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俄罗斯反恐奇兵——“阿尔法”特种部队 被引量:1
作者 周晓光 《国防科技》 2005年第4期59-62,共4页
关键词 “阿尔法”特种部队 俄罗斯 反恐 特种作战部队 交通工具 俯卧撑 战士
作者 阿海 《当代世界》 北大核心 2002年第12期40-41,共2页
在俄罗斯,有一个让恐怖分子心惊肉跳、闻风丧胆的名字,那就是"阿尔法"."阿尔法"是俄罗斯的一支闻名遐迩的反恐怖特种突击队.在这支队伍中,队员个个身怀绝技,骁勇善战.在今年10月23~26日的莫斯科人质事件中,"... 在俄罗斯,有一个让恐怖分子心惊肉跳、闻风丧胆的名字,那就是"阿尔法"."阿尔法"是俄罗斯的一支闻名遐迩的反恐怖特种突击队.在这支队伍中,队员个个身怀绝技,骁勇善战.在今年10月23~26日的莫斯科人质事件中,"阿尔法"再建奇功,它与俄其他特种部队一起,仅用15分钟就顺利地制服了恐怖分子,成功地解救了人质,"阿尔法"的名字再次让世界瞩目. 展开更多
关键词 特种部队 “阿尔法” 反恐怖主义 俄罗斯 教育训练 武器装备 工作业绩
作者 齐冰 《国家安全通讯》 2003年第1期43-46,共4页
2002年10月23日,一伙车臣武装分子闯入莫斯科轴承厂文化宫,将剧院内的800多人扣为人质。一时间,全世界都关注着人质的生命安危。26日清晨,俄罗斯特种部队经过一个多小时的战斗,击毙了车臣匪首之一的巴拉耶夫以及三十多名绑匪,成功解救... 2002年10月23日,一伙车臣武装分子闯入莫斯科轴承厂文化宫,将剧院内的800多人扣为人质。一时间,全世界都关注着人质的生命安危。26日清晨,俄罗斯特种部队经过一个多小时的战斗,击毙了车臣匪首之一的巴拉耶夫以及三十多名绑匪,成功解救了人质。这次事件中俄特种部队“阿尔法”的出色表现再次吸引了世人的目光。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯 “阿尔法”别动队 特种部队 反恐怖主义 国家安全
作者 刘万军 王凤才 《宁夏科技(军事展望)》 2002年第12期82-85,共4页
一天,队员们接到命令:“速到第一总局报到”。瓦连京·伊万诺维奇.舍尔金带领8名“阿尔法”队员立即驱车赶往第一总局。车接近克格勃第一总局大楼时,队员们发现,停车场上已有3辆黑色“伏尔加”在等着他们。在当时的苏联,“伏... 一天,队员们接到命令:“速到第一总局报到”。瓦连京·伊万诺维奇.舍尔金带领8名“阿尔法”队员立即驱车赶往第一总局。车接近克格勃第一总局大楼时,队员们发现,停车场上已有3辆黑色“伏尔加”在等着他们。在当时的苏联,“伏尔加”轿车是地位和权势的象征,只有有一定地位和权势的人才有资格坐这种车。队员们看见,当他们的车接近停车场时,从“伏尔加” 展开更多
关键词 恐怖主义 “阿尔法” 莫斯科 反恐战争
《宁夏科技(军事展望)》 2002年第12期81-81,共1页
莫斯科时间2002年10月23日晚,大约50名蒙面武装分子冲入莫斯科市一家文化宫,将正在观看演出的观众以及演员和工作人员近千人劫为人质。这些歹徒被证实为车臣反政府武装分子,他们向俄罗斯总统普京发出最后通牒,要求俄政府在7天之内... 莫斯科时间2002年10月23日晚,大约50名蒙面武装分子冲入莫斯科市一家文化宫,将正在观看演出的观众以及演员和工作人员近千人劫为人质。这些歹徒被证实为车臣反政府武装分子,他们向俄罗斯总统普京发出最后通牒,要求俄政府在7天之内结束俄军在车臣的一切军事行动,并从车臣撤军,如果他们的要求得不到满足或者俄罗斯安全部队对他们发动进攻。 展开更多
关键词 恐怖主义 “阿尔法” 莫斯科 反恐战争
作者 徐谷芃 《太原理工大学学报(社会科学版)》 2024年第1期110-116,共7页
村上春树与美国作家菲茨杰拉德分属不同的时代和社会,他们通过文学创作积极思索“近代”资本主义席卷世界过程中出现的困扰人类社会的同质性问题。在长篇小说《天黑以后》中,村上春树借用法国电影《阿尔法城》的隐喻,描述了当下日本社... 村上春树与美国作家菲茨杰拉德分属不同的时代和社会,他们通过文学创作积极思索“近代”资本主义席卷世界过程中出现的困扰人类社会的同质性问题。在长篇小说《天黑以后》中,村上春树借用法国电影《阿尔法城》的隐喻,描述了当下日本社会在个人感情、战争记忆上的失落;进而通过叙述二重奏的创作手法,揭示人们如何失去正常的生活,又渐渐堕入人性丧失的泥沼;最后,将人性恶亦即“本源恶”问题指向“近代”及其系统,思考科技发达的“近代”社会中,人之为人的真实意义究竟何在。 展开更多
关键词 “阿尔法城” 《天黑以后》 村上春树 丧失 近代
作者 王文 李菡 《当代中国与世界》 2024年第3期91-97,共7页
近年来,关于2010年以后出生的一代人(即“α世代”或“阿尔法世代”)的研究正在兴起。“α世代”是人工智能的原住民,是人类生育率拐点的一代,也是亲历大国实力更替的一代。本文认为,中国“α世代”在技术使用、生活水准与国家红利上都... 近年来,关于2010年以后出生的一代人(即“α世代”或“阿尔法世代”)的研究正在兴起。“α世代”是人工智能的原住民,是人类生育率拐点的一代,也是亲历大国实力更替的一代。本文认为,中国“α世代”在技术使用、生活水准与国家红利上都拥有领先世界的优势。在未来二三十年,中国“α世代”的成长进程与实践贡献既决定着中华民族伟大复兴的未来,也与人类可持续发展与全球治理的演进密切相关。 展开更多
关键词 “α世代”(“阿尔法世代”) 智能科技 大国博弈 全球治理
“阿尔法”级核潜艇 被引量:3
作者 张峰学 《海事大观》 2005年第2期50-54,共5页
苏联海军“阿尔法”级(705型)攻击型核潜艇至今仍是各国潜艇专家议论的对象,在方方面面的研究中.许多专家对于该级艇的成败得出了不同的褒贬结论。有些潜艇专家认为,“阿尔法”级由于造价高昂,应列入典型失败设计之列。另一些潜艇... 苏联海军“阿尔法”级(705型)攻击型核潜艇至今仍是各国潜艇专家议论的对象,在方方面面的研究中.许多专家对于该级艇的成败得出了不同的褒贬结论。有些潜艇专家认为,“阿尔法”级由于造价高昂,应列入典型失败设计之列。另一些潜艇专家则认为.“阿尔法”级是性能极为优秀的核潜艇典型设计。无论评价如何.我们应看到的是.“阿尔法”级不但引起了西方震惊.而且对美苏核潜艇的发展起到了双重推动作用。 展开更多
关键词 “阿尔法”级核潜艇 设计思路 作战性能 武器装备 钛合金 工作深度
依然神秘的“阿尔法” 被引量:1
作者 施征 《舰载武器》 2006年第9期51-54,共4页
“阿尔法”(Alfa)级攻击型核潜艇对“孔雀石”设计局甚至前苏联海军来说都是一件了不起的成就(“阿尔法”是北约对前苏联705型攻击核潜艇的称呼,前苏联海军将该级艇称为“天琴座”,通常人们将其称为A级)。该级艇属于前苏联第三代攻击核... “阿尔法”(Alfa)级攻击型核潜艇对“孔雀石”设计局甚至前苏联海军来说都是一件了不起的成就(“阿尔法”是北约对前苏联705型攻击核潜艇的称呼,前苏联海军将该级艇称为“天琴座”,通常人们将其称为A级)。该级艇属于前苏联第三代攻击核潜艇,也是苏联海军核潜艇中最为神秘的一个型号。虽然该级艇在前苏联解体之前好几年就已经开始分批“激流勇退”,可直至今天,有关“阿尔法”级的消息依旧鲜为人知,西方居然连像样一点的照片都拿不出几张。 展开更多
关键词 “阿尔法” 攻击核潜艇 攻击型核潜艇 前苏联 天琴座 海军 设计局 孔雀石
《世界汽车》 2003年第3期5-5,共1页
关键词 “阿尔法”汽车 GTA系列轿车 汽车设计 技术参数 装备配置 车型
作者 王磊 何兵 《环球军事》 2004年第10S期39-39,共1页
关键词 北奥塞梯 人质 俄罗斯 特种部队 “阿尔法”
“阿尔法”行动: 美军引以为荣的冷战功绩
作者 王霄 《环球军事》 2004年第07S期56-57,共2页
关键词 冷战 “阿尔法”行动 美国 特工 军事情报
作者 吕江涛 《现代军事》 2002年第12期12-13,共2页
2002年10月23日晚,一伙以巴拉耶夫为首的车臣恐怖分子突然占领了位于莫斯科市中心的文化宫剧院,约800名观众和演员被扣为人质。恐怖分子把近2吨炸药带进剧场,要求俄军立即停止在车臣的军事行动并从车臣搬军,扬言俄政府若不满足其要求就... 2002年10月23日晚,一伙以巴拉耶夫为首的车臣恐怖分子突然占领了位于莫斯科市中心的文化宫剧院,约800名观众和演员被扣为人质。恐怖分子把近2吨炸药带进剧场,要求俄军立即停止在车臣的军事行动并从车臣搬军,扬言俄政府若不满足其要求就炸毁大楼,让全部人质死于非命。在此非常时刻,一支经验丰富并无数次出色完成急难险重任务的特种部队再次临危受命,挑起了解救人质的重担。 展开更多
关键词 俄罗斯“阿尔法” 特种部队
Cavity nucleation during hot forging of Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy with colony alpha microstructure 被引量:3
作者 董显娟 鲁世强 +2 位作者 郑海忠 李鑫 欧阳德来 《Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2010年第12期2259-2264,共6页
The initiation sites and influencing factors of cavity nucleation were investigated for a Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy with lamellar starting structure,using the isothermal hot compression test.All samples were deformed to... The initiation sites and influencing factors of cavity nucleation were investigated for a Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy with lamellar starting structure,using the isothermal hot compression test.All samples were deformed to a true strain of 0.70 in the temperature range of 750-950°C and strain rate range of 0.001-10 s-1.The corresponding microstructures were observed by means of the metallurgical microscopy and scanning electron microscopy(SEM).It was found that all cavities occurred at the bulge regions of the compression specimens.Most of cavities nucleated along prior beta boundaries oriented 45°to the compression axis,while others nucleated at the interfaces of lamellar alpha colonies.Cavity nucleation was inhibited with increasing the volume fraction of beta phase and the volume fraction spheroidized of lamellar alpha phase. 展开更多
关键词 Ti-6Al-2Zr-1Mo-1V alloy cavity nucleation lamellar alpha colony dynamic spheroidization
The involvement of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha in Toll-like receptor 7/8-mediated inflammatory response 被引量:2
作者 Sally A Nicholas Vadim V Sumbayev 《Cell Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2009年第8期973-983,共11页
Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 7 and 8 are crucial in host defence against single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses. Such viruses cause severe illnesses, which remain a serious medical burden in both industrialised and dev... Toll-like receptors (TLRs) 7 and 8 are crucial in host defence against single-stranded RNA (ssRNA) viruses. Such viruses cause severe illnesses, which remain a serious medical burden in both industrialised and developing countries. TLR7/8 downstream signaling leads tO a dramatic cellular stress associated with energy consumption. However, the molecular mechanisms of cell survival and adaptation to TLR7/8-induced stress, which give the cells an opportunity to initiate proper inflammatory reactions, are not clear at all. Here we report for the first time that ligand-induced activation of TLR7/8 leads to the accumulation of hypoxia-inducible factor 1 alpha (HIF-1α) protein in THP-1 human myeloid macrophages via redoxand reactive nitrogen species-dependent mechanisms. MAP kinases and phosphoinositol-3K are not involved in TLR7/8-mediated HIF-1α accumulation. Experiments with HIF-1α knockdown THP- 1 cells have clearly demonstrated that HIF-1α is important for the protection of these cells against TLR7/8-induced depletion of ATP. Thus, HIF-1α might support both cell survival and the production of pro-inflammatory cytokines upon TLR7/8 activation. 展开更多
关键词 inflammation and innate immunity Toll-like receptors HIF-1 protein APOPTOSIS
Electric Wheelchair Control System Using Brain-Computer Interface Based on Alpha-Wave Blocking 被引量:2
作者 明东 付兰 +8 位作者 陈龙 汤佳贝 綦宏志 赵欣 周鹏 张力新 焦学军 王春慧 万柏坤 《Transactions of Tianjin University》 EI CAS 2014年第5期358-363,共6页
A brain-computer interface(BCI)-based electric wheelchair control system was developed, which enables the users to move the wheelchair forward or backward, and turn left or right without any pre-learning. This control... A brain-computer interface(BCI)-based electric wheelchair control system was developed, which enables the users to move the wheelchair forward or backward, and turn left or right without any pre-learning. This control system makes use of the amplitude enhancement of alpha-wave blocking in electroencephalogram(EEG) when eyes close for more than 1 s to constitute a BCI for the switch control of wheelchair movements. The system was formed by BCI control panel, data acquisition, signal processing unit and interface control circuit. Eight volunteers participated in the wheelchair control experiments according to the preset routes. The experimental results show that the mean success control rate of all the subjects was 81.3%, with the highest reaching 93.7%. When one subject's triggering time was 2.8 s, i.e., the flashing time of each cycle light was 2.8 s, the average information transfer rate was 8.10 bit/min, with the highest reaching 12.54 bit/min. 展开更多
关键词 electric wheelchair alpha-wave blocking brain-computer interface (BCI) success control rate
Therapeutic targets and delivery challenges for Alzheimer's disease 被引量:4
作者 Preshita Desai Harshad Shete +2 位作者 Rahul Adnaik John Disouza Vandana Patravale 《World Journal of Pharmacology》 2015年第3期236-264,共29页
Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, the 21^st Century epidemic, is one of the most signifcant social and health crises which has currently afficted nearly 44 million patients worldwide and about new 7.7 million ... Dementia, including Alzheimer’s disease, the 21^st Century epidemic, is one of the most signifcant social and health crises which has currently afficted nearly 44 million patients worldwide and about new 7.7 million cases are reported every year. This portrays the unmet need towards better understanding of Alzheimer’s disease pathomechanisms and related research towards more effective treatment strategies. The review thus comprehensively addresses Alzheimer’s disease pathophysiology with an insight of underlying multicascade pathway and elaborates possible therapeutic targets- particularly anti-amyloid approaches, anti-tau approaches, acetylcholinesterase inhibitors, glutamatergic system modifiers, immunotherapy, anti-nflammatory targets, antioxidants, 3-hydroxy-3-methyl-glutaryl-coenzyme A reductase inhibitors and insulin. In spite of extensive research leading to identification of newer targets and potent drugs, complete cure of Alzheimer’s disease appears to be an unreached holy grail. This can be attributed to their ineffective delivery across blood brain barrier and ultimately to the brain. With this understanding, researchers are now focusing on development of drug delivery systems to be delivered via suitable route that can circumvent blood brain barrier effectively with enhanced patient compliance. In this context, we have summarized current drug delivery strategies by oral, transdermal, intravenous, intranasal and other miscellaneous routes and have accentuated the future standpoint towards promising therapy ultimately eading to Alzheimer’s disease cure. 展开更多
关键词 Neurofbrillary tangles Alzheimer's disease DEMENTIA Amyloid β Tau NEURODEGENERATION Blood brain barrier TRANSDERMAL NASAL
Anti-TNF-αtreatment in Behcet's disease with cerebral vasculitis:a case report
作者 Hany N Hamada Sherif S Alattar 《Journal of Medical Colleges of PLA(China)》 CAS 2010年第6期364-367,共4页
A 27 year-old male patient was diagnosed with Behcet's disease cortex), (TNF) which resulted in reduced visual acuity and field of vision. This alpha blocker therapy on Behcet's cerebral vasculitis (BD) case a... A 27 year-old male patient was diagnosed with Behcet's disease cortex), (TNF) which resulted in reduced visual acuity and field of vision. This alpha blocker therapy on Behcet's cerebral vasculitis (BD) case and posterior visual pathway demonstrates the effect of tum affection (visual or necrosis factor 展开更多
关键词 Behcet's disease Tumor necrosis factor alpha VASCULITIS
ZA PLSs' Performance and Black Swan Approach
作者 Tumellano Sebehela 《Journal of Modern Accounting and Auditing》 2011年第3期305-309,共5页
The empirical study uses black swan approach to analyze the performance of South African (ZA) listed property loan stocks (PLSs). Although there are no empirical studies on black swan perspective and performance o... The empirical study uses black swan approach to analyze the performance of South African (ZA) listed property loan stocks (PLSs). Although there are no empirical studies on black swan perspective and performance of listed real estate funds, the study found that there are similar traits of investing in listed real estate funds from emerging markets' perspective and what black swan advocates such as passive investment strategy and non-normality distribution of returns from listed real estate funds. Furthermore, the individual return of each fund was higher the return of the property loan stocks index and the probabilities of all variables confirm that they (variables) are significant when alpha is 10% at confidence level of 90%. 展开更多
关键词 black swan passive investment strategy property loan stocks
Additive nanomanufacturing of lab-on-a-chip fluorescent peptide nanoparticle arrays for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis 被引量:1
作者 Leming Sun Zhen Fan +3 位作者 Tao Yues Jun Yin Jianzhong FU Mingjun Zhang 《Bio-Design and Manufacturing》 2018年第3期182-194,共13页
This paper proposes an additive nanomanufacturing approach to fabricate a personalized lab-on-a-chip fluorescent peptide nanoparticles (f-PNPs) array for simultaneous multi-biomarker detection that can be used in Al... This paper proposes an additive nanomanufacturing approach to fabricate a personalized lab-on-a-chip fluorescent peptide nanoparticles (f-PNPs) array for simultaneous multi-biomarker detection that can be used in Alzheimer's disease (AD) diagnosis. We will discuss optimization techniques for the additive nanomanufacturing process in terms of reliability, yield and manufacturing efficiency. One contribution of this paper lies in utilization of additive nanomanufacturing techniques to fabricate a patient-specific customize-designed lab-on-a-chip device for personalized AD diagnosis, which remains a major challenge for biomedical engineering. Through the integrated bio-design and bio-manufacturing process, doctor's check- up and computer-aided customized design are integrated into the lab-on-a-chip array for patient-specific AD diagnosis. In addition, f-PNPs with targeting moieties for personalized AD biomarkers will be self-assembled onto the customized lab-on-a- chip through the additive nanomanufacturing process, which has not been done before. Another contribution of this research is the personalized lab-on-a-chip f-PNPs array for AD diagnosis utilizing limited human blood. Blood-based AD assessment has been described as "the holy grail" of early AD detection. This research created the computer-aided design, fabrication through additive nanomanufacturing, and validation of the f-PNPs array for AD diagnosis. This is a highly interdisciplinary research contributing to nanotechnology, biomaterials, and biomedical engineering for neurodegenerative disease. The conceptual work is preliminary with intent to introduce novel techniques to the application. Large-scale manufacturing based on the proposed framework requires extensive validation and optimization. 展开更多
关键词 NANOMANUFACTURING LAB-ON-A-CHIP Fluorescent peptide nanoparticle Alzheimer's disease DIAGNOSIS
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