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What would Hippocrates have sworn upon witnessing the COVID-19 mandates and mortality paradox
作者 Mina Thabet Kelleni 《World Journal of Experimental Medicine》 2025年第1期104-106,共3页
For the first time in human history,hundreds of millions of people all over the world have been subjected to compulsory vaccination with a new type of nucleic acid based vaccines in order to keep their jobs or be able... For the first time in human history,hundreds of millions of people all over the world have been subjected to compulsory vaccination with a new type of nucleic acid based vaccines in order to keep their jobs or be able to travel due to some notorious coronavirus disease 2019(COVID-19)mandates.The vast majority of African countries were either initially deprived of these vaccines,or later,a majority of the population was too skeptical to receive them and preferred a safe early treatment pharmacological approach.Yet,Africa had the lowest COVID-19 mortality rate compared to those countries that adopted mass vaccination.This letter to the editor adds African insights that should be helpful in future pandemics to save millions of precious lives. 展开更多
关键词 HIPPOCRATES COVID-19 Nucleic acid based vaccines COVID mandates COVID mortality paradox Kelleni's protocol
作者 朱亮 孟飚 《航空工程进展》 2011年第4期480-484,共5页
针对长期困扰我国航空制造业的设计向制造信息传递中数据的完整性问题、生产过程中资源数据表达和使用的一致性问题,以及与时间相关的生产过程中物料状态的描述问题等,分析了MANDATE标准中的资源信息概念模型和流程监控与制造数据交换模... 针对长期困扰我国航空制造业的设计向制造信息传递中数据的完整性问题、生产过程中资源数据表达和使用的一致性问题,以及与时间相关的生产过程中物料状态的描述问题等,分析了MANDATE标准中的资源信息概念模型和流程监控与制造数据交换模型,给出了符合MANDATE标准的制造过程信息集成思路和方法,并提出了系统开发建议。 展开更多
关键词 飞机制造 资源信息概念模型 流程监控 信息集成 mandate标准
Distribution Patterns of Severe Pediatric Trauma: Mandated vs. Non-Mandated Trauma Systems
作者 Raouf M. Afifi Sameh S. Zaytoun 《Surgical Science》 2013年第9期385-392,共8页
Objective: To identify how hospital discharge data could discriminate the distribution patterns of high-risk trauma children in mandated and non-mandated trauma systems. Methods: Hospital discharge data of pediatric t... Objective: To identify how hospital discharge data could discriminate the distribution patterns of high-risk trauma children in mandated and non-mandated trauma systems. Methods: Hospital discharge data of pediatric trauma patients 1 - 15 years of age in Florida (FL), USA—[a mature mandated trauma system with certified trauma centers (TCs)] and in Indiana (IN), USA—(an immature non-mandated trauma system) admitted both to trauma center (TC) and non-TC healthcare facilities were analyzed. The injury severity score (ISS) measurement was used to verify injury severities. Results: Analysis showed that the majority of admissions were mild injuries (ISS = 1 - 8), [FL 70%, IN 66%, odds ratio (OR) 1.2, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.1, 1.3]. Florida trauma children (all severities) generally receive TC care more frequently than Indiana’s (OR = 1.8, CI 1.6 - 1.9). Particularly admission to TCs with severe (ISS ≥ 25) pelvic injury was greater in Florida (OR 3.5, CI 1.6 - 7.4). Florida, encountered some other severe injury mechanisms (motor vehicle accidents, falls) more frequently than Indiana (ORs and CI: 2.2, 1.5 - 3.3 and 3.1, 1.1 - 8.7, respectively). Conclusions: Hospital discharge data can demonstrate the expected patient distribution difference when comparing a mature trauma system with a voluntary evolving system. The level of maturity of the adopted trauma system often influences such difference. 展开更多
关键词 CHILD INJURY High RISK Distribution PATTERN TRAUMA System mandated
Social Background and Elite Composition: Jewish Political Elite During the British Mandate
作者 Taysir Nashif 《Journal of Literature and Art Studies》 2016年第9期1085-1099,共15页
This article, which utilizes the quantitative social-background approach, sets as its objective to empirically discern correlations between the behavior of the Jewish political elite, embodied in the Jewish Agency for... This article, which utilizes the quantitative social-background approach, sets as its objective to empirically discern correlations between the behavior of the Jewish political elite, embodied in the Jewish Agency for Palestine in the period from 1921 to 1948, and the following social-background variables: age, foreign travel, occupation as a path to political power, regional affiliation, ideology, and political opportunity, of the JAE membership. Diversity of the social-background variables and, particularly, the multitude of languages they knew, explain, to a considerable extent, firstly, the wide variety of their social, political and economic views, and, secondly, the elite's resort to direct contact with Western governments and peoples in communicating and promoting their political ideology, thus facilitating the realization of the Zionist project. 展开更多
关键词 elite communication CIRCULATION Jewish elite mandate over Palestine POLITICS regional affiliation ZIONISM
海外中医药译写专著的“他塑”研究——以Between Heaven and Earth:A Guide to Chinese Medicine为例
作者 陈心宇 徐永红 《中医药导报》 2024年第8期190-194,共5页
基于亚马逊平台热销中医专著Between Heaven and Earth:A Guide to Chinese Medicine (《天地之间:中医指南》),举例分析其巧用“取象比类”思维、借用现代医学术语、采用图示辅助理解、创新中医文化表达的4种译写策略,并借助调查问卷... 基于亚马逊平台热销中医专著Between Heaven and Earth:A Guide to Chinese Medicine (《天地之间:中医指南》),举例分析其巧用“取象比类”思维、借用现代医学术语、采用图示辅助理解、创新中医文化表达的4种译写策略,并借助调查问卷佐证这4种译写策略的有效性与可取性,希望通过借鉴学习“他塑”,完善中医国际形象的“自塑”。同时检查“他塑”出现的文化误读,反观“自塑”的不足,从而调整中医传播策略,促进中医药文化的海外传播。 展开更多
关键词 海外中医药译写专著 《天地之间:中医指南》 他塑 自塑 中医药文化传播
作者 刘源 《河北师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2025年第1期61-68,共8页
殷墟卜辞所见上帝观念之研究,历经120余年,成果丰硕,如郭沫若提出上帝为至上神,胡厚宣认为帝五臣指四方与社,等等。目前,学界对上帝是否为至上神等问题及殷代神灵体系,认识上仍存在分歧。李学勤认为,研究甲骨文反映的思想文化可借鉴周... 殷墟卜辞所见上帝观念之研究,历经120余年,成果丰硕,如郭沫若提出上帝为至上神,胡厚宣认为帝五臣指四方与社,等等。目前,学界对上帝是否为至上神等问题及殷代神灵体系,认识上仍存在分歧。李学勤认为,研究甲骨文反映的思想文化可借鉴周代礼制知识。我们循此思路与方法,结合西周金文“上帝百神”“先王在帝廷陟降”“先王在帝左右”等材料,再分析卜辞内证可知,殷代上帝也是百神的君主,四方(包括四方风)、社、河、岳,以及高祖、先王、旧臣均被上帝驱使,执行上帝的意志与命令。卜辞“大甲宾于咸”,可联系《左传》诸侯死后“在先王左右”来理解,即大甲辅助大乙,共同实施帝命。孙诒让提出的“天神、地示、人鬼”说,并不能客观阐释殷代神灵体系,在殷商王朝的自然宗宙观中,上帝是百神之君,控制着天地万物运转与人间社会发展,决定了农业丰歉,都邑兴衰,其意志不可捉摸,也无法改变。四方(包括四方风)、社、河、岳,与高祖、先王、旧臣作为上帝臣僚,具体落实帝令或天命,故受殷人祭祀,以求趋福避祸。 展开更多
关键词 甲骨卜辞 上帝 金文 天命
作者 杨镇源 《外语学刊》 北大核心 2025年第1期86-91,共6页
西方翻译学呈现出两种基本意义观:一是在柏拉图主义的笼罩下,将形而上的绝对意义视作完美而不可触及的彼岸,将形而下的相对阐释视作现实却又充满缺憾的此岸,并认为后者只能是对前者的拙劣模仿;二是在解构主义的影响下,将绝对意义和相对... 西方翻译学呈现出两种基本意义观:一是在柏拉图主义的笼罩下,将形而上的绝对意义视作完美而不可触及的彼岸,将形而下的相对阐释视作现实却又充满缺憾的此岸,并认为后者只能是对前者的拙劣模仿;二是在解构主义的影响下,将绝对意义和相对阐释同归于虚无。前者以“尊天抑人”的态势陷入天人二分的意义观,在一定程度压抑人本主义精神,后者以“毁天灭人”的态势陷入天人两空的意义观,因而引发虚无主义困境。在新儒家心学思想的“心即理”视域下,翻译学能够走出上述两种思维定势,促使译者立足本心,打通道枢,实现绝对意义和相对阐释的圆融统一,以“顺天应人”的态势成就天人合一的意义观。较之西方翻译学的两种意义观,它不仅凸显译者心性的关键作用,强化人本主义精神,还将本心作为意义的稳固立足点,避免虚无主义困境。这体现出心学思想对于翻译学意义观建构的独特价值,也为中国传统哲学思想在当代翻译学的应用提供了一个值得关注的学术增长点。 展开更多
关键词 翻译学 意义观 心即理 本心 天人合一
作者 李鹊 郑陆峰 +4 位作者 于琦 宋源 张玉苹 李杰 李敬华 《中国中医药图书情报杂志》 2025年第1期79-83,共5页
目的通过Neo4j图数据库和Django框架构建天人相应知识图谱,探析天人相应理论在中医临床中的实际应用。方法以《河洛精蕴》《淮南子》《五行大义》《素问》《灵枢》《说文解字》《周易》为数据来源,通过人工标注、专家筛选的方法抽取结... 目的通过Neo4j图数据库和Django框架构建天人相应知识图谱,探析天人相应理论在中医临床中的实际应用。方法以《河洛精蕴》《淮南子》《五行大义》《素问》《灵枢》《说文解字》《周易》为数据来源,通过人工标注、专家筛选的方法抽取结构化数据,采用图数据库技术构建知识图谱,并搭建以Django框架为核心的Web系统。结果共抽取得到天干、地支、八卦等18种实体,节点151个;阴阳、五脏、五行等12种关系,连线206条,完成天人相应知识图谱构建,并实现天人相应理论的知识可视化及知识查询功能。结论天人相应理论在中医理论中占据关键地位,天人相应知识图谱可有效解决领域内知识孤岛问题,为研究人员从天人相应角度解决中医临床问题提供新思路。 展开更多
关键词 天人相应 知识图谱 Neo4j DJANGO
基于HEAVENS模型的汽车行业漏洞等级划分研究 被引量:1
作者 邵学彬 靳一洲 《江苏科技信息》 2018年第14期75-77,共3页
智能网联化给汽车行业带来了新的发展方向,同时也带来了威胁。传统互联网有着成熟的漏洞等级标准,但汽车行业暂无信息安全标准的制定,制约了汽车行业的发展。文章参考CVSS通用评分系统,基于HEAVENS模型对汽车漏洞类型和评估指标进行了研... 智能网联化给汽车行业带来了新的发展方向,同时也带来了威胁。传统互联网有着成熟的漏洞等级标准,但汽车行业暂无信息安全标准的制定,制约了汽车行业的发展。文章参考CVSS通用评分系统,基于HEAVENS模型对汽车漏洞类型和评估指标进行了研究,为汽车行业漏洞划分标准的制定提供参考。 展开更多
关键词 汽车信息安全 CVSS系统 heavenS模型 漏洞等级
Study on the "Coexistence between Heaven and Man" Concept and the Chinese Vernacular Architecture Concept
作者 胡慧 《Journal of Landscape Research》 2009年第11期73-76,93,共5页
On the basis of the characteristics of ancient Chinese culture,the paper discusses the formation inevitability of the 'Coexistence between Heaven and Man' building concept,the connection and the differences wi... On the basis of the characteristics of ancient Chinese culture,the paper discusses the formation inevitability of the 'Coexistence between Heaven and Man' building concept,the connection and the differences with the ecological concept of modern Chinese Vernacular Architecture.The key point is that the contemporary design should absorb the ancient Chinese culture of the 'Coexistence between Heaven and Man' building concept and the essence of Chinese Vernacular Architecture ecological concept,forming the design features of local ecology based on the environmental protection and harmonious coexistence. 展开更多
关键词 COEXISTENCE between heaven and MAN ECOLOGICAL environment Architectural culture ECOLOGICAL CONCEPT of VERNACULAR Architecture
作者 邓国坤 《河南社会科学》 北大核心 2025年第1期102-110,共9页
身心性命之学乃是宋明理学的一种历史阐释范式,也是现代学者对于宋明理学的新建构。身心性命阐释为宋代至今的学者一直使用,它不仅是宋明理学的概称,而且指向宋明理学的主要内涵或旨向,包括身心之学、性理之学、天命之学。它既包含内圣... 身心性命之学乃是宋明理学的一种历史阐释范式,也是现代学者对于宋明理学的新建构。身心性命阐释为宋代至今的学者一直使用,它不仅是宋明理学的概称,而且指向宋明理学的主要内涵或旨向,包括身心之学、性理之学、天命之学。它既包含内圣的维度,也包含外王的维度。身心性命阐释涵具身心—性理—天命的思想结构:由身心而通达性理,由性理而通达天命。在此基础上构建起来的新理论可称为身心性命之学。它的特征包括以身、心、性、命的统一体为研究领域;以身心、性理、天命的次第研究为进路;具有体用合一,由实践而超越的途径,以天人合一为终极理想的基本特征。它指明了宋明理学的研究领域、思想结构、主要特征等,为今人阐释与重构宋明理学提供了一个新的思路与经验。 展开更多
关键词 宋明理学 身心 性理 天命
作者 王媛媛 《河北民族师范学院学报》 2025年第1期34-38,共5页
叶浅予1948年访美归国后为北平的《新民报》创作了漫画组画《天堂记》。《天堂记》相较于叶浅予之前的漫画作品发生了明显的转变:不仅运用速写和漫画相结合的手法,以纪实的形式从新的视角来透视美国社会现象,更是对其先进与繁荣背后的... 叶浅予1948年访美归国后为北平的《新民报》创作了漫画组画《天堂记》。《天堂记》相较于叶浅予之前的漫画作品发生了明显的转变:不仅运用速写和漫画相结合的手法,以纪实的形式从新的视角来透视美国社会现象,更是对其先进与繁荣背后的腐朽与匮乏进行了辛辣地讽刺,在当时产生了巨大的社会反响。其转变既体现在表达方式、表现手法、构图方式等技法上,也涉及时代背景下的主题选择。 展开更多
关键词 《天堂记》 叶浅予 漫画
作者 武超 《哈尔滨体育学院学报》 2025年第1期25-32,共8页
受中华文明“敬天畏命”思想内核的影响,传统武术的技击发展有其与众不同的历史逻辑与目标追求。运用文献资料、自身体悟等方法从“敬天畏命”视角论绎传统武术技击观的目标变迁与求道进路。研究认为:“敬天畏命”观念对传统武术技击发... 受中华文明“敬天畏命”思想内核的影响,传统武术的技击发展有其与众不同的历史逻辑与目标追求。运用文献资料、自身体悟等方法从“敬天畏命”视角论绎传统武术技击观的目标变迁与求道进路。研究认为:“敬天畏命”观念对传统武术技击发展影响深远,从时间上看,促使传统武术技击发展经历了由原始社会的“交通天人”和“备战御敌”两种功能形态向热兵器时代“求道砺器”二元结构的转变过程;从空间上看,促使传统武术技击发展形成了技击技理追求与“自然之天”的“天人一体”、技击伦理追求与“道德之天”的“天人合德”、技击心理追求与“神灵之天”的“天人感应”三位一体求道进路,从而拓展了传统武术技击表现形式多样化的发展空间,开启了传统武术技击功能价值多元化的发展路径,提升了传统武术技击的文化张力,激发了传统武术技击的文化活力。 展开更多
关键词 传统武术 敬天畏命 技击 天人合一
作者 李治亭 《云南师范大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 北大核心 2025年第1期17-27,共11页
“大一统”作为政治思想理念,构成中国历史发展的一条主线,也是维护国家统一、中华民族内向凝聚的一条生命线。文章对“大一统”的内涵、“大一统”理念的重要性、清代如何实践“大一统”及取得哪些进展进行了阐释。认为准确解释“大一... “大一统”作为政治思想理念,构成中国历史发展的一条主线,也是维护国家统一、中华民族内向凝聚的一条生命线。文章对“大一统”的内涵、“大一统”理念的重要性、清代如何实践“大一统”及取得哪些进展进行了阐释。认为准确解释“大一统”是打开中国历史之门的一把钥匙,不识“大一统”,难识清史真貌,给不出科学的评价。清代创建新“大一统”理论并全面推行,付诸治国实践,取得一系列的历史性突破,凝结成巩固的中华民族共同体及共同体意识。 展开更多
关键词 清朝 “大一统” 华夷之辨 天下一家 中华民族共同体
Match Made in Heaven
作者 王金生 《语言教育》 2002年第9期14-14,共1页
Not long ago my wife,Alma,died after nearly58 years of marriage.She was my partner not only athome but also in my business,serving as listener,advisor and even an unpaid secretary at times.WhenI look back on the happi... Not long ago my wife,Alma,died after nearly58 years of marriage.She was my partner not only athome but also in my business,serving as listener,advisor and even an unpaid secretary at times.WhenI look back on the happiness we shared I realize ourswas a match made in heaven.And I especially rememberthat day early in our marriage when I*received 展开更多
关键词 HAPPINESS MARRIAGE serving PARTNER MATCH heaven PHOTOGRAPH actually picture perfect
Startling Dream in A World of Ganghood—Heaven Gaia·Xiong Ying
《China's Foreign Trade》 2019年第2期57-57,共1页
On March 31,a Chinese high-end women’s clothing brand Heaven Gaia was showcased in the Golden Hall of the Beijing Hotel. The 2019 autumn and winter series were released under the theme of'startling dream'. Th... On March 31,a Chinese high-end women’s clothing brand Heaven Gaia was showcased in the Golden Hall of the Beijing Hotel. The 2019 autumn and winter series were released under the theme of'startling dream'. The whole release consisted of four sections,'Dancing Warblers and Butterflies in Spring','Buzzing Dragonflies in Summer','Golden Dreams of Autumn'and'Proud Plum Trees and Pines in Winter'. More than fifty sets of designs perfectly belended traditional culture elements with modern fashion, which inspired the audience and awakened their internal pride for the national culture. 展开更多
关键词 heaven GAIA Startling DREAM A World of Ganghood Xiong Ying
孩手心中的天堂——《小鞋子》Children of Heaven分析
作者 个个 《电影文学》 北大核心 2002年第4期20-21,共2页
小男孩阿里无意中把妹妹莎拉的鞋弄丢了,为了不加重父母负担,两人每天穿阿里的一双破球鞋上学,上午男校哥哥阿里穿,下午女校妹妹莎拉穿。为了不耽误莎拉上学,阿里每天放学都是跑回家的,并由此锻炼出了长跑的好本领。小城里举行学生的长... 小男孩阿里无意中把妹妹莎拉的鞋弄丢了,为了不加重父母负担,两人每天穿阿里的一双破球鞋上学,上午男校哥哥阿里穿,下午女校妹妹莎拉穿。为了不耽误莎拉上学,阿里每天放学都是跑回家的,并由此锻炼出了长跑的好本领。小城里举行学生的长跑比赛,阿里为了第三名的球鞋奖品,积极地参加了比赛。最后,阿里夺得了第一名的成绩,爸爸也为妹妹买了一双新鞋,生活正越变越好……影片分析: 每个人在儿时似乎都会有各种各样的梦想,有的远大,有的天真。而《小鞋子》中的小男孩阿里在片中的全部梦想就是为妹妹莎拉得到一双新鞋,妹妹的旧鞋因为自己的疏忽丢失了,他觉得自己有责任为妹妹再得到一双。 展开更多
关键词 《小鞋子》 阿里 莎拉 Children of heaven 天堂
A Comparison of the Views of Heavenly Principles and Human Desire and the Theory of Personality Structure
作者 ZHU Mao-ling 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2018年第7期403-409,共7页
This paper makes a comparative study of the theory of heavenly principles and human desires in the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties and the theory of personality structure in psychoanalytic theory.From ... This paper makes a comparative study of the theory of heavenly principles and human desires in the Neo-Confucianism of the Song and Ming Dynasties and the theory of personality structure in psychoanalytic theory.From the perspective of the construction of the subject,in the debate between the heavenly principle and the human desire,the person is built into the moral subject.The id,ego,and super-ego in the psychoanalytic theory constitute the unconscious structural subject.In the framework of these two theories,the“maintain the heavenly principles and eradicate human desires”and“the heavenly principles exist in desire”in the theory of heavenly principles and human desires express the unity of opposites between heavenly principles and human desire.The core of personality structure theory is the relationship of obedience and control among the id,ego,and super-ego.As far as the value orientation is concerned,the debate between the heavenly principle and the human desire provides a theoretical basis for the moral practice of Confucianism of“aim at absolute perfection”,while the free will of the id in the unconscious subject is the most essential ethical aspect of psychoanalysis. 展开更多
关键词 heavenly PRINCIPLES human desire PERSONALITY structure MORAL PRACTICE free WILL
Between the Heaven and Human Beings: On the Idea of the Heaven and the Transformation of Poetry in the Mid-Tang Dynasty
作者 LIU Shun AN Jiaqi 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2019年第12期685-694,共10页
The relationship between the Heaven and human beings is a central issue in the transformation of Confucianism in the Mid-Tang Dynasty.The discourses on the Heaven by Han Yu,Liu Zongyuan,and Liu Yuxi helped to promote ... The relationship between the Heaven and human beings is a central issue in the transformation of Confucianism in the Mid-Tang Dynasty.The discourses on the Heaven by Han Yu,Liu Zongyuan,and Liu Yuxi helped to promote the transformation and greatly influenced the transformation in literature.The differences in the poetry among the three authors may also be interpreted from the perspective of their perceptions of the Heaven—Han Yu’s discourse on the Heaven focused on the enemy-relationship between the Heaven and human beings,so his poems always showed tension and loss.Liu Zongyuan was interested in the alienation between the heaven and human beings,so his poems were more rational and placid than Han Yu’s.However,Liu Yuxi’s discourse on the Heaven paid attention to the positive influence of the Heaven on human beings,and most of his poems were filled with reason.The changes in the relationship between the Heaven and human beings lead to the broadened themes,innovated vocabulary,diversified styles,and varied fresh imageries.Likewise,the relationship between the Heaven and human beings established in the Song Dynasty led accordingly to a new type of literature different from the Tang literature. 展开更多
关键词 discourse on the heaven intellectual transformation transformation in creative writing relationship between the heaven and human beings
Son of Heaven and Dynastic Changes in Historical China Compared to Biblical Standards
作者 PU Rongjian 《Cultural and Religious Studies》 2019年第9期498-510,共13页
The Israelite people began to have kings hundreds of years after the Mosaic Law was given to them from God,and with kings from David and then his family,they experienced no substantial dynastic changes in the southern... The Israelite people began to have kings hundreds of years after the Mosaic Law was given to them from God,and with kings from David and then his family,they experienced no substantial dynastic changes in the southern kingdom of Judah.Later,the Israelites were ruled by kings or emperors of other nations until the State of Israel was restored in its historical land after World War Two.Without any written law comparable to the Mosaic Law,the earliest Zhou kings of China claimed to be Sons of Heaven and Heaven worship was inherited by later emperors.Heaven worship has features in common with the monotheistic religion of the Israelites,such as that a king should obey the will of God.With changes of dynasties,Heaven worship actually means that heaven could be renamed and the former Son of Heaven had no life-long priesthood in serving Heaven.After the redemptive work of Jesus Christ had fulfilled the Mosaic Law,Heaven worship had little relation with faith in God,the Creator. 展开更多
关键词 SON of heaven dynastic CHANGES HISTORICAL China Biblical STANDARDS
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