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Research on the Ideological and Political Work of Nursing Students in the New Era under the Strategy of Healthy China
作者 Shengle Chen 《Open Journal of Applied Sciences》 2024年第4期801-808,共8页
Nursing students have uniqueness within the general university student population as they are among the primary practitioners of the “Healthy China Strategy 2030” and guardians of people’s health. Innovating and st... Nursing students have uniqueness within the general university student population as they are among the primary practitioners of the “Healthy China Strategy 2030” and guardians of people’s health. Innovating and strengthening ideological and political education for nursing students, enhancing their skills in serving the people, is a significant political task for medical universities. Against the backdrop of the “Healthy China Strategy,” how to effectively improve nursing students’ professional competencies, integrate life education, medical humanities education, and general ideological and political education, and utilize life education to construct a more suitable ideological and political education system for nursing students, in order to better establish correct worldviews, values, and professional outlooks, are urgent practical issues that need to be addressed in ideological and political education in medical universities. This article takes life education as an entry point and focuses on integrating it with the internalization and unification of ideological and political education courses, aiming to explore the possibilities and new pathways for integrating life education into the ideological and political education of nursing students in the new era. 展开更多
关键词 healthy china Strategy Nursing Students Ideological and Political Work Life Education
Strategies for Improving Diet Education for Children Under the Background of Building a Healthy China
作者 Yinbiao Wang Jie Mei +1 位作者 Genxiao Ding Peng Li 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第4期80-85,共6页
Diet education can expand children’s life experience,cultivate good living habits,and develop their character,contributing to the construction of a healthy China.Developing diet education helps children improve their... Diet education can expand children’s life experience,cultivate good living habits,and develop their character,contributing to the construction of a healthy China.Developing diet education helps children improve their health awareness and enables them to form healthy eating behaviors and lifestyles,laying the foundation for their healthy growth and lifelong development.It is not just about disseminating nutrition knowledge but also involves the integration of health education,labor education,and family education through practical experiences.This study analyzes the importance of promoting diet education for children and proposes four promotion strategies that draw on families,schools,relevant departments,and social groups,as well as pilot projects.The application of these strategies will help enhance the effectiveness of diet education and enable children to form healthy eating habits and develop the basic ability to maintain their health. 展开更多
关键词 healthy china Diet education CHILDREN Promotion strategies
Teaching Reform of Basic Medicine Curriculum by Integrating the Perspective of Curriculum Civics and Politics in the Context of Healthy China
作者 Jiamei Wu Baxin Wang +2 位作者 Tianrong Xing Yanan Su Lei Liu 《Journal of Contemporary Educational Research》 2024年第4期132-137,共6页
Basic medicine is the foundation of basic knowledge of medical science,life science,and natural science,and is the basis for training medical talents.It can help students correctly understand the relationship between ... Basic medicine is the foundation of basic knowledge of medical science,life science,and natural science,and is the basis for training medical talents.It can help students correctly understand the relationship between disease and health,and is of great significance under the perspective of the Healthy China strategy.However,there are still some deficiencies in the current teaching,and insufficient attention has been paid to civics and politics.Thus,it is necessary to carry out curriculum reform in order to enable students to better understand medical knowledge and master medical skills,to ensure the development of medical education,and to play an important role in basic medicine.This study combines the necessity of curriculum reform under the perspective of civics and politics and puts forward a teaching reform strategy suitable for the development of contemporary medicine to provide a direction for the educational development of basic medicine. 展开更多
关键词 healthy china Curriculum civics and politics Basic medicine
作者 王梓媛 《哈尔滨职业技术学院学报》 2024年第3期8-10,共3页
高职院校发展体育健康教育是适应时代发展的必然要求,体育模式的构建是高职院校体育工作继续发展的现实需求,更是学生体质健康的重要性的显著体现。通过以“健康中国2030”为背景,对当前我国高职院校构建体育健康模式进行策略分析,发现... 高职院校发展体育健康教育是适应时代发展的必然要求,体育模式的构建是高职院校体育工作继续发展的现实需求,更是学生体质健康的重要性的显著体现。通过以“健康中国2030”为背景,对当前我国高职院校构建体育健康模式进行策略分析,发现当前存在学生兴趣占据健康模式构建的重大比重、高职院校体育教学的硬件与软件设施紧缺、构建体育健康模式的信息较为匮乏等不足之处。因此,高职院校应注重高职体育教师自身素质培养,制定合理体育健康模式的雏形,以人为本作为高职院校提供体育健康模式构建的理论思路以及培养安全急救能力来构建健康的教学内容和模式。 展开更多
关键词 “健康中国2030” 高职院校 体育健康 模式构建
作者 束莉 赵文红 张媛 《蚌埠医学院学报》 CAS 2024年第5期686-689,694,共5页
目的:了解健康中国2030战略背景下各医学高校食品卫生与营养学专业培养方案中营养课程设置现状。方法:查找全国不同区域共32份营养专业培养方案进行整理分析,内容包括培养目标、课程设置、营养相关课程开设情况等。结果:全国开设食品卫... 目的:了解健康中国2030战略背景下各医学高校食品卫生与营养学专业培养方案中营养课程设置现状。方法:查找全国不同区域共32份营养专业培养方案进行整理分析,内容包括培养目标、课程设置、营养相关课程开设情况等。结果:全国开设食品卫生与营养学专业的本科高校共计32所,其中985高校2所(上海交通大学、四川大学),普通本科高校30所。毕业学分要求从152~280(193.4±34.6)学分不等,985高校和普通高校的理论课时总数和实验课时总数之比分别为(1.6±0.6)与(1.7±0.4),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。营养专业核心课程(营养与食品卫生学、临床营养学、人群营养学、公共营养学等)的总学时数254~716(456.3±52.7)不等。各高校间食品卫生与营养学专业的课程设置差异较大。选取的3所高校专业课程能涵盖注册营养师课程设置要求,但部分模块学时数较低,未达到注册营养师要求的最低标准。结论:高校设置食品卫生与营养学专业课程时应结合《健康中国行动(2019-2030年)》和《国民营养计划(2017-2030年)》,明确人才培养目标,加强新时代本科生营养理念的培养,建议从强化营养为先的观念、完善注册营养师课程体系、注重营养与临床融合发展和提升营养实践技能4个方面不断完善食品卫生与营养学专业人才培养方案。 展开更多
关键词 医学教育 食品卫生与营养学 培养方案 健康中国2030 营养课程
城市层面落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程的中国探索:国家可持续发展议程创新示范区 被引量:5
作者 柯兵 孙新章 《中国人口·资源与环境》 CSCD 北大核心 2023年第7期1-8,共8页
建设国家可持续发展议程创新示范区(简称“创新示范区”)是中国统筹国内国际发展形势作出的重要决策部署,旨在依靠以科技创新为核心的全面创新,探索可持续发展问题的系统解决方案,为国内同类地区可持续发展发挥示范带动作用,为其他国家... 建设国家可持续发展议程创新示范区(简称“创新示范区”)是中国统筹国内国际发展形势作出的重要决策部署,旨在依靠以科技创新为核心的全面创新,探索可持续发展问题的系统解决方案,为国内同类地区可持续发展发挥示范带动作用,为其他国家落实联合国2030年可持续发展议程提供中国经验。创新示范区工作启动6年来,中国把这项工作作为实施创新驱动发展战略和可持续发展战略的重要抓手,建立健全工作机制,以城市为载体,按照“一城一主题”的要求,国务院先后三批次批复建设了11个创新示范区,汇聚各方力量和资源有效推动了创新示范区的建设和发展,在推进机制、建设内容等方面彰显了创新示范区的建设特色和经验,在国际社会形成了较大影响力。中共二十大擘画了以中国式现代化全面推进中华民族伟大复兴的宏伟蓝图,创新示范区建设需要围绕促进人与自然和谐共生等中国式现代化的本质要求,进一步完善指导创新示范区建设的理论体系,丰富地方可持续发展的具体实践,增强内生动力,把党中央、国务院的决策部署落在实处。基于此,该研究进一步分析了推进创新示范区建设需要深入讨论和关注的关键问题,结合新形势新要求,提出了推进创新示范区建设的思路,以期为创新示范区未来的发展提供借鉴。 展开更多
关键词 国家可持续发展议程创新示范区 国家可持续发展实验区 2030年可持续发展议程 可持续发展目标
新时代我国儿童福利政策的基本特征、发展逻辑与未来走向——基于《中国儿童发展纲要(2021—2030年)》的分析 被引量:6
作者 何芳 《学前教育研究》 北大核心 2023年第5期10-19,共10页
作为指导未来近10年我国儿童和儿童事业发展的顶层设计,《中国儿童发展纲要(2021—2030年)》反映了我国政府在中国特色社会主义进入新时代和全面建成小康社会以后的儿童福利理念和发展战略。对该政策文本的分析表明,我国儿童福利政策在... 作为指导未来近10年我国儿童和儿童事业发展的顶层设计,《中国儿童发展纲要(2021—2030年)》反映了我国政府在中国特色社会主义进入新时代和全面建成小康社会以后的儿童福利理念和发展战略。对该政策文本的分析表明,我国儿童福利政策在新时代背景下体现了从保障性目标向支持性、发展性目标转型,以儿童保护为重心、以专门性政策为主,在制度建设的引领下综合使用多种政策工具的基本特征。在国家经济实力大幅提升、儿童福利需求普遍化和多样化以及国家亲权理念普及的合力下,我国儿童福利正朝着适度普惠、专业精准、法治的战略方向迈进。当前我国儿童福利的短板集中在家庭福利领域,未来应重点探索协助家庭科学育儿的政策措施和适合我国家庭的儿童福利政策工具。 展开更多
关键词 儿童福利 《中国儿童发展纲要(2021—2030年)》 政策分析
作者 薛涛 《鹿城学刊》 2023年第3期84-87,共4页
新时期实施“健康中国2030”战略,更加重视以体育运动作为维护人民健康的手段。培养青少年终身体育素养是推进健康中国建设的基础性工作,也是培养体育与健康学科核心素养的重要组成部分。学校体育对实施“健康中国2030”战略和培养终身... 新时期实施“健康中国2030”战略,更加重视以体育运动作为维护人民健康的手段。培养青少年终身体育素养是推进健康中国建设的基础性工作,也是培养体育与健康学科核心素养的重要组成部分。学校体育对实施“健康中国2030”战略和培养终身体育素养有重要作用,应引导家长树立“终身体育”的观念,在教学设计中融入“终身体育”的思想,建立健全培养终身体育素养的条件保障,从而不断加强、改进和完善学校体育工作,为社会建设和发展培养具备终身体育素养的人才。 展开更多
关键词 健康中国2030 青少年 终身体育素养
作者 黄君洁 《贵州师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2023年第5期114-125,共12页
在我国,公共健康服务水平的改进是否可以提高生育水平一直是没有得到探讨的问题。2016年实施的《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》提出了明确的健康服务保障指标以及目标值,这为探讨公共健康服务水平与生育行为之间的关系提供了准自然实验条... 在我国,公共健康服务水平的改进是否可以提高生育水平一直是没有得到探讨的问题。2016年实施的《“健康中国2030”规划纲要》提出了明确的健康服务保障指标以及目标值,这为探讨公共健康服务水平与生育行为之间的关系提供了准自然实验条件。因此,采用双重差分的研究方法,利用中国家庭追踪调查(CFPS)数据分析中国公共健康服务水平对个人生育行为的影响。研究结果表明,公共健康服务水平对个人的生育行为有显著的正向影响,且对低收入人群、受教育水平低的人群和城市居民的影响更明显。在当前公共健康服务资源有限的情况下,可以优先考虑将公共健康服务资源向高龄孕、产、妇、农村居民以及城乡低收入人群倾斜性配置,这将有助于提高生育率。总之,解决当前生育率低迷的问题需要采取多种措施,综合施策,尤其是需要加强支持性政策与生育政策间的协同配合,不能忽视公共健康服务的积极作用,要为育龄群体提供充足的公共健康服务资源。 展开更多
关键词 公共健康服务 健康中国 生育行为 生育水平
Building a healthy China by enhancing physical activity:Priorities,challenges,and strategies 被引量:3
作者 Sa Wu Yufeng Luo +1 位作者 Xue Qiu Mingxiao Bao 《Journal of Sport and Health Science》 SCIE 2017年第1期125-126,共2页
Dear editor,In 2016,several landmark government initiatives were launched in an effort to build a more healthy China.In March,the National People’s Congress of China adopted the 13th FiveYear Plan,which sets out new ... Dear editor,In 2016,several landmark government initiatives were launched in an effort to build a more healthy China.In March,the National People’s Congress of China adopted the 13th FiveYear Plan,which sets out new objectives,principles,and targets for 2016–2020,1including action plans for enhancing environmental protection and green growth,promoting individual 展开更多
关键词 Building a healthy china by enhancing physical activity:Priorities and strategies CHALLENGES PA
Unhealthy aging? Featuring older people in television food commercials in China
作者 Wen Jiao Angela Wen-Yu Chang 《International Journal of Nursing Sciences》 CSCD 2020年第S01期67-73,共7页
Objectives:Advertising messages can affect the public as a risk or protective factor for socially disadvantaged groups,and they may reflect how characters reflect perceptions are perceived in a society.This study aime... Objectives:Advertising messages can affect the public as a risk or protective factor for socially disadvantaged groups,and they may reflect how characters reflect perceptions are perceived in a society.This study aimed to investigate how older people are portrayed in televised food commercials from the approach of a healthy aging perspective in contemporary Chinese society.Methods:All televised advertising in the Ad Topic archive were screened against inclusion and exclusion criteria,and a total of 164 commercials from the years of 2016-2019 that portrayed Chinese older people were sampled.The association between the main older characters with the product categories,healthy vs.unhealthy foods,use of health claims,sex,type of spokesperson,companions,and tones and manners were included in the analysis.Results:Older people more frequently appeared in unhealthy food products than in healthy food products.Health claims involving older adults were portrayed adequately,whereas nursing professions as companions of older adults were overlooked.Positive advertising that delivered happy,caring,or warm tones was overwhelmingly represented.Thus,the advertising messages circulated in China represent a binary stereotype model of images of older adults'characteristics that reflect ageist and the so-called agelessism,referring to the new application of the look from the approach of social psychology and marketing field.Conclusions:This study examined aging discrimination reflected in advertisements.Studies exploring the impact of a crisis remain limited.Research is needed to improve the accuracy of advertised healthy older adults and normal aging. 展开更多
关键词 ADVERTISING Aged AGEISM china FOOD healthy aging Marketing STEREOTYPES
Interferon-gamma ELISPOT for the screening and diagnosis of latent tuberculosis infection in healthy population of China
作者 Yi Peng Fangfang Yang +11 位作者 Lin Zhou Meigui Zhao Yan Li Yuhong Huang Juan Wang Lirong Huang Dan Xie Zhiquan Tu Weiling Lin Jinhong Liu Qiu Zhong Xiaomin Lai 《Advances in Bioscience and Biotechnology》 2012年第3期259-268,共10页
The aim of this study was to analyze the combination of three kinds of in-house IFN-γ ELISPOT using peptide A53 and peptide mixtures (E6 + E7 and E6 + E7 + C14) with tuberculin skin test (TST) to detect latent TB inf... The aim of this study was to analyze the combination of three kinds of in-house IFN-γ ELISPOT using peptide A53 and peptide mixtures (E6 + E7 and E6 + E7 + C14) with tuberculin skin test (TST) to detect latent TB infection (LTBI) in China. A total of 788 healthy people were recruited and analyzed by three kinds of IFN-g ELISPOT, 581 of them had TST results, of which 147 samples were also compared with the T- SPOT.TB test. The positive detection rates for T- SPOT.TB and three kinds of IFN-γ ELISPOT with A53, E6 + E7 and E6 + E7 + C14 were 14.28% (21/147), 29.43% (171/581), 23.24% (135/581) and 28.40% (165/581), respectively. These results were significantly lower than the positive TST results, which were positive in 82.99% (122/147) and 75.73% (440/ 581), respectively. The positive detection rates of three kinds of IFN-γ ELISPOT (31.60%, 26.65% and 32.11% in 788 cases, respectively) could better reflect over 40.00% of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (MTB) infection rate in China. Detection rates between contacts and non-contacts by three kinds of IFN-γ ELIS-POT were not significantly different (p > 0.05). It can be seen that the three kinds of in-house IFN-γ ELIS- POT might be used as a complementary tool of T- SPOT.TB for detecting LTBI in the healthy population of China. 展开更多
关键词 LATENT TB INFECTION (LTBI) Detection IFN-γ ELISPOT healthy Population of china
Construction of senior service system in the context of a healthy China
作者 Sensen Bian Qing Guo Xiaoxiao Wang 《Global Health Journal》 2018年第4期28-34,共7页
Entering the new era,the healthy senior service cause in China has achieved great development.However,due to regional differences,there are still certain gaps between the actual demands of ageing service in China and ... Entering the new era,the healthy senior service cause in China has achieved great development.However,due to regional differences,there are still certain gaps between the actual demands of ageing service in China and the policies on senior service.Besides,there are some other problems to be solved,such as unimplemented associated systems and policies,insufficiency of social awareness and participation,ineffective supply and high vacancy of beds in nursing homes,the shortage and low quality of industry personnel.The development of the healthy endowment service industry needs further follow-up according to the actual situation.To solve the problems of insufficient supply of senior service resources,it is necessary to use social funds to encourage interested and capable social organizations and individuals to participate,and to form a system of senior services with Chinese characteristics with multi-disciplinary cooperation of government,industry,universities and institutes. 展开更多
关键词 healthy china SENIOR SERVICE multiple COOPERATION
PEST Analysis of the Comprehensive Health Industry Industry in the Context of Healthy China
作者 Wang Xueying Wu Lingwei 《Contemporary Social Sciences》 2018年第5期13-18,共6页
With the introduction of Healthy China strategy and the strengthening of health consciousness among the public,the enlarged health industry ushers in new opportunities for development.Based on previous literature in t... With the introduction of Healthy China strategy and the strengthening of health consciousness among the public,the enlarged health industry ushers in new opportunities for development.Based on previous literature in this regard and the strategy of Healthy China,this paper attempts to define the enlarged health industry and carries out a PEST analysis to unveil the current development,environment and existing problems.It then offers suggestions on industrial structure,talent cultivation and reservation,and other factors.It is hoped that this paper can contribute to the sustainable development of the enlarged health industry and the construction of Healthy China. 展开更多
关键词 healthy china enlarged health industry enlarged health
公共图书馆在“健康中国”战略中的角色研究——来自《健康中国行动(2019—2030)》的解读 被引量:1
作者 苏福 毛润霖 +2 位作者 侯雨花 洪芳林 彭迎新 《晋图学刊》 2023年第2期13-19,36,共8页
本文通过分析和解读《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》(下文简称《行动》),为公共图书馆科学普及疾病知识、促进公众健康素养提供政策依据和有效的服务框架设立参照。本研究运用5W1H分析方法对《行动》中公共图书馆疾病知识普及工作意义... 本文通过分析和解读《健康中国行动(2019—2030年)》(下文简称《行动》),为公共图书馆科学普及疾病知识、促进公众健康素养提供政策依据和有效的服务框架设立参照。本研究运用5W1H分析方法对《行动》中公共图书馆疾病知识普及工作意义、基本内容、责任主体、空间与时机、策略与路径进行分析,为明确公共图书馆在“健康中国”战略中的角色与定位提供支持。公共图书馆可依据《行动》的基本框架提供服务,以疾病知识普及为切入点,积极参与到提升公众健康素养、服务“健康中国”行列中来。 展开更多
关键词 公共图书馆 疾病知识普及 健康中国
Markets to watch: India & China in 2030
作者 Zhao Zihan 《China Textile》 2016年第8期56-57,共2页
It’s hard to forecast the economy14 months out-never mind 14 years-but the current trends are clear:By2030,the United States will be supplanted as the world’s biggest market for apparel by China.And India will not b... It’s hard to forecast the economy14 months out-never mind 14 years-but the current trends are clear:By2030,the United States will be supplanted as the world’s biggest market for apparel by China.And India will not be far behind.Although China’s economy has slowed in recent years,a report from Fung Global Retail&Technology 展开更多
关键词 china in 2030 Markets to watch GDP MORE
China's Economic Development is Healthy,Orderly,and Vigorous
作者 Ji Bingxuan Cui Li 《International Understanding》 2016年第3期18-21,共4页
From May 31 to June 3,Mr.Ji Bingxuan,Vice-Chairman of NPC Standing Committee and Vice-President of CAFIU visited Canada,leading a CAFIU delegation.During the visit,he attended a seminar themed"China’s Economic a... From May 31 to June 3,Mr.Ji Bingxuan,Vice-Chairman of NPC Standing Committee and Vice-President of CAFIU visited Canada,leading a CAFIU delegation.During the visit,he attended a seminar themed"China’s Economic and Social Development"jointly hosted by the Chinese Embassy in Canada and the Canadian International Council,and delivered a keynote speech.The following is the full text of the speech. 展开更多
关键词 china’s Economic Development is healthy Orderly and Vigorous
Concept, Interests and Systems: Logical Consciousness of the China Campus Football Policy Trip
作者 Zheng Liu Lizhi Liu 《Natural Science》 2023年第6期199-205,共7页
Based on the “Healthy China 2030 Planning Outline”, the literature method and logical analysis method are used to review and analyze the implementation process of China’s school football policy from three dimension... Based on the “Healthy China 2030 Planning Outline”, the literature method and logical analysis method are used to review and analyze the implementation process of China’s school football policy from three dimensions: value, interest appeal and institutional background. The study believes that in order to break through the bottleneck of policy implementation and improve the effect of policy implementation, it is necessary to establish correct values and form broad recognition of policies;meet the reasonable interests of all parties and form a synergy for policy implementation;optimize the institutional environment for policy implementation and form effective incentives. 展开更多
关键词 School Football Policy Enforcement healthy china Three-Dimensional Structure of Human Reason Path Selection
医防融合的关键问题、机制创新与实现路径 被引量:2
作者 顾海 李子豪 +4 位作者 王福如 陈新颖 陈晓军 吴雨晨 佘权 《卫生经济研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期45-49,共5页
我国医疗服务与公共卫生服务相互割裂的问题由来已久,医防融合是新时代背景下实现健康中国战略的重要举措。当前,在医防融合试点实践中,存在医疗卫生服务体系多头管理、紧密型医联体尚未真正形成、医院“重医轻防”理念仍未转变、医防... 我国医疗服务与公共卫生服务相互割裂的问题由来已久,医防融合是新时代背景下实现健康中国战略的重要举措。当前,在医防融合试点实践中,存在医疗卫生服务体系多头管理、紧密型医联体尚未真正形成、医院“重医轻防”理念仍未转变、医防信息不能互联互通等问题。对此,可以借鉴宿迁的经验,从组织管理、医防服务供给、卫生筹资、医防人才与医防信息等方面入手,实现医防融合的机制创新,在此基础上,将医防融合作为常态化制度持续向纵深推进。 展开更多
关键词 医防融合 健康中国 医疗服务体系 公共卫生体系
新药科背景下药学人才实践能力培养体系的研究与探索 被引量:1
作者 徐蓉 侯爱君 +2 位作者 刘燕 孙海英 章文丽 《实验室研究与探索》 CAS 北大核心 2024年第3期204-207,共4页
随着“健康中国”国家战略的实施和“四新”建设的深化推进,医学教育正面临着重大的改革发展机遇。作为新医科建设重要组成部分的新药科,将“懂医精药、善研善成”作为其药学人才的培养目标,致力于培养服务生命全周期大健康观和具有创... 随着“健康中国”国家战略的实施和“四新”建设的深化推进,医学教育正面临着重大的改革发展机遇。作为新医科建设重要组成部分的新药科,将“懂医精药、善研善成”作为其药学人才的培养目标,致力于培养服务生命全周期大健康观和具有创新能力的药学人才。在新药科背景下,应建立和实施“多链融合、协同育人”的实践能力培养体系,从而提升药学生以临床为导向的新药研发观,促进“懂医精药、善研善成”的人才培养目标达成。 展开更多
关键词 药学教育 实践能力培养 健康中国
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