目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,...目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,所有患者均接受常规MRI扫描及3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列扫描,对比3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列测量神经根直径的一致性,评价两种序列的图像质量参数[信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)]、图像清晰度评分。结果:3D MERGE和3D SPACE STIR序列测量的L3~S1神经根直径比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且两组序列测量的L3、L4、L5和S1直径均显示出较高相关性(r=0.957,0.986,0.975,0.972,P<0.05);3D MERGE序列的SNR及CNR均高于3D SPACE STIR序列,神经根显示分级、图像清晰度评分优于3D SPACE STIR序列,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列在LDH神经根直径测量中具有极高一致性,3D MERGE序列较3D SPACE STIR序列能够更清晰显示神经跟的解剖形态,图像质量更好。展开更多
Gertrude Stein is regarded as one of the most remarkable writers of the twentieth century.This paper tries to analyze her early work Three Lives under the influence of Williams James from the aspect of Jamesian psycho...Gertrude Stein is regarded as one of the most remarkable writers of the twentieth century.This paper tries to analyze her early work Three Lives under the influence of Williams James from the aspect of Jamesian psychology analysis and the famous prolonged present to conclude that Gertrude Stein is undeniably unorthodox.展开更多
In consultative committee for space data systems(CCSDS) file delivery protocol(CFDP) recommendation of reliable transmission,there are no detail transmission procedure and delay calculation of prompted negative ac...In consultative committee for space data systems(CCSDS) file delivery protocol(CFDP) recommendation of reliable transmission,there are no detail transmission procedure and delay calculation of prompted negative acknowledge and asynchronous negative acknowledge models.CFDP is designed to provide data and storage management,story and forward,custody transfer and reliable end-to-end delivery over deep space characterized by huge latency,intermittent link,asymmetric bandwidth and big bit error rate(BER).Four reliable transmission models are analyzed and an expected file-delivery time is calculated with different trans-mission rates,numbers and sizes of packet data units,BERs and frequencies of external events,etc.By comparison of four CFDP models,the requirement of BER for typical missions in deep space is obtained and rules of choosing CFDP models under different uplink state informations are given,which provides references for protocol models selection,utilization and modification.展开更多
螺旋藻(Spirulina)藻蓝蛋白具有独特的理化特性及生理功能,是药物、食品和化妆品的天然原料,具有较大的开发潜力。为探讨螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白的研究现状与发展前景,对中国知网和Web of Science数据库中1990—2023年发表的文献进行检索并筛选...螺旋藻(Spirulina)藻蓝蛋白具有独特的理化特性及生理功能,是药物、食品和化妆品的天然原料,具有较大的开发潜力。为探讨螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白的研究现状与发展前景,对中国知网和Web of Science数据库中1990—2023年发表的文献进行检索并筛选,使用Cite Space软件对文章发文量、研究团队及研究热点进行图谱分析。综合分析可知,国内年发文量偏少,呈平稳趋势;国外年发文量持续上升,尤其近几年发文量迅速增长,且发文量超过了100篇;国外研究热点集中于藻蓝蛋白在食品、医药行业的应用方面,而国内研究热点集中在提取纯化、稳定性、功能活性的研究与应用,下一步应结合研究现状开发适合规模化生产的提取纯化工艺,进一步加强藻蓝蛋白研究的广度与深度;国内外研究群体主要是高校的相关生物技术学院或研究机构等,总体来讲,学者间存在较为密切的合作,但研究机构间尚未形成紧密的合作关系,在地域上比较分散,各大高校和研究机构应突破地区或机构间的各种限制,促进该研究领域的深度融合和快速发展,深入挖掘藻蓝蛋白在各个领域的潜在应用。展开更多
目的梳理国内多发伤急救相关研究文献,分析研究现状、热点和趋势,为我国多发伤急救研究提供借鉴和指导。方法检索中国知网数据库中2011—2021年关于多发伤急救的相关文献,使用Cite Space 6.1.R3可视化软件对该领域的年发文量、机构、作...目的梳理国内多发伤急救相关研究文献,分析研究现状、热点和趋势,为我国多发伤急救研究提供借鉴和指导。方法检索中国知网数据库中2011—2021年关于多发伤急救的相关文献,使用Cite Space 6.1.R3可视化软件对该领域的年发文量、机构、作者、关键词进行分析。结果最终纳入多发伤急救研究文献2519篇,整体发文数量较平稳,以2016年为小高峰;发文量最高的机构是华中科技大学附属同济医院。多发伤急救研究热点包括院前急救、并发症护理、风险因素分析和预后效果评估,研究前沿包括不同多发伤人群的诊断、治疗、手术和护理体会等方面。结论本文通过可视化分析国内多发伤急救研究的热点及趋势,指明了多发伤目前研究存在的问题和未来研究发展的方向,为进一步完善多发伤急救卫生服务和管理体系提供指导。展开更多
Urbanisation is the key factor underpinning and catalysing changes in food systems, environmental quality, climate change and agriculture livelihoods in the overall urban ecosystem setting and its sustainability. The ...Urbanisation is the key factor underpinning and catalysing changes in food systems, environmental quality, climate change and agriculture livelihoods in the overall urban ecosystem setting and its sustainability. The paper explores Dar es Salaam, a rapidly expanding city in Sub-Saharan Africa, and shows that urban agriculture provides urban ecosystem services and contributes to environmental sustainability. The interconnections of environmental justice, urban ecosystem services and climate change and variability found eminent feature that influence land governance, productivity and aesthetic value of the city. The study reaffirms the pivotal role urban agriculture which plays to enhance community health services and access to resources, with important implications on urban environmental sustainability and redistributive spatial land use planning policies and practices. The process of urbanisation, forms of urban agriculture and government strategies for enhanced urban food systems in the city economy have been highlighted. Equally, the process triggers the transformation of settlements from rural in character to modernity with an augmented land use conflicts. The results suggests that with increasing population, a clear spatial land use planning and management strategy is required to overcome the challenges and enhanced food systems and urban environmental sustainability in rapidly urbanizing cities like Dar es Salaam in Sub-Saharan Africa.展开更多
为了解国内外近10年护理不良事件的研究热点与前沿,为医院管理和临床护士提供参考,保障患者安全,通过检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,检索时限为2012年1月—2022年8月,导入CiteSpace进行可视化分析。研究显示...为了解国内外近10年护理不良事件的研究热点与前沿,为医院管理和临床护士提供参考,保障患者安全,通过检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,检索时限为2012年1月—2022年8月,导入CiteSpace进行可视化分析。研究显示,从发文量看,国内外学者对护理不良事件的关注度整体较高,可视化分析结果并未发现作者之间、机构之间的联系。未来减少护理不良事件的方法一定会越来越紧贴科学技术,越来越多的新型信息化平台、App等会用于医疗行业,降低护理不良事件预防的难度,但护理人员仍要重视护理安全。展开更多
A deep space multi-file delivery protocol(DSMDP) based on LT codes is proposed to reduce the influence of long delay and a high bit error rate(BER) in deep space communication. The protocol increases sending redun...A deep space multi-file delivery protocol(DSMDP) based on LT codes is proposed to reduce the influence of long delay and a high bit error rate(BER) in deep space communication. The protocol increases sending redundancy by LT codes to improve the success rate of file delivery, and adopts different protective strategies for different situations of packet loss. At the same time, the multi-file united delivery strategy is adopted to make full use of the retransmission time to reduce the end-toend transmission delay. Furthermore, the protocol determines the quantity of encoded packets according to the feedback for controlling redundancy. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol can significantly reduce the transmission delay of files, which would be effectively suitable for deep space communication environment of high BER and long delay.展开更多
Since 2011,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)has implemented the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science(SPP).A series of scientific satellites have been developed and launched,such as Dark Matter Particle Explo...Since 2011,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)has implemented the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science(SPP).A series of scientific satellites have been developed and launched,such as Dark Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE),Quantum Experiments at Space Scale(QUESS),Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S),Einstein Probe(EP),and significant scientific outcomes have been achieved.In order to plan the future space science missions in China,CAS has organized the Chinese space science community to conduct medium and long-term development strategy studies,and summarized the major scientific frontiers of space science as“One Black,Two Dark,Three Origins and Five Characterizations”.Five main scientific themes have been identified for China’s future breakthroughs,including the Extreme Universe,Space-Time Ripples,the Panoramic View of the Sun and Earth,the Habitable Planets,and Biological&Physical Science in Space.Space science satellite missions to be implemented before 2030 are proposed accordingly.展开更多
We generalize the formula of β^+-decay half-lives [Phys.Rev.C 78 (2006) 014305] to include all availabledata of nuclei far from the β-stable line. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained by taking into acc...We generalize the formula of β^+-decay half-lives [Phys.Rev.C 78 (2006) 014305] to include all availabledata of nuclei far from the β-stable line. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained by taking into accountthe even-odd (e-o) effect.It is shown that the e-o effect on β^+-deeay half-life is apparent for the allowed β^+-transition,whereas it is not apparent for the first and second forbidden transitions.This demonstrates that the allowed β^+-transitionis more sensitive to the nuclear even-odd effect than the forbidden β^+-transition.The underlying physics is discussed.This formula can be used to predict the β^+-decay half-lives of the nuclei far from β-stability.It is useful to experimentalphysicists for analyzing the data of β^+-decay.展开更多
文摘目的:对比三维多回波恢复梯度回波(3D MERGE)、三维可变反转角快速自旋回波(3D SPACE STIR)序列在腰椎间盘突出症(LDH)检查中的应用效果。方法:选择2020年1月~2022年11月收治的135例LDH患者,回顾性分析患者临床和磁共振成像(MRI)资料,所有患者均接受常规MRI扫描及3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列扫描,对比3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列测量神经根直径的一致性,评价两种序列的图像质量参数[信噪比(SNR)、对比噪声比(CNR)]、图像清晰度评分。结果:3D MERGE和3D SPACE STIR序列测量的L3~S1神经根直径比较差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),且两组序列测量的L3、L4、L5和S1直径均显示出较高相关性(r=0.957,0.986,0.975,0.972,P<0.05);3D MERGE序列的SNR及CNR均高于3D SPACE STIR序列,神经根显示分级、图像清晰度评分优于3D SPACE STIR序列,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论:3D MERGE、3D SPACE STIR序列在LDH神经根直径测量中具有极高一致性,3D MERGE序列较3D SPACE STIR序列能够更清晰显示神经跟的解剖形态,图像质量更好。
文摘Gertrude Stein is regarded as one of the most remarkable writers of the twentieth century.This paper tries to analyze her early work Three Lives under the influence of Williams James from the aspect of Jamesian psychology analysis and the famous prolonged present to conclude that Gertrude Stein is undeniably unorthodox.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Fandation of China (6067208960772075)
文摘In consultative committee for space data systems(CCSDS) file delivery protocol(CFDP) recommendation of reliable transmission,there are no detail transmission procedure and delay calculation of prompted negative acknowledge and asynchronous negative acknowledge models.CFDP is designed to provide data and storage management,story and forward,custody transfer and reliable end-to-end delivery over deep space characterized by huge latency,intermittent link,asymmetric bandwidth and big bit error rate(BER).Four reliable transmission models are analyzed and an expected file-delivery time is calculated with different trans-mission rates,numbers and sizes of packet data units,BERs and frequencies of external events,etc.By comparison of four CFDP models,the requirement of BER for typical missions in deep space is obtained and rules of choosing CFDP models under different uplink state informations are given,which provides references for protocol models selection,utilization and modification.
文摘螺旋藻(Spirulina)藻蓝蛋白具有独特的理化特性及生理功能,是药物、食品和化妆品的天然原料,具有较大的开发潜力。为探讨螺旋藻藻蓝蛋白的研究现状与发展前景,对中国知网和Web of Science数据库中1990—2023年发表的文献进行检索并筛选,使用Cite Space软件对文章发文量、研究团队及研究热点进行图谱分析。综合分析可知,国内年发文量偏少,呈平稳趋势;国外年发文量持续上升,尤其近几年发文量迅速增长,且发文量超过了100篇;国外研究热点集中于藻蓝蛋白在食品、医药行业的应用方面,而国内研究热点集中在提取纯化、稳定性、功能活性的研究与应用,下一步应结合研究现状开发适合规模化生产的提取纯化工艺,进一步加强藻蓝蛋白研究的广度与深度;国内外研究群体主要是高校的相关生物技术学院或研究机构等,总体来讲,学者间存在较为密切的合作,但研究机构间尚未形成紧密的合作关系,在地域上比较分散,各大高校和研究机构应突破地区或机构间的各种限制,促进该研究领域的深度融合和快速发展,深入挖掘藻蓝蛋白在各个领域的潜在应用。
文摘目的梳理国内多发伤急救相关研究文献,分析研究现状、热点和趋势,为我国多发伤急救研究提供借鉴和指导。方法检索中国知网数据库中2011—2021年关于多发伤急救的相关文献,使用Cite Space 6.1.R3可视化软件对该领域的年发文量、机构、作者、关键词进行分析。结果最终纳入多发伤急救研究文献2519篇,整体发文数量较平稳,以2016年为小高峰;发文量最高的机构是华中科技大学附属同济医院。多发伤急救研究热点包括院前急救、并发症护理、风险因素分析和预后效果评估,研究前沿包括不同多发伤人群的诊断、治疗、手术和护理体会等方面。结论本文通过可视化分析国内多发伤急救研究的热点及趋势,指明了多发伤目前研究存在的问题和未来研究发展的方向,为进一步完善多发伤急救卫生服务和管理体系提供指导。
文摘Urbanisation is the key factor underpinning and catalysing changes in food systems, environmental quality, climate change and agriculture livelihoods in the overall urban ecosystem setting and its sustainability. The paper explores Dar es Salaam, a rapidly expanding city in Sub-Saharan Africa, and shows that urban agriculture provides urban ecosystem services and contributes to environmental sustainability. The interconnections of environmental justice, urban ecosystem services and climate change and variability found eminent feature that influence land governance, productivity and aesthetic value of the city. The study reaffirms the pivotal role urban agriculture which plays to enhance community health services and access to resources, with important implications on urban environmental sustainability and redistributive spatial land use planning policies and practices. The process of urbanisation, forms of urban agriculture and government strategies for enhanced urban food systems in the city economy have been highlighted. Equally, the process triggers the transformation of settlements from rural in character to modernity with an augmented land use conflicts. The results suggests that with increasing population, a clear spatial land use planning and management strategy is required to overcome the challenges and enhanced food systems and urban environmental sustainability in rapidly urbanizing cities like Dar es Salaam in Sub-Saharan Africa.
文摘为了解国内外近10年护理不良事件的研究热点与前沿,为医院管理和临床护士提供参考,保障患者安全,通过检索中国期刊全文数据库(CNKI)和Web of Science(WOS)数据库,检索时限为2012年1月—2022年8月,导入CiteSpace进行可视化分析。研究显示,从发文量看,国内外学者对护理不良事件的关注度整体较高,可视化分析结果并未发现作者之间、机构之间的联系。未来减少护理不良事件的方法一定会越来越紧贴科学技术,越来越多的新型信息化平台、App等会用于医疗行业,降低护理不良事件预防的难度,但护理人员仍要重视护理安全。
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(61271261)the Natural Science Foundation Project of CQ CSTC(CSTC2012jjA40048)
文摘A deep space multi-file delivery protocol(DSMDP) based on LT codes is proposed to reduce the influence of long delay and a high bit error rate(BER) in deep space communication. The protocol increases sending redundancy by LT codes to improve the success rate of file delivery, and adopts different protective strategies for different situations of packet loss. At the same time, the multi-file united delivery strategy is adopted to make full use of the retransmission time to reduce the end-toend transmission delay. Furthermore, the protocol determines the quantity of encoded packets according to the feedback for controlling redundancy. The simulation results show that the proposed protocol can significantly reduce the transmission delay of files, which would be effectively suitable for deep space communication environment of high BER and long delay.
基金Supported by Consultation and Evaluation Program on Academic Divisions of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(2022-DX02-B-007)。
文摘Since 2011,the Chinese Academy of Sciences(CAS)has implemented the Strategic Priority Program on Space Science(SPP).A series of scientific satellites have been developed and launched,such as Dark Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE),Quantum Experiments at Space Scale(QUESS),Advanced Space-based Solar Observatory(ASO-S),Einstein Probe(EP),and significant scientific outcomes have been achieved.In order to plan the future space science missions in China,CAS has organized the Chinese space science community to conduct medium and long-term development strategy studies,and summarized the major scientific frontiers of space science as“One Black,Two Dark,Three Origins and Five Characterizations”.Five main scientific themes have been identified for China’s future breakthroughs,including the Extreme Universe,Space-Time Ripples,the Panoramic View of the Sun and Earth,the Habitable Planets,and Biological&Physical Science in Space.Space science satellite missions to be implemented before 2030 are proposed accordingly.
基金The project supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China under Grant Nos. 10535010 and 10775068Major State Basic Research Developing Program under Grant No. 2007CB815004+1 种基金the CAS Knowledge Innovation Project under Grant No. KJCX2-SW-N02the Research Fund of High Education under Grant No. 20010284036
文摘We generalize the formula of β^+-decay half-lives [Phys.Rev.C 78 (2006) 014305] to include all availabledata of nuclei far from the β-stable line. Good agreement with experimental data is obtained by taking into accountthe even-odd (e-o) effect.It is shown that the e-o effect on β^+-deeay half-life is apparent for the allowed β^+-transition,whereas it is not apparent for the first and second forbidden transitions.This demonstrates that the allowed β^+-transitionis more sensitive to the nuclear even-odd effect than the forbidden β^+-transition.The underlying physics is discussed.This formula can be used to predict the β^+-decay half-lives of the nuclei far from β-stability.It is useful to experimentalphysicists for analyzing the data of β^+-decay.