definitive hematopoiesis, but the function of RUNXlb/c, two isoforms of human RUNX1, is unclear. We established inducible RUNXlb/c-overexpressing human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lin... RUNXI is absolutely required for definitive hematopoiesis, but the function of RUNXlb/c, two isoforms of human RUNX1, is unclear. We established inducible RUNXlb/c-overexpressing human embryonic stem cell (hESC) lines, in which RUNXlb/c overexpression prevented the emergence of CD34+ cells from early stage, thereby drastically reducing the production of hematopoi- etic stem/prognnitor cells. Simultaneously, the expression of hematopoiesis-related factors was downregulated. However, such blockage effect disappeared from day 6 in hESC/AGM-S3 ceU co-cultures, proving that the blockage occurred before the generation of hemogenic endothelial cells. This blockage was partially rescued by RepSox, an inhibitor of the transforming growth factor (TGF)-β signaling pathway, indicating a close relationship between RUNX1b/c and TGF-β pathway. Our results suggest a unique inhibitory function of RUNX1b/c in the development of early hematopoiesis and may aid further understanding of its biological function in normal and diseased models. 展开更多
关键词 RUNX1/AML1 HEMATOPOIESIS hemogenic endothelium MESODERM TGF-β signaling pathway HESC inducible expressionsystem
Role of long non-coding RNAs in normal and malignant hematopoiesis 被引量:1
作者 WEI PanPan HAN BoWei CHEN YueQin 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS 2013年第10期867-875,共9页
Long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)are defined as a class of nonprotein-coding transcripts greater than 200 nucleotides in length,which have diverse functions in development and diseases including hematopoiesis.Recent advan... Long non-coding RNAs(lncRNAs)are defined as a class of nonprotein-coding transcripts greater than 200 nucleotides in length,which have diverse functions in development and diseases including hematopoiesis.Recent advances have revealed that lncRNAs regulate hematopoietic development at almost every stage,including differentiation of the myelocyte,lymphocyte,and erythrocyte.Abnormal regulation of the lncRNAs may block aspects of blood development,which can lead to different types of hematopoietic disorders.These findings highlight the role of lncRNAs as potential therapeutic tools in malignant hematopoiesis.In this review,we summarize recent progress in the study of functional lncRNAs associated with blood development,as well as dysregulated lncRNAs involved in diverse blood diseases by interacting with crucial susceptibility genes in different pathways.In addition,we discuss genome-wide studies on lncRNAs,which are helpful for genome screening and in-depth functional study of lncRNAs associated with blood development and disease. 展开更多
关键词 long non-coding RNA (IncRNA) HEMATOPOIESIS blood disease susceptibility gene
Retrospective study on the endovascular embolization for traumatic carotid cavernous fistula 被引量:3
作者 张立朝 许民辉 +2 位作者 杨东虹 邹咏文 张云东 《Chinese Journal of Traumatology》 CAS 2010年第1期20-24,共5页
Objective: To retrospectively analyze 95 cases of traumatic carotid cavernous fistula treated by endovascular embolization. Methods: From January 1994 to December 2008, 95 patients with traumatic carotid cavernous ... Objective: To retrospectively analyze 95 cases of traumatic carotid cavernous fistula treated by endovascular embolization. Methods: From January 1994 to December 2008, 95 patients with traumatic carotid cavernous fistula were treated in our hospital. All patients received selective cerebral angiography through femoral artery catheterization. Accordingly, 89 cases were treated by detachable balloon embolization, 5 by platinum microcoils and 1 by coveredstem, respectively. Results: In the study, 61 cases achieved successful balloon embolization at the first time. Fifty-six cases had multiple balloons due to the big fistula. Nine cases received balloon embolization twice. But among the 5 patients treated with platinum microcoils, one developed slight brainstem ischemia. After operation the patient had herniparesis and swallow difficulty, but gradually recovered 3 months later. No neurological deficits were observed in other cases. All the cases recovered. Eighty-five cases were followed up for 1-15 years and no recurrence was found. Conclusions: The endovascular embolization for traumatic carotid cavernous fistula is minimally invasive, safe, effective and reliable. The detachable balloon embolization is the first choice in the treatment of TCCF. 展开更多
关键词 Wounds and injuries Carotid-cavernous sinus fistula Embolization therapeutic Ballon occlusion
Decoding early myelopoiesis from dynamics of core endogenous network 被引量:1
作者 Hang Su Gaowei Wang +4 位作者 Ruoshi Yuan Junqiang Wang Ying Tang Ping Ao Xiaomei Zhu 《Science China(Life Sciences)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第6期627-646,共20页
A decade ago mainstream molecular biologists regarded it impossible or biologically ill-motivated to understand the dynamics of complex biological phenomena, such as cancer genesis and progression, from a network pers... A decade ago mainstream molecular biologists regarded it impossible or biologically ill-motivated to understand the dynamics of complex biological phenomena, such as cancer genesis and progression, from a network perspective. Indeed, there are numerical difficulties even for those who were determined to explore along this direction. Undeterred, seven years ago a group of Chinese scientists started a program aiming to obtain quantitative connections between tumors and network dynamics. Many interesting results have been obtained. In this paper we wish to test such idea from a different angle: the connection between a normal biological process and the network dynamics. We have taken early myelopoiesis as our biological model. A standard roadmap for the cell-fate diversification during hematopoiesis has already been well established experimentally, yet little was known for its underpinning dynamical mechanisms. Compounding this difficulty there were additional experimental challenges, such as the seemingly conflicting hematopoietic roadmaps and the cell-fate inter-conversion events. With early myeloid cell-fate determination in mind, we constructed a core molecular endogenous network from well-documented gene regulation and signal transduction knowledge. Turning the network into a set of dynamical equations, we found computationally several structurally robust states. Those states nicely correspond to known cell phenotypes. We also found the states connecting those stable states.They reveal the developmental routes—how one stable state would most likely turn into another stable state. Such interconnected network among stable states enabled a natural organization of cell-fates into a multi-stable state landscape. Accordingly, both the myeloid cell phenotypes and the standard roadmap were explained mechanistically in a straightforward manner. Furthermore,recent challenging observations were also explained naturally. Moreover, the landscape visually enables a prediction of a pool of additional cell states and developmental routes, including the non-sequential and cross-branch transitions, which are testable by future experiments. In summary, the endogenous network dynamics provide an integrated quantitative framework to understand the heterogeneity and lineage commitment in myeloid progenitors. 展开更多
关键词 developmental scheme early myeloid cell-fate determination endogenous network stable state transition state landscape
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