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作者 秦立科 王猛 +3 位作者 贾甲 甄刚 谭可馨 涂勇 《文物保护与考古科学》 北大核心 2024年第2期119-127,共9页
独乐寺观音阁内十一面观音像保存至今,泥胎存在裂隙、空鼓、脱落等病害。利用超景深三维显微镜、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光粒度分布仪等对观音像泥胎进行了材质分析。通过控制砂、纤维含量,分析泥塑试样的收缩性,并探索纤维含量对泥胎... 独乐寺观音阁内十一面观音像保存至今,泥胎存在裂隙、空鼓、脱落等病害。利用超景深三维显微镜、X射线衍射分析(XRD)、激光粒度分布仪等对观音像泥胎进行了材质分析。通过控制砂、纤维含量,分析泥塑试样的收缩性,并探索纤维含量对泥胎收缩性的影响规律。结果表明:观音像泥胎的制作原料取自当地,其中土颗粒粒径多在5~70μm之间,约占总量的79.5%;主要矿物成分为石英和伊利石,还有部分钠长石和钾长石,以及少量的高岭石。粗泥层含砂量约为35%,麦草(麦秆及麦壳混合物)含量约6%~9%,长度大多在2 cm以下;细泥层含砂量约为30%,麻丝含量约2.1%,长度大多集中在2 cm。麦草和麻丝的加入对泥胎的收缩均能起到抑制作用。随着麦草含量的增加,抑制作用呈现先增大后减小的趋势,掺和6%的麦草抑制作用最好;添加麻丝可使试样的最终线缩率显著减小,但麻丝的多少对线缩率的减小幅度影响不大。观音像泥胎的原纤维配比就有很好的抑制收缩效果。本次研究获得了十一面观音像泥胎的材料组成信息,得出了纤维占比对泥胎收缩性的影响,为十一面观音像的修复与保护提供了参考。 展开更多
关键词 十一面观音像 泥胎 材质分析 线缩率
作者 李倩 《华中建筑》 2024年第3期29-32,共4页
圣玛利亚·德利安杰利教堂由古罗马的戴克里先大浴场遗迹改造而成,米开朗基罗串联起大浴场中最核心的三大浴厅,在打造教堂空间的同时对古罗马进行“回归”。该文从多个维度对米开朗基罗的设计做出界定和分析,解读设计中的超越性及... 圣玛利亚·德利安杰利教堂由古罗马的戴克里先大浴场遗迹改造而成,米开朗基罗串联起大浴场中最核心的三大浴厅,在打造教堂空间的同时对古罗马进行“回归”。该文从多个维度对米开朗基罗的设计做出界定和分析,解读设计中的超越性及启发性。 展开更多
关键词 米开朗基罗 古罗马 改造 圣玛利亚·德利安杰利教堂 戴克里先大浴场
作者 李倩 《华中建筑》 2024年第7期27-32,共6页
16世纪中叶米开朗基罗将古罗马戴克里先大浴场中的三大浴厅改造为圣玛利亚·德利安杰利教堂,之后历经多次改造而呈现出当下多“历史层”并存的模样。该文对每一阶段的具体操作进行梳理,认知其背后的实际诉求和价值诠释,思考此项目... 16世纪中叶米开朗基罗将古罗马戴克里先大浴场中的三大浴厅改造为圣玛利亚·德利安杰利教堂,之后历经多次改造而呈现出当下多“历史层”并存的模样。该文对每一阶段的具体操作进行梳理,认知其背后的实际诉求和价值诠释,思考此项目中所展示的遗产保护实践的某种可能性。 展开更多
关键词 建筑遗产 保护实践 价值多样性 戴克里先大浴场 圣玛利亚·德利安杰利教堂
应用Maria评分对236例药物性肝损害的临床初步研究 被引量:3
作者 何向民 孙明军 《中国医科大学学报》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2009年第12期949-951,共3页
对236例药物性肝病患者进行回顾性分析,并依据Maria药物性肝损害评分系统重新评价。Maria评分系统对药物性肝损害具有诊断准确性高、符合率好、简便易用等特点。在药物性肝损害中,抗生素仍然是最常见的损肝药物,停用相关药物及保肝治疗... 对236例药物性肝病患者进行回顾性分析,并依据Maria药物性肝损害评分系统重新评价。Maria评分系统对药物性肝损害具有诊断准确性高、符合率好、简便易用等特点。在药物性肝损害中,抗生素仍然是最常见的损肝药物,停用相关药物及保肝治疗后大多数患者预后良好。 展开更多
关键词 药物性肝损害 maria评分系统
作者 陈凯源 沙武田 《艺术设计研究》 北大核心 2024年第1期18-26,共9页
莫高窟第331窟东壁北侧绘有一铺以十一面观音为主尊胁侍的说法图,经分析可知,该造像组合是在借鉴长安出土的“大唐善业泥”的基础上,参考其他相关的唐长安风格佛教造像改造而成的一铺佛教艺术作品,创作年代大致为垂拱二年(686)至圣历元... 莫高窟第331窟东壁北侧绘有一铺以十一面观音为主尊胁侍的说法图,经分析可知,该造像组合是在借鉴长安出土的“大唐善业泥”的基础上,参考其他相关的唐长安风格佛教造像改造而成的一铺佛教艺术作品,创作年代大致为垂拱二年(686)至圣历元年(698)这段时间。第331窟以及第332、148窟作为敦煌李氏家族在莫高窟开凿的洞窟,三者不仅作为初盛唐时期敦煌石窟中的代表洞窟,窟内还出现了大量与唐长安相关的造像内容,这表明其深受唐长安佛教思想及艺术的影响,是唐代长安风尚浸染下所建造的一批洞窟。 展开更多
关键词 莫高窟第331窟 十一面观音 善业泥 唐长安 敦煌李氏
经Maria评分量化诊断老年药物性肝损害患者临床表现分析 被引量:4
作者 秦晓波 胡鹏 +5 位作者 曾维群 石小枫 王志毅 周智 张大志 任红 《中国老年保健医学》 2009年第6期15-16,共2页
目的分析经Maria评分系统量化诊断的老年药物性肝损害(DILI)患者临床表现。方法连续选择近期在我院住院的老年DILI患者55例,入选对象Maria药物性肝损害量化评分≥14分,并与同期住院中、青年DILI患者(对照组,131例)比较一般情况、实验室... 目的分析经Maria评分系统量化诊断的老年药物性肝损害(DILI)患者临床表现。方法连续选择近期在我院住院的老年DILI患者55例,入选对象Maria药物性肝损害量化评分≥14分,并与同期住院中、青年DILI患者(对照组,131例)比较一般情况、实验室相关检查及临床分型和表现等特征。结果55例老年DILI患者肝细胞损伤型例数和重度消化道症状例数明显多于对照组,血清ALT、AST、γ-GGT和ALP浓度均明显高于对照组,而胆汁淤积型例数、轻度消化道症状例数和血清TBIL浓度明显少对照组(P<0.05或P<0.01)。结论老年DILI患者以肝细胞损伤型居多,存在明确的肝功能酶学指标损害,消化道症状明显偏重。 展开更多
关键词 药物性肝损害 老年 maria评分系统 临床表现 实验室检查
作者 孙文静 陈东风 《实用肝脏病杂志》 CAS 2018年第6期881-884,共4页
目的分析文献应用RUCAM标准和Maria标准诊断中国人药物性肝损伤情况。方法以"药物性肝损伤、诊断标准、诊断评分系统或drug-induced liver injury,diagnostic criteria, diagnostic scale, RUCAM scale,Maria scale"为关键词... 目的分析文献应用RUCAM标准和Maria标准诊断中国人药物性肝损伤情况。方法以"药物性肝损伤、诊断标准、诊断评分系统或drug-induced liver injury,diagnostic criteria, diagnostic scale, RUCAM scale,Maria scale"为关键词检索中国期刊全文数据库、万方数据库、pubmed数据库,排除文献综述、重复文献、病例报道、未使用诊断标准或诊断评分系统进行诊断的文献,对文献中患者年龄、性别、诊断标准的诊断评估情况进行总结和描述。结果在检索到的7篇文献中,共有1352例药物性肝损伤患者,年龄2~91岁。采用RUCAM诊断标准者6篇,共1027例病例,诊断DILI 997例(97.1%),不能诊断DILI者有30例(2.9%);采用Maria诊断标准诊断者4篇,共736例病例,诊断DILI者433例(58.8%),不能诊断DILI者303例(41.2%)。结论应用RUCAM诊断标准或Maria诊断标准诊断中国人药物性肝损伤的结果存在不一致性。 展开更多
关键词 药物性肝损伤 RUCAM诊断标准 maria诊断标准 文献分析
作者 郝颖 封雪 于颖 《现代计算机(中旬刊)》 2017年第9期13-17,共5页
运用形式化方法分析密码协议的安全性已成为网络信息安全领域的研究热点之一。提出一种新的扩展Petri网——LPetri网。并且利用LPetri网对TMN密码协议进行建模,采用模型检测工具Maria分析LPetri网模型的可达性,说明利用LPetri网对安全... 运用形式化方法分析密码协议的安全性已成为网络信息安全领域的研究热点之一。提出一种新的扩展Petri网——LPetri网。并且利用LPetri网对TMN密码协议进行建模,采用模型检测工具Maria分析LPetri网模型的可达性,说明利用LPetri网对安全协议建模的有效性。 展开更多
关键词 TMN协议 maria LPetri网 模型检测
作者 蓝帅 《中国文化遗产》 2024年第4期117-125,共9页
日本知恩院藏朝鲜初期《观世音菩萨三十二应帧》是流失于海外的朝鲜时期佛画之一,画面参照《法华经·观世音菩萨普门品》绘制了“拔苦”“与乐”以及“成愿”场面。经考证,“知恩院藏本”画面构成多借鉴于我国明朝早期的《普门品》... 日本知恩院藏朝鲜初期《观世音菩萨三十二应帧》是流失于海外的朝鲜时期佛画之一,画面参照《法华经·观世音菩萨普门品》绘制了“拔苦”“与乐”以及“成愿”场面。经考证,“知恩院藏本”画面构成多借鉴于我国明朝早期的《普门品》版画,并通过画面的再组合,形成了富有特点的独幅普门品经变形式。其山水排布继承了李郭派的画风,即鬼面石、蟹爪枝的绘画风格,但山石的皴法多运用短线与墨点堆积的皴法方式让岩石显得更加厚重且富有质感,被认为是受朝鲜时期安坚画派影响下而出现的独特画法。本尊为朝鲜时期典型的正面像水月观音绘制方式,与我国法海寺水月观音有一定的亲缘性。韩国道岬寺藏《观世音菩萨三十二应帧》为2005年韩国梵海文化财研究所绘制的知恩院藏本的现状模写摹本,底稿绘制、色表调制等皆在日本境内完成,并运用了传统的模写技术。虽然现代科技可以使文物进行数字化保存,但是绘画类文物的模写仍具有不可替代性。“道岬寺摹本”为韩国乃至整个东亚圈的绘画类文物临摹提供了案例参考。 展开更多
关键词 《观世音菩萨三十二应帧》 道岬寺 知恩院 朝鲜佛画 现状模写 绘画类文物
Maria评分系统对药物性肝损害诊断的临床应用初探 被引量:3
作者 徐日安 梁列新 《广西医学》 CAS 2006年第12期1910-1911,共2页
目的评价Maria评分系统对药物性肝损害诊断的临床应用价值。方法选择2000年1月至2005年7月在我院住院诊断药物性肝损害的资料完整的患者50倒。患者发病前均有明确的服药史,服药后出现肝损害,停药后恢复。并排除其它原因所致的肝损害... 目的评价Maria评分系统对药物性肝损害诊断的临床应用价值。方法选择2000年1月至2005年7月在我院住院诊断药物性肝损害的资料完整的患者50倒。患者发病前均有明确的服药史,服药后出现肝损害,停药后恢复。并排除其它原因所致的肝损害。采用回顾性方法对诊断明确的50例药物性肝损害患者进行Maria评分诊断药物性肝损害,〉17分为确定,14~17分为可能性大,10-13分为有可能,6~9分为可能性小,〈6分为除外。结果在50例药物性肝损害患者中,3例患者的M讲a评分为〉17分,35例为14~17分,12例为10-13分,所有患者按药物性肝损害治疗后均好转或治愈。结论Maria评分系统诊断药物性肝损害具有诊断符合率好、准确性高、简单易行、实用的特点,有较好的临床应用价值,可避免不必要的排除性诊断检查。 展开更多
关键词 药物 肝损害 maria评分系统
Orthopaedic care provided by the 14th combat support hospital in support of humanitarian and disaster relief after hurricane Maria in Puerto Rico 被引量:2
作者 Nathan Lanham Kyle Bockelman +2 位作者 Fernando Lopez Marc M Serra Bradford Scanlan 《World Journal of Orthopedics》 2020年第2期76-81,共6页
On September 20,2017 Hurricane Maria,a category 4 hurricane,made landfall on the eastern coast of Puerto Rico.This was preceded by Hurricane Irma,a category 5 hurricane,which passed just off the coast 13 d prior.The d... On September 20,2017 Hurricane Maria,a category 4 hurricane,made landfall on the eastern coast of Puerto Rico.This was preceded by Hurricane Irma,a category 5 hurricane,which passed just off the coast 13 d prior.The destruction from both Hurricane Irma and Maria precipitated a coordinated federal response which included the Federal Emergency Management Agency(FEMA)and the United States military.The United States Army dispatched the 14^th Combat Support Hospital(CSH)to Humacao,a city on the eastern side of the island where Maria made landfall.The mission of the 14^th CSH was to provide medical humanitarian aid and conduct disaster relief operations in support of the government of Puerto Rico and FEMA.During the 14^th CSH deployment to Puerto Rico,1157 patients were evaluated and treated.Fifty-seven operative cases were performed to include 23 orthopaedic cases.The mean age of the orthopaedic patients treated was 45.7 years(range 13-76 years).The most common operation was irrigation and debridement of open contaminated and/or infected wounds.Patients presented a mean 10.8 d from their initial injury(range 1-40 d).Fractures and infections were the most common diagnoses with the greatest delay in treatment from the initial date of injury.The deployment of the 14^th CSH to Puerto Rico was unique in its use of air transport,language and local customs encountered,as well as deployment to a location outside the continental United States.These factors coupled with the need for rapid deployment of the 14^th CSH provided valuable experience which will undoubtedly enable future success in similar endeavors. 展开更多
关键词 Hurricane maria Disaster relief Combat support hospital Army
An Assessment of Water Quality Parameters at the Cerrillos Reservoir, Ponce, Puerto Rico in the Aftermath of Hurricane Maria
作者 Yashira Marie Sánchez-Colón Javier Alejandro Chévere-Del Río +1 位作者 Nichole Marie Sánchez-Guzmán Fred Charles Schaffner 《Journal of Water Resource and Protection》 2022年第1期35-49,共15页
Maintaining the water quality of lakes and reservoirs is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an initiative promoted by the United Nations, including anthropogenic and natural factors that may influenc... Maintaining the water quality of lakes and reservoirs is part of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development, an initiative promoted by the United Nations, including anthropogenic and natural factors that may influence water quality. The water reservoirs of Puerto Rico were built in watersheds to provide runoff control and for primary uses. The Cerrillos Reservoir is one of the largest water reservoirs in southern Puerto Rico, and is used as a source of potable water and for recreational activities. After hurricane Maria, in September 2017, many communities were without public water service and have obtained their drinking water from local rivers or their tributaries, without filtration or purification treatment. This research explored the physical-chemical parameters of Cerrillos Reservoir’s surface water from May 2018 to January 2019. The objective of the present study is to assess seasonal variations in surface water quality with respect to physical (temperature, turbidity, and conductivity), chemical (nutrient concentrations: (Phosphorus (P) (Soluble Reactive Phosphorus, phosphate, or orthophosphate) and Nitrogen (N) (nitrate, nitrite, and ammonia)), pH, and dissolved oxygen), and biological (total coliforms and <em>Escherichia coli</em>) parameters. Results suggest that Cerrillos Reservoir did not exceed the parameters of temperature, turbidity, conductivity, pH and DO, established by the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources (PRDNER). The reservoir showed a stable trophic state in relation to inorganic phosphorus and nitrogen as N and P concentrations did not increase sufficiently to disrupt this ecosystem. However, total coliforms exceeded the maximum parameter (23 MPN/100mL - 994 MPN/100mL) established for the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources and are likely to be the results of the disruption caused by hurricane Maria. 展开更多
关键词 Cerrillos Reservoir Water Quality Puerto Rico Post Hurricane maria
Perceptions of Climate Change in Puerto Rico before and after Hurricane Maria
作者 Méndez-Tejeda Rafael María Santos-Corrada Mena Sandra 《American Journal of Climate Change》 2021年第2期153-166,共14页
This article analyzes the perceptions of Puerto Rican citizens of global climate change (GCC) before and after an extreme weather event, specifically Hurricane Maria (HM). The purpose of the current article is to eval... This article analyzes the perceptions of Puerto Rican citizens of global climate change (GCC) before and after an extreme weather event, specifically Hurricane Maria (HM). The purpose of the current article is to evaluate Puerto Ricans’ perceptions of the impact of extreme meteorological phenomena and of GCC before and after HM. This tropical cyclone entered the island as a category IV hurricane on September 17, 2017, causing enormous destruction, loss of life, and economic damage. In this study, two data samples were collected before and after HM struck Puerto Rico (PR) (the second sample was collected approximately six months after the hurricane). Surveyed citizens with general knowledge of GCC increased from 43% to 62%, which the researchers consider a small increase, considering the severe destruction caused by HM. This study also found that Puerto Ricans trust non-profit institutions and the scientific community more than state authorities. Furthermore, 85% of citizens believe that public policies on GCC should be directed by the state (federal, state, and municipal governments);this did not change after HM. In addition, this study found that the poor response of the federal and state governments to the destruction caused by HM increased citizens’ trust in the scientific community. 展开更多
关键词 Puerto Rico Hurricane maria PERCEPTION CLIMATECHANGE
The Interventions of Pietro da Cortona in the Crypt of Santa Maria in Via Lata in Rome, Studied through a Morphometric Three-Dimensional Survey
作者 Lorenzo Pio Massimo Martino 《Open Journal of Civil Engineering》 2014年第2期92-101,共10页
Twenty years after the last archaeological researches and surveys, a new investigation has been carried out on the basement in the church of Santa Maria in Via Lata in Rome. The study has employed three-dimensional su... Twenty years after the last archaeological researches and surveys, a new investigation has been carried out on the basement in the church of Santa Maria in Via Lata in Rome. The study has employed three-dimensional surveys with laser scanning methodology and has focused both on archaeological and architectural issues. Indeed, the present layout of the basement derives from a XVII century remodelling of early Christian and medieval spaces planned by Pietro da Cortona. The architect gave a unique setting and composition to the underground spaces, different in shapes and building materials, thanks to the refinement of his baroque language. Though he worked in small spaces with static problems connected to the foundations and to the loads of the church rising above, and with poor lighting and extreme dampness, Pietro da Cortona put skilfully together “modern” elements with ancient or historical pre-existences. The study focuses on Berrettini’s design process through a three-dimensional analysis with CAD systems, starting from the new XVII century fa?ade and from the articulated distribution of routes that led to the intimate underground interiors. Metrical processing gave the possibility to improve the knowledge about room geometry and to confirm the interpretations put forward by major scholars such as Krautheimer and Cavazzi. 展开更多
关键词 Laser Scanner 3D Pietro DA Cortona History of Architecture SANTA maria in VIA Lata ROME
我最喜爱的女高音——玛丽亚·卡拉斯(Maria Callas)
作者 蔡勉 《音乐时空》 2012年第3X期76-77,共2页
玛丽亚·卡拉斯(Maria Callas)被誉为是20世纪最伟大的歌唱家之一。我想说,她的伟大应当是当之无愧的。不仅仅是她那美妙绝伦的歌喉对我们至深至美的打动;也不仅仅是她近乎完美的歌艺表演令我们彻头彻尾地叹服;我常常想,她一定是上... 玛丽亚·卡拉斯(Maria Callas)被誉为是20世纪最伟大的歌唱家之一。我想说,她的伟大应当是当之无愧的。不仅仅是她那美妙绝伦的歌喉对我们至深至美的打动;也不仅仅是她近乎完美的歌艺表演令我们彻头彻尾地叹服;我常常想,她一定是上帝派来安抚这个世界的,否则。 展开更多
关键词 玛丽亚 maria Callas 卡拉斯 她的声音 这个世界 奥纳西斯 皇家歌剧院 兰德 乡村骑士
Reply to "Discussion 1 on 'Introspection on improper seismic retrofit of Basilica Santa Maria di Collemaggio after 2009 Italian earthquake' by G.P.Cimellaro,A.M.Reinhorn and A.De Stefano" by Vincenzo Ciampi
作者 Gian Paolo Cimellaro Andrei M.Reinhorn Alessandro De Stefano 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第2期283-288,共6页
The authors thank the discusser for his interest and careful review of the paper and his valuable comments. They also welcome this discussion,because it gives the authors the opportunity to clarify several points whic... The authors thank the discusser for his interest and careful review of the paper and his valuable comments. They also welcome this discussion,because it gives the authors the opportunity to clarify several points which were not explained in sufficient detail in the paper,due 展开更多
关键词 Introspection on improper seismic retrofit of Basilica Santa maria di Collemaggio after 2009 Italian earthquake by Vincenzo Ciampi Discussion 1 on Reply to De
The Basilica of Santa Maria di Collemaggio in L'Aquila: Modern Provisional Measures
作者 Sabatino Cecchini Francesca Curotti 《Journal of Civil Engineering and Architecture》 2014年第1期56-65,共10页
关键词 玛丽亚 教堂 地震后 城市环境 结构转变 干预措施 价值观 历史
敦煌出雕版墨印填色版画刍议 被引量:1
作者 马德 胡发强 《敦煌研究》 北大核心 2023年第4期156-169,共14页
敦煌莫高窟藏经洞出土的美术品中有一定数量的雕版印画,其中的几幅墨印填色者,以独存的填色《大悲救苦观音菩萨》色彩最为丰富和完整。敦煌填色版画是中国套色版画的先声,也是影响日本浮世绘的中国版画艺术渊源,在世界美术史上具有重要... 敦煌莫高窟藏经洞出土的美术品中有一定数量的雕版印画,其中的几幅墨印填色者,以独存的填色《大悲救苦观音菩萨》色彩最为丰富和完整。敦煌填色版画是中国套色版画的先声,也是影响日本浮世绘的中国版画艺术渊源,在世界美术史上具有重要的意义和作用。 展开更多
关键词 敦煌观音版画 填色美术 明清版画 浮世绘
梅雨季也要可爱? Maria的初夏BEAUTY
作者 Shun Okamoto Young Ju Kim Hiroe Miyashita 《美眉》 2019年第7期98-103,共6页
这一阵子,在夏天到来之前,湿气和暑气让发型和妆容很难维持,让人心情很低落……这个初夏就是要保持可爱的时候了.摆脱潮湿的妆容和发型,以清爽的形象去迎接夏天吧.头发和脱妆问题没什么大不了.绑的发圈越多,越能遮住炸开的头发.1.起晚... 这一阵子,在夏天到来之前,湿气和暑气让发型和妆容很难维持,让人心情很低落……这个初夏就是要保持可爱的时候了.摆脱潮湿的妆容和发型,以清爽的形象去迎接夏天吧.头发和脱妆问题没什么大不了.绑的发圈越多,越能遮住炸开的头发.1.起晚的日子赶上下雨……讨厌。将炸开的头发束起紧紧绑住,短时间扎一个可爱的发型.湿气会让头发炸开。早上起床晚了又没时间梳头.这种时刻,发圈组合的'短时间扎法'就派上用场了。刘海做成卷曲波浪状会更时髦! 展开更多
关键词 眼线笔 梅雨季 BEAUTY maria
Reply to "Discussion 2 on 'Introspection on improper seismic retrofit of Basilica Santa Maria di Collemaggio after 2009 Italian earthquake' by G.P. Cimellaro, A.M. Reinhorn and A.De Stefano" by Enzo Cartapati
作者 Gian Paolo Cimellaro Andrei M. Reinhorn Alessandro De Stefano 《Earthquake Engineering and Engineering Vibration》 SCIE EI CSCD 2012年第2期291-292,共2页
The authors thank the discusser for the additional information,which is provided related to the historical interventions of the church through the centuries. This information was known to the authors,however they deci... The authors thank the discusser for the additional information,which is provided related to the historical interventions of the church through the centuries. This information was known to the authors,however they decided not to include it in the paper because of lack of space.Additional details regarding the retrofit 展开更多
关键词 Reply to A.M Reinhorn and A.De Stefano Introspection on improper seismic retrofit of Basilica Santa maria di Collemaggio after 2009 Italian earthquake by G.P Discussion 2 on DE
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