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让阐释学说汉语 被引量:5
作者 张江 《学术研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第9期6-9,177,共5页
建构作为完备学科体系的中国阐释学,中国本土阐释实践与经验是立足点。让阐释学说汉语,就要以汉语的概念、范畴、命题、范式为核心和基础,从汉语本源字义入手,重新审视有关阐释学的基本概念和命题,发掘潜藏于汉字乃至汉语思维方式背后... 建构作为完备学科体系的中国阐释学,中国本土阐释实践与经验是立足点。让阐释学说汉语,就要以汉语的概念、范畴、命题、范式为核心和基础,从汉语本源字义入手,重新审视有关阐释学的基本概念和命题,发掘潜藏于汉字乃至汉语思维方式背后的阐释学意蕴。“阐”“诠”“解”“释”“理”“性”“通”“达”“衍”“生”等术语不仅具有阐释学方法论意义,而且是构建当代中国阐释学的关键环节。这些基本概念的意义之间具有鲜明的一致性,概念之间相互说明,相互支撑,互文互证。解是诠的基础,衍是阐的方式,阐衍由通而达,充满生命和意志诉求的理性覆盖阐之全部过程。当代阐释学的中国建构,不是简单地借用古代术语,也不是把西方阐释学当作纯粹的理论形态,而是结合时代精神和生活实践,恢复阐释学本身作为思想之源的根本追求,建构与时代精神相契合的新的阐释方式。“训诂阐释学”将训诂与义理有机融合,以系统完备的新学科形态,为学科交叉融合提供新示范,说汉语的阐释学也有一个新基点。 展开更多
关键词 中国释学 汉语 “阐” “诠” 释论
“阐”“诠”视角与当代文学的经典化 被引量:3
作者 赵坤 《中国文学批评》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第3期96-104,159,共10页
作为文学研究与批评的主要路径,"阐论"和"诠证"彼此既独立又统一,二者的独立性形成文学批评的内在逻辑,统一性又为文学史的书写提供了参考和选择。这可为思考当代文学批评实践提供一种视角,考察其如何在不同的现实... 作为文学研究与批评的主要路径,"阐论"和"诠证"彼此既独立又统一,二者的独立性形成文学批评的内在逻辑,统一性又为文学史的书写提供了参考和选择。这可为思考当代文学批评实践提供一种视角,考察其如何在不同的现实语境中展开,又呈现出怎样的文学史形态,面对文本和面对文化场域嬗变时的结构性区别是什么,以及在何种逻辑中组织批评和批评史,并最终如何进入知识的生产、传播与接受、参与作家作品的经典化过程。 展开更多
关键词 “阐”“诠”路径 文学批评 文学史 经典化
冯友兰先生的终极关怀——先生1988年所撰之阐旧辅新联略说 被引量:1
作者 陈来 《衡水学院学报》 2015年第2期56-59,共4页
1983年,这一年冯友兰先生与金岳霖先生都到了八十八岁,冯先生题联一付,贺金先生寿,这上联足“何止于米相期以茶”,下联是“论高白马道超青牛”。“米”字可分解为“八十八”,故八十八岁有称为“米寿”的。“茶”字可分解为廿和八... 1983年,这一年冯友兰先生与金岳霖先生都到了八十八岁,冯先生题联一付,贺金先生寿,这上联足“何止于米相期以茶”,下联是“论高白马道超青牛”。“米”字可分解为“八十八”,故八十八岁有称为“米寿”的。“茶”字可分解为廿和八十八,故一百。八岁称为“茶寿”。上联表示祝贺,并以茶寿相期;下联是指金先生的学问,表示推崇。公孙龙著有《白马论》,“论高白马”是说金先生逻辑分析的水平高于公孙龙。“青牛”指老子,金先生有《论道》一书,这是中国现代哲学中的一部著名形上学著作,“道超青牛”是推称金先生《论道》可以超越《老子》的道论。 展开更多
关键词 冯友兰 终极关怀 对联 “阐旧邦以辅新命” 哲学 中国哲学
作者 黄雪晴 《湖北文理学院学报》 2012年第10期71-73,共3页
关键词 《音韵微》 音系 反切改良
Outline of Herder's translation theory
作者 刘蕾 王雪 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2011年第2期110-114,共5页
John Gottfried von Herder is a very influential German philosopher, linguist and translation theorist. His translation works and theories exert profound impact on translation theories not only in Germany but also in t... John Gottfried von Herder is a very influential German philosopher, linguist and translation theorist. His translation works and theories exert profound impact on translation theories not only in Germany but also in the whole west countries. This paper aims at briefly introducing Herder's translation theories to have a thorough understanding of Herder as a translation theorist. 展开更多
Unavoidability of Creative Treason in Literary Translation
作者 沈明霞 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期77-81,共5页
This paper attempts to offer scholarly insight into the reasons why creative treason is unavoldaole in literary translation with theoretical support from translation skopos, descriptive translation studies, hermeneuti... This paper attempts to offer scholarly insight into the reasons why creative treason is unavoldaole in literary translation with theoretical support from translation skopos, descriptive translation studies, hermeneutics and linguistic analysis. Meanwhile, the author pointed out that the target text should be analyzed from various angles and more attention should be attached to the mutual influence between the source text and the target text. 展开更多
关键词 creative treason translation skopos NORM INTERPRETATION EXPRESSION
A Variety-based Exploration of Parataxis in English
作者 双文庭 《Sino-US English Teaching》 2007年第3期30-36,共7页
Based on the discussion of the connation of parataxis in English, this thesis explores how parataxis appears in different varieties in English, social, situational and functional, with the emphasis on the parataxis in... Based on the discussion of the connation of parataxis in English, this thesis explores how parataxis appears in different varieties in English, social, situational and functional, with the emphasis on the parataxis in functional varieties, which is further classified into economical parataxis and aesthetic parataxis. Pragmatically, parataxis in social varieties is used unconsciously, in functional varieties, consciously, so as to achieve linguistic brevity or aesthetic values, and in situational varieties, moderately consciously. 展开更多
关键词 English parataxis STYLISTICS EXPLORATION
作者 杨明明 《中医学报》 2025年第1期112-115,共4页
《素问·刺疟》主要论述了十二种疟病的症状和治疗疟病的针刺方法,这十二种疟病包括足六经之疟、五脏之疟和胃疟,六腑中独胃有疟。张介宾云:“腑有六而此独言胃者,以胃为六腑之长也。”“胃疟者,令人且病也”一句的正确释读,关系到... 《素问·刺疟》主要论述了十二种疟病的症状和治疗疟病的针刺方法,这十二种疟病包括足六经之疟、五脏之疟和胃疟,六腑中独胃有疟。张介宾云:“腑有六而此独言胃者,以胃为六腑之长也。”“胃疟者,令人且病也”一句的正确释读,关系到对于胃疟的理解及深入研究。“胃疟者,令人且病也”之“且”字,《黄帝内经太素》作“疸”,《千金要方》作“旦”,对于此处异文的判定及文义的解释历来存在争议。今以简帛医药文献补证,此字本当作“旦”,讹作“且”。“旦”读为“瘅”,“瘅病”即热病。由此可对《黄帝内经》之“胃疟”有更准确的认识,与足阳明之疟之令人先寒不同,“胃疟”以热病为特征,在此基础上可以进一步研究胃疟与温疫之间的关系。 展开更多
关键词 “胃疟者 令人且病也” 胃疟 《素问·刺疟》 且病 旦病
作者 朱军 《中国文学批评》 CSSCI 北大核心 2023年第3期44-52,189,190,共11页
公共阐释论对伽达默尔最重要的质疑在于:理解是否即为阐释?理解之为本体并非从语言中返回自身就能得到阐明,而需首先明确道的综合体验性质。“阐诠学”综合了“理”“性”“情”层面的本体论辨析与“阐”“诠”“释”等方法论层面的探究... 公共阐释论对伽达默尔最重要的质疑在于:理解是否即为阐释?理解之为本体并非从语言中返回自身就能得到阐明,而需首先明确道的综合体验性质。“阐诠学”综合了“理”“性”“情”层面的本体论辨析与“阐”“诠”“释”等方法论层面的探究,呈现为公共阐释论视野下的体用一体,中西哲学与美学的差异不只体现为本体概念的差异,同时也有对本体理解的进路的差异,由此方可达成东方智慧与西方理性的互补、借鉴与相融。公共阐释论回到传统理性之辨,提供重估现代美学“性一情”到“情一性”架构之转折的契机,为揭示、阐释与反思情本体的构造及其多重论争提供了重要的依据。对于“美学作为第一哲学”这一命题,从理性辨到情本体的探问具有正本清源的意义。 展开更多
关键词 “阐诠学” 公共释论 本体诠释 理性辩 情本体
Distinguishing "Chan" and "Quan"—— A Discussion of the Publicness of Chanshi 被引量:2
作者 Zhang Jiang 《Social Sciences in China》 2018年第4期5-36,共32页
The way written hanyu (language of China's Han people; Chinese) forms its characters places a high value on intuition, openness and sharing. "Publicness" is an essential characteristic of chanshi 阐述 and this at... The way written hanyu (language of China's Han people; Chinese) forms its characters places a high value on intuition, openness and sharing. "Publicness" is an essential characteristic of chanshi 阐述 and this attests to our argument. The chan 阐 in chanshi 阐述 (free interpretation) and the quan in quanshi 诠释 (exegesis) have profound philosophical and historical sources. The openness and publicness of chan 阐 seek outwardness, explicitness and clarity, holding firmly to the basic claims of dialogue and negotiation, thus containing some brilliant and constructive ideas to the cutting edge of contemporary hermeneutics. Quan 诠 is oriented toward the real, the detailed, the full and the demonstrable, qualities that look to the thing in itself, and it holds firmly to moving from textual research to meaning and significance; it shines forth in the national spirit of seeking truth. There were two approaches to hermeneutics in ancient China: one stressed the quan 诠 of research on ancient texts, the other the chan 阐 of intent. Each has its merits, and the two are compatible. With Chinese discourse as the mainstay, classical hermeneutics as a resource, and contemporary Western hermeneutics as a reference, we can use comparison, selection and the ascertaining of meaning to start from concepts and go on to categories, and then to propositions followed by schemata and thence to systems, finally realizing the modern metamorphosis of the views and theories of traditional hermeneutics, establishing a contemporary Chinese hermeneutics that highlights Chinese concepts, thought and theories. 展开更多
关键词 Shuowen Jiezi chanshi quanshi Chinese hermeneutics
Distinguishing between“Jie”and“Shi”
作者 Zhang Jiang 《Social Sciences in China》 2020年第3期5-33,共29页
Taking the genesis of the ancient characters as a starting point and clarifying the approach to the development of hermeneutics in ancient China by examining the original forms of the relevant Chinese characters may p... Taking the genesis of the ancient characters as a starting point and clarifying the approach to the development of hermeneutics in ancient China by examining the original forms of the relevant Chinese characters may provide a reliable philological basis for the overall construction of contemporary Chinese hermeneutics.Chanshi阐释is a process that starts with jie解,goes through quan诠and then reaches chan阐,fulfilling the highest goal of chan.Jie means to dismantle an object by means of external force;it remains at the level of fen(分split)and lacks an overall grasp.At all events,such interpretations must be precise;they are not chanshi.Quan is philological research on the original form underlying phenomena;it seeks precision,completeness and authenticity.The representation of the original forms underlying phenomena should follow quan as a standard.Chan means the interpretation of Yi Li(义理argumentation),seeking for enlargement and expansion on the basis of the original form,i.e.,the derived meaning.The aim and meaning of chan converge and are fulfilled right here.To put it simply,chan starts with jie,and is established on the basis of fen;quan begins with jie,and is zheng(正verified or finalized)in accordance with philological research;and quan must give rise to chan,in the great opening up of meanings.Jie means fen,quan means zheng,and chan means yan(衍spread out).Going from jie to quan,and thence from quan to chan,the entire course of chan is finished and it reaches the final aim.Chan arises from and realizes jie and quan.Deeply investigating the meaning of jieshi,especially the original meaning of the monosyllables jie and shi,and comparing them with the meanings and usages of chan and quan,we find that it is necessary and sufficient to select chanshixue阐释学rather than quanshixue诠释学,or still less jieshixue解释学,as the appellation of contemporary Chinese hermeneutics. 展开更多
关键词 jie解 shi释 jieshi解释 chanshi Chinese hermeneutics
Distinguishing between Li and Xing
作者 Zhang Jiang 《Social Sciences in China》 2019年第4期5-25,共21页
In ancient China,the morphemes li理and xing性were monosyllables,and both literally and semantically,their signifiers and signified greatly differed from lixing理性(reason)as a holistic concept in the sense of pragmati... In ancient China,the morphemes li理and xing性were monosyllables,and both literally and semantically,their signifiers and signified greatly differed from lixing理性(reason)as a holistic concept in the sense of pragmatics.The concept of li in Chinese culture was the principle of practical reason,and the intuitive expression of practical wisdom;reason in the West is a theoretical reason,the logical expression of theoretical wisdom.The concept of xing in ancient China strictly delimited human nature and biological properties;for li理and de德within the concept of xing,what was more important was the ethical and value meanings embodied in xing that highlighted man’s conscious moral pursuit.The xing of ancient China can be taken to be ethical.The discrimination and analysis of li and xing in ancient China,and the discrimination and analysis of li in ancient China and lixing or reason in the present,provide new clues for the construction of a hermeneutic theory and system.In view of the original meaning of li in the East,interpretation starts from xing,proceeds in light of li,and reveals the origin of xing;respecting the original meaning of li(principle)in the West,hermeneutics starts with principles and sets to work with analysis,featuring synthetization.Oriental practical wisdom and Occidental theoretical reason complement,refer to and are integrated with each other,revealing the full value and meaning of interpretation,and approaching the cognition of truth in endless reflection.Following the cultural and philosophical tradition of ancient China while referring to Western philosophy and its method of reason can serve as an important ground for the basic rules of contemporary hermeneutics. 展开更多
Scenario-Based Stochastic Resource Allocation with Uncertain Probability Parameters
作者 FAN Guimei HUANG Haijun 《Journal of Systems Science & Complexity》 SCIE EI CSCD 2017年第2期357-377,共21页
The stochastic resource allocation(SRA) problem is an extensive class of combinatorial optimization problems widely existing in complex systems such as communication networks and unmanned systems. In SRA, the ability ... The stochastic resource allocation(SRA) problem is an extensive class of combinatorial optimization problems widely existing in complex systems such as communication networks and unmanned systems. In SRA, the ability of a resource to complete a task is described by certain probability,and the objective is to maximize the reward by appropriately assigning available resources to different tasks. This paper is aimed at an important branch of SRA, that is, stochastic SRA(SSRA) for which the probability for resources to complete tasks is also uncertain. Firstly, a general SSRA model with multiple independent uncertain parameters(GSSRA-MIUP) is built to formulate the problem. Then,a scenario-based reformulation which can address multi-source uncertainties is proposed to facilitate the problem-solving process. Secondly, in view of the superiority of the differential evolution algorithm in real-valued optimization, a discrete version of this algorithm was originally proposed and further combined with a specialized local search to create an efficient hybrid optimizer. The hybrid algorithm is compared with the discrete differential evolution algorithm, a pure random sampling method, as well as a restart local search method. Experimental results show that the proposed hybrid optimizer has obvious advantages in solving GSSRA-MIUP problems. 展开更多
关键词 Discrete differential evolution scenario-based reformulation stochastic resource allocation.
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