This study aimed to examine the surface and content validity of the Mentoring Function Scale for Novice Nurses, used to assess the mentoring of entry-level nurses, and to refine the scale items. In Study 1, six nurse ...This study aimed to examine the surface and content validity of the Mentoring Function Scale for Novice Nurses, used to assess the mentoring of entry-level nurses, and to refine the scale items. In Study 1, six nurse education researchers, selected using convenience sampling, with five or more years of nursing experience and experience teaching novice nurses, were invited to an expert meeting in July 2015. A group interview was conducted that lasted approximately 120 minutes. Study 2 examined the content validity index. Between September and November 2015, we distributed a self-administered questionnaire survey to 11 participants selected by convenience sampling. The participants included five nurse education researchers with a minimum of five years of nursing experience and experience teaching novice nurses, as well as six clinical nurses with a master’s degree or higher. Finally, 81 questionnaire items were retained from the initial 125 items. The 81-item Mentoring Function Scale for Novice Nurses had higher content validity than the original scale. To further increase the scale’s applicability, future studies should assess its reliability, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.展开更多
Objective: To analyze the correlation between salivary cortisol content and anxiety and depression in pregnant and postpartum women. Method: 300 pregnant and postpartum women who were admitted from January 2021 to Dec...Objective: To analyze the correlation between salivary cortisol content and anxiety and depression in pregnant and postpartum women. Method: 300 pregnant and postpartum women who were admitted from January 2021 to December 2021 were selected as the research subjects. They were all tested with the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). 40 pregnant women with anxiety and depression were selected as the observation group, and 50 normal pregnant women were selected as the control group, adopting logistic regression analysis to investigate the correlation between salivary cortisol and postpartum anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Result: The salivary cortisol levels in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group before bedtime, after waking up the next day, 15 minutes after waking up, 30 minutes after waking up, 60 minutes after waking up, and 1 hour before lunch (p < 0.05). Maternal depression and anxiety were not related to age, weight, gestational age, negative events, or history of adverse pregnancy and childbirth (p > 0.05). Maternal depression and anxiety are closely related to salivary cortisol levels and educational background (p Conclusion: There is a close correlation between anxiety and depression and an increase in cortisol levels, suggesting that the salivary cortisol awakening response during pregnancy has a predictive effect on the occurrence of postpartum depression.展开更多
Purpose: In recent years, there has been concern in Japan about the increase in STDs among adolescents aged 15 - 19. In order to prevent STDs and guide adolescents toward desirable sexual behavior, this study’s goal ...Purpose: In recent years, there has been concern in Japan about the increase in STDs among adolescents aged 15 - 19. In order to prevent STDs and guide adolescents toward desirable sexual behavior, this study’s goal was to examine the actual state of STD prevention education taught by school nurses as part of the school curriculum, as well as the kinds of digital content they wish to have for teaching on the subject. Method: An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire was distributed by email and leaflet. Targeting the 100 valid responses received from the surveyed school nurses, descriptive statistics were made for each survey item and comparisons were made between the early- and mid-career groups based on years of experience. Results: 70.0% of respondents reported teaching about STDs in Health & Physical Education classes. School nurses in the early-career group used ready-made materials, while the mid-career group used both ready-made and self-made materials. 95% of respondents reported that they had little or no knowledge of STDs, while 84% reported that they were “good” or “fairly good” at teaching classes on sexuality. Both groups reported difficulty with the topics of “phimosis” and “nocturnal emissions” in the physiological category, “sexual behavior” in the “sex-adjacent” category, and “sexual and reproductive issues” in the psychosocial category. Respondents expressed a need for digital content covering the topics of “sexual violence”, “sexual abuse”, “sexually transmitted diseases”, and “how to turn down sex”. The mid-career group desired digital content for more items than the early-career group, with significant differences in the pathogens involved in sexually transmitted diseases and sex-adjacent items. 32.0% of respondents answered that they had done self-study for sex education classes in the past three years, and both groups desired self-study on “sexually transmitted diseases”, with the mid-career group significantly higher than the early-career group on “cervical cancer & HPV”, “emergency contraceptives”, and “media literacy”. Conclusion: Health & Physical Education is the main subject that covers STDs, and pre-existing materials are commonly used. It is expected that this is due to nurses’ busy schedules and the fact that only one school nurse is assigned to each school. The data collected suggested that nurse teachers want categorized digital content that can be used in the classes they are responsible for, rather than educational content on topics they are not comfortable with. In addition, given the changing environment surrounding sex, it was clear that they wish to understand the realities and needs of the high school students they teach, and desire self-study opportunities to improve their teaching methods.展开更多
通过比较不同基质中药用石斛生长量和有效成份质量分数,探究经过无害化处理的松材线虫病疫木在铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo)人工栽培中作为配方基质的使用效果。结果表明:在铁皮石斛人工种植中使用经过无害化处理后...通过比较不同基质中药用石斛生长量和有效成份质量分数,探究经过无害化处理的松材线虫病疫木在铁皮石斛(Dendrobium officinale Kimura et Migo)人工栽培中作为配方基质的使用效果。结果表明:在铁皮石斛人工种植中使用经过无害化处理后的松材线虫病疫木作为栽培基质切实可行。不同栽培方式适用的松材线虫病疫木替代基质的比例不同。以盆栽方式种植铁皮石斛时,1号基质(V(粒径9~12 mm疫木颗粒)∶V(新鲜树皮)∶V(饼肥)=1∶1∶1)充分发酵后可以在实际生产中替代常规栽培基质使用;以盘栽方式种植铁皮石斛时,3号基质(V(疫木锯末)∶V(新鲜树皮)∶V(饼肥)=1∶1∶1)充分发酵后可以在实际生产中替代常规栽培基质使用。展开更多
In this article, we investigated the influence of size and initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient of sweet potatoes samples cut into cubic and cylindrical shapes. The sizes of the cubic samples a...In this article, we investigated the influence of size and initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient of sweet potatoes samples cut into cubic and cylindrical shapes. The sizes of the cubic samples are 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5 and 3 cm edge with a respective initial water content of 2.7, 3.76, 3.48, 2.68, 3.28, 2.17 and 2.29 kg/kgms. For cylindrical samples, the radius is set at 0.5 cm and sample heights are 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 cm with respective water contents of 2.2, 3.19, 2.85, 2.1, 2.17, 2.39 and 2.03 kg/kgms. The effective diffusion coefficients of cubic samples are of the order of 10−10 and 10−9 m2∙s−1 grew with sample edge. As for the cylindrical samples, the effective diffusion coefficients were of the order of 10−9 m2∙s−1 and there was no linear correlation between cylinder height and their effective diffusion coefficient. As for the examination of the initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient, it turned out that the initial water content had no influence on the effective diffusion coefficient of the sweet potato samples.展开更多
【目的】针对传统化学方法测定猕猴桃品质存在工序复杂、费时费力、需破坏性检测等问题,提出一种基于高光谱技术的高效无损检测方法。【方法】以110个米良1号猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa‘Miliang-1’)样本为研究对象,利...【目的】针对传统化学方法测定猕猴桃品质存在工序复杂、费时费力、需破坏性检测等问题,提出一种基于高光谱技术的高效无损检测方法。【方法】以110个米良1号猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa‘Miliang-1’)样本为研究对象,利用高光谱仪采集不同贮藏时间果实的高光谱反射光谱。利用光谱-理化值共生距离法(sample set partitioning based on joint X-Y distance sampling,SPXY)将猕猴桃样本按照8∶3的数量比例划分为训练集和测试集,统一采用支持向量机(SVM)对比分析标准正态变换(SNV)、多元散射校正(MSC)、一阶导数(1st-D)、二阶导数(2nd-D)、平滑算法(SG)对原始光谱进行预处理。使用遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)和随机蛙跳(random frog,RF)对猕猴桃高光谱特征波长进行筛选,结合支持向量回归(SVR)、反向传播神经网络(BP)算法,组合构建猕猴桃品质的回归预测模型。【结果】在组合模型中,可溶性固形物含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.903,RMSE为1.731;可滴定酸含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.857,RMSE为0.225。【结论】应用高光谱技术对米良1号猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量进行无损检测具有可行性。为进一步研究不同品种猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量的无损检测模型奠定了基础。展开更多
从游客视角探究旅游目的地形象感知,获取游客诉求,发现旅游目的地发展中的不足,为进一步完善目的地形象构建提供依据。以马蜂窝、同程旅行、携程旅行、途牛旅游为基础数据库提取网络评价文本,采用内容分析法,借助ROST CM 6.0软件从认知...从游客视角探究旅游目的地形象感知,获取游客诉求,发现旅游目的地发展中的不足,为进一步完善目的地形象构建提供依据。以马蜂窝、同程旅行、携程旅行、途牛旅游为基础数据库提取网络评价文本,采用内容分析法,借助ROST CM 6.0软件从认知、情感、整体形象三个方面进行研究。结果表明:(1)滑雪、景色、动物是游客对河北省度假旅游形象的基本认知;(2)游客对河北省度假旅游整体情感较为满意,消极感知体现在景区服务、景区配套设施、景区管理和价格方面;(3)游客对河北省度假旅游的整体形象感知分为三个层次,对省内各度假旅游区的了解相对独立。展开更多
文摘This study aimed to examine the surface and content validity of the Mentoring Function Scale for Novice Nurses, used to assess the mentoring of entry-level nurses, and to refine the scale items. In Study 1, six nurse education researchers, selected using convenience sampling, with five or more years of nursing experience and experience teaching novice nurses, were invited to an expert meeting in July 2015. A group interview was conducted that lasted approximately 120 minutes. Study 2 examined the content validity index. Between September and November 2015, we distributed a self-administered questionnaire survey to 11 participants selected by convenience sampling. The participants included five nurse education researchers with a minimum of five years of nursing experience and experience teaching novice nurses, as well as six clinical nurses with a master’s degree or higher. Finally, 81 questionnaire items were retained from the initial 125 items. The 81-item Mentoring Function Scale for Novice Nurses had higher content validity than the original scale. To further increase the scale’s applicability, future studies should assess its reliability, construct validity, and criterion-related validity.
文摘Objective: To analyze the correlation between salivary cortisol content and anxiety and depression in pregnant and postpartum women. Method: 300 pregnant and postpartum women who were admitted from January 2021 to December 2021 were selected as the research subjects. They were all tested with the Hamilton Anxiety Scale (HAMA) and the Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale (EPDS). 40 pregnant women with anxiety and depression were selected as the observation group, and 50 normal pregnant women were selected as the control group, adopting logistic regression analysis to investigate the correlation between salivary cortisol and postpartum anxiety and depression during pregnancy. Result: The salivary cortisol levels in the observation group were significantly higher than those in the control group before bedtime, after waking up the next day, 15 minutes after waking up, 30 minutes after waking up, 60 minutes after waking up, and 1 hour before lunch (p < 0.05). Maternal depression and anxiety were not related to age, weight, gestational age, negative events, or history of adverse pregnancy and childbirth (p > 0.05). Maternal depression and anxiety are closely related to salivary cortisol levels and educational background (p Conclusion: There is a close correlation between anxiety and depression and an increase in cortisol levels, suggesting that the salivary cortisol awakening response during pregnancy has a predictive effect on the occurrence of postpartum depression.
文摘Purpose: In recent years, there has been concern in Japan about the increase in STDs among adolescents aged 15 - 19. In order to prevent STDs and guide adolescents toward desirable sexual behavior, this study’s goal was to examine the actual state of STD prevention education taught by school nurses as part of the school curriculum, as well as the kinds of digital content they wish to have for teaching on the subject. Method: An anonymous, self-administered questionnaire was distributed by email and leaflet. Targeting the 100 valid responses received from the surveyed school nurses, descriptive statistics were made for each survey item and comparisons were made between the early- and mid-career groups based on years of experience. Results: 70.0% of respondents reported teaching about STDs in Health & Physical Education classes. School nurses in the early-career group used ready-made materials, while the mid-career group used both ready-made and self-made materials. 95% of respondents reported that they had little or no knowledge of STDs, while 84% reported that they were “good” or “fairly good” at teaching classes on sexuality. Both groups reported difficulty with the topics of “phimosis” and “nocturnal emissions” in the physiological category, “sexual behavior” in the “sex-adjacent” category, and “sexual and reproductive issues” in the psychosocial category. Respondents expressed a need for digital content covering the topics of “sexual violence”, “sexual abuse”, “sexually transmitted diseases”, and “how to turn down sex”. The mid-career group desired digital content for more items than the early-career group, with significant differences in the pathogens involved in sexually transmitted diseases and sex-adjacent items. 32.0% of respondents answered that they had done self-study for sex education classes in the past three years, and both groups desired self-study on “sexually transmitted diseases”, with the mid-career group significantly higher than the early-career group on “cervical cancer & HPV”, “emergency contraceptives”, and “media literacy”. Conclusion: Health & Physical Education is the main subject that covers STDs, and pre-existing materials are commonly used. It is expected that this is due to nurses’ busy schedules and the fact that only one school nurse is assigned to each school. The data collected suggested that nurse teachers want categorized digital content that can be used in the classes they are responsible for, rather than educational content on topics they are not comfortable with. In addition, given the changing environment surrounding sex, it was clear that they wish to understand the realities and needs of the high school students they teach, and desire self-study opportunities to improve their teaching methods.
文摘In this article, we investigated the influence of size and initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient of sweet potatoes samples cut into cubic and cylindrical shapes. The sizes of the cubic samples are 0.5, 1, 1.5, 1.75, 2, 2.5 and 3 cm edge with a respective initial water content of 2.7, 3.76, 3.48, 2.68, 3.28, 2.17 and 2.29 kg/kgms. For cylindrical samples, the radius is set at 0.5 cm and sample heights are 1, 1.5, 2, 2.5, 3, 3.5 and 4 cm with respective water contents of 2.2, 3.19, 2.85, 2.1, 2.17, 2.39 and 2.03 kg/kgms. The effective diffusion coefficients of cubic samples are of the order of 10−10 and 10−9 m2∙s−1 grew with sample edge. As for the cylindrical samples, the effective diffusion coefficients were of the order of 10−9 m2∙s−1 and there was no linear correlation between cylinder height and their effective diffusion coefficient. As for the examination of the initial water content on the effective diffusion coefficient, it turned out that the initial water content had no influence on the effective diffusion coefficient of the sweet potato samples.
文摘【目的】针对传统化学方法测定猕猴桃品质存在工序复杂、费时费力、需破坏性检测等问题,提出一种基于高光谱技术的高效无损检测方法。【方法】以110个米良1号猕猴桃(Actinidia chinensis var.deliciosa‘Miliang-1’)样本为研究对象,利用高光谱仪采集不同贮藏时间果实的高光谱反射光谱。利用光谱-理化值共生距离法(sample set partitioning based on joint X-Y distance sampling,SPXY)将猕猴桃样本按照8∶3的数量比例划分为训练集和测试集,统一采用支持向量机(SVM)对比分析标准正态变换(SNV)、多元散射校正(MSC)、一阶导数(1st-D)、二阶导数(2nd-D)、平滑算法(SG)对原始光谱进行预处理。使用遗传算法(genetic algorithm,GA)和随机蛙跳(random frog,RF)对猕猴桃高光谱特征波长进行筛选,结合支持向量回归(SVR)、反向传播神经网络(BP)算法,组合构建猕猴桃品质的回归预测模型。【结果】在组合模型中,可溶性固形物含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.903,RMSE为1.731;可滴定酸含量的最优模型为1st-D+GA-BP,R^(2)为0.857,RMSE为0.225。【结论】应用高光谱技术对米良1号猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量进行无损检测具有可行性。为进一步研究不同品种猕猴桃可溶性固形物含量、可滴定酸含量的无损检测模型奠定了基础。
文摘从游客视角探究旅游目的地形象感知,获取游客诉求,发现旅游目的地发展中的不足,为进一步完善目的地形象构建提供依据。以马蜂窝、同程旅行、携程旅行、途牛旅游为基础数据库提取网络评价文本,采用内容分析法,借助ROST CM 6.0软件从认知、情感、整体形象三个方面进行研究。结果表明:(1)滑雪、景色、动物是游客对河北省度假旅游形象的基本认知;(2)游客对河北省度假旅游整体情感较为满意,消极感知体现在景区服务、景区配套设施、景区管理和价格方面;(3)游客对河北省度假旅游的整体形象感知分为三个层次,对省内各度假旅游区的了解相对独立。