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作者 陆可欣 《住宅与房地产》 2023年第28期81-83,共3页
随着社区治理改革转型,非政府组织及社区居民成为参与社区治理事务的重要力量,原来的社区治理模式已不再适应当前社区发展的要求,政府推动与社区自治相结合的治理模式转型成为新方向。文章以南通市“邻里+”城市社区网格化新模式为例,... 随着社区治理改革转型,非政府组织及社区居民成为参与社区治理事务的重要力量,原来的社区治理模式已不再适应当前社区发展的要求,政府推动与社区自治相结合的治理模式转型成为新方向。文章以南通市“邻里+”城市社区网格化新模式为例,分析了“邻里+”网格化治理模式存在的问题,并针对性地提出了优化对策,探索“邻里+”城市社区网格化新模式如何为基层社会治理提供动力和参考经验。 展开更多
关键词 “邻里+” 网格化治理 城市社区
协商民主与社区自治模式新选择——基于杭州市上羊市街社区“邻里值班室”的分析 被引量:3
作者 郑春勇 陈珊珊 《中共太原市委党校学报》 2015年第3期45-47,共3页
"邻里值班室"是社区自治的重要形式和基层协商民主的重要载体。对杭州市上羊市街社区的调研分析表明:"邻里值班室"能够为社区协商民主提供公共论坛,有利于优化社区资源配置,推进社区决策民主化,增进多元主体的"... "邻里值班室"是社区自治的重要形式和基层协商民主的重要载体。对杭州市上羊市街社区的调研分析表明:"邻里值班室"能够为社区协商民主提供公共论坛,有利于优化社区资源配置,推进社区决策民主化,增进多元主体的"幸福感",促进"和谐社区"构建。同时,"邻里值班室"也存在着协商民主运行机制行政化问题突出、利益表达层级过多、部分社区居民和社会协商组织能力不足、协商民主中监督和问责系统缺位等问题。进一步搞好"邻里值班室"和社区自治需要建立协商民主长效机制,积极培育多元主体的协商意识,加强对"邻里值班室"的监督与问责。 展开更多
关键词 社区自治 协商民主 “邻里值班”
农村“邻里互助”养老法律规制研究 被引量:6
作者 陈雄 李泽坤 《湖南工业大学学报(社会科学版)》 2020年第4期1-7,共7页
农村“邻里互助”养老符合人权保障的内在逻辑,是贯彻实质法治的必然要求,其本质上是对老年人服务权利的保障。目前,农村“邻里互助”养老面临着经费不足、专业护理人才匮乏、服务质量偏低、缺乏有效的管理评估机制、应急处置制度尚未... 农村“邻里互助”养老符合人权保障的内在逻辑,是贯彻实质法治的必然要求,其本质上是对老年人服务权利的保障。目前,农村“邻里互助”养老面临着经费不足、专业护理人才匮乏、服务质量偏低、缺乏有效的管理评估机制、应急处置制度尚未建立等问题。对此,需要建立可持续的资金保障机制、管理评估机制、人才激励机制、争议处理机制、应急处置机制等,修订和完善养老服务的内容及标准,以建立健全农村养老服务体系,促进农村“邻里互助”养老服务长效发展。 展开更多
关键词 农村老年人 “邻里互助” 养老服务 法律规制
作者 王荻 《江苏科技信息》 2024年第7期84-89,共6页
信息化时代,图书馆营销是图书馆发展和转型的必然选择。IFLA国际营销奖的评选为图书馆提供了在全球范围内分享营销经验和专业知识的机会。文章以2020年IFLA国际营销奖国内获奖项目为例,对获奖项目进行总结和分析,对其营销创新点进行梳理... 信息化时代,图书馆营销是图书馆发展和转型的必然选择。IFLA国际营销奖的评选为图书馆提供了在全球范围内分享营销经验和专业知识的机会。文章以2020年IFLA国际营销奖国内获奖项目为例,对获奖项目进行总结和分析,对其营销创新点进行梳理,提出未来图书馆营销实践应加强信息安全保障、促进信息资源共建共享、推动品牌建设的可持续发展。 展开更多
关键词 IFLA国际营销奖 图书馆营销 “邻里图书馆” “天一约书” “书香大使”
民工潮中农村“邻里互助”养老模式研究——以X社工服务机构为例 被引量:5
作者 高亚兰 《中北大学学报(社会科学版)》 2018年第5期108-112,共5页
近年来,日益加重的人口老龄化使农村养老问题成为中国社会面临的重要问题之一,民工潮的持续存在使这问题不断加剧。本文以农村老人养老问题为研究选题,以积极老龄化为理论依据,基于社区社会工作的实务视角,以X社工服务机构开展的养老服... 近年来,日益加重的人口老龄化使农村养老问题成为中国社会面临的重要问题之一,民工潮的持续存在使这问题不断加剧。本文以农村老人养老问题为研究选题,以积极老龄化为理论依据,基于社区社会工作的实务视角,以X社工服务机构开展的养老服务项目为实证研究切入点,通过文献研究和实地走访的方法进行深入调查,分析当前社工群体在农村地区开展的养老服务现状,及据此探索推广"邻里互助"社区养老服务模式,以期实现缓解农村养老压力,提高农村老人生活质量的实务目的。 展开更多
关键词 “邻里互助” 积极老龄化 社区社会工作
作者 张石明 张卫东 《中共南京市委党校学报》 2006年第S1期135-137,共3页
关键词 “邻里节” 社区文化 社区建设
作者 苗志超 李林蔚 刘博 《大观周刊》 2012年第10期5-5,共1页
随着社会的发展,“空巢家庭”、“四二一”家庭这些特殊结构所占的比重日益加大,使家庭养老的基础不断缩小的,传统的家庭养老功能已经不能满足老年人在心理生理等多方面的需求,并且现阶段,在我国经济还不够发达的情况下,机构养老... 随着社会的发展,“空巢家庭”、“四二一”家庭这些特殊结构所占的比重日益加大,使家庭养老的基础不断缩小的,传统的家庭养老功能已经不能满足老年人在心理生理等多方面的需求,并且现阶段,在我国经济还不够发达的情况下,机构养老又由于资金缺乏以及缺少人文关怀,在发展过程中困难重重,且很难被大多数老人接受。在此,社区"邻里互助"养老模式,显示了其独特的优势性,也必将成为一种新的趋势。 展开更多
关键词 人口老龄化 “邻里互助” 社区养老
Phytoplankton in Prydz Bay and Its Adjacent Sea Area of Antarctica During the Austral Summer (1998/1999) 被引量:6
作者 朱根海 宁修仁 +1 位作者 蔡昱明 刘子琳 《Acta Botanica Sinica》 CSCD 2003年第4期390-398,共9页
The cell density, species composition and distribution of phytoplankton, and their relations to environmental factors in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (69degrees-77degrees E, 62degrees-70degrees S) d... The cell density, species composition and distribution of phytoplankton, and their relations to environmental factors in Prydz Bay and its adjacent sea area, Antarctica (69degrees-77degrees E, 62degrees-70degrees S) during the austral summer of 1998/1999 were investigated. A total of 48 taxa belonging to 21 genera of phytoplankton in the sea area were identified. The average cell density of phytoplankton was 22.46 x 10(3) cells/dm(3), of which diatoms were predominant (84.51%). The highest cell density of phytoplankton occurred in Prydz Bay and the adjacent continental shelf where the average cell density was 46.03 x 10(3) cells/dm(3). The lowest cell density (3.34 x 10(3) cells/dm(3)) occurred in deep sea area. The dominant species of phytoplankton was Fragilariopsis curta. The vertical distribution of phytoplankton density was highest in the upper part of 0-50 in depth, lower in 100 in and lowest in 150 in. The species composition and cell density of phytoplankton were influenced by water circulation. The cell density was positively correlated with water temperature and salinity, and negatively correlated with the concentration of nutrients. 展开更多
关键词 PHYTOPLANKTON DISTRIBUTION Prydz Bay and its and adjacent sea area ANTARCTICA
“双减”背景下,公共图书馆“家庭阅读”推广研究 被引量:4
作者 侯旭彤 苏瑞竹 《南宁师范大学学报(自然科学版)》 2022年第2期190-195,共6页
在提倡全民阅读的大环境下产生的“家庭阅读”是一种新的阅读模式。它面向家庭里的每个成员,通过读书交流达到家庭文化建设,培育良好家风的目的。家庭是教育的起点,家庭阅读能提升家庭成员亲密度,并提高家庭成员的素养。中国五千年深厚... 在提倡全民阅读的大环境下产生的“家庭阅读”是一种新的阅读模式。它面向家庭里的每个成员,通过读书交流达到家庭文化建设,培育良好家风的目的。家庭是教育的起点,家庭阅读能提升家庭成员亲密度,并提高家庭成员的素养。中国五千年深厚的文化底蕴离不开阅读。各级学校执行“双减”政策后家庭阅读发生了变化,学生课业负担减轻,课余时间获得释放。该研究结合“邻里图书馆”案例分析了目前家庭阅读的局限性,综合考量了公共图书馆在家庭阅读的优势,并就“双减”之后如何改善家庭阅读提出了一些见解。 展开更多
关键词 “双减” 家庭阅读 “邻里图书馆”
中越外交七十年:传承与创新 被引量:1
作者 成汉平 《学术前沿》 CSSCI 北大核心 2020年第6期76-83,共8页
当今,百年未有的大变局以及新冠疫情正在不断冲击着地缘政治和经济结构,传统的价值链被不断解构,国际与地区秩序重新洗牌的风险持续增大。一些历史性因素极易被民族主义情绪所左右,导致国与国传统的友好关系遭受冲击。在中越建交70周年... 当今,百年未有的大变局以及新冠疫情正在不断冲击着地缘政治和经济结构,传统的价值链被不断解构,国际与地区秩序重新洗牌的风险持续增大。一些历史性因素极易被民族主义情绪所左右,导致国与国传统的友好关系遭受冲击。在中越建交70周年之际,一方面,政治互信对两国关系稳定发展有着极其重要的现实意义,而高层引领是政治互信的重要基础;另一方面,应以"邻里之道"来管控处理好有关分歧,其中,疏导舆论是非常重要的举措。此外,注重推动民间外交,不断丰富中越传统友谊内涵,塑造中国在包括越南在内的周边国家良好的文化和政治形象具有十分重要的战略意义。 展开更多
关键词 中国外交 中越外交 南海问题 “邻里之道” 命运共同体
Historic Environment and Cultural Sensitivity: Ottoman Neighborhood in Macedonia 被引量:1
作者 Belma Alik Nevnihal Erdogan 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2016年第2期148-156,共9页
The territory of the Republic of Macedonia is divided to geographical regions, in which different types of monuments and houses from Ottoman character can be found. The monuments and regions presented through this pap... The territory of the Republic of Macedonia is divided to geographical regions, in which different types of monuments and houses from Ottoman character can be found. The monuments and regions presented through this paper do not cover all the regions of Macedonia but only the territories of Skopje, the capital of Macedonia and Ohrid. This paper involves a research of Ottoman housing and settlements in Macedonia according to the architectural characteristics and settlement textures using old-new photographs, related literature, internet sources and site investigation. The rich vernacular traditions we inherited from Ottoman ancestors would be a source for inspiring the architects in establishing the guiding principles for new buildings in Macedonia. Finally, this study concludes with some ways forward on how to attain cultural continuity for achieving sustainable development in the long run. 展开更多
关键词 Historic environment Ottoman housing Ottoman monuments cultural sensitivity Macedonia.
Re-examining Geos Neighbourhood for Its Energy Self-sustained Ability Through Ecological Footprints, Net Energy, and Life Cycle Assessment Tools
作者 Mengxiang HU 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2014年第8期1384-1389,共6页
There are mounting evidences that human consume significant quantities of resources and have a major impact on the environment. Some research indicates that since the 1980s human demands on the biosphere have exceeded... There are mounting evidences that human consume significant quantities of resources and have a major impact on the environment. Some research indicates that since the 1980s human demands on the biosphere have exceeded its regen-errative capacity. One way to solve this problem is to minimize the inappropriate ex-ploitation from environment. This essay wil focus on energy self-sustained project, which is a specific way to reduce energy requirements. Energy self-sustained project refers to that energy production is equal to the amount consumed. Three concepts are quoted in the fol-lowing to assess whether the project achieve zero-energy or not. First, ecological footprint, which provides an indication of the human load on the biosphere, is uti-lized to measure the inputs and outputs of the bioregion, which is also beneficial for defining the potential energy. Another one is life cycle assessment, which evaluates environmental load that relates to the entire life periodic system of a product, is helpful to measure the products used in the energy self sustained project. In addi-tion, net energy, and gross resource abundance, definitions for selection, or hierar-chy of different energy resources, can evaluate the new energy resources in project. Geos Neighbourhood, located in colorado, was planned as the largest net-zero energy neighbourhood in the United States. To meet the energy self sustainability, earth and sun power completely sustain the community's energy needs, and re-place al fossil fuels. Compared with the traditional communities, Geos Neighbour-hood minimize the adverse impact on the environment. As tools for assessment, ecological footprint, life circle assessment, and net energy, are al used to analyse the planning and design principles in the neighbourhood. By the research, the de-sign principles and energy use in Geos Neighbourhood wil be re-examined that whether the zero energy project achieves the reduction of ecological footprint, and energy self sustainability. In addition, life circle assessment wil re-examine the ma-terials used in the community also. Final y, the concept of 'net energy' wil test solar energy and earth power which is the major energy used in Geos Neighbour-hood. 展开更多
关键词 Energy self sustained Ecological footprints Net energy Life cycle assessment Geos Neiqhbourhood
Elemental Analysis of Soil Phosphorus Neighborhoods Using SEM, Spectral Mapping and GIS
作者 Kathleen M. Baker Asmare Atalay +1 位作者 Carol Bronick Brodie Whitehead 《Journal of Environmental Science and Engineering(A)》 2013年第8期494-505,共12页
The utility of GIS (geographic information system) methods and spatial statistical analysis on spectral maps of sediment samples were examined. Detailed elemental maps are often constructed using energy dispersive X... The utility of GIS (geographic information system) methods and spatial statistical analysis on spectral maps of sediment samples were examined. Detailed elemental maps are often constructed using energy dispersive X-ray techniques and SEM (scanning electron microscopy). The elemental neighborhood associations of a single element, P (phosphorus), were quantified at a magnification of 3,000 ×. For each of the 170,000 pixels on the images which displayed a strong P concentration, neighborhoods from 0.1μm^2 to 12 μm^2 were examined for associated elemental concentrations. PCA (principal component analysis) revealed two significant neighborhood types associated with P in samples of pH 4, and three neighborhood types at pH 8. These neighborhoods corresponded to Mg-P associations commonly found to be chemically prevalent in river sediments impacted by agricultural operations. Discriminant analysis showed that the greatest accuracy in predicting sample pH could be achieved by using a neighborhood size of 12 ~m2. Potassium at relatively large neighborhood sizes was the element most significant in predicting pH. While many of the chemical associations in close proximity to P could be predicted and explained through mineral solubility, spatial analysis provided some interesting insights into the structure of the samples. Results also indicted differences in the spatial scale associated with different processes. 展开更多
关键词 SEM (scanning electron microscopy) geographic information systems energy dispersive X-ray analysis principalcomponents analysis spatial analysis soil chemistry.
Analysis of Urban Morphology in Core Towns' Neighborhoods of Mexico: Santa Barbara's Neighborhood as a Case Study
作者 Alaide Retana-Olvera Cesar Angel Pena-Salmon Luz Maria Ortega-Villa 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第12期1575-1584,共10页
Cities' urban morphology is the result of historic, cultural, political and social processes. The historical cores in Mexican cities have high cultural diversity, which also intermingle pre-Hispanic cultures with col... Cities' urban morphology is the result of historic, cultural, political and social processes. The historical cores in Mexican cities have high cultural diversity, which also intermingle pre-Hispanic cultures with colonial forms, as well with modernity and post-modernity irruption. The case study is Santa Barbara's neighborhood in Toluca City, which was founded in 1524, and the case study was the first neighborhood in Toluca's historical core. At present time, this neighborhood is considered as one of the most dangerous places in the city's historical core, therefore, it has been abandoned. This paper will display the changes in urban morphology of the neighborhood through the years from 1877 to 2010. For site evaluation, the methodologies of Ashihara (1982) and Lynch's (1961) were used in order to analyze positive and negative spaces, as well as main street visual features, street and avenue directions, street circulation and street circulation path configuration. The results show that the focal nodes are a key factor for economic and social reactivation, with which, through urban activation of vacant lots and the traditional use of the streets as public space, is possible to generate centripetal development to restructure the neighborhood. 展开更多
关键词 Mexican neighborhood urban morphology urban process SUBURBANIZATION dangerous spaces.
Space-Use Analysis in the Design of Neighborhood Walking Paths
作者 Carolina Martins Teresa Heitor Ana Tome 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第3期339-344,共6页
SUA (space-use analysis) is about techniques that objectively describe environments and relate this description to specific problems of use. The purpose of this paper is to explore a space-use analytical tool--POE ... SUA (space-use analysis) is about techniques that objectively describe environments and relate this description to specific problems of use. The purpose of this paper is to explore a space-use analytical tool--POE (post-occupation evaluation)--regarding a neighborhood accessibility condition. Based on a site-specific approach, the main research question is focused on how far neighborhood walking paths are compatible with different user needs, guaranteeing their safety and autonomy, as well as easiness of perception and use, thus providing access to local services and resources they need for participation in the day-to-day activities of community life. This paper is organized in three parts: The first one introduces the main concepts and explains how to ensure it in a practical application in urban design; The second part presents the practical approach, referring to the used methodology, the specific case-study and reached results; The third one establishes correlations between the two approaches and discusses the main findings. 展开更多
关键词 Post-occupation evaluation usability ACCESSIBILITY neighborhood.
Evaluation of an Agent Based Monitoring and Brokerage System for Neighbourhood Electricity Usage Optimization
作者 Evangelos Bekiaris Loukia Prentza 《Journal of Energy and Power Engineering》 2013年第10期1915-1921,共7页
The current paper presents the evaluation results of a monitoring system, developed within NOBEL (Neighbourhood Oriented Brokerage Electricity) project. NOBEL is an EU funded project of the 7th Framework Programme t... The current paper presents the evaluation results of a monitoring system, developed within NOBEL (Neighbourhood Oriented Brokerage Electricity) project. NOBEL is an EU funded project of the 7th Framework Programme that developed a pilot monitoring and energy brokerage system, within a local electricity network, aiming to the optimization of energy usage by reducing consumption and maximizing RES (renewable energy sources) usage on neighbourhood level. A holistic evaluation methodology was followed encompassing all aspects, focusing on the enhancement of energy efficiency due to NOBEL system. In specific, indicators related to energy and monetary impacts were analysed and finally assessed. The system was tested through pilot trials in Alginet, a village in Spain. NOBEL managed to achieve total energy savings of 12%, contributing also to respective emissions reduction and to economic benefits for brokerage platform participants. Analytic results and conclusions are presented in the current manuscript that will assess the project's system overall performance. 展开更多
关键词 NOBEL EU project energy brokerage systems clean energy energy efficiency energy management system evaluation.
农户行为与“邻里效应”的影响机制 被引量:25
作者 姚瑞卿 姜太碧 《农村经济》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第4期40-44,共5页
在现有市场体系下,"有限理性"和"邻里效应"使农户倾向于生产不安全农产品。要改变这种行为取向,需要政府树立安全农产品生产的农户行为"榜样",并使生产安全农产品农户与同期生产不安全农产品农户比较时,... 在现有市场体系下,"有限理性"和"邻里效应"使农户倾向于生产不安全农产品。要改变这种行为取向,需要政府树立安全农产品生产的农户行为"榜样",并使生产安全农产品农户与同期生产不安全农产品农户比较时,生产安全农产品农户能获得正的相对收益,而毋须考虑生产安全农产品农户绝对收入的变化,即可通过农户"邻里效应"引导农户由非安全生产行为向安全生产行为转变。 展开更多
关键词 安全农产品 农户行为 “邻里效应”
“邻里情”使邻里相帮 被引量:3
作者 黄志强 《社区》 2004年第17期15-16,共2页
关键词 “邻里情”互助超市 社区服务 贫困低保户 社区工作
“邻里守望”保一方平安 被引量:2
作者 杨叙 《社区》 2004年第17期28-28,共1页
关键词 防止犯罪委员会 丹麦 社区治安 社区警察 “邻里守望”制度
作者 朱历平 《社区》 2004年第14期18-19,共2页
不知从何时起,现代都市的邻里关系日益冷漠,高楼大厦的商品房也成为现代人“老死不相往来”的蜗居。浙江省绍兴市越城区塔山街道举办了加强居民沟通、融洽邻里关系的“邻里节”。街道通过在各社区开展形式多样的睦邻活动,广泛发动居... 不知从何时起,现代都市的邻里关系日益冷漠,高楼大厦的商品房也成为现代人“老死不相往来”的蜗居。浙江省绍兴市越城区塔山街道举办了加强居民沟通、融洽邻里关系的“邻里节”。街道通过在各社区开展形式多样的睦邻活动,广泛发动居民参与到“邻里节”活动中来,营造了一个温馨、美好的社区生活氛围。 展开更多
关键词 社区居民 邻里关系 社区活动 社区服务 “邻里驿站”
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