Einstein defined clock synchronization whenever photon pulses with timetags traverse a fixed distance between two clocks with equal time spans ineither direction. Using the second relativity postulate, he found clocks...Einstein defined clock synchronization whenever photon pulses with timetags traverse a fixed distance between two clocks with equal time spans ineither direction. Using the second relativity postulate, he found clocksmounted on a rod uniformly moving parallel with the rod’s length cannot besynchronized, but clocks attached to a stationary rod can. He dismissed thisdiscrepancy by claiming simultaneity and clock synchronization were not commonbetween inertial frames, but this paper proves with both Galilean and Lorentztransformations that simultaneity and clock synchronization are preservedbetween inertial frames. His derivation means moving clocks can never besynchronized in a “resting” inertial frame. Ultraprecise atomic clocks intimekeeping labs daily contradict his results. No algebraic error occurred inEinstein’s derivations. The two cases of clocksattached to a rod reveal three major conflicts with the currentsecond postulate. The net velocity between a photon source and detector plusthe “universal” velocity c is mathematically equivalent toEinstein’s clock synchronization method. As the ultraprecise timekeepingcommunity daily synchronizes atomic clocks on the moving Earth withultraprecise time uncertainty well below Einstein’s lowest limit ofsynchronization, the theoretical resolution of the apparent conflict isaccomplished by expanding the second relativity postulate to incorporate thenet velocity between the photon source and detector with the emitted velocity c as components of the total velocity c. This means the magnitudeof the total photon velocity can exceed the speed limit (299792458 m/s) set by the standard velocity c. .展开更多
光钟的频率稳定度和不确定度达到了10-18量级,使其有望成为下一代的时间频率标准,并可能用来重新定义国际单位“秒”.时间尺度作为准确、连续标记时间流逝过程的基准,是高精度时间产生的基础.时间尺度的产生需要依赖连续稳定运行的原子...光钟的频率稳定度和不确定度达到了10-18量级,使其有望成为下一代的时间频率标准,并可能用来重新定义国际单位“秒”.时间尺度作为准确、连续标记时间流逝过程的基准,是高精度时间产生的基础.时间尺度的产生需要依赖连续稳定运行的原子钟,而光钟作为实验室原型设备,一般不能连续运行,因此光钟参与时间尺度计算是个难点问题.提出将Vondrak-Cepek组合滤波算法应用在光钟与氢钟联合计算的时间尺度,以解决间歇运行的光钟参与时间尺度计算的难点问题.首先利用氢钟的时差数据,采用ALGOS算法计算获得连续稳定的氢钟时间尺度.其次利用Vondrak-Cepek组合滤波算法将氢钟时间尺度与光钟的数据综合,获得光钟参与计算的联合时间尺度.最终试验结果证明, Vondrak-Cepek组合滤波算法有效提升光钟与氢钟联合时间尺度的性能,该时间尺度与协调世界时(Coordinated Universal Time, UTC)的时间偏差达到亚纳秒量级.展开更多
文摘Einstein defined clock synchronization whenever photon pulses with timetags traverse a fixed distance between two clocks with equal time spans ineither direction. Using the second relativity postulate, he found clocksmounted on a rod uniformly moving parallel with the rod’s length cannot besynchronized, but clocks attached to a stationary rod can. He dismissed thisdiscrepancy by claiming simultaneity and clock synchronization were not commonbetween inertial frames, but this paper proves with both Galilean and Lorentztransformations that simultaneity and clock synchronization are preservedbetween inertial frames. His derivation means moving clocks can never besynchronized in a “resting” inertial frame. Ultraprecise atomic clocks intimekeeping labs daily contradict his results. No algebraic error occurred inEinstein’s derivations. The two cases of clocksattached to a rod reveal three major conflicts with the currentsecond postulate. The net velocity between a photon source and detector plusthe “universal” velocity c is mathematically equivalent toEinstein’s clock synchronization method. As the ultraprecise timekeepingcommunity daily synchronizes atomic clocks on the moving Earth withultraprecise time uncertainty well below Einstein’s lowest limit ofsynchronization, the theoretical resolution of the apparent conflict isaccomplished by expanding the second relativity postulate to incorporate thenet velocity between the photon source and detector with the emitted velocity c as components of the total velocity c. This means the magnitudeof the total photon velocity can exceed the speed limit (299792458 m/s) set by the standard velocity c. .
文摘光钟的频率稳定度和不确定度达到了10-18量级,使其有望成为下一代的时间频率标准,并可能用来重新定义国际单位“秒”.时间尺度作为准确、连续标记时间流逝过程的基准,是高精度时间产生的基础.时间尺度的产生需要依赖连续稳定运行的原子钟,而光钟作为实验室原型设备,一般不能连续运行,因此光钟参与时间尺度计算是个难点问题.提出将Vondrak-Cepek组合滤波算法应用在光钟与氢钟联合计算的时间尺度,以解决间歇运行的光钟参与时间尺度计算的难点问题.首先利用氢钟的时差数据,采用ALGOS算法计算获得连续稳定的氢钟时间尺度.其次利用Vondrak-Cepek组合滤波算法将氢钟时间尺度与光钟的数据综合,获得光钟参与计算的联合时间尺度.最终试验结果证明, Vondrak-Cepek组合滤波算法有效提升光钟与氢钟联合时间尺度的性能,该时间尺度与协调世界时(Coordinated Universal Time, UTC)的时间偏差达到亚纳秒量级.