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意象“多”、“二”、“一(○)”螺旋结构论——以哲学、文学、美学作对应考察 被引量:5
作者 陈满铭 《济南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2007年第3期47-53,共7页
人类的一切知行活动离不开“思维”,而“思维”又始终以“意象”为内容。它初由“观察”与“记忆”的两大支柱丰富“意象”,再由“联想”与“想象”的两大翅膀拓展“意象”(多),然后由“形象”与“逻辑”(二)的两大思维运作“意象”,最... 人类的一切知行活动离不开“思维”,而“思维”又始终以“意象”为内容。它初由“观察”与“记忆”的两大支柱丰富“意象”,再由“联想”与“想象”的两大翅膀拓展“意象”(多),然后由“形象”与“逻辑”(二)的两大思维运作“意象”,最后由“综合思维”统合“意象”(一(○)),以发挥最大的“创造力”。如此周而复始,便形成“多”、“二”、“一(○)”的螺旋结构,以反映“意象系统”。而这种结构或系统,不但可在哲学层面寻得它的依据、文学层面考察它的表现,也相应地可在美学层面找到它的归宿。 展开更多
关键词 意象 “'多’ '二’ '一(○)'”螺旋结构 哲学 文学 美学
论章法结构与意象系统——以“多”、“二”、“一(0)”螺旋结构切入作考察 被引量:7
作者 陈满铭 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2005年第4期70-77,共8页
自来研究意象的学者,大都只注意到“个别意象”,而忽略了“整体意象”;即使有的注意及此,也仅提出“意象群”或“总意象”、“分意象”的说法,而无法梳理出“意象系统”来。文章有鉴于此,即以“个别意象”与“整体意象”为基础,试图借... 自来研究意象的学者,大都只注意到“个别意象”,而忽略了“整体意象”;即使有的注意及此,也仅提出“意象群”或“总意象”、“分意象”的说法,而无法梳理出“意象系统”来。文章有鉴于此,即以“个别意象”与“整体意象”为基础,试图借着由“层次逻辑”而形成之“章法结构”,将自“个别意象”逐层提升至“整体意象”的“意象系统”作一呈现,使深埋于意象与意象间的内在逻辑或“纽带”,得以开挖、显露出来,进而用“多”、“二”、“一(0)”的螺旋结构作考察,以见“章法结构”与“意象系统”不可分之关系。 展开更多
关键词 章法结构 意象系统 辞章 纵横向迭合 “多” “二” “一(0)”螺旋结构
论意象与联想力、想象力之互动——以“多”、“二”、“一(0)”螺旋结构切入作考察 被引量:4
作者 陈满铭 《浙江师范大学学报(社会科学版)》 2006年第2期47-54,共8页
联想力与想象力是思维力的两大翅膀,藉以让思维力遨游于客观与主观时空,以通贯心、物,上撤其本、下撤其末,将真实世界、伦理世界与艺术世界融通为一,以呈现真、善、美的圆融境域。而意与象即相当于心与物,为人类思维活动的原动力,自然... 联想力与想象力是思维力的两大翅膀,藉以让思维力遨游于客观与主观时空,以通贯心、物,上撤其本、下撤其末,将真实世界、伦理世界与艺术世界融通为一,以呈现真、善、美的圆融境域。而意与象即相当于心与物,为人类思维活动的原动力,自然和联想力与想象力关系密切。大体说来,就在联想力与想象力的作用下,意象得以形成、表现、组织与统合;其中意象之形成、表现,关涉到偏于主观的“联想力与想象力”所形成之形象思维;意象之组织,关涉到偏于客观的“联想力与想象力”所形成之逻辑思维;而意象之统合,则关涉到合客观与主观为一的“联想力与想象力”所形成之综合思维。由此可知意象与联想力、想象力,在思维力的大力牵合下,不但三位一体,而且使它们形成“意象←→联想力、想象力”的“多”、“二”、“一(0)”螺旋结构。 展开更多
关键词 意象(形成 表现 组织 统舍) 联想力 想象力 “'多’ '二’ '一(0)”螺旋结构
章法包孕式结构论——以“多”、“二”、“一(0)”螺旋结构切入作考察 被引量:1
作者 陈满铭 《江南大学学报(人文社会科学版)》 2006年第4期85-90,共6页
“章法”所探讨的,是篇章内容的逻辑结构。由于这种逻辑结构,乃对应于自然由“阴阳二元对待”为基础而形成细致、复杂、多变的逻辑系统,足以反映出宇宙创生、含容万物在时空历程上那种细致、复杂与多变之层次逻辑;并且又由于此基础之“... “章法”所探讨的,是篇章内容的逻辑结构。由于这种逻辑结构,乃对应于自然由“阴阳二元对待”为基础而形成细致、复杂、多变的逻辑系统,足以反映出宇宙创生、含容万物在时空历程上那种细致、复杂与多变之层次逻辑;并且又由于此基础之“阴阳二元”,往往是“阴中有阳”、“阳中有阴”的;所以就使得对应于自然规律的各种章法,往往形成各种包孕式之逻辑结构,造成层次、映衬、互济之美感。文章即锁定这种结构,探讨其哲学义涵与主要类型,而以最常见之“因果”章法为考察对象,举诗文为例,略作说明,以见这种包孕式结构之奥妙。 展开更多
关键词 章法 包孕式结构 哲学义涵 因果 “'多’、'二’、'一(0)’ ”螺旋结构
意象包孕式结构论——以“多”、“二”、“一(○)”螺旋结构切入作考察 被引量:1
作者 陈满铭 《湘南学院学报》 2009年第4期36-42,共7页
意象结构,对应于自然由"阴阳二元对待"为基础而形成细致、复杂、多变的逻辑系统,足以反映出宇宙创生、含容万物在时空历程上那种细致、复杂与多变之层次逻辑;又由于此基础之"阴阳二元",往往是"阴中有阳"... 意象结构,对应于自然由"阴阳二元对待"为基础而形成细致、复杂、多变的逻辑系统,足以反映出宇宙创生、含容万物在时空历程上那种细致、复杂与多变之层次逻辑;又由于此基础之"阴阳二元",往往是"阴中有阳"、"阳中有阴"的;这就使得对应于自然规律的意象包孕式结构,能造成层次与变化、对比与调和、统一与和谐之美感。锁定这种结构,先探讨其哲学意涵,再就其辞章之表现,辅之以"多"、"二"、"一(○)"螺旋结构说明,足见此包孕式结构之奥妙。 展开更多
关键词 意象 包孕式结构 哲学意涵 辞章表现 “'多’ '二’ '一(○)’”螺旋结构
作者 陈满铭 《西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2006年第4期19-24,共6页
逻辑层次是以多样的“二元对待”为基础,经“移位与转位”之作用过程,趋于“多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构之终极统合,而形成其完整系统的。而这种系统,可用于组织个别意象,形成整体意象,以反映辞章之意象系统,充分反映逻辑层次与意象系统之... 逻辑层次是以多样的“二元对待”为基础,经“移位与转位”之作用过程,趋于“多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构之终极统合,而形成其完整系统的。而这种系统,可用于组织个别意象,形成整体意象,以反映辞章之意象系统,充分反映逻辑层次与意象系统之迭合关系。 展开更多
关键词 逻辑层次 意象系统 辞章 “多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构
作者 陈满铭 《西北第二民族学院学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2007年第3期114-118,共5页
宇宙人生之规律,可用“多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构加以概括,它不但可由《周易》与《老子》等哲学典籍中找出它的理论根源,也可从辞章中寻得其具体呈现。而落到辞章章法上来说,则包含三种:一是“(0)一、二、多”的顺向结构,这是从创作面,... 宇宙人生之规律,可用“多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构加以概括,它不但可由《周易》与《老子》等哲学典籍中找出它的理论根源,也可从辞章中寻得其具体呈现。而落到辞章章法上来说,则包含三种:一是“(0)一、二、多”的顺向结构,这是从创作面,亦即“写”来说的;二是“多、二、一(0)”的逆向结构,这是从鉴赏面,亦即“读”来说的;三是“多、二、一(0)”的往复结构,这是从创作、鉴赏两面,亦即合“写”与“读”来说的。 展开更多
关键词 章法 “多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构 创作与鉴赏
作者 陈满铭 《平顶山学院学报》 2013年第3期114-117,128,共5页
人类的一切知行活动离不开"思维",而"思维"又始终以"意象"为内容。它初由"观察"与"记忆"的两大支柱丰富"意象",再由"联想"与"想象"的两大翅膀拓展&qu... 人类的一切知行活动离不开"思维",而"思维"又始终以"意象"为内容。它初由"观察"与"记忆"的两大支柱丰富"意象",再由"联想"与"想象"的两大翅膀拓展"意象"(多),然后由"形象"与"逻辑"(二)的两大思维运作"意象",最后由"综合思维"统合"意象"(一(0)),以发挥最大的"创造力"。如此周而复始,便形成多二一(0)的螺旋结构,以反映"意象系统"。而这种结构或系统,可在哲学层面寻其意涵,以作为文学与美学层面之依据,以见其一贯性。 展开更多
关键词 意象 “多二一(0)”螺旋结构 哲学意涵
论章法结构之方法论系统 被引量:1
作者 陈满铭 《肇庆学院学报》 2009年第1期33-37,共5页
"章法结构"是以"阴阳二元"之互动为基础,经其"移位"、"转位"与"包孕"之作用而形成整体之"多←→二←→一(0)"之螺旋结构的。这种历程,可归本于《周易》,提升至"普遍... "章法结构"是以"阴阳二元"之互动为基础,经其"移位"、"转位"与"包孕"之作用而形成整体之"多←→二←→一(0)"之螺旋结构的。这种历程,可归本于《周易》,提升至"普遍性存在"之高度,亦即用方法论原则或系统加以确认。而其中"二元"之"移位"与"转位"所推拓的是各层之"章法结构",而"二元"之"包孕"所连锁的是上下层以至于整体之"章法结构",它们功能虽不同,却都是构成"多←→二←→一(0)"螺旋结构之主要内容,缺一不可。 展开更多
关键词 章法结构 方法论系统 “多二一(0)”螺旋结构
作者 陈满铭 《柳州职业技术学院学报》 2008年第2期91-97,共7页
一篇辞章是由"意"(情、理)与"象"(事、物﹝景﹞)融铸而成的。其中不仅"意"与"象"本身形成"二元对待,"即"意"与"意"或"象"与"象"之间,也形... 一篇辞章是由"意"(情、理)与"象"(事、物﹝景﹞)融铸而成的。其中不仅"意"与"象"本身形成"二元对待,"即"意"与"意"或"象"与"象"之间,也形成"二元对待"。就在这"二元"之间,是必须加以联贯的,而其整体(即全篇之情、理与事、物﹝景﹞),更要藉"层次逻辑系统"或"多"、"二"、"一(0)"螺旋结构,以形成其严密组织。本文即以此切入,着眼于其整体之艺术联贯,探讨其理论基础及其类型,以见辞章艺术联贯在辞章上所产生之重要作用。 展开更多
关键词 辞章 艺术联贯 意象 二元对待 “多、二、一(0)”螺旋结构
层次逻辑系统论——以哲学与章法学作对应考察 被引量:7
作者 陈满铭 《渤海大学学报(哲学社会科学版)》 2005年第6期1-7,共7页
逻辑层次,乃由多样的“二元对待”为基础,经“移位与转位”之过程与“‘多’、‘二’、‘一(0)’ 螺旋结构”之终极统合,而形成其完整系统;这不但可由《周易》与《老子》等哲学典籍中找出它的理论根 源,也可从辞章章法结构中寻得它的具... 逻辑层次,乃由多样的“二元对待”为基础,经“移位与转位”之过程与“‘多’、‘二’、‘一(0)’ 螺旋结构”之终极统合,而形成其完整系统;这不但可由《周易》与《老子》等哲学典籍中找出它的理论根 源,也可从辞章章法结构中寻得它的具体呈现。因此本文即从“二元对待”(含“对比与调和”)、“移位与 转位”与“‘多’、‘二’、‘一(0)’螺旋结构”等层面切入,作对应之探讨,以凸显出层次逻辑系统在哲学与章 法学中的纽带作用。 展开更多
关键词 层次逻辑系统 哲学 章法学 二元对待(含对比与调和) 移位与转位 “'多’'二’ '一(0)’”螺旋结构 《周易》 《老子》
作者 于杰 张铭 《Journal of Tropical Meteorology》 SCIE 2011年第1期79-86,共8页
This paper presents a study on potential instability and spiral structure of unstable rain clusters.First,we develop a linearized non-axisymmetrical mathematic model for rain clusters in circular cylindrical coordinat... This paper presents a study on potential instability and spiral structure of unstable rain clusters.First,we develop a linearized non-axisymmetrical mathematic model for rain clusters in circular cylindrical coordinates and acquire its analytic solution.Second,we discuss the potential instability of non-axisymmetrical rain clusters.Finally,we conclude that spiral structures can exist in rain clusters.Our analysis indicates that potential instability occurs when humid stratification coefficient is less than zero.Unstable growth rate increases with the increase of the absolute value for humid stratification coefficient.The simpler the vertical structure of perturbation,the thicker the inversion layer;additionally,the smaller the radius of the rain clusters,the larger the unstable growth rate.Simulation results agree well with those from observation and forecast.The spiral structure simulated by our model is similar to a radar echo,suggesting that rain clusters with spiral structures can occur in the atmosphere.In addition,they are generally close to the model solution in this work. 展开更多
关键词 rain clusters mathematic model spiral structure potential instability
Phylogeny of forkhead genes in three spiralians and their expression in Pacific oyster Crassostrea gigas 被引量:1
作者 杨梅 许飞 +3 位作者 刘俊 阙华勇 李莉 张国范 《Chinese Journal of Oceanology and Limnology》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2014年第6期1207-1223,共17页
The Fox genes encode a group of transcription factors that contain a forkhead domain, which forms a structure known as a winged helix. These transcription factors play a crucial role in several key biological processe... The Fox genes encode a group of transcription factors that contain a forkhead domain, which forms a structure known as a winged helix. These transcription factors play a crucial role in several key biological processes, including development. High-degree identity in the canonical forkhead domain has been used to divide Fox proteins into 23 families (FoxA to FoxS). We surveyed the genome of three spiralians, the oyster Crassostrea gigas, the limpet Lottia gigantea, and the annelid Capitella teleta. We identified 25 C. gigas fox genes, 21 L. gigantea fox genes, and 25 C. teleta fox genes. The C. gigas fox and L. giganteafox genes represented 19 of the 23 families, whereas FoxI, QI, R, and S were missing. The majority of the Fox families were observed within the C. teletafox genes, with the exception of FoxR and S. In addition, thefoxAB-like gene,foxY-like gene, andfoxH gene were also present in the three genomes. The conserved FoxC-FoxL 1 cluster, observed in mammals, was also found in C. gigas. The diversity of temporal expression patterns observed across the developmental process implies the C. gigasfox genes exert a wide range of functions. Further functional studies are required to gain insight into the evolution of Fox genes in bilaterians. 展开更多
关键词 Fox genes Crassostrea gigas Capitella teleta Lottia gigantea evolution expression pattern
Synthesis,Structure and Properties of a Novel Infinite Triple Helices Coordination Polymer{[Co(4,4'-bipyridine)(4,4'azobispyridine)_(2)(NCS)_(2)]·H_(2)O}_(n) 被引量:5
作者 LI Bao—Long LI Bao—Zong +1 位作者 XU Zhenga CHEN Jiu—Tong 《无机化学学报》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第7期745-749,共5页
The novel complex{[Co(bipy)(azpy)_(2)(NCS)_(2)]·H_(2)O}n(where bipy=4,4′bipyridine,azpy=4,4′azobisp yridine)has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses,IR,UV,thermal analyses,and variable tempe... The novel complex{[Co(bipy)(azpy)_(2)(NCS)_(2)]·H_(2)O}n(where bipy=4,4′bipyridine,azpy=4,4′azobisp yridine)has been synthesized and characterized by elemental analyses,IR,UV,thermal analyses,and variable temperature magnetic susceptibility.The crystal(C_(32)H_(26)CoN_(12)OS_(2),Mr=717.70)belongs to the orthorhombic,space group Pnna,a=2.21312(16)nm,b=1.40403(10)nm,c=1.14237(8)nm,V=3.5497(4)nm^(3),Z=4,Dc=1.343g·cm^(-3),μ=0.645mm^(-1),F(000)=1476,and final R_(1)=0.0691,wR_(2)=0.1129 for 231 parameters and 1674 observed reflections[I>2.00σ(I)].The Co(Ⅱ)atom is,in a distorted octahedral geometry,coordinated by six nitrogen atoms from two bridging bipy,two monodentate azpy,and two thiocyanate groups.The bridging ligand bipy links Co(Ⅱ)atoms to form the infinite“rod"with terminal coordination azpy ligand acting as sidearms.Unprecedented three parallel interpenetrating two dimensional(4,4)networks and novel infinite triple helices are formed via hydrogen bonding interactions.CCDC:155588. 展开更多
关键词 crystal structure triple helices cobalt complex BIPYRIDINE hydrogen bonding
Theoretical Study on Effects of Salt and Temperature on Denaturation Transition of Double-stranded DNA
作者 DONGRui-Xin YANXun-Ling +2 位作者 PANGXiao-Feng JIANGShan LIUSheng-Gang 《Communications in Theoretical Physics》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2004年第3期465-469,共5页
We investigate the statistical mechanics properties of a nonlinear dynamics model of the denaturation of the DNA double-helix and study the effects of salt concentration and temperature on denaturation transition of D... We investigate the statistical mechanics properties of a nonlinear dynamics model of the denaturation of the DNA double-helix and study the effects of salt concentration and temperature on denaturation transition of DNA. The specific heat, entropy, and denaturation temperature of the system versus salt concentration are obtained. These results show that the denaturation of DNA not only depends on the temperature but also is influenced by the salt concentration in the solution of DNA, which are in agreement with experimental measurement. 展开更多
关键词 DNA DENATURATION salt concentration
Middle or low water pressure direct spiral double helix converging nozzle structure optimization and flow field analysis 被引量:1
作者 蒋林 Wu Ruolin +5 位作者 Zhao Hui Mei Peng Zhang Qiang Zhu Jiangyang Xiao Jun Lei Bin 《High Technology Letters》 EI CAS 2015年第3期261-268,共8页
In order to solve the problem of using new nozzle is proposed in fire rescue robot. middle or low water pressure to form fine water mist, a Existing water mist nozzles are basically used for high pressure and in large... In order to solve the problem of using new nozzle is proposed in fire rescue robot. middle or low water pressure to form fine water mist, a Existing water mist nozzles are basically used for high pressure and in large size, complex structure and poor low pressure atomization effect in comparison with requirement of snake-like fire rescue robots. On the basis of comprehensive typical spray noz- zles, a direct spiral double helix converging nozzle (DSDHCN) is proposed, which has the advanta- ges of small volume, light weight, simple structure, and convenient installation. To make the spray nozzle have good performance, and meet the requirements of more efficient fire extinguishing, a nu- merical study is carried out to analyze the internal and external full flow field of nozzle. A gas-liquid two-phase flow is applied to simulate the external full flow field of nozzle with VOF model in fluent software. The simulation results show the real situation of water flow out of the atomization nozzle and the water jet trajectory. Some simulations about middle or low water pressure direct spiral double he- lix converging optimized nozzle have been done in 30bar pressure. The simulation results show that the optimized nozzle structure not only makes the spray droplets have a good cone angle, but also have a sufficient axial velocity,which proves the structure rationality of the proposed optimized nozzle. 展开更多
关键词 direct spiral double helix converging nozzle (DSDHCN) internal and external flow field analysis structure optimization water mist
Analysis of the Secondary Structure of the Transmembrane Domain of SARS CoV E Protein Using FTIR Spectroscopy
作者 Qasem Abu-Remeleh Abd-Alkareem Alsharif Mutaz Akkawi 《Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering》 2010年第6期8-14,共7页
One of the major obstacles facing the field of structural biology in the post genomic era is the inherent difficulty of analyzing the structure of membrane proteins under native conditions. The method of choice for st... One of the major obstacles facing the field of structural biology in the post genomic era is the inherent difficulty of analyzing the structure of membrane proteins under native conditions. The method of choice for studying such proteins is FTIR spectroscopy. Following the outbreaking of the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) virus, in 2003, extensive work has been directed at elucidating the structure of the E transmembrane proteins of the SARS coronavirus. In this study, the secondary structure of the transmembrane a-helical bundles was analysised using the biophysical method site specific infrared dichroism (SSID). Sixteen amino acids were isotopically labeled with (~3C=180) at different positions of the primary structure of the synthesized E protein CoV. The secondary structure was studied using Attenuated Total Internal Reflection (ATR) FTIR spectroscopy. Based on our findings, the presence of two possible H-bonding interactions between the carbonyl oxygen of two residues 26 and 31 (Phe and Leu) respectively with water molecules which may be trapped within the helix structure were postulatesed. These interactions may cause a change in this structure. 展开更多
关键词 SARS CoV a-helix SSID ATR- FTIR H-bonding interactions.
Characteristics of different rocks cut by helical cutting mechanism 被引量:3
作者 刘送永 杜长龙 +1 位作者 崔新霞 高魁东 《Journal of Central South University》 SCIE EI CAS 2011年第5期1518-1524,共7页
To research the loading charactefistc of rocks with different structures cut by helical cutting mechanism (HCM), three different structures of rock (hard-soft-hard rock, soft-hard rock and soft-hard-soft rock) wer... To research the loading charactefistc of rocks with different structures cut by helical cutting mechanism (HCM), three different structures of rock (hard-soft-hard rock, soft-hard rock and soft-hard-soft rock) were built. And each type model was further divided into three types when the experiments were carried out. To reduce the errors of cutting load caused by manually configured rock in each test, the cutting load of soft rock was taken as a benchmark, and the differences of the cutting load of the different structures of rocks and the soft rock were used to reflect the cutting load change rules of the HCM. The results indicate that, the cutting load of only the HCM top cutting hard rock is larger than that of only the HCM bottom cutting hard rock for dextral HCM, and the cutting load fluctuation is larger, too. However, when the top and the bottom of the HCM cutting hard rock simultaneously, its cutting load is the largest, but the cutting load fluctuation is the least. And the HCM cutting load increment is increased linearly with the increase of rock compressive strength. The HCM cutting load increment is increased exponentially with the increase of hard rock cutting thickness. 展开更多
关键词 helical cutting mechanism rock model cutting load load fluctuation compressive strength
The next generation of cancer management
作者 Wayne W.Grody 《Cancer Biology & Medicine》 SCIE CAS CSCD 2016年第1期1-2,共2页
As readers of Cancer Biology and Medicine well know,there has been a seismic shift in human molecular biology over the past few years,as momentous in its own way as the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA... As readers of Cancer Biology and Medicine well know,there has been a seismic shift in human molecular biology over the past few years,as momentous in its own way as the discovery of the double-helical structure of DNA by Watson and Crick 60 years ago,the elucidation of the genetic code shortly thereafter,the advent of recombinant DNA and gene cloningin the 1970s, and the introduction of the polymerase chain reaction in the mid-1980s. 展开更多
关键词 Next-generation sequencing tumor sequencing targeted sequencing incidental findings variants of uncertain significance
Crystal Structure of Borophosphate with 6_1 Screw Axis Helices
作者 石恒真 单永奎 +2 位作者 戴立益 刘煜炎 翁林红 《Chinese Journal of Structural Chemistry》 SCIE CAS CSCD 北大核心 2003年第4期391-394,共4页
A brilliant purple octahedral single crystal is hydrothermally synthesized by the reaction of CoCl26H2O, H3BO3 and H3PO4 in NaOH aqueous solution of CH3(CH2)15N(CH3)3Br, and its crystal structure has been characterize... A brilliant purple octahedral single crystal is hydrothermally synthesized by the reaction of CoCl26H2O, H3BO3 and H3PO4 in NaOH aqueous solution of CH3(CH2)15N(CH3)3Br, and its crystal structure has been characterized by single-crystal X-ray diffraction. The compound, NaCo(H2O)2BP2O8稨2O (Mr = 336.72), belongs to hexagonal, space group P6122 with a = 9.447(5), c = 15.83(1) , V = 1223(1) 3, Dc = 2.742 g/cm3, Z = 6, F(000) = 1002 and m = 2.606 mm-1. The three-dimensional framework in the compound is built up from the linkage tetrahedral ribbons, in which the BO4 and PO4 tetrahedra alternate with CoO6 octahedra. The sodium ions and water molecules are located within the free thread of the helical ribbons. 展开更多
关键词 BOROPHOSPHATE single crystal helice TETRAHEDRA
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