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作者 姚国新 陈敢 +1 位作者 黄宏霞 王有宁 《湖北工程学院学报》 2024年第3期42-45,共4页
当前地方高校农科专业的“遗传学”课程思政教学存在地方思政素材不够、课程思政教学效果评价体系不健全和课程思政内容统筹规划不强等问题,针对这些问题,以笔者所在学校为例,构建“遗传学”课程思政体系并实践应用,为其他地方高校课程... 当前地方高校农科专业的“遗传学”课程思政教学存在地方思政素材不够、课程思政教学效果评价体系不健全和课程思政内容统筹规划不强等问题,针对这些问题,以笔者所在学校为例,构建“遗传学”课程思政体系并实践应用,为其他地方高校课程思政教学提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 课程思政 “遗传学” 构建与实践
作者 马猛 《黑龙江教育(高教研究与评估)》 2024年第8期88-91,共4页
随着新农科理念的提出,培养创新型人才成为教育改革的关键。文章通过对西北农林科技大学生命学院学生关于“遗传学”课程教学改革与创新能力培养的问卷调查,探讨了当前农林高校“遗传学”课程教学在培养创新型人才方面的不足,并从提升... 随着新农科理念的提出,培养创新型人才成为教育改革的关键。文章通过对西北农林科技大学生命学院学生关于“遗传学”课程教学改革与创新能力培养的问卷调查,探讨了当前农林高校“遗传学”课程教学在培养创新型人才方面的不足,并从提升农林专业认同感、强化实践教学、注重知识更新等方面进行了教学改革与创新探索,旨在充分调动学生的学习积极性,全方位培养学生的创新能力,为培养具有创新能力的“知农、爱农、为农”的农学人才提供有益参考。 展开更多
关键词 “遗传学”课程教学 创新能力培养 教学改革 问卷调查
提升大学生综合实践能力的“遗传学”实验教学改革 被引量:3
作者 陈建珍 蔡威威 陈卉 《黑龙江教育(理论与实践)》 2022年第1期77-78,共2页
"遗传学"是生物学中一门重要的基础课程。"遗传学"实验教学改革是通过优化实验内容、创新教学方法和考核方式,锻炼和提升学生的综合实践能力。从教学效果分析,整合和优化实验内容有利于学生实验技能和科研能力的提... "遗传学"是生物学中一门重要的基础课程。"遗传学"实验教学改革是通过优化实验内容、创新教学方法和考核方式,锻炼和提升学生的综合实践能力。从教学效果分析,整合和优化实验内容有利于学生实验技能和科研能力的提升,有利于高校专业化和层次化育人;学生为主的实验教学可以激发学生的主观能动性和探索精神,促进实验室安全文化建设和大型仪器的开放共享;强化过程评价可以客观真实地反映学生的科研思维和操作技能,促进学风建设。 展开更多
关键词 教学体系 “遗传学”实验 综合实践能力 解决问题 过程评价
科学史在“遗传学”教学中的价值及实施策略 被引量:1
作者 刘刚 《科教文汇》 2015年第31期52-53,共2页
科学史是一种宝贵的教育资源,其教育价值不仅能够增加教学时的兴趣,还能够介绍科学知识本身及其产生的背景,并且能够促进遗传学知识体系的建构。在遗传学教学中适当穿插科学史,使学生在潜移默化中掌握科学知识,学会科学的思维和研究方法... 科学史是一种宝贵的教育资源,其教育价值不仅能够增加教学时的兴趣,还能够介绍科学知识本身及其产生的背景,并且能够促进遗传学知识体系的建构。在遗传学教学中适当穿插科学史,使学生在潜移默化中掌握科学知识,学会科学的思维和研究方法,从而可以全面提高学生学习遗传学的效率。 展开更多
关键词 科学史 “遗传学”教学 实施策略
Optical-neural Stimulation in Non-human Primates:Modulating Brain Function and Behavior
作者 CHEN Yi-Bing WANG Huan YANG Yan 《生物化学与生物物理进展》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第10期2379-2391,共13页
Optical-neural stimulation,which encompasses cutting-edge techniques such as optogenetics and infrared neurostimulation,employs distinct mechanisms to modulate brain function and behavior.These advanced neuromodulatio... Optical-neural stimulation,which encompasses cutting-edge techniques such as optogenetics and infrared neurostimulation,employs distinct mechanisms to modulate brain function and behavior.These advanced neuromodulation techniques offer accurate manipulation of targeted areas,even selectively modulating specific neurons,in the brain.This makes it possible to investigate the cause-and-effect connections between neural activity and behavior,allowing for a better comprehension of the intricate brain dynamics towards complex environments.Non-human primates serve as an essential animal model for investigating these complex functions in brain research,bridging the gap between the basic research and clinical applications.One of the earliest optical studies utilizing optogenetic neuromodulation in monkeys was conducted in 2009.Since then,the optical-neural stimulations have been effectively applied in non-human primates.This review summarises recent research that employed optogenetics or infrared neurostimulation techniques to regulate brain function and behavior in non-human primates.The current state of optical-neural stimulations discussed here demonstrates their efficacy in advancing the understanding of brain systems.Nevertheless,there are still challenges that need to be addressed before they can fully achieve their potential. 展开更多
关键词 optical-neural stimulation OPTOGENETICS infrared neurostimulation non-human primates
Evaluation of a Novel 32 X-STR Loci Multiplex System in the Forensic Application
作者 ZHANG Juntao YANG Xingyi +5 位作者 YU Zhengliang ZHAO Peng LIU Dayu HAN Xiaolong SUN Hongyu LIU Chao 《刑事技术》 2024年第5期456-463,共8页
The AGCU X Plus STR system is a newly developed multiplex PCR kit that detects 32 X-chromosomal STR loci simultaneously.These are DXS6807,DXS9895,linkage group 1(DXS10148,DXS10135,DXS8378),DXS9902,DXS6795,DXS6810,DXS1... The AGCU X Plus STR system is a newly developed multiplex PCR kit that detects 32 X-chromosomal STR loci simultaneously.These are DXS6807,DXS9895,linkage group 1(DXS10148,DXS10135,DXS8378),DXS9902,DXS6795,DXS6810,DXS10159,DXS10162,DXS10164,DXS7132,linkage group 2(DXS10079,DXS10074,DXS10075),DXS981,DXS6800,DXS6803,DXS6809,DXS6789,DXS7424,DXS101,DXS7133,GATA172D05,GATA165B12,linkage group 3(DXS10103,HPRTB,DXS10101),GATA31E08 and linkage group 4(DXS8377,DXS10134,DXS7423).A major advantage of this kit is that it takes into account linkage between loci,in addition to detecting more X-STR loci.In order to evaluate the forensic application of 32 X-STR fl uorescence amplifi cation system,PCR settings,sensitivity,species specifi city,stability,DNA mixtures,concordance,stutter,sizing precision,and population genetics investigation were evaluated according to the Scientific Working Group on DNA Analysis Methods(SWGDAM)developmental validation guidelines.The study showed that the genotyping results of each locus were signifi cantly accurate when the DNA template was at least 62.5 pg.Complete profi les were obtained for the 1∶1 and 1∶3 combinations.A total of 209 unrelated individuals from Southern Chinese Han community,consisting of 84 females and 125 males,were selected for population studies,and 285 allele profi les were detected from 32 X-STR loci.The polymorphism information content(PIC)ranged from 0.2721 in DXS6800,to 0.9105 in DXS10135,with an average of 0.6798.DXS10135(PIC=0.9105)was the most polymorphic locus,with discrimination power(DP)of 0.9164 and 0.9871 for the male and female.The cumulative PD_(F),PD_(M),MEC_(trio) and MEC_(duo) valu es were all greater than 0.999999999.There were 78 different DXS10103-HPRTB-DXS10101 haplotypes among the 125 males,and the haplotype diversity was 0.9810.There was no signifi cant difference in the cumulative PD_(F),PD_(M),MEC_(trio) and MEC_(duo) values whether considering linkage or not.In summary,the new X-STR multiplex typing system is effective and reliable,which can be useful in human genetic analysis and kinship testing as a potent complement to autosomal STR typing. 展开更多
关键词 forensic genetics X-STR loci kinship analysis EVALUATION
Phytogenetic Studies on Intergeneric Hybridization Between Brassica napus and Matthiola incana 被引量:13
作者 罗鹏 傅华龙 +3 位作者 蓝泽蘧 周颂东 周洪芳 罗晴 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第4期432-436,共5页
The intergeneric hybridization between Brassica napus L. cv. oro and Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br. was carried out to study the phytogenetic peculiarities of the hybrid plants. In order to improve the oil quality of ra... The intergeneric hybridization between Brassica napus L. cv. oro and Matthiola incana (L.) R. Br. was carried out to study the phytogenetic peculiarities of the hybrid plants. In order to improve the oil quality of rape seed, ovaries of B. napus pollinated with pollen of M. incana, were cut off and inoculated onto MS media supplemented with various plant hormones at the 7th day after pollination. Two mature embryos were obtained from 750 pollinated ovaries cultured in vitro. The percentage of seed set was 0.26%. The mature embryos were transferred onto the MS media supplemented with 2.0 mg/L 6-BA + 0.1 mg/L NAA, and a compound bud was produced later. The compound bud was then cut into a number of single buds, which were transferred onto fresh media. Twenty-two plantlets in vitro were developed from the above single buds. The hybrid plants (F-1) were basically intermediate between the two parents in many,characters with a few showing hybrid vigor. The fertility of hybrid plants (F-1) was poor. Cytological studies revealed that the hybrid plants (F-1) were mixoploid. in nature. The chromosome number of many somatic cells was 2n = 26, which was the sum of the chromosome number of the two parents. The chromosome number of other somatic cells was 2n = 38, similar to that of B. napus. The hybrid offspring (F-2) from the selfed hybrid plants (F-1) showed polymorphism. Among the hybrid offspring (F-2) some were nearly matroclinous and fertile, similar to B. napus. some others were intermediate between the two parents and less fertile, and a few were poorly developed and nearly infertile. From the hybrid offspring a few plants with improved seed-oil quality were obtained. 展开更多
关键词 Brassica napus Matthiola incana intergeneric hybridization phytogenetic studies
A Preliminary Study on Conservation Genetics of Three Endangered Orchid Species 被引量:16
作者 李昂 罗毅波 +1 位作者 熊治廷 葛颂 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期250-252,共3页
采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分析研究了中国 3种珍稀濒危兰科植物硬叶兜兰 (PaphiopedilummicranthumTangetWang)、麻栗坡兜兰 (P .malipoenseS .C .ChenetTsi)和独花兰 (ChangnieniaamoenaChien)的遗传多样性与群体遗传结构。 12个RAPD... 采用随机扩增多态DNA(RAPD)分析研究了中国 3种珍稀濒危兰科植物硬叶兜兰 (PaphiopedilummicranthumTangetWang)、麻栗坡兜兰 (P .malipoenseS .C .ChenetTsi)和独花兰 (ChangnieniaamoenaChien)的遗传多样性与群体遗传结构。 12个RAPD引物在 2种兜兰中共扩增出 131条带。对 4个硬叶兜兰群体的检测表明其物种水平的多态条带百分率 (PPB)为 71.6 % ,Nei的基因多样度 (h)为 0 .2 171,Shannon多样性指数 (I)为 0 .330 1;4个群体的平均多样性水平为PPB =45 .2 % ,h =0 .145 7,I =0 .2 2 0 4,低于远交兰花的平均水平。在总遗传变异中 ,群体间遗传变异占 2 0 .31% ,略高于远交物种的平均水平。在物种水平上 ,麻栗坡兜兰的PPB为 49.5 % ,h为 0 .1174,I为0 .176 4,均大大低于硬叶兜兰。对 11个独花兰群体采用 16个RAPD引物共扩增出 119条带。物种水平PPB =76 .5 % ,h =0 .1941,I=0 .30 5 8;在群体水平上 ,上述 3个指标的平均值则分别为 37.2 %、0 .1197和 0 .1810 ,均低于远交兰花的平均水平。群体间的遗传变异占 45 .2 7% ,遗传分化明显高于远交物种的平均水平。导致 3个物种遗传多样性偏低而群体间遗传分化较高的主要原因在于人为的过度采挖和生境的片断化。 展开更多
关键词 PAPHIOPEDILUM Changnienia amoena RAPDS conservation genetics
Cytological and Molecular Identification of Alien Chromatin in Giant Spike Wheat Germplasm 被引量:7
作者 窦全文 陈佩度 解俊峰 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第9期1109-1115,共7页
Alien chromosomes of twelve giant spike wheat germplasm lines were identified by C-banding, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR), and random amplified polymorphic DNA (R... Alien chromosomes of twelve giant spike wheat germplasm lines were identified by C-banding, genomic in situ hybridization (GISH), sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR), and random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD). All lines showed a chromosome number of 2n = 42, five of them carried both a pair of wheat-rye (Triticum aestivum-Secale cereal) 1BL/1RS translocation chromosomes and a pair of Agropyron intermedium (Ai) chromosomes, three carried a pair of Ai chromosomes only, three others carried a pair of 1BL/1RS chromosomes only, and one carried neither 1BL/1BS nor Ai chromosome. Further identification revealed that the identical Ai chromosome in these germplasm lines substituted the chromosome 2D of common wheat (T aestivum L.), designated as 2Ai. The genetic implication and further utilization of 2Ai in wheat improvement were also discussed. 展开更多
关键词 giant spike germplasm 1 BL/1 RS Agropyron intermedium C-banding genomic in situ hybridization (GISH) sequence characterized amplified region (SCAR) random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD)
Migraine as a sex-conditioned inherited disorder: evidences from China and the world 被引量:2
作者 王晓平 丁洪流 +1 位作者 耿昌明 蒋玉美 《Neuroscience Bulletin》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第2期110-116,共7页
Migraine is a complex and heterogeneous disorder. Although several genetic models has been proposed including autosomal-dominant/autosomal recessive, sex-linked, sex-limited, mitochondrial, and multi-gene, none of the... Migraine is a complex and heterogeneous disorder. Although several genetic models has been proposed including autosomal-dominant/autosomal recessive, sex-linked, sex-limited, mitochondrial, and multi-gene, none of these models can well-explain the transmission of the disease. We hypothesied that migraine is a sex-conditioned inherited disorder (autosomal dominant in females and autosomal recessive in males). This hypothesis is supported by the evidence such as the locations of genes associated with familial hemiplegic migraine, possibly "typical" migraine as well (dominantly on chromosome 19p, lq, and 2q), male:female ratio of prevalence (1:2-1:4), the mostly youth-onset, the provocation by the contraceptives, the induction by menstruation, and the self-limitation after menopause. Female sex-hormones appear to be the key contributor to a higher prevalence of migraine in female. Socio-environmental factors may also play an important role. 展开更多
关键词 EPIDEMIOLOGY GENETICS MIGRAINE familial hemiplegic migraine
Construction of retroviral vector carrying HSV tk gene under control of human AFP enhancer core sequence and human pgk promotor * 被引量:1
作者 高军 曹广文 +5 位作者 戚中田 仇小芳 吴宗娣 杜平 杨文国 崔龙 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1997年第1期14+12-13,12-13,共3页
AIM Tenstruct retroviral vector bringing HSV tk gene under control by human AFP enhancer core sequence and human pgk promotor.
关键词 Liver neoplasms\ \ Simplexvirus\ \ Retroviridae\ \ alpha fetoproteins Enhancer elements (genetics)\ \ Gene therapy
Genetic Study on JS399-19 Resistance in Hyphal Fusion of Fusarium graminearum by Using Nitrate Nonutilizing Mutants as Genetic Markers 被引量:4
作者 陈雨 陈长军 +2 位作者 王建新 金丽华 周明国 《Journal of Genetics and Genomics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2007年第5期469-476,共8页
Twenty-two nitrate nonutilizing (nit) mutants were recovered from five wild-type isolates of Fusarium graminearum and fifty nit mutants were recovered from three JS399-19-resistant mutants of F. graminearum cultured... Twenty-two nitrate nonutilizing (nit) mutants were recovered from five wild-type isolates of Fusarium graminearum and fifty nit mutants were recovered from three JS399-19-resistant mutants of F. graminearum cultured on MMC medium. Some biological properties were compared between nit mutants and their parental isolates. The results showed that there were no significant differences in growth rate, cultural characters or pathogenicity between JS399-19-resistant nit mutants and their parental isolates. But the conidial production and the sexual reproduction ability changed to some extent. There was no cross resistance toward chlorate and JS399-19 in F. graminearum and the resistance could be stable through 20-time subcultures. Therefore, the nit could be used as a genetic marker for studying the genetics of JS399-19 resistance in E graminearum, which was used to study JS399-19 resistance transferability in hyphal fusion. Resistance in JS399-19 could not be transferred by hyphal fusion or could be transferred with low chance between two compatible isolates, which would delay the development of JS399-19 resistance in the field. 展开更多
关键词 Fusarium graminearum JS399-19 resistance biological properties genetic marker hyphal fusion
Comparison of Genetic Diversity Between Local Cultivated Aromatic and Non-aromatic Rice in Yunnan Province 被引量:6
作者 白现广 程在全 +2 位作者 蔺忠龙 吕广磊 黄兴奇 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2009年第1期56-59,共4页
[ Objective] The genetic diversity of the local cultivated aromatic rice and non-aromatic rice in Yunnan Province were compared to provide further genetic resources for breeding practice. [Method] Genetic diversity of... [ Objective] The genetic diversity of the local cultivated aromatic rice and non-aromatic rice in Yunnan Province were compared to provide further genetic resources for breeding practice. [Method] Genetic diversity of 10 aromatic rice and 45 non-aromatic rice were analyzed by 64 SSR primers covered on 12 rice chromosomes. [ Result] Per locus 5.44 and 7.98 alleles in average were detected, ranging from 2 to 12 and from 2 to 17 in aromatic and non-aromatic rice, respectively. Average genetic multiplicity index(Hs) was 0.46 and 0.67 respectively. The average polymorphism information content (PIC) was 0.43 and 0.58 in aromatic and non-aromatic rice respectively. [ Conclusion] The results indicated that genetic diversity was higher in non-aromatic rice than in aromatic rice. 展开更多
关键词 Aromatic rice Local cultivated rice SSR markers Cluster analysis Genetic diversity
A Preliminary Study on Conservation Genetics of Endangered Vatica guangxiensis (Dipterocarpaceae) 被引量:10
作者 李巧明 许再富 何田华 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2002年第2期246-249,共4页
运用 2 0个 10碱基随机引物 ,对中国龙脑香科 (Dipterocarpaceae)特有的珍稀濒危植物版纳青梅 (VaticaguangxiensisX .L .Mo)进行了RAPD多态性分析。 3个自然居群和 1个迁地保护居群 (分布于云南和广西 )共扩增出2 31个位点 ,多态位点... 运用 2 0个 10碱基随机引物 ,对中国龙脑香科 (Dipterocarpaceae)特有的珍稀濒危植物版纳青梅 (VaticaguangxiensisX .L .Mo)进行了RAPD多态性分析。 3个自然居群和 1个迁地保护居群 (分布于云南和广西 )共扩增出2 31个位点 ,多态位点所占比例 (PPB)为 5 3.6 8% ;观察等位基因数na =1.5 36 8,有效等位基因数ne =1.2 878,Nei基因多样性指数h为 0 .16 86 ,居群内的遗传多样性水平较低。基于AMOVA和POPGENE的结果均表明居群内的遗传变异大于居群间的遗传变异。居群内的遗传变异为 5 5 .0 9% ,居群间的变异为 44 .91% (AMOVA) ;基因分化系数Gst为 0 .3746 (POPGENE) ,表明居群间存在高水平的遗传分化。研究结果对该濒危植物的保护有重要意义。考虑到低水平的遗传多样性和高水平的居群分化 ,通过居群间种子和幼苗的交换来促进基因流是可行的保护方案。迁地保护居群 (ML)不具最高的遗传多样性 ,表明为了保护此濒危物种的全部遗传变异 。 展开更多
关键词 Vatica guangxiensis RAPD genetic diversity conservation biology
ANN Model and Learning Algorithm in Fault Diagnosis for FMS
作者 史天运 王信义 +1 位作者 张之敬 朱小燕 《Journal of Beijing Institute of Technology》 EI CAS 1997年第4期45-53,共9页
The fault diagnosis model for FMS based on multi layer feedforward neural networks was discussed An improved BP algorithm,the tactic of initial value selection based on genetic algorithm and the method of network st... The fault diagnosis model for FMS based on multi layer feedforward neural networks was discussed An improved BP algorithm,the tactic of initial value selection based on genetic algorithm and the method of network structure optimization were presented for training this model ANN(artificial neural network)fault diagnosis model for the robot in FMS was made by the new algorithm The result is superior to the rtaditional algorithm 展开更多
关键词 fault diagnosis for FMS artificial neural network(ANN) improved BP algorithm optimization genetic algorithm learning speed
Morphology and Genetics of Rice in Response to High Temperature at Flowering Period
作者 谭江 李小湘 +4 位作者 潘孝武 刘文强 闵军 刘三雄 黎用朝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2012年第10期2117-2122,共6页
High temperature stress is one of major abiotic stresses limiting rice productivity,especially at the flowering period.Understanding mechanisms of rice adaptation to heat stress would facilitate the development of hea... High temperature stress is one of major abiotic stresses limiting rice productivity,especially at the flowering period.Understanding mechanisms of rice adaptation to heat stress would facilitate the development of heat-tolerance cultivars for improving yield in a warmer world.Rice heat stress responses are very complex.Interactions between structure,function and the environment need to be investigated at the apparent and molecular levels in order to obtain a full picture.In this review,we summarized the current knowledge on the morphology and genetic basis of heat tolerance in reproductive tissues of rice at the flowering time,and some morphologic characters for increasing thermotolerance in rice via conventional breeding are outlined. 展开更多
Matrix Generator (MG): a Program for Creating 0/1 Matrix from Sized DNA Fragments
作者 周世良 Peter QIAN 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第7期766-769,共4页
A computer program called Matrix Generator (MG) was developed for transforming sized DNA fragments into a presence/absence data matrix. Dynamic computation was run to avoid errors introduced using fixed-bin-width arit... A computer program called Matrix Generator (MG) was developed for transforming sized DNA fragments into a presence/absence data matrix. Dynamic computation was run to avoid errors introduced using fixed-bin-width arithmetic. MG can be used with bin sized fragments from AFLP, ISSR, RAPD, RFLP, and other molecular markers. The accuracy of MG was tested using fAFLP data of Abelia and the results show that MG results in higher resolution of taxa and is more reliable than programs of the similar usage. 展开更多
关键词 Abelia AFLP computer software data treatment Matrix Generator (MG)
Characterization of Two Human Lung Adenocarcinoma Cell Lines by Reciprocal Chromosome Painting 被引量:4
作者 彭昆靖 王金焕 +3 位作者 苏伟婷 王熙才 杨凤堂 佴文惠 《Zoological Research》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2010年第2期113-121,共9页
Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Some lung cancer patients correlate with a gas of radon besides smoking. To search for common chromosomal aberrations in lung cancer cell lines established fro... Lung cancer is a leading cause of cancer death worldwide. Some lung cancer patients correlate with a gas of radon besides smoking. To search for common chromosomal aberrations in lung cancer cell lines established from patients induced by different factors, a combined approach of chromosome sorting, forward and reverse chromosome painting was used to characterize karyotypes of two lung adenocarcinoma cell lines: A549 and GLC-82 with the latter line derived from a patient who has suffered long-term exposure to environmental radon gas pollution. The chromosome painting results revealed that complex chromosomal rearrangements occurred in these two lung adenocarcinoma cell lines. Thirteen and twenty-four abnormal chromosomes were identified An A549 and GLC-82 cell lines, respectively. Almost half of abnormal chromosomes in these two cell lines were formed by non-reciprocal translocations, the others were derived from deletions and duplication/or amplification in some chromosomal regions. Furthermore, two apparently common breakpoints, HSA8q24 and 12q14 were found in these two lung cancer cell lines. 展开更多
关键词 Lung adenocarcinoma cell lines Chromosome sorting Chromosome painting Cytogenetic characterization
Genetics of hepatocellular carcinoma 被引量:22
作者 Andreas Teufel Frank Staib +3 位作者 Stephan Kanzler Arndt Weinmann Henning Schulze-Bergkamen Peter R Galle 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第16期2271-2282,共12页
The completely assembled human genome has made it possible for modern medicine to step into an era rich in genetic information and high-throughput genomic analysis. These novel and readily available genetic resources ... The completely assembled human genome has made it possible for modern medicine to step into an era rich in genetic information and high-throughput genomic analysis. These novel and readily available genetic resources and analytical tools may be the key to unravel the molecular basis of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Moreover, since an efficient treatment for this disease is lacking, further understanding of the genetic background of HCC will be crucial in order to develop new therapies aimed at selected targets. We report on the current status and recent developments in HCC genetics. Special emphasis is given to the genetics and regulation of major signalling pathways involved in HCC such as p53, Wnt- signalling, TGFβ, Ras, and Rb pathways. Furthermore, we describe the influence of chromosomal aberrations as well as of DNA methylation. Finally, we report on the rapidly developing field of genomic expression profiling in HCC, mainly by microarray analysis. 展开更多
关键词 Hepatocellular carcinoma Liver cancer GENETICS GENOMICS CHROMOSOME MUTATION Pathway
Increased susceptibility for intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy and contraceptive-induced cholestasis in carriers of the 1331T>C polymorphism in the bile salt export pump 被引量:20
作者 Yvonne Meier Tina Zodan +5 位作者 Carmen Lang Roland Zimmermann Gerd A Kullak-Ublick Peter J Meier Bruno Stieger Christiane Pauli-Magnus 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2008年第1期38-45,共8页
AIM: To study the association of three common ABCB11 and ABCC2 polymorphisms (ABCB11: 1331T〉C→V444A; ABCC2: 3563T〉A → V1188E and 4544G 〉A → C1515Y) with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) and con... AIM: To study the association of three common ABCB11 and ABCC2 polymorphisms (ABCB11: 1331T〉C→V444A; ABCC2: 3563T〉A → V1188E and 4544G 〉A → C1515Y) with intrahepatic cholestasis of pregnancy (ICP) and contraceptive-induced cholestasis (CIC). METHODS: ABCB11 and ABCC2 genotyping data were available from four CIC patients and from 42 and 33 ICP patients, respectively. Allele-frequencies of the studied polymorphisms were compared with those in healthy pregnant controls and Caucasian individuals. Furthermore, serum bile acid levels were correlated with the presence or absence of the 1331 C allele. RESULTS: The ABCB11 1331T〉C polymorphism was significantly more frequent in cholestatic patients than in pregnant controls: C allele 76.2% (CI, 58.0-94.4) vs 51.3% (CI 35.8-66.7), respectively (P = 0.0007); and CC allele 57.1% (CI 36.0-78.3) vs 20% (CI 7.6-32.4), respectively (P = 0.0065). All four CIC patients were homozygous carriers of the C allele. In contrast, none of the studied ABCC2 polymorphism was overrepresented in ICP or CIC patients. Higher serum bile acid levels were found in carriers of the 1331CC genotype compared to carriers of the TT genotype. CONCLUSION: Our data support a role for the ABCB11 1331T〉C polymorphism as a susceptibility factor for the development of estrogen-induced cholestasis, whereas no such association was found for ABCC2. Serum bile acid and 7-glutamyl transferase levels might help to distinguish ABCB4- and ABCB11-related forms of ICP and CIC. 展开更多
关键词 Cholestasis of pregnancy Contraceptive-induced cholestasis Bile salt export pump Multidrugresistance associated protein 2 PHARMACOGENETICS
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