Recently, when evaluating the achievements China has made during the his- torical periods before and after reform and opening-up, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out, "The socialist construction conducted by the...Recently, when evaluating the achievements China has made during the his- torical periods before and after reform and opening-up, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out, "The socialist construction conducted by the people under the leadership of our Party is divided into two historical periods--before and after reform and opening-up. The two periods are in- terconnected, but also different from each other. However, they both essen- tially reflect the practical explorations of socialist construction conducted by the people under the leadership of the Party. Socialism with Chinese characteristics began to take shape in the new era of reform and opening- up, but it is also grounded in New China's 20-plus years of experience in building and carrying out the basic system of socialism... Although the two historical periods have huge dif- ferences in the guidelines, policies,展开更多
It has been found for a long time, with analysing the variation of the relative number of sunspot, that there exist the periodicity of 11 years in solar activity. With the deepening research of the varied solar active...It has been found for a long time, with analysing the variation of the relative number of sunspot, that there exist the periodicity of 11 years in solar activity. With the deepening research of the varied solar active phenomena, a series of periodicities with different periods have been also found in solar activity. For example, there is the periodicity of about 80 days for the occurrence, rate of proton flares for solar activity cycles 19 and 20 found by Ai and Fan ci:i at 1974. Recently a periodicity of about 152 days of the occurrence rate of solar flares has been proposed by some authors. a3’5】7:i The existence of this periodicity hsa been proved in the various solar flares. In this paper using the data of solar microwave bursts from January 1986 to December 1988, a Fourier analysis of the occurrence rate of solar microwave bursts has been made. There was no periodicity for the occurrence rate of solar microwave bursts of about 152 days found. This is a new result for solar cycle 22 in the first展开更多
Bangiales is the only order of the Bangiophyceae and has been suggested to be monophyletic. This order contains approximately 190 species and is distributed worldwide. Previous molecular studies have produced robust p...Bangiales is the only order of the Bangiophyceae and has been suggested to be monophyletic. This order contains approximately 190 species and is distributed worldwide. Previous molecular studies have produced robust phylogenies among the red algae, but the divergence times, historical biogeography and evolutionary rates of Bangiales have rarely been studied. Phylogenetic relationships within the Bangiales were examined using the concatenated gene sets from all available organellar genomes. This analysis has revealed the topology((( Bangia, Porphyra) Pyropia) Wildemania). Molecular dating indicates that Bangiales diversifi ed approximately 246.40 million years ago(95% highest posterior density(HPD)= 194.78–318.24 Ma, posterior probability(PP)=0.99) in the Late Permian and Early Triassic, and that the ancestral species most likely originated from eastern Gondwanaland(currently New Zealand and Australia) and subsequently began to spread and evolve worldwide. Based on pairwise comparisons, we found a slower rate of nucleotide substitutions and lower rates of diversifi cation in Bangiales relative to Florideophyceae. Compared with Viridiplantae(green algae and land plants), the evolutionary rates of Bangiales and other Rhodophyte groups were found to be dramatically faster, by more than 3-fold for plastid genome(ptDNA) and 15-fold for mitochondrial genome(mtDNA). In addition, an average 2.5-fold lower dN/dS was found for the algae than for the land plants, which indicates purifying selection of the algae.展开更多
The spatial resolution of source data, the impact factor selection on the grid model and the size of the grid might be the main limitations of global land datasets applied on a regional scale. Quantitative studies of ...The spatial resolution of source data, the impact factor selection on the grid model and the size of the grid might be the main limitations of global land datasets applied on a regional scale. Quantitative studies of the impacts of rasterization on data accuracy can help improve data resolution and regional data accuracy. Through a case study of cropland data for Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in China, this research compared data accuracy with different data sources, rasterization methods, and grid sizes. First, we investigated the influence of different data sources on gridded data accuracy. The temporal trends of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE), Chinese Historical Cropland Data (CHCD), and Suwan Cropland Data (SWCD) datasets were more similar. However, differ- ent spatial resolutions of cropland source data in the CHCD and SWCD datasets revealed an average difference of 16.61% when provin- cial and county data were downscaled to a 10 x 10 km2 grid for comparison. Second, the influence of selection of the potential arable land reclamation rate and temperature factors, as well as the different processing methods for water factors, on accuracy of gridded datasets was investigated. Applying the reclamation rate of potential cropland to grid-processing increased the diversity of spatial distri- bution but resulted in only a slightly greater standard deviation, which increased by 4.05. Temperature factors only produced relative disparities within 10% and absolute disparities within 2 km2 over more than 90% of grid cells. For the different processing methods for water factors, the HYDE dataset distributed 70% more cropland in grid cells along riverbanks, at the abandoned Yellow River Estuary (located in Binhai County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province), and around Hongze Lake, than did the SWCD dataset. Finally, we ex- plored the influence of different grid sizes. Absolute accuracy disparities by unit area for the year 2000 were within 0.1 km2 at a 1 km2 grid size, a 25% improvement over the 10 km2 grid size. Compared to the outcomes of other similar studies, this demonstrates that some model hypotheses and grid-processing methods in international land datasets are truly incongruent with actual land reclamation proc- esses, at least in China. Combining the model-based methods with historical empirical data may be a better way to improve the accuracy of regional scale datasets. Exploring methods for the above aspects improved the accuracy of historical crop/and gridded datasets for finer regional scales.展开更多
Estivation, hibernation, and starvation are indispensable inactive states of sea cucumbers Apostichopusjaponicus in nature and in culture ponds. Generally, temperature is the principal factor that induces estivation o...Estivation, hibernation, and starvation are indispensable inactive states of sea cucumbers Apostichopusjaponicus in nature and in culture ponds. Generally, temperature is the principal factor that induces estivation or hibernation in the sea cucumber. The present study provided insight into the physiological adaptations ofA. japonicus during the three types of inactivity (hibernation, estivation, and starvation) by measuring the oxygen consumption rates (Vo2) and biochemical compositions under laboratory conditions of low (3℃), normal (17℃) and high (24℃) temperature. The results show that the characteristics of A. japonicus in dormancy (hibernation and estivation) states were quite different from higher animals, such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, but more closely resembled a semi-dormant state. It was observed that the shift in the A. japonicus physiological state from normal to dormancy was a chronic rather than acute process, indicated by the gradual depression of metabolic rate. While metabolic rates declined 44.9% for the estivation group and 71.7% for the hibernation group, relative to initial rates, during the 36 d culture period, metabolic rates were not maintained at constant levels during these states. The metabolic depression processes for sea cucumbers in hibernation and estivation appeared to be a passive and an active metabolic suppression, respectively. In contrast, the metabolic rates (128.904-11.70 μg/g h) of estivating sea cucumbers were notably higher (107.85±6.31 μg/gh) than in starving sea cucumbers at 17℃, which indicated that the dormancy mechanism here, as a physiological inhibition, was not as efficient as in higher animals. Finally, the principle metabolic substrate or energy source of sea cucumbers in hibernation was lipid, whereas in estivation they mainly consumed protein in the early times and both protein and lipid thereafter.展开更多
Lop Sea,located at the east end of the Tarim Basin,Northwest China,dried up permanently,which is the terminal lake of the Tarim River.Lop Sea was considered as the lake basin of Lop Nor since Quaternary.However,the po...Lop Sea,located at the east end of the Tarim Basin,Northwest China,dried up permanently,which is the terminal lake of the Tarim River.Lop Sea was considered as the lake basin of Lop Nor since Quaternary.However,the possibility that Lop Nor was away from the Lop Sea in historical time is crucial to be discussed to interpret the proxy records in sediment profiles.To obtain a general view of the evolution of Lop Nor and Lop Sea in a historical period,several approaches were adopted in this paper.First,the Qianlong Thirteen-Row Atlas,an ancient imperial atlas of the Qing Dynasty,which was completed around 1760,indicated that the Tarim River formed a relatively large lake at its modern upstream region.Second,a Digital Elevation Model(DEM)with a 10-m spatial resolution and a relative precision of 0.42 m was derived from TanDEM-X/Terra SAR-X satellite image pairs using the interferometry method,which was verified using ICESat-GLAS laser footprints and a local DEM acquired by a drone.Finally,based on the spatial analysis of historical documents,expedition reports,sediment profiles and archaeological evidence,it can be deduced that the lacustrine deposition was discontinued in the Lop Sea.Six episodes in the evolutionary history of the drainage system in eastern Tarim Basin were summarized.The proved depositional condition variations could be used for future interpretation of proxy records in sediment.The high-accurate DEM provided a reference for the location of further fieldwork in the Lop Sea.The method proposed in this paper may be efficient for the research of inland lakes or rivers in global arid regions.展开更多
The observations of Global Positioning System(GPS) scintillation,Total Electron Content(TEC)depletion,the periodic structure of TEC and Rate of TEC Index(ROTI) over south China were presented.Data were collected from ...The observations of Global Positioning System(GPS) scintillation,Total Electron Content(TEC)depletion,the periodic structure of TEC and Rate of TEC Index(ROTI) over south China were presented.Data were collected from GPS observations at stations of Shenzhen and Guangzhou from 2011 to 2012.This study reported that the ratio of simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletions with strong scintillations was higher than that of TEC depletions with weak scintillations in vernal and autumnal equinoxes of 2011 over South China.The number of the periodic structures of TEC with depletion contained was greater than that with no depletion contained corresponding to strong scintillations.The structure of the slab of plasma irregularities could be responsible for the simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletion with strong scintillations and ROTI.Before and during the occurrences of strong scintillation,there was Large-Scale Wave Structure(LSWS) which provided the seed ionization perturbation to trigger ESF irregularities and contributed to the periodic structure of TEC.展开更多
in this paper, 4N-HCLAIA method was adopted to conduct digestive tests in young female and male Dongtian F1 red deer (Cervus elaphus) of rearing seperatefy in growth period and mixed raising in weaning period in this paper, 4N-HCLAIA method was adopted to conduct digestive tests in young female and male Dongtian F1 red deer (Cervus elaphus) of rearing seperatefy in growth period and mixed raising in weaning period in Harbin Specialty Research Institute. Results indicated that digestive rate of crude protein and crude fiber were 95.35% and 73.68% respectively when rational protein content was 26.8% in growth period. Digestive rate was not significantly different between female and male(P>0.05)i During weaning period, When rational crude protein content is 22.06%, digestive rate of crude protein and crude fiber were 93.05% and 63.96%, respectively. The tests suggest that higher rational protein can be effective in accelerating groWth of young Dongtian F1 red deer during growth period and weaning period(before 10 months old).展开更多
The rate of change of wave surface elevation is of much importance in ocean engineering, especially for the determination of the limitation of wave breaking. This paper gives a kind of joint distribution of wave perio...The rate of change of wave surface elevation is of much importance in ocean engineering, especially for the determination of the limitation of wave breaking. This paper gives a kind of joint distribution of wave periods and the rate of change of wave surface elevation by means of calculation of the two-order to four-order moment of the frequency spectrum based on the linear wave theory. For the first time, the distribution density function of wave periods determined by peaks is provided, and the conclusion is drawn that the rate of change of wave surface elevation obeys the Rayleigh distribution.展开更多
In this paper, we study the non-isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic system with a time periodic external force in R^n. Under the condition that the optimal time decay rates are obtained by spectral analysis, w...In this paper, we study the non-isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic system with a time periodic external force in R^n. Under the condition that the optimal time decay rates are obtained by spectral analysis, we show that the existence, uniqueness and time-asymptotic stability of time periodic solutions when the space dimension n 〉 5. Our proof is based on a combination of the energy method and the contraction mapping theorem.展开更多
Deprivation is an environmental experience that organisms are continually exposed to. However, few studies analyze deprivation effects on the consumption pattern during the post-deprivation period systematically. The ...Deprivation is an environmental experience that organisms are continually exposed to. However, few studies analyze deprivation effects on the consumption pattern during the post-deprivation period systematically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the deprivation effect on feeding pattern, growth rate and body weight during post-deprivation. Sixteen albino rats (3 months old at the beginning of the experiment) were exposed to 72-hour total food deprivation every 15 days. Food and water were freely available during non-deprivation periods. Rats completed three cycles comprised by a free access period followed by food deprivation. Once deprivation was removed, food and water consumption increased and then decreased, while body weight was recovered. Growth rate increased after every deprivation period and reached similar levels to those presented by the control group. Depriving rats from one commodity (i.e., food) cause them to restrain their consumption of the other freely available commodity (i.e., water). Results confirm that food deprivation modifies growth rate, water and food consumption. Additionally, during post-deprivation period, differences between males and females were not registered.展开更多
There are over 100 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in the United States. The majority of these HBCUs are located in the southeast section of the United States. HBCUs are a major supplier of cert...There are over 100 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in the United States. The majority of these HBCUs are located in the southeast section of the United States. HBCUs are a major supplier of certified public accountants (CPAs) to the profession. Therefore, the performance of candidates from HBCUs should be of interest to various constituents including educators, employers, parents, students, and other stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to provide statistical performance on the 2011 CPA examination for large, middle, and small HBCUs based upon the number of testing events taken. Taking a testing event is not the same as passing a testing event. This was the dichotomy between quantity and quality of HBCUs' performances. For large HBCUs, Morehouse University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), and Tennessee State University (TSU) were cited. For middle HBCUs, Albany State University, Norfolk State University (NSU), and North Carolina Central University (NCCU) were cited. For small HBCUs, Alcorn State University, Fisk University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) were cited. The dichotomy between quantity and quality is real.展开更多
In this paper, we investigate the existence of time-periodic solutions to the n-dimension hydrodynamic model for a reacting mixture with a time-periodic external force when the dimension is under some smallness assump...In this paper, we investigate the existence of time-periodic solutions to the n-dimension hydrodynamic model for a reacting mixture with a time-periodic external force when the dimension is under some smallness assumption. The energy method combined with the spectral analysis is used to obtain the optimal decay estimates on the linearized solution operator. We study the existence and uniqueness of the time-periodic solution in some suitable function space by using a fixed point method and the decay estimates. Furthermore, we obtain the time asymptotic stability of the time-periodic solution.展开更多
The precipitation and age hardening response of the solid-soluted Mg–10Gd–1Er–1Zn–0.6Zr(wt.%)alloy performed by water-quenching(QC),air-cooling(AC)and furnace-cooling(FC)in terms of the volume fraction of precipit...The precipitation and age hardening response of the solid-soluted Mg–10Gd–1Er–1Zn–0.6Zr(wt.%)alloy performed by water-quenching(QC),air-cooling(AC)and furnace-cooling(FC)in terms of the volume fraction of precipitates and tensile properties were investigated in present paper.Results indicated the solid-soluted alloy contained stacking faults(SFs)and long period stacking ordered(LPSO)phase on the basal planes regardless of the cooling rate,but a larger volume fraction of the LPSO phase was formed with decreasing in the cooling rate.After aging,βandβ1 phases precipitated on the prismatic planes,and their number density decreased but mean particle size increased with decreasing in the cooling rate.The solid-soluted alloys(QC,AC and FC samples)showed no apparent difference in yield strength(YS),but their correspondent peak-aged alloys exhibited sharp difference in hardening response.The strongest hardening response took place in the QC sample and showed 82MPa enhancement in YS,which was much larger than that of AC(+26MPa)and FC samples(+5MPa).The reason lies in that the higher cooling rate promotes the precipitation and reduces the average size ofβprecipitate.A novel cooling-rate controlled precipitation model with respect to the correlation of precipitates on basal and prismatic planes was established.From this model,the basal precipitates showed a restrictive effect on the growth and/or coarsening ofβprecipitate,and composite precipitates containing theβphase with fine size as well as high area-number density and lower volume fraction of the LPSO phase are preferred to strengthen the Mg–10Gd–1Er–1Zn–0.6Zr alloy.展开更多
[Objectives] To clarify the appropriate harvest period of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. seed and improve the quality of seeds. [Methods] In this experiment,the basic parameters and germination characteristics of A. oxyphylla...[Objectives] To clarify the appropriate harvest period of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. seed and improve the quality of seeds. [Methods] In this experiment,the basic parameters and germination characteristics of A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds during different harvest periods were analyzed and compared. [Results] The results showed that the A. oxyphylla Miq. fruit picking period was closely related to the seed quality,and the seed maturity was highest 100 d after the flowering of A. oxyphylla Miq.,that is,the A. oxyphylla Miq. fruit skin turned from green to yellow( yellow-green),the peel had a small number of brown spots,it was spicy enough,the fruit dry/fresh weight ratio was greater than0. 34,the seed thousand kernel weight reached 11 g or more,and the dried seed moisture content was 13. 01%. Using the TTC method,the seed viability index was determined to be 85%,and in this case,it was the best time of harvesting seed. The water permeability of A. oxyphylla Miq. seed was poor,and the seed imbibition and water absorption time was long,about 72 h. The maximum water absorption rate was about23. 71% at the imbibition and water absorption stage,and it was inferred that the A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds were hard seeds. The germination time of A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds was long,the mature A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds began to germinate on the 12 th d,and the germination rate reached 75. 56% on the 50 th d. [Conclusions] This study determined the optimum harvest period of A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds,clarified the biological characteristics of slow seed water absorption and long germination cycle,and concluded that the seed coat was the main factor leading to slow seed water absorption and long seed germination cycle.展开更多
This paper discusses causes of the rate ripple in inertia guidance test equipment IGET, systematically analyses their effects an the rate ripple in IGTE. The analysis result shows: The rate ripple caused by the perio...This paper discusses causes of the rate ripple in inertia guidance test equipment IGET, systematically analyses their effects an the rate ripple in IGTE. The analysis result shows: The rate ripple caused by the periodic errors of inductosyn and angular encoder is higher at high speed than that caused by magnetic ripple torque and friction torque, and it cannot be eliminated by adjusting control parameters of the system. And based on the nonlinear adaptive control system theory, the paper puts forward a new control system scheme to eliminate the rate ripple caused by the periodic errors of inductosyn and angular encoder, develops the adaptive control rules and makes simulation and test. Experimental result shows a significant improvement on those tables for the period disturbs under the system scheme designed. By this plan, with the input of rate 200°/s, the rate ripple falls from 5°/s to 0. 4°/s within about 6s adaptive adjustment time, being a twelfth of before adaptation, which can not be reached by common classical controls. The experimental results conform with the simulation, which proves the validity and practicability of the plan.展开更多
The first year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan saw historic progress in China’s tourism, as it maintained the momentum of rapid development in the Eighth Five-Year Plan period. 1. China’s international tourism service b...The first year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan saw historic progress in China’s tourism, as it maintained the momentum of rapid development in the Eighth Five-Year Plan period. 1. China’s international tourism service broke through US$10 billion of profit earnings in 1996, and international tourist sources continued to maintain a strong development momentum, witnessing a growth rate of 10 percent. In the year, we accepted 51.12 million overseas tourists, including 6.74 million foreign tourists, respective展开更多
In order to improve the effect of water control and oil stabilization during high water cut period, a mathematical model of five point method well group was established with the high water cut well group of an Oilfiel...In order to improve the effect of water control and oil stabilization during high water cut period, a mathematical model of five point method well group was established with the high water cut well group of an Oilfield as the target area, the variation law of water cut and recovery factor of different injection parameters was analyzed, and the optimization research of injection parameters of polymer enhanced foam flooding was carried out. The results show that the higher the injection rate, the lower the water content curve, and the higher the oil recovery rate. As the foam defoamed when encountering oil, when the injection time was earlier than 80% of water cut, the later the injection time was, the better the oil displacement effect would be. When the injection time was later than 80% of water cut, the later the injection time was, the worse the oil displacement effect would be. The larger the injection volume, the lower the water content curve and the higher the recovery rate. After the injection volume exceeded 0.2 PV, the amplitude of changes in water content and recovery rate slowed down. The optimal injection parameters of profile control agent for high water content well group in Oilfield A were: injection rate of 15 m<sup>3</sup>/d, injection timing of 80% water content, and injection volume of 0.2 PV.展开更多
文摘Recently, when evaluating the achievements China has made during the his- torical periods before and after reform and opening-up, Chinese President Xi Jinping pointed out, "The socialist construction conducted by the people under the leadership of our Party is divided into two historical periods--before and after reform and opening-up. The two periods are in- terconnected, but also different from each other. However, they both essen- tially reflect the practical explorations of socialist construction conducted by the people under the leadership of the Party. Socialism with Chinese characteristics began to take shape in the new era of reform and opening- up, but it is also grounded in New China's 20-plus years of experience in building and carrying out the basic system of socialism... Although the two historical periods have huge dif- ferences in the guidelines, policies,
文摘It has been found for a long time, with analysing the variation of the relative number of sunspot, that there exist the periodicity of 11 years in solar activity. With the deepening research of the varied solar active phenomena, a series of periodicities with different periods have been also found in solar activity. For example, there is the periodicity of about 80 days for the occurrence, rate of proton flares for solar activity cycles 19 and 20 found by Ai and Fan ci:i at 1974. Recently a periodicity of about 152 days of the occurrence rate of solar flares has been proposed by some authors. a3’5】7:i The existence of this periodicity hsa been proved in the various solar flares. In this paper using the data of solar microwave bursts from January 1986 to December 1988, a Fourier analysis of the occurrence rate of solar microwave bursts has been made. There was no periodicity for the occurrence rate of solar microwave bursts of about 152 days found. This is a new result for solar cycle 22 in the first
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.31372517)the Scientific and Technological Innovation Project supported by the Qingdao National Laboratory for Marine Science and Technology(No.2015ASKJ02)the National Infrastructure of Fishery Germplasm Resources(No.2016DKA30470)
文摘Bangiales is the only order of the Bangiophyceae and has been suggested to be monophyletic. This order contains approximately 190 species and is distributed worldwide. Previous molecular studies have produced robust phylogenies among the red algae, but the divergence times, historical biogeography and evolutionary rates of Bangiales have rarely been studied. Phylogenetic relationships within the Bangiales were examined using the concatenated gene sets from all available organellar genomes. This analysis has revealed the topology((( Bangia, Porphyra) Pyropia) Wildemania). Molecular dating indicates that Bangiales diversifi ed approximately 246.40 million years ago(95% highest posterior density(HPD)= 194.78–318.24 Ma, posterior probability(PP)=0.99) in the Late Permian and Early Triassic, and that the ancestral species most likely originated from eastern Gondwanaland(currently New Zealand and Australia) and subsequently began to spread and evolve worldwide. Based on pairwise comparisons, we found a slower rate of nucleotide substitutions and lower rates of diversifi cation in Bangiales relative to Florideophyceae. Compared with Viridiplantae(green algae and land plants), the evolutionary rates of Bangiales and other Rhodophyte groups were found to be dramatically faster, by more than 3-fold for plastid genome(ptDNA) and 15-fold for mitochondrial genome(mtDNA). In addition, an average 2.5-fold lower dN/dS was found for the algae than for the land plants, which indicates purifying selection of the algae.
基金Under the auspices of National Natural Science Foundation of China(No.41471156,41501207)the Strategic Priority Research Program of the Chinese Academy of Sciences(No.XDA05080102)Special Fund of National Science and Technology of China(No.2014FY130500)
文摘The spatial resolution of source data, the impact factor selection on the grid model and the size of the grid might be the main limitations of global land datasets applied on a regional scale. Quantitative studies of the impacts of rasterization on data accuracy can help improve data resolution and regional data accuracy. Through a case study of cropland data for Jiangsu and Anhui provinces in China, this research compared data accuracy with different data sources, rasterization methods, and grid sizes. First, we investigated the influence of different data sources on gridded data accuracy. The temporal trends of the History Database of the Global Environment (HYDE), Chinese Historical Cropland Data (CHCD), and Suwan Cropland Data (SWCD) datasets were more similar. However, differ- ent spatial resolutions of cropland source data in the CHCD and SWCD datasets revealed an average difference of 16.61% when provin- cial and county data were downscaled to a 10 x 10 km2 grid for comparison. Second, the influence of selection of the potential arable land reclamation rate and temperature factors, as well as the different processing methods for water factors, on accuracy of gridded datasets was investigated. Applying the reclamation rate of potential cropland to grid-processing increased the diversity of spatial distri- bution but resulted in only a slightly greater standard deviation, which increased by 4.05. Temperature factors only produced relative disparities within 10% and absolute disparities within 2 km2 over more than 90% of grid cells. For the different processing methods for water factors, the HYDE dataset distributed 70% more cropland in grid cells along riverbanks, at the abandoned Yellow River Estuary (located in Binhai County, Yancheng City, Jiangsu Province), and around Hongze Lake, than did the SWCD dataset. Finally, we ex- plored the influence of different grid sizes. Absolute accuracy disparities by unit area for the year 2000 were within 0.1 km2 at a 1 km2 grid size, a 25% improvement over the 10 km2 grid size. Compared to the outcomes of other similar studies, this demonstrates that some model hypotheses and grid-processing methods in international land datasets are truly incongruent with actual land reclamation proc- esses, at least in China. Combining the model-based methods with historical empirical data may be a better way to improve the accuracy of regional scale datasets. Exploring methods for the above aspects improved the accuracy of historical crop/and gridded datasets for finer regional scales.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China (No.30400333)the National Key Program of Science and Technology of China (2006BAD09A01)
文摘Estivation, hibernation, and starvation are indispensable inactive states of sea cucumbers Apostichopusjaponicus in nature and in culture ponds. Generally, temperature is the principal factor that induces estivation or hibernation in the sea cucumber. The present study provided insight into the physiological adaptations ofA. japonicus during the three types of inactivity (hibernation, estivation, and starvation) by measuring the oxygen consumption rates (Vo2) and biochemical compositions under laboratory conditions of low (3℃), normal (17℃) and high (24℃) temperature. The results show that the characteristics of A. japonicus in dormancy (hibernation and estivation) states were quite different from higher animals, such as fishes, amphibians, reptiles, and mammals, but more closely resembled a semi-dormant state. It was observed that the shift in the A. japonicus physiological state from normal to dormancy was a chronic rather than acute process, indicated by the gradual depression of metabolic rate. While metabolic rates declined 44.9% for the estivation group and 71.7% for the hibernation group, relative to initial rates, during the 36 d culture period, metabolic rates were not maintained at constant levels during these states. The metabolic depression processes for sea cucumbers in hibernation and estivation appeared to be a passive and an active metabolic suppression, respectively. In contrast, the metabolic rates (128.904-11.70 μg/g h) of estivating sea cucumbers were notably higher (107.85±6.31 μg/gh) than in starving sea cucumbers at 17℃, which indicated that the dormancy mechanism here, as a physiological inhibition, was not as efficient as in higher animals. Finally, the principle metabolic substrate or energy source of sea cucumbers in hibernation was lipid, whereas in estivation they mainly consumed protein in the early times and both protein and lipid thereafter.
基金supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China(42071313,41671353,U1303285,41571363,41431174,61471358,41201346,41301394,41301464)。
文摘Lop Sea,located at the east end of the Tarim Basin,Northwest China,dried up permanently,which is the terminal lake of the Tarim River.Lop Sea was considered as the lake basin of Lop Nor since Quaternary.However,the possibility that Lop Nor was away from the Lop Sea in historical time is crucial to be discussed to interpret the proxy records in sediment profiles.To obtain a general view of the evolution of Lop Nor and Lop Sea in a historical period,several approaches were adopted in this paper.First,the Qianlong Thirteen-Row Atlas,an ancient imperial atlas of the Qing Dynasty,which was completed around 1760,indicated that the Tarim River formed a relatively large lake at its modern upstream region.Second,a Digital Elevation Model(DEM)with a 10-m spatial resolution and a relative precision of 0.42 m was derived from TanDEM-X/Terra SAR-X satellite image pairs using the interferometry method,which was verified using ICESat-GLAS laser footprints and a local DEM acquired by a drone.Finally,based on the spatial analysis of historical documents,expedition reports,sediment profiles and archaeological evidence,it can be deduced that the lacustrine deposition was discontinued in the Lop Sea.Six episodes in the evolutionary history of the drainage system in eastern Tarim Basin were summarized.The proved depositional condition variations could be used for future interpretation of proxy records in sediment.The high-accurate DEM provided a reference for the location of further fieldwork in the Lop Sea.The method proposed in this paper may be efficient for the research of inland lakes or rivers in global arid regions.
基金Supported by the National Natural Science Young Foundation of China(41704168)。
文摘The observations of Global Positioning System(GPS) scintillation,Total Electron Content(TEC)depletion,the periodic structure of TEC and Rate of TEC Index(ROTI) over south China were presented.Data were collected from GPS observations at stations of Shenzhen and Guangzhou from 2011 to 2012.This study reported that the ratio of simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletions with strong scintillations was higher than that of TEC depletions with weak scintillations in vernal and autumnal equinoxes of 2011 over South China.The number of the periodic structures of TEC with depletion contained was greater than that with no depletion contained corresponding to strong scintillations.The structure of the slab of plasma irregularities could be responsible for the simultaneous occurrences of TEC depletion with strong scintillations and ROTI.Before and during the occurrences of strong scintillation,there was Large-Scale Wave Structure(LSWS) which provided the seed ionization perturbation to trigger ESF irregularities and contributed to the periodic structure of TEC.
文摘in this paper, 4N-HCLAIA method was adopted to conduct digestive tests in young female and male Dongtian F1 red deer (Cervus elaphus) of rearing seperatefy in growth period and mixed raising in weaning period in Harbin Specialty Research Institute. Results indicated that digestive rate of crude protein and crude fiber were 95.35% and 73.68% respectively when rational protein content was 26.8% in growth period. Digestive rate was not significantly different between female and male(P>0.05)i During weaning period, When rational crude protein content is 22.06%, digestive rate of crude protein and crude fiber were 93.05% and 63.96%, respectively. The tests suggest that higher rational protein can be effective in accelerating groWth of young Dongtian F1 red deer during growth period and weaning period(before 10 months old).
基金National Natural Science Foundation of China.(No.49776285)
文摘The rate of change of wave surface elevation is of much importance in ocean engineering, especially for the determination of the limitation of wave breaking. This paper gives a kind of joint distribution of wave periods and the rate of change of wave surface elevation by means of calculation of the two-order to four-order moment of the frequency spectrum based on the linear wave theory. For the first time, the distribution density function of wave periods determined by peaks is provided, and the conclusion is drawn that the rate of change of wave surface elevation obeys the Rayleigh distribution.
基金Supported by National Natural Science Foundation of China(11271305)
文摘In this paper, we study the non-isentropic compressible magnetohydrodynamic system with a time periodic external force in R^n. Under the condition that the optimal time decay rates are obtained by spectral analysis, we show that the existence, uniqueness and time-asymptotic stability of time periodic solutions when the space dimension n 〉 5. Our proof is based on a combination of the energy method and the contraction mapping theorem.
文摘Deprivation is an environmental experience that organisms are continually exposed to. However, few studies analyze deprivation effects on the consumption pattern during the post-deprivation period systematically. The aim of this study was to evaluate the deprivation effect on feeding pattern, growth rate and body weight during post-deprivation. Sixteen albino rats (3 months old at the beginning of the experiment) were exposed to 72-hour total food deprivation every 15 days. Food and water were freely available during non-deprivation periods. Rats completed three cycles comprised by a free access period followed by food deprivation. Once deprivation was removed, food and water consumption increased and then decreased, while body weight was recovered. Growth rate increased after every deprivation period and reached similar levels to those presented by the control group. Depriving rats from one commodity (i.e., food) cause them to restrain their consumption of the other freely available commodity (i.e., water). Results confirm that food deprivation modifies growth rate, water and food consumption. Additionally, during post-deprivation period, differences between males and females were not registered.
文摘There are over 100 historically black colleges and universities (HBCUs) in the United States. The majority of these HBCUs are located in the southeast section of the United States. HBCUs are a major supplier of certified public accountants (CPAs) to the profession. Therefore, the performance of candidates from HBCUs should be of interest to various constituents including educators, employers, parents, students, and other stakeholders. The purpose of this paper is to provide statistical performance on the 2011 CPA examination for large, middle, and small HBCUs based upon the number of testing events taken. Taking a testing event is not the same as passing a testing event. This was the dichotomy between quantity and quality of HBCUs' performances. For large HBCUs, Morehouse University, North Carolina Agricultural and Technical State University (NC A&T), and Tennessee State University (TSU) were cited. For middle HBCUs, Albany State University, Norfolk State University (NSU), and North Carolina Central University (NCCU) were cited. For small HBCUs, Alcorn State University, Fisk University, and University of Maryland Eastern Shore (UMES) were cited. The dichotomy between quantity and quality is real.
文摘In this paper, we investigate the existence of time-periodic solutions to the n-dimension hydrodynamic model for a reacting mixture with a time-periodic external force when the dimension is under some smallness assumption. The energy method combined with the spectral analysis is used to obtain the optimal decay estimates on the linearized solution operator. We study the existence and uniqueness of the time-periodic solution in some suitable function space by using a fixed point method and the decay estimates. Furthermore, we obtain the time asymptotic stability of the time-periodic solution.
基金This work was supported by National Key Research and Development Program of China(2016YFB0301101,2016YFB0301001)Key Science and Technology Program of Beijing Municipal Commission of Education,China(KZ201810005005).
文摘The precipitation and age hardening response of the solid-soluted Mg–10Gd–1Er–1Zn–0.6Zr(wt.%)alloy performed by water-quenching(QC),air-cooling(AC)and furnace-cooling(FC)in terms of the volume fraction of precipitates and tensile properties were investigated in present paper.Results indicated the solid-soluted alloy contained stacking faults(SFs)and long period stacking ordered(LPSO)phase on the basal planes regardless of the cooling rate,but a larger volume fraction of the LPSO phase was formed with decreasing in the cooling rate.After aging,βandβ1 phases precipitated on the prismatic planes,and their number density decreased but mean particle size increased with decreasing in the cooling rate.The solid-soluted alloys(QC,AC and FC samples)showed no apparent difference in yield strength(YS),but their correspondent peak-aged alloys exhibited sharp difference in hardening response.The strongest hardening response took place in the QC sample and showed 82MPa enhancement in YS,which was much larger than that of AC(+26MPa)and FC samples(+5MPa).The reason lies in that the higher cooling rate promotes the precipitation and reduces the average size ofβprecipitate.A novel cooling-rate controlled precipitation model with respect to the correlation of precipitates on basal and prismatic planes was established.From this model,the basal precipitates showed a restrictive effect on the growth and/or coarsening ofβprecipitate,and composite precipitates containing theβphase with fine size as well as high area-number density and lower volume fraction of the LPSO phase are preferred to strengthen the Mg–10Gd–1Er–1Zn–0.6Zr alloy.
基金Supported by the Fundamental Research Funds for Environment and Plant Protection Institute,Chinese Academy of Tropical Agricultural Sciences(16300420170291630042017008)
文摘[Objectives] To clarify the appropriate harvest period of Alpinia oxyphylla Miq. seed and improve the quality of seeds. [Methods] In this experiment,the basic parameters and germination characteristics of A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds during different harvest periods were analyzed and compared. [Results] The results showed that the A. oxyphylla Miq. fruit picking period was closely related to the seed quality,and the seed maturity was highest 100 d after the flowering of A. oxyphylla Miq.,that is,the A. oxyphylla Miq. fruit skin turned from green to yellow( yellow-green),the peel had a small number of brown spots,it was spicy enough,the fruit dry/fresh weight ratio was greater than0. 34,the seed thousand kernel weight reached 11 g or more,and the dried seed moisture content was 13. 01%. Using the TTC method,the seed viability index was determined to be 85%,and in this case,it was the best time of harvesting seed. The water permeability of A. oxyphylla Miq. seed was poor,and the seed imbibition and water absorption time was long,about 72 h. The maximum water absorption rate was about23. 71% at the imbibition and water absorption stage,and it was inferred that the A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds were hard seeds. The germination time of A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds was long,the mature A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds began to germinate on the 12 th d,and the germination rate reached 75. 56% on the 50 th d. [Conclusions] This study determined the optimum harvest period of A. oxyphylla Miq. seeds,clarified the biological characteristics of slow seed water absorption and long germination cycle,and concluded that the seed coat was the main factor leading to slow seed water absorption and long seed germination cycle.
文摘This paper discusses causes of the rate ripple in inertia guidance test equipment IGET, systematically analyses their effects an the rate ripple in IGTE. The analysis result shows: The rate ripple caused by the periodic errors of inductosyn and angular encoder is higher at high speed than that caused by magnetic ripple torque and friction torque, and it cannot be eliminated by adjusting control parameters of the system. And based on the nonlinear adaptive control system theory, the paper puts forward a new control system scheme to eliminate the rate ripple caused by the periodic errors of inductosyn and angular encoder, develops the adaptive control rules and makes simulation and test. Experimental result shows a significant improvement on those tables for the period disturbs under the system scheme designed. By this plan, with the input of rate 200°/s, the rate ripple falls from 5°/s to 0. 4°/s within about 6s adaptive adjustment time, being a twelfth of before adaptation, which can not be reached by common classical controls. The experimental results conform with the simulation, which proves the validity and practicability of the plan.
文摘The first year of the Ninth Five-Year Plan saw historic progress in China’s tourism, as it maintained the momentum of rapid development in the Eighth Five-Year Plan period. 1. China’s international tourism service broke through US$10 billion of profit earnings in 1996, and international tourist sources continued to maintain a strong development momentum, witnessing a growth rate of 10 percent. In the year, we accepted 51.12 million overseas tourists, including 6.74 million foreign tourists, respective
文摘In order to improve the effect of water control and oil stabilization during high water cut period, a mathematical model of five point method well group was established with the high water cut well group of an Oilfield as the target area, the variation law of water cut and recovery factor of different injection parameters was analyzed, and the optimization research of injection parameters of polymer enhanced foam flooding was carried out. The results show that the higher the injection rate, the lower the water content curve, and the higher the oil recovery rate. As the foam defoamed when encountering oil, when the injection time was earlier than 80% of water cut, the later the injection time was, the better the oil displacement effect would be. When the injection time was later than 80% of water cut, the later the injection time was, the worse the oil displacement effect would be. The larger the injection volume, the lower the water content curve and the higher the recovery rate. After the injection volume exceeded 0.2 PV, the amplitude of changes in water content and recovery rate slowed down. The optimal injection parameters of profile control agent for high water content well group in Oilfield A were: injection rate of 15 m<sup>3</sup>/d, injection timing of 80% water content, and injection volume of 0.2 PV.