Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed...Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed new light on the subject in comparative philosophy. This paper probes the structure of moral feeling and reason described by Mencius's from five perspectives: (1) In view of the relationship between feeling and reason, is it better to use the expression "siduan" or the expression "sixin (Four Heart-minds)"? (2) In view of dispositional feeling, what are the four original sources? (3) In view of moral feeling, what are the structural order of the four sources and the corresponding procedure of reasoning of four heart-minds of Humanity? (4) In view of positive feeling, how does moral feeling grow out of the goodness of human nature? (5) What is the global value of Mencius's ideas on human moral feeling? The author concludes that Mencius's thought on moral feeing has a global value and cross-cultural significance, and that Chinese wisdom is more than regional but universally applicable. The structure of moral feeling and reason that Mencius identified is in accordance with the principles ofzhiliang (grasping the two poles of the beginning and the end) and yongzhong (emloying the middle). The principles ofzhiliang and yongzhong are true universal wisdoms of Confucianism, which should be rekindled today. From a practical point of view, "the Way begins from moral feelings," and Confucius and Yah Hui's seeking the simple, virtuous life is an ideal model of emotional well-being.展开更多
This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic p...This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic practices. The article argues that NTC coverage for this revolution sometimes goes beyond informing people to other forms of propaganda. It concludes that professional and ethical media performance would better serve the interests of Yemeni audiences, including their desire for bringing change. Moreover, ownership is not the only issue when it comes to free press and the right to communication. However, establishing a stable system for media performance based on consensual rules on one hand, and professionalism and ethics, on the other, is fundamental for media reform in Yemen.展开更多
Strengthening moral learning may become available to us by bringing phronesis and transformative learning in a common theoretical space. For both Aristotle and Mezirow, the exercise of morality, or rising to the stand...Strengthening moral learning may become available to us by bringing phronesis and transformative learning in a common theoretical space. For both Aristotle and Mezirow, the exercise of morality, or rising to the standard of moral choice, decision, and action, is not the result of an intuitive achievement or a sudden understanding of a morally demanding situation but a lifelong affair. Our strategy here addresses three aims: Firstly, to invoke and reclaim the endemic bond between education in the broader sense of paideia and the significant role that reeds to be re-ascribed to moral education. This allows a turn towards qualitative features and makes room for an inclusion of moral education, or values education, within education. Secondly, to portray the exercise of autonomy, choice, and judgment as a result of paideutic development; both theories share the assumption that moral learning rests on constant reflection upon past experiences and the zetesis of future goals. Thirdly, to focus on the way one reclaims the right to exercise judgment, whenever this is required. A joint study of the two theories may enlighten the content of this lifelong reflective procedure.展开更多
In their article "Love Is As Ethical Love Does", CHEN Xi and SH1 Xuan discuss Toni Morrison's Love and assert that this novel is essentially an ethical tragedy of black women. From the perspective of ethical litera...In their article "Love Is As Ethical Love Does", CHEN Xi and SH1 Xuan discuss Toni Morrison's Love and assert that this novel is essentially an ethical tragedy of black women. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, they analyze the dislocated ethical identity of the two main heroines and alignment of their ethical choices to illustrate that other than race and gender, Heed's and Christine's tragedies originate from their uncontrollable irrational willJ Moreover, this novel lays stress on love regarded from an ethical perspective, illuminating "we choose to love", that is, to love while bearing in mind the importance of ethical order and moral norms. Thus, this novel offers moral enlightenment for black women in the process of pursuing love, equality and of reconstructing their ethical identity.展开更多
According to Psychological theories of motivation, sexuality is a biological need which urges to satisfy sexual desire. Though it is not essential for the survival of an individual, it plays a major role in the growth...According to Psychological theories of motivation, sexuality is a biological need which urges to satisfy sexual desire. Though it is not essential for the survival of an individual, it plays a major role in the growth, development, adjustment and well-being. Therefore, sexuality is a common aspect in the existence and it should not be neglected. However, in many religious ethical issues, sexuality had been treated negatively and identified as a barrier for an advanced spiritual life. Even in tribal societies there were some sexual taboos that controlled man's sexual behavior to some extent. Among religious ethical codes, one may find that it had been placed an important position for controlling or completely eliminating sexual behaviors. In modem world, what is evident is that this so called sexual need has been used for many commercial and marketing purposes. Even in advertising field, sexual desire of man is used as a mean of attracting public. Phonograph has become a very profitable illegal professional today. Sexual medicines, drugs and tools are available everywhere in the society. Though sexual education had been included into the curriculum in schools and higher education institutions, the awareness of sexuality among people seems to be in a low level. While biologically man is compelled to fulfill sexual desire internally, it is motivated externally by many social factors. So that not only misconceptions of sexuality, but also misbehaviors of sexuality can be observed in the society today. By examining these current situations of man's sexual behaviors, there is a big need to formulate a sexual ethical code--a code of law with the help of religious teachings. Otherwise these various sexual behaviors may create more and more social and world problems. In this paper, my aim is to examine Buddhist ethics in order to formulate a sexual ethical code.展开更多
One of cinematic science fiction's most popular plot lines is to imagine an invasion of earth by an advanced alien species. James Cameron's Avatar turns the tables on that premise. Humans attack a peaceful, less tec...One of cinematic science fiction's most popular plot lines is to imagine an invasion of earth by an advanced alien species. James Cameron's Avatar turns the tables on that premise. Humans attack a peaceful, less technologically sophisticated race in order to exploit their natural resources. Driving the assault is a mining company hell-bent on improving its bottom line. The villain of Avatar is not a person, but those people who seek profit. To put it starkly, business is evil. But why has the entertainment business cast business as a heavy? Hollywood has now made Immanuel Kant as the director of moral sentiment. Not, of course, directly, but rather the ghostwriter of Hollywood's ideas about morality. The works of Kant are not discussed or debated in the public arena, but their principles have influenced the way people think about what is just and good. The ideas of Kant have filtered into the contemporary discourse and are one of the key ingredients in the national dialogue over what it means to be moral. The categorical imperative holds that an action is moral only if it is free from calculation of reward or gain. To be truly, moral people must abandon all practical considerations of need or desire; they must be directed by pure good will alone. Business people can never measure up to Kant's standard. They always make choices based on cost and benefit. Their businesses would quickly go bankrupt, if they made decisions on good will rather than interest. Kant's principles have raised the moral standard so high that even the common inclination to seek one's own benefit is looked on with some mistrust. In Kantian-influenced movies, business people have come to play the evil antagonist; they seek gain instead of the good. How would Adam Smith, the father of economic rationality, respond to popularized Kantian morality?展开更多
Ethical consulting is a critical professional activity that is very critical to the very survival of the corporate world and is thus likely to boom within the shortest possible time in the future. This predictive stat...Ethical consulting is a critical professional activity that is very critical to the very survival of the corporate world and is thus likely to boom within the shortest possible time in the future. This predictive statement is based on the consequential effect of the bankruptcy of Ertron and WorldCom and its aftermath legislature, Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Lander, 2004). The main issues boarder on how ethics influence organizations' operations and to what extend these influences can be coded and managed to enhance objectivity and minimize fraud. The methodology applied in this paper was an exploratory approach under the qualitative design. It encapsulates a thorough review of literature on the subject matter and draws inferences to address the research objectives. It was found that ethical consulting was possible and consultants venturing into the area need to be strategically diversified to enable them to design and develop customized ethical codes for the heterogeneous clientele with appropriate supporting monitoring and compliance procedures.展开更多
This paper focuses on pioneer women's struggle through social restriction in O Pioneers? (1989) and My Antonia (1994) authored by Willa Cather, a famous American local color female writer. The purpose of the pap...This paper focuses on pioneer women's struggle through social restriction in O Pioneers? (1989) and My Antonia (1994) authored by Willa Cather, a famous American local color female writer. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the protagonists' struggle through social restrictions in 0 pioneers? and My Antonia, so as to analyze the situation pioneer women faced in American mid-west at that age. Women as cultural conservators and transmitters of civilization play integral parts in this respect. It is true that the morality system is set by the patriarchal society and restricts women's behavior. However, we must admit that when women stop functioning as civilization transmitters and cultural conservators, the world will go wrong seriously. In the two novels, hearty, generous women always create a nurturing and gracious atmosphere in their household. Practically, these women transmit the old civilization to the newly established homestead successfully展开更多
This article studies whether Aristotle's understanding of magnanimity excludes women. I examine Aristotle's concept of the biological, moral, and intellectual capacities of women in theory and practice. Although Ari...This article studies whether Aristotle's understanding of magnanimity excludes women. I examine Aristotle's concept of the biological, moral, and intellectual capacities of women in theory and practice. Although Aristotle's biology describes key differences between the sexes, it does not exclude women from magnanimity. While the ethical and political writings also note key differences between men and women, they leave the theoretical possibility of attaining magnanimity open. Practically, the lack of leadership opportunities available to actual women may hinder the development of prudence, leading to an inability to achieve complete virtue and hence magnanimity. Thus, if women are unable to be magnanimous, this is due to practical political and familial arrangements, not to innate feminine defects. This finding provides a unique argument for feminine leadership and political participation. Truly exceptional women may need to actively seek out leadership opportunities and political involvement in order to complete their virtue展开更多
In the architecture of leadership, organizations continuously seek those in leadership positions who can demonstrate a correlation between good behavior and personality construct (Gautam 2009). Behavioral integrity ...In the architecture of leadership, organizations continuously seek those in leadership positions who can demonstrate a correlation between good behavior and personality construct (Gautam 2009). Behavioral integrity is centered on how leaders and followers can build relationships by focusing on honesty, trust, respect and being ethical towards meeting both internal and external stakeholder needs. The ethical abilities of leaders and followers determine how they are able to move an organization's strategy and goals into creating innovation and remaining on the competitive edge (Velthouse & Kandogan 2007). The behavioral integrity of leaders towards followers determines the performance level and creativity of followers. The behavioral integrity of followers is strongly based on the relationship they have with their leaders and the way in which leaders motivate and add value to followers by encouraging honest innovation that will add value to the overall strategy of an organization. Today's leaders need to foster good behavior and ethical value to improve the relationship between them and their followers (Hartman 1997). This paper is centered on behavioral integrity and will analyze the role of strategy, innovation, and vision on both leaders and followers.展开更多
Sunscreen application is a common strategy used to prevent the damage induced by UV radiations. In the last 30 years a variety of protective agents against UV exposure have been developed: physical filters, chemical ...Sunscreen application is a common strategy used to prevent the damage induced by UV radiations. In the last 30 years a variety of protective agents against UV exposure have been developed: physical filters, chemical filters and organic filters. Physical filters are the safest: they scatter and reflect UV rays, but are difficult to apply on the skin. Chemical filters are capable of absorbing these rays, they are cosmetically pleasant, but recent studies suggest a toxicological nature for some of these agents. Organic filters are the newest advance in sun products. Since 2003 the COLIPA Index [Europe] has regulated sun product availability on the market. In the USA, the FDA establishes the classification and the safety of sun products, which are considered topical medical drugs. This article summarizes the dermatologist's point of view, according to the patient's request, professional ethics and increasing offer of sun product.展开更多
Can choosing to sale one's kidney be morally permissible? "No", Kant would answer. Humanity, whether in one's own person or that of any other, must never be treated merely as a means, but always at the same time ...Can choosing to sale one's kidney be morally permissible? "No", Kant would answer. Humanity, whether in one's own person or that of any other, must never be treated merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end, is Kant's instruction (Groundwork 4:429). He thought that organ sale violates this imperative. Lectures on Ethics (27:346) shows that "... a man is not entitled to sell his limbs for money If a man does that, he turns himself into a thing, and then anyone may treat him as they please, because he has thrown his person away...." This paper explains Kant's reasons against commerce in organs, drawing on his views on prostitution, and the moral impermissibility of sexual use within this context, a case which he himself compares to the selling of one's body part(s). Can choosing to donate one's kidney be morally permissible? If we take Kant's views at face value, it would follow that organ donation is on a par with morality only if it takes place in a context where people have gained rights over each other's persons (for example, in a marital context). In this context, however, a person has a right to her partner's kidney should she happen to need it, which can open the path to bodily violation. Moreover, this view severely restricts the permissibility of organ donation. In this paper, I argue that a closer examination of Kant's views on what is involved in the idea of respecting humanity could reveal that organ donation does not violate the categorical imperative. In fact, it could be said to follow from such an imperative that we actually have a duty to organ donation.展开更多
I argue in this paper that moral philosophers need to incorporate into their teaching and writing a number of empirical findings on ethical practices. Principal among these is clearer guidelines on speaking out agains...I argue in this paper that moral philosophers need to incorporate into their teaching and writing a number of empirical findings on ethical practices. Principal among these is clearer guidelines on speaking out against wrongdoing, as well as the development of codes of ethics that have been proven to work. The adoption of the critical thinking and the analytical methodology of other disciplines is also suggested. Several benefits will result. The most noticeable will be a strengthening of ethical practices and behavior in the institutions and organizations with which we live and work. A second benefit will be the education and employment of a body of people--graduates in moral philosophy--with the skills and knowledge to bring about, and further strengthen, this enhanced ethical environment. A third benefit will be the matching of the claims of philosophical thought with actual reality.展开更多
文摘Amid the recent global upsurge of studies on the philosophy of emotion, a reinterpretation of traditional Confucian philosophy, especially Mencius's ideas on the siduan (Four Original Sources) of morality, may shed new light on the subject in comparative philosophy. This paper probes the structure of moral feeling and reason described by Mencius's from five perspectives: (1) In view of the relationship between feeling and reason, is it better to use the expression "siduan" or the expression "sixin (Four Heart-minds)"? (2) In view of dispositional feeling, what are the four original sources? (3) In view of moral feeling, what are the structural order of the four sources and the corresponding procedure of reasoning of four heart-minds of Humanity? (4) In view of positive feeling, how does moral feeling grow out of the goodness of human nature? (5) What is the global value of Mencius's ideas on human moral feeling? The author concludes that Mencius's thought on moral feeing has a global value and cross-cultural significance, and that Chinese wisdom is more than regional but universally applicable. The structure of moral feeling and reason that Mencius identified is in accordance with the principles ofzhiliang (grasping the two poles of the beginning and the end) and yongzhong (emloying the middle). The principles ofzhiliang and yongzhong are true universal wisdoms of Confucianism, which should be rekindled today. From a practical point of view, "the Way begins from moral feelings," and Confucius and Yah Hui's seeking the simple, virtuous life is an ideal model of emotional well-being.
文摘This article investigates the role of national television channels "NTC" toward what has been termed "Yemeni Youth-and-Popular Revolution". It employs the main principles of professional and ethical journalistic practices. The article argues that NTC coverage for this revolution sometimes goes beyond informing people to other forms of propaganda. It concludes that professional and ethical media performance would better serve the interests of Yemeni audiences, including their desire for bringing change. Moreover, ownership is not the only issue when it comes to free press and the right to communication. However, establishing a stable system for media performance based on consensual rules on one hand, and professionalism and ethics, on the other, is fundamental for media reform in Yemen.
文摘Strengthening moral learning may become available to us by bringing phronesis and transformative learning in a common theoretical space. For both Aristotle and Mezirow, the exercise of morality, or rising to the standard of moral choice, decision, and action, is not the result of an intuitive achievement or a sudden understanding of a morally demanding situation but a lifelong affair. Our strategy here addresses three aims: Firstly, to invoke and reclaim the endemic bond between education in the broader sense of paideia and the significant role that reeds to be re-ascribed to moral education. This allows a turn towards qualitative features and makes room for an inclusion of moral education, or values education, within education. Secondly, to portray the exercise of autonomy, choice, and judgment as a result of paideutic development; both theories share the assumption that moral learning rests on constant reflection upon past experiences and the zetesis of future goals. Thirdly, to focus on the way one reclaims the right to exercise judgment, whenever this is required. A joint study of the two theories may enlighten the content of this lifelong reflective procedure.
文摘In their article "Love Is As Ethical Love Does", CHEN Xi and SH1 Xuan discuss Toni Morrison's Love and assert that this novel is essentially an ethical tragedy of black women. From the perspective of ethical literary criticism, they analyze the dislocated ethical identity of the two main heroines and alignment of their ethical choices to illustrate that other than race and gender, Heed's and Christine's tragedies originate from their uncontrollable irrational willJ Moreover, this novel lays stress on love regarded from an ethical perspective, illuminating "we choose to love", that is, to love while bearing in mind the importance of ethical order and moral norms. Thus, this novel offers moral enlightenment for black women in the process of pursuing love, equality and of reconstructing their ethical identity.
文摘According to Psychological theories of motivation, sexuality is a biological need which urges to satisfy sexual desire. Though it is not essential for the survival of an individual, it plays a major role in the growth, development, adjustment and well-being. Therefore, sexuality is a common aspect in the existence and it should not be neglected. However, in many religious ethical issues, sexuality had been treated negatively and identified as a barrier for an advanced spiritual life. Even in tribal societies there were some sexual taboos that controlled man's sexual behavior to some extent. Among religious ethical codes, one may find that it had been placed an important position for controlling or completely eliminating sexual behaviors. In modem world, what is evident is that this so called sexual need has been used for many commercial and marketing purposes. Even in advertising field, sexual desire of man is used as a mean of attracting public. Phonograph has become a very profitable illegal professional today. Sexual medicines, drugs and tools are available everywhere in the society. Though sexual education had been included into the curriculum in schools and higher education institutions, the awareness of sexuality among people seems to be in a low level. While biologically man is compelled to fulfill sexual desire internally, it is motivated externally by many social factors. So that not only misconceptions of sexuality, but also misbehaviors of sexuality can be observed in the society today. By examining these current situations of man's sexual behaviors, there is a big need to formulate a sexual ethical code--a code of law with the help of religious teachings. Otherwise these various sexual behaviors may create more and more social and world problems. In this paper, my aim is to examine Buddhist ethics in order to formulate a sexual ethical code.
文摘One of cinematic science fiction's most popular plot lines is to imagine an invasion of earth by an advanced alien species. James Cameron's Avatar turns the tables on that premise. Humans attack a peaceful, less technologically sophisticated race in order to exploit their natural resources. Driving the assault is a mining company hell-bent on improving its bottom line. The villain of Avatar is not a person, but those people who seek profit. To put it starkly, business is evil. But why has the entertainment business cast business as a heavy? Hollywood has now made Immanuel Kant as the director of moral sentiment. Not, of course, directly, but rather the ghostwriter of Hollywood's ideas about morality. The works of Kant are not discussed or debated in the public arena, but their principles have influenced the way people think about what is just and good. The ideas of Kant have filtered into the contemporary discourse and are one of the key ingredients in the national dialogue over what it means to be moral. The categorical imperative holds that an action is moral only if it is free from calculation of reward or gain. To be truly, moral people must abandon all practical considerations of need or desire; they must be directed by pure good will alone. Business people can never measure up to Kant's standard. They always make choices based on cost and benefit. Their businesses would quickly go bankrupt, if they made decisions on good will rather than interest. Kant's principles have raised the moral standard so high that even the common inclination to seek one's own benefit is looked on with some mistrust. In Kantian-influenced movies, business people have come to play the evil antagonist; they seek gain instead of the good. How would Adam Smith, the father of economic rationality, respond to popularized Kantian morality?
文摘Ethical consulting is a critical professional activity that is very critical to the very survival of the corporate world and is thus likely to boom within the shortest possible time in the future. This predictive statement is based on the consequential effect of the bankruptcy of Ertron and WorldCom and its aftermath legislature, Sarbanes-Oxley Act (Lander, 2004). The main issues boarder on how ethics influence organizations' operations and to what extend these influences can be coded and managed to enhance objectivity and minimize fraud. The methodology applied in this paper was an exploratory approach under the qualitative design. It encapsulates a thorough review of literature on the subject matter and draws inferences to address the research objectives. It was found that ethical consulting was possible and consultants venturing into the area need to be strategically diversified to enable them to design and develop customized ethical codes for the heterogeneous clientele with appropriate supporting monitoring and compliance procedures.
文摘This paper focuses on pioneer women's struggle through social restriction in O Pioneers? (1989) and My Antonia (1994) authored by Willa Cather, a famous American local color female writer. The purpose of the paper is to analyze the protagonists' struggle through social restrictions in 0 pioneers? and My Antonia, so as to analyze the situation pioneer women faced in American mid-west at that age. Women as cultural conservators and transmitters of civilization play integral parts in this respect. It is true that the morality system is set by the patriarchal society and restricts women's behavior. However, we must admit that when women stop functioning as civilization transmitters and cultural conservators, the world will go wrong seriously. In the two novels, hearty, generous women always create a nurturing and gracious atmosphere in their household. Practically, these women transmit the old civilization to the newly established homestead successfully
文摘This article studies whether Aristotle's understanding of magnanimity excludes women. I examine Aristotle's concept of the biological, moral, and intellectual capacities of women in theory and practice. Although Aristotle's biology describes key differences between the sexes, it does not exclude women from magnanimity. While the ethical and political writings also note key differences between men and women, they leave the theoretical possibility of attaining magnanimity open. Practically, the lack of leadership opportunities available to actual women may hinder the development of prudence, leading to an inability to achieve complete virtue and hence magnanimity. Thus, if women are unable to be magnanimous, this is due to practical political and familial arrangements, not to innate feminine defects. This finding provides a unique argument for feminine leadership and political participation. Truly exceptional women may need to actively seek out leadership opportunities and political involvement in order to complete their virtue
文摘In the architecture of leadership, organizations continuously seek those in leadership positions who can demonstrate a correlation between good behavior and personality construct (Gautam 2009). Behavioral integrity is centered on how leaders and followers can build relationships by focusing on honesty, trust, respect and being ethical towards meeting both internal and external stakeholder needs. The ethical abilities of leaders and followers determine how they are able to move an organization's strategy and goals into creating innovation and remaining on the competitive edge (Velthouse & Kandogan 2007). The behavioral integrity of leaders towards followers determines the performance level and creativity of followers. The behavioral integrity of followers is strongly based on the relationship they have with their leaders and the way in which leaders motivate and add value to followers by encouraging honest innovation that will add value to the overall strategy of an organization. Today's leaders need to foster good behavior and ethical value to improve the relationship between them and their followers (Hartman 1997). This paper is centered on behavioral integrity and will analyze the role of strategy, innovation, and vision on both leaders and followers.
文摘Sunscreen application is a common strategy used to prevent the damage induced by UV radiations. In the last 30 years a variety of protective agents against UV exposure have been developed: physical filters, chemical filters and organic filters. Physical filters are the safest: they scatter and reflect UV rays, but are difficult to apply on the skin. Chemical filters are capable of absorbing these rays, they are cosmetically pleasant, but recent studies suggest a toxicological nature for some of these agents. Organic filters are the newest advance in sun products. Since 2003 the COLIPA Index [Europe] has regulated sun product availability on the market. In the USA, the FDA establishes the classification and the safety of sun products, which are considered topical medical drugs. This article summarizes the dermatologist's point of view, according to the patient's request, professional ethics and increasing offer of sun product.
文摘Can choosing to sale one's kidney be morally permissible? "No", Kant would answer. Humanity, whether in one's own person or that of any other, must never be treated merely as a means, but always at the same time as an end, is Kant's instruction (Groundwork 4:429). He thought that organ sale violates this imperative. Lectures on Ethics (27:346) shows that "... a man is not entitled to sell his limbs for money If a man does that, he turns himself into a thing, and then anyone may treat him as they please, because he has thrown his person away...." This paper explains Kant's reasons against commerce in organs, drawing on his views on prostitution, and the moral impermissibility of sexual use within this context, a case which he himself compares to the selling of one's body part(s). Can choosing to donate one's kidney be morally permissible? If we take Kant's views at face value, it would follow that organ donation is on a par with morality only if it takes place in a context where people have gained rights over each other's persons (for example, in a marital context). In this context, however, a person has a right to her partner's kidney should she happen to need it, which can open the path to bodily violation. Moreover, this view severely restricts the permissibility of organ donation. In this paper, I argue that a closer examination of Kant's views on what is involved in the idea of respecting humanity could reveal that organ donation does not violate the categorical imperative. In fact, it could be said to follow from such an imperative that we actually have a duty to organ donation.
文摘I argue in this paper that moral philosophers need to incorporate into their teaching and writing a number of empirical findings on ethical practices. Principal among these is clearer guidelines on speaking out against wrongdoing, as well as the development of codes of ethics that have been proven to work. The adoption of the critical thinking and the analytical methodology of other disciplines is also suggested. Several benefits will result. The most noticeable will be a strengthening of ethical practices and behavior in the institutions and organizations with which we live and work. A second benefit will be the education and employment of a body of people--graduates in moral philosophy--with the skills and knowledge to bring about, and further strengthen, this enhanced ethical environment. A third benefit will be the matching of the claims of philosophical thought with actual reality.