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作者 孙垣 《中国教育学刊》 CSSCI 北大核心 2021年第S01期216-217,共2页
打造一所活力四射、文明高雅的品质学校,就要结合办学特色,将适合学校发展的"TONG"文化作为学校文化特色和魅力德育的有力支撑。鼓励和带领全校师生以德为先、敦品立德,使学校的每一抹空气中都散发着满满的正能量,成为梧桐学... 打造一所活力四射、文明高雅的品质学校,就要结合办学特色,将适合学校发展的"TONG"文化作为学校文化特色和魅力德育的有力支撑。鼓励和带领全校师生以德为先、敦品立德,使学校的每一抹空气中都散发着满满的正能量,成为梧桐学子身心健康发展的精神家园。并秉承"吾必求索、童业有成"的校训,追梦逐梦,为了共同的梦想——成为现实生活中的理想学校,努力奔跑,梦圆梧桐。 展开更多
关键词 魅力 德育 “tong”文化
作者 梁建邦 《渭南师专学报(社会科学版)》 1995年第1期54-54,共1页
读罢《渭南师专学报》(社科版)1994年第3期刊登的王永红同志《“tong”音义探源》一文,感触颇深。作者处处留心。勤于思索,于人们司空见惯中发现问题,探究溯源,刨根问底的精神,实在令人敬佩。然而笔者在翻检有关辞书后,又觉对“t... 读罢《渭南师专学报》(社科版)1994年第3期刊登的王永红同志《“tong”音义探源》一文,感触颇深。作者处处留心。勤于思索,于人们司空见惯中发现问题,探究溯源,刨根问底的精神,实在令人敬佩。然而笔者在翻检有关辞书后,又觉对“tong”字的音义,应再进行一番“探源”。 展开更多
关键词 “tong” 文字 音义 汉语
PMF+双门限Tong检测的北斗B1I信号捕获算法 被引量:1
作者 刁彦华 徐亚丽 +1 位作者 王晓君 刘昊昱 《通信与信息技术》 2024年第2期1-5,共5页
针对传统Tong检测算法检测时间长、漏警概率大的问题,提出将PMF+双门限Tong检测算法应用于北斗B1I信号的捕获中。首先,将射频前端模块处理得到的中频信号下变频至基带,对基带信号进行降速等预处理;然后,利用部分匹配滤波(PMF)算法计算... 针对传统Tong检测算法检测时间长、漏警概率大的问题,提出将PMF+双门限Tong检测算法应用于北斗B1I信号的捕获中。首先,将射频前端模块处理得到的中频信号下变频至基带,对基带信号进行降速等预处理;然后,利用部分匹配滤波(PMF)算法计算相关值,通过PMF算法将数据信号分成几个均等片段,对每一段信号都分别计算相关值,会出现三组具有同相位的相关结果;最后,利用双门限Tong检测算法对PMF算法计算得到的相关结果检测,达到捕获B1I信号的目的。仿真结果表明,利用该算法捕获北斗B1I信号,有效提高了捕获时的检测概率并缩短了检测时间,提高了捕获B1I信号的速度。 展开更多
关键词 B1I信号 匹配滤波 双门限tong检测 信号捕获
作者 赵瑞华 陈思娴 +6 位作者 郭杨 石磊 吴承杰 吴毛 杨光露 张昊恒 马勇 《中国组织工程研究》 CAS 北大核心 2025年第6期1118-1126,共9页
背景:前期研究证实,温肾通督方可通过抑制脾脏B细胞焦亡、促进微血管内皮细胞吞噬髓鞘碎片、影响小胶质细胞迁移和浸润、促进受损神经元恢复、降低脊髓损伤后神经元凋亡等促进脊髓损伤恢复,但其机制尚不明确。目的:探讨温肾通督方对脊... 背景:前期研究证实,温肾通督方可通过抑制脾脏B细胞焦亡、促进微血管内皮细胞吞噬髓鞘碎片、影响小胶质细胞迁移和浸润、促进受损神经元恢复、降低脊髓损伤后神经元凋亡等促进脊髓损伤恢复,但其机制尚不明确。目的:探讨温肾通督方对脊髓损伤小鼠髓系细胞触发受体2(triggering receptor expressed on myeloid cells 2,TREM2)及PI3K/Akt信号通路的影响。方法:取36只C57BL/6小鼠,采用随机数字表法分为假手术组、模型组、温肾通督方组,每组12只。模型组与温肾通督方组采用改良Allen’s法制备小鼠T10脊髓损伤模型,造模后第1天,温肾通督方组灌胃给予温肾通督方,假手术组、模型组灌胃给予生理盐水,每天1次,连续给药28 d。给药期间,通过BMS评分和斜板实验评价各组小鼠运动功能;造模后第7,28天,采用苏木精-伊红染色观察各组小鼠脊髓组织病理变化,免疫荧光染色双标法检测脊髓组织离子化钙结合适配分子1(ionized calcium binding adaptor molecule 1,IBA1)、TREM2蛋白表达,Western blot检测脊髓组织TREM2、PI3K、p-PI3K、Akt、p-Akt、Bcl2、Bax、Caspase3蛋白表达。结果与结论:①BMS评分和斜板实验结果表明,脊髓损伤造模后小鼠后肢运动功能下降,而经过温肾通督方治疗后,脊髓损伤小鼠后肢运动功能明显提升。②苏木精-伊红染色结果显示,与模型组比较,温肾通督方小鼠脊髓组织病理结构明显改善,表现为背侧白质和神经元萎缩程度、细胞质空泡化降低及炎性细胞浸润减少等。③免疫荧光染色结果显示,造模后第7天,模型组IBA1、TREM2蛋白表达均低于假手术组(P<0.05),温肾通督方组IBA1、TREM2蛋白表达均高于模型组(P<0.05);造模后第28天,模型组TREM2蛋白表达低于假手术组(P<0.05),温肾通督方组小鼠脊髓组织中的TREM2蛋白表达高于模型组(P<0.05)。④Western blot检测结果表明,造模后第7天,与假手术组相比,模型组TREM2、Akt蛋白表达及Bcl2/Bax比值降低(P<0.05),p-Akt、Bax蛋白表达及p-Akt/Akt比值升高(P<0.05);与模型组相比,温肾通督方组TREM2、PI3K、p-PI3K、Akt、p-Akt、Bcl2蛋白表达及p-PI3K/PI3K、p-Akt/Ak、Bcl2/Bax比值升高(P<0.05),Bax、Caspase3蛋白表达降低(P<0.05)。造模后第28天,与假手术组相比,模型组TREM2、PI3K、p-PI3K、Akt、p-Akt、Bcl2蛋白表达及Bcl2/Bax比值降低(P<0.05),Bax蛋白表达升高(P<0.05);与模型组相比,温肾通督方组TREM2、PI3K、Akt、p-Akt、Bcl2蛋白表达及Bcl2/Bax比值升高(P<0.05),Bax蛋白表达降低(P<0.05)。⑤结果表明,温肾通督方可能通过上调小胶质细胞TREM2激活PI3K/Akt信号通路,抑制神经元凋亡发挥神经保护作用,进而促进脊髓损伤的修复。 展开更多
关键词 脊髓损伤 温肾通督方 小胶质细胞 髓系细胞触发受体2 PI3K/AKT信号通路
Tong检测算法性能分析及参数设置 被引量:6
作者 朱云龙 丑武胜 杨东凯 《北京航空航天大学学报》 EI CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第3期418-423,共6页
Tong检测算法是常用的信号检测算法,但在其统计性能以及算法参数设置等方面仍缺少全面的结论.针对这些问题,运用统计和递推分析方法对信号搜索单元滞留次数的均值及方差进行了较为详细的理论分析,给出了相应表达式,根据3西格玛原则,提... Tong检测算法是常用的信号检测算法,但在其统计性能以及算法参数设置等方面仍缺少全面的结论.针对这些问题,运用统计和递推分析方法对信号搜索单元滞留次数的均值及方差进行了较为详细的理论分析,给出了相应表达式,根据3西格玛原则,提出了一种最大滞留次数限定方法.分析了检测概率、噪声搜索单元和信号搜索单元平均滞留次数与算法中计数器初值和最大值以及预检测信噪比之间的关系.分析结果表明Tong检测算法参数的设置需依据信号强弱和搜索方式,并折衷考虑对检测概率与噪声搜索单元或信号搜索单元平均滞留次数的影响. 展开更多
关键词 卫星导航 接收机 捕获 检测 tong检测算法
高动态条件下Tong检测技术应用研究 被引量:3
作者 孙晓锋 刘云飞 王西夺 《无线电工程》 2012年第4期34-36,43,共4页
针对Tong检测技术对高动态条件下的检测性能进行了分析。基于高动态大多普勒条件下的应用,进行了Tong检测技术改进研究,提出了改进后检测搜索策略,详细论述了策略改进依据。对搜索单元检测次数及检测概率进行了仿真,从仿真结果可以看出... 针对Tong检测技术对高动态条件下的检测性能进行了分析。基于高动态大多普勒条件下的应用,进行了Tong检测技术改进研究,提出了改进后检测搜索策略,详细论述了策略改进依据。对搜索单元检测次数及检测概率进行了仿真,从仿真结果可以看出,对有信号搜索单元的驻留检测次数明显减少,总检测时间随之变小,有信号单元的总检测概率得到提高,满足高动态条件下的检测要求。 展开更多
关键词 高动态 tong检测 驻留次数 多普勒
作者 云翃 胡紫萱 胡泽浩 《风景园林》 北大核心 2025年第1期114-123,共10页
[目的]城市历史街区主要由高密度的建筑构成,但大多建筑风貌杂糅、街区特征不明确。准确提炼历史街区的风貌特征并划定分区,是后续规划设计的重要依据。[方法]以历史层积性为线索,结合景观基因理论和历史景观特征评估(historic landscap... [目的]城市历史街区主要由高密度的建筑构成,但大多建筑风貌杂糅、街区特征不明确。准确提炼历史街区的风貌特征并划定分区,是后续规划设计的重要依据。[方法]以历史层积性为线索,结合景观基因理论和历史景观特征评估(historic landscape characterisation, HLC)方法,构建精细识别城市历史街区建筑的历史景观特征与分区的技术体系。1)从5个方面对景观基因理论进行优化:强化建筑基因的历史层积分析;调整建筑基因识别原则;完整执行二元基因识别;建立建筑基因的一般分类体系;强化二元基因的关联分析。2)借助K-means聚类算法优化HLC的分区方法。3)以广州泮塘历史街区为例阐述该方法的具体操作。[结果]泮塘历史街区的发展被分为4个历史时期,经历了16种建筑形制的演替,共识别出相互关联的38个显性基因和23个隐性基因。依据K-means聚类算法的空间聚类结果划分出5个历史景观特征分区。[结论]提出的优化方法能有效提取历史街区的建筑特征,并依据建筑基因分布推导历史层积倾向分布,实现历史景观特征分区。该方法完善了历史街区更新改造的认知角度与技术方法。 展开更多
关键词 城市历史街区 改造更新 景观基因 历史层积 历史景观特征评估 广州泮塘
作者 于阳 《语言与文化研究》 2025年第1期178-181,共4页
笔者聚焦于《诗经·邶风·静女》中两个充满象征涵义的关键词——“彤管”和“荑草”。通过引用前人在心理学、符号学等多个领域的研究,本研究选择古汉语语义和象征意义的角度分析,并针对各英文译本进行了比较和批评。研究发现... 笔者聚焦于《诗经·邶风·静女》中两个充满象征涵义的关键词——“彤管”和“荑草”。通过引用前人在心理学、符号学等多个领域的研究,本研究选择古汉语语义和象征意义的角度分析,并针对各英文译本进行了比较和批评。研究发现,多数英文翻译由于缺乏对古汉语和文化背景的深入了解,往往无法准确地传达这两个意象的复杂含义。因此,本文也提出了一个新的翻译方案,旨在更准确地传达“彤管”和“荑草”的多层面含义,从而促进中西文化的交流和理解。 展开更多
关键词 《诗经》英译 彤管 荑草 意象
作者 赵效雨 《广东水利电力职业技术学院学报》 2025年第1期104-108,共5页
清末外交官陈季同1889年出版的《中国故事》是目前已知最早的《聊斋志异》法译节选本。该译本一改往日陈季同倡导的忠实翻译原则,通过改译、删减、归化等策略对原作进行了大刀阔斧的删改。对此,基于勒菲弗尔的翻译改写理论,从当时法国... 清末外交官陈季同1889年出版的《中国故事》是目前已知最早的《聊斋志异》法译节选本。该译本一改往日陈季同倡导的忠实翻译原则,通过改译、删减、归化等策略对原作进行了大刀阔斧的删改。对此,基于勒菲弗尔的翻译改写理论,从当时法国意识形态和诗学规范两方面考察其改译之举,发现其改译目的是适应译语文化,以促进译本的域外接受与传播,重塑积极正面的中国形象。 展开更多
关键词 陈季同 《聊斋志异》 翻译改写 中国形象
Introduction to "Ma Shi Wen Tong"
作者 张楠 《科教导刊》 2015年第10X期23-24,共2页
As the first works of Chinese grammar, "Ma Shi Wen Tong" has epoch-making significance in the history of Chinese grammar. It marks that Chinese grammar study has become an independent science. This research ... As the first works of Chinese grammar, "Ma Shi Wen Tong" has epoch-making significance in the history of Chinese grammar. It marks that Chinese grammar study has become an independent science. This research intends to generalize "Wen Tong". 展开更多
作者 冷向 《安徽建筑工业学院学报(自然科学版)》 1999年第1期18-22,共5页
关键词 董平杂交元 Morley元 等价性
Experimental study of“Tong Xia”purgative method in ameliorating lung injury in acute necrotizing pancreatitis 被引量:31
作者 Xia Q Jiang JM +3 位作者 Gong X Chen GY Li L Huang ZW 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2000年第1期115-118,共4页
AIM To investigate the role of tumor necrosisfactor(TNF)in lung injury during acutenecrotizing pancreatitis(ANP),and thetherapeutic effect of'Tong Xia'purgativemethod in minimizing the severity of lung injury.... AIM To investigate the role of tumor necrosisfactor(TNF)in lung injury during acutenecrotizing pancreatitis(ANP),and thetherapeutic effect of'Tong Xia'purgativemethod in minimizing the severity of lung injury.METHODS Fourteen canines were randomlydivided into 3 groups:the'Tong Xia'treatmentgroup(n = 5)using Dachengqitang;salinecontrol group(n = 5),and the sham operationgroup(n = 4).TNF activity in serum and inbronchoalveolar lavage fluid(BALF),the serumendotoxin levels were measured,and theseverity of lung injury evaluated.RESULTS Elevation of TNF activity was moreprominent in BALF than in serum.TNF activity inserum at 6 and 12 hours and in BALI:wassignificantly decreased in the'Tong Xia'treatment group than in the saline control one(q=21.11,q=12.07,q=9.03,respectively,P【0.01)and the lung injury was significantlyalleviated at 12 hours as compared with that inthe saline group,manifested as amelioration otthe lung wet/ dry weight ratio,decrease inprotein concentration and neutrophils count inBALF,and improvement of pulmonaryinflammatory changes.A positive correlationwas demonstrated between serum TNF activity and endotoxin level.CONCLUSION Hypersecretion of TNF is shownto be one of the major causes of lung injuryduring ANP;'Tong Xia'purgative method couldalleviate the degree of lung injury mediated byTNF. 展开更多
关键词 Subject headings pancreatitis/therapy LUNG disease tumor NECROSIS factor tong XIA METHOD
Tong xie yao fang relieves irritable bowel syndrome in rats via mechanisms involving regulation of 5-hydroxytryptamine and substance P 被引量:29
作者 Yue Yin Lei Zhong +3 位作者 Jian-Wei Wang Xue-Ying Zhao Wen-Jing Zhao Hai-Xue Kuang 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2015年第15期4536-4546,共11页
AIM: To investigate whether the Chinese medicine Tong Xie Yao Fang(TXYF) improves dysfunction in an irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) rat model. METHODS: Thirty baby rats for IBS modeling were separated from mother rats(1... AIM: To investigate whether the Chinese medicine Tong Xie Yao Fang(TXYF) improves dysfunction in an irritable bowel syndrome(IBS) rat model. METHODS: Thirty baby rats for IBS modeling were separated from mother rats(1 h per day) from days 8 to 21, and the rectum was expanded by angioplasty from days 8 to 12. Ten normal rats were used as normal controls. We examined the effects of TXYF on defection frequency, colonic transit function and smooth muscle contraction, and the expression of 5-hydroxytryptamine(5-HT) and substance P(SP) in colonic and hypothalamus tissues by Western blot and RT-PCT techniques in both normal rats and IBS model rats with characterized visceral hypersensitivity.in normal rats and 4.5 ± 1.58 in IBS model rats(P < 0.001). However, the defecation frequency was significantly decreased(3.0 ± 1.25 vs 4.5 ± 1.58, P < 0.05), while the time(in seconds) of colon transit function was significantly increased(256.88 ± 20.32 vs 93.36 ± 17.28, P < 0.001) in IBS + TXYF group rats than in IBS group rats. Increased colonic smooth muscle tension and contract frequency in IBS model rats were significantly decreased by administration of TXYF. Exogenous agonist stimulants increased spontaneous activity and elicited contractions of colon smooth muscle in IBS model rats, and all of these actions were significantly reduced by TXYF involving 5-HT and SP down-regulation. CONCLUSION: TXYF can modulate the activity of the enteric nervous system and alter 5-HT and SP activities, which may contribute to the symptoms of IBS. 展开更多
Effect of Tong Xie Yao Fang on endogenous metabolites in urine of irritable bowel syndrome model rats 被引量:16
作者 Xue-Ying Zhao Jian-Wei Wang +3 位作者 Yue Yin Kai Li Miao Zhang Fu-Ping Yan 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2019年第34期5134-5151,共18页
BACKGROUND Tong Xie Yao Fang is a representative traditional Chinese prescription for the treatment of liver and spleen deficiency,abdominal pain and diarrhea.It has a unique function in the treatment of gastrointesti... BACKGROUND Tong Xie Yao Fang is a representative traditional Chinese prescription for the treatment of liver and spleen deficiency,abdominal pain and diarrhea.It has a unique function in the treatment of gastrointestinal dysfunction including irritable bowel syndrome(IBS),is a common functional bowel disease.Its main symptoms are recurrent abdominal pain,diarrhea,constipation or alternations between diarrhea and constipation.There are obvious differences in metabolites between TCM syndromes.By comparing the body fluid metabolism maps of model animals,metabolomics can discover disease biomarkers,analyze the differences in metabolic pathways and understand the pathological process and the metabolic pathways of substances in the body.Thus,the evaluation of animal models tends to be comprehensive and objective.This may provide further understanding between the interaction between Tong Xie Yao Fang and the IBS model.AIM To evaluate the effect of Tong Xie Yao Fang on IBS rats by using metabolomics method.METHODS Wistar rats were used to establish IBS models,and then randomly divided into four groups:A model control group and three Tong Xie Yao Fang treatment groups(high,medium and low doses).A normal,non-IBS group was established.The rats were treated for 2 wk.On days 0 and 14 of the experimental model,urine was collected for 12 h and was analyzed by ultra-performance liquid chromatography quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry.Nine potential biomarkers were identified,and six major metabolic pathways were found to be related to IBS.RESULTS In the study of metabonomics,nine potential biomarkers including L-serine,4-methylgallic acid,L-threonine,succinylacetone,prolyl-hydroxyproline,valylserine,acetyl citrate,marmesin rutinoside and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan were identified in urine,which were assigned to amino acids,organic acids,succinyl and glycosides.Furthermore,the metabolic pathway of L-serine,L-threonine and 5-hydroxy-L-tryptophan was found in the Kyoto Encyclopedia of Genes and Genomes,which mainly involved the metabolism of cysteine and methionine,vitamin B6 metabolism,serotonin synapse,tryptophan metabolism,sphingolipid metabolism,digestion,absorption of protein and amino acid metabolism.These pathways are related to intestinal dysfunction,inflammatory syndrome,nervous system dysfunction and other diseases.CONCLUSION Tong Xie Yao Fang has pharmacological effects on IBS,and its mechanism may be related to the metabolism of the nine potential biomarkers identified above in urine. 展开更多
关键词 tong Xie YAO Fang IRRITABLE BOWEL syndrome Liver-spleen disharmony ENDOGENOUS METABOLITES Metabolomics
Mucosa repair mechanisms of Tong-Xie-Yao-Fang mediated by CRH-R2 in murine,dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis 被引量:10
作者 Shan-Shan Gong Yi-Hong Fan +5 位作者 Shi-Yi Wang Qing-Qing Han Bin Lv Yi Xu Xi Chen Yao-Er He 《World Journal of Gastroenterology》 SCIE CAS 2018年第16期1766-1778,共13页
AIM To explore the significance of corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH)-receptor(R)2 in mucosal healing of dextran sulfate sodium(DSS)-induced colitis and the effect of Tong-Xie-Yao-Fang(TXYF) on CRH-R2 expression and... AIM To explore the significance of corticotropin-releasing hormone(CRH)-receptor(R)2 in mucosal healing of dextran sulfate sodium(DSS)-induced colitis and the effect of Tong-Xie-Yao-Fang(TXYF) on CRH-R2 expression and regulation.METHODS Ulcerative colitis was induced in mice by administration of 3%(w/v) DSS for 7 d. Once the model was established,mice were administered urocortin-2(30 μg/kg), a peptide which binds exclusively to CRH-R2, or various doses of aqueous TXYF extracts(2.8-11.2 g/kg), a CRH-R2 antagonist Astressin(Ast)2B(20 μg/kg), Ast2B + Ucn2, or Ast2B with various doses of aqueous TXYF extracts for 9 d. Colonic mucosal permeability was then evaluated by measuring the fluorescence intensity in serum. The colitis disease activity index(DAI), histology, body weight loss and colon length were assessed to evaluate the condition of colitis. Terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase d UTP nick-end labeling was used to detect apoptosis of the intestinal epithelial cells. The expression level of Ki-67 represented the proliferation of colonic epithelial cells and was detected by immunohistochemistry. The expression levels of inflammation cytokines IL-6, TNF-α and CXCL-1 were examined in colon tissues using real-time PCR and ELISA kits.RESULTS Compared with the DSS group, mice treated with the CRH-R2 antagonist Ast2B showed greater loss of body weight, shorter colon lengths(4.90 ± 0.32 vs 6.21 ± 0.34 cm, P < 0.05), and higher DAI(3.61 ± 0.53 vs 2.42 ± 0.32, P < 0.05) and histological scores(11.50 ± 1.05 vs 8.33 ± 1.03, P < 0.05). Additionally, the Ast2B group showed increased intestinal permeability(2.76 ± 0.11 μg/mL vs 1.47 ± 0.11 μg/mL, P < 0.001), improved secretion of inflammatory cytokines in colon tissue, and reduced colonic epithelial cell proliferation(4.97 ± 4.25 vs 22.51 ± 8.22, P < 0.05). Increased apoptosis(1422.39 ± 90.71 vs 983.01 ± 98.17, P < 0.001) was also demonstrated. The Ucn2 group demonstrated lower DAI(0.87 ± 0.55 vs 2.42 ± 0.32, P < 0.001) and histological scores(4.33 ± 1.50 vs 8.33 ± 1.03, P < 0.05). Diminished weight loss, longer colon length(9.58 ± 0.62 vs 6.21 ± 0.34 cm, P < 0.001), reduced intestinal permeability(0.75 ± 0.07 vs 1.47 ± 0.11 μg/mL, P < 0.001), inhibited secretion of inflammatory cytokines in colon tissue and increased colonic epithelial cell proliferation(90.04 ± 15.50 vs 22.51 ± 8.22, P < 0.01) were all observed. Reduced apoptosis(149.55 ± 21.68 vs 983.01 ± 98.17, P < 0.05) was also observed. However, significant statistical differences in the results of the Ast2 B group and Ast2 B + Ucn2 group were observed. TXYF was also found to ameliorate symptoms of DSS-induced colitis in mice and to promote mucosal repair like Ucn2. There were significant differences between the Ast2B + TXYF groups and the TXYF groups.CONCLUSION CRH-R2 activates the intestinal mucosal antiinflammatory response by regulating migration, proliferation and apoptosis of intestinal epithelial cells in colitisinduced mice, and plays an important antiinflammatory role. TXYF promotes mucosal repair in colitis mice by regulating CRH-R2. 展开更多
关键词 tong-Xie-Yao-Fang Aqueous extracts Corticotropin-releasing hormone receptor 2 UROCORTIN 2 ASTRESSIN 2B Mucosal healing Ulcerative COLITIS
Fermented Chinese formula Shuan-Tong-Ling attenuates ischemic stroke by inhibiting inflammation and apoptosis 被引量:23
作者 Zhi-gang Mei Ling-jing Tan +3 位作者 Jin-feng Wang Xiao-li Li Wei-feng Huang Hua-jun Zhou 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2017年第3期425-432,共8页
The fermented Chinese formula Shuan-Tong-Ling is composed of radix puerariae(Gegen),salvia miltiorrhiza(Danshen),radix curcuma(Jianghuang),hawthorn(Shanzha),salvia chinensis(Shijianchuan),sinapis alba(Baiji... The fermented Chinese formula Shuan-Tong-Ling is composed of radix puerariae(Gegen),salvia miltiorrhiza(Danshen),radix curcuma(Jianghuang),hawthorn(Shanzha),salvia chinensis(Shijianchuan),sinapis alba(Baijiezi),astragalus(Huangqi),panax japonicas(Zhujieshen),atractylodes macrocephala koidz(Baizhu),radix paeoniae alba(Baishao),bupleurum(Chaihu),chrysanthemum(Juhua),rhizoma cyperi(Xiangfu) and gastrodin(Tianma),whose aqueous extract was fermented with lactobacillus,bacillus aceticus and saccharomycetes.ShuanTong-Ling is a formula used to treat brain diseases including ischemic stroke,migraine,and vascular dementia.Shuan-Tong-Ling attenuated H_2O_2-induced oxidative stress in rat microvascular endothelial cells.However,the potential mechanism involved in these effects is poorly understood.Rats were intragastrically treated with 5.7 or 17.2 m L/kg Shuan-Tong-Ling for 7 days before middle cerebral artery occlusion was induced.The results indicated Shuan-Tong-Ling had a cerebral protective effect by reducing infarct volume and increasing neurological scores.Shuan-Tong-Ling also decreased tumor necrosis factor-α and interleukin-1β levels in the hippocampus on the ischemic side.In addition,Shuan-Tong-Ling upregulated the expression of SIRT1 and Bcl-2 and downregulated the expression of acetylated-protein 53 and Bax.Injection of 5 mg/kg silent information regulator 1(SIRT1) inhibitor EX527 into the subarachnoid space once every 2 days,four times,reversed the above changes.These results demonstrate that Shuan-Tong-Ling might benefit cerebral ischemia/reperfusion injury by reducing inflammation and apoptosis through activation of the SIRT1 signaling pathway. 展开更多
关键词 nerve regeneration traditional Chinese medicine ferment Shuan-tong-Ling middle cerebral artery occlusion cerebral ischemia/reperfusion silent information regulator 1 INFLAMMATION APOPTOSIS tumor necrosis factor-alpha interleukin-1 beta Bcl-2 Bax acetylated-protein 53 neural regeneration
Experimental investigation on the prevention of delayed cerebral vasospasm with Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang 被引量:3
作者 熊家锐 段传志 +3 位作者 王玉斌 王庆宣 成文平 赵刚 《中国临床康复》 CSCD 2002年第6期912-912,915,共2页
Objective To investigate the prevention effects and the physicochemical mechanisms of action of Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang on delayed cerebral vasospasm(DCD) after subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH).Methods Macaca cynomolgus we... Objective To investigate the prevention effects and the physicochemical mechanisms of action of Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang on delayed cerebral vasospasm(DCD) after subarachnoid hemorrhage(SAH).Methods Macaca cynomolgus were divided into two groups and underwent craniectomy,a semipermeable microdialysis catheter was placed adjacent to right middle cerebral artery (MCA).Therapeutic group were exposed to Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang and control group to placebo via oral .Results The diameter of proximal MCA in therapeutic group changed slightly on 7th day after operation(P >0.05),whereas it decreased prominently(P< 0.05) in control group with severe vasospasm.OxyHb concentration:There’s no significant difference between the two groups on 2nd ~5th day(P >0.05),the concentration of therapeutic group(was zero after 8 days) was lower than that of control group (became zero after 12 days) on 6th ~8th day(P< 0.05).The peak value of therapeutic group (on 5th day) was lower than that of control group (on 7th day)(P< 0.05).Conclusion Tong Qiao Huo Xue Tang can prevent DCV after SAH effectively and decreasing OxyHb concentration around vessels after SAH maybe the mechanism. 展开更多
关键词 蛛网膜下腔出血 迟发性脑血管痉挛 通窍活血汤 中医药疗法 脑血管造影
Effect of Tong-Qiao-Huo-Xue decoction on the expressions of related proteins of the blood-brain barrier and analysis of constituents in cerebrospinal fluid of cerebral ischemic rats 被引量:1
作者 Ning WANG Li-li LI +3 位作者 Qi-zhong JIN Ya-fang LIU Guang-yun WANG Yan WANG 《中国药理学与毒理学杂志》 CAS CSCD 北大核心 2015年第S1期49-49,共1页
OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of Tong-Qiao-Huo-Xue decoction(TQHXD)on the bloodbrain barrier(BBB)permeability and the expressions of related proteins on the rats;and to analyse the constituents in the cerebrospina... OBJECTIVE To evaluate the effects of Tong-Qiao-Huo-Xue decoction(TQHXD)on the bloodbrain barrier(BBB)permeability and the expressions of related proteins on the rats;and to analyse the constituents in the cerebrospinal fluid on the rats with cerebral ischemic injury.METHODS Cerebral ischemia rats were induced by middle cerebral artery occlusion(MCAO).Adult male sprague-dawley(SD)rats were randomly divided into seven groups:sham-group;model group;nimodipine(NMP)-treated group and nao mai tai(NMT)-treated group were set as positive drug control groups;TQHXD-treated group(3,6 and 12g·kg-1body weight);The neurological function of rats was estimated by neurological defect scoring after the 1,7and 15 dafter administration.Histological structure of the brain in rats were observed by hematoxylin and eosin(H&E)staining.Ultramicrostructural features of hippocampus neurons and the opening of tight junction(TJ)of BBB in rats were observed by transmission electron microscope(TEM).Western blotting was performed to detect the expression of ZO-1,occludin,claudin-5,AQP-4 and MMP-9 in BBB after cerebral ischemia injury.Component analysis experiments:adult male SD rats were randomly divided into four groups:Distilled water was administered intragastrically sham-operated rats;Distilled water was administered intragastrically model rats by MCAO;TQHXD was administered intragatrically to rats in sham-operated group;TQHXD was administered intragestrically to rats in model group by MCAO.GC and HPLC was used to detect three compounds,namely,muscone,ligustilide and hydroxysafflor yellow A,in rats cerebrospinal fluid(CSF)after oral administration of TQHXD.Finally,samples of cerebrospinal fluid of rats in each group were compared with single medicine so as to explicit the three compounds come from which herb.RESULTS TQHXD significantly reduced the neurological defect scores.Histological examination indicated that dense neuropil and largely surviving neurons had been seen in TQHXD-treated rats.TEM observation revealed that TQHXD could significantly inhibit the damage of hippocampal neurons and reduce the opening of TJ.The decreased protein expression levels of claudin-5,occludin,ZO-1 and the increased protein expression levels of AQP-4 and MMP-9in cerebral ischemia tissue were significantly prevented by treatment of TQHXD.Analysis of experimental results showed that muscone,ligustilide and hydroxysafflor yellow A could penetrate the BBB into the CSF,and the content of the model group was lower than that of sham group after intragastric administration of TQHXD.CONCLUSION These results demonstrated that TQHXD may act as a potential neuroprotective agent against BBB damage for cerebral ischemia through protecting of hippocampus neurons,reducing the opening of TJ and decreasing the permeability of BBB by up-regulating ZO-1,occludin,claudin-5 expressions,down-regulating AQP-4 and MMP-9 expressions.The effect of TQHXD on the decrease of the opening of TJ also reduced the content of muscone,ligustilide and hydroxysafflor yellow A in cerebrospinal fluid. 展开更多
关键词 tong-Qiao-Huo-Xue-Decoction blood-brain barrier ti
Modified Tong Xie Yao Fang relieves solitary rectal ulcer syndrome:A case report 被引量:2
作者 Li-Li Zhang Wan-Shan Hao +2 位作者 Meng Xu Chang Li Yuan-Yuan Shi 《World Journal of Clinical Cases》 SCIE 2019年第15期2058-2064,共7页
BACKGROUND Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome(SRUS)is a rare rectal disorder characterized by bloody mucus in the stool,difficulty in defecation,pain,and anal swelling.To date,the etiology of this syndrome remains not wel... BACKGROUND Solitary rectal ulcer syndrome(SRUS)is a rare rectal disorder characterized by bloody mucus in the stool,difficulty in defecation,pain,and anal swelling.To date,the etiology of this syndrome remains not well understood and the diagnosis is frequently confused with other disorders,making treatment a clinical challenge.CASE SUMMARY A 50-year-old woman presented to our hospital with a 40-d history of bloody mucus in the stool and anal swelling.SRUS was suspected.Rectoscopy revealed a large,severe ulcerous lesion.Histologically,the lesion was characterized as chronic ulcer without clear tumor cells,and the final diagnosis of SRUS was made.The patient was treated with Chinese medicine therapy,with administration of Tong Xie Yao Fang.After 3 wk of treatment,the symptoms improved significantly.At 2-mo follow-up,rectoscopy in a local hospital showed healed ulcer scars without obvious protrusion 3 cm from the anal verge.CONCLUSION Chinese medicine therapy represents a potential treatment of SRUS with predominant rectal bleeding,mucinous discharge,and anal swelling pain. 展开更多
关键词 Solitary RECTAL ULCER syndrome CHINESE formulas tong Xie YAO Fang Er SHEN WAN Ding Zhi Xiao WAN CHINESE medicine therapy Case report
Chinese herbal formula Tongluo Jiunao injection protects against cerebral ischemia by activating neurotrophin 3/tropomyosin-related kinase C pathway 被引量:1
作者 Peiman Alesheikh Arezou Mashoufi +5 位作者 Hui-ling Tang Wei Zhang Bo Di Yang-yang Yan Peng-tao Li Yan-shu Pan 《Neural Regeneration Research》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2015年第3期445-450,共6页
The Chinese herbal formula Tongluo fiunao, containing the active components Panax notogin- seng and Gardenia jasminoides, has recently been patented and is in use clinically. It is known to be neuroprotective in cereb... The Chinese herbal formula Tongluo fiunao, containing the active components Panax notogin- seng and Gardenia jasminoides, has recently been patented and is in use clinically. It is known to be neuroprotective in cerebral ischemia, but the underlying pathway remains poorly understood. In the present study, we established a rat model of cerebral ischemia by occlusion of the middle cerebral artery, and administered Tongluo Jiunao, a positive control (Xuesai Tong, containing Panax notoginseng) or saline intraperitoneally to investigate the pathway involved in the action of TongIuo fiunao injection. 2,3,5-Triphenyltetrazolium chloride (TTC) staining showed that the cerebral infarct area was significantly smaller in model rats that received Tongluo fiunao than in those that received saline. Enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay revealed significantly greater expression of neurotrophin 3 and growth-associated protein 43 in ischemic cerebral tissue, and serum levels of neurotrophin 3, in the Tongluo Jiunao group than in the saline group. The reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction and immunohistochemical staining showed that after treatment with Tongluo fiunao or Xuesai Tong, tropomyosin-related kinase C gene expression and immunoreactivity were significantly elevated compared with saline, with the greatest expression observed after Tongluo Jiunao treatment. These findings suggest that Tongluo Jiunao injection exerts a neuroprotective effect in rats with cerebral ischemia by activating the neurotrophin 3/ tropomyosin-related kinase C pathway. 展开更多
关键词 neural regeneration cerebral ischemia Chinese herbal formula Tneurotrophic factor ongluo Jiunao injection nerve growth factor receptor Xuesai tong NEUROPROTECTION NSFC grant NEUROPROTECTION neural regeneration
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