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作者 王汉宏 《桂林师范高等专科学校学报》 2003年第1期1-4,共4页
以社会主义初级阶段理论为立论基础 ,并经过以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体和以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体的艰辛探索 ,中国共产党创立并形成了邓小平“阶段性”发展理论。这一理论历经了从“三步走”发展战略到“台阶式”发展思想 ... 以社会主义初级阶段理论为立论基础 ,并经过以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体和以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体的艰辛探索 ,中国共产党创立并形成了邓小平“阶段性”发展理论。这一理论历经了从“三步走”发展战略到“台阶式”发展思想 ,再到“具体发展过程的阶段性”思想的两次大飞跃 ,凝结了两代领导人的集体智慧 ,是我国改革开放和现代化建设实践经验的最新总结 ,丰富和发展了邓小平理论。进入新世纪 ,学习掌握邓小平的“阶段性”发展理论 ,必将增强我们分阶段有步骤扎扎实实推进我国社会主义现代化建设特别是全面建设小康社会的自觉性和坚定性 ,并最终实现中华民族的伟大复兴。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 社会主义初级阶段理论 “阶段性”发展理论 发展战略 发展思想 现代化建设
英语词汇学习策略的“阶段性” 被引量:2
作者 张青荣 《河南教育(基教版)(上)》 2004年第9期24-24,共1页
关键词 英语 词汇 学习策略 课堂练习 中学 “阶段性”
作者 王汉宏 《南宁师范高等专科学校学报》 2003年第1期1-3,共3页
以社会主义初级阶段理论为立论基础,并经过以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体和以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体的艰辛探索,中国共产党创立并形成了邓小平“阶段性”发展理论。这一理论历经了从“三步走”发展战略到”台阶式”发展思想,... 以社会主义初级阶段理论为立论基础,并经过以邓小平为核心的第二代领导集体和以江泽民为核心的第三代领导集体的艰辛探索,中国共产党创立并形成了邓小平“阶段性”发展理论。这一理论历经了从“三步走”发展战略到”台阶式”发展思想,再到“具体发展过程的阶段性”思想的两次大飞跃,凝结了两代领导人的集体智慧,是我国改革开放和现代化建设实践经验的最新总结,丰富和发展了邓小平理论。进入新世纪,学习掌握邓小平的“阶段性”发展理论,必将增强我们分阶段有步骤扎扎实实推进我国社会主义现代化建设特别是全面建设小康社会的自觉性和坚定性,并最终实现中华民族的伟大复兴。 展开更多
关键词 邓小平 “阶段性”发展理论 社会主义 初级阶段理论 中国共产党 现代化建设 创新发展
作者 崔金涛 《现代语文(上旬.文学研究)》 2014年第1期105-106,2,共2页
古代汉语教学具有明显的阶段性,这种阶段性体现在学生语言学基础的显著变化和古代汉语阅读、翻译能力的大幅度提高上。由于是严格按照语言历时演变的顺序来编排"文选",王力先生主编的《古代汉语》与古代汉语教学的这种阶段性... 古代汉语教学具有明显的阶段性,这种阶段性体现在学生语言学基础的显著变化和古代汉语阅读、翻译能力的大幅度提高上。由于是严格按照语言历时演变的顺序来编排"文选",王力先生主编的《古代汉语》与古代汉语教学的这种阶段性呈现出了不少抵牾不合之处。而张之强先生主编的《古代汉语》中"今注""古注""白文"三分的做法,有助于解决这种抵牾不合所带来的"虎头蛇尾"和"机械重复"的问题。 展开更多
关键词 “古代汉语”教学 “阶段性” 王力主编《古代汉语》 张之强主编《古代汉语》
“阶段性突击式”与“连续性渐进式”——关于成人高等教育教学形式的思考 被引量:1
作者 应永祥 《中国成人教育》 北大核心 2003年第11期50-51,共2页
关键词 “阶段性突击式” “连续性渐进式” 成人高等教育 教学形式 教学内容 教学要求
作者 袁立新 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2017年第S1期70-76,共7页
宇宙演化与物质结构演化具有同一性,宇宙演化史也是物质结构演化史.为物理结构所决定的物理理论,也相应地具有物质结构演化过程的"时代性"、"阶段性"和"层次性";现代物理实验,在"极端条件下"... 宇宙演化与物质结构演化具有同一性,宇宙演化史也是物质结构演化史.为物理结构所决定的物理理论,也相应地具有物质结构演化过程的"时代性"、"阶段性"和"层次性";现代物理实验,在"极端条件下"的实验过程中,发生物质结构相变,而出现现有理论失效的情况,如超导,可定义为实验使物质结构发生了"时代性"相变;对于该实验所产生的现象及理论,应作物理理论的"时代性"分析;"阶段性"和"层次性"是"时代性"结构的次级层次,构成了"时代性"结构的完备性;本文在物理理论的"时代性"构建方面,作了物理要素、实验项目、实验方式的相关设置,及其跨"时代性"组合和交集的探讨;论证了宇宙演化史与物质结构演化史及物理理论演化史的相关性;拓展了物理理论研究的思路. 展开更多
关键词 物质结构演化 物理理论 “时代性” “阶段性” “层次性” 物质结构相变 物理要素 组合和交集
掌握初级阶段理论 坚持正确舆论导向
作者 李秀英 《新疆新闻界》 1997年第6期7-9,共3页
关键词 社会主义初级阶段理论 新闻工作者 新闻作品 新闻事业 正确舆论导向 建设有中国特色社会主义 新闻采访实践 理论思维 “阶段性” 邓小平理论
科学运用“两期论”把握阶段性特征——兼析“中等收入陷阱”论的非科学性 被引量:12
作者 杨承训 张新宁 《政治经济学评论》 CSSCI 2012年第1期93-104,共12页
"中等收入陷阱"和"两期"(战略机遇期、矛盾凸显期)的提法,反映两种不同的经济学范式和国家发展道路的差异。本文分析了前者的非科学性和误导,又进一步遵循社会主义社会分阶段发展规律论证了"阶段性特征"... "中等收入陷阱"和"两期"(战略机遇期、矛盾凸显期)的提法,反映两种不同的经济学范式和国家发展道路的差异。本文分析了前者的非科学性和误导,又进一步遵循社会主义社会分阶段发展规律论证了"阶段性特征"的科学价值和指导意义,对"中等收入陷阱"论和"两期"论进行全面比较分析,提出按"两期"要求突出三个重点。 展开更多
关键词 中等收入陷阱 “两期”论 “阶段性特征” 消除两极分化 科学发展
Periodic Analysis on Nutrients in Chinese Residents and Their Sources
作者 刘华 胡雪枝 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2010年第11期172-175,共4页
The nutritional status of Chinese residents has been greatly improved during the past 50 years.Compared with Japanese people to whom our food consumption habit is similar,the calorie nutrient intake and fat nutrient i... The nutritional status of Chinese residents has been greatly improved during the past 50 years.Compared with Japanese people to whom our food consumption habit is similar,the calorie nutrient intake and fat nutrient intake per capita of Chinese residents has exceeded the intake of the Japanese residents,but the protein nutrient intake is still lower.Among the composition of the calorie nutrient,the proportion of fat is higher,but the proportion of protein is lower,and both the animal protein and the vegetable fat are small.Therefore,we should guide the poor to the rational consumption such as soybean which contains quality protein but is a kind of inexpensive food.With the increase of population eating out,residents' nutrients awareness as well as the public service institutions knowledge of nutrition should be enhanced. 展开更多
关键词 PROTEIN FAT CALORIE Periodic change
作者 王得后 《前线》 1999年第2期51-51,共1页
儒家讲成圣,道家讲成仙,佛家讲成佛,庄周先生,归于自我,讲“顺乎自然”,“完身养生”。各有各的修养方法,各有各的修养过程,各有各的修养的最高境界,或曰理想。然而,我们是人,我们中国从古至今有一句最厉害的骂人话:“你不... 儒家讲成圣,道家讲成仙,佛家讲成佛,庄周先生,归于自我,讲“顺乎自然”,“完身养生”。各有各的修养方法,各有各的修养过程,各有各的修养的最高境界,或曰理想。然而,我们是人,我们中国从古至今有一句最厉害的骂人话:“你不是人!”人而非人,不知其可,我想,... 展开更多
关键词 修养方法 “阶段性” 性善性恶 性相近 儒释道 生而为人 文化规范 文化树 自我鉴定 假辫子
作者 牟学龙 《政工学刊》 北大核心 1994年第2期27-27,共1页
学雷锋要与时代同步牟学龙人人皆知,学雷锋贵在学本质。学雷锋活动开展了30多年,我们摸索积累了一些经验做法。但是,有的单位在新形势下仅仅满足于原有水平,陶醉于过去的经验,习惯按老路子、旧点子抓工作,停留在“宣传发动了、... 学雷锋要与时代同步牟学龙人人皆知,学雷锋贵在学本质。学雷锋活动开展了30多年,我们摸索积累了一些经验做法。但是,有的单位在新形势下仅仅满足于原有水平,陶醉于过去的经验,习惯按老路子、旧点子抓工作,停留在“宣传发动了、活动开展了、典型抓了、好事也做了”... 展开更多
关键词 学雷锋活动 普遍性与特殊性 新形势 思维定势 群众性 质量互变规律 新对策 雷锋精神 “阶段性” 解放思想
时空聚焦下周 谨防空头陷阱
作者 阮华 《股市动态分析》 2005年第22期62-62,共1页
关键词 时空聚焦 中期指数 陷阱 中国股市 多数人 时间窗 市场信心 熊市 “阶段性” 正常打开
作者 王瑞亭 梁淑莲 《金融教学与研究》 1998年第3期53-53,共1页
一、中长期定期存款短期化。据调查某县1997年三年期以上定期存款增幅分别比前三年低11.1、7.9、5.3个百分点,与近三年全部储蓄存款年均增长22%形成反差,其成因与储蓄计息规定改革的“阵痛期”有直接关系。(1)《... 一、中长期定期存款短期化。据调查某县1997年三年期以上定期存款增幅分别比前三年低11.1、7.9、5.3个百分点,与近三年全部储蓄存款年均增长22%形成反差,其成因与储蓄计息规定改革的“阵痛期”有直接关系。(1)《储蓄管理条例》规定:1993年3月... 展开更多
关键词 商业银行 存贷款利率 约定利率 存款利率 定期储蓄 管理条例 银行利息 “阶段性” 物价变动 国有银行
作者 薛涛 《声屏世界》 1997年第1期31-33,共3页
关键词 广播评论 评论者 不等式 “阶段性” 指导性 预见性 文体特征 代表性 个性与共性 嫁接组合
作者 鲁兆 《股市动态分析》 2004年第10期39-38,共2页
上周拙作的副题是《2月23日已见阶段性顶部》,文中主要以深综指为分析例证:空间上,2月23月456点恰好触及江恩下降3*1线;而且,456点又恰好是523点至349点下跌的0.618倍修正!(参见图1)时间上,135周、57周、43周等周期汇合于456点!事实上... 上周拙作的副题是《2月23日已见阶段性顶部》,文中主要以深综指为分析例证:空间上,2月23月456点恰好触及江恩下降3*1线;而且,456点又恰好是523点至349点下跌的0.618倍修正!(参见图1)时间上,135周、57周、43周等周期汇合于456点!事实上已经形成了时空价的三维共振!因而给予了“见顶”的判断。 严格地说,在经典股市理论中,并未见“阶段性”一词,事实上,“阶段性顶部”是一种顶部级别模糊的说法。对于顶部的定性,最标准的说法是,“某某浪顶部”。 展开更多
关键词 时间之窗 “阶段性” 通货膨胀 市场转向 “国有股减持” 深圳成份指数 2002年2月 肯定性判断 综合指数 使用标准
A non-monotone Phase-1 method in linear programming 被引量:4
作者 潘平奇 李炜 《Journal of Southeast University(English Edition)》 EI CAS 2003年第3期293-296,共4页
To gain superior computational efficiency, it might be necessary to change the underlying philosophy of the simplex method. In this paper, we propose a Phase-1 method along this line. We relax not only the conventiona... To gain superior computational efficiency, it might be necessary to change the underlying philosophy of the simplex method. In this paper, we propose a Phase-1 method along this line. We relax not only the conventional condition that some function value increases monotonically, but also the condition that all feasible variables remain feasible after basis change in Phase-1. That is, taking a purely combinatorial approach to achieving feasibility. This enables us to get rid of ratio test in pivoting, reducing computational cost per iteration to a large extent. Numerical results on a group of problems are encouraging. 展开更多
关键词 linear programming Phase-1 ratio-test-free pivoting rule
Genetic analysis of fruit shape traits at different maturation stages in sponge gourd 被引量:6
作者 ZHANG Sheng HU Jin ZHANG Cai-fang GUAN Ya-jing ZHANG Ying 《Journal of Zhejiang University-Science B(Biomedicine & Biotechnology)》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2007年第5期338-344,共7页
The fruit shape is important quantitative trait closely related to the fruit quality. However, the genetic model of fruit shapes has not been proposed. Therefore, in the present study, analysis of genetic effects for ... The fruit shape is important quantitative trait closely related to the fruit quality. However, the genetic model of fruit shapes has not been proposed. Therefore, in the present study, analysis of genetic effects for fruit shape traits (fruit length and fruit perimeter) in sponge gourd was conducted by employing a developmental genetic model including fruit direct effects and maternal effects. Analysis approaches of unconditional and conditional variances were applied to evaluate the genetic behavior of fruit shape traits at economical and physiological maturation times. The results of variance analysis indicated that fruit length and fruit perimeter were simultaneously affected by fruit direct genetic effects and maternal effects. Fruit direct genetic effects were relatively more important for fruit shape traits at whole developmental period. The gene expression was most active at the economical maturation stage (1-12 d after flowering) for two shape traits, and the activation of gene was mostly due to direct dominance effects at physiological maturation stage (13-60 datter flowering). The coefficients due to different genetic effects, as well as the phenotypic correlation coefficients, varied significantly between fruit shape traits themselves at various maturation stages. The results showed that it was relatively easy to improve fruit shape traits for industrial purpose by carefully selecting the parents at economical maturation stage instead of that at physiological maturation stage. 展开更多
关键词 Fruit length Fruit perimeter Genetic effects Genetic variance Luffa cylindrical Roem
Rock Weathering Tendency at Different Stages of Soil-Forming Processes in Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic 被引量:1
作者 CHENJIE GONGZITONG 《Pedosphere》 SCIE CAS CSCD 1996年第1期29-34,共6页
From the view of energy state of material, this paper introduces a concept of weathering potential in carrying out quantitative calculation of the relevant products at different stages of rock-weathering and primary s... From the view of energy state of material, this paper introduces a concept of weathering potential in carrying out quantitative calculation of the relevant products at different stages of rock-weathering and primary soil-forming processes, elaborates respectively on weathering degree in the bio-weathering layer of rocks and during the formation of soil material and clay, and evaluats the further tendency of weathering in the above-mentioned stages. The authors have discovered that the scales of weathering potential of the materials increase successively in the three stages, which indicates that the products in the above-mentioned three stages must have undergone stronger and stronger weathering in the primitive forming process of soil in Fildes Peninsula, Antarctic. But, because of relatively weak chemical weathering, it is reasonable that there are much more skeleton grains and little clay in primary soils in this region. Meanwhile, the authors have also verified that the weathering potential of crude rock determines to some extent decrease in the products' weathering potential in the different stages in primary soil-forming, thereby plays an important role in the genesis and development of the primary soil in the studied area. 展开更多
关键词 ANTARCTIC primary soil weathering potential
Periodical Development Trend of Vertical Greening
作者 殷金岩 罗旭荣 +5 位作者 许建新 王佳 骆华容 钟丽娜 彭金平 邵兰兰 《Agricultural Science & Technology》 CAS 2015年第12期2863-2865,共3页
The research reviewed the development trend of vertical greening industry and divided it into four stages as follows: demand exploring phase, theory and technology development and application phases, and ripening pha... The research reviewed the development trend of vertical greening industry and divided it into four stages as follows: demand exploring phase, theory and technology development and application phases, and ripening phase of vertical greening system. The characteristics in different phases were detailed, providing ref- erences for development of vertical greening industry in future. 展开更多
关键词 Vertical greening Development theory in different phases TREND
Diagnostic value of gadobenate dimeglumine-enhanced hepatocyte-phase magnetic resonance imaging in evaluating hepatic fibrosis and hepatitis 被引量:10
作者 Xiu-Mei Li Zhu Chen +2 位作者 En-Hua Xiao Quan-Liang Shang Cong Ma 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2017年第17期3133-3141,共9页
AIM To evaluate the diagnostic value of gadobenate dimeglumine(Gd-BOPTA)-enhanced hepatocyte-phase magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) in evaluating hepatic fibrosis and hepatitis.METHODS Hepatocyte-phase images of Gd-BOP... AIM To evaluate the diagnostic value of gadobenate dimeglumine(Gd-BOPTA)-enhanced hepatocyte-phase magnetic resonance imaging(MRI) in evaluating hepatic fibrosis and hepatitis.METHODS Hepatocyte-phase images of Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRI were retrospectively evaluated in 76 patients with chronic liver disease. These patients were classified into five groups according to either the histopathological fibrosis stage(S0-S4) or the histopathological hepatitis grade(G0-G4). The relative enhancement ratio(RE) of the liver parenchyma in the T1-vibe sequence was calculated by measuring the signal intensity before(SI pre) and 90 min after(SI post) intravenous injection of Gd-BOPTA using the following formula: RE =(SI post-SI pre)/SI pre. One-way analysis of variance was used to compare the difference between the relative RE in the hepatocyte phase(REh) and the stage of hepatic fibrosis and the grade of hepatitis. Pearson's productmoment correlation analysis was used to evaluate the relationship between the REh and the levels of serologic liver functional parameters.RESULTS According to histopathological hepatic fibrosis stage, the 76 patients were classified into five groups: 16 in S0, 15 in S1, 21 in S2, 9 in S3, and 15 in S4 group. According to histopathological hepatitis grade, the 76 patients were also classified into five groups: 0 in G0, 44 in G1, 22 in G2, 8 in G3, and 2 in G3 group. With regard to the stage of hepatic fibrosis, REh showed significant differences between the S2 and S3 groups and between the S2 and S4 groups(P < 0.05), but no significant difference was observed between the other groups. With regard to the grade of hepatitis, REh showed significant differences between the G1 and G2 groups and between the G1 and G4 groups(P < 0.05), but no significant difference was observed between the other groups. Increased REh showed correlations with decreased serum levels of TB, ALT and AST(P < 0.05). CONCLUSION To some extent, measuring the REh using Gd-BOPTAenhanced MRI might be a noninvasive technique for assessing the stage of hepatic fibrosis. This method is able to differentiate no/mild hepatitis from advanced hepatitis. TB, ALT and AST levels can predict the degree of liver enhancement in the hepatocyte phase of Gd-BOPTA-enhanced MRI. 展开更多
关键词 GD-BOPTA Magnetic resonance imaging Hepatocyte phase Relative enhancement Hepatic fibrosis
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