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作者 姚莉 蔡红梅 +5 位作者 王宏 刘海涛 蔡恺 吴月颖 张奇 林超文 《中国农学通报》 2024年第29期75-79,共5页
本研究采用“3414”肥料效应田间试验,旨在确定四川盆地中部资中县水稻的最佳施肥量,并构建高产施肥模型。通过设置氮、磷、钾3因素,每个因素4个水平,共14个处理,每个处理重复3次。结果表明:建立的三元二次肥料效应回归方程的相关系数(R... 本研究采用“3414”肥料效应田间试验,旨在确定四川盆地中部资中县水稻的最佳施肥量,并构建高产施肥模型。通过设置氮、磷、钾3因素,每个因素4个水平,共14个处理,每个处理重复3次。结果表明:建立的三元二次肥料效应回归方程的相关系数(R^(2))为0.976。纯氮施用量为215.28 kg/hm^(2),五氧化二磷施用量为101.40 kg/hm^(2),氧化钾施用量为104.14 kg/hm^(2),水稻最大产量为7923.56 kg/hm^(2);纯氮最佳施用量为196.83 kg/hm^(2),五氧化二磷施用量为74.81 kg/hm^(2),氧化钾施用量为102.90 kg/hm^(2),水稻最佳产量为7867.96 kg/hm^(2)。建立的肥料效应模型可在四川盆地中部类似水稻产区推广,用于水稻生产上对施肥量的预测。 展开更多
关键词 水稻 “3414”试验 肥料 产量 四川盆地 盆地肥料效应 田间试验 施肥模型 水稻生产
作者 赵俊福 何晗颖 +5 位作者 张明泽 米明 赵文双 王连祥 马海林 司东霞 《中国土壤与肥料》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2024年第5期70-77,共8页
针对切花芍药生长过程中盲目施肥的现状,以二年生芍药‘向天歌’为研究对象,采用“3414”试验施肥方案,结合隶属函数法,研究氮、磷、钾肥不同用量对切花芍药生长的影响,探讨切花芍药生产适宜的肥料用量。结果表明:不同施肥处理对芍药株... 针对切花芍药生长过程中盲目施肥的现状,以二年生芍药‘向天歌’为研究对象,采用“3414”试验施肥方案,结合隶属函数法,研究氮、磷、钾肥不同用量对切花芍药生长的影响,探讨切花芍药生产适宜的肥料用量。结果表明:不同施肥处理对芍药株高、茎粗、蕾径、分株数和切花数影响显著(P<0.05);氮、磷缺素区的综合隶属函数值小于无肥区,缺钾区大于无肥区,对芍药生长的影响为氮>磷>钾;N2P2K1处理的综合隶属函数值最大,为0.61,芍药植株生长最好;对各处理的综合隶属函数值和施肥量进行肥料效应函数拟合分析,一元二次、二元二次肥料效应函数方程拟合相关性均达显著水平,三元二次肥料效应方程为非典型模型,采用频率分析法计算肥料推荐量。综合分析各肥料效应函数方程的推荐用量及相应的综合隶属函数值,本试验切花芍药推荐施肥量为N 212.7 kg/hm^(2)、P_(2)O_(5)46.2 kg/hm^(2)、K_(2)O 49.9 kg/hm^(2),施肥配比为1∶0.21∶0.23,可用于本试验区切花芍药生产的施肥参考。 展开更多
关键词 “3414”施肥方案 切花芍药 肥料效应函数 频率分析法
作者 贺晓辉 时雅琪 +6 位作者 郭东锋 周锦龙 沈俊儒 丁乃红 纵坤 甄安忠 兰玉锋 《江西农业学报》 CAS 2024年第7期42-47,共6页
为明确云南省瑞丽雪茄烟区土壤合理施肥方案,采用“3414”肥料试验设计,通过熵权法和回归分析,计算了各处理对应的烟株农艺性状综合得分,探究了N、P、K对雪茄烟株长势和烟叶产量的影响,筛选出最佳施肥方案。结果表明:(1)株高对雪茄烟株... 为明确云南省瑞丽雪茄烟区土壤合理施肥方案,采用“3414”肥料试验设计,通过熵权法和回归分析,计算了各处理对应的烟株农艺性状综合得分,探究了N、P、K对雪茄烟株长势和烟叶产量的影响,筛选出最佳施肥方案。结果表明:(1)株高对雪茄烟株农艺性状的得分所占权重最大,处理6(N_(2)P_(2)K_(2))对应的得分最高。(2)在一定范围内增加N、P、K的施用量,对雪茄烟的产量有积极作用,然而随着施肥量的增加产量又有所下降。(3)构建了N、P、K施用量对雪茄烟产量的二元二次和三元二次回归模型,最佳施肥方案为N施用量在118.7~126.9 kg/hm^(2)之间,P_(2)O_(5)施用量在75.7~81.4 kg/hm^(2)之间,K_(2)O施用量在342.1~366.5 kg/hm^(2)之间,目标产量在1816.3~1812.5 kg/hm^(2)之间。 展开更多
关键词 3414试验 熵权法 最佳施肥量 云南雪茄
甘南高寒阴湿区宽幅匀播青稞“3414”肥效试验 被引量:1
作者 周喜荣 徐冬丽 +4 位作者 王国平 胡再青 郭建炜 张忠广 刘梅金 《寒旱农业科学》 2024年第4期359-363,共5页
为了将宽幅匀播技术与“3414”肥效试验相结合,应用于甘南高寒阴湿区青稞种植与示范推广中,推动该地区青稞种植产业发展。采用“3414”最优回归设计,以青稞甘青9号为指示品种,在宽幅匀播条件下研究了“3414”肥效试验对青稞生长及产量... 为了将宽幅匀播技术与“3414”肥效试验相结合,应用于甘南高寒阴湿区青稞种植与示范推广中,推动该地区青稞种植产业发展。采用“3414”最优回归设计,以青稞甘青9号为指示品种,在宽幅匀播条件下研究了“3414”肥效试验对青稞生长及产量的影响,并建立了青稞产量与氮、磷、钾施量之间的肥效回归方程,以提高肥效,促进甘南高寒阴湿区青稞生产优质高产。结果表明,宽幅匀播条件下,甘青9号最佳产量为6640.32kg/hm^(2)时,施肥量为N36.34kg/hm^(2)、P_(2)O_(5)55.86kg/hm^(2)、K_(2)O7.09kg/hm^(2);最大产量为6834.09kg/hm^(2)时,施肥量为N80.66 kg/hm^(2)P_(2)O_(5)62.31kg/hm^(2)、K_(2)O16.58kg/hm。肥效回归方程中施肥量与青稞产量拟合度显著,可应用于大田生产。 展开更多
关键词 宽幅匀播 青稞 “3414 肥效 甘青9号
Construction of a Computational Scheme for the Fuzzy HIV/AIDS Epidemic Model with a Nonlinear Saturated Incidence Rate 被引量:1
作者 Muhammad Shoaib Arif Kamaleldin Abodayeh Yasir Nawaz 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第2期1405-1425,共21页
This work aimed to construct an epidemic model with fuzzy parameters.Since the classical epidemic model doesnot elaborate on the successful interaction of susceptible and infective people,the constructed fuzzy epidemi... This work aimed to construct an epidemic model with fuzzy parameters.Since the classical epidemic model doesnot elaborate on the successful interaction of susceptible and infective people,the constructed fuzzy epidemicmodel discusses the more detailed versions of the interactions between infective and susceptible people.Thenext-generation matrix approach is employed to find the reproduction number of a deterministic model.Thesensitivity analysis and local stability analysis of the systemare also provided.For solving the fuzzy epidemic model,a numerical scheme is constructed which consists of three time levels.The numerical scheme has an advantage overthe existing forward Euler scheme for determining the conditions of getting the positive solution.The establishedscheme also has an advantage over existing non-standard finite difference methods in terms of order of accuracy.The stability of the scheme for the considered fuzzy model is also provided.From the plotted results,it can beobserved that susceptible people decay by rising interaction parameters. 展开更多
关键词 Epidemic model fuzzy rate parameters next generation matrix local stability proposed numerical scheme
On the Use of Monotonicity-Preserving Interpolatory Techniques in Multilevel Schemes for Balance Laws
作者 Antonio Baeza Rosa Donat Anna Martinez-Gavara 《Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation》 EI 2024年第2期1319-1341,共23页
Cost-effective multilevel techniques for homogeneous hyperbolic conservation laws are very successful in reducing the computational cost associated to high resolution shock capturing numerical schemes.Because they do ... Cost-effective multilevel techniques for homogeneous hyperbolic conservation laws are very successful in reducing the computational cost associated to high resolution shock capturing numerical schemes.Because they do not involve any special data structure,and do not induce savings in memory requirements,they are easily implemented on existing codes and are recommended for 1D and 2D simulations when intensive testing is required.The multilevel technique can also be applied to balance laws,but in this case,numerical errors may be induced by the technique.We present a series of numerical tests that point out that the use of monotonicity-preserving interpolatory techniques eliminates the numerical errors observed when using the usual 4-point centered Lagrange interpolation,and leads to a more robust multilevel code for balance laws,while maintaining the efficiency rates observed forhyperbolic conservation laws. 展开更多
关键词 Hyperbolic balance laws Well-balanced schemes Multilevel schemes Harten's multiresolution
An Arbitrarily High Order and Asymptotic Preserving Kinetic Scheme in Compressible Fluid Dynamic
作者 Remi Abgrall Fatemeh Nassajian Mojarrad 《Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation》 EI 2024年第2期963-991,共29页
We present a class of arbitrarily high order fully explicit kinetic numerical methods in compressible fluid dynamics,both in time and space,which include the relaxation schemes by Jin and Xin.These methods can use the... We present a class of arbitrarily high order fully explicit kinetic numerical methods in compressible fluid dynamics,both in time and space,which include the relaxation schemes by Jin and Xin.These methods can use the CFL number larger or equal to unity on regular Cartesian meshes for the multi-dimensional case.These kinetic models depend on a small parameter that can be seen as a"Knudsen"number.The method is asymptotic preserving in this Knudsen number.Also,the computational costs of the method are of the same order of a fully explicit scheme.This work is the extension of Abgrall et al.(2022)[3]to multidimensional systems.We have assessed our method on several problems for two-dimensional scalar problems and Euler equations and the scheme has proven to be robust and to achieve the theoretically predicted high order of accuracy on smooth solutions. 展开更多
关键词 Kinetic scheme Compressible fluid dynamics High order methods Explicit schemes Asymptotic preserving Defect correction method
S-scheme heterojunction with ultrafast interfacial electron transfer for artificial photosynthesis
作者 Sihang Mao Rongan He Shaoqing Song 《Chinese Journal of Catalysis》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第9期1-3,共3页
The rapid development of the global economy has led to the over-exploitation and burning of fossil fuels,causing a severe energy crisis and continuous CO_(2) emissions.Although solar energy is a clean and renewable re... The rapid development of the global economy has led to the over-exploitation and burning of fossil fuels,causing a severe energy crisis and continuous CO_(2) emissions.Although solar energy is a clean and renewable resource,it faces significant diurnal and seasonal variations and is difficult to store[1-4].Converting solar energy into storable chemical energy through photocatalysis is an effective way to address both energy scarcity and environmental issues.Photocatalytic CO_(2) reduction,with the development of high-efficiency photocatalysts as the key,offers a clean and environmentally friendly method to convert CO_(2) into valuable hydrocarbon fuels,providing a viable solution to the global energy crisis and climate change[5,6]. 展开更多
关键词 CONVERT STORE scheme
Orbit Weighting Scheme in the Context of Vector Space Information Retrieval
作者 Ahmad Ababneh Yousef Sanjalawe +2 位作者 Salam Fraihat Salam Al-E’mari Hamzah Alqudah 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第7期1347-1379,共33页
This study introduces the Orbit Weighting Scheme(OWS),a novel approach aimed at enhancing the precision and efficiency of Vector Space information retrieval(IR)models,which have traditionally relied on weighting schem... This study introduces the Orbit Weighting Scheme(OWS),a novel approach aimed at enhancing the precision and efficiency of Vector Space information retrieval(IR)models,which have traditionally relied on weighting schemes like tf-idf and BM25.These conventional methods often struggle with accurately capturing document relevance,leading to inefficiencies in both retrieval performance and index size management.OWS proposes a dynamic weighting mechanism that evaluates the significance of terms based on their orbital position within the vector space,emphasizing term relationships and distribution patterns overlooked by existing models.Our research focuses on evaluating OWS’s impact on model accuracy using Information Retrieval metrics like Recall,Precision,InterpolatedAverage Precision(IAP),andMeanAverage Precision(MAP).Additionally,we assessOWS’s effectiveness in reducing the inverted index size,crucial for model efficiency.We compare OWS-based retrieval models against others using different schemes,including tf-idf variations and BM25Delta.Results reveal OWS’s superiority,achieving a 54%Recall and 81%MAP,and a notable 38%reduction in the inverted index size.This highlights OWS’s potential in optimizing retrieval processes and underscores the need for further research in this underrepresented area to fully leverage OWS’s capabilities in information retrieval methodologies. 展开更多
关键词 Information retrieval orbit weighting scheme semantic text analysis Tf-Idf weighting scheme vector space model
作者 杨昌进 《园艺与种苗》 CAS 2024年第5期96-98,共3页
[目的]探索贞丰县下等肥力地小麦氮、磷、钾肥最佳施肥配比。[方法]通过小麦“3414”肥料效应田间试验,对不同施肥处理的小麦产量进行分析比较,以确定最佳施肥配比。[结果]施用不同配比的氮、磷、钾肥对小麦的农艺性状和产量有不同的影... [目的]探索贞丰县下等肥力地小麦氮、磷、钾肥最佳施肥配比。[方法]通过小麦“3414”肥料效应田间试验,对不同施肥处理的小麦产量进行分析比较,以确定最佳施肥配比。[结果]施用不同配比的氮、磷、钾肥对小麦的农艺性状和产量有不同的影响,当施肥量为N 390 kg/hm^(2),P_(2)O_(5)750 kg/hm^(2),K_(2)O 124.5 kg/hm^(2)时,小麦的产量最高,为4 971.0 kg/hm^(2),较未施肥区增产2 131.5 kg/hm^(2)。[结论]在与该试验相同肥力条件的下等肥力地种植小麦,推荐最佳施肥量为:N 390 kg/hm^(2),P_(2)O_(5)750 kg/hm^(2),K_(2)O 124.5 kg/hm^(2)。 展开更多
关键词 贞丰县 小麦 下等肥力地 “3414”肥料效应试验
Deployment Dynamic Modeling and Driving Schemes for a Ring-Truss Deployable Antenna
作者 Baiyan He Lijun Jia +3 位作者 Kangkang Li Rui Nie Yesen Fan Guobiao Wang 《Chinese Journal of Mechanical Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第4期163-182,共20页
Mesh reflector antennas are widely used in space tasks owing to their light weight,high surface accuracy,and large folding ratio.They are stowed during launch and then fully deployed in orbit to form a mesh reflector ... Mesh reflector antennas are widely used in space tasks owing to their light weight,high surface accuracy,and large folding ratio.They are stowed during launch and then fully deployed in orbit to form a mesh reflector that transmits signals.Smooth deployment is essential for duty services;therefore,accurate and efficient dynamic modeling and analysis of the deployment process are essential.One major challenge is depicting time-varying resistance of the cable network and capturing the cable-truss coupling behavior during the deployment process.This paper proposes a general dynamic analysis methodology for cable-truss coupling.Considering the topological diversity and geometric nonlinearity,the cable network's equilibrium equation is derived,and an explicit expression of the time-varying tension of the boundary cables,which provides the main resistance in truss deployment,is obtained.The deployment dynamic model is established,which considers the coupling effect between the soft cables and deployable truss.The effects of the antenna's driving modes and parameters on the dynamic deployment performance were investigated.A scaled prototype was manufactured,and the deployment experiment was conducted to verify the accuracy of the proposed modeling method.The proposed methodology is suitable for general cable antennas with arbitrary topologies and parameters,providing theoretical guidance for the dynamic performance evaluation of antenna driving schemes. 展开更多
关键词 Cable antenna Deployment dynamics Performance evaluation Driving scheme Deployable structure
作者 廖红蕖 孙美 +1 位作者 王小丽 陈耿嘉 《肥料与健康》 CAS 2024年第2期38-42,共5页
针对上海市崇明滧东地区传统施肥方式不能满足水稻需肥规律的问题,以水稻“3414”肥效试验结果为数据来源,以N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O施用量为优化目标,建立3-7-1拓扑结构BP神经网络模型,通过遗传算法得到最优产量下的最优施肥配比。预测... 针对上海市崇明滧东地区传统施肥方式不能满足水稻需肥规律的问题,以水稻“3414”肥效试验结果为数据来源,以N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O施用量为优化目标,建立3-7-1拓扑结构BP神经网络模型,通过遗传算法得到最优产量下的最优施肥配比。预测结果表明:当地较优的施肥配比是N、P_(2)O_(5)、K_(2)O的施用量分别为24.94、0.87、4.27 kg/亩(1亩=667 m^(2)),预计最高产量为531.5 kg/亩。通过验证试验,在较优的施肥配比条件下,水稻的实际产量为548.7 kg/亩,验证了BP神经网络模型预测结果的准确性。 展开更多
关键词 “3414”肥效试验 BP神经网络 遗传算法 参数优化
Improvement and security analysis of multi-ring discrete modulation continuous variable quantum secret sharing scheme
作者 姜欢窈 聂敏 +3 位作者 杨光 孙爱晶 张美玲 裴昌幸 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期189-197,共9页
In order to avoid the complexity of Gaussian modulation and the problem that the traditional point-to-point communication DM-CVQKD protocol cannot meet the demand for multi-user key sharing at the same time, we propos... In order to avoid the complexity of Gaussian modulation and the problem that the traditional point-to-point communication DM-CVQKD protocol cannot meet the demand for multi-user key sharing at the same time, we propose a multi-ring discrete modulation continuous variable quantum key sharing scheme(MR-DM-CVQSS). In this paper, we primarily compare single-ring and multi-ring M-symbol amplitude and phase-shift keying modulations. We analyze their asymptotic key rates against collective attacks and consider the security key rates under finite-size effects. Leveraging the characteristics of discrete modulation, we improve the quantum secret sharing scheme. Non-dealer participants only require simple phase shifters to complete quantum secret sharing. We also provide the general design of the MR-DM-CVQSS protocol.We conduct a comprehensive analysis of the improved protocol's performance, confirming that the enhancement through multi-ring M-PSK allows for longer-distance quantum key distribution. Additionally, it reduces the deployment complexity of the system, thereby increasing the practical value. 展开更多
关键词 discrete modulation continuous variable quantum secret sharing scheme
A Non-Parametric Scheme for Identifying Data Characteristic Based on Curve Similarity Matching
作者 Quanbo Ge Yang Cheng +3 位作者 Hong Li Ziyi Ye Yi Zhu Gang Yao 《IEEE/CAA Journal of Automatica Sinica》 SCIE EI CSCD 2024年第6期1424-1437,共14页
For accurately identifying the distribution charac-teristic of Gaussian-like noises in unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)state estimation,this paper proposes a non-parametric scheme based on curve similarity matching.In the... For accurately identifying the distribution charac-teristic of Gaussian-like noises in unmanned aerial vehicle(UAV)state estimation,this paper proposes a non-parametric scheme based on curve similarity matching.In the framework of the pro-posed scheme,a Parzen window(kernel density estimation,KDE)method on sliding window technology is applied for roughly esti-mating the sample probability density,a precise data probability density function(PDF)model is constructed with the least square method on K-fold cross validation,and the testing result based on evaluation method is obtained based on some data characteristic analyses of curve shape,abruptness and symmetry.Some com-parison simulations with classical methods and UAV flight exper-iment shows that the proposed scheme has higher recognition accuracy than classical methods for some kinds of Gaussian-like data,which provides better reference for the design of Kalman filter(KF)in complex water environment. 展开更多
关键词 Curve similarity matching Gaussian-like noise non-parametric scheme parzen window.
A Neural-network-based Alternative Scheme to Include Nonhydrostatic Processes in an Atmospheric Dynamical Core
作者 Yang XIA Bin WANG +13 位作者 Lijuan LI Li LIU Jianghao LI Li DONG Shiming XU Yiyuan LI Wenwen XIA Wenyu HUANG Juanjuan LIU Yong WANG Hongbo LIU Ye PU Yujun HE Kun XIA 《Advances in Atmospheric Sciences》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第6期1083-1099,I0002,I0003,共19页
Here,a nonhydrostatic alternative scheme(NAS)is proposed for the grey zone where the nonhydrostatic impact on the atmosphere is evident but not large enough to justify the necessity to include an implicit nonhydrostat... Here,a nonhydrostatic alternative scheme(NAS)is proposed for the grey zone where the nonhydrostatic impact on the atmosphere is evident but not large enough to justify the necessity to include an implicit nonhydrostatic solver in an atmospheric dynamical core.The NAS is designed to replace this solver,which can be incorporated into any hydrostatic models so that existing well-developed hydrostatic models can effectively serve for a longer time.Recent advances in machine learning(ML)provide a potential tool for capturing the main complicated nonlinear-nonhydrostatic relationship.In this study,an ML approach called a neural network(NN)was adopted to select leading input features and develop the NAS.The NNs were trained and evaluated with 12-day simulation results of dry baroclinic-wave tests by the Weather Research and Forecasting(WRF)model.The forward time difference of the nonhydrostatic tendency was used as the target variable,and the five selected features were the nonhydrostatic tendency at the last time step,and four hydrostatic variables at the current step including geopotential height,pressure in two different forms,and potential temperature,respectively.Finally,a practical NAS was developed with these features and trained layer by layer at a 20-km horizontal resolution,which can accurately reproduce the temporal variation and vertical distribution of the nonhydrostatic tendency.Corrected by the NN-based NAS,the improved hydrostatic solver at different horizontal resolutions can run stably for at least one month and effectively reduce most of the nonhydrostatic errors in terms of system bias,anomaly root-mean-square error,and the error of the wave spatial pattern,which proves the feasibility and superiority of this scheme. 展开更多
关键词 neural network nonhydrostatic alternative scheme atmospheric model dynamical core
Verifiable quantum secret sharing scheme based on orthogonal product states
作者 白晨明 刘璐 张素娟 《Chinese Physics B》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第7期178-187,共10页
In the domain of quantum cryptography,the implementation of quantum secret sharing stands as a pivotal element.In this paper,we propose a novel verifiable quantum secret sharing protocol using the d-dimensional produc... In the domain of quantum cryptography,the implementation of quantum secret sharing stands as a pivotal element.In this paper,we propose a novel verifiable quantum secret sharing protocol using the d-dimensional product state and Lagrange interpolation techniques.This protocol is initiated by the dealer Alice,who initially prepares a quantum product state,selected from a predefined set of orthogonal product states within the C~d■C~d framework.Subsequently,the participants execute unitary operations on this product state to recover the underlying secret.Furthermore,we subject the protocol to a rigorous security analysis,considering both eavesdropping attacks and potential dishonesty from the participants.Finally,we conduct a comparative analysis of our protocol against existing schemes.Our scheme exhibits economies of scale by exclusively employing quantum product states,thereby realizing significant cost-efficiency advantages.In terms of access structure,we adopt a(t, n)-threshold architecture,a strategic choice that augments the protocol's practicality and suitability for diverse applications.Furthermore,our protocol includes a rigorous integrity verification mechanism to ensure the honesty and reliability of the participants throughout the execution of the protocol. 展开更多
关键词 quantum secret sharing quantum product state threshold scheme unitary operations
Quantum-Resistant Multi-Feature Attribute-Based Proxy Re-Encryption Scheme for Cloud Services
作者 Jinqiu Hou Changgen Peng +1 位作者 Weijie Tan Hongfa Ding 《Computer Modeling in Engineering & Sciences》 SCIE EI 2024年第1期917-938,共22页
Cloud-based services have powerful storage functions and can provide accurate computation.However,the question of how to guarantee cloud-based services access control and achieve data sharing security has always been ... Cloud-based services have powerful storage functions and can provide accurate computation.However,the question of how to guarantee cloud-based services access control and achieve data sharing security has always been a research highlight.Although the attribute-based proxy re-encryption(ABPRE)schemes based on number theory can solve this problem,it is still difficult to resist quantum attacks and have limited expression capabilities.To address these issues,we present a novel linear secret sharing schemes(LSSS)matrix-based ABPRE scheme with the fine-grained policy on the lattice in the research.Additionally,to detect the activities of illegal proxies,homomorphic signature(HS)technology is introduced to realize the verifiability of re-encryption.Moreover,the non-interactivity,unidirectionality,proxy transparency,multi-use,and anti-quantum attack characteristics of our system are all advantageous.Besides,it can efficiently prevent the loss of processing power brought on by repetitive authorisation and can enable precise and safe data sharing in the cloud.Furthermore,under the standard model,the proposed learning with errors(LWE)-based scheme was proven to be IND-sCPA secure. 展开更多
关键词 LATTICE learning with errors attribute-based proxy re-encryption linear secret sharing schemes
A Practical Regular LDPC Coded Scheme for Physical-Layer Information Security
作者 Du Junyi 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第5期190-201,共12页
In this paper,we aim to design a practical low complexity low-density parity-check(LDPC)coded scheme to build a secure open channel and protect information from eavesdropping.To this end,we first propose a punctured L... In this paper,we aim to design a practical low complexity low-density parity-check(LDPC)coded scheme to build a secure open channel and protect information from eavesdropping.To this end,we first propose a punctured LDPC coded scheme,where the information bits in a codeword are punctured and only the parity check bits are transmitted to the receiver.We further propose a notion of check node type distribution and derive multi-edge type extrinsic information transfer functions to estimate the security performance,instead of the well-known weak metric bit error rate.We optimize the check node type distribution in terms of the signal-to-noise ratio(SNR)gap and modify the progressive edge growth algorithm to design finite-length codes.Numerical results show that our proposed scheme can achieve a lower computational complexity and a smaller security gap,compared to the existing scrambling and puncturing schemes. 展开更多
关键词 extrinsic information transfer function physical layer scheme secure open channel security gap
A hybrid ventilation scheme applied to bidirectional excavation tunnel construction with a long inclined shaft
作者 YANG Wei-chao WANG Jian +3 位作者 DENG E LIU Yi-kang LUO Lu-sen YANG Jia 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第9期3187-3205,共19页
The breakage and bending of ducts result in a difficulty to cope with ventilation issues in bidirectional excavation tunnels with a long inclined shaft using a single ventilation method based on ducts.To discuss the h... The breakage and bending of ducts result in a difficulty to cope with ventilation issues in bidirectional excavation tunnels with a long inclined shaft using a single ventilation method based on ducts.To discuss the hybrid ventilation system applied in bidirectional excavation tunnels with a long inclined shaft,this study has established a full-scale computational fluid dynamics model based on field tests,the Poly-Hexcore method,and the sliding mesh technique.The distribution of wind speed,temperature field,and CO in the tunnel are taken as indices to compare the ventilation efficiency of three ventilation systems(duct,duct-ventilation shaft,duct–ventilated shaft-axial fan).The results show that the hybrid ventilation scheme based on duct-ventilation shaft–axial fan performs the best among the three ventilation systems.Compared to the duct,the wind speed and cooling rate in the tunnel are enhanced by 7.5%–30.6%and 14.1%–17.7%,respectively,for the duct-vent shaft-axial fan condition,and the volume fractions of CO are reduced by 26.9%–73.9%.This contributes to the effective design of combined ventilation for bidirectional excavation tunnels with an inclined shaft,ultimately improving the air quality within the tunnel. 展开更多
关键词 bidirectional excavation tunnel inclined shaft hybrid ventilation scheme computational fluid dynamics ventilation efficiency
Efficient Finite Difference WENO Scheme for Hyperbolic Systems withNon-conservativeProducts
作者 Dinshaw S.Balsara Deepak Bhoriya +1 位作者 Chi-Wang Shu Harish Kumar 《Communications on Applied Mathematics and Computation》 EI 2024年第2期907-962,共56页
Higher order finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory(WENO)schemes have been constructed for conservation laws.For multidimensional problems,they offer a high order accuracy at a fraction of the cost of ... Higher order finite difference weighted essentially non-oscillatory(WENO)schemes have been constructed for conservation laws.For multidimensional problems,they offer a high order accuracy at a fraction of the cost of a finite volume WENO or DG scheme of the comparable accuracy.This makes them quite attractive for several science and engineering applications.But,to the best of our knowledge,such schemes have not been extended to non-linear hyperbolic systems with non-conservative products.In this paper,we perform such an extension which improves the domain of the applicability of such schemes.The extension is carried out by writing the scheme in fluctuation form.We use the HLLI Riemann solver of Dumbser and Balsara(J.Comput.Phys.304:275-319,2016)as a building block for carrying out this extension.Because of the use of an HLL building block,the resulting scheme has a proper supersonic limit.The use of anti-diffusive fluxes ensures that stationary discontinuities can be preserved by the scheme,thus expanding its domain of the applicability.Our new finite difference WENO formulation uses the same WENO reconstruction that was used in classical versions,making it very easy for users to transition over to the present formulation.For conservation laws,the new finite difference WENO is shown to perform as well as the classical version of finite difference WENO,with two major advantages:(i)It can capture jumps in stationary linearly degenerate wave families exactly.(i)It only requires the reconstruction to be applied once.Several examples from hyperbolic PDE systems with non-conservative products are shown which indicate that the scheme works and achieves its design order of the accuracy for smooth multidimensional flows.Stringent Riemann problems and several novel multidimensional problems that are drawn from compressible Baer-Nunziato multiphase flow,multiphase debris flow and twolayer shallow water equations are also shown to document the robustness of the method.For some test problems that require well-balancing we have even been able to apply the scheme without any modification and obtain good results.Many useful PDEs may have stiff relaxation source terms for which the finite difference formulation of WENO is shown to provide some genuine advantages. 展开更多
关键词 Hyperbolic PDEs Numerical schemes Non-conservative products Stiff source terms Finite difference WENO
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