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中国“记言”传统的承传与创新——浅析“重言”在《庄子》中的运用 被引量:1
作者 宣英 《学术交流》 CSSCI 北大核心 2010年第11期146-148,共3页
所谓"三言"即寓言、重言、卮言,是《庄子》中独特的艺术表现手法。其中"重言"即引用和反复,是对中国"记言"传统的承传和创新,是庄子时代理性思维的产物,是"三言"的重要组成部分。"重言&qu... 所谓"三言"即寓言、重言、卮言,是《庄子》中独特的艺术表现手法。其中"重言"即引用和反复,是对中国"记言"传统的承传和创新,是庄子时代理性思维的产物,是"三言"的重要组成部分。"重言"的创作不仅意境深闳,而且发想无端。庄子为了表达他不肯强立是非的超然态度,采取的是一种以文为戏的、不从正面立论的立言方式。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 “重言” 引用 反复 修辞
“随说随扫”与《庄子》的“重言” 被引量:1
作者 武云清 《西北师大学报(社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2011年第6期32-35,共4页
"三言"即"寓言"、"重言"、"卮言",既是《庄子》的言说方式,同时也是解读《庄子》的关键所在。"三言"之中,历来对于"重言"的理解分歧比较大,或主张"借重"之义,... "三言"即"寓言"、"重言"、"卮言",既是《庄子》的言说方式,同时也是解读《庄子》的关键所在。"三言"之中,历来对于"重言"的理解分歧比较大,或主张"借重"之义,或主张"重复"之义。其实,就整部《庄子》而言,"重言"与禅宗"随说随扫"的方法倒有相通之处。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 “重言” “随说随扫” 《养生主》
话语权力视野下《庄子》“重言”小议——以《内篇》为中心 被引量:1
作者 徐永东 《昭通学院学报》 2018年第3期28-31,共4页
关键词 《庄子》 “重言” 话语权力
作者 戴红贤 《长江学术》 2017年第4期122-128,共7页
"重言"是庄子自己的阐明事理之言。其表达形式为直接论述和寓言论述两种,前者由作者本人直接阐发,后者是通过寓言表达。庄子的文章以"作"为主,以"述"为辅。"重言"体现了庄子的"作者论&qu... "重言"是庄子自己的阐明事理之言。其表达形式为直接论述和寓言论述两种,前者由作者本人直接阐发,后者是通过寓言表达。庄子的文章以"作"为主,以"述"为辅。"重言"体现了庄子的"作者论"和"艺术真实论"等思想,具有较丰富的写作学价值。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 重言 作者论 艺术真实论
庄子的“寓言”、“重言”、“卮言”论式研究 被引量:9
作者 曾昭式 《哲学动态》 CSSCI 北大核心 2015年第2期49-54,共6页
逻辑学是研究论证结构与规则之学,论证结构由主张与理由组成,"对理由的确认"及"如何从理由到主张"为论证结构的规则,这是本文关于广义逻辑的观念。由此出发,庄子提出的"寓言"、"重言"、"... 逻辑学是研究论证结构与规则之学,论证结构由主张与理由组成,"对理由的确认"及"如何从理由到主张"为论证结构的规则,这是本文关于广义逻辑的观念。由此出发,庄子提出的"寓言"、"重言"、"卮言"三种论证类型亦属此学科的内容,其中"寓言"论式与譬喻论证、"重言"论式与引用论证、"卮言"论式与事实论证有相通之处。此三种论式凸显出先秦逻辑的"正名"与"用名"功能,而不同于亚里士多德三段论所讨论的词项理论。《庄子》中的多篇内容都应用这些论式来论证其思想。 展开更多
关键词 庄子 “寓言” “重言” “卮言”论式
作者 叶文举 《学语文》 2005年第3期42-42,41,共2页
《项羽本纪》是《史记》本纪中刻画人物最为成功的一篇.它塑造了项羽这样一个性格复杂而又丰满的悲剧性人物。他狂飙突进,却又言语呕呕;他礼贤下士,却又妒才嫉能;他残暴酷虐,却又仁爱至极.甚至还怀有妇人之仁。司马迁以他文学的... 《项羽本纪》是《史记》本纪中刻画人物最为成功的一篇.它塑造了项羽这样一个性格复杂而又丰满的悲剧性人物。他狂飙突进,却又言语呕呕;他礼贤下士,却又妒才嫉能;他残暴酷虐,却又仁爱至极.甚至还怀有妇人之仁。司马迁以他文学的天才.把项羽这样一个兼有风云气和儿女性.暴起又暴灭的霸王形象鲜明地展现在我们面前。之所以取得如此强烈的艺术效果,除了和项羽性格本身的复杂性相关之外,与太史公运用多样的艺术手段也有极大的关系。 展开更多
关键词 《史记·项羽本纪》 “重言” 司马迁 修辞 语文 中学
汉语重叠的修辞意义刍议 被引量:4
作者 汪如东 《修辞学习》 北大核心 2002年第5期32-33,共2页
重叠是一种重要的语法手段和修辞方式,存在于世界上多种语言之中,在汉语里又被称为重言、叠字。古人很早就注意到重叠描声绘色、拟物状态的表达效果,刘勰《文心雕龙·物色篇》中说:“诗人感物,联类不穷,流连万象之际,沈吟视... 重叠是一种重要的语法手段和修辞方式,存在于世界上多种语言之中,在汉语里又被称为重言、叠字。古人很早就注意到重叠描声绘色、拟物状态的表达效果,刘勰《文心雕龙·物色篇》中说:“诗人感物,联类不穷,流连万象之际,沈吟视听之区,写气图貌,即随物以宛转,属采附声,亦与心而徘徊。故灼…… 展开更多
关键词 汉语 “重叠” 语法手段 修辞方式 “重言” “叠字”
论《庄子·人间世》中的喻辞 被引量:1
作者 张敏杰 《浙江工商大学学报》 2013年第2期22-27,共6页
"医门多疾"在《人间世》中作为一个"喻辞",形象地表达出颜回急于入世救民的心情。"医门多疾"蕴含政治理性、入世精神等方面的思想内容,属于《庄子》散文"三言"中的"重言"。进一步而... "医门多疾"在《人间世》中作为一个"喻辞",形象地表达出颜回急于入世救民的心情。"医门多疾"蕴含政治理性、入世精神等方面的思想内容,属于《庄子》散文"三言"中的"重言"。进一步而言,"医门多疾"可视为一个"隐喻",是理解《人间世》乃至庄子哲学的一个线索。它所包含的思想观念、精神品格最终在庄子哲学中被一扫而空。 展开更多
关键词 政治理性 入世精神 “重言” 隐喻
作者 李莉 韩维志 《江西师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第6期31-40,共10页
谶起源于先秦,剧变于汉代。张衡《请禁绝图谶疏》一文所反映的正是谶的源头本义与流变衍生义在东汉时期的共存状态,因此,谶在汉代呈现出极为复杂甚至看似矛盾的形态。谶的本质是政治预言,将谶置于预言的发展脉络中进行考察,综合其“验... 谶起源于先秦,剧变于汉代。张衡《请禁绝图谶疏》一文所反映的正是谶的源头本义与流变衍生义在东汉时期的共存状态,因此,谶在汉代呈现出极为复杂甚至看似矛盾的形态。谶的本质是政治预言,将谶置于预言的发展脉络中进行考察,综合其“验”义与谶字记载来展开研究。文章认为:(1)谶的兴起,得益于战国时期的求验风潮,其出现是此风潮发展至极致的结果,具体时间最早在战国末期,至晚在秦汉之交;(2)谶与战国预言一脉相承,其原初形态是一种深受新天道观影响的,以“异象记述+占断之辞”为主要表达形式的,被方士标榜为“验”的象数占验预言;(3)谶的侧重在汉武帝之时开始转变,由“重术”转向“重言”。谶的“重言”特质导致其在逐渐兴盛的过程中不断去占化,进而被形塑成包含不占之谶辞、图谶、经谶在内的各种新形态。 展开更多
关键词 预言 “重术” “重言”
作者 朱惠仙 《南昌工程学院学报》 CAS 2015年第2期80-84,共5页
偈散相间是汉译佛经突出的文体特征,偈散间过度套语"复说偈言"与"重说偈言"在译经中出现频繁。从字面上看两者似乎没什么差别,其实两者同中有异。对其异同的揭示,有助于准确读懂佛经。在大量考察的基础上,从"... 偈散相间是汉译佛经突出的文体特征,偈散间过度套语"复说偈言"与"重说偈言"在译经中出现频繁。从字面上看两者似乎没什么差别,其实两者同中有异。对其异同的揭示,有助于准确读懂佛经。在大量考察的基础上,从"重"、"复"的语义指向、套语的使用环境等角度探析其异同。 展开更多
关键词 汉译佛经 套语 复说偈言 重说偈言 辨析
Reframing narratives and translators' invisibility: On translators' position
作者 刘伟 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2009年第1期50-54,共5页
This paper takes refraining narratives and translators' invisibility as the theoretical base for discussing the translators' position. Translating is to reconstruct the original text, which leads to information chan... This paper takes refraining narratives and translators' invisibility as the theoretical base for discussing the translators' position. Translating is to reconstruct the original text, which leads to information changes. This change is attributed to translator's idiolect and thinking pattern as well as different languages. The translator's role is obvious in the text translation. How to be invisible? Even if invisibility is possible, the invisibility is like a moon in water, flower in fog. That is vague but invisible. 展开更多
关键词 reframing narratives translators' invisibility LANGUAGE information change
A group decision making method based on double hesitant linguistic preference relations
作者 赵娜 徐泽水 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2016年第2期240-249,共10页
A simple decision method is proposed to solve the group decision making problems in which the weights of decision organizations are unknown and the preferences for alternatives are provided by double hesitant linguist... A simple decision method is proposed to solve the group decision making problems in which the weights of decision organizations are unknown and the preferences for alternatives are provided by double hesitant linguistic preference relations. First, double hesitant linguistic elements are defined as representing the uncertain assessment information in the process of group decision making accurately and comprehensively, and the double hesitant linguistic weighted averaging operator is developed based on the defined operational laws for double hesitant linguistic elements. Then, double hesitant linguistic preference relations are defined and a means to objectively determine the weights of decision organizations is put forward using the standard deviation of scores of preferences provided by the individual decision organization for altematives. Finally the correlation coefficient between the scores of preferences and the scores of preferences are provided by the other decision organizations. Accordingly, a group decision method based on double hesitant linguistic preference relations is proposed, and a practical example of the Jiudianxia reservoir operation alternative selection is used to illustrate the practicability and validity of the method. Finally, the proposed method is compared with the existing methods. Comparative results show that the proposed method can deal with the double hesitant linguistic preference information directly, does not need any information transformation, and can thus reduce the loss of original decision information. 展开更多
关键词 group decision making double hesitant linguisticelements double hesitant linguistic preference relations double hesitant linguistic weighted averaging operator
Science Letters:Dynamic concision for three-dimensional reconstruction of human organ built with virtual reality modelling language (VRML) 被引量:3
作者 禹正杨 郑树森 +2 位作者 陈雷霆 何晓乾 王建军 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2005年第7期611-616,共6页
This research studies the process of 3D reconstruction and dynamic concision based on 2D medical digital images using virtual reality modelling language (VRML) and JavaScript language, with a focus on how to realize t... This research studies the process of 3D reconstruction and dynamic concision based on 2D medical digital images using virtual reality modelling language (VRML) and JavaScript language, with a focus on how to realize the dynamic concision of 3D medical model with script node and sensor node in VRML. The 3D reconstruction and concision of body internal organs can be built with such high quality that they are better than those obtained from the traditional methods. With the function of dynamic concision, the VRML browser can offer better windows for man-computer interaction in real-time environment than ever before. 3D reconstruction and dynamic concision with VRML can be used to meet the requirement for the medical observation of 3D reconstruction and have a promising prospect in the fields of medical imaging. 展开更多
关键词 Virtual Reality Modelling Language (VRML) Direct texture mapping Three-dimensional reconstruction Dynamic concision
Quantum Consciousness The Road to Reality
作者 Shantilal Goradia 《Journal of Life Sciences》 2016年第6期269-272,共4页
The prevailing TOE's (theories of everything) do not address everything, anddo not mention consciousness that, we say, is linked to information which in turn creates all theories. We present gravity as probabilisti... The prevailing TOE's (theories of everything) do not address everything, anddo not mention consciousness that, we say, is linked to information which in turn creates all theories. We present gravity as probabilistic; connect quantum physics to gravity, information, consciousnessand forces of darkness in this and/or our other articles referred herein. Physics is on doldrums without explaining invisible consciousness and unexplained constants of Nature. We add our version of the language of Nature. 展开更多
关键词 Quantum Information CONSCIOUSNESS language of Nature theory of everything dark matter constants of Nature.
A Phase Space Reconstruction Based Approach to Throughput Prediction in Semiconductor Wafer Fabrication System 被引量:1
作者 吴立辉 张洁 《Journal of Donghua University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2010年第1期81-86,共6页
In order to manage and control semiconductor wafer fabrication system (SWFS) more effectively,the daily throughput prediction data of wafer fab are often used in the planning and scheduling of SWFS.In this paper,an ar... In order to manage and control semiconductor wafer fabrication system (SWFS) more effectively,the daily throughput prediction data of wafer fab are often used in the planning and scheduling of SWFS.In this paper,an artificial neural network (ANN) prediction method based on phase space reconstruction (PSR) and ant colony optimization (ACO) is presented,in which the phase space reconstruction theory is used to reconstruct the daily throughput time series,the ANN is used to construct the daily throughput prediction model,and the ACO is used to train the connection weight and bias values of the neural network prediction model.Testing with factory operation data and comparing with the traditional method show that the proposed methodology is effective. 展开更多
关键词 daily throughput prediction phase space reconstruction artificial neural network
Learn a rich foreign language research on teaching voice Chinese language of minority
作者 Kaiyan Wan 《International Journal of Technology Management》 2014年第2期26-28,共3页
Foreign teaching and Chinese language teaching of minority are two different forms of teaching in nature, both the nature and the system of teaching are different, but in the teaching objectives, content, principles, ... Foreign teaching and Chinese language teaching of minority are two different forms of teaching in nature, both the nature and the system of teaching are different, but in the teaching objectives, content, principles, methods, and therefore there are many similarities, so two studies outcomes can learn from each other. In this paper, with voice teaching as an example, we will talk about foreign language studies in ethnic minority Chinese Teaching. I think, in the teaching program design, the teaching Chinese minorities can learn from the simplified idea of teaching phonological Mr. Zhao Jin ruing, which is proposed foreign teaching Chinese, to simplify Voice teaching. In teaching principles, we should emphasize specific principles, instructional design based on students' different characteristics. In the teaching content, teaching should not only pay attention phonetic syllables within the system, but also more emphasis on syllables voice level teaching, especially teaching speech flow. In teaching methods, we should learn teaching, research tone, softly and so on. 展开更多
关键词 foreign language teaching the teaching of ethnic minorities voice teaching.
《庄子》藐姑射山神人形象来源及其意蕴探析 被引量:1
作者 胡诗黎 《老子学刊》 2021年第1期118-129,共12页
《庄子·逍遥游》中的藐姑射山神人代表了庄子思想的最高境界,在书中占据重要地位。而《山海经》《列子》等先秦文献中都存在姑射山及山上神人的记载,可见姑射山神话在先秦时期可能流传较广。在塑造藐姑射山神人的形象时,庄子兼用&q... 《庄子·逍遥游》中的藐姑射山神人代表了庄子思想的最高境界,在书中占据重要地位。而《山海经》《列子》等先秦文献中都存在姑射山及山上神人的记载,可见姑射山神话在先秦时期可能流传较广。在塑造藐姑射山神人的形象时,庄子兼用"重言"和"寓言",先将先秦姑射山神话嵌入肩吾转述接舆的语言中,再安排连叔对藐姑射山神人进行第二次描述,使得神人的意蕴从表象向精神推进。《庄子》的其他篇目如《齐物论》瞿鹊子问长梧子一节中的"圣人"以及《德充符》中的王骀可与藐姑射山神人的意蕴相互印证。藐姑射山神人之所以能达到庄子思想的最高境界,不是出于其天赋的外在神力,而是由于内心的长期修为,最终能超脱死生,保守"常心"。 展开更多
关键词 《庄子》 藐姑射山神人 “重言” “常心”
Stress as a Suprasegmental Phonological Shift in Translation: A New Category of Linguistic Shifts
作者 Amin KARIMNIA Esmaeil KALANTARI 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2018年第2期218-235,258,共19页
This study relies on a contrastive analysis to underscore the functions of stress as a shift in translation, especially when phonological specifications can have an impact on translation. In the original model of tran... This study relies on a contrastive analysis to underscore the functions of stress as a shift in translation, especially when phonological specifications can have an impact on translation. In the original model of translation shifts proposed by Catford, only segmental linguistic elements are taken into consideration, while the model totally ignores stress as a supra-segmental linguistic element. Including stress within the analytic procedures of the model can bring about a new type of shift. This implies that Catford's categorization of shifts must be developed in order to increase its applicability, especially when phonological specifications in the source text can have an impact on grammar and lexical items in the target text. As a result of the inclusion of stress into Catford's original mode, a revised version of the translation shift model is suggested. The study further emphasizes the various dimensions of stress and the functions it can have in oral aspects of translation and drama translation. 展开更多
关键词 shift STRESS supra-segmental linguistic element segmental linguistic element subsystem
Non-Word Repetition Performance in Mandarin-Speaking Preschool Children With and Without Specific Language Impairment(SLI)
作者 WANG Xiaoqing HUANG Jiandan 《Chinese Journal of Applied Linguistics》 2016年第3期337-353,375,共18页
Childhood is a critical period for language development, and it is of great importance to discover normal language development and any specific language impairment (SLI) in child language acquisition and then to giv... Childhood is a critical period for language development, and it is of great importance to discover normal language development and any specific language impairment (SLI) in child language acquisition and then to give them timely diagnosis and treatment. Also it has been previously shown that the non-word repetition task is an efficient assessment tool to screen out those children suspected with SLI. Based on this premise, the present study examined whether the non-word repetition task can be a suitable screening tool to detect language disorders for preschool children in Mandarin Chinese in China. A non-word repetition task was adapted specifically for this purpose. This study examined differences in non-word repetition performance of Mandarin-speaking preschool children screened by a criterion-referenced diagnostic test of specific language impairment (SLI) (the value of Cronbach Alpha at 0.86). A sample of 282 children were administered the diagnostic test, and a total of 23 SLI suspects were screened out as their language ability measures deviated from the mean by 1.5 SDs. Results indicated that children with SLI made no error with respect to tone in Mandarin, but they showed great difficulty in non-word repetition skills compared to age-matched controls. The findings confirmed that the non-word repetition task is a culturally nonbiased index of language disorders, and that two syllable non-words can be used to identify language disorder. 展开更多
关键词 specific language impairment non-word repetition PRESCHOOLERS Mandarin Chinese
Data-based prediction and causality inference of nonlinear dynamics 被引量:6
作者 Huanfei Ma Siyang Leng Luonan Chen 《Science China Mathematics》 SCIE CSCD 2018年第3期403-420,共18页
Natural systems are typically nonlinear and complex, and it is of great interest to be able to reconstruct a system in order to understand its mechanism, which cannot only recover nonlinear behaviors but also predict ... Natural systems are typically nonlinear and complex, and it is of great interest to be able to reconstruct a system in order to understand its mechanism, which cannot only recover nonlinear behaviors but also predict future dynamics. Due to the advances of modern technology, big data becomes increasingly accessible and consequently the problem of reconstructing systems from measured data or time series plays a central role in many scientific disciplines. In recent decades, nonlinear methods rooted in state space reconstruction have been developed, and they do not assume any model equations but can recover the dynamics purely from the measured time series data. In this review, the development of state space reconstruction techniques will be introduced and the recent advances in systems prediction and causality inference using state space reconstruction will be presented. Particularly, the cutting-edge method to deal with short-term time series data will be focused on.Finally, the advantages as well as the remaining problems in this field are discussed. 展开更多
关键词 nonlinear system prediction causality inference time series data
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