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解读“INTERNET条约” 被引量:1
作者 许春明 《电子知识产权》 2003年第7期47-51,共5页
关键词 《世界知识产权组织版权条约 数字网络技术 传播权 “internet条约” 权利管理信患 数字技术 复制权 发行权 出租权 数据汇编 版权保护
解读新“INTERNET条约”——《WIPO保护广播组织条约草案》述评 被引量:1
作者 许春明 张军 《电子知识产权》 CSSCI 2007年第7期29-33,共5页
《WIPO保护广播组织条约草案》反映了现代传播技术发展背景下广播组织的时代需要,它扩大了广播组织主体的范围,增加了广播组织的权利内容,强化了对技术措施的保护,并在均衡广播组织与广大公众之间利益的基础上,规定了权利的例外与限制。... 《WIPO保护广播组织条约草案》反映了现代传播技术发展背景下广播组织的时代需要,它扩大了广播组织主体的范围,增加了广播组织的权利内容,强化了对技术措施的保护,并在均衡广播组织与广大公众之间利益的基础上,规定了权利的例外与限制。《WIPO保护广播组织条约》的即将出台,将和WIPO的另两个条约WCT和WPPT共同构成一个完整的"INTERNET条约"体系,对我国著作权法将产生重大影响。 展开更多
关键词 WTO 广播组织 国际条约
作者 宋杰 沈瑜晖 《台湾研究集刊》 2024年第4期1-14,共14页
外交部条约委员会曾根据《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》第55条的规定,对1949年之前国民党政府签署的旧条约进行了清理。然而,清理结果并未正式对外公布,导致无论是国际法院还是美国政府等都认为“中美友好通商航海条约”这一旧条约... 外交部条约委员会曾根据《中国人民政治协商会议共同纲领》第55条的规定,对1949年之前国民党政府签署的旧条约进行了清理。然而,清理结果并未正式对外公布,导致无论是国际法院还是美国政府等都认为“中美友好通商航海条约”这一旧条约依然“有效”。我国有必要尽快在法律上公开对此旧条约的清理程序,宣布此条约无效,并将清理结果告知国际法院,敦促国际法院适用1971年联合国大会第2758号决议,改变其对“中美友好通商航海条约”的既有立场。 展开更多
关键词 “中美友好通商航海条约” 条约清理 国际法院
作者 黄世席 《甘肃政法大学学报》 2024年第3期31-47,共17页
晚近数十年滥觞于国际投资条约中的安全例外条款并没有过多地出现在中国投资条约中.中国投资条约中规定有安全例外条款的数目非常有限,而且通常出现在晚近十多年签订的投资条约或贸易协定中,并且主要以WTO第21条例外条款作为范本.根据... 晚近数十年滥觞于国际投资条约中的安全例外条款并没有过多地出现在中国投资条约中.中国投资条约中规定有安全例外条款的数目非常有限,而且通常出现在晚近十多年签订的投资条约或贸易协定中,并且主要以WTO第21条例外条款作为范本.根据国际实践,在投资条约无安全例外条款的情况下,东道国通常会提出习惯国际法上的“危急情况”抗辩以维护国家安全措施,而根据投资条约的安全例外条款进行的抗辩也会出现不同的裁决,对此种不一致的做法,中国投资者需积极应对.中国投资条约中的安全例外条款的设计应当与时俱进,在遵循传统的以GATT第21条为范本的安全例外的基础上,可以明确纳入“其认为”的用语,尽可能维持中国政府对于安全例外问题的裁定权,同时列举包括关键基础设施、关键技术以及国内紧急情况等新的援引安全例外的情形,以更好服务于不断扩大的国家安全范畴. 展开更多
关键词 中国投资条约 安全例外条款 危急情况抗辩 范本设计
作者 刘愿 陈子聪 《经济科学》 北大核心 2024年第2期217-236,共20页
近年来逆全球化趋势愈演愈烈,贸易政策不确定性有所增加,而中国则坚持高水平的对外开放。本文以近代中国通商开埠为准自然实验,重新检验开放与贸易的关系。晚清政府被迫与西方列强签订条约以开放特定通商口岸,条约联系可以降低贸易政策... 近年来逆全球化趋势愈演愈烈,贸易政策不确定性有所增加,而中国则坚持高水平的对外开放。本文以近代中国通商开埠为准自然实验,重新检验开放与贸易的关系。晚清政府被迫与西方列强签订条约以开放特定通商口岸,条约联系可以降低贸易政策的不确定性,促进通商口岸对外贸易。利用1927-1931年50个通商口岸与32个国家(地区)之间进出口贸易数据的研究发现,条约口岸进出口贸易额显著高于主动自开口岸,但与约定自开口岸规模相当。在条约口岸(含约定自开口岸)内部,势力范围的作用不显著,口岸与贸易国之间的条约联系,尤其是租界条约联系对通商口岸对外贸易至关重要。机制分析表明,条约联系可以促进口岸府外商直接投资,进而增加进出口贸易。在1929年关税自主改革冲击下,口岸进口贸易额显著下降,但首次条约国利用其“先占者”优势扩大对华出口。 展开更多
关键词 通商开埠 条约联系 贸易政策不确定性 对外贸易
作者 张乃根 《武大国际法评论》 2024年第2期1-22,共22页
条约解释协调规则旨在避免国内法院适用本国法的法律解释与该国承担义务(尤其是条约义务)的国际法相冲突,或者是国内法院与行政部门对涉案法律的解释冲突。在国内与国际视域下考察此类规则,有助于全面客观地认识其适用限制或现状,防止... 条约解释协调规则旨在避免国内法院适用本国法的法律解释与该国承担义务(尤其是条约义务)的国际法相冲突,或者是国内法院与行政部门对涉案法律的解释冲突。在国内与国际视域下考察此类规则,有助于全面客观地认识其适用限制或现状,防止生搬硬套。中国在加入世界贸易组织之后制定实施的条约解释协调规则,有些存在适用上的困惑。对此,应在统筹推进国内法治和涉外法治思想的指导下,结合国内与国际视域,全面客观地分析、评估源于美国判例法的条约解释协调规则,从中国国情出发,打破通常涉外案件的界定,重新认识各级人民法院适用条约转化的国内法时进行条约解释的涉外性。 展开更多
关键词 条约解释 协调规则 国内法治 涉外法治
作者 何田田 《边界与海洋研究》 2024年第3期23-38,共16页
科学在国际和国内司法实践中的作用一直备受关注。近年,气候变化科学取得了显著进展,全球兴起的气候诉讼将科学与法律的互动推向了一个新高度。在国际层面,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法委员会于2022年在国际海洋法法庭提起咨询程序,所提... 科学在国际和国内司法实践中的作用一直备受关注。近年,气候变化科学取得了显著进展,全球兴起的气候诉讼将科学与法律的互动推向了一个新高度。在国际层面,小岛屿国家气候变化与国际法委员会于2022年在国际海洋法法庭提起咨询程序,所提问题给法庭设定了在气候变化背景下解释《联合国海洋法公约》相关条款的语境,直接涉及科学发展对条约解释的影响及其限度问题。正是由于《联合国海洋法公约》相关条款法意模糊、该公约与其他国际法规则存在开放互融的结构,法庭在解释过程中倾向于运用体系解释方法和目的解释方法,反映最新科学进展的政府间气候变化委员会的评估报告在解释过程中发挥了相当显著的作用。解释者在法律解释过程中考虑科学发展虽然有一定的合理性,但是,为了防范越法和造法风险,国际司法机构在选择解释方法和考虑科学发展时,仍需秉持司法克制的立场,恪守《维也纳条约法公约》中条约解释规则的约束,重视法律推理的权威,不僭越法律解释与法律创造的边界。 展开更多
关键词 气候变化 科学 《联合国海洋法公约》 条约解释
作者 张燕雪丹 林佳佳 唐议 《国际贸易》 北大核心 2024年第2期86-96,共11页
随着区域贸易协定数量与日俱增,同一主体可能与多个主体间签订数个适用范围存在交叉的协定,“意大利面碗”现象日趋复杂,潜在的条约冲突增多。中国过去以双边贸易协定为主,该问题并不突出。然而,随着中国加入RCEP,并申请加入CPTPP,未来... 随着区域贸易协定数量与日俱增,同一主体可能与多个主体间签订数个适用范围存在交叉的协定,“意大利面碗”现象日趋复杂,潜在的条约冲突增多。中国过去以双边贸易协定为主,该问题并不突出。然而,随着中国加入RCEP,并申请加入CPTPP,未来可能面临较多冲突情形。对此,文章识别了RCEP与CPTPP的潜在冲突条款和冲突类型,分析了使用《维也纳条约法公约》规定、WTO冲突解决规范、冲突条款及国际实践方法解决冲突的适用性及其不足。在此基础上,提出区分真实冲突和虚假冲突进行应对。针对虚假冲突,以适用国际法冲突规则为基础,突出有效解释和目的—宗旨解释方法并结合运用多种解释方法的解决路径;针对真实冲突,则坚持在人类命运共同体理念指引下,借鉴菜单式(àla carte)方法等行之有效的实践方法,补充冲突条款具体规定并进一步发展磋商机制。 展开更多
关键词 区域贸易协定 条约冲突 RCEP CPTPP
The impact of Internet access on household dietary quality:Evidence from rural China 被引量:1
作者 Yi Cui Qiran Zhao +1 位作者 Thomas Glauben Wei Si 《Journal of Integrative Agriculture》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2024年第2期374-383,共10页
Over the past few decades,the Internet has rapidly diffused across China.The spread of the Internet has had a profound economic and social impact on Chinese rural areas.Existing research shows that Internet access sig... Over the past few decades,the Internet has rapidly diffused across China.The spread of the Internet has had a profound economic and social impact on Chinese rural areas.Existing research shows that Internet access significantly impacts agricultural production and improves smallholder farmers’income.Beyond these,the Internet can affect other dimensions of social welfare.However,research about the impact of Internet access on dietary quality in rural China remains scarce.This study utilizes multi-period panel data from Fixed Observation Point in rural China from 2009 to 2015 to estimate the impact of Internet access on dietary quality and food consumption of rural households and conducts a causal analysis.Regression models with time and household fixed effects allow robust estimation while reducing potential issues of unobserved heterogeneity.The estimates show that Internet access has significantly increased rural household dietary quality(measured by the Chinese Diet Balance Index).Further research finds that Internet access has increased the consumption of animal products,such as aquatic and dairy products.We also examine the underlying mechanisms.Internet access improves dietary quality and food consumption mainly through increasing household income and food expenditure.These results encourage the promotion of Internet access as a valuable tool for nutritional improvements,especially in rural areas. 展开更多
关键词 dietary quality fixed effect model internet access rural China
A credibility-aware swarm-federated deep learning framework in internet of vehicles 被引量:1
作者 Zhe Wang Xinhang Li +2 位作者 Tianhao Wu Chen Xu Lin Zhang 《Digital Communications and Networks》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期150-157,共8页
Although Federated Deep Learning(FDL)enables distributed machine learning in the Internet of Vehicles(IoV),it requires multiple clients to upload model parameters,thus still existing unavoidable communication overhead... Although Federated Deep Learning(FDL)enables distributed machine learning in the Internet of Vehicles(IoV),it requires multiple clients to upload model parameters,thus still existing unavoidable communication overhead and data privacy risks.The recently proposed Swarm Learning(SL)provides a decentralized machine learning approach for unit edge computing and blockchain-based coordination.A Swarm-Federated Deep Learning framework in the IoV system(IoV-SFDL)that integrates SL into the FDL framework is proposed in this paper.The IoV-SFDL organizes vehicles to generate local SL models with adjacent vehicles based on the blockchain empowered SL,then aggregates the global FDL model among different SL groups with a credibility weights prediction algorithm.Extensive experimental results show that compared with the baseline frameworks,the proposed IoV-SFDL framework reduces the overhead of client-to-server communication by 16.72%,while the model performance improves by about 5.02%for the same training iterations. 展开更多
关键词 Swarm learning Federated deep learning internet of vehicles PRIVACY EFFICIENCY
Low-Cost Federated Broad Learning for Privacy-Preserved Knowledge Sharing in the RIS-Aided Internet of Vehicles 被引量:1
作者 Xiaoming Yuan Jiahui Chen +4 位作者 Ning Zhang Qiang(John)Ye Changle Li Chunsheng Zhu Xuemin Sherman Shen 《Engineering》 SCIE EI CAS CSCD 2024年第2期178-189,共12页
High-efficiency and low-cost knowledge sharing can improve the decision-making ability of autonomous vehicles by mining knowledge from the Internet of Vehicles(IoVs).However,it is challenging to ensure high efficiency... High-efficiency and low-cost knowledge sharing can improve the decision-making ability of autonomous vehicles by mining knowledge from the Internet of Vehicles(IoVs).However,it is challenging to ensure high efficiency of local data learning models while preventing privacy leakage in a high mobility environment.In order to protect data privacy and improve data learning efficiency in knowledge sharing,we propose an asynchronous federated broad learning(FBL)framework that integrates broad learning(BL)into federated learning(FL).In FBL,we design a broad fully connected model(BFCM)as a local model for training client data.To enhance the wireless channel quality for knowledge sharing and reduce the communication and computation cost of participating clients,we construct a joint resource allocation and reconfigurable intelligent surface(RIS)configuration optimization framework for FBL.The problem is decoupled into two convex subproblems.Aiming to improve the resource scheduling efficiency in FBL,a double Davidon–Fletcher–Powell(DDFP)algorithm is presented to solve the time slot allocation and RIS configuration problem.Based on the results of resource scheduling,we design a reward-allocation algorithm based on federated incentive learning(FIL)in FBL to compensate clients for their costs.The simulation results show that the proposed FBL framework achieves better performance than the comparison models in terms of efficiency,accuracy,and cost for knowledge sharing in the IoV. 展开更多
关键词 Knowledge sharing internet of Vehicles Federated learning Broad learning Reconfigurable intelligent surfaces Resource allocation
作者 刘威 董瑞军 《福建史志》 2024年第4期23-29,共7页
甲午战争改变了东亚传统的政治格局,清朝的传统地位被改写,日本势力渐强,朝鲜王朝极力摆脱清朝影响。《旧韩国官报》作为彼时朝鲜王朝的政府报,对甲午战争后《马关条约》和日军侵占中国台湾进行了报道,但其报道大都援引日本报纸,“客观... 甲午战争改变了东亚传统的政治格局,清朝的传统地位被改写,日本势力渐强,朝鲜王朝极力摆脱清朝影响。《旧韩国官报》作为彼时朝鲜王朝的政府报,对甲午战争后《马关条约》和日军侵占中国台湾进行了报道,但其报道大都援引日本报纸,“客观”陈述日本的优势,对中国台湾民众抗日保台避而不谈。即便如此,其报道客观上却印证了日军的野蛮侵台和中国台湾民众的英勇抗争。 展开更多
关键词 《旧韩国官报》 《马关条约 中国台湾
作者 余雪月 冯锦福 《四川图书馆学报》 2024年第2期70-74,共5页
随着《马拉喀什条约》在我国的正式生效,视障群体获取文化服务的权利将得到更好的保障。文章梳理了国内外公共图书馆视障群体服务的研究进展,分析了《马拉喀什条约》对公共图书馆视障群体服务产生的影响,总结了公共图书馆视障群体服务... 随着《马拉喀什条约》在我国的正式生效,视障群体获取文化服务的权利将得到更好的保障。文章梳理了国内外公共图书馆视障群体服务的研究进展,分析了《马拉喀什条约》对公共图书馆视障群体服务产生的影响,总结了公共图书馆视障群体服务存在的问题,并结合我国公共图书馆视障群体服务提出完善建议。 展开更多
关键词 马拉喀什条约 公共图书馆 视障群体服务 无障碍服务
ResNeSt-biGRU: An Intrusion Detection Model Based on Internet of Things
作者 Yan Xiang Daofeng Li +2 位作者 Xinyi Meng Chengfeng Dong Guanglin Qin 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第4期1005-1023,共19页
The rapid expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices across various sectors is driven by steadily increasingdemands for interconnected and smart technologies. Nevertheless, the surge in the number of IoT device has... The rapid expansion of Internet of Things (IoT) devices across various sectors is driven by steadily increasingdemands for interconnected and smart technologies. Nevertheless, the surge in the number of IoT device hascaught the attention of cyber hackers, as it provides them with expanded avenues to access valuable data. Thishas resulted in a myriad of security challenges, including information leakage, malware propagation, and financialloss, among others. Consequently, developing an intrusion detection system to identify both active and potentialintrusion traffic in IoT networks is of paramount importance. In this paper, we propose ResNeSt-biGRU, a practicalintrusion detection model that combines the strengths of ResNeSt, a variant of Residual Neural Network, andbidirectionalGated RecurrentUnitNetwork (biGRU).Our ResNeSt-biGRUframework diverges fromconventionalintrusion detection systems (IDS) by employing this dual-layeredmechanism that exploits the temporal continuityand spatial feature within network data streams, a methodological innovation that enhances detection accuracy.In conjunction with this, we introduce the PreIoT dataset, a compilation of prevalent IoT network behaviors, totrain and evaluate IDSmodels with a focus on identifying potential intrusion traffics. The effectiveness of proposedscheme is demonstrated through testing, wherein it achieved an average accuracy of 99.90% on theN-BaIoT datasetas well as on the PreIoT dataset and 94.45% on UNSW-NB15 dataset. The outcomes of this research reveal thepotential of ResNeSt-biGRU to bolster security measures, diminish intrusion-related vulnerabilities, and preservethe overall security of IoT ecosystems. 展开更多
关键词 internet of Things cyberattack intrusion detection internet security
Deep Transfer Learning Techniques in Intrusion Detection System-Internet of Vehicles: A State-of-the-Art Review
作者 Wufei Wu Javad Hassannataj Joloudari +8 位作者 Senthil Kumar Jagatheesaperumal Kandala N.V.P.SRajesh Silvia Gaftandzhieva Sadiq Hussain Rahimullah Rabih Najibullah Haqjoo Mobeen Nazar Hamed Vahdat-Nejad Rositsa Doneva 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期2785-2813,共29页
The high performance of IoT technology in transportation networks has led to the increasing adoption of Internet of Vehicles(IoV)technology.The functional advantages of IoV include online communication services,accide... The high performance of IoT technology in transportation networks has led to the increasing adoption of Internet of Vehicles(IoV)technology.The functional advantages of IoV include online communication services,accident prevention,cost reduction,and enhanced traffic regularity.Despite these benefits,IoV technology is susceptible to cyber-attacks,which can exploit vulnerabilities in the vehicle network,leading to perturbations,disturbances,non-recognition of traffic signs,accidents,and vehicle immobilization.This paper reviews the state-of-the-art achievements and developments in applying Deep Transfer Learning(DTL)models for Intrusion Detection Systems in the Internet of Vehicles(IDS-IoV)based on anomaly detection.IDS-IoV leverages anomaly detection through machine learning and DTL techniques to mitigate the risks posed by cyber-attacks.These systems can autonomously create specific models based on network data to differentiate between regular traffic and cyber-attacks.Among these techniques,transfer learning models are particularly promising due to their efficacy with tagged data,reduced training time,lower memory usage,and decreased computational complexity.We evaluate DTL models against criteria including the ability to transfer knowledge,detection rate,accurate analysis of complex data,and stability.This review highlights the significant progress made in the field,showcasing how DTL models enhance the performance and reliability of IDS-IoV systems.By examining recent advancements,we provide insights into how DTL can effectively address cyber-attack challenges in IoV environments,ensuring safer and more efficient transportation networks. 展开更多
关键词 Cyber-attacks internet of things internet of vehicles intrusion detection system
Securing the Internet of Health Things with Certificateless Anonymous Authentication Scheme
作者 Nisreen Innab 《Computers, Materials & Continua》 SCIE EI 2024年第8期2237-2258,共22页
Internet of Health Things(IoHT)is a subset of Internet of Things(IoT)technology that includes interconnected medical devices and sensors used in medical and healthcare information systems.However,IoHT is susceptible t... Internet of Health Things(IoHT)is a subset of Internet of Things(IoT)technology that includes interconnected medical devices and sensors used in medical and healthcare information systems.However,IoHT is susceptible to cybersecurity threats due to its reliance on low-power biomedical devices and the use of open wireless channels for communication.In this article,we intend to address this shortcoming,and as a result,we propose a new scheme called,the certificateless anonymous authentication(CAA)scheme.The proposed scheme is based on hyperelliptic curve cryptography(HECC),an enhanced variant of elliptic curve cryptography(ECC)that employs a smaller key size of 80 bits as compared to 160 bits.The proposed scheme is secure against various attacks in both formal and informal security analyses.The formal study makes use of the Real-or-Random(ROR)model.A thorough comparative study of the proposed scheme is conducted for the security and efficiency of the proposed scheme with the relevant existing schemes.The results demonstrate that the proposed scheme not only ensures high security for health-related data but also increases efficiency.The proposed scheme’s computation cost is 2.88 ms,and the communication cost is 1440 bits,which shows its better efficiency compared to its counterpart schemes. 展开更多
关键词 internet of things internet of health things security authentication hyperelliptic curve cryptography
我国公共图书馆落实《马拉喀什条约》的角色定位及其路径 被引量:1
作者 王燕 《山东图书馆学刊》 2024年第1期5-8,共4页
《马拉喀什条约》于2022年5月5日在我国生效,公共图书馆落实《马拉喀什条约》迫在眉睫。文章概述《马拉喀什条约》的制定情况、核心内容和实施策略;阐释我国公共图书馆落实《马拉喀什条约》的角色定位;探讨我国公共图书馆落实《马拉喀... 《马拉喀什条约》于2022年5月5日在我国生效,公共图书馆落实《马拉喀什条约》迫在眉睫。文章概述《马拉喀什条约》的制定情况、核心内容和实施策略;阐释我国公共图书馆落实《马拉喀什条约》的角色定位;探讨我国公共图书馆落实《马拉喀什条约》的具体路径,以及保障阅读障碍群体文化权益的对策。 展开更多
关键词 马拉喀什条约 阅读障碍者服务 公共图书馆
Call for Papers——Feature Topic Vol.22,No.2,2025 Efficient Cooperative Transmission over Satellite Internet for 6G
《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第1期I0006-I0006,共1页
Satellite Internet,as a strategic public information infrastructure,can effectively bridge the limitations of traditional terrestrial network coverage,support global coverage and deep space exploration,and greatly enh... Satellite Internet,as a strategic public information infrastructure,can effectively bridge the limitations of traditional terrestrial network coverage,support global coverage and deep space exploration,and greatly enhance the range of network information services accessible to humans.With the transition of terrestrial mobile communication networks from the 5G era,which provides access to information anywhere,to the 6G era,which seeks to connect everything,the construction of satellite Internet,which promises a"network reaching everywhere and service is ubiquitous",has become the consensus of the industry's development and the focus of global scientific and technological innovation. 展开更多
关键词 internet SERVICES service
Intelligent Internet of Things with Reliable Communication and Collaboration Technologies
作者 Zhao Junhui Wu Celimuge +4 位作者 Xu Wenjun Qi Chenhao Bu Shengrong Zhang Shuowen Zhang Qingmiao 《China Communications》 SCIE CSCD 2024年第8期I0002-I0006,共5页
The Internet of Things(IoT)connects objects to Internet through sensor devices,radio frequency identification devices and other information collection and processing devices to realize information interaction.IoT is w... The Internet of Things(IoT)connects objects to Internet through sensor devices,radio frequency identification devices and other information collection and processing devices to realize information interaction.IoT is widely used in many fields,including intelligent transportation,intelligent healthcare,intelligent home and industry.In these fields,IoT devices connected via high-speed internet for efficient and reliable communications and faster response times. 展开更多
关键词 INTERACTION internet IOT
《能源宪章条约》与中国因应 被引量:1
作者 吕林红 《合作经济与科技》 2024年第6期190-192,共3页
《能源宪章条约》作为全世界首个在能源领域具有法律效力和强制执行力的多边协定,在促进国际能源合作以及解决国际能源争端方面发挥着巨大的影响力。中国自2001年成为《能源宪章条约》观察国。加入《能源宪章条约》能够为中国涉外能源... 《能源宪章条约》作为全世界首个在能源领域具有法律效力和强制执行力的多边协定,在促进国际能源合作以及解决国际能源争端方面发挥着巨大的影响力。中国自2001年成为《能源宪章条约》观察国。加入《能源宪章条约》能够为中国涉外能源投资安全提供制度保障,但由于其局限性,也会致使中国能源安全面临新的挑战。因此,在欧洲包括德国在内的不少国家相继退出《能源宪章条约》的当下,中国应当结合《能源宪章条约》制度与实践现状,权衡风险利弊,提出中国在当前国际背景形势之下的应对之策。 展开更多
关键词 《能源宪章条约 中国因应 能源安全
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